• DIY New Year's toys balls. How to make roses from felt to decorate Christmas balls. DIY Christmas balls made from paper flowers


    Christmas balls created with their own hands by parents and children are not just symbols of celebration, but inexhaustible sources of precious memories that will last as long as the toys themselves last. Each such ball is a real work of art, into which a piece of the creator’s soul is invested. Therefore, their value is incredibly high. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of interesting and unusual ideas who will tell you how to decorate Christmas balls with your own hands for 2017.

    How to make Christmas balls with your own hands?

    Making New Year's balls at home today will not be a problem. Handicraft and creative shops provide wide choose decorative elements, as well as special blanks that can be used as a basis for future toys.

    DIY Christmas balls made from thread and glue

    You can create original Christmas balls with your own hands from thread and glue. For this you will need the following materials:

    • balloons;
    • decorative threads (preferably thick);
    • PVA glue;
    • container for glue;
    • needle;
    • scissors.

    Let's look at how to make balls of thread with your own hands step by step.

    1. You should inflate first balloon to the required size and tie it tightly. To give the ball a rounded shape, it is recommended to slightly knead it. Next, you need to thread the thread chosen for decoration into a needle, pierce it near the bottom of the plastic container taken under the glue. Afterwards, the thread should be passed through the container and glue should be poured into the latter.

    Attention! To make the ball durable and not lose its appearance, it is not recommended to dilute the glue with water.

    2. Next, the thread must be soaked with glue. To do this, it should be pulled through a container filled with PVA. Immediately it is wound onto balloon-basis. While the thread is being wound, the ball should be turned very intensively. Since the balloon will be removed from the inside at the end of the procedure, the winding should not be very tight in the place where it is tied. It is better to leave a small free space below.

    3. When the ball turns out to be as dense as intended, you need to cut the thread, but leave small tail so that you can form a loop later.

    4. It is recommended to put such a ball in a dry place for a while until it is completely dry. If you don’t want to wait, you can use a hairdryer and speed up the drying process of the toy. This will only take 5 to 10 minutes. When the threads are completely dry, you can pierce the base balloon with a needle and pull it out from inside the toy in the place where the string was, but very carefully so as not to damage the created beauty. You need to make a loop from the tail of the thread and you can decorate the New Year tree.

    DIY Christmas balls made from ribbons

    DIY Christmas balls made from ribbons look fascinating. To make them, you need to have the following set of materials in your arsenal:

    • satin ribbons of two colors: one is about 2.5 cm wide and about 3 m long, and the second is slightly narrower, approximately 1 m long;
    • blank ball;
    • wire;
    • awl;
    • beads and sequins;
    • thermal gun;
    • loop thread.

    Important! since the base will not be removed from the finished ball, you can use inexpensive lightweight foam blanks.

    You should also start forming a loop for hanging the future toy. To do this, you need to mark the middle on the blank for the ball and use an awl to pierce it through on both sides. A wire with a bead fixed on top should be threaded through the punctures.

    You need to form petals from the ribbons, make a flower out of them, collect them on a string and glue them to the ball so that the wire is in the center of the flower. You should attach the decoration to the top and create a top. From there you need to move down and glue the petals from the ribbons, alternating colors, for example:

    1. in the first row: two white, two red, two white, two red;
    2. in the second row: one white, three red, one white, three red;
    3. in the third row you need to increase the number of petals: two white, six red, two white, six red.

    Next, you need to glue the petals without adding until they become too close to each other. At this moment, you will need to reduce their number to the original (i.e., to eight) and glue it to the end.

    To make the ball more magnificent, it is necessary to make more petals in the first row - not eight, but ten.

    DIY paper balls

    For lovers of openwork products in an interesting way making New Year's toys can be a paper version. Such Christmas balls will harmonize with any interior, and their production will not take much time.

    First you need to prepare:

    • dense colored paper(A4);
    • a knife designed for artistic cutting;
    • threads;
    • igloo;
    • scissors;
    • glue;
    • beads;
    • openwork patterns.

    1. The selected templates are printed on paper. Their size can be adjusted depending on the paper size and personal preference. Next, the templates need to be carefully cut out. To do this, use a knife for artistic cutting.

    If you are afraid that the drawing will be erased during work, you can cover it with a sheet of paper.

    2. When the pattern is cut, you should start cutting out the development of the ball.

    3. Using a round pencil, you need to give the diagram about round shape. You need to pierce holes at the tip of the petals.

    6. Then you should create a loop of beads. For this purpose, they must be strung on a thread and pulled inward through the holes that were previously made in each petal.

    6. The final touch is to create a loop for hanging. And the ball is ready to decorate the New Year tree.

    DIY foam ball

    Foam balls have many designs. Blanks made from this material are chosen as the basis for future New Year's decorations. Such balls are decorated using multi-colored pieces of felt, sequins, paper flowers, beads, threads, etc.

    As one of the ways to create original decoration made of polystyrene foam for a Christmas tree, you can consider a “ball-cake”. To make such a delicious decorative element, you will need:

    • foam blank in the shape of a ball;
    • PVA glue;
    • small white sparkles;
    • a thread;
    • scissors;
    • red bead.

    To begin with, the foam spherical blank must be generously coated with glue. Then you need to lower it into a container with previously poured out small sparkles and carefully roll it in them so that there are no missing spots left. Then you need to let the ball dry thoroughly.

    After final drying, using fabric or corrugated paper, you can form a beautiful skirt - a cake wrapper, which is attached to the bottom. A red cherry bead should be glued onto the top of the resulting decorative delicacy. The last step is to form the string pendant onto the foam ball.

    Other options for foam balls

    DIY Christmas balls - decoupage

    Decoupage is considered an interesting type of modern decor. This art can also be used to create New Year's balls.

    To do this, you need a set of tools and materials, consisting of:

    • plastic balls (about 8 cm in diameter);
    • napkins with New Year's drawings;
    • multi-colored acrylic paints;
    • brushes;
    • PVA glue;
    • acrylic varnish;
    • semolina;
    • sequin;
    • sponges for washing dishes;
    • boards for modeling;
    • contours for working with ceramics and glass.

    A small amount of white acrylic paint Place it on a board, dip a sponge in it and apply it to the ball using point movements.

    Important! It is recommended to carefully ensure that the sponge is evenly and well saturated with paint. IN otherwise DIY decoupage of Christmas balls will be ruined visual effect the presence of snow deposits on their surface.

    This is how you need to paint all the balls that you plan to decorate. While they dry (about an hour), you should begin preparing the napkins. The top painted layer must be separated from the bottom and carefully cut out the New Year's design. Next, you should dilute the glue with water in a 50/50 ratio. The cut out pattern must be moistened in an adhesive solution and applied to the ball. It is recommended to start the gluing process from the middle, smoothly moving towards the edges.

    And then around the pasted picture you need to create a background of the appropriate color. To do this, acrylic paint must again be laid out on the board and applied on top using a sponge. white background on the ball. After this procedure, the Christmas tree decorations should be left in a dry place until completely dry, and then their surface should be completely covered with acrylic varnish.

    You can create a snow effect like this: mix white paint with semolina (you should get a thick porridge-like consistency) and apply with a thin brush to those places of the ball where the snow should lie. When the snowball has dried, you can decorate it with silver sparkles, which must be applied to a surface previously coated with varnish. Using a thread, a loop is made, and creative process completed.

    Other ideas for DIY Christmas balls

    Other ways to make Christmas balls with your own hands include:

    • Soft fabric balls. To bring this idea to life you will need scraps different sizes. You can use it as a base old sock, well filled with rags or cotton wool so that a spherical figure is obtained. You can also purchase foam blanks. Decorating the balls with flaps is possible both in the form of ruffles and by tightly sewing fabric rectangles to each other to give the toy a “shaggy” look. appearance. It’s a good idea to decorate fabric balls with buttons of various sizes and shapes.

    • Christmas lace balls. It is also necessary to take foam plastic blanks, which you will paste over in pieces. openwork lace. It can also be tinted to provide an antique look. You can make lace yourself - knit it using a thin thread and a hook.

    • Toys made from floral sponge (“oasis”). A ball should be cut out of this material, to which small toys and spruce branches should be attached using wire pins. They are suitable for a large and lush New Year tree.

    • Balls from old CDs. The latter should be cut into small pieces different shapes and carefully paste them over the transparent glass balls. Using the same principle, you can decorate balls using beads.

    Christmas balls with your own hands, the master classes on making them, reviewed by us, will certainly help you get inspired to create creative designs for Christmas tree decorations. Create with pleasure, share your experience, replenish your piggy bank creative ideas and the best examples of their implementation!

    New Year- an amazing holiday. Regardless of age, everyone expects magic, miracles and renewal from him. This is the only holiday that everyone, without exception, looks forward to; they prepare for it especially carefully, thinking through treats in advance and purchasing gifts for loved ones.

    Preparing for the New Year is not a quick process, but very enjoyable. The chores begin ahead of time and bring a lot of pleasure in anticipation of the holiday itself. Causes great awe Christmas tree decoration. The moment when they take out a box of toys is imbued with a special charm, because each stored decoration is filled with meaning and memories.

    Christmas balls are the most popular; you can easily make them yourself. This does not require any great skills, and the manufacturing process will bring a lot of joy to the whole family, because children with constant delight are ready to spend hours making crafts for the main New Year's miracle.

    DIY balls, will fill the house with warmth and comfort, because in every little thing there will be a small piece of soul and love. For many years they will unite the whole family and bring out the best in each member.


    First of all, you will have to take care of purchasing or making blanks for future jewelry. Let there be a lot of them so as not to limit the flight of imagination or interrupt the creative process.

    The easiest way- buy. These are foam options sold in craft stores or florist shops. Or cheap plastic multi-colored options in sets or individually. This is convenient since they come in a variety of diameters and colors.

    Master class on making blanks

    You can make them and independently in several ways, it’s worth focusing on the simplest ones:

    Preparation of the workpiece. The tighter the thread is wound, the more durable the product will be.

    1. Papier mache. Plastic options are perfect for the base, but you can also make them from plasticine. Finely tear thin newspaper paper or napkins and you can begin gluing. Apply the first two to three layers without glue, simply wetting the paper, then apply three to four layers evenly, coating well with glue. After complete drying, carefully cut the paper layer to remove the base ball, and glue the joint with scraps of paper. They can be primed with white paint, such as gouache or acrylic.
    2. Made from polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. Cured polyurethane foam is similar in texture to expanded polystyrene, just as light and easy to handle. First you need to cut out cubes with a sharp knife, the size of which should be slightly larger than the desired diameter. Next, cut the corners in thin layers. Final leveling is best done with coarse sandpaper. Slowly grinding away the irregularities and corners, try to bring it as close as possible to the shape. Even if some distortions remain, there is no need to be upset, because manual labor What makes it different from machine-made is that it is impossible to create a perfectly flat surface. And any imperfection will only confirm uniqueness.

    DIY New Year's crafts

    There are many master classes on making Christmas tree products. All methods are simple enough for beginners or can be mastered by children.

    With beads

    For creating elegant and elegant Christmas tree bauble you will need:

    • glue gun or clear quick-drying glue suitable for foam;
    • foam or plastic blanks;
    • beads for the Christmas tree.

    An example of decorating a craft with beads, sequins and satin ribbons.

    To assemble the thread yourself, you should choose beads of the same diameter, but there are no restrictions on color combinations. The length of the beads is sufficient to fill the space inside the product. Instead of beads, you can take large beads.

    Apply a drop of glue to the base and glue the first bead. Apply the next rows in a spiral around the first to completely fill the surface. Glue a thread loop on the opposite side from the beginning and finish gluing with beads around it.

    An old thing with a faded design can be turned into a new one by simply pasting it with multi-colored beads.

    New Year's ball with decoupage

    Decoupage does not have to be done using special glues and varnishes. You can take the most affordable one PVA glue and acrylic varnish so that the result is excellent. So, you will need:

    • any workpiece;
    • PVA glue, brush;
    • acrylic varnish, best in a can;
    • picture.

    Decoupage process with blue roses.

    Image for decoration can become absolutely anyone. Most the best option— paper table napkins with a New Year theme. Small ones will look great New Year pictures from magazines, or even photographs of relatives printed on thin paper. Please note that printing pictures or photos can only be done on a laser printer, otherwise there is a risk that the image will spread due to interaction with the glue.

    It's better to choose small pictures, and stick them using the appliqué technique, that is, pick up the pattern gradually in pieces. A photo of loved ones will look great on the side of the product; such a thing for the Christmas tree can become an exclusive gift.

    You need to glue the pictures carefully, stroking the image on top with a brush with glue so that the paper gets wet and presses against the toy. After drying, you can further decorate the bauble using acrylic paint or glitter. Finally, treat the entire surface with varnish, which will fix the layers and add shine.

    Brilliant option

    You can easily do it yourself make a sparkling thing. To do this you will need loose glitter or sequins. Having generously coated the base with glue, simply apply the surface of the item to the glitter and let the glue dry.

    A variation of this technique is decoration with grains, beads or sand. For application, you can choose any fine grain, for example, semolina or millet. Once dry, you can apply the design with a simple glitter nail polish. This will give it a festive and mesmerizing glow.

    From fabric

    Will make an excellent Christmas tree decoration soft printed fabric decorations. You will need:

    • scraps of beautiful fabrics, scraps of knitted fabric. You can even take unnecessary socks beautiful color or old T-shirts. How brighter color and the more interesting the pattern, the more original it will be;
    • scissors, needle, thread;
    • a little padding polyester or cotton wool.

    The fabric is unusual material for the manufacture of Christmas tree toys. Therefore, a fabric item will look very unusual.

    Fabric needs to be cut circles. Applying the saucer or mug to the mother, trace the outline, then you will get an even circle. Using a basting stitch, sew the fabric around the perimeter at a distance of approximately 7 mm. Place a piece of stuffing in the center and tighten the thread. Carefully tuck the edge sticking out inside and secure it with thread from the outside so that the edge does not come out. Make a loop for hanging with the same thread or a beautiful decorative cord.

    They are made quickly, even Small child can help mom by inserting padding polyester and tightening the thread. They will look good both on the Christmas tree and as interior decoration, because you can assemble large garlands from them. They can also be decorated with ribbons, bows and even artificial flowers.

    This master class offers a simplified way of decorating: You can wrap a piece of fabric around an old or ugly item, tying the edge at the top with a beautiful cord. You can decorate with paints, felt-tip pens, and glue glitter. And by using fabric of the same shades, you can create stylish compositions.

    Balls with fingerprint decor

    like this Christmas tree craft Even kids can make it.

    A great idea for anyone who wants to capture a moment would be to make balloons, decorated with fingerprints of close people. And a small palm can fit entirely. You just have to imagine what a nagging feeling the product will cause in a few years, reminding you of your baby’s first New Year.

    The foam or papier-mâché base must be primed or painted in one color in advance. Dip your palm or fingertips into a safe finger paint, attach to it. In this case, you can create patterns by simply applying your finger with paint in a certain order to the walls of the ball.

    Prints are possible sign or, with a little creativity, draw in the details to make some kind of figure. For example, a snowman made of three white prints on top of each other with a completed carrot nose and a bucket on his head. To secure, you can treat the surface with acrylic varnish.

    There are many ways to decorate Christmas balls. Photos, master classes, advice from needlewomen, and your own imagination provide ample scope for activity. And it takes very little time, but the result will exceed all expectations.

    It's important to remember that when making Christmas tree balls with your own hands Don't pay attention to minor flaws. That's why it's good handmade that thanks to imperfection, products acquire additional charm.

    Not only is it very pleasant to decorate a Christmas tree with balls made by yourself, such a product will be an excellent present, because it keeps your hands warm and is charged with positivity. Children involved in creativity will remember these moments as the warmest and most important, and the charm of the New Year will never fade for them.

    Photo gallery

    DIY New Year's ball

    Good afternoon. Today we will make New Year's balls with our own hands (and children's too). I will show you how you can decorate simple Christmas tree balls, turning them into a beautiful New Year's craft. In one article I collected SEVERAL techniques at once- so that you can choose the creative option that you like best... seems easier... or for which you have suitable material and idea. I did a lot large selection ideas... and I will not only give you photographs (they say, figure out for yourself how and what is done)... but I will give INSTRUCTIONS to create all the ideas I found with my own hands.

    Today I will tell you -

    1. what can be made from a TRANSPARENT Christmas ball (six ideas at once)…
    2. several ways to decorate Christmas tree balls with SPARKLING SPRINGS...
    3. decorate the New Year's ball with semolina and SAND WITH SHELLS...
    4. how to cover a ball with BEADS AND RHINESTERES...
    5. what can be made from FOAM BALLS (and where to buy them)…
    6. how rubber STAINED GLASS PAINT can decorate a designer Christmas tree ball...
    7. how to make a VINTAGE ball WITH LACE.
    8. how to decorate Christmas balls with PLASTIC (and bake them in the oven)
    9. how to make a Christmas ball with your own hands with a MIRROR MOSAIC.

    So, let's get started and start decorating the balls for our Christmas tree.

    FILLING into transparent balls.

    Our first DIY Christmas ball decoration idea is to keep it simple. You've probably seen it on sale often. TRANSPARENT Christmas balls. They are made of transparent plastic or glass and have a slightly wider NECK, than standard balls. This is not done in vain - the manufacturer assumes that you want to put something in such a ball... a shiny brooch... a scattering of buttons or glass... rhinestones with sequins... candies in bright candy wrappers... congratulatory notes or others. Here in the photo below we see options with sweet caramels.

    And most importantly - The SURFACE of the ball can also be decorated...can be drawn snowflakes paint(or nail polish)... and cover them also shiny varnish for nails with glitter or sparkling sprinkles.

    Or you can cover such a ball with elegant pieces of ribbon... (as on the red-green ball below) ... and also glue rhinestones and sequins to the ribbon.

    Can I have a ball like this? fill with something white(with cotton wool or airy sweet marshmallows). And then such a ball will turn white... and the drawn eyes, mouth and nose of the SNOWMAN will stand out well against the white background.

    Is it possible to fill such a transparent ball? notes wishing you happiness...or just print on any printer New Year's poem... cut its lines into strips...and load it all inside the Christmas ball. First grade children will be happy to read snippets of such a New Year's poem.

    Another great idea is that you can put in such a ball drop a puddle of paint- and rotate the ball with your hands to let the paint flow into a fancy pattern

    Then, when the first color dries, repeat the procedure with a different color of paint. As a result, we will get a very bright multi-colored New Year's ball of the author's work. Your kids will love this Christmas tree craft.

    Here... these were ideas for transparent balls... And now I will also show an interesting technique for balls of a single color (that is, balls without patterns, and we will draw patterns on them ourselves).

    GOLDEN POLLEN + GLUE - as a way to decorate a New Year's ball.

    This is very simple technique... We need a ball, a tube of PVA glue, and gold sprinkles or glitter.

    • The Christmas ball needs to be one color(best MATTE)… that is, non-shiny, without gloss… dull colors.
    • It is better to take PVA glue in a jar with a narrow spout(because it is with this nose that it is convenient to apply patterns to the ball). Or you can use a brush.
    • Gold sprinkles can be obtained in three ways: FIRST - buy in those departments of the store where children's art kits are sold... SECOND - buy manicure powder for nails... THIRD, you can buy a fluffy shiny garland-broom for the Christmas tree and use scissors to finely trim the fringe from this garland, so we will get a huge amount of sparkles.

    And now that you have all this, you can start decorating the New Year's ball.

    Glue straight from the tube draw a line resembling a Christmas tree(photo below) ... and immediately while the glue is fresh, sprinkle it with golden pollen, count to 10, shake off the remaining pollen from the ball (just let the pollen fall on a sheet of paper) ... and leave the ball to dry for 1 hour.

    You can choose any design (not just a Christmas tree)… a star… a snowflake… an inscription… the initials of the author of the craft…

    To glitter sprinkles was spent sparingly. There is one simple trick.

    Shake the pollen onto a sheet of paper (which we first folded in half and then unfolded). This is convenient because then it is very convenient to return the excess glitter from such a sheet to the JAR. To do this, simply fold the sheet with the sprinkles in half again (along the fold line it already has) and all the sprinkles are collected in the fold groove... and right along this groove it flows in an even stream back into the jar with the sprinkles.

    The sprinkles matched to the color of the ball look beautiful... for example, golden pollen on a matte gold ball... or silver pollen on a metallic gray Christmas tree ball (as in the photo below).

    And by the way, you see simple ideas HOW TO DRAW A SNOWFLAKE on the ball in simple lines and dots. You see (you don’t even need to be clever) just spreading lines... and at the ends of the rays we slap dots (see photo with the golden ball above)

    And you can also add GLUE RHINESTONES... and beautiful stylish pattern in the form of a checkered pattern and a hanging teardrop piece of ice(see photo with a silver ball above). You can repeat on the ball the same patterns that frost draws on glass... stripes and curls.

    You can just do it islands of sparkling sprinkles...dry them...and then draw on top of the island more strips of glue in the shape of a snowflake... and sprinkle them sprinkles of a DIFFERENT COLOR(this is how we see snowflakes made of red sprinkles against a background of gold sprinkles in the photo below).

    So what... if your children don't get it exactly right?...Don’t even think about scolding them... But carefully preserve these masterpieces... in twenty years when a grown-up rogue brings a bride into the house... one day you will have a family New Year's table show this entire New Year's collection of crooked stars, shaggy snowflakes and fat-assed horses that he drew on balloons when he was 4 years old... it will be really cute... it will cause a lot of smiles... and cheerful banter from “good” friends like... “hmm-ah, already in his youth , he understood that a good mare should have a good butt)))…

    SPIRITS – beads... rhinestones... sequins... grains

    You can also use semolina as a topping... it looks great against the background blue balls... it turns out to be an imitation of crumbly snow...

    YOU CAN MAKE beautiful STYLIZED BALLS... with a simple pattern in the form of STROKES-STRIPS... as if carelessly applied to the ball... Only each strip is sprinkled with its own sprinkles... or small beads.

    Or you can simply apply droplets of glue to the ball - and put a sequin or rhinestone on each droplet

    GLUE FOR BEADS AND RHINESTERES is needed more seriously than PVA...

    Here it is better to use SHOE GLUE - it holds well and does not smell as much as Glue Moment - even children can work with it without harm to their health.

    Or you can use a glue gun.

    AND you can also use RIVER SAND as a topping ... fragments of shells... mother of pearl... and beads with the same color as sand. Against the background of a blue or turquoise ball, this decor looks very beautiful... like a piece of beach against the backdrop of sea water (photo below with a blue New Year's ball)

    You can also buy large rhinestones and stick them on the Christmas ball (with strong glue, shoe glue or moment)... Wait until they stick - and then apply CIRCLES of PVA glue around the fear... and cover these circles with sparkling sprinkles... you will get a ROYAL New Year's ball (photo below with a golden ball)

    Balls can be covered with small beads... sprinkled sparkles... beads and even bugles (bugles are long transparent tubes).

    NEW YEAR'S BALL - made of foam blank...

    Here's an idea for creating a New Year's ball from scratch. That is, we take for zero foam ball blank.

    You ask: where can I get it? I answer - you can buy it at a craft store - type in Google FOAM BALL to buy in your city - and you will immediately find a bunch of addresses where you can find such a ball. You can also order such foam plastic balls on the Internet with home delivery - for example, they are always available on the ALI-EXPRESS website (one ball costs a couple of cents) and you can buy a whole pack for a dollar.

    Most quick way decoration of foam balls – this is the BIN METHOD... we take decorative tinsel... these can be BUTTONS or cut out flowers FROM FELT.

    And just pin it all down with pins. In a chaotic manner. We get a bright decorative Christmas ball with our own hands.

    In the sewing departments of the store you can find a lot of textile flowers. If you buy pins of the same color (for example, red) and buy white flowers... you will get a very beautiful New Year's ball.

    You can also use SMALL FOAM scattered beads for this decoration purpose. They are easily pierced. then the beads can be painted directly on the ball.

    Or you can take plastic beads (they already have a hole) and litter the entire ball with them.

    Or you can go to a hardware or construction store and buy special ones there decorative nails for upholstery(or for upholstering a leather door) and stick them into a foam ball. Let's get a beautiful Christmas tree ball in the spirit of hi-tech.

    Or maybe from CREPE PAPER(it is sold in office supply stores in rolls for a dollar per roll) - make these are the little roses. And just stick the roses on a foam ball... here and there you can add a rhinestone or bead to spice up the decor.

    And such foam plastic balls can be decorated with the SAME SPRAY that we used in the previous paragraph of our article. We coat the ball in PVA glue and sprinkle it with sprinkles (finely cut “rain-garland” from a Christmas tree)… or sparkling nail sprinkles… or a special one bought in a store.

    If large elements are planned on the ball (rhinestones or cord edging) then FIRST we glue these elements onto good glue (shoe or moment)... dry... then fill the rest of the space with a coating of PVA glue and sprinkle with shiny sprinkles.

    You can use thin braid on the ball (left photo below) ... or large oblong rhinestones. You can glue it beautifully at an angle - sequin ribbon… And metalized cord(photo with the blue ball below). You can find among the decorative Christmas tree things small beaded cord... and braid part of the ball with it.


    For this method we need children's stained glass paints... (not adults). Children's paints for stained glass crafts, when drying on polyethylene, easily come off it... and then easily stick to the glass of a window or mirror... and just as easily come off it. And adult stained glass paints in iron tubes are already indelible and cannot be washed (they are not suitable).

    ESSENCE OF THE METHOD– mix stained glass droplets (for example white + red) on a plate – after drying... remove these stained glass cakes from the plate (they become like rubber and come off easily). And we put these cakes on the Christmas ball - they are sticky and easily stick to it. Finally, you can coat the product with varnish (acrylic for crafts or hairspray).

    Any child would be happy to do this kind of work with his own hands. It's simple and interesting.

    DIY New Year's ball

    using the LACE technique.

    You can also make a Christmas ball with beautiful lace elements. Lace is very simple stick on the ball... or pull-sew like a cobweb... that is, first cut the lace into elements... then sew each element back to each other... but with THESE ELEMENTS AROUND THE BALL... (that’s exactly how the lace is laid on the yellow ball in the photo below without glue).

    Another option is to buy ELASTIC LACE - the kind that stretches like stretch... And pull a strip of lace onto ROUGH BALLS (as on lower photos red and pink balloons). The lace was pulled tightly onto the ball... and the fact that the balls have a non-slip rough surface prevents the lace strip from slipping off the New Year's ball).

    And here I found something else for you MASTER CLASS on creating a VINTAGE Christmas ball.

    To do this, we need to buy beautiful lace in the store (preferably RELIEF, it will look textured). Using PVA glue, glue the lace onto the ball... let it dry and, if desired, apply PAINT to the lace using a BRUSH... AND IMMEDIATELY wipe off the excess paint with a SPONGE or SPONGE...

    We get a beautiful VINTAGE EFFECT - a New Year's ball, stylized as antique.

    DIY Christmas ball WITH MIRROR MOSAIC.

    And these balls with mirror shards also look very beautiful. Such a ball can be made very simply - and you don’t even have to break the mirror.

    All we need is simple diskCD. We cut it with scissors (it cuts easily) ... you can cut it into triangular fragments ... you can cut it into squares (first into long strips ... then cut the strips into squares).

    And when we get ours mirror cut tiles. All we have to do is put it on glue. Shoe glue can come in handy here... or a glue gun (a gun is sold at hardware stores for $7-10).

    These are my ideas for today. But that's not all - I found a bunch of other ways for you to make a New Year's ball with your own hands. And therefore we will continue this topic in our next articles.

    And in continuation...

    Good luck to you New Year's crafts with Christmas balls.

    Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
    If you like our site, you can support the enthusiasm of those who work for you.
    Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

    How to make your own paper ball? Very simple. But to get something beautiful Christmas decoration, you need to put in some effort and imagination. We offer you several ideas on how to make original ones

    Tools and materials

    To do paper balls do it yourself, you will need:

    1. Sheets of paper: plain, colored, corrugated, decoupage, packaging and so on.
    2. Ruler.
    3. Pencil.
    4. Glue.
    5. Scissors.
    6. Beads, beads, sparkles and any other decor;
    7. Lace or ribbon.

    Paper ball using kusudama technique

    DIY master class:

    1. Place a piece of paper in front of you.
    2. Fold it in half to form a triangle.
    3. Fold two opposite corners of the figure to the third (picture 1).
    4. Turn the resulting figure upside down.
    5. Fold each wrapped triangle in half (picture 1).
    6. Fold the peeking corners inward.
    7. Fold the leaf so that the folded parts are connected to each other.
    8. Glue the part (picture 1).

    Your first petal is ready. Make four more pieces and glue them together, with the center folded inward (pictures 2 and 3).

    Now, using the above technology, make twelve flowers. When they are ready, glue them together to form a ball. It is better to make one half of the sphere, and then the second. Before gluing the two parts, put a cord inside, from which you will then hang the flower ball.

    Decorate the center of each resulting flower with a bead.

    This DIY paper Christmas ball is ready!

    Balloon paper

    Instructions on how to make a ball out of paper (diagram with step by step execution attached below):

    1. Cut out a circle with wavy edges. To make the task easier, you can use special craft scissors.
    2. Cut the circle in half.
    3. Cut a small piece from half, about 1/6 of it (picture 3).
    4. Roll what you get into a cone and glue the edges together (picture 5).
    5. Make a total of thirty-four of these curly cones.
    6. Start gluing the cones together to form a row (pictures 7-9). Leave the middle empty.
    7. Glue two more on top of the finished first row (pictures 10 and 11).
    8. Place a cord in the middle, and tie a ribbon on the other side, where the knot is.
    9. Finish gluing the pieces together by adding another row or two on top of the finished ones, and make the same number of rows at the bottom.

    The balloon is ready!

    3D paper ball for Christmas tree

    To create a three-dimensional Christmas ball, you will need a bit of perseverance, since the parts are not glued together, but assembled. Therefore, if not handled carefully, the components of the ball may break.

    1. Cut out twelve five-petal flowers from a square piece of paper.
    2. Stack all the resulting flowers and make small cuts at the junction of the petal and the middle. The length of the cuts should be equal to half the size of the petal. The direction of the cuts for each petal should be the same, that is, only to the right or to the left.
    3. Attach a string to one of the flowers. To do this, make a hole in the center of the sheet and insert a rope through it. Tie a knot in the lace and seal it with tape. The side of the petal with the knot is the inside of the 3D ball.
    4. Start collecting the ball. To do this, take two flowers and connect them by the petals. Add a third flower and so on. Gradually, carefully, so as not to tear off the petals, connect all the flowers together.

    The 3D Christmas ball is ready!

    Christmas ball-spiral

    Instructions on how to make a paper ball with your own hands:

    1. Take two types of paper.
    2. Cut nine strips of each type. The width of the ribbons is about a centimeter.
    3. Fold all the ribbon strips in half.
    4. Cut out two circles from paper.
    5. Thread one bead onto a thread.
    6. Fold the thread in half and thread it through the needle.
    7. Next, string one paper round onto the thread.
    8. Then string it on a thread paper strips, observing the sequence in color. For example, white and orange. In this case, the strips should bend inward.
    9. Don't cut the thread, just make a knot.
    10. Measure a small piece of thread, which will indicate the size of the finished ball, and tie a knot.
    11. Thread the other side of the strips onto the thread (as in the picture above).
    12. Straighten the strung strips and give them shape.
    13. String the second round and bead.
    14. Tie a knot.
    15. Attach the lanyard.

    The two-color spiral ball for the Christmas tree is ready!

    Paper pompom ball

    To make such a pom-pom ball, you need a cigarette or corrugated paper. Alternatively, you can take napkins.

    Master class on how to make a paper ball with your own hands:

    1. Take several sheets of paper and fold them into a pile. How more sheets, the more magnificent the finished ball will be.
    2. Place the entire stack together into an accordion shape.
    3. Connect the resulting accordion in the middle with a paper clip, wire or thick thread.
    4. Use scissors to shape the ends of the paper. Cut them in a circle or diagonally (at an angle).
    5. Begin to separate each layer of paper from each other, carefully straightening it out. First fluff one side of the accordion, then the other.
    6. Give the leaves a spherical shape.

    The pompom ball is ready!

    1. If you are using white paper, then decorate the finished balls with beads or glitter glue.
    2. Paper balls that you create with your own hands will turn out to be truly unique if you use paper on which photographs from your photo archive are printed to create them.
    3. Choose for the ball as a lace for Christmas ball bright ribbons, not ordinary threads.
    4. Use paper of different colors and composition to create one ball.
    5. For some types of paper balls it is more convenient to use a glue stick or
    6. Using a special stapler, you can make figures (for example, flowers, leaves, butterflies, etc.) and decorate the finished paper ball with them.
    7. You can collect several pom-pom balls together - you get one large ball, which can be used as a top for a Christmas tree.
    8. You can make it truly New Year's if you make stripes with a pattern. For example, cut out silhouettes of a Christmas tree, stars, bells or a snowman.
    9. To decorate the Christmas tree, select balls of one or two shapes. For variety, make balls of different sizes.
    10. For some types of balls, you can use cardboard.

    Involve children in creating paper balls for the Christmas tree. Thanks to their imagination, the crafts will turn out even more original and interesting.

    Master class with step by step photos. DIY Christmas balls. Christmas tree decoration.

    New Year's balls from scrap material. Master Class.

    New Year - it's time to play,
    There's room for imagination here.
    What a wonderful decoration
    New Year's balls!

    Alena Bastrykina, 10 years old, student of the “Handicraft” association at the Lesnovsky House of Children’s Creativity.
    Supervisor: teacher additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of Children's Creativity.
    Description: master class is designed for younger children school age, for additional education teachers, teachers primary classes, parents.
    Purpose: Christmas tree decoration, New Year gift.
    Target: Making New Year's balls for the Christmas tree from scrap materials.
    - learn to work with natural and available materials;
    - improve skills in decorating crafts;
    - repeat the safety rules when working with scissors and a needle;
    - develop fine motor skills hands;
    - bring up Creative skills, interest in work, aesthetic taste;
    - create a festive mood.

    Tools and materials:

    Pumpkin seeds;
    - old newspapers, scissors;
    - paper for covering windows;
    - glue, tint hairspray;
    - satin ribbon;

    The world froze in anticipation of a big miracle, in anticipation of the New Year! Many residents of our country have already taken out their green beauties and started dressing them up. But if your Christmas tree I didn’t find a worthy decoration - don’t be upset. Do New Year's toys you can do it yourself. And they will look no worse than store-bought ones. And if you try really hard, they will be much more unusual and beautiful, and the process of making them will give you and your children a lot of pleasant moments.
    Today we offer you a master class on making New Year's balls from scrap materials. Such balls will not only decorate your Christmas tree, but will also look like an interesting New Year's souvenir. Therefore, if you have not yet decided on a gift, then feel free to get to work with us.

    Step-by-step execution of balls.

    First option.

    It is not always possible to buy foam balls. We propose to make the basis for New Year's ball from old newspapers. Crumple the newspaper to form a ball. To make the surface smooth, wrap a newspaper ball with plaster or window paper.

    This is how the paper ball turned out.

    Use scissors to make a hole, drop glue into the hole and insert a ribbon.

    We begin to decorate the ball with pumpkin seeds. Glue them around the ribbon.

    We continue to glue the grains in a checkerboard pattern, row by row.

    Here's a ball - it's a lump.

    Let's paint it with tinted hairspray. You can use any dyes in cans.

    This is what our ball became. Now he looks like a raspberry. We tie a bow. Let's see which one is better. The choice is yours.

    And this is how it will look on the Christmas tree.

    Second option.
    Materials and tools.
    - satin ribbon, rubber ball, sequins;
    - scissors, glue pencil, decorative needles;

    Take the ball. You can use any round object
    forms. Apply a little glue to the center of the ball, apply tape and wrap it evenly around it. To prevent the ribbon from slipping while working, secure it with a needle.

    Place the tape next to the first line, pressing firmly against the ball, and make another turn, slightly overlapping the edges of the previous tape.

    Continue wrapping the tape around the ball, carefully brushing the surface of the ball with glue.

    After the ball is completely wrapped, cut off the excess tape and make a loop, securing it with a needle. Decorate the ball with sequins, flowers, snowflakes.

    Now our Christmas tree is decorated with two balls.

    These are the colorful balls you can make, big and small.

    Here is another option for making a New Year's ball.
    Materials and tools.
    - satin ribbons;
    - scissors, glue;
    - round base for the ball.

    Take a ribbon 2 cm wide and 1 m long. Cut strips 7 cm long. Try to make all pieces of ribbon the same.

    We will make triangles. Fold both edges into the middle, add a drop of glue and hold so that the edges of the ribbon do not fall apart. Fold all the remaining pieces of tape into triangles as shown in the photo.

    Prepare any round-shaped object. We made a paper ball again. We inserted tape into the hole and made a loop.

    Start gluing the triangles around the loop, slightly overlapping each other.

    Glue the remaining triangles in a checkerboard pattern. Use the glue carefully so as not to stain the tape. Lay out the triangles so that there are no gaps.

    The result is this yellow “disheveled chicken.” The ball looks beautiful, the satin ribbons shimmer in the light.
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