• Career perspective. Manicurist is a profession worthy of me! How do manicurists live? What is the name of the profession of manicure and pedicure?


    In the photo: manicurist Olga Fedikovich

    Well-groomed hands always decorate a woman, lift her spirits and make her smile. And when a mother and wife feel good, it’s a joy for the whole family.Profession manicuristallows you to create such a little magic to transform women in appearance and in their internal state.

    Today we will meet Olga Fedikovich, who works as a manicurist at home. She is very sociable and interesting, always cheerful and open.

    Now Olga is raising her little son, who is barely two years old. She used to be, but when she was going on maternity leave, she decided to learn a new job that she had long liked. Olga loves meeting people and being creative. So it suited her perfectlyprofession of manicurist.

    Where to study to become a manicurist

    Appropriate education can be obtained at specialized training centers. Information about them is easy to find on the Internet. The cost of training varies between 8,000 rubles. Duration - about 20 academic hours, including theory and practice.

    Manicurist at home - where to start.

    In the pictures: works by Olga Fedikovich

    After receiving a certificate of completion of the courses, you need to purchase tools, varnishes, and equipment. A list of essentials is usually given in courses. Next, you should somehow declare yourself. And this is where Olga’s easy-going and sociable character helped. While walking with the baby on the playgrounds, she talked about her work and showed photographs of the manicure she had done. This is how her first clients began to appear. After all, the fact that Olga receives care at home, she has a son, is a huge plus for young mothers. Firstly, you don’t have to go far to the salon, and secondly, you can take your child with you. During the manicure, children will have a great time playing with each other.

    What a manicurist should be able to do

    First of all, communicate correctly with clients, be friendly, find an approach to any person and, if necessary, help decide on the type of manicure.Profession manicuristalso presupposes neatness, clean and tidy clothing. You must have and be able to select the shade of varnish depending on the color type women. Olga also draws beautifully. All the designs she puts on her clients’ nails are her own creations.

    There is also a certain list of skills that a nail technician should have:

    1. Do hygienic nail cleaning.
    2. Remove varnish.
    3. File and shape nails.
    4. Cover your nails with varnish.
    5. Disinfect tools.

    The main thing is to choose a business you like

    Olga really loves her new activity. She wanted to do an inexpensive and high-quality manicure at home and at the same time pay enough attention to her son. And it worked! Her nail care session costs 500 rubles, which is lower than in salons. Plus, new interesting acquaintances appear, many of whom, like her, work from home.Profession manicuristbrings Olga a stable income, which allows her not to take money from family budget for personal needs.

    Excellent result!

    Marina Shian, director training center"OleHouse" in St. Petersburg, told the site about her path to success. Being an ordinary Samara girl, thanks to her talent, diligence and constant work on herself, Marina became a leading nail specialist in Russia; she has many awards and victories in competitions. She easily runs the largest nail school in St. Petersburg, coordinates the work of teachers and actively participates in the lives of her students. Marina’s students call her “a teacher from God,” because she not only instills in them a love of nails, but also proves by her example how important it is to develop every day.

    Marina: At a certain stage in my life, I felt that I needed creative fulfillment. As a child, I studied at art school, but never finished it, and began to actively engage in sports. To be honest, I never set myself the goal of becoming a nail artist.

    Manicure was my hobby, and I was studying to become a lawyer and planned to connect my future with this specialty. Moreover, I used to be artificial nails skeptical because I didn't like them appearance. But when I got to the OleHouse training center, I saw that nails can be not only very beautiful, but also comfortable. It was then that the activity for the soul grew into something more than just a hobby. I realized that in this profession you can realize your creativity and also earn good money. The choice in favor of OleHouse was not accidental. I wanted to learn nail art from the best and most authoritative teachers and get a diploma that would later help me get a job. best salons cities. I immediately defined my goal - to become a reputable nail service professional. To do this, I set myself more and more new tasks. I am very glad that I continue to do this to this day. And, importantly, just like several years ago, I get tremendous pleasure from the fact that my work requires me to constantly develop and improve. This factor is key for me. In other words: there is no everyday life, but there is a feeling that I am just at the beginning of my journey.

    As soon as I started studying to become a nail artist, I had a dream to be “on the other side of the screen”, where the happy contestants of nail competitions stand. Moreover, the example of our teachers, among whom there are many winners of international competitions, was always before our eyes. Just 5 months after I started working as a teacher at the OleHouse training center, I went to my first competition. Everything happened so quickly that I don’t even remember how I took first place! Having won the competition, I realized that the real competition had not yet begun for me - it was just a light warm-up. And the very next championship left a much bigger mark on me. And it was not a matter of magnificent victories, but, on the contrary, serious defeats! They made me understand that in order to achieve maximum results, I need to work even more painstakingly and never give up on my goal, despite setbacks. I began to learn to benefit from any result. But the results were different. And my nails broke 15 minutes before the finish...

    There was a case when at the Russian championship I was 1 point short of winning and participating in the international championship. But this only encouraged me, I began to move even more actively towards my goal. Today I am preparing my students for competitions. And their victories taste as sweet as my personal ones!

    What helped you succeed?

    I don’t know if I could have achieved such serious professional success if I had started studying at another school. After all, often not everything depends on us. The soil on which you grow is also important, the work that your teacher puts into you is important. In addition, the main thing in achieving your goals is to have a great desire and faith in your victory. Then any obstacles will disappear on their own. You need to treat failures positively, even find positive aspects in them, and draw the right conclusions.

    TO What qualities should a good teacher have?

    A good teacher will be when he really loves his job. It is important that a person starts his day with joy and receives labor activity pleasure. If this is observed, then the teacher will present knowledge competently. And once again I want to repeat: behind all successes there is work and constant professional development. If you, as a teacher, do not stand still and constantly improve yourself, then your students will be interested in communicating with you.

    I am still looking for new ways of creative self-realization. Recently I have become interested in watercolor painting. In addition, I really like to spend time reading books on psychology and art history. I am a fan of nature and therefore in the warm season I like to visit secluded corners untouched by people. This inspires me to be creative. Like many women, I love to cook delicious food.

    I can’t imagine my future without OleHouse. The training center became my home. After all, here my activity involves creating beauty, communicating with interesting people. I believe that the nail industry can always be developed; it will never lose its relevance.

    Ok. Quite a common situation. I would like to learn how to sharpen wire cutters as the most common manicure tool, but training is expensive, I often don’t want to shell out my last money for it, and learning on my own is scary and intimidating.

    Useful information can be found on the Internet, but you also need to learn how to filter it. All people are different, and each sharpener, incl. and the one who shares his experience in Blogs and forums, his style, methods and set of materials, adapted not only to his knowledge and experience, but also to the requirements and tasks that his clients set for him.

    Also, when starting to learn sharpening, everyone teaches and advises it completely differently. Some nod towards training, which is not cheap at all, but saves time. Others advise studying on your own, which is much more economical, but takes more time. Some say that it is best to immediately master a sharpening machine with a rotating abrasive, while others say that it is still better to start with manual sharpening... By the way, I started with the last option.

    All surfaces of ECLAT cutters are processed very well; in most cases, all proportions and technological gaps are observed. The nippers have a good overall polish and sometimes a high degree of cleanliness on the cutting edges. Factory sharpening leaves hope for the tool to work without visiting a sharpener, although factory sharpening is factory sharpening, regardless of the manufacturer of the nippers.

    I am sure that admirers of high-quality manicure tools will appreciate all the advantages of the ECLAT tool, which can become good helpers in the professional work of a manicurist.

    photo: ECLAT nail clippers after sharpening

    Even though I liked the ECLAT cutters, I still want to point out a few points that may affect their performance.

    IMHO-1, these nail clippers are clearly missing a few points in steel hardness (by the way, this applies even more to ECLAT scissors). I think that increasing the hardness of steel to 52-54 HRC will lead not only to a noticeable reduction in the incidence of damage to tips due to careless handling, but also to an increase in the service life of the tool between sharpenings.

    IMHO-2, a screw hinge makes the connection more reliable, but the appearance of .

    IMHO-3. It is not uncommon to find wire cutters with a loose thread for the release spring screw - I had several cases when I had to re-drill the hole to a larger diameter and cut a new thread for this element. By the way, the thread itself is very short and has a conical entrance in which moisture accumulates, which over time turns into rust. This is facilitated by.

    IMHO-4. I don’t know if it’s just my “luck” or something else, but lately there have often been ECLAT cutters in which (for various reasons) the hinge screw is riveted with reverse side- in these cases, the whole point of a screw connection is lost, although I must note that with such cutters there is practically no radial play, which I mentioned above, and the level of operation of the hinge is at a very decent level. But this is a different hinge and different cutters.

    Pre-war ECLAT wire cutters, photo from 2018.

    Recently, according to their owner, I was sharpened by pre-war ECLAT wire cutters (see photo above). Wow! - was the word that escaped involuntarily during their sharpening. A completely different instrument. A different shape of the cutting part, a different steel hardness (under 56 HRC), different impressions...

    I’ll try to summarize what was written and my impressions of working with ECLAT wire cutters.

    If you want to buy nippers, cutters or scissors t.m. ECLAT and you are concerned about the price-quality issue, then the price (taking into account the level of complexity of the hinge joint of the cutters and the level of sharpening of the scissors) corresponds with the quality with some stretch - in my subjective opinion, the tool lacks the hardness of the steel. Although the impressions of their owners from working with the tool often outweigh this argument.

    ECLAT nail clippers are convenient, usually reliable and give hope that when careful handling can faithfully serve the manicurist who has become its owner. The same can be said about cuticle scissors from ECLAT - they are usually easy and convenient to work with not only for manicurists, but also for sharpeners, even despite the subjectively soft steel, which does not allow the tool made from it to be fully opened. IMHO, of course.

    Convenient work with a good and sharp tool!

    ZAT (Dnepr, Ukraine)

    Created 09.20.14, last updated - 06.03.19

    DOES IT NEED SHARPENING? Manicurists in Dnepropetrovsk in particular, and throughout Ukraine in general (3 days, express delivery there/back), they can be guaranteed to receive qualified sharpening of their tools. QUALITATIVELY! RELIABLE! AVAILABLE! See more details. -

    As for the clippers, it will be easier to understand the not very short range of STALEX if you accept the division of manicure clippers into series proposed by the manufacturer, which the STALEX company is applying at the time of writing these words:

    1. Exclusive NX (old article: N9). The cutters are made of stainless steel grade 95X18 with a hardness that feels up to 58 HRC (the manufacturer gives figures of 58-60 HRC). The clippers in this series belong to the premium level and are intended for professional work by manicurists in beauty salons. By professional work, I mean work in a profession that provides the main livelihood, and not a specialist qualification.

    2. Expert NE (old articles: N7, K, KL). Expert series nail clippers are made of stainless steel grade 40X13 and hardness 50-53 HRC and are intended for professional nail service specialists.

    3. Smart NS (old articles: N5, KE). Smart series nippers are made of stainless steel grade 40X13 and hardness 48-50 HRC. They are intended for beginner manicurists who are just taking their first steps in their new profession.

    4. Classic NC (old articles: N3, KM). They are made from the same steel 40X13 and have a hardness in the range of 48-50 HRC. Designed for household and home use between visits to the nail salon.

    Similar designations have been introduced for nail scissors, where for similar series the official site gives the following designations: Exclusive (steel 40Х13, 50-55 HRC), Expert (steel 40Х13, 49-53 HRC), Smart (steel 30Х13) and Classic (steel 30Х13 ).

    The photographs show STALEX nail clippers, at the top - for cutting cuticles, at the bottom - nail clippers. By the way, in the Blog about Sharpening there is a lot of material about the features and capabilities of wire cutters and scissors, etc. STALEX. If the reader is looking for additional information on the instrument of this brand, then it will certainly interest him - You can always find it using the link.

    I admit (you can’t erase the words from a song) that back in 2011-2013, STALEX nail clippers, called “professional”, were hard to call that in the full sense of the word (a lot, and often emotionally, was said and written about this, among others . and in this Blog).

    In my opinion, this was primarily due to the processing technology, build quality, and shape of most wire cutter models. But we must pay tribute to the perseverance of the manufacturer - he did a good job and today the professional series of clippers (primarily the Expert series in the modern designation and the Exclusive series, which is described in more detail below) quickly won the sympathy of professional manicurists.

    Photo: condition of the hinge surfaces of the new STALEX cutters

    Speaking about the corrected errors of STALEX professional series cutters, I note that the manufacturer solved the problems of heat treatment, hardness of the rivet of the hinge joint, build quality and processing of the internal surfaces of the hinge itself.

    The cutters have increased technological clearances, making them easier to repair and maintain on the one hand. Although, on the other hand, more dirt accumulates in these gaps, and therefore more attention must be paid to cleaning. The use of two retraction springs made of stainless steel, along with an improved hinge joint, ensures a smooth and soft movement of the cutters.

    Of course, this does not mean that there are no issues, for example, the frequent appearance of radial play after several sharpenings (primarily this applies to cutters of the younger STALEX series, which for some reason are sometimes used for professional work), an unreliable brass rivet (which has recently been encountered only on some older models), little attention is paid to nail clippers, etc...

    As for steels and their hardness, these data are already given a little higher. I will only note that these parameters, which few people pay attention to, will largely determine how long the tool blades will remain sharp. Perhaps this is more critical for a tool used in a salon than for a home one.

    Manicure clippers STALEKS EXCLUSIVE

    By the way, a new series of wire cutters from the STALEX company called EXCLUSIVE (see photo just above) deserves attention. The manufacturer claims use with a hardness of 58-60 HRC (feels up to 56, with tension - up to 58 HRC) and manual finishing of the main elements of the nippers.

    Based on the experience of servicing those that I have encountered, I would like to note that the EXCLUSIVE series nippers deserve your attention. First of all, in terms of the level of assembly and processing of each element. This, taking into account the hardness of the steel, allows us to cautiously say that a new and very worthy model of manicure clippers made of top-grade steel has appeared in Ukraine.

    However, the disadvantages I would include are the noticeably short handles and the reduced corrosion resistance of the steel used compared to the same one. The increased hardness of steel also affects its fragility, when a fall on a tile can be critical.

    Nippers made of steel 95Х18 require more careful care and a responsible approach to the selection of disinfectants. By the way, both the first and second are very often discussed in the Sharpening Blog. Collected here unique information oh, and a lot of information is provided for nail service technicians.

    In conclusion, just a few words about STALEX nail scissors. I like their models for professional use, made from st. 40X13. Big choice, various shapes and sizes. Comfortable to work and sharpen... A link to the official STALEX website can be found on the page.


    ZAT (Dnepr, Ukraine)

    In our workshop you can always sharpen and repair your manicure and pedicure instruments. Sharpening services are provided to residents of Dnepropetrovsk and throughout Ukraine (delivery by Nova Poshta). Cm. ..

    Today, the profession of a nail service master is very in demand and popular. Therefore, it is not difficult to find a college, school or courses where you can learn the intricacies of this work. Many educational institutions will train you in a few weeks, months or a year various techniques manicure, pedicure and nail extensions. But I advise you to contact specialized colleges and centers that operate on the basis of professional nail industry companies. The quality of education there is higher, plus, as a rule, they issue an international diploma.

    My journey began in 2010, at that time I was 19 years old, and I did not set a clear goal for myself to make a living as a manicurist. I was just curious and decided to sign up for the course. Which I don’t regret one bit now! I believe that the ability to beautifully make a simple French jacket will be useful to a girl in any case, as a kind of lifesaver. :) To enroll in classes, it is enough to pay for the course (on average, training costs 20-25,000 rubles per month) and provide a minimum package of documents ( medical insurance or a copy thereof, Russian passport).

    What is taught

    The profession of a manicurist and pedicurist can be mastered by anyone over 16 years of age. Courses at the school are designed for different backgrounds. In the initial, basic block, they teach only the basics; if you want to seriously engage in manicure, you need to go for advanced training. I wanted to gain professional knowledge, so I chose a general course, it included everything: from different techniques manicure and pedicure to modeling, painting and nail design. Maximum attention in the learning process is, of course, given to practical exercises. At school, we trained on women who came to our lessons to do this or that procedure for free. Now, in my opinion, they pay for consumables. But in any case, such cooperation is beneficial for everyone: we received experience, and they received beautiful nails.

    Career path

    Many manicure bars cooperate with schools, and after successfully completing an internship, graduates often stay to work there. After studying, I switched to other things and hardly did manicure, and when, six months later, I decided to continue, I realized that I had forgotten many of the skills. Therefore, I advise you not to take a break between training and work, because manicure is a craft that needs to be worked on and worked on. Hands must clearly know and remember everything necessary, and without constant repetition, skills are quickly lost. Having gained experience, you can take part in various competitions and championships of masters. This is a great way to attract the attention of employers and clients.

    Range of duties

    In addition to correctly and accurately performing his immediate duties, the master must maintain his workplace clean and instruments sterile. Yes, you should also look good: no vulgar makeup, open clothes, dirty nails and loose hair!

    Quality selection

    Of course, for the work process to be easy, you must be friendly, tidy, sociable, patient and diligent. It happens that a client sits in front of you dissatisfied, so resistance to stress will not hurt either. We also often have to act as a listener, so we are also a bit of psychologists. The most pleasant thing is to see a satisfied client who will want to come to you next time.

    A manicurist is one of the most popular, profitable and creative modern professions. But, unfortunately, when choosing a university, courses additional education and, as a result, the future specialty, we most often simply forget about those that relate to the service sector. Although they allow you not only to earn money, but also to enjoy your work. Don't believe me? Details are in the article.

    The choice of profession in our time is of great importance. Our specialty is not just effective remedy making money, but also a business to which we really want to devote our whole lives. As you know, we spend much more time on work than on family or other personal matters. Therefore, it is important that the specialty we choose is not only promising, but also brings real pleasure.

    That is why nowadays more and more attention is paid to creative professions. One of them can safely be considered the specialty of a manicurist and nail modeling. Perhaps few people have thought about it, but the nail industry opens up enormous prospects for creative people, allowing them to realize all their creative abilities and ideas, become a real artist and even climb to the podium of a competitive career.

    But let's talk in more detail about all the possibilities of this specialty.

    Introduction to the specialty...

    Speaking about the profession of a nail artist, first of all I would like to note the accessibility of this specialty. So, at the moment in most cities in the world there are schools where you can take similar courses. For example, the Russian training center “OleHouse” is represented in 25 regions, covering literally all the largest cities in the country, including ours.

    Ole House is a leader in educational programs in the nail industry. The company's training center trains highly qualified masters of various specializations - manicure and pedicure, design, modeling, nail extensions.

    Special attention should be paid to the duration of training. Most often it is no more than two to three months. Therefore, literally in a short period you will be able to start working fruitfully in the salon and receive a stable income. If you want the money invested in training to start paying off as quickly as possible, we recommend starting with less comprehensive courses, for example “manicure + pedicure”. Usually its duration is no more than a month, and due to the great popularity of these services, finding clients is not difficult. After this, having saved up some money, you can take additional courses, such as modeling in acrylic and gel technology or design. By the way, it is worth noting that the more procedures a particular master can perform, the greater his demand among clients, and, naturally, the easier it is for him to get a job in a decent beauty salon.

    Who is the specialty “manicurist” suitable for?

    A nail specialist is one of the most extraordinary and interesting professions. After all, in it you can more than realize all your creative potential, while ensuring prosperity and recognition of others. Sociable people who love to communicate, love hard work, are partial to art, and enthusiastically perceive everything new can easily find themselves in this profession. This specialty is for those who love to fantasize and come up with bright and interesting things, who love beauty and caring for themselves and others, who are an ardent fan of the fashion industry. After all, nail art is one of its most striking attributes. And finally, those who simply love nails and caring for them have been doing manicures and designs for themselves and all their girlfriends since childhood. Moreover, this specialty often reveals the talents of men who create true masterpieces on their nails.

    It is important to note that nail design is also gaining popularity every day. Therefore, in your work you do not have to limit yourself to traditional nail modeling or manicure. You will be able to create works of art, delight clients with your bold ideas and use your full creative potential. By the way, the works of the best nail designers are in great demand among world-famous stars, famous designers and stylists. And all this can also be achieved by each of you.

    It is important to note that the specialty of a nail stylist requires a fairly flexible and convenient work schedule. So, the most common mode is two by two. That is, it is only 15 days a month. Working on such a schedule, you can always find enough time for your development and family concerns.

    Manicurist or nail stylist?

    At the moment, there are quite a few nail schools that train specialists in the nail industry. But how to choose the best? Several important factors need to be taken into account. Firstly, the variety and duration of the courses. Thus, the OleHouse company presents 12 basic programs, five - in nail design, as well as many areas for interaction with already working masters in order to maintain their professional level and awareness of all innovative technologies and new products in the nail industry. In addition, it is worth noting that this training center has an individual approach to each student. In connection with this there is minimum term training for this profession, but the maximum depends entirely on the student’s abilities. Here everyone hones their professional skills until they master them at the salon level. Moreover, medications for the duration of the entire training are provided by the OleHouse company, and there is an additional fee for them, as well as for Extra time training is not charged.

    Another important factor is employment. The OleHouse company always assists its specialists in resolving such issues and helps graduates of the training center find employment in the best beauty salons in the city in the shortest possible time.

    We hope that when choosing a profession, this material will help you not to lose sight of such a modern and interesting specialty as a nail artist. Good luck and see you in the world of the nail industry!

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