• The effect of gold on the human body. How gold affects men's health


    Properties of gold, benefits and harms of gold

    Let's look at the issue of gold from a somewhat unusual side - about gold jewelry: what are the harms and benefits of them, about the properties of gold, who can and cannot wear gold, what kind of care is required for gold, whether there are benefits and harms from gold.

    Gold coins have always been a symbol of wealth, as well as the most desirable and exquisite gifts. Jewelry. In every era, gold jewelry played a certain role in indicating a person’s status.

    Brooches, rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, wedding rings... They can be shades from white-yellow to orange.

    Gold is not just beautiful, it is an almost eternal element born from the earth. It never changes its formula, its properties. Its greatest value is that it does not corrode and is easy to process.

    Gold literally fascinates with its internal attraction; it contains all the power of the Earth and has great magical power. More powerful than any magnet, gold attracts the human soul, which has practically no weight, to the Earth. A person who worships gold ceases to think spiritually; he is attached to everything carnal and earthly.

    Yes, it gives freedom, relaxedness and strength. But, in the end, everything becomes boring, depression and illness begin.

    But if gold, on the contrary, does not prevail over a person’s soul, it helps his spiritual growth. People who are not attached to gold, although they have it, move through life easily. They help their neighbors without becoming poorer, but becoming richer both spiritually and materially.

    One of the first metals known to man- Is this gold. Already in ancient times its significance and value were great.

    It was believed that gold had not only material value, but also mystical properties. Gold plates were used as a love spell in Rome and Ancient Greece.

    Gold was kept in the mouth for throat diseases and to make the breath smell pleasant.

    And in modern medicine, preparations containing gold are quite widely used.

    Gold faithfully serves people, it is akin to the Sun and has a warming effect on the human body, attracting heat to it, which is very important when there is a lack of energy that the body produces.

    Who can wear gold jewelry?

    The harm and benefits of gold, the properties of gold, who can and cannot wear gold

    People with a heavy build, ruddy complexion, possibly suffering from hypertension, and an irritable character can wear gold without fear.

    In general, in homeopathy, indications for the use of gold preparations, as well as recommendations for wearing gold products, are: hypertension, heart disease, biliary tract and liver diseases, diseases of the joints and spine, cerebrosclerosis, depression, and in women also uterine fibroadenomas and chronic metritis.

    We can say that this noble metal is vital for people of mature age.

    With children, the issue must be resolved individually in each case. If a child develops a rash on his body while wearing gold jewelry, then it must be removed.

    And for young people, gold will act as an extra source of heat, while they have more than enough of their own energy.

    Who shouldn't wear gold?

    Some people cannot stand gold as a metal at all. When gold comes into contact with their skin, they develop a rash.

    A large number of nerve endings are concentrated in the fingers. Rings worn on certain fingers constantly affect biologically active points, so it is dangerous to wear tight rings.

    Wearing a tight ring on the little finger can easily lead to duodenal pathology. If the ring presses on middle finger, hypertension and atherosclerosis may appear. A tight ring on the index finger can cause radiculitis and osteochondrosis. If during the time family life your fingers have recovered, be sure to stretch the rings, and do not forget to take them off at night.

    Wearing a gold ring for a long time by men can negatively affect the male reproductive glands, even leading to disorders in the sexual sphere. After all, over time, the precious metal begins to oxidize, and products are released chemical reaction. Gold does not have a negative effect on women's health when oxidized, since the reproductive and hormonal systems of women are better protected from external influences.

    You need to know what you have to go through long years before the oxidation process begins. And if it has already begun, then it can always be neutralized by washing your hands more often and regularly cleaning your jewelry.

    How to care for gold jewelry? Caring for gold.

    Every owner of gold jewelry should know how to care for their favorite jewelry in order to be able to put such knowledge into practice.

    Can you remember this folk remedy like soapy water.

    The method of using it is simple: take regular or liquid soap (1 tablespoon) and dilute it in one glass of hot water. When the solution is ready, dip the jewelry into it and leave it for about an hour, periodically adding hot soapy water. After the procedure, the products should be cleaned with a toothbrush with soft bristles or a brush with soft bristles. When cleaning is finished, rinse the jewelry with water to get rid of any remaining soap, and then wipe the item with a soft cloth.

    There is another way to clean your favorite jewelry; it is more universal and will be suitable for almost any jewelry. To use it, take a saucepan with a cloth placed at the bottom, which should completely cover the entire bottom, after which we place gold jewelry that needs cleaning on the cloth and fill it with a soap solution with the addition of soda. Boil the resulting mixture for about twenty minutes.

    Easy way

    To restore the original shine to your gold jewelry, you need to take a glass of warm water and add three teaspoons of sugar to it, then place the product in the resulting solution overnight. This method will allow you to return original shine favorite things.

    Simple rules

    To remember how to properly care for your favorite gold, you should know the basic rules:

    ░ Every time you come home, you need to take off your jewelry;

    ☺You should not clean or do housework with gold in your hands;

    ░After removing jewelry, be sure to wipe it with a soft cloth;

    ░You should avoid contact with water, creams and other cosmetics;

    ░Do not use sharp or hard objects when cleaning;

    ░It is best to store gold in cases with velvet lining;

    ░For your health, you should remove gold jewelry at night, because prolonged contact of gold with the skin can cause unpleasant consequences;

    ░Earrings and rings get dirty the most under stones.

    You can refresh gold and gilded jewelry that has darkened over time using onion juice. Needs to be rubbed onion juice surface of the product and leave it for one and a half to two hours. Then rinse with water and let dry.

    When gold items have lost their shine, you can wash them in one glass of soapy water with the addition of half a teaspoon ammonia. Then rinse them with clean water and wipe.

    If Golden ring does not have a stone, you can smear it with lipstick and rub it soft paper or cotton wool.

    Gold items with precious stones such as diamonds, emerald, ruby, sapphire, aquamarine, topaz, quartz, beryl can be cleaned by soaking them in dish soap. Leave them for the whole day, shaking them from time to time. The dirt will come off during this time. You can scrub around the fasteners and around the stones with a soft toothbrush. Then rinse each item in boiled or distilled cold water and dry with a towel.

    Rings with stones can be cleaned in this way: cotton swab To clean your ears, dip in cologne and clean the stone and its setting on all sides. Then polish the ring with a soft flannel or suede cloth.

    Do not clean the ring setting with sharp objects - it can easily be damaged.

    When washing your hands, it is better to remove rings with stones - this way they will remain shiny and clean.

    Preparation of "golden water"

    A gold ring without any marks is ideal for this. precious stones. The ring is placed in a container, filled with two glasses of water and boiled until the volume of water is halved. “Golden water” is taken orally three times a day, one teaspoon. The remedy prepared in this way stimulates cardiac activity, memory processes, evens out the pulse, and also contributes to the awakening of spiritual consciousness in a person.

    Lilia Yurkanis for women's magazine InFlora.ru

    Following these simple rules You will preserve the radiance and shine of your favorite jewelry masterpieces for many years, and they, reciprocating, will continue to delight you and everyone around you with their beauty.

    Just a precious metal. As it turned out, gold has a stimulating effect on humans, which negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. According to WellNews.ru correspondents, this metal causes active stimulation of all processes in the brain, which leads to a decrease in the metabolic process in the human body. Gold can also cause depression.

    But gold jewelry does not have this effect on everyone. This metal is not recommended for very emotional people.

    Based on this, we can conclude that gold jewelry is not suitable for everyone. Experts say that those people who are overly emotional, epileptics in whom gold can cause an attack, as well as women who lead active image life. Also, residents of megacities, where stress is a constant phenomenon, should not get carried away with such jewelry.

    Myths and truth about gold

    Gold is one of those metals whose mystical properties have been attributed to it since ancient times. According to physiologist Alexey Novikov, gold oxidizes over time and releases chemical reaction products that negatively affect the body. Gold cannot oxidize, as it is one of the most environmentally resistant metals. It can cause harm to health only if its quality is questionable.

    Gold rings can lead to incorrect functioning of the nervous system, in particular the fingers. Provide Negative influence a gold ring can do two things. The first is the so-called “ingrown” ring, which has not been removed for years. Wearing it this way may cause various diseases, and even to amputation of a finger. The second case, if the ring is small, then you should not wear it, as this leads to poor circulation.

    Gold jewelry leads to hypertension and atherosclerosis. In fact, gold cannot worsen your health. Negative Impact It is not the property of the metal or stone that has the effect, but the color itself. For example, red stone irritates very emotional people, and flickering can cause seizures in epileptics.

    More suitable for residents of megacities silver products: they improve the functioning of the central nervous system and make a person calmer and more balanced.

    Magic properties

    Gold is the metal of the Sun, as well as the conductor of the energy of this star. Its positive magical property gold has an effect on generous, magnanimous, established people, with certain goals and established life ideals, who love to travel. Those people who do not contain leadership qualities should refrain from wearing this insidious metal, which can both help and harm. Children and teenagers should not wear gold until they reach adulthood.

    This metal has the ability to concentrate energy, especially for family gold, which is a fairly powerful energy source. It is not advisable to part with a family item, since it is closely connected with the generation of people to which it belongs.

    It is worth noting that wearing gold on right hand can prolong life by ten to twenty years if its owner leads a decent lifestyle without causing harm to anyone. Moreover, gold is effective means against damage and the evil eye, enhancing the energy of the solar plexus. Girls should remember that gold earrings have the ability to improve vision.

    Taoist practice shows that noble metal is powerful tool strengthening the spirit and prolonging life. This metal, covered with a lilac-pinkish film, is called “lilac gold”, which gives a person a connection with higher powers.

    It is worth noting that the magic of gold can relieve a person of severe pain and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. The ancient sages believed that gold could cure sore throats if held in the mouth for a while. Gold can also relieve a person from mental disorders such as depression or apathy.

    Doctor Paracelsus was one of the first to decide to use this metal in medical practice. Research has proven that human blood contains gold, although its concentration is quite small. However, according to homeopaths, even in such small quantities the metal retains its physiological activity. Since gold is a solar metal, it has the ability to have a warming effect on the human body, supplementing its energy.

    Currently, preparations that contain gold are widely used in medical practice.

    Thus, many properties are attributed, often contradictory to each other. Perhaps this metal is not suitable for everyone, and therefore has a different effect on each individual person. Let us note that gold products are recommended to be constantly worn by Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus and Gemini. Other signs should be given preference to other metals.

    In the search for cures for severe pathologies, modern medicine often discovers new diseases about which nothing was previously known. It would seem, how can gold harm a person when even today there are methods of treatment using compounds of this metal? However, back in the 6th century, in a collection of hadiths - legends about the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, it was said that wearing a gold ring for men is haram (forbidden). But the Prophet allows women to dress in silk and adorn themselves with gold. As you know, any religion is a set of rules of life, and all of them are designed to protect a person from premature death. And in this sense, this Muslim law turned out to be right. Several years ago, doctors from the private research Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, identified a strange pattern. Men who always wear gold wedding ring more than 10 years, most often they apply for medical care, complaining of lack of erection and primary male infertility. It turns out that over time, the precious metal begins to oxidize and release chemical reaction products. Even fractions of a milligram of gold oxide, regardless of the sample, when entering the body, disrupt the functioning of the male gonads. But gold metal does not have any effect on the health of women, and all because the female reproductive system is better protected from such chemical influences. It turns out that Muslims have known this for a long time.

    (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) contains a ban on wearing gold for men, while at the same time women are allowed to do so. Scientists have given their explanation for this situation.

    A wedding ring can have a serious impact on our health, scientists say. At the same time, experts indicated who would receive a gold ring with ring finger It is necessary to remove it, and on whom will such metal have a positive effect?

    Scientists argue about how wearing jewelry in general and a wedding ring in particular affects a person’s health. Moreover, the fact that there really is an influence has not been controversial for a long time.

    Experts say that it is harmful to wear a gold wedding ring all the time, and this only applies to men. The fact is that over time, the precious metal begins to oxidize and release chemical reaction products.

    And these products affect the male sex glands and can even lead to disorders in the sexual sphere. Even a fraction of a milligram of gold oxides, regardless of the sample, can allegedly disrupt the normal functioning of the glands.

    Interestingly, gold does not have a negative effect on women’s health. Researchers explain this by saying that the hormonal and reproductive systems of the female body are better protected from external influences, and therefore the oxidizing metal does not harm them.

    However, there is another mechanism for the effect of a wedding ring on health. It is known that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated in the fingers. Naturally, by putting on a ring, we physically influence the transmission of nerve impulses and in one way or another influence our condition. In this regard, it is dangerous to wear tight rings.

    In general, wearing a tight ring that causes discomfort on the index finger can cause osteochondrosis and radiculitis. Unsuccessful decoration of the middle finger can threaten a person with atherosclerosis and hypertension, and overload of the little finger leads to pathology of the duodenum. Therefore, if your fingers have gained weight during your married life, you must definitely stretch the jewelry, and, of course, do not forget to remove the rings at night.

    According to scientists, gold, from which wedding rings are usually made, has a specific tonic effect on the female body and activates the processes occurring in it.

    Experts recommend wearing gold jewelry when you feel depressed. In addition, gold, thanks to its tonic effect, is very suitable for ladies of Balzac age and people suffering from heart disease. It is also useful for hypertensive patients, as it lowers blood pressure, but they are not advisable to wear silver.

    There are more than 400 active points on the hand, which are associated with the kidneys, liver and heart. In practice, doctors sometimes come across cases where it is enough to remove a wedding ring from a finger for a person to give up headaches and insomnia forever.

    Based on materials from the newspaper “Vzglyad”

    Aurum, or gold, is a chemical element assigned atomic number 79. In nature, this metal has a sunny yellow color and a distinct luster. Gold is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, and the high density of the metal makes it heavy, which allows gold particles to easily separate from other elements during the washing process. The plasticity and softness of aurum make it possible to easily roll a wire several meters long from a small piece, because these properties make the metal malleable in processing. Recently, the topic “Gold in Man” has been considered a subject of heated debate among scientists, since there is still no exact answer to the question of how this metal acts on the body.

    Need for gold

    Gold is one of the chemical elements that is present in a specific amount in humans. Scientists have proven that the adult human body contains at least 0.01 grams of gold, and half of it is in the bones. The remaining 50% is in the kidneys, liver and other organs. The human body needs two micrograms of gold per day, and to satisfy this need, it is enough to wear at least one gold ring on your finger every day. It is believed to be found in foods such as corn, and both its leaves and grains are rich in it.

    Gold capsules

    The question of what a gold deficiency in the body can lead to has not been studied enough, but there is a version that such a phenomenon can lead to accelerated aging of the body and the development of vascular diseases.

    Gold in metal form does not cause any harm to the human body. However, if this metal is in large quantities enters the body as organic compounds (these can be found in medications), then gold poisoning occurs. Gold intoxication is a rare but very life-threatening condition that is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • pain in muscles and joints;
    • exhaustion of the body and sudden loss of body weight;
    • changes in blood composition (leukopenia);
    • depression of the central nervous system;
    • chronic conjunctivitis;
    • profuse sweating.

    Intoxication also causes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, internal organs etc.

    In addition, gold is considered a metal that is highly likely to trigger allergies. Its symptoms include the appearance of a red rash on the skin and itching on areas of the body that came into contact with gold. If such manifestations occur, it is recommended to avoid wearing gold items.

    Medicines with gold

    Today, drugs containing this metal are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, liver diseases, lung cancer, tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus). A person takes medications with gold only on the recommendation of a doctor, especially if there are indications for taking such medications. Self-medication can be harmful to health, and you should not forget about it!

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