• What to give a colleague doctor for his birthday. Gifts for doctors for their professional holiday


    Good afternoon friends! Today we will discuss what to give the doctor as a sign of gratitude. Moreover, October 7 is International Doctor's Day. One of the professional ones.

    No matter how much we scold our medicine, the fact remains: we have doctors from God, for whom their work is a calling. They save our lives every day, help restore our health, and do it at the behest of their hearts, and not for a salary. Which for many of them, to be honest, is not that big.

    And each of us, unfortunately, has situations when we can only rely on the doctor’s qualifications and his desire to help. It doesn’t matter to us or our loved ones. The main thing is that at these moments we literally pray for these people, and if the outcome is favorable, we want to thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their work and participation.

    And today I have collected here ideas that you can use if you don’t know what to give to the doctor. Here they are.

    What to give a doctor as a token of gratitude?

    Gift for a woman doctor

    • Bouquet

    Flowers and chocolates are something that many doctors are tired of. First of all, I would not recommend giving them to doctors in the maternity ward. Because they really have nowhere to put such gifts. You won’t surprise anyone with armfuls of flowers there, and pleasant surprise you can't name it. But giving a bouquet of flowers to your local doctor or pediatrician is a good decision. They receive such gifts much less often, and their work cannot be called simple. Therefore, your gratitude in the form beautiful bouquet will certainly be received with pleasure by them.

    The only point: you should take into account that the flowers in the bouquet do not have a strong odor and do not cause allergic reactions. This is important both for the doctor himself (he needs to work in the office) and for his patients.

    It would be better if the bouquet was made not of flowers, but of fruits.

    • Bouquet of fruits or vegetables

    This is the kind of gift every doctor will accept with pleasure and joy. It's beautiful and useful gift simultaneously. Remember about it if you choose what to give to the doctor.

    • Handmade toy

    Now it is possible to order very beautiful toys from craftswomen in in social networks. And if you order a doctor toy that is somewhat similar to the original, you will get a very cute gift.

    Although you can, on the contrary, leave only the profession and not think about making a toy similar to the original. Watch in the video what kind of toy the girl ordered for her doctor.

    I think it turned out to be a funny gift. And of course, such a gift will be special because it is made in a single version for a specific person.

    • Gingerbread sets

    The good thing about gingerbread is that you can order an individual set on a specific theme and even make an inscription with wishes and gratitude for a specific person. Like in this set, for example.

    I think this set will be a pleasant surprise for the doctor. Because it is tasty, beautiful and, at the same time, individual. Read more about gingerbread kits.

    Gift for a man to a doctor

    Now many doctors, even here in Siberia, work with computers, entering all the information on examining patients into electronic cards. Therefore, technological gifts can come in handy for a doctor. But still, male doctors will most likely be more happy with such gifts.

    • Flash drives in the shape of a doctor

    Flash drives, as they say, can never be too many. This useful device should always be at hand. And if you give a flash drive to a doctor, this souvenir will always remind the doctor of a grateful patient.

    • Portable accumulator

    Doctors have to work a lot, often be on duty at night, and go on call. In this regard, they need to always be in touch. Therefore, a portable battery for a doctor is a necessary device from the “you can’t buy it for yourself” category. And if in the form of a gift, this device will be an excellent thank you for his work.

    • Brand pen

    Doctors write a lot. There is even a joke that doctors write more than they treat. But these are their working conditions. I have to write a lot - fill out patient cards, certificates, and related documents. And a quality pen famous brand- a good help in work.

    It is also an image accessory that most doctors cannot afford themselves. Therefore, if you want to give something memorable and not exactly cheap, pay attention to this idea.

    Universal gifts for doctors

    • Fruit basket

    Someone might say: what? Is this how to give a set of fruits?

    How is this worse than flowers and sweets? Practical gift. And if you arrange it all beautifully, it will turn out to be a very attractive present. I read on forums that doctors often say: it would be better if they gave sausage as a gift. And why all? They are living people who, oddly enough, want to eat. And many people really can’t look at candy anymore – they are presented with so many of them. So why not make a beautiful and at the same time useful gift? I think this is a worthy option.

    • Good tea, available as a set

    A good set of tea can also please a doctor who has to work the night shift. Practical and beautiful gift in gratitude to the doctor it will work.

    • Honey gifts

    Another useful gift. Doctors also get sick, and they need strong immunity even more than other people, because due to their line of work they have to constantly communicate with sick people.

    Honey gifts are just one of those that can affect the immune system in the most positive way. So I think it's an idea worth considering.

    • Money and handmade gift

    Cash gifts are what cause the most controversy on forums about gifts for doctors. Some write that money is an insult to the honor, dignity and profession of a doctor as such. Others say that this is the only gift worthy of being given to a doctor, because he absolutely does not need anything else, and with the money he will buy himself what he wants.

    I don't know who is right and who is wrong.

    Personally, I am NOT comfortable handing over money. And if you really have to do this, I would give them only in a set with some kind of gift made with your own hands. Then, if the doctor refuses cash gift, most likely he will agree to accept the souvenir that you prepared for him yourself.

    What can you give as a gift? homemade gift? Maybe some funny toy, made by you. Maybe a hand knitted scarf. And if the doctor cured the child, then a drawing or applique of a former patient, beautifully framed, can become that very hand-made gift that can be presented along with a cash envelope. I saw an exhibition of children's works on the wall in some doctors' offices. I think that they were created precisely from homemade gifts presented by children and their parents.

    You can also give money not in an envelope, but in an original way. See many ideas.

    In general, the only thing that decides here is your position regarding the possibility of giving money to the doctor as a thank you. By the way, I am very interested in your position. Write your opinion on this matter in the comments.

    How not to give gifts to a doctor

    Now you know what to give the doctor, but a couple more tips for you. First of all, remember: do not put the doctor in an awkward position. For example, you should not force a child to give a gift to a doctor or say words of gratitude if the child is embarrassed or does not want to do this. Moreover, you shouldn’t shame him in front of the doctor.

    Also, you should not make the doctor wait or spend too long searching for and getting a gift.

    That is, try to make the presentation of the gift as quick and correct as possible, so that the process of giving the gift is pleasant for both you and the person you are thanking.

    How to give gifts to a doctor correctly?

    Prepare a gift and words of gratitude in advance. Make your speech as short as possible. When presenting a gift, say why you wanted to thank the doctor, add a few words of wishes. And during your speech, give a gift.

    Everyone is pleased to receive gifts, but you should not drag out this process too much so as not to feel awkward.

    The main essence of a gift to a doctor is to convey your feelings of gratitude for the work and participation he has done.

    Here's what you can give to the doctor if you decide to thank him. I will be glad to hear your opinions on the presented ideas, write them in the comments.

    What to give to the chief physician, the answer to this survey is sought by those who want to congratulate a friend, acquaintance, relative who is engaged in such a responsible and difficult profession. The chief physician is not just a highly qualified physician and a true professional, but also an excellent organizer, an intelligent leader, and an enterprising supplier.

    Let's consider options that are suitable as a gift for a person who is able to combine so many difficult positions.

    Gift with VIP prefix

    If you have the desire and financial capabilities, you can choose an elite gift for the hero of the occasion. In this case, when thinking about what to give to the chief doctor, pay attention to such a valuable gift as an icon. For a doctor, you can present an icon with the patron saints of medicine or an icon of a guardian angel, based on the name of the recipient. Such a gift will only be received with gratitude; moreover, it corresponds to the high status of the recipient; it is not for nothing that icons are now usually given to politicians and ministers.

    Another suitable and inexpensive gift to give to the chief physician is a book. A high-ranking physician can be presented with the publication “Aphorisms of Great Doctors,” or the works of famous medical saints, or a fashionable television novel in the book format “Doctor House.” Speaking of books as gifts, you can also choose antique and rare editions with hand binding.

    Cool gift

    Every doctor is no stranger to humor. Being engaged in such a difficult task, many of them love to joke, and at the same time they know how to laugh not only at others, but also at themselves. In connection with the above, not knowing what to give to the chief doctor, pay attention to funny gifts. Currently, you can see a colossal variety of such gifts for sale in online stores. These include funny books, among which “The Hippocratic Oath” stands out, souvenir medical supplies, and T-shirts with funny inscriptions. Most interesting option We think it’s the funny book “The Hippocratic Oath,” which is a box stylized as a book edition, containing a coolly designed damask in the shape of a doctor figurine.

    Another answer to the question of what to give the chief doctor from the group of cool products could be a gift order. In this case, an award with the inscription “To the Best Doctor” is suitable; such a gift is a tribute to a true professional, so it will be received with real delight. When choosing awards as a gift, you can choose a model with an individual design; in this case, the engraving can be absolutely anything, it all depends on your desires and imagination.

    Tribute to tradition

    And one cannot fail to mention, of course, the traditional gift ensemble, including alcohol, sweets, expensive coffee, and various delicacies. The main thing here is not the content, but the presentation. We recommend placing such a set in a basket and packaging it beautifully under film, in this case even the usual contents will have the most original, festive and presentable look.

    Surgeons save people's lives every day - this is a profession with a special level of responsibility, and of course, a gift for such a person should be special, a sign of gratitude or a sign of respect. We tell you what to give a man to a surgeon, depending on the situation, holiday and opportunities.

    Gifts you shouldn't give

    There are “classic” gifts that are presented to the doctor as a sign of gratitude, but the doctors themselves are most often not pleased with them:

    • Alcohol, especially cognac. This is a stereotype, an allegory. Many patients bring cognac to the doctor, but imagine if he would be such a good specialist if he drank everything he was given every day? Precision of hands is especially important for a surgeon, fine motor skills, every millimeter of movement - that’s why many of them very rarely allow themselves a glass of alcohol. Alcohol is usually over-gifted, so you won’t express much gratitude.
    • Candies. As an addition to cognac or just like that. Most doctors can no longer look at them, both at home and at work they have stacks of boxes that are given away or simply spoiled. It is impossible to consume it in such volumes even on holidays. Imagine if you had to eat a box of sweets every day.

    As a last resort, you can present something elite - collectible alcohol, expensive unusual candies, but definitely not what is sold in regular stores. But something else is better.

    The best gift for a male doctor

    In contrast to the two classic, and equally classically unsuccessful presents, there is the best one - money. If you don’t know what to give your doctor as a token of gratitude, consider this option. It’s not for nothing that there is a joke about “Doctor, we decided to present you with cognac, champagne, caviar..” “Excuse me, who gave you permission to manage my money?” Doctors usually do not have a very large salary, and the needs are the same as other people.

    The Internet suggests how to formulate: “Doctor, I would like to make my contribution to the development of our medicine. you are very good specialist, and you know better how to use it to your advantage. Take it please."

    Handing over an envelope can be perceived ambiguously, so it is better to do it in private, or put the envelope in something, for example, gift book, or in a package with another gift. Not in a box of chocolates or a box of alcohol! They are often re-gifted without even opening them!

    Another idea: write thank you letter The head physician or the Ministry. Complaints are written, but gratitude is rare, but they can make a difference positive role in the career of a specialist, as he is in the life of a patient.

    Sometimes there are questions about what to present to a plastic surgeon as a sign of gratitude, because in private clinics the service is already generously paid for. In this case, patients (and more often, female patients) give souvenirs, elite foreign alcohol, often something tasty, just as a sign of attention. Alternatively, you can tell on specialized forums and websites (and if you don’t hide it, also on social networks) about the doctor’s professionalism. This will attract more patients to him, and as a result increase income.

    Useful gifts for a male surgeon

    If handing over money is not an option, or the amount does not look very respectable, you can give the doctor something tangible as a sign of gratitude:

    • Personalized pen or set of pens. Doctors write a lot, pens get lost, ink runs out. Personalized items are usually not a very good gift, but for a male doctor - great! The execution option depends on your budget - from packaging of fountain pens with a print, to expensive copies with engraving.
    • Flash drive with large memory capacity. You can use the original one; Russian online stores offer a slightly humorous version, designed in the form of a little doctor in a surgical uniform. Or an option with a personal engraving, or the inscription “Best Surgeon”. So that it doesn’t get lost, and everyone in the hospital knows who the item belongs to.
    • Coffee maker or electric kettle. What you need at work. If the kettle is not too small and heated. A coffee maker is generally a great idea; doctors often drink an instant drink, because it’s normal to brew it and there is no time or place.
    • USB heated cup. So that the drink does not get cold while the doctor resolves urgent issues.
    • A box with a year's supply of socks. Why not? Comes in a beautiful gift box, looks original. And it will definitely come in handy in life, you just need to be more careful with the size.
    • Table or floor fan or heater. Air conditioning is rarely installed in offices. It's hot in summer and often cold in winter.
    • Tabletop biofireplace or fountain. Saving lives, complex operations and stress are very draining. Let the doctor relax a little.
    • Glass magnetic marker board. It is fashionable to write on it with markers and erase it, as well as attach notes with magnets. Very convenient in the office. And by the way, this is very original idea what to give a man to a surgeon - not all of them have even seen such a thing.
    • Roll case for three pairs of glasses. For those doctors who wear glasses, and different ones. A very compact item that takes up much less space in your bag.

    It is clear that some things are a little personal, and if you did not communicate too much with the doctor before the operation, you do not know anything about him, it is worth considering several times whether a gift would be appropriate. How absolutely universal option, you can choose something from the sphere of gastronomic pleasures.

    Gifts for a tasty life

    Doctors do not live on cognac and sweets. They also often have families that also need to be fed, and their salaries do not allow them to buy special delicacies. Doctors joke that it would be better if instead of sweets they were given at least a stick of sausage. Well, it's not that interesting, but there are other options:

    • Good coffee or tea. But not ordinary, but something really interesting. Regular packs from the supermarket are given very often. But not everyone can afford elite varieties, and most likely the doctor will appreciate the gift.
    • Basket with exotic fruits. You don’t have to order on the website; you can assemble it yourself from what’s in the store.
    • Basket with cheeses and/or sausages and other delicacies. Something that they don’t buy for every day, or even for the holidays.
    • Edible bouquet– you can order it, you can make it yourself. But not from candies or other sweets.
    • Certificate for going to a restaurant- of course, for two. In large cities, such a system has been operating for a long time. The doctor will choose when it is convenient for him to celebrate something and visit the establishment. It’s always nice to know that at any time you can go to a restaurant, eat deliciously, and not spend your money.

    Think about what you could do to surprise and please the doctor, and present it.

    What to give a man to a surgeon from colleagues

    Colleagues know the doctor better than patients, so they can give more personal gifts. They are usually presented for a birthday, anniversary, or in connection with a joyful event in life. In this case, it is better not to become attached to a profession, but to think of the recipient simply as a person with his own needs, interests and hobbies. Life is not only work.

    • Gifts for hobbies– for a fisherman, motorist, gardener, something thematic.
    • Gifts for home or garden- from household appliances or store certificates, to specific items, if you know what a person dreams of or what he needs.
    • Travel kit, travel kit. It can be given to a male surgeon who goes on business trips, to advanced training courses, or to conferences.
    • Headrest pillow. Allows you to take a comfortable nap even while sitting on the sofa or in an armchair. Perfectly relaxes the neck muscles, allowing you to relax comfortably. short term. And quickly get up and get back to work urgent call.
    • Money- still very good idea. Moreover, they can definitely be accepted from colleagues.

    You shouldn’t give gifts that everyone will use: a coffee maker, a TV, other things “for the staff room.”

    What to give a doctor to a man as a friend or loved one

    In this case, it is better, again, to distract from professional topics and congratulate your friend or loved one as a person, and not as an employee. Give gifts based on interests rather than being tied to “Top Surgeon” cups or statues. Alternatively, you can choose something valuable, or something that will help you relax after or during work:

    • Massage chair or cover, foot massager– the doctor has to spend a lot of time on his feet, in tense positions, etc.
    • Golden Scalpel- quite a valuable gift.
    • Certificates of impressions– for example, for tasting drinks, for active recreation, fishing, etc. Unlike tickets for concerts (you may not be able to guess with the change), they are good because they can be used at a convenient time, even several months after delivery.

    Remember: you love and appreciate a person not because he is a doctor. So just take care of his comfort and joy.

    Valuable gifts

    Sometimes you really want to thank a specialist with something really special, if you can afford it. Doctors online shared information about the most valuable gifts for them personally. We tell you what you can give to the doctor as a sign of gratitude for saving your life and health.

    We often feel respect and gratitude for doctors. Sometimes you want to express your gratitude not only in words, but also in the form of a gift.

    What is appropriate to give to a doctor as a gift - in this article we have collected 13 interesting and diverse ideas.

    1. Fruit basket

    Sweets and chocolates are a banal way to express gratitude to the doctor. Surely his slot is full of such “gifts”.

    But a fruit basket can be a pleasant surprise. A fruit basket delivery service is now available. The gift is beautifully decorated and presented to the recipient.

    Add a thank you card to your basket, and the doctor will be doubly pleased to receive this token of attention.

    2. Large capacity external drive

    In the age of computer technology, there is never too much additional memory. Give the doctor an external drive of 2–2.5 terabytes.

    There he will be able to store not only the medical records of his patients, scientific literature, photographs, but also a lot of other useful information.

    This gadget is quite expensive; an advanced doctor will appreciate your gift.

    3. Rare varieties of coffee or tea

    Rare varieties of coffee or loose leaf tea in gift packaging Perfect as a gift.

    Doctors, like people of other professions, have pauses and breaks in their work. It's nice to fill them with tea with colleagues.

    4. Tabletop coffee maker

    If your doctor is a coffee lover, give him a small tabletop coffee maker as a gift.

    The doctor will no longer have to rush to the resident’s room to make a cup of coffee, and a wonderful coffee aroma will always be in the office.

    5. Famous brand pen

    Despite widespread computerization, doctors still have to write a lot by hand. A reliable and high-quality pen from a well-known brand will be a good gift for a doctor.

    It is best to purchase a gift set that includes a pen case.

    And it looks more solid, and you can put a note of gratitude in the box.

    6. Honey set

    The healing properties of honey have been known since time immemorial. A good gift Your doctor will receive a set of natural aromatic honey. Tasty, healthy and soulful.

    You can make a gift set of several types of honey - May, buckwheat, flower and add honey soap, a jar of pollen or royal jelly to the basket.

    Your doctor will definitely like such a wonderful gift.

    7. Notebook or diary

    A business person of any profession needs to plan his day. This is the only way to get everything done.

    Be original, present the doctor with a “Doctor’s Diary” - a convenient, specialized organizer on durable paper, created taking into account the wishes of doctors.

    A practicing doctor will appreciate such a gift.

    8. Salt lamp

    An unusual lamp not only provides light, but also enriches the air with useful minerals and salts. The lamp is made of salt crystal and, when heated, releases negatively charged ions.

    In addition to its invaluable benefits, it is simply a beautiful piece of furniture. You can choose the model and color of the lamp to suit your taste.

    9. Massage

    Treating people is not easy work. And the doctor needs rest from time to time.

    We invite you to present the doctor with a certificate for a relaxing massage course.

    Two in one - benefits for the body and relaxation for the mind.

    10. Portable battery

    Doctors have irregular working hours. It happens that you have to stay in the hospital or go out on an urgent call to see a patient.

    Charge mobile phone may not be enough for a doctor’s entire long working day and there is not always access to an outlet.

    A portable battery for a mobile phone is not too expensive, but a very useful gift. Surely it will be received with gratitude

    11. Humidifier

    Who, if not a doctor, knows about the dangers of dry air. Due to their duties, doctors have to spend a lot of time indoors. Most often, with air conditioning.

    The humidity in such a room often does not exceed 20%, which is comparable to conditions in the desert.

    With insufficient humidity in the air, the concentration of dust increases, and the body spends more moisture to maintain balance.

    Give your doctor a humidifier and he will remember a grateful patient for a long time.

    12. E-book

    Book - best gift! Especially if it is electronic.

    An e-book solves many problems. IN in electronic format It’s easier to find scientific works that have not been published in our country.

    And the gadget’s memory capacity will allow you to fit an entire library into this small device.

    13. Your business card

    Or quid pro quo. Think about how you, as a professional, can be useful to the doctor.

    You install European windows or doors, sew clothes, work in a restaurant... Promise the doctor to help within the scope of your competence.

    This way you will establish not only business, but also friendly relations.

    In conclusion, a little about what you should not give. You should not give the doctor alcohol, sweets, or gifts from a joke store.

    With such a gift you are more likely to offend than express gratitude.

    After recovery, it is not a sin to thank those who contributed their knowledge and skills to this. Any person is pleased when his professionalism and competence are appreciated.

    A gift from a patient is not only gratitude, but also our recognition of the doctor’s qualifications.

    We offer you 13 gift ideas in which this recognition can be expressed.

    1. Set of bath salts

    Nowadays, there are many ways to relax after a hard day. Some people like to sit on a chair with a book, some prefer to sit in front of the TV, some like to chat on the phone with a friend.

    But any woman will appreciate the opportunity to soak in the bath. A set of salts can be an excellent addition to it.

    Pleasant aromas will allow you to relax and completely immerse yourself, and beneficial features salts will soften and moisturize the skin, improve its condition and appearance.

    2. Crimean herbal balm

    Recently, it has become customary to thank attending physicians with something special. For many, their imagination is limited to a banal bottle of cognac. Perhaps a man will appreciate such a gift. But giving alcohol to a woman is bad manners.

    We offer a healthy alternative - Crimean herbal balm.

    Insisted on natural ingredients, a healing drink, take one or two spoons at night. It has a pleasant tonic effect, is not addictive and has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system.

    3. Certificate for the spa

    Any woman will be grateful for the opportunity to relax and refresh herself. It's great that you can combine these two activities at the spa. Massage session, stone therapy, nourishing masks for face.

    After a day spent in the SPA salon, a woman will feel beautiful and full of energy, just like after a trip to the resort.

    4. Bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates

    A standard gift suitable for almost any situation. Any woman would be pleased to receive a bouquet of flowers. In addition, this gift is part of the standard set, unspokenly accepted by etiquette in society.

    If we want to do something nice official, but at the same time do not cross the doctor-patient line, you should choose just such a symbolic sign of attention and gratitude. Any flowers can be purchased.

    However, preference should be given white color, avoiding red and pink, which symbolize romantic affection.

    A box of chocolates will complement the bouquet. Let it be good, expensive chocolate from a well-known brand.

    5. Silk neckerchief

    A universal accessory that will suit a woman, regardless of age, be it a very young woman or a lady of Balzac age.

    It is advisable to choose a color that is not too flashy. Pastel colors suit almost everyone.

    You won't be able to guess the size when it comes to a scarf or neckerchief.

    The main thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the product.

    6. Magnetic sleep glasses

    A useful and necessary gift. Magnetic sleep glasses can not only relieve long-term insomnia by creating pleasant darkness, but also help in the treatment of diseases such as myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness.

    Glasses can be worn not only at night. They are great for application cosmetics, masks and creams for the eye area.

    In addition, they can be used when watching TV and working at the computer for a long time.

    7. Indoor fountain

    The compact fountain will fit perfectly into any interior. It humidifies the indoor air and makes your interior more interesting.

    Flowing water calms and relieves stress. Looking at the transparent streams, it’s good to think.

    Sometimes such half-hour relaxation is enough to get a boost of energy for the day or find a way out of a difficult situation.

    8. Design office

    All women were once girls who studied diligently or not very well at school. Remember how teenagers loved questionnaires, questionnaires and friendship diaries.

    Every woman is still a teenage girl at heart, and she will gratefully accept a beautiful and extraordinary notebook as a gift.

    You can choose a designer diary or, for example, a specially designed doctor's notebook.

    9. Theater tickets

    Going to the theater is an event. It’s a pity that in the daily hustle and bustle we often forget about such a wonderful way to spend time.

    Give your doctor theater tickets. It is advisable to choose a well-known production that everyone knows, or a comedy.

    In both cases you can't go wrong.

    10. Pen “Golden Heart”

    An elegant, stylish handle with a heart-shaped tip is made without unnecessary details in classic colors– black and gold.

    The best part is that you can make this gift personal by ordering an engraving on the manufacturer’s website with the name and surname of your doctor.

    Unlike different types fashionable “Parkers”, there will be only one such pen for the entire hospital.

    11. Wall clock

    They say that the sign does not encourage giving a watch as a gift. But if we are talking about people of science, about doctors, whose profession involves a certain amount of cynicism, then this rule can be neglected.

    The choice should be given to classic models that will look ideal both in the office and at home.

    12. Search station

    Many people, especially women, tend to lose their apartment keys, phone or wallet. In a hurry, getting ready for work or running errands, they turn the entire apartment over to find the item they need.

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