• DIY spring topiary made from corrugated paper for beginners. Master class with step-by-step photos. Master class on do-it-yourself topiary made from corrugated paper


    In my master class I want to tell you how to make a topiary out of paper, completely out of paper from the base ball to the pot. For convenience, I will divide it into 5 parts so that if necessary you can look at the part of interest.

    Topiary is, as you know, a tree of happiness. And everyone chooses what to make it from for themselves, I decided to make a topiary from money master class, because, to paraphrase folk wisdom money is not a hindrance to happiness - it is a measure of human labor, the equivalent of wasted energy. Therefore, I believe that such a tree will help you think and act correctly in achieving your financial goals.

    PVA glue.

    Tightly crumple one sheet of newspaper and immediately attach it to round shape, then wrap the subsequent crumpled sheets until you get a ball of the diameter you need.

    We crush it well on all sides so that there are no large gaps or protruding corners. To fix our ball, take a sheet of newspaper and tear it into arbitrary pieces, like for papier-mâché

    and, lubricating them with PVA glue,

    We begin to seal the ball from newspapers, I made three layers.

    You can use more to make the ball smoother and denser. While the ball is still wet, we immediately make a recess for the topiary trunk. Now you can leave everything to dry, I got the time - a day.

    For production you will need:

    Newspapers or magazines, but not thick ones.

    PVA glue.

    We make the trunk from newspaper tubes,

    You can see more details on how they are made. I made four tubes and glued them together.

    AND left it to dry.

    After complete drying, the topiary ball and trunk were painted with green paint.

    For production you will need:


    Pattern paper



    Plaster (alabaster)

    Acrylic paints and brush.

    After watching master classes in the land of masters, I liked this bucket by Elena Nikitina.

    DIY paper bucket

    But the pattern for my pot was too small.

    DIY paper bucket pattern

    Then I thought, how can I quickly make a quick pattern?

    A pot or bucket is a truncated cone, and a cone is a bag.

    And so we make a bag from newspaper with the diameter of our future pot.

    Cut off the top and bottom of the bag to make a pot the right size. Fold in half and cut one side. We remove the excess, and what remains is a slightly angular pattern.

    Fold the pattern several times and cut it straight,

    unfold it, and you get a pattern in which small corners need to be rounded, but they can be removed when we outline the pattern.

    We attach it to the cardboard and trace the pattern. I left 1 centimeter at the bottom, cut it with cloves, and folded it inward to attach the bottom.

    If the cardboard is thin, you can leave a 1 cm allowance for gluing on one side of the pattern. If the cardboard is thick, then cut out an additional strip and glue the edge of the pot onto it.

    In order to make the bottom, we glue the resulting upper part of the pot to the cardboard. Let it dry and cut it.

    To align the seam and the edge of the pot, I pasted it with a layer of paper, and after drying, painted it with white acrylic paint.

    You can choose any drawing, I drew chaotic lines and painted over the gaps with multi-colored acrylic paints, something like a mosaic.

    After the paint has dried, the pot is ready.

    Now take plaster or alabaster, dilute it with water until it becomes sour cream, insert the barrel into the pot and pour in the solution.

    To prevent the barrel from getting wet from moisture, you need to wrap the inserted end in cling film. We do everything quickly, the plaster quickly begins to harden!

    That's all I told you how to make a paper pot with your own hands.

    1. Flowers from origami modules step by step instructions

    For production you will need:




    Take one bill and fold the bottom left corner up, then the bottom right corner up. It turns out to be a trapezoid.

    We cut the bent coals with scissors. It turns out three parts, two squares and a rectangle. For further folding, you need the resulting square.

    Take the square and fold it along the diagonal along which we folded it at the beginning. It turns out to be a triangle. Take the bottom left corner and fold it up, then the bottom right corner and fold it up. It turns out to be a rhombus.

    Now we take the corner that was folded up and unfold it so that the center coincides with the side of the rhombus. First on one side, and then on the other.

    It looks like a flower with three corners. We fold these side corners inward on one side and the other.

    And then we fold the corners on both sides to form a rhombus again.

    Now we fold our rhombus with a bag, grease the triangles that have folded inside with glue and fix it.

    If you use super glue, then just press and hold for a few seconds; if you use PVA glue, then the module can be fixed, for example, with a clothespin. One petal is ready.

    To create one flower we need 5 such modules. You will need to fold them in a circle and glue them together with glue.

    For a topiary crown you will need from 20 to 50 of these flowers, it all depends on the size of the base ball and the density of the flowers themselves.

    For assembly you will need:

    Glue gun or glue

    And now the best part remains - assembling the topiary.

    We take our base ball and coat the recess for the barrel with glue,

    DIY paper topiary

    It’s better to use super glue or a glue gun and put it on the barrel in a bucket.

    DIY paper topiary

    Then we begin to glue the flowers in any order and start from the top, gradually filling the entire space.

    DIY paper topiary

    I decorated the trunk in the pot with artificial grass and a butterfly, you can see how to make it in .

    DIY paper topiary

    My topiary is ready! Happy creativity to you!

    Trees of happiness or, as they are also called, “topiaries” are becoming increasingly popular among handmade lovers. These cute, cute, hand-made trees of various shapes and structures are truly a universal gift for all occasions. Topiaries will also be appropriate as a gift for New Year, and on March 8, and on birthdays, etc. Let us, with the help of this master class, try to build this fashionable little thing, which will become a wonderful decoration for any interior, will lift your spirits and will definitely bring good luck to its owner, because it is not without reason that it is also called the tree of happiness!

    To make it you won’t need too many materials, the main thing is to give free rein to your imagination!

    For work we will need:

    A small flower pot;
    - newspapers;
    - threads;
    - a small branch from a tree;
    - PVA glue;
    - corrugated paper;
    - stapler;
    - ruler with circles or compass;
    - plasticine;
    - acrylic putty or plaster;
    - tape;
    - satin ribbon;
    - brocade ribbon;
    - scissors;
    - a simple pencil;
    - green feathers;
    - beads - optional;
    - white gouache paint;
    - glue gun.

    Tree trunk

    First, let's start making the tree trunk. For it, you can use an ordinary branch, or any suitable stick, even better if it has a fancy shape. The length of our branch is approximately 20 cm. We wrap the branch with a dark green tape, and on top of it for decoration we wrap and glue with PVA glue a lilac satin ribbon.

    Tree crown ball

    For the crown of the tree, you can use either a ready-made foam ball or one you made yourself from paper or newspapers. We crumple the newspapers into a ball of the required diameter and wrap them tightly with thread.

    After this, use scissors to make a hole in the ball, drop a little PVA glue into it and place our ball on the barrel.

    Now we insert the twig into the flowerpot, the dimensions of which should not be more sizes future crown of the tree, and fill the flowerpot approximately to the middle with plasticine; you can also use gypsum, alabaster, and cement as a holding base for the tree.

    To hide the colored plasticine in the flowerpot, carefully apply a layer of acrylic putty on it.

    We paint the ball with white gouache paint. We wait for it to dry completely.


    The best material for making flowers for the tree of happiness is corrugated paper. We fold a small piece of paper into several layers, draw or trace a circle of the desired size on it and cut it out. For one flower we need a circle of 7-8 layers corrugated paper. We secure the circles in the middle with a stapler.

    Use your fingers to gradually crush each layer. This is what the flower should look like.

    For our tree we prepared white and lilac flowers.

    After the paint has dried, you can start gluing the flowers onto the paper ball. We glue the flowers tightly to each other, trying to make sure that there are no empty spaces between them.

    After all the flowers have been glued, the tree can be considered almost ready.

    Now all that remains is to decorate the flowerpot. Using a glue gun, glue a green brocade ribbon around the perimeter of the flowerpot.

    We decorate one side with a bow from this ribbon.

    Inside the flowerpot we apply PVA glue, onto which we carefully glue green feathers; they will imitate young grass.

    If desired, you can glue beads of a contrasting color into the middle of some flowers, but I decided not to overload our tree with unnecessary ones. decorative elements, in my opinion it looks much more gentle this way.

    And here is the final result! We ended up with a very beautiful and delicate tree that you just can’t take your eyes off!

    Caring for this tree of happiness is quite simple. It is enough to periodically remove dust from it; for this purpose, you can use a hair dryer with cold air. It is advisable not to place the topiary in direct sunlight, because... corrugated paper can burn out, and, of course, do not wet the “plant”! By following these simple rules, the tree of happiness will be able to delight you with its beauty for a very long time.

    Irina Demchenko

    Topiary can become a highlight in any home, and most importantly, it is believed that it drives away negative energy and brings happiness to the house. Is a symbol vital energy and prosperity.

    The word “topiary” came from Ancient Rome, which was the name given to the art of caring for trees. Nowadays, topiary can be easily made with your own hands from scrap materials: cotton pads, napkins, corrugated paper and crepe paper are often used.

    It’s quite easy to make a topiary from corrugated paper with your own hands. The following is a simple master class on making original crafts from paper.

    Craft using paper napkins

    This option is a little different from corrugated paper topiary. It is one of the cheapest, but is certainly suitable for beginners: if you don’t succeed in making a masterpiece the first time, you can safely try again. In addition, napkins are a handy material; everyone has it in abundance.

    To make such a topiary you will need:

    • pot;
    • stick for the trunk;
    • stapler;
    • wire;
    • gypsum;
    • foam ball;
    • ribbons;
    • beads;
    • threads

    Fold the napkin in the middle to form a rectangle. Next we fold it to form a square.

    Use a stapler to secure the middle, trim the edges to make a circle.

    Then we lift each layer of the napkin and get a flower. Make enough of them to cover the entire ball.

    And now the topiary is ready, it will serve as an excellent decoration or gift.

    Corrugated paper option

    Corrugated paper topiary is one of the most popular due to its fairly simple technique and availability various types colored paper.

    A tree made of crepe (corrugated) paper is made similarly to the previous method, but with minor changes.

    List of required items:

    • glue or pins;
    • wire;
    • stick;
    • corrugated paper;
    • pot;
    • ribbons;
    • moss (for decoration).

    There is another instruction on how to make a topiary base ball with your own hands. If there is polyurethane foam in the house, the base can be made from it. Let's take it balloon Having first moistened it a little with water, slightly inflate it, put it on a balloon with foam, and release the required amount of foam into the ball. Let it dry for 12 hours, after which we remove the ball. The base is ready.

    Next we make flowers from corrugated paper. Cut a strip of corrugated paper 5 cm wide. Fold the paper 2/3 over on top. Carefully twist the tape. Using glue and pins we secure the flowers to the crown. We connect it to the tree trunk and to the pot. The product is ready.

    Corrugated paper topiary (video)

    Topiary made from cotton pads

    This option is performed a little differently than a paper model, but this method can be noted for one simple reason: this way you can perfectly practice how to make topiary with your own hands before creating something more serious.

    Main difference this method is the use of cotton pads to create flowers.

    We take a cotton pad and first bend one of its edges, and then the second, which should be above the first. We tie the workpiece with a thread just above the middle. Turn the bottom edge inside out and the flower is ready. Further actions are similar to the previous methods.

    Corrugated paper roses (video)

    Topiary heart

    An unusual way of execution is topiary heart made of paper or other materials. The peculiarity of this method lies in the complexity of the crown shape itself.
    In order to make the base, you will need:

    • cardboard;
    • cotton pads;
    • glue;
    • threads

    Cut out from cardboard the required form hearts. We take cotton pads and, moistening them in glue, glue them onto a cardboard base to give it the desired volume. Then you need to tie it all up with thread and leave it to dry. The base is ready.

    There may be different methods for gluing the finished base.

    You can decorate the crown with coffee beans. Using glue, fix the coffee beans to the base.

    Since the base is already ready, you can proceed directly to the design. Cut the organza into 5 cm squares. Then fold it 2 times diagonally. We bend the corners on one side and the other. Lubricate the base with glue and apply a square to it, hold it until the glue hardens.

    Thus, we first paste over the outline of the heart, and then fill the rest of the space. It is more convenient to do this by moving from the edges to the middle. Next, we attach the trunk to the crown and insert the structure into the pot. The junction of the trunk and the pot can also be decorated with organza.

    Topiary care

    It will not grow, it will not need to be watered or fertilized. The most important thing is to ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this will cause the fabric to fade. Occasionally you will have to shake off the dust.

    And then this unpretentious interior decoration will please the eye for quite a long time.

    “Holiday tree” made of crepe paper. Step-by-step instruction.

    Gift for the Day national unity with your own hands.

    Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Public Institution “Zheleznogorsk Social Assistance Center”, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
    Description: The master class is designed for older children school age, additional education teachers, educators, parents, creative people.
    Purpose: interior decoration, gift to loved ones, relatives, friends.
    - making a holiday tree from crepe paper.
    - develop Creative skills, interest in work, aesthetic taste, patience, accuracy;
    - cultivate care and love for others.

    Multi-colored flag of Russia –
    White, blue, red.
    The most beautiful for me,
    There is no more beautiful flag in the world.
    There is honor and truth in this flag,
    Blood shed in battle
    Courage, valor and bravery,
    Faith in my Motherland!
    M. Bebina
    Peter I is recognized as the legal father of the tricolor. On January 20, 1705, he issued a decree according to which a white-blue-red flag should be hoisted “on all kinds of trading vessels,” he himself drew a sample and determined the order of horizontal stripes.
    In different variations, the three-striped flag adorned warships until 1712, when the St. Andrew's flag was established in the navy. Alexander II in 1858 approved the drawing “with the arrangement of the emblem black-yellow-white colors of the Empire on banners, flags and other items for decoration on special occasions in the streets.” And on January 1, 1865, a personal decree of Alexander II was issued, in which the colors black, orange (gold) and white were directly called “the state colors of Russia.” On April 8, 1883, a decree of Alexander III was announced, which stated: “So that on those solemn occasions when it is considered possible to allow the decoration of buildings with flags, only the Russian flag should be used, consisting of three stripes: the top - white, the middle - blue and the bottom - red flowers." In 1896, Nicholas II established a special meeting at the Ministry of Justice to discuss the issue of the Russian national flag. The meeting came to the conclusion that the flag “white-blue-red has every right to be called Russian or national and its colors: white, blue and red are called state.” The three colors of the flag, which became national, received an official interpretation. The red color meant “sovereignty”, blue - the color of the Mother of God, under whose protection Russia is, white - the color of freedom and independence. These colors also meant the commonwealth of White, Little and Great Russia.
    On December 25, 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Law, according to which the State Flag of Russia is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red.
    The colors of the Russian flag have many symbolic meanings. There is currently no official interpretation of colors State flag Russian Federation.
    Since ancient times in Rus', white, blue and red colors have meant:
    white color - nobility and frankness;
    blue color - fidelity, honesty, impeccability and chastity;
    red color - courage, boldness, generosity and love.

    Materials and tools:
    crepe paper 4 colors,
    glue gun,
    plastic or paper ball,
    plastic cup,
    satin tape,
    white paper napkin,
    white threads.

    Safety regulations with glue gun.
    1.Do not touch the hot nozzle. Be careful!
    2.Do not touch the melted glue, let it cool for 5 minutes.
    3.The gun is not intended for outdoor use. Keep the tool out of the reach of children.
    4. Use a safe stand for the glue gun when working.
    5. If the power cord is damaged, have it repaired at a service center.
    Let's make flowers from crepe paper.
    1. Take crepe paper of three colors (white, red, blue).

    2. Cut strips 4.5 - 5 cm wide.

    3. Place one strip on top of the other, fold them in half and cut along the fold.

    4. Fold in half again and cut into four equal parts.

    5. Staple the squares in the middle crosswise and cut out a circle.

    6. Let's make a flower from the resulting blank.
    To do this, lift each layer of the napkin or two layers up and squeeze it a little with your fingers.

    7. Let's prepare 6 flowers white, 10 blue flowers and 10 red flowers.

    8. Take a plastic ball and place it on white napkin and wrap it up.
    A plastic ball can be replaced with one made of paper.

    9. Wrap white threads around it, securing the napkin.

    10. We begin to glue the prepared flowers onto the ball with a glue gun. Glue 6 white flowers.

    11. Glue blue flowers to the second row. First through one, and then add more in between.

    12. The third row consists of red flowers.

    13. Let's start our pot.
    We glue double-sided tape onto the cup in several places to secure our packaging.

    14. Take silver crepe paper measuring 30 by 30 and place a plastic cup in the center of the paper.

    15. Wrap the cup in paper, wrap the edges of the paper inside the cup, gluing them with glue.

    16. Glue a satin ribbon of blue color to the potty.

    17. Let's coat the rim of our pot with hot glue.
    Insert the ball and press it to the pot.

    Our holiday tree is ready!

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    Today I want to tell you how you can quickly and happily build a topiary with your own hands for beginners - as always, I will give several master classes and explain in detail how even a beginner in needlework can create a topiary with their own hands. Topiary - gorgeous gift, they are also used for decorating and scenting rooms, and such an artificial tree can also be a wonderful gift - for example, a topiary made from money will attract wealth to the house.

    Satin ribbons

    Let's try to make topiary from satin ribbons. If you know how to do it, then it will be very easy for you, but even if this is your first time taking up ribbon topiary, you will succeed. So, I’ll tell you about the experience of making topiary from satin ribbons with your own hands.


    • about six meters of satin ribbon (no narrower than 5 cm, it’s better to take several colors);
    • threads, beads, and ribbon for decoration;
    • glue gun or regular superglue;
    • a stick or a piece of plastic tube for the barrel;
    • pot or bucket;
    • material for the middle - a fabric bag, crumpled newspaper or a foil ball;
    • earth, pebbles, crushed stone (I used colorful glass for an aquarium).
    To make this topiary, a master class on making flowers will also come in handy - look at the video on how to make a simple rose from a satin ribbon.

    We make 12-15 roses from satin ribbon. You can use several shades of ribbon (for example, three or four), or you can get by with one shade - when I made topiary younger sister to decorate the wedding photo booth, I used a beautiful satin ribbon ivory.

    We make the middle - for example, we crumple up foil or old newspaper, wrap it with threads to make a tight shape. You can wrap it with ribbon, but there is no need - satin roses turn out quite lush.

    The trunk can be made from a branch, a plastic pipe or any suitable stick. In extreme cases, dense wire, folded in several layers and wrapped with tape, is suitable. Wrap your trunk with tape, and then glue the trunk to the crown of the tree on one side and to the pot or bucket on the other.

    We string a couple of beads onto a thread and “sew” the beads and a satin rose to the topiary. It should be sewn or glued firmly. When the entire ball is covered with roses, you need to prepare the trunk and pot.

    You need to pour a weighting agent into the bucket, straighten all the flowers, and, if necessary, decorate with a decorative ribbon.

    From coffee

    Let's do the same a coffee tree with your own hands. To make topiary from coffee beans you will need:

    • the basis ( plastic ball, foam ball - sold in craft stores);
    • trunk (branch, stick, tube);
    • a pot or something instead (I had a beautiful clay jar last time, but now I have a regular glass);
    • coffee beans (you shouldn’t skimp - good coffee has an indescribable bright aroma);
    • solution for fixing (I use regular putty, plaster, alabaster, or even cement will also work);
    • brown acrylic paint;
    • glue gun and glue sticks;
    • newspaper or scrap paper;
    • burlap or other characteristic fabric;
    • decor for decorating a coffee topiary with your own hands.
    How to make a coffee tree:


    By the way, using the same logic as using coffee, you can make a topiary out of coins with your own hands. Look at the photo to see how beautiful it is to make part of a topiary out of coins, and you will get a money tree topiary. You can use regular coins and paint them with gold paint, or you can buy special decorative coins (they will shine brightly).

    The manufacturing principle is the same as for a coffee tree - you need to take a base, cover it with paint, first cover it partially with coins (you can do it with a lock - as if coins are shining from an open wallet), and then cover it with coffee and fix it in a pot. Unbleached linen and burlap go well with this tree as decoration.

    The topiary made from banknotes also looks very interesting, but I won’t lie - I have a beautiful topiary made from banknotes I haven’t succeeded yet, I’m still working on a tree made from banknotes with my own hands, so if you want to make a money tree from coins or a tree from banknotes that attracts wealth, then watch the master class on how to make a money tree with your own hands.

    The kusudama-style tree is also interesting - see how to make topiary with your own hands following step-by-step instructions.

    Video bonus: two master classes on how else you can make an original money tree from banknotes:

    From napkins

    A chic topiary made from napkins with your own hands is made literally from nothing, you will need:
    • several bright napkins;
    • base ball (plastic or foam);
    • branch or stick;
    • gypsum (any mixture for fixation);
    • titanium glue or any polymer glue;
    • pot or glass;
    • stapler and scissors;
    • various ribbons and lace, decor and paper for the pot (can be replaced with fabric).

    So, how to make a tree with your own hands from ordinary napkins:
    1. First, we make ordinary flowers from napkins and paper clips - we fix the napkin folded several times with a stapler, cut it out in a circle, and crumple it into petals.
    2. You will need 15-20 flowers, if there are not enough, you will make more, but usually this amount is enough for a lush and beautiful topiary tree of happiness.
    3. We cover the ball with a napkin, wrap the barrel with ribbon, and dry it;
    4. We cover the ball with flowers from napkins, skillfully weaving decor into your tree from napkins with our own hands - it can be lace, beads, bows and even plastic figures; small wooden letters or words on topiary look very attractive;
    5. We dilute the gypsum and “plant” our tree - we immerse the finished topiary with its trunk in the pot and fill it with gypsum, hold it until it sets.
    We decorate the outside of the pot and decorate it with plaster.

    Now you know how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands and you can decorate such products to your taste.


    By the way, you can make a very beautiful topiary from pine cones, especially since it is quite easy to do. What is needed to make topiary from cones:
    • pot or glass;
    • stick, branch, tube - trunk;
    • a round base for topiary - you can take a foam ball, you can cut it out of polyurethane foam, in extreme cases, crumpled newspaper wrapped in threads will do;
    • lumps (preferably bigger);
    • brown acrylic (preferably glossy, dark);
    • fabric for decorating a glass;
    • decor to decorate your topiary made of cones - beads, threads, buttons and so on;
    • gypsum or any building mixture for fixation;
    • glue gun and rods for it;
    • scissors, brushes.
    Our craft must be neat, only then it will not be a child’s product, but a chic craft decor.

    We start making topiary from pine cones by decorating the glass - we cut the fabric diagonally (this way it drapes better), and we tighten it, gluing it with a gun. By the way, do you want to avoid unsightly glue marks? Glue it where it will not be visible (on the bottom and inside the glass, and the walls should simply be covered).

    We prepare the base - fix the stick to the ball, paint everything with acrylic (it’s better to cover it with newspaper first).

    We cover the ball with cones, let it dry and fix it in a pot - for this we dilute plaster, dip the trunk of our tree and hold it until the plaster sets.

    You can decorate topiary from pine cones different ways, I prefer beads in natural shades.

    You can decorate your pine cone topiary with ribbons, hang artificial berries or even small figurines on the cones.

    Beads and beads

    You can also make a charming topiary from beads. It’s easier to understand how to make a tree from beads with your hands, so watch the video below on how to make a topiary from beads. By the way, a craftsman can make absolutely anything from beads - including decor, for example, berries that can be used to decorate a money tree made of beads.

    Now you know how to do it step by step artificial tree with your own hands. I admit honestly, every topiary made by yourself is something special, and you will understand what it will be like only when you start decorating it. Try making festive trees and ordinary modest trees for the interior - those that are laid out with pine cones and coffee beans can not only decorate the room, but also flavor it (you can add a couple of drops essential oil).

    And my sister makes money topiaries with her own hands, which lure money into the house; I will publish a tutorial next time - for now I can only show from photographs what such products look like. Try making your own topiaries and surprise your loved ones with unusual gifts!

    A few more original master classes + Video bonus

    DIY shell tree:

    From the tapes:

    And one more lesson on creating a tree from petals with singed edges:

    Ideas for inspiration:

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