• Why does a man make a woman jealous? How to behave if a guy tries to make you jealous


    Jealousy is strong feeling, which is almost impossible to control. A person in a state of jealousy is simply unable to think adequately. He does everything to bring his beloved partner back. He tries to please him, constantly follows him, worries, finds out. Girls usually like this behavior on the part of guys, it pleases their pride. Now guys are encouraged to do the same: make girls jealous so that they fall in love with them.

    The men's site does not regard jealousy as an exclusively negative phenomenon. Many say that jealousy can even strengthen relationships. It is important to understand which girls can evoke this feeling in order to further strengthen the relationship. You should also know how to do this.

    Who can make you jealous?

    There are frequent cases when people deliberately make each other jealous. It seems that society has a negative attitude towards this feeling, but for some reason people begin to use it in order to at least somehow feel love for themselves. “He is jealous - that means he loves” - and it’s true! But when jealousy is intentionally caused, it can lead to disastrous consequences.

    Who should make you jealous? To whom can you “increase your worth” just because you have many fans? Only in front of that girl who is ready to be jealous and run after you. This category also includes people who constantly need to be made jealous, otherwise they will not love.

    Surprisingly, there are girls who cannot live without jealousy. They show their love only in this way. If they are jealous, they feel alive. If they are ignored, energy immediately awakens in them. Idyll and harmony in relationships are destructive for such people. Does this surprise you? We need to accept this as a fact that many people face. And if you like to make others jealous, then you need exactly the kind of partners who, although they suffer, still do not feel alive without jealousy.

    However, there is another category of girls who absolutely do not want to waste their time and energy on jealousy. If you “pull yourself up” in front of them, they will interpret it negatively. They don’t need such emotions, so they look for loyal and “unsocial” guys. This is what people who have a negative view of jealousy usually talk about. They understand the essence of love differently, so they perceive jealousy as a destructive feeling that kills their deep and strong relationship with their loved ones.

    Understand this if the one with whom you want to build a relationship is in a different category. Don't ruin a relationship if your actions don't give you desired result. Be careful, because it may not be at first glance that you understand which partner you are building a relationship with. There are girls who love to be jealous, although they themselves will not admit it. There are people who really lose their love due to jealousy of their partners. First, study your beloved partner, and then evoke in her those emotions that fuel her love. And if you see positive results, know that you are taking the right actions.

    When can you start a strategy to make a girl jealous? In the following situations:

    1. She herself flirts with other guys, making you jealous.
    2. She suddenly lost interest in the guy.
    3. She perceives the guy as a friend, and not as a sexy man.
    4. There is a desire to strengthen the feelings of a partner with whom you are already long time the guy is dating.

    If such situations suddenly arise, then you should not wait. Jealousy can play a good role in the desire to arouse loving feelings in a girl. However, do not forget that all girls are different. And if, by causing jealousy, you encounter other emotions on her part, then this idea should be postponed.

    How to make a girl jealous?

    If you understand that you can make a girl jealous, thereby making her fall in love with you, then go for it. Here are a few ways to do this:

    • Get out of her life.

    This method is good in a situation where a guy has been chasing a girl for a long time, but she does not reciprocate, or she herself constantly makes him jealous. As they say, you need to take a little revenge on her and show her that you are also good-looking. Here you need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions.

    First, you disappear from the girl's life. You constantly ran after her, were in her sight, and then it became somehow quiet. She calls you, but you don't answer. She writes to you, but you are silent. Try not to even catch her eye. Let her be left alone with her thoughts and guesses where you disappeared to.

    What to do with yourself at this time? While the girl is trying to contact you, don't waste your time. Start making yourself better. Bring your appearance get in order: pump up, change your wardrobe, do new hairstyle, lose weight or gain weight. Engage in personal growth: develop qualities that are attractive to women (courage, arrogance, etc.). If you had problems with your studies, solve them. If there were problems with the work, then fix them.

    Depending on how long you communicated with the girl, the duration of your disappearance increases: the longer you communicate, the more you don’t see each other. And then suddenly show up. Be friendly, but don't tell everything about yourself. Be a little mysterious, incomprehensible. Don’t finish the conversation so that the girl has more and more questions about where you were, what happened to you, why you disappeared, etc.

    Then you need to show yourself in action. Invite her to a place where you can meet mutual friends and other girls. While she's gone, you should meet strangers. And when the girl comes to the meeting place, she should see you with other beauties. At first, do not pay attention to her, but only over time approach her.

    Let the girl feel what it’s like to be in the background, to wait for attention, to receive the love of a guy, etc.

    When you start communicating with someone you want to make jealous, start acting like sexual partner. Don't talk to her like friends. Flirt with her, but don't show affection.

    Why look for a convenient situation to make you jealous? There are a lot of girls around with whom you can just have a nice chat, smile, hug a little - and this will already make your beloved jealous. Any attention you give to other young ladies will cause jealousy and discontent within your partner. And you can flirt with anyone, you’re not going to date them, so you don’t really need to choose.

    • Tell me about someone you know.

    When communicating with a girl, sharing news or telling some stories, just casually talk about someone you know. It is better to talk about either one girl or many (choose only one direction). Tell as many stories as possible about how you walked and had fun with this friend. Let your girlfriend know that this friend likes you and you can have a relationship if you suddenly quarrel.

    Who needs jealousy?

    Whether to call a girl or not is up to each reader. A guy just needs to understand that jealousy does not always give the results that he expects to get. Girls are different, and so are their reactions to guys flirting with other girls. The more reckless a girl is, the more prone she is to various scenes of jealousy. However, there are calm young ladies who build relationships only on fidelity and tranquility.

    The following principle can be applied here: if the girl herself does not make you jealous, does not flirt with guys and does not start talking about the fact that she can change, then it is better not to resort to situations that will make her jealous. She doesn't see in her relationship this feeling, which is most likely treated as a betrayal.

    If a girl herself flirts with guys, has many friends among guys, communicates with exes, does not understand your jealousy and tells stories about how she was jealous, then you should evoke a similar feeling in her. She is ready to be jealous, it’s just that perhaps no one has ever made her jealous. If you make her jealous of you, then maybe she will love you very much.

    Bottom line

    Some people believe that jealousy is a sign of love. Other people build relationships on different ideas and emotions. You should first figure out what kind of girl you are building a relationship with, and then cause her to experience the corresponding feelings. If you pick the right approach, then you can drive a girl so crazy that she won’t be able to think about anyone else but you.

    Jealousy can be both destructive and creative. The main thing is to find her correct application and evoke it in that person who is capable of love because he is jealous of his partner.

    Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to make a man jealous. You will find out what motivates a girl to take such a step, and why wives need it. Find out what not to do. Let's analyze the situation of relationships at a distance and when communicating in social network. You will become aware of why all attempts to arouse jealousy may not work on a man.

    When to be jealous

    All people are jealous. However, some can control this feeling, while others cannot. Uncontrolled jealousy is destructive; it does not indicate how much a person loves his partner, but demonstrates his emotional immaturity. A useful feeling is one that allows you to refresh past feelings, nourish love, strengthen a family unit, but not destroy it.

    Let's look at at what point you can start thinking about this way of intriguing a man as jealousy:

    • he cheats;
    • there are relationships, but they have stopped developing;
    • your couple has long stopped spending time together;
    • gone missing common topics, together you are bored;
    • a man doesn’t care where you are or what you do.

    All these signs indicate that the partner’s feelings have cooled. Indeed, it's time to try to stir them up.

    If the spouse does not make any attempts to promote the development of the relationship, it means that he is happy with everything or simply does not want to make any effort. In such a situation, there are pitfalls that may affect you personally:

    • probably the current situation suits the man, but you don’t know how to change something;
    • your husband is able at any moment to replace you with another woman who will be less comfortable, but “alive” and interesting, who knows what to do to stir up a man;
    • your family union can probably survive, however, most likely, you will degrade, everyday life will completely absorb you. In fact, many couples live this way;
    • if, leaving the walls of the apartment, you go only to relatives - this is bad symptom. Over time, your spouse will decide that you have become boring, and this will lead to a cooling of feelings.

    A guy who doesn't care where his girlfriend is is absolutely sure that she's not going anywhere. When boredom appears in a relationship, it is a sign that you have stopped being interesting even to yourself.

    If a man cheated, then we need to take into account his polygamy inherent in nature. Understand that an affair may not indicate something serious. However, in repeated cases, a woman should think about why this is happening, perhaps she is not giving everything her husband needs, it’s time to reconsider her own behavior, and only then try to persuade her husband to be jealous.

    A woman tries to make her husband jealous when she wants to feel wanted, loved, and feel that the man is afraid of losing her. In this way she proves her own worth. When a woman provokes her partner to jealousy, she shows that she is still interested in other men. This is necessary so that the gentleman understands that she is on high level and can always leave, since there are many people around who want to be around. When a woman resorts to jealousy, she tries to strengthen the relationship, restore it, and help her partner understand her feelings.

    Why isn't a man jealous?

    There are times when a girl makes her man jealous, but he does not react at all. Why is this happening?

    1. Loss of female individuality. A girl who stops developing and becomes a shadow of her man loses interest in the eyes of her chosen one.
    2. Frequent hysterics and whims drive a man crazy, which leads to a loss of interest in the object of such behavior.
    3. Dissatisfaction and constant criticism of a woman disappoints any guy.
    4. When a girl disrespects the interests of her partner and does not respect him, she falls low in his eyes.
    5. When a woman is a pathological jealous person and blows her husband away, on this basis it only creates a desire to cheat, but does not in any way provoke reciprocal feelings.
    6. The unkemptness of a girl who believes that at home she can look like anything, influences the fact that the guy eventually stops seeing her as a former beauty.
    7. Having total control. When a man lacks free will, he very quickly becomes disillusioned with such a relationship and thinks about breaking up.
    8. Excessive demands on your partner. A woman must understand that she, in essence, reflects what her man is like. If you think that you need to change, then you need to start with yourself.

    How to make your husband jealous

    There are three main factors that will definitely make a man think that a lover has appeared in his wife’s life.

    1. Stop talking on the phone when your spouse is nearby. If someone calls you, and it could be your mother or friend, pick up the phone and leave the room or even the apartment. After such a conversation, you can return in high spirits, let your husband think that someone else is forcing you to be happy. Be prepared for the fact that he will soon start monitoring your calls and messages.
    2. Diversify your life, let some hobbies appear in it, go to some meetings and events, exhibitions. But don’t forget about household responsibilities and children. Let your husband understand that your life does not revolve only around him.
    3. “Tuning” your appearance. Your husband will definitely notice that you have changed. And this will make you suspect that this act is due to the appearance of another man.

    How to deal with a guy

    1. Show him that your communication is fleeting, that you are not very interested in his company. Chat calmly with other guys, but don't start flirting. Let the chosen one be nervous.
    2. When communicating with your boyfriend, you can mention several times about some man who did something for you, helped you in some way. But you shouldn’t talk about other males too often.
    3. After a weekend apart, don't talk about where you were or what you did. But be sure to mention that they were amazing. Let the guy think about what happened and who you had fun with.

    Causing jealousy on a social network

    1. You don’t need to be online all the time, disappear sometimes. The young man will think about where you are now and what you are doing.
    2. Put statuses on a love topic, but don’t write anything serious. Let the young man think about whether they relate to him or not.
    3. Display photos on your wall with a group of friends and guys. Let the guy see how bright your life is.
    4. There is no need to immediately respond to his messages.

    If the man is far away

    When lovers find themselves at a distance from each other, this is a serious test of the strength of their feelings. For some they become stronger, for others they fade. Let's look at what methods will be relevant in this situation, in particular, if it is possible to communicate over the Internet using video calls.

    1. Appearance. When a young man sees a beautifully dressed woman on his monitor screen, well-groomed girl, with her hair and makeup done, he can't help but begin to wonder why she looks like that now.
    2. To intrigue a man in a conversation, you need to mention interesting cases at work or school, talk about some colleagues, specific people, especially males.
    3. A little ignore. There is no need to rush to answer your boyfriend's calls or messages. Let him be a little nervous. This will hurt his pride and force him to take action.
    4. Changeability of mood. During a video call, you can abruptly stop maintaining cheerful communication, interrupt it, or pretend that you are reading a message on your phone, then stop the conversation. The man will notice that you have things that are more important than him and this will definitely cause jealousy.

    My friend Lena had a guy whom she dated a little more than a year. The girl wanted the young man to appreciate her, tell her how much he loved her, and be afraid of losing her. However, she did not see this, she did not hear words about love. It so happened that the gentleman was sent on a business trip. That's when the plan to make her jealous was hatched. Lena began to behave with restraint, did not call first and conversations were quick and without emotion. At some point, she told Igor (the guy’s name) that a work colleague had kissed her, and her feelings for him began to cool. Of course, Lena took a big risk. Igor’s first words were that they needed to break up, that the girl had betrayed their feelings. However, after just a day of visible reflection, the guy changed his mind and realized that he could lose his loved one. He said that he would forgive everything, and finally admitted that he loved her very much. Upon returning from a business trip, the couple submitted an application to the registry office. Today they have been husband and wife for five years.

    1. A girl who wants to make a guy jealous must understand that great importance must be given to her own person. There is no need to get hung up on the object of your adoration; it is better to devote more time to caring for yourself, your appearance, your figure. A young lady who has completely forgotten about herself will become uninteresting in the eyes of the prospective guy and is unlikely to be able to indicate her relevance, trying to arouse jealousy.
    2. A woman should have secrets. You shouldn’t tell your boyfriend everything, it’s better to remain a mystery. Then it will be much easier to make a man jealous.
    3. It is necessary to keep your gentleman in constant good shape. A young man should always understand that at any moment he could be left without his partner. A woman who devotes herself entirely to her man ensures that he begins to feel like her owner. Such a person will never become jealous, because he is confident in his power over a woman.
    4. If you strive to evoke a jealous attitude, try to always be different. Let the man think about why his partner is either cheerful, kind, or serious and unapproachable.
    5. Stop telling your boyfriend about every message or call that comes on your phone. Let it make him worry.

    How not to behave

    1. It is unacceptable to make eyes at your chosen one's friends. In such a situation, you will sooner be left broke than to arouse jealous feelings in the guy.
    2. When a woman wants to make her husband jealous, it is unacceptable to use abstinence intimacy. In such a situation, the man will decide that you are refusing because you have sex on the side. There will be jealousy, but it will be destructive. Depending on your husband's temperament, you may also suffer physically.
    3. Arrange a meeting with your ex to make your current partner jealous. Such an act will be regarded as a real betrayal and separation is inevitable.
    4. Tell your beloved man that a lover has appeared. Even after you admit that it was a joke, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore your former trust.

    When a woman does everything to make her lover jealous, she must take into account a sense of proportion. If you want to keep your partner, let him become a little jealous. If you want to lose him, let him become even more jealous.

    Now you know why a woman makes a man jealous. As you can see, the goals of such behavior vary. And such an action is not always correct. Sometimes attempts to provoke a man can end very badly and lead to separation. It is important that the girl who decides on this method does not get too carried away and does not lose her love.

    As much as we would like young people to be infinitely kind, gentle and considerate, this is quite difficult to achieve. Everyone knows that after the end of the candy-bouquet period, difficult times come in a relationship. The guys put on the mask of an unshakable and emotionless person and turn their charm up to full volume. Only this charm is not directed towards the girl he loves. Why are they doing that? The answer is quite banal. Most often this is proof of its uniqueness. We’ll talk about why and how guys make you jealous in our article.

    Inattention from a loved one

    Let's say you have been in a relationship for a long time, and for some reason you began to move away from each other. You already spend more time with your friends and communicate with unfamiliar people. But for you, this does not mean that the relationship with your loved one is over, it’s just that at some point in time you wanted to unwind and communicate with other people. Remember: for a young man, this is a punch in the gut. Now hold on. At every opportunity, as soon as you appear in his eyes, he will show attention to another person of the fair sex, thereby making you jealous.

    It is precisely because of the feeling of inattention on the part of his beloved that a guy specifically makes him jealous.

    Uncooled feelings

    There are times when young people break up, but the guy’s feelings have not yet had time to cool down. By causing jealousy in the girl, he tries to prove to her that he is still on top and is able to exist without her hugs, kisses, tenderness, etc. But, according to psychologists, this is a demonstration only from the outside. In fact, a terrible “revolution” is taking place in his heart. Despite this, his masculine instincts tell him to act. But these actions are not about seeking your favor. romantic actions or expensive gifts, but by demonstrating their popularity among females.

    This is the second reason that answers the question of why a guy makes a girl jealous.

    Soulless man

    Let's say a situation happened in your life when it was your boyfriend who left you for some reason. He knows how bad and difficult it is for you, sees how you suffer and are sad, feels your pain from parting. But this is the essence of men: instead of calming you down, discussing exciting moments, supporting you in Hard time, it escalates the situation even more, causing terrible pain in the heart. In front of everyone, he begins to flirt with another girl, giving you a sideways glance. It's not because this arrogant man still has old feelings, but so that you can see which guy dumped you.

    Are you asking why guys make a girl jealous by doing such things? Unfortunately, only they know the answer to this question, since such behavior defies logic.


    This reason is perhaps one of the most common. If the idea that you no longer need him has crept into a guy’s head, then in this situation it will be difficult to stop him. Sometimes this position of young people goes quite far.

    Delays at work lipstick on the collar, the smell of women's perfume - all these are just elements of verification. It is with their help that he determines the strength of your jealousy and love for him. This is why a guy makes his girlfriend jealous.

    But, unfortunately, this feeling often becomes uncontrollable on the part of the girl, and the couple breaks up. Therefore, in this situation, it is better for young people not to go too far.


    This is how guys make you jealous. As you know, revenge is a terrible “thing”. Let's say you cheated on your beloved or do not hide your sympathy for another young man. Once again, male instincts play a dangerous role. And instead of talking, discussing and solving the problem, the guy goes to great lengths. Moreover, the degree of revenge can reach incredible proportions.

    As a rule, young people do this not in secret, but in such a way that everyone knows about it. more people. He counts on the fact that “benevolent” witnesses will definitely convey everything in the smallest detail. After such a rash act, the relationship finally reaches a dead end. This is how guys make you jealous: cruelly, recklessly, without realizing the consequences.

    Diversity in relationships

    Guys often get bored when relationships become flat, emotionless and uninteresting. In this case, young people try to stir up their girlfriend and do desperate things. One of these is flirting with another. But few of them understand that this is unlikely to somehow diversify and decorate the relationship. This situation can lead to a breakup, especially if the missus is quite impulsive and jealous.

    Change for the better

    This is how guys make a girl jealous. Quite often, young people are not satisfied with the appearance of their missus.

    Let's say you don't like wearing makeup or wearing heels. Or maybe you don't like wearing short dresses? But your young man is zealously trying to prove the opposite and is increasingly paying attention to other, brighter girls, thereby trying to prove that he would like to see you in the same dress, or with the same lipstick. Things are starting to take a turn for the worse, and your young man is already starting to directly say that he is not happy with your appearance. You are increasingly overwhelmed by the idea that he should love you for who you are, and you do not want to take his whims seriously.

    This is where the fun begins. The young man, due to a lack of wisdom, begins to directly flirt with other girls. In this case, psychologists unanimously advise not to follow the lead of a picky guy. Better in in this case let it be as it is. Otherwise, the young man will more and more often find shortcomings in you and try to correct them. If he really loves and appreciates you, then after serious conversation he will change his behavior. Continues to insist on his own and flirts with other girls? Don't rely on serious relationship with this person.


    Jealousy is a rash feeling. It can cover everyone without exception, especially women. Apparently, men understand this well, since they are so furiously trying to arouse feelings of jealousy in the fair sex. But are they doing the right thing? Psychologists have the answer to this question. Many of them claim that such actions are committed by people who are inexperienced or not ready to talk. Due to the lack of wisdom, they are not able to perform truly masculine actions. This is how guys make a girl jealous.

    IN romantic relationships Jealousy is often present. Most people have experienced this feeling in their lives. Jealousy comes in different forms, as do the reasons for its occurrence. Often the feeling occurs involuntarily, even when there are no provoking factors. Mostly, jealousy is inherent in women, as beings who are more emotional. However, this feeling is also familiar to males. At the same time, sometimes a man deliberately makes you jealous. There are a number of main reasons why he does this:

    1. Tries to draw attention to his person. A man can do this for various reasons. For example, if a woman does not respond to his feelings or does not pay attention to him. The second option also occurs in married couples. To attract attention, a man may start dating other women. In this way, he tries to arouse the jealousy and sympathy of a woman who is not indifferent to him.

    2. Lack of self-confidence or the feelings of the woman you love. With the help of his beloved's jealousy, a man tests how strong love is. However, in this case it is important not to “go too far”. A man can try to test his feelings, focusing on the strength of the jealousy caused.

    3. When the relationship was interrupted by a woman's initiative. A man tries to arouse jealousy due to lack of self-confidence, trying to assert himself or trying to return his beloved.

    4. Sometimes jealousy is used as revenge. For example, when a man discovered that his woman was cheating on him or showed interest in other males. In this case, he will start dating other ladies and will try to make sure that the news about his adventures reaches his beloved.

    5. For variety of life. Ideal relationship- this is good, but in this case the initial spark and interest disappears. As a result, the man becomes bored and will begin to create situations that will intensify feelings.

    6. Maintain a woman's tone in a relationship, do not let her relax. A man, causing jealousy, tries to ensure that his beloved is always “on top”, takes care of herself, for fear of losing his beloved.

    Some men just like attention when several women are fighting for it at once. Sometimes it can make you jealous ex-spouse, who is sure that his ex-wife is still not indifferent to him. Often, in this way, the husband tries to win back his wife after a divorce.

    In any case, trying to arouse jealousy, a man will openly appear with another woman, etc., so that his real passion will pay attention to this.

    A man makes you jealous, how to behave

    When a man makes you jealous, how should a lady react to this? It is clear that you need to react calmly and not succumb to provocations. It’s good to “turn on” your sense of humor, even make fun of your partner’s efforts a little (this is if the woman is sure that jealousy is caused on purpose).

    Often women themselves make “mountains out of molehills.” If a man makes you jealous, then it is best to directly ask about the reasons for this behavior and say that it is unpleasant. Your partner may simply not understand tantrums, hints and frowns.

    However, if jealousy is caused on purpose, then you need to react depending on what the man wants to achieve. For example, start flirting too, so that the situation changes radically. However, it should be remembered that a man may react ambiguously to this and even be offended.

    Sometimes relationships develop into “everyday affairs”. Then the man can try to find another object of passion in order to feel “on horseback” again. In this case, a woman needs to pay attention to her appearance, put it in order, find time for walks, going to the cinema or just to see friends, and try to return to her previous relationship. IN otherwise a temporary infatuation with another woman can develop into a new strong feeling.

    Assess the size of the disaster. Source of jealousy; How long ago did this start for you? how long have you been together; delve into your memories to see if there were any prerequisites before; Have you recently experienced any problems in any area (leisure, sex, household)?

    What does “forces” mean? Does he do this on purpose and in front of you? WHAT does she do to make her jealous? Talk to her, establish the reason for such provocations. Consider your strengths and resources and have a one-on-one conversation with someone who allegedly has designs on your beloved.

    However, your fears may be unfounded. It is not appropriate for an adult man to torment himself with far-fetched suspicions and see a competitor in every lamppost, moreover, this will only harm yourself and the girl may begin to really manipulate you with a vengeance, or, in extreme cases, leave, since she is a living person who has the right to personal space and to spend part of the time away from you. She decided to deceive her gentleman by going bowling not with her girlfriends, but with some guy who was breathing unevenly towards her? Well, let her be ready for sanctions, even to the point of breaking off relations. After all, the worst thing is not that somewhere someone accidentally rolled his balls towards her, but that the deception came to light and became known to her current boyfriend.

    There is no doubt that ambiguous collisions happen and it is vitally important to set unconditional rules of the game, explaining to passions: here is my trust, here is what you can do, where to go and with whom to communicate, but as soon as you cross the line of reasonableness and skimp on my trust, then tough decisions are inevitable. conversation, because I will not allow my love to be trampled.

    And probably a one-time excess is forgivable. If there was nothing there, then there’s definitely no point in boiling over it. We are not robots, we do not live according to algorithms. Preventing the second and subsequent occasions is your joint task. A girl is able to come to her senses, provided that she truly cares about you as a man and a loved one.

    Meanwhile, I already answered the exact opposite question:

    And here's another. Might be useful:

    Also similar questions:

    Finally, I’ll insert one of my favorite songs from Leps:

    >it is vitally important to set unconditional rules of the game, explaining to your passions: here is my trust, here is what you can do, where to go and with whom to communicate, but as soon as you cross the line of reason and skimp on my trust, then a tough conversation is inevitable, because I don’t I'll let you trample on my love.

    Forgive me, of course, but it seems to me that this conflicts with your judgments about freedom and personal space. Those. Either you dictate, which means you deprive people of freedom, or you give them freedom.


    Freedom does not mean permissiveness, otherwise it will be anarchy. The rules of the game are just about “setting boundaries.” And I’m not talking about absolute freedom, not about the so-called. open relationship, polyamory, etc. I don’t encourage you to dictate, but letting relationships take their course is even worse. Give freedom to your partner - give him/her your trust. Go anywhere without me? Please, just don’t arm-in-arm with someone else or flirt with visitors to the establishment, so as not to get caught by the club photographer. And not to a tavern in a residential area or in some criminalized ghetto. This is not “the cat is out of the house and the mice are dancing”; there is no need for subordination in a relationship, but respect for each other will not hurt. Nevertheless, I know frivolous girls who behave quite cheekily behind the guy’s back, starting with Instagram flirting with almost everyone who showers compliments on her photos, and ending with the girl stuffing herself into the friend zone, being I can't refuse men who show interest in her. For some this is normal, but personally I don’t see the point in extinguishing the flame of jealousy with kerosene. Having a passion imposes certain restrictions on a person, which should be observed and thought about the consequences. In the same way, in a democratic society, with all its liberality, it is established legal regulation freedom. You have every right to think otherwise, but I have stated my position. :)

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