• What kind of ceremony is a wedding? What is the sacrament of marriage? Rules for weddings in the Orthodox Church. Marriage before the Lord, or why you need a wedding in church


    The wedding ceremony has quite ancient roots, it dates back to the 9th-10th centuries and has not only beautiful content, but also carries a deep meaning. Wedding is a ceremony that unites a man and a woman in the face of God. eternal love and fidelity, turning marriage into a sacrament related to spiritual existence.

    The essence of a wedding

    IN modern world Unfortunately, many people misinterpret the very essence of the sacrament and treat it as fashionable and a beautiful event, which can brighten up the solemn wedding day. Without even thinking about the fact that a wedding is not a simple formality. Only those people who believe in the eternity of marriage on earth and in heaven should take this step. And such a decision can only be made if mutual consent, as a conscious and well-thought-out act. We should not forget that the rite refers to one of the seven sacraments, as a result of which the grace of the Holy Spirit is transmitted to a person, and this happens in an invisible way.

    Wedding rules

    If, nevertheless, the relationship in a couple is time-tested, the feelings are deep, and the desire to perform the ceremony is well weighed, then it is worth familiarizing yourself with the conditions without which a wedding is impossible. The rules are mandatory:

    1. The basis for a wedding is a marriage certificate.
    2. The main role in the family is given to the husband, who must love his wife selflessly. And the wife must obey her husband of her own free will.

    It is the husband who has the responsibility to maintain the family's connection with the church. Debunking is allowed only in the most urgent situations, for example, when one of the spouses cheats or in case of mental illness. By the way, the latter can also become a reason for refusal of a wedding.

    In ancient times, there was a custom when young people submitted a petition to a priest for a wedding, he announced this at a people's meeting, and only after a lapse of time, if there were no people who could report the impossibility of marriage, was the ceremony carried out.

    The total number of weddings a person has throughout his life cannot exceed three times.

    Only baptized young people and their witnesses are allowed to participate in the ceremony; everyone must wear a pectoral cross.

    If one of those getting married does not know whether he has been baptized or not, it is imperative to discuss this issue with the priest. As a rule, a positive answer is possible if the young people agree to give birth and raise children, following Orthodox traditions.

    Age restrictions: a man must be at least 18 years old, and a woman must be at least 16.

    Wedding is a primordial Christian rite, therefore people professing another religion (Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc.), as well as atheists, are not allowed to participate in it.

    A ban on weddings is imposed if the bride and groom are married family ties, even in the fourth generation. And it is undesirable to enter into marriage between godparents and godchildren.

    If one of the newlyweds has a secondary marriage, the wedding is prohibited.

    But circumstances such as the wife’s pregnancy, or if the newlyweds do not have parental blessings, are not grounds for refusing the wedding.

    When can the wedding take place?

    According to the Orthodox calendar, weddings can be held throughout the year, with the exception of days of major fasts - Nativity (from November 28 to January 6), Great Lent (seven weeks before Easter), Peter's Lent (from the second Monday after Trinity to July 12), Assumption ( from August 14 to 27), Maslenitsa, on the eve of all major church holidays. Wedding ceremonies are held on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. But, according to folk beliefs, Wednesday and Friday are not suitable for performing the sacrament. It’s also better to avoid getting married on the 13th.

    But the happiest periods for marriage are considered to be the periods after the Intercession in the fall, from Epiphany to Maslenitsa in the winter, between Petrov and the Dormition Lent in the summer, and on Krasnaya Gorka in the spring.

    Many couples want to get married on the day of official marriage registration, but this cannot be called correct. Priests, as a rule, dissuade young people from such hasty actions. It is best when couples get married on their wedding anniversary or after the birth of children. The later this happens, the more conscious this act will be. The wedding year will be a memorable event that will testify to the sincerity of feelings and confidence in family ties.

    Preparation for the wedding

    Of particular importance is the process of preparation for such a ritual as a wedding in Orthodox Church. The rules are also present here.

    The very first thing that needs to be done is to decide on the church and the priest who will conduct the ceremony. This is quite a responsible task, since the choice must be made with the soul. Young people in the temple should feel comfortable and calm, only in this way will the whole process be of truly great significance. Whether it will be a small church or a majestic cathedral depends primarily on the wishes of the newlyweds; absolutely the entire atmosphere of the holy place should harmoniously fit not only into the spiritual essence of the ceremony, but also correspond to the mental state of the young couple who have decided to link their fate forever.

    You also need to talk to the priest, discuss not only organizational issues, but also take a closer look at each other, find mutual language- this is also very important for the ritual. Many priests pay Special attention conversation with the newlyweds, sometimes they may advise postponing the procedure or holding off, then the priest’s advice should be heeded.

    Also, what is important, not all priests have the right to perform wedding ceremonies; for example, those who have been tonsured as monks and are under canonical prohibitions are prohibited from doing so. Sometimes the ceremony, at the request of a young couple, can be performed by a clergyman from another church or cathedral, if, for example, he is their spiritual father.

    carrying out the ceremony

    It is necessary to agree with the priest on the date and time for which the Orthodox wedding is scheduled. The rules of church life oblige this. Sometimes several couples can get married in a church at the same time; this nuance also needs to be discussed. You should be concerned if several cameramen will be taking photos and videos at the wedding, so that there is no confusion and this does not spoil the entire ceremony.

    A week before the wedding, the newlyweds should begin to fast: do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, abstain from marital intimacy. Before the wedding, the newlyweds must attend a divine service, confess and receive communion.

    It is also necessary to take care in advance about purchasing the Mother of God, which must be consecrated, wedding rings, which must be given to the priest before the ceremony, candles, two white towels and four handkerchiefs. It should be noted that according to church canons, rings should be bought for the groom from gold, for the bride from silver. As a rule, the acquisition of all necessary attributes is entrusted to witnesses.

    The tradition of use in the ritual also has ancient historical roots. Since ancient times, parents blessed their children using holy icons: a son - Christ the Savior, a daughter - the Virgin Mary, thus giving instruction on the true path.

    It is customary to leave a reward for performing the wedding ceremony; you should also ask the priest about money. If the couple does not have the financial ability to pay the entire amount, you can talk about it. Sometimes the amount is not announced at all, and the priest offers to give alms to the church, in the amount that is possible for the newlyweds.

    Choosing an outfit for the bride

    Regarding the bride's wedding dress, which she will wear to a wedding in the Orthodox Church, the rules are as follows:

    • the dress should not be very tight or short, but also too fluffy and chic outfits won't fit either;
    • In no case should the shoulders, neckline or arms above the elbows be exposed;
    • you can use a cape that will cover exposed parts of the body;
    • the outfit should be white or another pale color;
    • the head must be covered, for this a scarf or veil is used;
    • Do not use too bright makeup or a rich aroma of perfume;
    • instead of wedding bouquet the bride should have in her hands

    You should also take care of your shoes in advance; closed-toe shoes with low heels are best, because the wedding ceremony lasts about an hour, the bride should feel comfortable throughout this time.

    There is a very interesting belief. The bride's dress must have a long train. According to folk legend, the longer the train, the more time the young people will be together. If a train is not provided in the outfit, it can be attached only for the duration of the wedding.

    Also, when a wedding takes place in an Orthodox church, the rules apply to the appearance of all guests present. Women should wear dresses or skirts with their knees covered; they should also not expose their neckline or arms; their heads should be covered with a scarf or scarf. It is not necessary for all wedding guests to be present at the wedding ceremony; these can be people who truly believe in the sacrament of the ceremony and treat this process sincerely. To maintain formality, it is better not to attend such events, but to come only to the banquet.

    Wedding ceremony

    The wedding always begins only after the service. The ceremony consists of two stages: the first is the betrothal, the wedding is the second stage. In the past they were separated by time. After the engagement, the couple could separate if there were reasons for it; the wedding could take place only if the feelings were strong and sincere, because the husband and wife chose each other not only for earthly life, but forever. In the modern rite, both components of the ceremony occur on the same day.


    The engagement takes place at the entrance to the church. The bride stands on the left hand of the groom. The priest reads a prayer, after which he blesses the couple three times and gives lighted candles to their hands. He reads the prayer again and betroths the newlyweds with rings. The rings are changed from the young man's hand to the bride's hand three times, in the end Golden ring the groom remains on the young woman's hand, and her silver ring on the finger of the future husband. Only now can the couple call themselves bride and groom.


    The priest takes the couple into the temple and places them in front of the lectern on a white towel. The man and woman are asked whether they came here of their own free will and whether there are any obstacles to getting married. Witnesses take the crowns in their hands and hold them over the heads of the bride and groom. It should be noted here that this is not so easy to do, especially if the witnesses are short and the young people are tall, and the ceremony time is no less than forty minutes in city churches, and if the ceremony is held in a monastery, then more than an hour. Therefore, it is advisable to choose higher witnesses. After the prayers are read, the newlyweds are brought out a cup of wine, which they must drink three times as a symbol of the fact that from that moment everything in the couple will be shared equally - both happiness and bitterness.

    The bride should be warned: while drinking wine from a cup, a situation may arise when the veil is very close to the candle and ignition occurs. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to worry in advance about the length of the veil, which should not be too long.

    The hands of the newlyweds are tied with a white towel and they are circled around the lectern three times. At this time the church choir is singing. The priest leads the couple to the altar and reads a sermon on eternal life together. After the wedding, all the guests begin to congratulate the newlyweds, and the bell rings, signaling the birth of a young family.

    If young people have a desire to capture long memory Weddings, photography and video shooting can be carried out with the permission of the priest. It is best to agree on exactly where the operator should be and how best to stand or move. Typically, churches and cathedrals have quite specific lighting, therefore, in order to ensure that the quality of the shooting does not disappoint later, it is advisable to turn to a good specialist. There are cases when photography is strictly prohibited, then in order for a memorable event to remain in the family archives, you can take photographs against the backdrop of a cathedral or temple.

    Royal wedding

    There is one more ancient custom that should be mentioned in order to bring some historical clarity - royal weddings. This ritual was performed during the coronation ceremony of monarchs, and Ivan the Terrible was the first to start it. The crown that was used went down in history under the name known to everyone - the Monomakh cap. The obligatory attributes of the action were barmas, an orb and a scepter. And the process itself had a sacred content, the main essence of which was the sacrament of anointing. But this ritual has nothing to do with marriage.

    Among the sacraments of the Orthodox Church, the wedding ceremony occupies a special place. When united in marriage, a man and a woman make an oath of fidelity to each other in Christ. At this moment, God binds the young family together as a single whole, blesses them for a common path, the birth and upbringing of children according to the laws of Orthodoxy.

    - an important and responsible step for Orthodox believers. You cannot go through the sacrament simply for the sake of fashion or colorful memories of a spectacular ceremony. The ceremony is carried out for churchgoers, that is, people baptized according to the rules of Orthodoxy, who understand the importance of creating a family in Christ.

    At the sacred level, husband and wife become one. Father reads, calls on God, asks him for mercy for the newly created family to become part of Him.

    In Orthodoxy there is a concept: family - Small Church. The husband, the head of the family, is a prototype of the priest, of Christ himself. The wife is the Church, betrothed to the Savior.

    Why is it necessary for a family: the opinion of the church

    The church contrasts marriage according to the Orthodox tradition with the unspiritual life of a consumer society. Family in the life of a believer is a stronghold that grants:

    • mutual support in everyday difficulties;
    • joint spiritual development;
    • nurturing each other;
    • joy mutual love blessed by God.

    A married spouse is a companion for life. The spiritual strength received in the family is then transferred by a person to social and government activities.

    Scripture Meaning

    For happy family life there is little carnal mutual love for each other. A special connection between husband and wife, the union of two souls appears after the wedding ceremony:

    • the couple receives the spiritual protection of the church, the family union becomes a part of it;
    • the Orthodox family is a special hierarchy of the Little Church, where the wife submits to her husband, and the husband to God;
    • during the ceremony, the Holy Trinity is called upon to help the young couple, and they ask her for a blessing for the new Orthodox marriage;
    • children born in a married marriage receive a special blessing at birth;
    • It is believed that if a married couple lives in compliance with Christian laws, God himself takes her in his arms and carefully carries her through her entire life.

    Just as in the Big Church they pray to God, so in the Small Church, which the married family becomes, the word of God must constantly sound. True Christian values ​​in the family are obedience, meekness, patience with each other, and humility.

    The power of the Lord’s grace is so great that, having received His blessing during the wedding ceremony, the couple then often devotes their aspirations to the Christian life with great zeal, even if previously the young people rarely visited the temple. This is the leadership of Jesus Christ, who became the master of the Orthodox home.

    Important! One of the main vows of a married couple is the oath of fidelity to each other for the rest of their lives.

    What does it give and mean for spouses?

    Orthodox Christians should know that it is the wedding that seals the union of a man and a woman before God. The church does not conduct the ceremony if the couple has not legally registered the relationship. But official registration alone is not enough for a union to be considered legalized by the church: an unmarried couple appears before God as strangers to each other.

    The wedding gives a special blessing from heaven to the couple:

    • to live according to the commandments of Jesus Christ;
    • for a prosperous family life in spiritual unity;
    • for the birth of children.

    There are often cases when people realize the importance of cementing a union with the church and come, in order not just to observe a beautiful tradition, but to comprehend the deep sacred meaning of the ritual.

    Spiritual preparation

    Before performing the ritual, young people must undergo special training:

    • fast;
    • attend confession;
    • take communion;
    • read prayers, turning to God with a request to grant a vision of your sins, forgive them, teach them how to atone;
    • You must definitely forgive all your enemies, ill-wishers, and pray for them with Christian humility;
    • pray for all people who have been voluntarily or unwittingly offended in life, ask God for forgiveness and the opportunity to atone.

    Before the wedding, if possible, it is recommended to pay off all debts and make donations to charitable causes.

    Wedding is a church Sacrament; young people should try to approach it with a clear conscience and a calm heart.

    What should a couple know?

    1. Additionally, you need to know some of the subtleties of the wedding ceremony and preparation for it: Before the wedding itself, a young couple should fast for at least three days (more is possible).
    2. These days you need not only to limit yourself in food, but also to devote more time to prayer. You should also completely abstain from flat pleasures; The groom is allowed to attend the wedding in his usual classic suit , but there are much more requirements for the bride’s dress. It should be modest; exposing the back, neckline, or shoulders is not allowed. Modern wedding fashion offers dresses in a variety of colors, but
    3. wedding dress should be modest, preferably in shades of white; By Orthodox tradition

    the bride does not wear a veil or one that covers her face. This symbolizes her openness to God and her future husband. The wedding day must be previously agreed upon with the priest. There are a number of restrictions for carrying out the ceremony. For example, they don’t get married on days of fasting, for many

    church holidays – Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, Ascension. There are and especially

    lucky days

    to carry out the sacrament, for example, on Krasnaya Gorka or on the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The priest will tell you the best day for a particular couple to perform the wedding ceremony. Useful video

    A wedding is called a church marriage, in which the newlyweds testify their love before God.

    About what a wedding gives to a family and what its meaning is in the video:

    Conclusion If young people love each other and consider themselves Orthodox Christians, a wedding is necessary. A marriage sealed by the church receives a special blessing, the protection of God. He gives strength for a righteous family life according to the laws of Orthodoxy. A wedding becomes not just a beautiful tradition, but a way for a young couple to reach a new level of relationship with God. This day was the first when weddings were allowed after a long break. The fact is that according to the church charter, a wedding was impossible as early as Maslenitsa, which is 9 weeks. Over time requirements

    church charter

    First of all, I would like to note that a wedding is not necessary to create a family. Marriage, obviously, is created only by a mutual agreement between two loving friend people's friend. The essence of this agreement is very simple: mutual recognition of each other as husband and wife and taking responsibility for each other and for their future children. This agreement has nothing to do with the so-called marriage contract. We are talking about a mutual personal agreement of future spouses to create a family, to freely sacrifice their freedom, autonomy, and independence for the sake of love. Registration, recognition by relatives, wedding, wedding - all this is secondary to the mystery of the love of two people and their mutual decision to start a family.

    No matter how strange it may seem, the wedding of every Christian couple is a relatively young tradition. In Byzantium, for a long time, mostly rich people were married, while simple people limited to the blessing of the bishop and shared communion. In Rus', until the 15th-16th century, many peasant families were not married.

    The wedding ceremony that we can observe now was formed by the 9-10 centuries in Byzantium. It represents a certain synthesis of church worship and Greco-Roman folk wedding customs. For example, wedding rings. They came from the times when rings were common among the nobility - not only jewelry, but also a kind of seal that could be used to seal a legal document written on a wax tablet. By exchanging such seals (and there is still an understanding that the wife wears her husband’s ring and vice versa), the spouses entrusted each other with all their property as evidence of mutual trust and fidelity. This symbolic meaning was attached to the rings; they began to denote fidelity, unity, and the inseparability of the family union. Thanks to this, the exchange and putting on of marital rings became part of the liturgical ritual.

    Like rings, crowns were also included in the liturgical rite. placed on the heads of the newlyweds, who appeared not only thanks to folk customs, but also to Byzantine ceremonies. In the church understanding, they testify to the royal dignity of the newlyweds, who will build their kingdom, their world, build as they wish, build for themselves and their children, and no one can interfere. They are free to choose their own advisers.

    Before we talk about the meaning and effectiveness of a wedding, let’s focus on one thing: important point, which fundamentally distinguishes the Christian approach to marriage from some others. When we talk about a mutual agreement, about making a decision to start a family, then for Christians this means only one thing - this union is forever. There cannot be a family where there is an initial assumption that the family union is limited, where there is an initial assumption that there may be another marriage, best first. Marriage and personal faith for Christians are phenomena of the same order. To believe in God, to believe in God, is almost the same as to believe, to trust in the love of another person. If a person loves and is loved, if he wants to start a family, then he must take, as they say, a leap over the abyss, believe in his future family and take such a step after which there is no turning back.

    If a mutual decision to create a family has been made, then for its legitimacy at all times of human history, a public certificate of mutual love and responsibility was necessary; in our time, this is the registration of marriage. This recognition by the public is important, firstly, to minimize cases of deception, quackery, self-interest, etc. Secondly, for the legal recognition of children and for solving any difficulties.

    The ancient Romans distinguished two concepts, two types of relationships between men and women: family and concubinage. The latter means mutual cohabitation without any obligations and legal consequences. Concubinage is a completely legal phenomenon, both in ancient times and in our days. Any citizen of our country can choose the lifestyle that suits him.

    So, for the wedding to be effective, the newlyweds must meet several conditions. The first of them: only married couples are married - husband and wife. In practice, this is expressed in the mandatory requirement that those wishing to get married have a state marriage certificate. A couple living in a concubinage cannot be married. The second condition: only a Christian family can be married - a union of a Christian man and a Christian woman. The third is understanding the essence of the wedding and accepting it.

    A wedding is one of the forms of church blessing of a Christian marriage, but it does not give any benefits to the family, does not deprive it of difficulties, and does not protect it from divorce. At a wedding, God’s grace and mercy are not just taught, but, what is very important, help is given for a specific task - to be a Christian family, to be that island of love and peace where Christ reigns. We can say that in a wedding a task is set and the strength is given to solve it, but it depends on the people themselves whether they will accomplish this task or not.

    Why does Christianity allow divorce, since divorce is always a tragedy? Orthodoxy looks at the family as a living organism; a wedding does not create it, but churchizes it. The life or death of this organism depends on the spouses themselves. The most important element of Christian morality is the doctrine of freedom and areas of human responsibility, which even God does not encroach on. The integrity of the family is something that is in the hands of the spouses themselves, this is their area of ​​responsibility, this is something they themselves decided to do. If people do not have the strength to create a family, there is no love, there is no unity of life, then they are free to decide on divorce or, if they want to save the family, they can ask for help from loved ones, from psychologists, from priests or from God. But neither loved ones, nor psychologists, nor even God can forcibly keep people together, they can provide help, give strength, but the spouses themselves still need to live.

    In modern times, an increasing number of couples limit themselves to getting married only in the registry office, bypassing the church. Some do not recognize this ritual, others refuse it for religious reasons, while others simply do not understand why they need to get married. If you belong to the third type of future newlyweds, then you will be interested in our article.

    Less than a century ago church marriage and the state were inseparable. Couples underwent a wedding ceremony, after which they were officially considered husband and wife. In modern America, this practice still exists: by submitting an application to a certain authority (in some states this is a court), you receive in return a referral for the ceremony. The referral may be addressed to the municipality or to the church. Thus, Americans can automatically become spouses after getting married.

    In Ukraine, the procedure is more complicated: you cannot get married if you are not registered with the registry office. When can you get married - immediately after registration. At the church, you must first present a government-issued marriage certificate. But we’ll talk about the specifics of the event later.

    Read also:

    What is the significance of a wedding? What does it mean to be a married couple? And why are religious people so eager to marry before God? The Church claims that a wedding is the sanctification of Christian marriage. It is believed that after the ritual, the spouses will be united not just by love, but by the Holy Spirit himself. The meaning of the wedding is that no one else can separate the souls of lovers - even after death they will remain together.

    Preparing for a wedding is much more complex than simply filing an application at the registry office. After you choose a suitable church, ask the priest for help - he will tell you what is necessary for the ritual and schedule it for the desired date. Next, we will talk about the main stages of preparation for the wedding and the rules that future spouses should take into account.

    Choosing the right day

    Choosing a wedding day should not only be based on the time of year. Best to open church calendar and see what days this or that fast falls on. Getting married during these periods is strictly prohibited. In addition, you cannot enter into a church marriage on major holidays - Christmas, Easter, etc.


    According to church canons, before the wedding the couple is obliged to confess. For many people, this process is confusing, awkward, and even scary. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. You don’t even have to speak out loud, as happens in foreign films, because you are confessing to God.

    In the Orthodox Church, confession occurs as follows: the priest stands in front of the lectern and reads a prayer. Afterwards he invites those present to confess. At this time, each parishioner can mentally ask the Lord for forgiveness for their sins. The purpose of this ritual is repentance. Upon completion, the priest will read another prayer, you will put your lips to the cross - and the confession is over.

    Wedding attributes

    To conduct a religious ceremony, you will need to buy some things in advance. What do you need for a wedding? In addition to wedding rings, these are: paired icons for the wedding (the Savior and the Mother of God), candles, a bottle of Cahors wine and a wedding towel. In most cases, you can purchase icons and candles directly in the temple. If he takes care of your holiday, he will take care of everything himself.


    Before entering into a church marriage, you must fast for at least 3 days. This means giving up animal foods and various entertainment.


    The choice of witnesses for a wedding should also be approached with all responsibility. They must belong to the same religion, be baptized and wear crosses as confirmation. It is believed that the witnesses should not be a couple, since after the ceremony they will become spiritual brother and sister. In relation to the newlyweds, they can be blood relatives; there are no prohibitions on this matter. The roles of witnesses at a wedding are compared to godparents - only they are responsible for the well-being of the new family.

    It is believed that from the moment the bride and groom cross the threshold of the temple, they appear before God himself. From this moment on, they must be silent and listen to everything said by the priest. In their hands they hold icons (the groom - the Savior, the bride - the Mother of God). The bride must wear a veil. Witnesses hold crowns over the heads of those getting married. Warn them in advance so that the crown does not touch the head.

    Read also:

    The ceremony is divided into two parts: betrothal and wedding itself.

    Betrothal begins with prayer. The priest blesses the groom three times, and then the bride. In response, the young spouses must cross themselves. Afterwards they are given lighted candles as a symbol of their love.

    After reading all the prayers, the priest takes the rings and hands them to the bride and groom. Unlike the ceremony at the registry office, where the newlyweds exchange rings, in the church the priest first helps them put them on. Afterwards, the newlyweds must exchange them as a sign that they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their husband/wife.

    In some variations, the priest does not put on the rings, but carries them out on a tray and offers to exchange rings three times - the bride and groom move the rings three times on the tray, and then put them on each other. In religion, wedding rings are not just jewelry. This is a symbol of the eternal unity of the family.

    Next is the wedding. The priest takes the groom’s crown, marks him with it three times, and then lets him kiss the icon of the Savior. Afterwards, the same ritual is performed with the bride - she is allowed to kiss the icon of the Mother of God. At the end, crowns are placed on the heads of the spouses. Now they are husband and wife before God.

    In general, the entire ceremony can last from 40 minutes to an hour.

    Who can't get married?

    There are certain conditions for a wedding. If you fall into one of the following categories of people, the church will refuse to perform the ritual for you:

    • those who have not registered their marriage in the registry office
    • unbaptized or bride and groom belonging to different religions
    • getting married for the 4th time
    • guilty of breaking up someone else's marriage
    • to those who were not given their blessing by their parents

    In addition, there is an age limit for the ceremony. The lower threshold is adulthood, i.e. minimum age from which you will be signed at the registry office. There is also a maximum limit. For women it is 60 years, and for men a little more - 70.

    Finally, I would like to remind you that it is never too late to get married. Even people who have been married for many years often come to the desire to become families before God. Perhaps our article helped you realize this need.

    Wedding is one of the sacraments of the Church, in which spouses, promising to remain faithful to each other and live in unanimity according to the Christian faith, receive God's blessing and grace for this, sanctifying such a union.

    Even in the Old Testament, we learn about marriage, the purpose of which, according to the book of Genesis, is not so much the birth of children, but the spiritual and physical unity of the spouses, their mutual assistance. The Lord commanded to “be fruitful and multiply” to all living beings, but only man was given the commandment to become “one flesh” in love. The image of the marriage union is also found in the New Testament. There is a well-known episode when Christ blessed a wedding celebration in the city of Cana with His visit, turning water into wine, which was not available at the celebration.

    At the dawn of Christianity, a church marriage consisted of the bride and groom receiving the blessing of the bishop, and later the presbyter, making a vow of marital fidelity to God before the clergyman. The ritual side of the Sacrament of Wedding was formed gradually, and the ritual order familiar to us was formed in general terms around the 10th century.

    To the question “why get married” you can often hear the answer: “so that everything is fine”, “so that the family does not fall apart”, “beautifully”, etc. It is believed that at the wedding, the spouses acquire a special Guardian Angel who helps the family. Also, according to popular beliefs, a wedding is a kind of guarantee of meeting a spouse after death, although, according to the word of the Gospel: in the Kingdom of God “they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but remain like the Angels of God in heaven.” In fact, the Church says that in eternity it is not the wedding itself that is preserved and has meaning, but the love that the spouses acquired during their lifetime, therefore, of course, the wedding itself has meaning only for those living today. It is important to understand that the Sacrament of Wedding is not just a beautiful ceremony, not a conspiracy “for good luck” and does not provide any guarantees of happiness.

    Rather, on the contrary: the bride and groom have an obligation to fulfill their vows to God, strive to grow spiritually, fight difficulties and increase love for each other. This is, first of all, a step on the part of man, and not a demand from God. And if the spouses have firmly decided to take this step, then in the Sacrament of Wedding they officially confirm such readiness, receiving God’s blessing and help.

    If there is no confidence in this readiness, it is better not to get married for the time being, having thought everything over carefully. The Church recognizes a registered marriage, therefore, if a person is not morally ready for a wedding, the priests urge under no circumstances to “drag to the crown” - in otherwise it will be deceiving ourselves and lying before God. Therefore, of course, contrary to superstitious opinions, nothing bad can happen to unmarried spouses simply due to the absence of a wedding.

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