• Coil - unique properties for soul, body and spirit


    Mineral coil is not precious stone, but it has long been known as a decorative gem. This mineral is rock green or yellow-green in color with characteristic veins and dark dots, which makes its color and pattern similar to the skin of a snake. That's why people call it a coil, and in mineralogy it's called serpentinite, which translated from Latin means "snake stone". By chemical composition Serpentinite is a magnesium silicate.

    History and legends

    Historians and archaeologists claim that the serpentine has been known to people for about 5 thousand years. Indeed, items made of noble serpentinite have been found in China, which date back to the 3rd century BC. More than 1000 years ago, the Indians of Central and South America used processed coils as decorations and for ritual purposes.

    But in Europe they began to process coils relatively recently - only in the 16th century. Among the alchemists and pharmacists of medieval Europe, there was a belief that the serpentine enhances the healing qualities of many medicinal powders and liquids. Therefore, apothecary vessels, mortars, and bottles were made from this mineral. Because of this, 500 years ago in European countries, the coil had another name - “apothecary stone”.

    Since ancient times, the serpentine has been attributed magical properties, and the origin of the stone was shrouded in many legends.

    The most ancient legend is associated with the biblical story of the Tempter Serpent and the Apple of Knowledge. Allegedly, Adam, having bitten off an apple, choked, and a small piece of fruit that flew out of his throat, falling to the ground, turned into serpentinite.

    Ancient Ural legends connect the appearance of the serpentine and its name with the Great Snake, a serpent that guarded the gold and gems of the Ural Mountains. Periodically, Poloz shed his skin, which over time became hard and turned into emerald-colored stone deposits.

    Varieties of serpentinite and its deposits

    Depending on the density, color and structure of the pattern, there are several varieties of serpentinite in nature.

    So, one of the varieties of coil is bowenite- has a pale green tint; Williamsite has a bluish-green tint; ricolite, as a rule, bright green with pronounced characteristic stripes; dark green vernantite contains shiny veins of calcite in its structure. There is also noble serpentine - ophite. It has an even color of pale green. It is often confused with jade, and these minerals are distinguished by their hardness: serpentinite is twice as soft as jade.

    In nature, the serpentine is widespread. That is why this mineral is relatively cheap. Large deposits of serpentinite are found in New Zealand, China, India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, and Italy. In Russia, the largest deposits of serpentine are found in the Urals (Bazhenovskoye and Shabrovskoye deposits), Altai, Orenburg region and Yakutia.

    Scope of application: products, decorations, stone finishing

    Since ancient times the serpentine has been ornamental stone. Jewelry and interior items were and are still being made from it; it is used for cladding walls and interior decorative elements. These applications of this mineral are related to its properties. Coil is a relatively soft or, as professionals say, viscous stone. According to the mineralogical scale of hardness (Mohs scale), coil has a hardness coefficient of 2.5 to 4 (at the level of natural gypsum, for example), which makes it easy to process.

    Serpentinite can withstand heating up to 600 degrees. Recently, the fire-resistant properties of stone have been used to create a special heat-resistant material - chrysotile asbestos. The fact is that the soft structure of the mineral allows it to be divided into thin fibers, from which a flexible material is then formed. By the way, the Ural stone-cutters have long known about this property of the coil, and for this reason they called it very poetically - “stone tow.”

    Magical and healing properties of the mineral

    Like all other gems, the serpentine has long been attributed with magical properties. Therefore, previously only sorcerers could wear serpentinite jewelry. It is believed that the coil has the ability to remove headache, lowers blood pressure, with its help bones heal faster in case of fractures, and colds are treated.

    Esotericists believe that you need to wear a coil, because it takes away negative energy person. This is the stone of those people who want to move forward, learn something new, and strive for research. For such people, a serpentine can become a true talisman associated with the secrets of the Universe, as well as a talisman that protects the owner and his home. That is why it is recommended to keep the coil at home in the form of some kind of decoration or interior item (box, vase, fireplace surround).

    Serpentine stone and zodiac signs

    Astrologers believe that serpentinite is ideal for those born during the sign period. The stone promotes the development of human creativity, helps in understanding the world, sharpens intuitive perception and sensitivity. For the serpentine talisman, it is a reliable assistant in their physical development, increases endurance and agility. Recommended for athletes.

    Which zodiac sign suits jewelry with a serpentine

    If you have chosen a serpentine as a talisman, then you should not give it to another person, the fact is that this stone is monogamous and is devoted to its owner. But if you happen to get it by inheritance, then the power of the mineral increases many times over. He also has the quality of predicting trouble. If you need to find out where to expect trouble, then you should wear a talisman with this stone, and it will indicate the right way. Zodiac sign Virgo, serpentine also imparts the ability to know the world around us avoid depression. In Mongolia, the stone is widely used as protection against snake bites.

    In jewelry production, coils are used to create inexpensive jewelry and costume jewelry. They can be found in almost any jewelry store. The cost of the products is low. Bracelets, earrings, rings, pendants are made from stone, with an advantageous polishing.

    This mineral will enliven any clothing and highlight your image. Boxes made from coils have also become widespread. Beautiful girl can be not only in trendy jewelry, but also wearing such an attractive stone. It will highlight her skin and emphasize the depth of her eyes.

    Jewelry with this mineral will be very useful when traveling to exotic countries. Protects against snake bites and harmful insects. Also, a silver coil will help in business, highlight talents and lift your spirits. This stone can become your friend for life. And it doesn’t matter what zodiac sign you were born under: Leo, Scorpio or Virgo - this gem, due to its healing properties, is suitable for almost everyone.

    Serpentine, or serpentine, is a whole group of stones, the main compound of which is magnesium silicate. There are also impurities of iron, nickel, chromium and cobalt.

    From the photo of the serpentine stone, you can easily understand why it received such a name: its coloring resembles the skin of reptiles.

    In the ancient world, the importance of the coil was enormous. It was believed that it could protect its owner from any forces of Evil. And also prevent poisoning. Therefore, bowls and vessels were made from serpentine. It was assumed that if they contained poisoned food or drink, they would immediately crack.

    Magic properties

    Serpentine is a stone of meditation. It helps a person to plunge into his own inner world, to better understand himself.

    The magical properties of the serpentine are such that they make it possible to come into contact with beings of the subtle world, especially those who belong to the kingdom of Angels.

    At the same time, the mineral is endowed with the energy of the Earth and knows how to transfer it to its owner.

    Since ancient times, serpentine was considered one of the most powerful talismans against demonic forces and negative magic spells.

    The coil was of great importance when it appeared to a person in a dream. It was believed that this stone warned that someone in the dreamer’s environment was planning something bad, most likely betrayal.

    Of all the human chakras, crystal is most strongly associated with the Anahata heart chakra. However, he knows how to influence all energy centers of the body without exception and release blocked energy from there.

    Serpentine is the safest mineral for awakening Kundalini energy.

    How does it affect health?

    1. Useful for problems with digestive system, especially with the stomach and intestines.
    2. Normalizes menstrual cycle and makes periods less painful. In nursing mothers, it improves milk flow.
    3. Improves tissue regeneration and removal of toxins.
    4. Supports the heart, lungs and kidneys.
    5. Improves the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

    Despite the fact that the meaning of the serpentine stone in the ancients healing practices was great, in our days it is not entirely reasonable to place too much hope on this mineral for healing from truly serious ailments.

    Mental support mineral

    The coil helps relieve excessive nervous tension in severe stressful situations. Increases self-confidence.

    It is believed that it affects the most ancient areas of the human brain and, thanks to this, can calm such “animal” emotions as anger, rage, and fear.

    Who is most suitable for?

    1. According to the zodiac sign, the serpentine is most suitable for people born under the constellation Gemini. Works well for Scorpios.
    2. Indicated for people who often find themselves in stressful situations. And also for those who constantly lose their temper.
    3. Serpentine is useful for all those who often meditate and/or engage in any other esoteric practices.
    4. Who else the coil is suitable for is all those who are afraid of snakes, spiders and insects. It helps get rid of these phobias.
    5. This is an animal stone. It allows them to protect themselves from fleas and ticks.

    How to use?

    1. This is a mineral with powerful energetic influence per person. Therefore, you need to get used to it gradually. It is not recommended to immediately put on serpentine jewelry that comes into contact with the skin. At first, it is better to keep the mineral in your pocket or under your pillow.
    2. Since the serpentine has the strongest effect on the Anahata chakra, the most powerful jewelry made from this stone are beads, pendants, pendants, necklaces - everything that can be placed close to the heart.
    3. For those people born under the sign of Gemini, bracelets work great.
    4. To moderate rage and anger, it is better to use seraphinite simultaneously with the mineral.
    5. Placing the stone on the skin makes it possible to relieve pain during menstruation.
    6. According to Feng Shui, the magical properties of the serpentine stone connect it with the energy of the Tree. And this is the east and southeast of the room. Zones – “family and health”, “prosperity and abundance”. The most common form of mineral placed in a room is a sphere, like the one shown in the photo.

    Application in meditative practices

    Although serpentine is of great importance for meditative practice, it is often used in conjunction with jade and chrysoprase, whose magical properties help to strengthen its energy and at the same time make it softer.

    Any special “serpentine” meditation practices are usually not used. This stone is suitable for absolutely all practices, as it relaxes and brings peace to the soul.

    If meditation is carried out to awaken Kundalini, two minerals are used - one is placed on the area of ​​the root chakra Maladhara, the second on the crown Sahasrara.

    However, one must be extremely careful with such experiments. Since for an unprepared person, independent awakening of Kundalini can lead to undesirable mental consequences, even acute psychosis.

    How to maintain energy purity?

    The serpentine stone quickly absorbs the energy dirt of the surrounding world. Therefore, if used intensively, it should be cleaned at least once a week.

    Clean it by placing it under warm running water.

    Then they recharge. To do this, either place it in bright sunlight or in lunar light during the Full Moon.

    The second option works better, but since it is not always available, you can also charge in the sun. Just be careful. The mineral should not get too hot.

    The serpentine is a unique talisman that is not suitable for everyone. It is not a precious stone and its cost is relatively low, but it is widely used in the manufacture of jewelry and amulets. The mineral is able to cleanse the owner of unfavorable energy by absorbing it.

    History and origin

    Archaeologists and historians agree that the serpentine has been known to people for more than 5 thousand years. Products made from this stone dating back to the 3rd century BC were found in China. more than 1000 years ago, the Indians of Central and South America used processed coils for ritual purposes and as decorations.

    In Europe, coil processing began relatively recently - in the 16th century. Among the alchemists and pharmacists of those times, there was a belief that this stone was able to enhance the effect of medications. For this reason, the coil was widely used in the manufacture of apothecary bottles, vessels and mortars. Because of this, 500 years ago in European countries it received another name - apothecary stone.

    Since ancient times, the serpentine has been attributed magical properties and legends have been made about it.

    The most ancient legend is associated with the biblical story of the Tempter Serpent and the Apple of Knowledge. Adam, having bitten off a piece of the apple imposed by Eve, choked on it, and the piece that flew out of his throat petrified, turning into serpentine - from the Latin word serpens - snake.

    Ural legends connect the appearance of the serpentine with the Great Snake - the serpents that guarded the gold and gems of the Ural Mountains. Following these legends, Poloz shed his skin, which over time became hard and turned into emerald-colored deposits.

    “The cave hall was higher and more magnificent than the Faceted Chamber. The ceiling resembled a snail shell twisted in an endless spiral. No architect from the Fryazhsky land could have so marvelously decorated the ceiling and covered the walls with the finest stone lace. Marya asked who created this miracle. Babinov answered hesitantly that they say things differently. As if the caves were dug by the Great Snake, which can exchange appearance with a person, but is essentially a serpent green and from his fiery breath an ordinary stone turns into a precious serpentine.”

    Lithotherapists believe that only sorcerers can use the magical properties of the stone. For an ordinary person, he will bring trials and temptations that can lead to trouble.

    Mongolian serpentine legends tell of a snake-like creature called Olgoi-Khorkhoi, sometimes called a huge worm. The Mongols explain the elusiveness of the formidable reptile partly by the deadly essence of the creature, and partly by its unparalleled camouflage abilities. Sensing danger, the creature freezes, turning into a coil. But when people leave (either the cold weather passes or the drought ends), Olgoy-Khorkhoy comes to life again.

    And due to the similarity of the serpentine to the skin of a snake, people believed that it could enhance the effect of antidotes. Some peoples used it independently against snake venom.


    Serpentine is most often mined in England, Hungary, Germany, India, Italy, New Zealand, the USA and Sweden.

    In Russia, serpentine is mined in the Urals. At different fields, coils differ significantly in appearance. For example, the Malyshevsky or Chalinsky coil has mica inclusions, which make the mineral more alive; souvenirs are made from it.

    And at the Shabrovskoye and Yuzhno-Shabrovskoye deposits, located in the Chkalovsky region, 20–25 km south of Yekaterinburg, Shabrovsky serpentine is mined. Having a rich green with white stripes, which is most often used as a facing material.

    Physical properties

    The mineral is highly fire-resistant, withstanding temperatures up to 600ºС, so it is often used in new technological developments.

    The coil is involved in the creation of chrysolite asbestos - resistant to high temperatures material. The soft structure of the coil has long been known. It was also called tow. Threads and fibers are extracted from it and used to make jewelry.

    Serpentine is a fairly cheap mineral due to its high abundance. The cost of untreated stone varies from 10 to 60 rubles.

    For making jewelry masters choose noble samples. They should have shine, silkiness, glow and pattern.

    Healing properties

    This mineral has healing properties. It is believed that the serpentine is able to relieve headaches, heal fractures faster, and help lower blood pressure.

    Reference. It is believed that amulets with this mineral are beneficial for children. The stone activates logical thinking and promotes memory development.

    But the real properties of the coil differ from the generally accepted ones. It cannot serve as an independent antidote, but can enhance the effects of medications. This allows you to reduce the dosage without losing effectiveness.

    Magical properties of the stone

    Unusual legends about the serpentine made it popular in magical circles. Modern sorcerers love boxes made of this mineral, because if you put talismans in it, they are in a kind of energy safe, which will not allow them to lose their properties. There will be no external influence on them, because the coil absorbs everything negative.

    Important! The coil is capable of absorbing all the surrounding negativity, so it needs to be cleaned regularly. To do this, just place it under running water for a while and then blot it with a soft cloth.

    It is believed that any person striving for self-knowledge needs to wear jewelry made from this stone or have some kind of interior item. The coil increases the desire to move forward, enhances a person’s creative capabilities and research aspirations.

    It has a coil and dangerous properties. He is called the tempter according to the first legend about the Snake. It can distract from true goals, luring you onto the path of vice. If a person decides to perform rituals with this mineral, he may find himself at the center of new trials. But having dealt with them, a person will receive a very strong mineral for his use. The serpentine will become his slave, giving him the powers of a shaman.

    The stone should be constantly monitored. He has the character of a snake, he hides and waits, but when a person is distracted, he strikes.

    Mineral jewelry

    Coils are widely used in the manufacture of jewelry and interior items. These products contain the wisdom of the snake, which will always be with the owner.

    The setting for earrings, bracelets and rings is often a jewelry alloy with silver, so such products are budget-friendly in cost.


    “Lel” - the most inexpensive earrings that we could find, have a length of 22 mm. They are made using silver earrings made of jewelry alloy - 109 rubles.

    Beautiful earrings that look like a bunch of grapes “Vinograd-2”. 65 mm long, along the entire length there is a scattering of small beads from a coil dark green. Schwenza with an English lock. Price – 493 rubles.

    Earrings with a “New York” serpentine in a silver-plated frame, earrings with an English lock. Length – 30 mm, diameter – 15 mm, stone diameter – 8 mm. Price – 589 rubles.

    “Nancy” – earrings in a silver frame with an English lock. Length – 23 mm, width – 18 mm. Price – 749 rubles.

    “Eiffel” - earrings that look very massive, with an oval cabochon made of serpentine. Frames with silver, earrings with an English lock. Length – 20 mm, width – 15 mm. Price – 789 rubles.


    “Classic” - a bracelet consisting of a thread of coil beads, dark color. Length – 18 cm + 5 cm chain for extension. The diameter of the beads is 10 mm. Price – 299 rubles.

    “Lady” - the decoration consists of large diameter coil beads strung on a stretching line - 12 mm. Price – 349 rubles.

    “Lady” – dark-colored serpentine beads strung on a stretching line. The diameter of the beads is 8 mm. Price – 217 rubles.

    Another bracelet called “Lady” is different appearance. It is made from a light green stone with dark inclusions. The diameter of the beads is 14 mm. Price – 378 rubles.

    “Lilu” is a bracelet made of a dark coil of rectangular shape. Price – 637 rubles.


    “Sparkle” is a delicate and sophisticated ring with a spherical coil 6 mm in diameter. The frame is made of silver-colored jewelry alloy. Price – 401 rubles.

    “Eiffel” is a massive ring with a large cabochon made of dark-colored serpentine. The dimensions of the stone are 17x13 mm. Price – 589 rubles.

    “Amaretto” is a ring with an oval cabochon made of a dark emerald green coil. The frame is made of jewelry alloy with silver plating. The dimensions of the stone are 16x12 mm. Price – 739 rubles.

    “Astra” is a ring with a silver frame that looks like a star. The dark-colored stone is relatively small - 10x8 mm. Price – 499 rubles.

    “Divo” is a ring with a dark-colored serpentine in a massive silver frame, with carved floral patterns. The size of the stone is 10x12 mm. Price – 589 rubles.


    “Book” is a book-shaped box made of dark coil with light veins. Dimensions – 205x150x50 mm. Price – 3200 rubles.

    A box with a lizard on the lid - such boxes come in different sizes and from different colored coils. Their prices range from 265 rubles to 400 and above.

    Varieties of mineral

    There are several varieties of serpentinite in nature. Their names depend on the color, pattern structure and density.

    How to distinguish natural stone from fake?

    The coil is quite common and inexpensive stone, but nevertheless, there is always a chance of purchasing a plastic fake.

    You need to know how to distinguish real stone from counterfeit to avoid disappointment.

    ATTENTION! Do not scratch the coil to check its authenticity. The mineral is quite soft and can be easily damaged by a sharp object.

    1. The weight of the product should be analyzed. Natural stone will always be heavier than the plastic copy.
    2. You need to carefully examine the mineral for the presence of a characteristic color - stripes, inclusions and spots.
    3. You can experiment with heating. Natural stone applied to the skin will heat up slowly, whereas plastic takes on temperature very quickly human body. Coil lovers claim that if you hold the stone in your hand, you can feel a slight tingling sensation.

    Caring for stone products

    In order for jewelry or amulets made from coil to please you for as long as possible, you should take care of them.

    Stone products are not recommended to be worn daily. To care for products with this stone, you do not need to purchase special means, it is enough to periodically rinse it under running water for 15–20 minutes. The serpentine has the ability to absorb everything negative around it. Running water, flowing away, takes away all the bad things that the stone has collected. Simply immersing yourself in water will not help.

    After rinsing, you just need to place the product on a clean surface until dry or blot it with a clean cloth.

    The stone should be protected from scratches and abrasions.

    Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

    Coil – unique stone Earth and not suitable for everyone. With many zodiac signs he behaves absolutely neutrally, but with others he expresses himself clearly.

    As a zodiac amulet, it can be worn by everyone who is ready to overcome all the trials and difficulties of life prepared for them.

    Most of all it suits Virgos. The serpentine will help them discover new talents, sharpen their intuition and give creative inspiration. It also goes well with the sign of Capricorn. He will endow people born under this constellation with agility and endurance.

    • On the contrary, astrologers do not advise Cancers and Pisces to wear serpentine amulets. This stone will confront them with temptations that can lead to moral degradation;
    • will help you avoid people who are known for their deceit. Aries have high energy from birth, and the stone will not suppress it. The person becomes calmer, nervousness and rudeness appear less;
    • The stone will help you become more open, but will give you an understanding of who is worth communicating with and who is not. In addition, the stone prevents unnecessary risks, improves health and makes a person more attractive;
    • Geminis who periodically wear the snake stone will become more self-confident. They will finally venture into new acquaintances, affairs, and discoveries. Perhaps they will decide to reconsider their established views and change their lifestyle;
    • The Lviv coil can make it more resistant and solid. In addition, their confidence will increase. Leos will be able to do many things in parallel, become more organized and purposeful;
    • Libra's constantly changing opinions will become more stable;
    • For Scorpios, the stone will create a good atmosphere in order to begin new major projects that a person has not dared to undertake before;
    • Sagittarius will bring success and good luck;
    • For Aquarius, the Snake stone will help discover new talents.

    You should not wear it every day, so as not to harm yourself if it is an amulet that is adjacent to the skin. Two days a week is enough. If this is a pocket amulet, you can use it more often, but you should still take breaks.

    Important! It is strictly contraindicated for uninitiated people to use the coil as an amulet!

    Since the snake stone has long been called an apothecary stone, it is suitable as a talisman for people in medical specialties: paramedics, nurses, doctors and pharmacists.

    The stone provides special protection to people with the names:

    • Vladimir;
    • Alexey;
    • Hope;
    • Love;
    • Alevtina.

    Important Note

    The coil cannot be given as a gift. The stone has the ability to become attached to the owner and, if the owner gives it to someone, it may regard this as betrayal. The energy of this stone is very great, and the serpentine is capable of taking revenge at a distance, having already been devoted to another owner. The only exception is the transfer of a stone by inheritance to a blood relative.

    Although serpentine has great power, it appreciates care. Its return will depend on how it is cared for. The coil is able to cleanse all things around it from negativity, so a box made of this stone is ideal for storing jewelry, where it will be under reliable energetic protection.

    To summarize, it is worth noting that serpentine is an absolutely unique mineral that is suitable for active people seeking self-development, improving the world and gaining new knowledge. Helps to achieve peace of mind, discover new talents, gives protection and peace of mind.

    Few people are familiar with the serpentine as a talisman. Its essence boils down to the fact that it must help the owner. It will promote the development of logic and intuition, as well as composure and important skills to stand up to competitors. In return, you just need to give the stone care, that is, proper care for it, and then it will serve faithfully and delight the eye with its beauty for a long time.

    Serpentine - the meaning of the mineral for humans

    5 (100%) 1 vote

    A wonderful, unlike other stones, serpentine stone (scientifically serpentine or magnesium silicate) is called so because its color is very reminiscent of snake skin. Many people like its alluring green hue, but not everyone can tame this treacherous stone. It can tempt and test its owner's strength. But a person who successfully passes the test of the serpentine acquires strong magical protection in it for life.

    In earlier times, wearing jewelry containing serpentine stone , could only be afforded by the most powerful sorcerers, who thoroughly knew all its magical properties and knew how to neutralize their negative component. However, times pass, people are born and die, stones pass from owner to owner. There are practically no coils left with their original energy, since throughout human history they have absorbed information from all their owners.

    Serpentine stone magical properties does not lose them at all over time, but rather accumulates them. But at the same time, his wild, evil, primordial qualities are gradually weakening. Therefore, you should not be afraid to buy coils as talismans and amulets, as well as for medicinal purposes. If you are still worried about the effect the coil may have on you negative impact, or if your energy is noticeably weakened, pay attention to those that can endow their owner with increased prudence. It is enough for you to have a piece of agate at home to protect yourself from the possible treachery of the coil.

    Which zodiac sign is suitable for the serpentine stone?

    Serpentine is an extremely powerful stone. It is completely unsuitable for people born under the sign of Cancer or Pisces. Serpentine is too strong for them, he can suck everything out of them mental strength, devastate, exhaust spiritually. Other signs may well wear serpentine jewelry, but only for Virgo the serpentine stone will fully reveal its best magical properties and become a real talisman.

    Both women and men can wear a coil, regardless of age and social status. This stone is capable of endowing the owner with amazing flair and an easy gift of foreseeing danger. For those born under the sign of Virgo, the serpentine stone allows them to penetrate deeper into the secrets of living nature and absorb the ancient power of the Earth. For Capricorns, serpentine can also be very useful. Especially those of them who are trying to achieve high results in big sports, especially if it involves running or overcoming obstacles.

    For all others, except Pisces and Cancer (the coil is contraindicated for them and it is better to choose a more suitable one), it is possible to use the full power of this stone for medicinal purposes. It can greatly enhance the usefulness of drugs and traditional medicine. Since ancient times, it was customary to leave it next to medicinal herbs and decoctions. You can put a small serpentine pebble in your home or car first aid kit. This will be quite sufficient provided everyone mandatory rules storage of medicines so that they more effectively fulfill their purpose.

    All signs, except Virgo and Capricorn, need to carry a coil with them no more than 2 days a week, so as not to harm their internal energy by the constant presence of too powerful an energy flow. This applies only to those talismans and jewelry that are worn directly on the body: amulets, rings, bracelets. You can carry the coil in your bag or pocket more often, but sometimes still take breaks or place a small agate nearby, which partially dulls the effect of the coil.

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