• Reiki teachings: the path to wealth and success. Healing practices and reiki techniques


    Each of us dreams of becoming a wizard and learning to heal our wounds, not only mental, but also physical. Reiki is a working technique that helps heal the body and attract what we want into our lives.

    The ability to heal yourself and heal other people was discovered by the Japanese Buddhist Miako Usui. He went through many tests to understand how this system works and to pass on the knowledge to his students. The name Reiki itself consists of two parts, which mean the Universe, soul, energy and mind. By learning to control your mind and bringing your soul to harmony, you can heal not only yourself, but also the people around you.

    Features of the technology

    Using various meditations, visualizations and the like, to achieve the goal we use our own energy or, as they also say, the power of thought. Using our biofield, we energetically charge our desire and send it out into the Universe. But everyone knows: using your abilities in this way, you need to be able to recover and develop energy protection.

    Reiki is different in that a person, by activating this energy, does not spend his own. Healing power comes from outside and helps in achieving what you want. Our body is a conductor of this powerful energy that cannot harm. It has been repeatedly verified that reiki is not activated if a person has bad thoughts. This is why working with such power and healing with it requires a clear mind and an open heart.

    Now humanity is just beginning its spiritual development, and many more discoveries remain to be made in the ability to read minds, move objects, and similar achievements. And Reiki is one of the proofs that we are capable of something more.

    How it works

    This technique can be used by anyone, but it requires a master to gain access to it. It is he who explains how to launch it correctly, and also warns about security measures. To receive this technique, you must undergo initiation. This is a specific procedure for opening certain chakras.

    Once you activate this energy, Reiki begins to flow through the upper chakra into the palm. This is why it is called the hands-on healing technique. However, this technique has been known to us since ancient times. The Bible also mentions how Jesus Christ knew how to heal by simply laying on hands.

    There are several stages in reiki, and the higher the level, the more energy and possibilities it gives. At the first stage, acquaintance and a kind of grinding-in between you and the new force takes place. Also at this stage, the process of self-healing occurs. Having learned to manage your emotions and healed yourself not only on a physical but also a spiritual level, you can move on to the next stage.

    The second stage allows you to treat other people, as well as work on attracting abundance into your life. Once cleansed and filled with light, you begin to radiate new energy success and attract money and love. There are also several special practices that help improve your financial situation and open up to new relationships.

    Having received the highest level, you receive the title of master. It is the masters who can carry out initiations and also heal people at a distance. Having gained access to this level, you automatically begin to attract happiness and abundance, and necessary people and situations come easily and quickly.

    However, not everything is so simple, because in order to get what you want, you need to use Reiki daily and completely trust this energy. After all, she knows better what and when to do for your well-being. Therefore, before you decide to get such opportunities, consider whether you really need it.

    The relevant literature or consultation with a specialist will help you make your choice. Listen to your heart, open up to the Universe and, of course, do not forget to press the buttons and

    09.01.2016 00:50

    From time immemorial, people believed that trees have special magical abilities and they can do it in the most incredible way...

    Today, traditional healers offer quite a lot of the most various techniques, related to alternative medicine and designed to relieve people from ailments. Among them is the practice of reiki. It is used in many countries around the world to improve the quality of human life.

    The reiki method is a manual healing and self-improvement technique. He attracts millions of people for the opportunity to become not only themselves, but also for their loved ones, a real family doctor. For reiki treatment Special attention appeals to the person for whom at some point in his life the topic of health became especially relevant, but therapy with the use of pills did not bring tangible results.

    Getting rid of diseases with your hands, which is used in this technique, is not something supernatural. The fact is that such an ability is inherent in each of us by nature itself. A person can only reveal it within himself through constant reiki practice. This skill will allow you not only to restore your health, but also to remain healthy in the future. A person who has avoided illness smoothly transfers this condition to his loved ones. This is one of the basic laws of life.

    Distribution of the method

    The Reiki technique has been practiced all over the world for almost a century. In Canada and Germany it was even recognized at the state level. In these countries it is used along with other treatment methods.

    In Russia, healing with hands using this method has been practiced since about the 90s of the 20th century. In 2005, the Commission on Traditional Medicine, created under the Moscow Government, recognized this method as one of the types of bioenergy correction, which has no side effects and does not negatively affect the physical and mental health of citizens.

    What it is?

    Reiki is a traditionally spiritual and healing practice. The term itself has been used for a long time in Japan and means any method of treatment that uses vital forces, or

    Translated from the language of the people of the Land of the Rising Sun, the word “rey” means “universal”, “absolute” or “higher mind”. “Ki” is pure energy that comes to us from above.

    It is believed that only a master teacher can open access to it. Subsequently, this channel will never close, even if a person stops using it.

    A little history

    The Reiki treatment method, as mentioned above, came to us from Japan. The first person to discover the presence of this energy was Mikao Usui. It was to this Buddhist, after long solitude and numerous meditations, that secret power and knowledge came. People who have mastered this technique can manage their own health. In addition, they have the ability to attract into their lives whatever they want. They also gain the ability to heal other people.

    Today, the teachings of Reiki are classified as alternative medicine. And this category, as we know, includes everything that modern science cannot explain.

    Source of disease

    Where do people get diseases? Health, energy and vitality - all these elements together determine the state that is considered a standard for nature and leads a person to longevity. And it can become a reality if people listen to their body and meet its needs. Of course, it is more logical to constantly maintain good physical shape than to solve the problems of restoring health. But what else can adversely affect the human body besides the aging process? Negative emotions and thoughts, as well as subconscious attitudes and blocks with which each of us is literally infused with since childhood.

    Remember yourself as a child. There is hardly a person who can boast that his childhood passed without parental screams, punishments, meaningless reproaches and prohibitions. How to attract attention and feel the care and love of parents that is so necessary at a young age? Just get sick. Most often, only in this case the child achieved long-awaited peace, affectionate relationships between parents, favorite toys, cartoons and books. Childhood smoothly passed into adolescence, followed by maturity. For many people, the habit of manipulating with the help of diseases has penetrated so deeply into the subconscious that it has become impossible to eliminate it. In addition, life dictated many other skills that contributed to the emergence of diseases. These are grievances and aggression, fears and dissatisfaction with oneself, claims and anger.

    Chance to get rid of diseases

    Reiki hand treatment allows each person to get rid of fears and remove subconscious blockages. And this becomes possible thanks to the healing energy that the Universe gives us.

    When using the Reiki treatment method, the human body is restored consistently and gently. According to patients, the tension present at the level of feelings, emotions and thoughts gradually goes away. As a result, the body is filled with strength and health.

    But it is worth keeping in mind that none of the unconventional practices can help a person who does not want to change his attitude towards others and himself, his own worldview, and also pay close attention to his suffering body.

    Reiki principles

    What is the basis Japanese method treatment? Reiki is a practice whose main condition is the daily implementation of five principles. They are that a person must:

    • don't get angry;
    • not to worry;
    • show gratitude;
    • work hard;
    • be kind to people.

    The principles listed above allow a person to experience harmony by finding it within himself. Unfortunately, modern world I have become so far removed from spirituality that not everyone can follow these rules. After all, even showing politeness is sometimes seen as hypocrisy or a desire to get something for oneself using the kindness of others. That is why the knowledge that reiki carries is transmitted only by Masters. But before that, they must carry out certain preparations with the person. At the same time, it is worth remembering that Reiki energy will never work if someone wants to use it for selfish purposes.

    Levels of Healing Practice

    The Reiki method includes three steps. Each of them is important. All of them are given in stages when learning healing. Before moving to each of the subsequent levels, the student’s dedication takes place, which is called initiation. It is a special ritual that is aimed at opening certain chakras in a person. It is through them that the Reiki energy will flow in the future. Let's look at these steps in more detail:

    1. At the first stage, the practice of Reiki sets itself the goal of physical healing of a person. Energy purification is also achieved at literally all levels. How to be healthy? This is not such a difficult question. With the help of Reiki practice, which will eliminate the slagging of the biofield, you will be able to achieve results. This will allow you to restore your health. Reviews from patients about Reiki treatment claim that this process occurs gradually and, as a rule, depends on the perseverance of the person himself. The fact is that it will be impossible to get a visible result if you do not practice healing daily.
    2. At the second stage of the method, they expand significantly. Anyone who has undergone initiation can already engage in healing other people. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have physical contact with your clients. Diligent training allows you to transmit universal vital energy on distance. At the second stage, a person is also given the opportunity to fulfill desires. It is believed that those who have already passed the initial stage have purified themselves and significantly enriched their spiritual knowledge. A practitioner can fulfill his desires by studying the Reiki symbols. Their use makes it possible to charge food and water. In addition, Reiki symbols are used to attract wealth and love into your life. The practitioner's spiritual growth allows him to understand true values ​​and accurately determine his true desires. For someone who tries to attract a lot of money into their life, but at the same time has selfish thoughts, smart energy will not help.
    3. The third stage is also called the Master level. It can only be mastered by those who are determined to help those who wish to undergo training in healing. Only Masters have the right to initiate other people. A person who has risen to the highest level is capable of much. Nevertheless, he is quite calm about all material goods, without fear of losing anything. These people can easily be constantly in the flow of abundance, receiving everything they want. However, wealth and money do not have much value for them. But this does not mean at all that the Masters live in poverty. They are simply given the ability to find golden mean between attracting love and money into your life. At the same time, they always remember about spirituality and be sure to apply the 5 principles of Reiki, familiar to every beginner.

    What makes the practice work?

    The reason for the healing effects of the Reiki method can be explained from various points of view. If we try to explain the effectiveness of Japanese practice from an esoteric position, then it is worth remembering that vital energy, without which not a single person can exist. The health of each of us directly depends on its proper circulation in the body’s energy system. The reiki system activates, balances and enhances these flows. During practice, emotional and physical blocks are often discovered that need to be eliminated.

    The reiki healer is a conductor of this energy. At the first stage, he does this by placing his hands on one or another part of the patient’s body. At the second stage, the healer connects signs to the work.

    Feedback from patients suggests that they (even being skeptics) felt the Reiki energy well not only during the initiation period, but also during sessions, even those that were performed on themselves.

    According to the teachings of Reiki, most of the problems that arise in a person are due to the fact that there is a “separation” of his inner natural essence from the outside world. Japanese practice allows you to eliminate this condition.

    The healing effects of reiki techniques can also be explained from a psychological point of view. It is worth remembering the basic principles of this practice. By adhering to them daily, a person gains a healthy and pure spirit. And this is certainly reflected in his daily life.

    The sequence of actions during reiki sessions smoothly introduces a person into a state of meditation. At the same time, patients begin to consciously recognize the world and work on yourself. All this allows a person to quickly move forward along his chosen path.

    Reiki practice allows us to establish contact between the inner and outer worlds of each of us, which allows us to gain wisdom and knowledge. With the help of meditation, a person begins to understand the reasons for the appearance of problematic situations and finds Right way their elimination. In other words, the Reiki method is a kind of psychotherapy, when used, a person becomes capable of helping himself.

    Levels of practice

    Reiki healing takes place in two stages. The first of them involves working with the human body. But the patient, as a rule, does not change his behavior and soon returns to his normal life. At the same time, it often happens that the disease appears again or it leaves the human body, but another ailment comes to replace it. Sometimes the patient’s condition is aggravated by a psychological problem.

    When working at the second level, greater importance is attached to the healing of the human soul. When solving problems of a subtle level, gaps of a coarser material orientation will automatically be eliminated.

    When using these two methods, it is very important to establish the middle ground that makes sense for a particular patient.

    The healing possibilities using reiki practice are enormous. In many cases, they turn out to be very effective, as confirmed by patient reviews. Thus, the use of the Japanese method allows:

    • speed up wound healing processes;
    • cure infectious diseases;
    • save a person from illness internal organs;
    • relieve pain.

    In this case, the practice can be applied at a distance. It is worth noting that such unconventional treatment is devoid of harmful side effects and develops hidden abilities person.

    Thus, reiki practice helps both the body and soul. She harmonizes emotional condition the patient, thereby allowing him to solve many of life’s problems in the best way for the soul.

    The Reiki method is also useful for young children. It allows children to get sick less, and if this happens, they can quickly restore their health. Children who go through sessions of this practice open up better at school. Their memory improves significantly and various abilities develop. All this allows such children to more easily master educational material.

    Reiki practice is also beneficial for older people. Its use improves their well-being and prolongs life.

    Many patients note that after undergoing Reiki sessions they felt an increase in body energy. They developed a desire to create, and also developed trust in people and the whole world.

    Reiki music

    How to be healthy? One of the ways to achieve good physical and mental shape is music therapy. Various sounds and melodies have been used to eliminate diseases since ancient times. This method is also used in modern medicine.

    The Reiki system of self-improvement and healing uses various meditative and energetic practices, which can and even should be done to music. In this case, the New Age style is applied. In addition, music for sessions and meditations using the Reiki method is also created by modern composers, inspired by the unique capabilities of the Japanese method of getting rid of illnesses. These melodies are designed to help people quickly eliminate mental and physical stress, improve vitality and mood.

    Reiki music provides invaluable assistance in the treatment of joints, eye diseases and migraines, getting rid of pathologies of the spine, kidneys, intestines and many other ailments. Performing energy and breathing exercises often accompanied by the sounds of nature: birds singing, the cries of killer whales, dolphins, whales, the sound of rain, mountain stream, etc.

    Energy Reiki sessions, which are called energy massage, are carried out using special musical compositions. When they sound, the sound of a melodic bell is heard at short intervals. This is a kind of signal that indicates the need to move your palms to the next position. The use of bells in Reiki music helps beginners who have just begun to practice this technique. Over time, when the skill improves, sessions can be held to any tune. The main thing is that it is relaxing.

    The technique of transferring vital energy to oneself or another person through the hands using healing Reiki music, judging by the reviews of patients, gives excellent results not only in getting rid of various ailments. Such sessions are carried out for rehabilitation and preventive purposes. Relaxation and giving the body vital energy is the best way eliminating physical illnesses. It allows a person to get rid of fatigue and stress, while preventing the most serious disease of our time - depression.

    Reiki energy is the strongest flow of life energy, as well as the life force that every person needs. This energy passes not only through the physical body, giving it strength and healing, but also cleanses the soul. Thanks to this, Reiki can bring a person into harmony with the world around him and accept his destiny.

    Thanks to this energy that passes through a person, you can do a lot. But it is necessary to understand that she is not property, it is not the person who owns her, but she who owns him. This Reiki energy is wise, but it cannot cause any harm. It is customary to call energy the spiritual component of the entire Universe.

    It is possible to improve the health of any person, but it is necessary that all levels of internal resources be activated. This whole process consists of a simple restoration of all the internal waves of a person; healing occurs not only of the soul, but also of the physical body.

    Reiki practice

    Practicing Reiki does not mean giving up your life in society and your role. There is nothing from the outside here, a person simply wakes up inside and understands that the energy that is able to pass through him can give a lot.

    This means that thanks to this system, you can cleanse yourself of negativity, tone up the entire body, get a boost of energy, as well as the opportunity to solve a number of problems and influence the situation.

    In order for the current situation to be given the right direction, it will be necessary to receive great communication with universal energy. After this action begins, it happens that the situation and the current event takes a turn in exactly the direction that is favorable for all participants.

    In addition, when using the strongest Reiki energy, you can begin to work with the past and future, solve problems to stabilize karma, cleanse and positively charge food, objects and much more. If you make up your mind and have the opportunity to control Reiki energy, then you can use it at any time.

    Working with Reiki Situations

    Quite often a person becomes uncomfortable in certain situations. He cannot see the lessons and hidden meaning that he can learn from this incident. This is why Reiki can be used to work with situations. You can clarify many unclear things and problems, understand the tasks and engage in internal self-development. Any person can change the situation, turn it around or change its direction.

    Operating technique

    You should go to bed or sit down and relax. Your back should be straight, your feet should be parallel to the floor, your eyes should be closed and relax as much as possible. After this, you can come into contact with the energy flows of Reiki, thank you for the energy. Then the person must visualize a certain situation, present it in detail. You need to surround it with white radiance and envelop it with Reiki energies. You need to give so much energy to a given situation until its flow completely stops.

    You should ask to resolve this situation in the most favorable way for the person, to send a request to the Universe. You need to completely rely on Reiki, feel that more energy doesn't flow. It is worth trusting the Universe, because it knows better what will be most favorable and necessary for a person.

    The result may turn out to be completely different from what was expected at the beginning. However, the Universe suggests that a person needs a completely different experience; the Higher Mind knows much better what is really most important in this case. The person will be given the best of the situation.

    Reiki Triangle

    The Reiki triangle technique is very effective and helps solve many problems in life. It should be used only to solve very important situations that greatly bother a person. You should be prepared to accept absolutely any result, not even the one you would like to see.

    If the session is planned to be performed for another person, then he must definitely ask to find a solution for a certain situation.

    Triangle technique

    On a white sheet or just in the air you need to draw a triangle. Above the top vertex you should write “The Greatest Good”, under the left corner you should write your first and last name, under the right corner you should write the intention.

    You need to write your intention correctly. If a person wants to buy an apartment, then there is no need to write down a detailed address. The universe will thus be limited and will not be able to provide the best of all that is. You need to write the problem in a general style, without specifics, only then will the Cosmos present the best solution.

    The request must be written in the present tense, as if it has already been fulfilled.

    Important! Before practicing with a triangle, you need to clearly understand whether a person is ready for any outcome, even the most unexpected one. If he doubts, then he should postpone the practice.

    After signing all the corners, you need to enclose the triangle in a circle, which means perfection, completeness and integrity.

    A person may have different sensations when observing a triangle. We must try to realize that the problem of concern is already being solved, that the Universe has already taken up the search for the best solution.

    Features of situational techniques

    Techniques for working with situations can resemble a crystal ball. There may be several types of such work:

    • healing the past;
    • harmonization of the present;
    • optimizing the future.

    Healing the past

    When working with the past, you can heal unpleasant events and moments that happened to a person and traumatized him. He may even erase history in order to ensure a worthy future for himself, unclouded by past experiences. You can reframe past experiences and make them useful in the future.

    To heal the past, you need to call upon the energy flows of Reiki and show the situation, then ask for healing, visualize the situation and place it in a ball. You need to observe the energy flows as long as necessary, then thank Reiki and release the ball into the Universe.

    Harmonization of the present

    This work is aimed at clarifying and solving existing situations and problems, their changes, letting go of situations, making decisions, finding the optimal way out of the situation.

    You should call upon the Reiki energies to work with the situation, ask them to bring everything into harmony, place it all in a crystal ball and conduct a Reiki session. After this, end the session and release the ball.

    Optimizing the future

    When working with the future, you can bring future events into harmony, create only the most favorable options for their development, create a goal and program its achievement.

    You need to call on Reiki energies to optimize the future, hold a crystal ball in your hands, imagine situations, bring them into harmony, and then release the ball.

    Reiki is not a religion or cult, it is a natural healing ability and is practiced all over the world. The first mentions go deep into the past, but many modern people have realized that the energy available to them can change their ideas about many things, what previously seemed faceless and gray will begin to glow with the rainbow colors of life. The most important thing is to understand that this is not your property, this is a great creation that has become accessible to the human mind.

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    Sit upright in a chair.
    1. Hands on shoulders.
    2. Hands on the skull or sides (Sylvian fissure).
    3. Hand on the medulla oblongata and the back of the head, the other on the forehead.
    4. One hand on the 7th cervical vertebra, the other on the cervical fossa.

    5. Sternum and back (heart center).
    6. Solar plexus (stomach) and back.
    7. Lower abdomen and back to the tailbone.

    A short treatment aligns the chakras. You can also quickly normalize the chakras like this:
    Align the 1st root Chakra with the others by placing one hand on the root Chakra and successively the second hand on the 6th Chakra (third eye). Wait until equal energy flows in both hands. Then they place their hand on the 5th Chakra (thyroid gland), the second remains on the root Chakra. Do this with the rest of the Chakras and remain in the position until the energy flows evenly.

    If a person is "out of his mind", start with the 6th Chakra (third eye), leave one hand here and align the other Chakras with the 6th Chakra. In addition, you can align:

    1st Chakra from 6th;
    2nd Chakra with 5th (body and spiritual expression);
    3rd Chakra with 4th or 6th;
    1st Chakra with 4th Chakra.


    The following list of diseases and injuries describes where Reiki should be given concentratedly in healing sessions or separately (after smoothing the aura).


    Frontal sinus, K1, K3, R3, R4, adrenal glands, kidneys; at the site of the lesion (runny nose - on the nose; urticaria - on blisters and scratches) daily for at least 20 minutes.

    Anemia. (anemia)
    Spleen, G2 (left side) liver, G1, K4, Sylvian fissure.

    G the head on the side opposite to the affected area of ​​the body, this means that if the left side is affected, then treat the right side of the head.

    G, R, especially the kidneys, painful areas. As in the "pain" column, sciatica is a condition if the lower limbs are affected.
    G5, right on the chest, collarbone, K1 on the sinuses (fingers lightly press on the sides of the nasal bones), under the chest.


    G3, K, especially Kl, K2B, Rl, R1A, R2, waist area, clavicle area.
    Pain in general (general) over the painful area, in addition to R3 and R4.
    - for all bones in the body R1A, 7th cervical vertebra;
    - pain in the hips and legs, back, sloping part of the hips;
    - pain in the hands

    the back, the hill of the shoulders, the collarbone at the protrusion, the back of the head and shoulders;

    - pain in the legs, sloping part of the thighs, R5 - R7 and on sore spot;
    - pain during menstruation
    G4, lower back, R7, KZ;


    see "Toothache".
    Fear, fear.
    G and above the spine.


    G5, ribs under the chest and collarbones, K1, press on the wings of the nose, R2, R3, R4.

    inflammation of all types
    Under the feet, especially in the middle of the foot, above the heel, just above the site of inflammation, G1 and G2, G5, R3 and R4;
    - peritoneum
    under the shoulders, fingertips lightly press below the eyebrows, R2 to R5;
    - tonsils
    G, K1, K2, K5, R3, R4, kidneys, in chronic cases treat regularly.


    Gl, G2, liver, bile, spleen, G3, G5, K1, KZ.

    Dislocation, sprain
    Immediately on the affected area for 15-20 minutes, if after more than 24 hours - and on the painful area, in addition, the sloping part of the hips, if there is a dislocation (sprain) of the leg or bones.

    Hair loss
    G, especially G4, R4, R3, kidneys and adrenal glands.

    R7, above the rectum (20 min) G2, spleen (15-20 min).


    Gl 15-20 minutes, R over the kidneys.


    All eye problems: G, G4 (for women), K1 - fingers are lightly pressed into the inner corner of the eye, eyeballs and outer part of the eyes, also K2A and K3;

    cataract, lens opacity
    as above, each position 10 minutes, every day;

    G, K, especially G4, K, as above;
    - glaucoma as above, especially the ovaries, also K2A, K2B for 10 minutes (fingertips can be easily pressed behind the jaws directly under each ear), KZ;
    - barley G, K, especially K1 and temples, back, especially kidneys.


    G, especially Gl, G3 and G4, K, especially Kl, K2A, K2B, KZ, K4, R, especially the upper spine, shoulder area, Rl, R1A, R2A, R3, R7.

    Dizziness See "Equilibrium". Fasting, hunger G3, G4, K5, thyroid gland, R3, R4 and R7.

    Above the cervical fossa.

    Foot fungus

    G and feet.

    G, especially the chest and respiratory system, G1, liver, G2, spleen, G5, K under the chin, K1, K3, R1B to R4, R above and between the shoulder blades, under the feet, especially the big toes.

    High pressure)

    K5, 15 to 20 minutes, sides of the neck, R3, R4, above the kidneys and adrenal glands, under the sinuses.


    G, K, especially KZ, K4 and R, especially R3, R4, R5, clavicle.


    G, especially G1 (15 minutes), G2, G3, above the navel. K, especially Kl, Rl, R1A, R2, R3, especially the back of the head and R7. In addition, the pointed surfaces of the elbows, the tibia, just below the knees, the peritoneum.
    G5. Rib cage under the chest and shoulders, collarbone. K1, lightly press the sides of the nasal bones; R2, R3 on the shoulders and on the lower ribs to the right and left of the spine. Feet, especially under the big toe.

    G2, G3, K2B and K4, R7; - disorders, digestion G3, G4, G5, KZ, K, back, R3 and R4, kidneys and R7, outer part of the forearm; - stomach ulcer on the outer part of the forearm, G3.

    Gl, G2, on the right shoulder blade.

    G, especially G3, G5, in addition, one hand above the navel, the other under the back of the head.

    Back of the head

    Complaints: G, especially G3 and G4, K, especially the KZ and the back of the head, R1A, especially the area of ​​the shoulders, the back of the head and the 7th cervical vertebra;
    - pain in the back of the head
    the outer part of the arm from the elbows to the shoulders.


    G, especially G4, G5, R7.

    Affected area, Kl, K2, upper and lower jaws;
    - teething on the baby's palate, then on the feet.




    With your arms overhead, treat the diaphragm and lower abdomen.

    Exhaustion of the nervous system
    G, especially G3, G4 and G5, K2A, K2B, KZ, K4, Sylvian fissure, R3, R4, R7.

    R5 and R6, R7, buttocks, back of thighs, establish a connection with your hands from your heels to your buttocks, G.

    G, G5, Kl, K5, neck, K2A, KZ, Sylvian fissure.


    Red or brown spots: G1, liver 15-20 min.


    G, G4, especially the groin area, the convex part of the thighs, R, especially the kidneys, kneecaps and the inside of the knees.


    G, especially G4, upper shoulders, chest, over nipples, rib cage under armpits, inner thighs, K, Sylvian fissure.


    KZ, K5 to ease tension, G3;
    - from the nose
    R1A, R2 blades;
    - menstrual
    G2, G3, G4, K, Sylvian fissure.

    G, especially G2, spleen and R3, R4 above the spleen.

    KZ, K4, see "Headache", in women the lower abdomen, G4.

    G4, V-position, bladder, R3, R4, kidneys K1, K4;
    - urinary retention G1, G2, G4, K1;
    - urinary incontinence G, especially over bladder(20 minutes), R3, R4 over the kidneys and lower back, R7.

    Tension, pinching, neuralgia

    G, especially G3, G4, G5, K1, K3, K4, Sylvian fissure.

    Accident, accident

    See Shock, R3, R4, adrenal glands and solar plexus for bleeding just above that area.

    G, groin area and sloping part of the thighs (outer);

    Blood supply
    G, especially G4, K4, inner thighs;

    Swollen feet
    G, K4, R3, R4, kidneys;

    Leg pain.
    G, especially G4 (especially important), in addition, sloping parts of the thighs, R3, R4, kidneys, adrenal glands, calves under the popliteal cavities;

    Dilated veins G, especially G4, K2B, difficult cell on the sides of the chest under the right armpit, right on sore spot.

    - spicy
    directly above the burn, perhaps closer;
    - Not spicy
    G and over the burn.


    Before and after surgery - a full course.

    Breast tumor

    G, especially G4, 15-20 minutes, long time G5, over the tumor for 15-20 minutes, G2.

    Sinus, accessory region
    G, chest, bronchi and collarbone, G5, K, K1, lightly press your fingers onto the bone under the eyebrows and the bone of the cheeks, KZ, R1, R1A, back of the head, shoulder area.
    fracture, bones
    First, set the bone, then the fracture site (passes through the plaster).

    G1, back between shoulder blades lower right.

    G, especially G5, chest

    Pneumonia (lung inflammation)
    As with pleurisy (chest and back) lungs, R2, to R5, collarbone, upper chest.
    damage, wounds
    Directly above the damaged area.

    Directly to this place (eg knees, fingers, hands), G3.

    Nasal polyps
    See "Sinus", K1, KZ.

    Memory loss
    K4, ovaries, G4, prostate, R7.


    G, especially Gl, G2, G4, G5, K, K2B, R3 and R4, clavicle.
    hot flush G, especially G4. Weight problems
    - obesity
    body fat, ovaries, prostate, G4;
    - exhaustion
    sloping parts of the thighs, thighs.

    R7, G, especially G4, Kl, K4.

    G, especially G5, G2, spleen, Kl, K2B, KZ, under
    corners of the mouth (for head colds and sore throats - K5).


    G1 (gallbladder), Sylvian fissure.
    Gl, G2, G3, G4, G5, all positions are very important, sunny and above the tumor;
    - language.
    under the feet;
    - breasts
    long time G4 and G5, then over the tumor;
    - oncological diseases
    under the feet.

    Multiple sclerosis

    G, especially G3, K, especially K2A, K2B, K3, K4, especially motor nerves, Rl, R1 A, especially over the back of the head and between the shoulder blades, R7B affected areas, e.g. legs: if two people are treating, one head, 2 th - feet.


    G, R, R3 and R4, especially the kidneys, then the painful areas.

    G, especially G3, G4, G5, R, especially lower back. Helps to open the pelvic part, through which the child can pass painlessly and in a good position.


    - tongue burn
    on the mouth, under the feet;
    - ulcerative stomatitis.
    G, under the feet.


    G2, left side and back in this area, R3, R4.

    hay fever

    K1, KZ, R3, R4, kidneys, adrenal glands 20 minutes daily.


    - in case of an infarction, immediately call a doctor, upper and lower abdomen, kidneys;
    - myocarditis especially Gl, G2, G3, diaphragm and abdominal part, thyroid gland, especially K2, R1 to R4, especially the upper back;
    - attack
    upper and lower abdomen, kidneys, Gl, G2, G3, R3, R4;
    - cramp
    G, especially G5, under the breasts, over the nipples, chest under the arms, K2, R, especially the upper back and adrenal glands, Rl - R4;
    - increase
    G, breast over nipples, K, especially K2;
    - heartbeat
    G, especially the navel, thyroid gland;
    - feeling of tightness in the heart area
    like a "cramp".
    Reduced blood sugar
    Pointed elbows.


    Treat every day, especially K2A, K2B, KZ, K4, Gl, G2, especially the spleen;

    G4, G5, R4, kidneys, R7.


    G, especially G3, G4, G5; R1 to R7, painful areas.


    G, especially G4, R, lower back, R2 - R7.

    G, especially G5, R, especially K1 and KZ, fingers are easy to press to the cheeks, especially Gl, G2, R3, R4.

    Tenosynovitis (tendon inflammation) Affected area.


    G, especially G3, K, especially K2A and K2B, legs, inner part of the tibia from the knee to the ankle.

    - morning sickness.
    G1, G2, G3;
    - during movement (driving)

    see "Equilibrium".
    Head injury
    As in shock, back of head Rl, R1A, R2 to R7.
    Mosquito, wasp, bee bites
    Directly to the bite site for 15 to 20 minutes.
    - damaged eardrum middle finger
    into the hole of the ear, other fingers on
    - pain in the ears. K2V and G5
    - deafness

    as with pain in the ears.

    Immediately after shock: G3, solar plexus and adrenal glands, simultaneously or separately, outer edge of shoulders;
    - later after the shock
    G, especially G4, ovaries, prostate, R3, R4, especially kidneys and adrenal glands K, K3, K4.

    Scar (scar) m.

    In all cases where treatment of the thyroid gland is indicated, also G4 and R7 for fasting, obesity, and exhaustion.


    G, R, especially R3, R4, kidneys and lungs.

    G, especially G3 (solar plexus) and G4, G5, on the chest along the nipple line, collarbone, K2, Sylvian fissure, R, R1, R1A, R2, R3 and R4.
    G3 (above the navel), R, R7, K4. A short course of treatment with Reiki.
    G, especially G5, clavicle, chest and back, neck and pleura.

    - stomach.
    G3, G4;
    - duodenum
    G, especially under the waist line, G3, K1, easily press down on the bones of the nose, where the cartilage begins, the stomach; outer part of the arms (top).

    Thymus and Reiki

    The concept of “thymus gland”, or thymus, comes from the Greek word Thymos, which means “life force”. I would like to demonstrate a simple technique that allows you to effectively stimulate your internal vitality through influencing the thymus gland. This technique is not included in the traditional Reiki treatment system and, accordingly, in the training program. But many have introduced this method based on its high efficiency and, at the same time, ease of use.

    This method goes well with Reiki and, if desired, can be included in a wellness program. The thymus gland is located in the center chest behind the upper part of the sternum. Until recently, it was considered unnecessary in the body, partly even harmful. Today it is considered indisputable that the thymus gland is the most important organ for maintaining our immune system

    , which explains its increasing role in cancer therapy and prevention.

    Today it is known that in 95% of people the thymus gland is weakened. Through muscle testing practiced within the framework of “applied kinsiology”, as well as within the framework of the “Touch for Health” method, it has been tested and proven hundreds of thousands of times that a weakened thymus gland can be supported within a few seconds and quite simply method. The procedure involves lightly tapping the thymus gland with your hand. You tap the location of the thymus gland with your fingertips or a loosely clenched fist 10-20 times, choosing a rhythm that is pleasant for you (friction has the opposite, weakening effect). In this way, its harmony is achieved. You can, of course, simply place your hands on the thymus gland and pass the Reiki energy through it. The tests mentioned above clearly show that this is another effective option for Reiki.
    If you regularly strengthen the thymus gland in the morning - and you can safely do this several times during the day - you will soon feel much more energetic and stronger. You can also recommend targeting the thymus gland to your patients and demonstrate this method.

    Despite the apparent insignificance of this procedure, its positive impact is great.

    "Whoever is infected with the fear of illness has already
    infected with the disease of fear."

    M. Montaigne

    If you work with Reiki frequently, it will happen from time to time that your treatment is not successful.

    What's happened? This chapter outlines several factors in which Reiki works in unexpected ways. Let the following guidelines help you evaluate patients, and not just in Reiki healing. One of the most common reasons

    Your failure is, perhaps, that you expected a certain result, and the universal pattern of Reiki meant something else. Your expectation was not justified, but the patient may have experienced something that is not so clearly expressed. Not everyone is immediately open about their spiritual life, but sometimes it is in this area that important changes begin.

    Sometimes the recipient of Reiki does not have a clear idea of ​​what happened to him, and sometimes the result of the treatment does not appear until weeks or even months later. So, don't be discouraged if your expectations aren't met right away. Using Reiki, you will not achieve anything by self-will; your “I” should fade into the background, and this is not a bad school for development. Representing the Reiki channel, you are not actually


    , but rather, a neutral observer, a witness to what is happening. And the patient’s symptoms should be internally treated negatively. You are not fighting a disease, you are giving Reiki and seeing what comes out of it - and the result will always be the best.

    A similar phenomenon can often be found in children, but not so pronounced. If a child is sick, everyone takes care of him, everyone loves and pities him, everyone takes care of him, he does not have to go to school, perhaps they visit him and give him gifts. And if he makes up for the lack of attention, only then will it be easy for him to recover.

    This mechanism operates subconsciously, and we cannot blame anyone for this, since this type of behavior often leads to a possible alignment of forces. Isn’t that what you do too? For weeks and months you are diligent in your activity, work and responsibility, only to then get some kind of disease. She finally provides you with attention and care from your loved ones, which you could not provide for yourself before or could not receive all this in a generally accepted way. The patient is always considered poor, innocent and in need of sympathy, who is not to blame for the fact that he is sick right now. And after that the world looks much nicer; illness most definitely makes sense.

    There are other reasons why Reiki Masters fail. For example, the patient considered treatment with Reiki to be something terrible, something suspicious. But there are people who can only be approached on a gross material level. They prefer something tangible. Often these are people who have never been involved in spiritual things. In that case, it would be better to respect their wishes and give them something accordingly. All people are at different stages of development, and therefore you should not take these facts into account in relation to therapy.

    Therefore, never try to persuade anyone to undergo Reiki treatment. Inform the person about the method of influence of Reiki and give him the opportunity to make his own decision. And then, as a rule, the treatment will be successful. It may also happen that a person has not learned a lesson from his illness and that he wants to keep it for a while. Perhaps in this way he will prevent himself from harming himself, violating more and more the laws of nature. In this case, Reiki is most suitable for opening his eyes to internal connections. Sometimes the patient suddenly becomes clear about the cause of his illness. In another case, the person must bear karmic guilt before healing can occur. However, Reiki will help him with this.

    And there is also a small group of patients for whom treatment with Reiki seems too simple, they would not want to be treated this way in a simple way, because in the end they can say that they were not really sick at all, that they probably exaggerated their complaints. And this should not go away in less than three weeks of treatment in the hospital. What can we say here?

    The last category of “problem” patients are those who want to prove to themselves and to you that this method of treatment cannot have an effective effect. In their skepticism, they simply lie tensely and resist every flow of energy, every pleasant feeling, every harmony and internal change. And in the end they are right!

    No one who is himself. will not convince, cannot be convinced by you!


    So, if someone comes to you, inform them about Reiki, offer the treatment, but do not force it. Every person is free, and you must take this into account above all.

    All the cases mentioned here occur very rarely in practice, and they should not deprive you of the courage to undertake treatment.

    Thus, using Reiki will provide a wonderful experience, even if it is an experience that surprises. Be open to what comes next.


    We can assure you that, based on the results and experience available to date, Reiki has an enriching and supportive effect in virtually any medical treatment. Reiki always supports the biologically meaningful healing process of body, spirit and soul. Reiki not only does not interfere with the effects of medications, any physical or psychotherapy or other medical interventions, but on the contrary, it additionally helps the body with its cleansing and harmonizing effects.

    However, there is one exception: Reiki should not be given during an operation under anesthesia, as it may happen that the anesthesia does not work properly.

    In this case, Reiki should be performed immediately before or after surgery. Also, broken bones should be straightened first before giving Reiki on them. After this, Reiki will greatly speed up the healing process.

    Doctors, psychologists, and self-taught healers have combined Reiki with other traditional healing methods and achieved good results. One of the Reiki Masters used Reiki simultaneously with massage, reflex zone therapy, Touch for Health, breathing therapy, and prenatal therapy.

    Others have successfully combined Reiki with rebirthing, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, chiropractic, color therapy, Bach flower therapy, homeopathy, aroma therapy. Some teachers and therapists combine Reiki with meditation, bioenergetics, yoga, autogenic training and other techniques. You can, for example, give Reiki during injections without any fear.

    In this case, the medicine is absorbed much faster and the injections are not so painful.

    Thus, Reiki provides great assistance to all those involved in the field of healing people. It is a wonderful natural addition to almost every therapy we know. We could perhaps compare it with the influence of good, clean air, which has a beneficial effect on every patient, being one of the main conditions healthy image


    Reiki brings about profound transformation at all levels of existence towards holistic healing development.

    Reiki can be successfully used in our psychiatric hospitals, in children's clinics, in preparation for childbirth, in rehabilitation, etc. In this regard, the United States is one step ahead. There, Reiki is recognized as an additional education in the training of doctors, nurses, and psychologists.

    "Most people think that pills are a sniper bullet,
    hitting the target without missing a beat.
    In fact, it looks more like a fragmentation shell,

    hitting the area..."

    EAT. Tareev Since in case of serious illnesses Reiki can be given with great benefit

    As an additional measure, it is important to know whether drug interactions may occur and, if so, what those interactions look like.
    Below is information received by traditional healers and general practitioners.

    The essential effect of Reiki is the support of all life processes.
    Based on experience, we can conclude that Reiki dampens the effects of those medications that cause poisoning in the body, and also relieves poisoning, depending on the strength and duration of the Reiki action. On the other hand, it promotes the effect of the drug and helps, so that even a small dose is sufficient to achieve the desired effect. Of course, this depends on the length and intensity of the Reiki session.

    This effect should be taken into account primarily in relation to painkillers and narcotic drugs (which must remain in the body during their action). Some anesthetics (for example, in dentistry) add special substances, the action of which narrows the blood vessels and thereby retains the narcotic substance in the anesthetized part of the body longer. Reiki greatly relaxes and reduces this effect if the corresponding sore spot has received Reiki energy.

    In seminars for the second degree of Reiki, it is indicated that during operations, distance healing methods with the help of Reiki should never be used, because otherwise there is a danger that the patient will wake up from anesthesia. Of course, this also applies to treatment with first-degree methods.
    Any anesthesia, having completed its task, can be terminated faster and more harmoniously with the help of Reiki.

    If strong painkillers are given after the operation, then for safety reasons one should refuse long-term treatments using the full Reiki cycle and limit treatment with

    Reiki is performed only on the part of the body to be operated on or on organs that are under heavy stress (for example, the liver or kidneys). At the same time, the effect of the painkiller affecting the entire body is not reduced. On the other hand, Reiki often relieves or eases pain in wounds. Reiki can also be selectively given to lymph nodes that are under heavy load.

    For minor pain, the use of Reiki can make the use of narcotic medications unnecessary, that is, headaches, minor wounds, and insect bites can be treated with Reiki and avoid medications.

    The same caution as when using narcotic medications is also needed with drugs that act if they are constantly contained in certain quantities in the blood. Examples include blood thinners and cardiac medications. There is very positive evidence for using Reiki before and after chemotherapy. During chemotherapy, however, Reiki healing should not be performed. In difficult cases, you should always discuss everything with a treating specialist who knows about the effects of the medications used. If he agrees, then effective combinations of allopathic medicines and Reiki can be made.

    Only a very intensive full cycle of Reiki treatment can sufficiently reduce the effects of allopathic medications. And since complete treatment simultaneously awakens many life processes, one can hardly expect a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition. Thus, these guidelines should first clarify the possible effects of Reiki on allopathic medicines. At the same time, one should exclude the idea that Reiki can cause severe and long-term health problems.

    If medicinal plants are used to normalize the body's regulatory systems, then Reiki generally increases their effectiveness and speeds up the healing process. The use of synthesized or isolated plant substances, which do not contain the entire "biology" of the plant, corresponds to the use of allopathic medicines.


    Medicines used in homeopathy have a regulating effect on all dysfunctions of the body, namely, both on the physical and intellectual levels.

    If they are truly used according to the principles of homeopathy, then they act absolutely holistically. In accordance with this, Reiki increases their effectiveness, helps to ensure that the initial deterioration does not appear so sharply and passes quickly. When treating with excretory agents, such as sulfur, magnesia fluoratum, etc., Reiki promotes this elimination. On the other hand, targeted work with Reiki can help prevent overload of the organs involved in elimination and provide gentle therapy along the way. If "low potencies" are prescribed in large doses, then the use of Reiki (primarily full sessions) will help keep the blood reflector of the relevant substances on, accelerating the release of all substances harmful to the body. If the goal was a substantial impact, then this should be taken into account when using Reiki.

    Reiki often acts as a reagent in homeopathic medicines. Frequent work with Reiki as both a “donor” and a “receiver” makes the body more sensitive to homeopathy. The range of medicines shifts over time towards "higher potencies" and smaller doses and away from animal substances towards mineral and metallic substances. In most cases, after using Reiki for a long time, clearer symptoms appear.

    The boundaries of homeopathy are where the body no longer has enough strength to heal itself. This is where full Reiki treatment and focused Reiki work on the root chakra are of great help. After prolonged homeopathic treatment, Reiki, along with the use of medications, can also be used for general strengthening of the body, thereby shortening the recovery phase.

    This healing method uses alchemical models and techniques to make medicines. The system by which these remedies are prescribed, although it has some similarities with homeopathy and herbal medicine, cannot be explained by their categories.

    Spagyrics works holistically if the medicines have been prepared skillfully and in accordance with the principles of this healing art. Experience suggests that the duration of use and dosage can be significantly reduced when using Reiki. As in homeopathy, excretory therapy can also be supported. Charging spagyric medicines with Reiki enhances their effects.

    Flower elixirs

    Flower essences are very effective high levels hesitation. These are purely holistic medicines, and accordingly Reiki enhances their effects.

    Charging flower elixirs enhances their effects. For further enhancement, you can use special color films according to the Verana system.

    The problem with the use of flower elixirs is that the patient must already be attuned to high vibrations in order for the full effects of these special medicines to occur.

    Regular full Reiki sessions before and during the appointment will help the patient open to the higher frequencies of color vibration. Another possibility is targeted Reiki work on the chakras affected by flowers.

    Brief conclusions:
    Allopathy: Never give Reiki during anesthesia. This is absolutely prohibited!

    Caution should also be exercised with painkillers and drugs that, through their constant presence, should have a long-term effect on the body (for example, macumar, digitalis and others). Reiki can, however, prevent the harmful side effects of allopathic treatments.

    Herbal medicine: Reiki has a supportive effect. Be careful with isolated herbal biologically active substances (they are subject to the same restrictions as allopathic medicines).

    Homeopathy: Reiki acts as both a support and a reagent. An auxiliary agent for excretory therapy. It has a strengthening effect. Trend towards lower doses, higher potencies and a shift towards mineral remedies.
    Spagyrics: see Homeopathy; Charging medications enhances their effects.

    Flower elixirs: see Spagyrics; Reiki before and during use improves reactions. Verana color films increase the power of colors.

    "Keep me, my talisman, Keep me in the days of persecution,
    In days of repentance, excitement,

    You were given to me on the day of sorrow."

    A. S. Pushkin
    Since time immemorial, crystals have helped people in healing, witchcraft and various initiations.

    Their beauty and peculiar radiation have become popular again today, at the beginning of the “new era”. Many people take advantage of their help and learn from them to adapt to the new fluctuations of the coming Age of Aquarius. Noble stones can provide us with valuable assistance in working with Reiki. In this chapter we will touch only on some of the easiest and yet very effective applications

    Reiki with crystals.

    Reiki activates many life processes. Fears and hidden areas of the personality that must be accepted to encourage mental and spiritual growth begin to be recognized. A difficult mental situation arises: the old paths seem meaningless, and the new ones are not yet visible. Some blockades are very persistent, and fear of the unknown can lead to painful results. Such reasons can lead temporarily to nightmares, and then our friends in the field of mineralogy can provide valuable assistance.

    Experience gained during Reiki seminars shows that three crystals performed particularly well: amethyst, rock crystal and rose quartz. carries the truth of the world. Rose quartz awakens in us the resonance of the vibrations of the energy of love and therefore helps us to perceive the truth of light.

    Amethyst activates the “third eye” with its energy and, as a result, shows a person a completely individual path to realizing the truth of light in his life.


    This clear quartz represents the highest evolutionary stage in the mineral kingdom. None of the crystals is repeated, but crystals often grew in families and had a common base (druze). Its six faces are related to the six chakras in a person, its top corresponds to our transformation center, the seventh chakra. At its base it is often cloudy, and towards the top it becomes transparent. Like people, it grows from gross substantial matter in the direction of subtle matter and becomes increasingly clearer and lighter. Its ability to be transparent and thereby allow all vibrations to pass through can help people remove the blockages that prevent them from living in the "light." You can use three various shapes

    this “messenger of light”, which accordingly perform their very specific tasks: a small druse with 2 larger rays and 1 small one; one solid crystal 10 cm long; two drum-polished ovoid crystals. These dimensions are, of course, approximate. Choose for yourself depending on the purpose of use suitable stone

    , to which you intuitively feel drawn.

    In the process of regular treatment with Reiki energy, elements of internal independence will rise into consciousness, at the same time you will become more sensitive and learn, on the one hand, to open to new experiences, and on the other, to close if a difficult moment overwhelms you. These learning processes are reflected in dreams, as well as in relation to the world around us. In order not to be overcome by the new vital energy and the stress caused by the restructuring, you can resort to rock crystal.

    If you meet at home or at work with people whose presence depresses you and makes you, for example, aggressive, gloomy or tired, then place a friend somewhere close to you, so that she is always with you. She will bring light to the drabness of everyday life, but this task will be tiring for her too, so clean your druse often. If you want to thank her for her work, you can treat her with Reiki energy for a while.

    Reiki - meditation with rock crystal

    Lie on your back, pull your legs up and spread them apart. Then place the soles of your feet opposite each other, so that their entire surface touches as much as possible.

    And finally, place your hands one on top of the other in the area of ​​​​the heart, like a polished round, not very small rock crystal. This exercise can be done while sitting, leaning against a wall or chair. The energy of the crystal will be perceived through the side chakras in the palms, and gradually it will enter through the reflex zones into the entire body. If you urgently need a crystal, the “messenger of light” (“light bearer”) will soon feel hot. You should not be alarmed; this is a completely normal reaction to large amounts of released energy. Along with the influence of the crystal, you give yourself Reiki, as in a complete treatment through reflex zones and acupuncture points

    of your own hands. As a result of the cleansing, unblocking effect of rock crystal, you will be able to more easily let into yourself

    Reiki using this combined method. During the exercise, pay special attention to your hands, feel the spreading energy and try to feel what reactions it causes in you. If desired, it is possible to combine the effects of this technique with singing (for example, mantras).

    Option B

    These exercises are very intense. The crystals used in this process need to rest after a few days and should be thoroughly cleaned. If you feel strong, locally limited blockages (for example, spasms in the shoulders and a feeling of fear in the solar plexus), you can use a long single crystal yourself or with a partner to remove them. At the same time, guide the “light bearer” with its top along the blockade and move it slowly in a spiral directed upward to the right. This process can be repeated several times as necessary. Sometimes it is appropriate to blow strongly on the blocked area in order to remove the energy released from the internal aura.

    Soon the pain intensified and could not be eliminated even by Reiki healing of neighboring areas (a mistake was made here, since targeted Reiki healing was not combined with a full session). After using rock crystal and the technique described above, the cramps disappeared very quickly, appeared in subsequent sessions rarely and much weaker, and then disappeared.

    Rose quartz
    This stone also belongs to the quartz family. When working with Reiki, you can use round, polished rose quartz with a diameter of 4 cm. Their warm pink vibration corresponds to the nature of the radiating love of the heart chakra. All deep-acting healing occurs as a result of the energy of this center. Pink color quartz reminds the energy accumulated in the blockage, and that there is love and receptivity for it too, and raises it to the surface of consciousness. Therefore, rose quartz can be used together with rock crystal for deep resorption of blockades and treatment of physical and mental wounds.

    Rose quartz can heal mental trauma associated with separation anxiety, and therefore it can unexpectedly manifest itself in a more pleasant form if you let love into your consciousness.

    Just as rock crystal, with its vibrations, helps in the process of awareness to achieve a breakthrough in your “unity,” so rose quartz gives the ability to lovingly perceive newly acquired parts (fragments) and integrate them into your personality. It's like the story of the "Return of the Prodigal Son", which is described in the Bible.

    Rose quartz can be used for people who constantly complain about difficulties and who make it clear (sometimes with a groan) that there are many things they wish they could do differently (“It would be nice if... but I can’t?”; “What what would happen to me if I..."; "If now everyone started doing this!"). These statements indicate that a person can already perceive some hidden fragments of his personality, but cannot release them through perception through love and therefore cannot harmoniously integrate them into the entire complex of his personality.

    Also in need of rose quartz energy: dogmatists; people who deny their healthy sexuality or aggression, their bodies and certain desires; people who judge other people just because they hold different views.

    If you place rose quartz on your heart chakra or other chakras before or during a full Reiki session, this stone will help accept (integrate) the released energy.

    If fears appear during or after a Reiki healing session, then place rose quartz in one or both hands of your patient, this will help him come to terms with himself. After intensive, targeted work with Reiki (for example, on the chakras), you should always add 1 or 2 rose quartz in conclusion, if for one reason or another mental influence with the techniques is impossible
    Reiki second degree.

    If during the meditations described at the beginning of the chapter, rose quartz is used instead of rock crystal, then they contribute to the fact that you begin to accept yourself and others with all their mistakes and weaknesses, no longer tormented by the “imperfections of the world.” Instead of chanting the mantra "Om" loudly or silently, you can also work with statements like: "I accept myself as I am!" or “God loves me just the way I am!” If you feel that this exercise may bring out too much in you, then ask kind person

    , whom you trust, to stay near you during meditation. If you are afraid of this exercise, do not work with it, but clarify your reluctance with an experienced psychotherapist. The point of the exercise is achieved if you realize your reluctance to accept certain parts of yourself. If you learn to love yourself, then this meditation will give you a wonderful opportunity to bathe in the pink energy of love, otherwise you will have to deal with everyday problems

    and chaos within oneself and others, in order to realize another, accepting side of reality.
    This purple crystal teaches humility. It has the ability to influence the “third eye” and helps us understand and accept our personal path. In this stone, a simple system of three crystals finds its natural completion, so with the help of amethyst you can learn to realize your independence within the framework of the world order. Every person has this path, you just have to accept it and follow it. But in most cases this is easier said than done.
    Amethyst will show how you can harmoniously integrate your new self-awareness into everyday life. During regular work with Reiki, situations arise again and again that confront you with this problem. You don’t know how to introduce your new increased independence into the world of your work, into your family life, without disturbing what you love, without confusing or exploiting other people.

    To work with Reiki, it is advisable to use round polished amethysts with a diameter of 4 cm. If you want to use the help of an amethyst, you should take the meditation position described at the beginning of the chapter, option A in the supine position. Then you place the amethyst on your Third Eye and allow Reiki to flow from your left hand to your heart chakra, and from right hand- to the chakra in the solar plexus area.

    These positions, on the one hand, excite the “Third Eye”, and on the other, they also ensure that it does not “overcharge”, but is aligned thanks to the energies of the heart center and solar plexus. This is a method of chakra alignment. If you clearly see your individual path as a result of the stimulation of your “Third Eye,” then fears in the solar plexus area are often released.

    But since this center, in turn, is constantly aligned with the love energy of the heart chakra, fears take their rightful place as important warnings, and not as tyrants.

    Placed on an organ which due to functional disorders been treated with Reiki for a long time, amethyst will help him take the right place in his metabolism. For example, it can be used as a concomitant remedy for glandular hyperfunction. Working with amethyst is always indicated when the organs regain strength, but it is clear that this strength is not manifested as it should. In addition, it can be used for high blood pressure, rage, nymphomania and various stress conditions.

    During a full Reiki session, one can apply this “stone of insight” by placing it on specific areas (organs) or the “Third Eye” to enable your patient to meaningfully use the added life energy and prevent fears. If you place it on the Third Eye for about 15 minutes in the evening after a Reiki session, it will help harmoniously integrate new energy into the increased life structures.

    Brief conclusions:
    Rhinestone (2nd chakra)
    Task: perceive.
    Energy situation: not perceived.

    Symptom: functional insufficiency of various kinds, circulatory disorders, functional glandular insufficiency, depression.
    Rose Quartz (4th Chakra)


    Energy situation:
    not accepted as a possibility.

    various detachments, separations, cancer, seizures, schizoid symptoms.
    Amethyst (6th chakra)

    realize one’s own personality within the framework of universal connections.

    Energy situation:
    used without meaning.

    various hyperfunctions, inflammation, high blood pressure, hyperfunction of the glands, hysteria.

    Reiki is an ancient oriental system of natural healing and healing through the laying on of hands.

    Reiki is used for physical, mental, and emotional healing. Reiki is very useful for children, reiki strengthens the immune system, strengthens psychological resistance to stress, improves academic performance, and develops memory. Brings patience and calm, restores energy balance, helps get rid of some diseases. Reiki practice is especially useful for expectant parents. Young people who practice reiki have stronger, more energetically balanced children.

    Reiki is a drug-free alternative method treatment. The reiki healing process is based on supplying energy to all internal organs, as a result of which all the toxic substances that have accumulated in the body leave it. During the treatment process, not only the patient’s physical health is restored, but also his spiritual health.

    Any ailment is caused by certain reasons. Reiki helps eliminate these causes, and as the causes disappear, the effects also disappear.

    Reiki treatment, actions

    The effect of reiki treatment cannot be scientifically formulated or explained in terms of traditional medicine. Since the effect of this practice is as mysterious as the human life. The mechanism of action of reiki is far from understood, but everyone can use it. This ancient treatment method offers a fairly simple way to use them. It is enough to get a reiki session from an enlightened person.

    Of course, reiki is not a panacea for all ills, it is a natural healing system. But in some emergency situations (sharp deterioration in health, injury, injury), the use of reiki brings relief.

    What does this healing system treat?

    The Reiki technique does not treat diseases of individual organs, it restores the integrity of the body. The integrity of the body comes when both body and soul are healthy. Therefore, using reiki, the body, soul and spirit of a person are healed.

    The causes of many diseases can be negative actions, thoughts and emotions of a person. Therefore, an integral component of the slats are five basic principles:

    • Do not get mad;
    • don't worry;
    • honor your elders, your parents and teachers;
    • live honestly;
    • be kind to all living things today.

    During a reiki treatment, observe your thoughts and emotions. During these observations, you can see destructive emotions and thoughts, as well as the reason for their appearance. But reiki will not be able to solve these problems; reiki will help you see them and indicate possible ways to eliminate them. You will have to act on your own.

    If a person began to practice reiki in order to get rid of irritability, this does not mean that one should wait for the practice of reiki to make the person calm and calm. A situation will arise when he gets a chance to see the origins of his irritability and he will have to fight it. But when a person does not want to see this reason, he will not fight it.

    Once you start practicing Reiki for the purpose of treatment, you do not need to suddenly stop taking medications; Reiki will be an additional method of treatment. For example, after undergoing surgery, reiki will help rapid recovery strength and wound healing.

    The health of the body determines its integrity, and integrity in turn depends on the condition of the body. To achieve integrity, it is necessary to undergo cleansing of the entire body. Therefore, it often happens that after starting Reiki treatment, the general condition worsens greatly, which can go away on its own. If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor.

    This situation indicates that with the help of Reiki the disease has been brought to the surface, and now is a favorable situation for its treatment. traditional ways. It is also possible that the treatment prescribed long ago has lost its effectiveness or that this disease is affected by side causes that have not yet been identified. If an exacerbation occurs in this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

    With persistent and systematic use of Reiki, even intractable diseases can be overcome. To practice this ancient science of healing, the therapeutic sounds of the famous Reiki master from France Nita Mocanu will help.

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