• What to take with you to the bathhouse? — List of necessary things for a comfortable stay. Rules for visiting the bathhouse. What to take to the bath


    So, today is Saturday - bath day, and we have a question: what to take with you to the bathhouse. It seems that everything is simple, but depending on how we treat it, the phrase “what to take with you to the bathhouse” takes on a different meaning. Imagine you came to the bathhouse and it turns out that you forgot your flip-flops. Of course, nothing terrible happened - you can walk around barefoot. What if I also left a washcloth at home? Then it’s really sad!

    All these are little things, but, as a rule, they “poison” our life. I don’t think that this won’t spoil your mood - after all, you came to the bathhouse to relieve psychological and physical fatigue, gain strength, have a good time chatting with friends and just have fun, and here it is! If I have stated my thoughts convincingly, then let's get down to business.

    So, what should you definitely take with you to the bathhouse? Yes, everything you need. Look below and remember.

    It’s better to take two brooms – one oak (brings up the heat well), the other birch (excellent aroma).

    Bath guru tips

    Mandatory bath accessories

    • . For those who do not steam with them, it will still be useful to breathe in their aroma. You can steam it and use its infusion to wash your hair.
    • Waterproof flip flops.
    • Detergents (soap, shampoo).
    • Washcloth, sponge, etc.
    • Bath cap or cap. If not, you can grab an old felt or knitted hat.
    • Mittens. You can buy them in the store. As a way out, ordinary construction mittens or woolen mittens will come in handy.
    • At least two terry towels. You can lie on one in the steam room, and dry yourself with the other. A sheet wouldn't hurt either.
    • Comb.
    • Change of underwear.
    • Swimsuit or swimming trunks (if visiting the bathhouse together).

    It won't hurt to take it to the bathhouse

    • Bathrobe.
    • For women, one small terry towel. You can sit on it in the steam room.
    • Scissors for cutting nails.
    • Pumice.
    • Massage brush.
    • Thermos with tea or decoction.
    • Aromatic oils, infusions, nourishing creams, honey
    • Hair dryer.
    • You can grab a couple of sandwiches, vegetables or fruits.
    • Juices or tonic drinks.

    As we can see from the list, everything is not so simple. But ours is worth it. Agree, what to take with you to the bathhouse you really need everything you need. Moreover, this does not require too much effort. The main thing is not to forget!

    – this is a ritual and there should be no trifles here!

    In a Russian bath you will need: First What need to take to the bathhouse

    , this is a felt cap or scarf to protect the head from heat and hair from drying out;

    Rubber flip-flops;

    - Two sheets or two large towels (you go with one to the steam room, wrap yourself in the other afterwards); What to take to the bath from bath accessories

    - Two sheets or two large towels (you go with one to the steam room, wrap yourself in the other afterwards);? Soap, washcloth, shampoo, scrub, etc.;

    more? In a Russian bathhouse, of course, one cannot do without its main symbol - a broom: birch, oak, eucalyptus...

    Instilled in visiting the bathhouse

    In a Russian bath you will need: The bath ritual includes several stages that must be passed through sequentially. The time spent in the bathhouse is individual, but steaming too little does not make sense, and too long is harmful to the heart. The most optimal is about two hours.. rules for visiting the bathhouse

    It is not recommended to steam on either a full or an empty stomach. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol before visiting the bathhouse. The bath ritual includes several stages that must be passed through sequentially. The time spent in the bathhouse is individual, but steaming too little does not make sense, and too long is harmful to the heart. The most optimal is about two hours.. Second

    When you come to the bathhouse, you must first take a shower, then wipe yourself dry so that moisture does not interfere with sweating. For the same reason, you need to constantly wipe off sweat in the steam room. Do not wash with soap before the steam room: heat and sweat can irritate soap-dried skin. The bath ritual includes several stages that must be passed through sequentially. The time spent in the bathhouse is individual, but steaming too little does not make sense, and too long is harmful to the heart. The most optimal is about two hours.. Third

    Do not forget to remove all jewelry: when heated, it can burn your skin. The bath ritual includes several stages that must be passed through sequentially. The time spent in the bathhouse is individual, but steaming too little does not make sense, and too long is harmful to the heart. The most optimal is about two hours.. Fourth

    You need to get used to the heat gradually and carefully. In the steam room, start from the bottom level of the beds (the hottest air is on the top shelves). When you first come in, try to just relax and warm up and sit longer. How long to stay in the steam room is up to you, but no more than 20 minutes. Leave at the first sign of fatigue or any other discomfort . It is better to make several short visits, since a long stay can harm an unprepared body. If you visiting the bathhouse

    for the first time or after a long break, listen especially carefully to yourself. It is better to lie in a steam room, because in this position the kidneys work more intensively and the body produces more sweat. Plunge after visiting the bathhouse Plunge after- alternation of heat and cold. Cold causes the blood vessels to constrict and blood rushes to the heart, while hot steam causes the reverse process to occur. After the ice-cold water, take a shower, wrap yourself in a towel and lie down or sit until your body temperature returns to normal. In between visits to the steam room, and even after Plunge after It is useful to drink hot tea with herbs (for example, mint, oregano, linden blossom, St. John's wort) and honey. Tea promotes sweating and restores water balance in organism. It is also good to use rubbing to remove toxins. Since ancient times, in Rus', to cleanse the body, people rubbed themselves with honey, beer, salt or vodka, and then went to the steam room. You can apply salt with the addition of soda to the skin both in a Russian bath and in a sauna. Add visit to the bathhouse You can use all sorts of body cleansing procedures using exfoliating agents or a washcloth. And the ideal end to the bath ritual is a massage.

    Visiting the bathhouse It’s best to devote the whole day (it’s no coincidence that the expression “bath day”). After it, a person feels renewed, sleep will be sound and serene.

    It's no secret that for many people, a bathhouse is a great way to relax, relieve stress, and improve their health. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what exactly needs to be taken with them when planning to take a steam bath. So, let's look at what to take with you to the bathhouse for both girls and men.

    Sheet, towel and bedding

    Out of ignorance, some of us take a sheet with us to the steam room as a bedding, which we will then wrap ourselves with. However, this cannot be done. A bath requires special bedding. This can be a large piece of fabric, preferably cotton, linen or flannel. This fabric will perfectly absorb the sweat generated in the steam room.

    After the bath and in between steam baths, a sheet is just necessary. A large terry towel will come in handy after a shower.


    After each visit to the bathhouse, for hygiene purposes, the bedding should be boiled and ironed with a hot iron.


    You simply cannot do without this item in a bathhouse. After all, rubbing ourselves with a washcloth brings tangible benefits to our body. This excellent massager perfectly massages the skin, increasing blood circulation (especially in fatty deposits) and having a tonic effect. Experienced bathhouse attendants advise taking a natural, moderately hard washcloth with you to the steam room, for example, one made from loofah (the dried fibrous fruit of a plant).

    But with the help of plastic corrugated palms that are fixed on the wrist, or hard terry mittens, you can effectively remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, making it softer and smoother. A special bath brush made from pork bristles is also perfect for this; it is attached to a small wooden board. For convenience, it is sometimes made with a long handle so that a person can rub his own back without turning to the help of others.

    Soap and shampoo

    What soap do you take with you to the bathhouse? Probably an ordinary toilet that you use every day. But real bath lovers know very well that there is a special bath soap. It differs from the toilet one in that it contains fewer perfumes and aromatic additives that can irritate sensitive, steamed skin.
    Bath soap may contain: natural ingredients And medicinal herbs, which, in turn, has therapeutic effect on the skin.

    You can revive and nourish dry skin with strawberry soap containing vitamin C and essential oils. Cleanses and disinfects pores well oily skin soap based on calendula extract. Find " mutual language» with mixed skin Raspberry soap can do this, while leveling the pH balance and making it less sensitive.

    Apple soap is suitable for any skin type. It gives the skin tone and improves its color. Soap with celandine and pine needles extract has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, which is good for problem skin.

    As for shampoo, take with you the one you usually use at home.


    You should not wash with a washcloth and soap before visiting the steam room. If you do not adhere to this rule, then hot steam will only harm your skin: after all, skin that is actively washed with soap and a washcloth becomes degreased, irritated and becomes drier.


    A bath cap protects our hair from strong steam and dry air. The best option will be if you choose a hat made of wool or felt. Although some prefer to wrap their heads terry towel. True, at the most inopportune moment such a “turban” can come undone, and you will have to build it again. And it often happens that a person has to adjust his headdress several times, and this, you see, is very tiring and distracts from the main procedure.


    Many people take rubber slippers with them, but such shoes are not advisable for a bathhouse, as you can easily slip in them.

    Slippers should perform two tasks at once: reduce the slipping effect and protect feet from fungal diseases. Therefore, it is better to give preference to closed models with a textured sole.

    Honey and butter

    After a bath our skin needs good hydration and nutrition. For example, pamper the skin of the face and neck honey mask. As for the body, oils (walnut, almond, pine, etc.), which can make the skin smooth and velvety, will have an excellent effect on it.


    During and after a hot bath, this tonic drink will help you maintain the balance of moisture in the body, increase sweating and quench thirst. It is better if you brew green tea instead of black tea and replace sugar with honey.

    In addition to relaxation and positive emotions, steam will help you get rid of extra pounds, tightens the skin and improves the condition of the body

    Women, more often than men, wonder what to take with them to the bathhouse, because family vacations depend on us. We worry about food, drinks, towels and other small details. Dear women, do not neglect visiting the bathhouse. In addition to relaxation and positive emotions, steam will help you get rid of extra pounds, tighten your skin and improve the condition of your body. Therefore, let’s also not forget about cosmetics, which will enhance the effect.
    Today we will find out together which items will be superfluous and which ones we can’t do without.

    List of required items

    If this is your first time visiting the bathhouse, do not forget to take with you a mandatory set of items that will be useful for men and women. Of course, in reputable establishments they will offer you all this for an additional fee, but you must agree that using your own things is much more pleasant.

    • Bath slippers are essential for comfort and hygiene. Don’t forget that many people visit the bathhouse, so protect your feet from fungi and other unpleasant diseases.
    • A towel, or better yet two. Because after repeated wiping, it will become wet. It is better to wipe yourself dry before going out.
    • A bath cap protects against overheating and will also keep your hair shiny and vibrant.
    • A bath pareo that can replace a sheet. Even if you are steaming naked, do not neglect this item, because in the relaxation room you will have to sit on a sofa or in a chair that has already been occupied by visitors (if the bathhouse is public).
    • Brooms (4–5 pieces) for massage. A classic bath attribute that helps stimulate blood circulation and also accelerates the process of losing weight, which is very important for us, beautiful women.
    • Shampoo and soap will be useful to you before leaving the bathhouse. It is better to immediately rinse off sweat and remaining moisture before putting on clean clothes.
    • A washcloth is effective for removing impurities from steamed skin. It also helps to warm up subcutaneous fat, which leads to the disappearance of cellulite (with regular use). That is, it has a scrubbing effect.
    • A comb is simply necessary for women after visiting the steam room. Even though your hair is hidden under a cap, it still becomes damp from the steam, which can make it frizzy and difficult to style. Don't forget that we must look good under any circumstances.
    • Drinking water will restore the body's water balance. When exposed to high temperatures, we sweat, losing fluid. Therefore, it needs to be replenished in a timely manner.

    This list of items is suitable for women and men. Of course, depending on your individual preferences, you can add a few more items. But it’s definitely not worth removing any of them.

    Advice! Before visiting the bathhouse, remove your makeup completely. Your skin needs to breathe. This is the only way the healing properties of steam will give the desired result.

    On the subject of snacks and drinks

    If you go to the bathhouse with a noisy group, try not to abuse alcohol. The heart may not be able to withstand the simultaneous load of alcoholic drinks, high temperature and massage with a broom. Herbal teas are best for detoxifying the body.

    Before visiting the bathhouse you should not consume the following products:

    • grilled meat;
    • products made from animal fats (lard, ice cream, cakes);
    • smoked products (fish, cheese and others);
    • snacks with synthetic additives (chips, crackers, etc.).

    Please note that synthetic additives are not only found in snacks and snacks. They're in large quantities found in carbonated drinks. Especially avoid drinking water with dyes.

    What foods can you eat before visiting the bathhouse?

    • fruits;
    • vegetables;
    • seafood;
    • baked fish of any kind;
    • dairy dishes;
    • vegetable broth soup;
    • eggs;
    • dairy products.

    Lovers noisy companies They will probably be upset to learn that it is better to postpone meals three hours before visiting the bathhouse or 1.5 hours after. Such strict rules are indicated by the fact that in order to obtain maximum effect and the benefits of the steam room can only be obtained on an empty stomach, when the body is not overloaded. Just don't forget to drink. Herbal teas, juices, and fruit drinks not only have a beneficial effect on your health, but are also delicious.

    But still, if you are gathering with friends for a birthday or other holiday in the bathhouse, you can treat your guests to light snacks:

    • cheese slices;
    • fruit slices;
    • fresh or grilled vegetables;
    • vegetable salads, dressed olive oil(if possible, exclude mayonnaise);
    • canapés or sandwiches;
    • rolls and sushi.

    If you decide to order meat, give preference to kebab. It is tasty and not as greasy as a dish cooked in a frying pan. You can also order pizza, with 1-2 slices per guest.

    As we can see, when visiting a bathhouse, it is better to limit yourself in food so that it does not cause harm to the body. But there are exceptions to every rule, so choose your food and drink wisely.

    Advice! Do not go to the sauna on a full stomach, as the blood will drain from the internal organs to the skin. The food will simply start to ferment, which will lead to stomach pain. After the feast, you can visit the steam room no earlier than 4–5 hours.

    We turn the bathhouse into a SPA

    To get the most out of your visit to the sauna, go there for your first steam. It is most healing in the morning. Therefore, get ready in advance so as not to waste precious minutes. What should you take with you to the bathhouse?

    • Felt cap. A knitted wool hat would also work. The effect of high temperature on hair is unfavorable. Especially if they are overdried or chemically stained. To avoid going to the hairdresser the next day, be sure to hide your hair in the steam room, even if you don’t like the cap.
    • Natural loofah loofah. It has an exfoliating effect and is also effective in the fight against stretch marks and cellulite. In addition, it opens the pores, which saturates the skin with oxygen and improves blood circulation in the tissues.
    • A mitten made of sisal has a scrubbing effect and is suitable for all skin types. With its help, the prevention and fight against cellulite is most effective. It can be replaced with a horsehair mitten, which promotes skin cell regeneration.

    • Pumice stone for heels easily removes rough skin from pre-steamed feet.
    • Massage oil with aromatic additives.
    • Clay for face care. After steaming the skin, it is very useful to treat it with clay for 10–15 minutes. Then rinse with water and feel how the dermis has become cleaner and denser.
    • Essential oil of lemon and spruce oregano will help soften rough skin on the knees and elbows.
    • Tar soap is suitable for face and body care. Effective in the fight against acne and blackheads. If you are weak and damaged hair, That Birch tar in the soap will strengthen their structure and prevent hair loss. The only drawback of the product is bad smell. But you can get rid of it with the help of a balm-rinse with citrus extract.
    • Salt or honey helps speed up the release of toxins through the skin. To ensure that sweat appears immediately after entering the steam room, treat your body with these components in advance.
    • A hairdryer is very useful for drying your hair before leaving the bath. Especially in winter outside with wet hair It's dangerous to go out. So be prepared for anything.
    • Home dried broom. We will talk about this irreplaceable bath attribute separately.

    To get the most out of your sauna experience, prepare your skin care products in advance. After steaming they act faster.

    Advice! All anti-cellulite masks and creams are most effective in a bath. Hot temperature accelerates metabolic processes, and the liquid that has accumulated in the fat layers gradually evaporates.

    Which bath broom to choose?

    A broom is an important bath attribute. First of all, it is intended for massage, which improves blood circulation in deep tissues. Interstitial fluid and lymph are redistributed throughout the body. Also, any branches kill pathogenic bacteria due to the release of phytoncides. Essential oils contained in the leaves prevent aging.

    Let's find out together which broom to choose from in order to get the maximum benefit from it.

    • Birch It is considered the most common due to the fact that it is flexible and durable. IN folk medicine have long known about healing properties tree. Birch sap contains anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and wound-healing enzymes. The essential substances secreted by the branches expand the bronchi and promote the discharge of sputum. Branches of any variety are suitable, but it is best to use downy birch. It lasts for a long time, and the leaves will not slip. One broom is enough for two trips to the bathhouse.

    • Oak more durable, so it can be used for 3-4 trips to the bathhouse. It is convenient to use oak leaves to generate steam, since it has wide, dense leaves. Thanks to the moderate dryness of the broom, quilting is easier. Tannins are effective in skin diseases, as well as sweating feet. This broom is especially good for women with fat type skin. After the procedure, it will become elastic and matte. Also, with the help of oak branches you can relieve stress and any inflammation.
    • Eucalyptus more often used in the Caucasus, since the plant is most common there. An infusion of leaves is used as an antiseptic. In addition, the aroma in the steam room has inhalation properties. Sprinkle the walls with a decoction of eucalyptus, breathe through your nose and feel how the bronchi, trachea and larynx warm up. The only drawback of such a broom is that the rods are too thin, which are difficult to swing. Therefore, combine branches: add them to a birch or oak broom.
    • Nettle, a properly prepared broom, perfectly relieves lumbar and joint pain. Therefore, if you have radiculitis, gout or rheumatism, choose nettle. True, before using it you need to first prepare it: transfer it twice for 2-3 minutes to cold water from hot water. After these procedures, you can safely use a broom.
    • Coniferous a broom is not suitable for people with sensitive skin. Even if you steam it first, it can cause discomfort. But the essential oils contained in pine needles have a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular system person.
    • Juniper The broom perfectly stimulates blood circulation and increases sweating. An effective remedy in the fight against spinal pain and radiculitis.

    It is important not only to choose a broom, but also to know how to use it. Pointless clapping will not lead to desired result. You need to stroke their back, pat them. Compress and fanning techniques are also common.

    Please note that the new broom does not need to be steamed, otherwise it will become limp and unusable. To steam a dry broom, you need to immerse it in cold water for 15 minutes, then immerse it in hot water for 2-3 minutes.

    Advice! Do not lie under a broom if you have heart problems.

    Effective aromatherapy

    Essential oils have been used in baths for thousands of years. With their help, you will clear the nasopharynx, dilate the bronchi, and also improve the condition of the cardiac system if you visit the bathhouse regularly. Usually oils are diluted in warm water. It is forbidden to drip them onto hot stones, as they will release unpleasant odors.

    So, take the following essential oils with you to the bath:

    By using essential oils you will clear the nasopharynx, dilate the bronchi, and also improve the condition of the cardiac system

    Advice! Don't sit in the steam room for too long. If you abuse it, you will not get a stronger effect from the procedure, but there is a risk heatstroke increased many times.

    Going to the sauna is a great way to relax, relieve stress, and improve your health. If you visit her regularly, you will always feel great. But not everyone knows what to take with them to the bathhouse. To have a great rest, you need to prepare a few necessary things.

    Who shouldn't go to the bathhouse?

    You need to know not only what to take with you to the bathhouse, but also who such a visit is contraindicated for. People should not go to the bathhouse or sauna:

    • with fear to the steam room;
    • with acute diseases;
    • with general atherosclerosis;
    • with arterial hypertension;
    • with various infections;
    • with tuberculosis;
    • with psychoses;
    • with epilepsy;
    • with autonomic disorders.

    In the bathhouse you cannot:

    • drink alcohol;
    • steam on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
    • drink soda;
    • drink cold drinks;
    • overload physically.

    If you feel unwell, you should not go to the steam room, as there may be complications. It is necessary to gradually get used to the heat. In case of severe overheating, you need to leave the steam room.


    Stones are needed for a bathhouse if you plan to independently organize your own bathhouse. When visiting a public establishment, they are usually not needed. There are several types of stones:

    • soapstone;
    • gabbro-diabase and volcanic;
    • basalt;
    • jade;
    • jasper.

    Where can I get stones for a bath? You can assemble them yourself or buy them in a specialized store.

    Banya broom

    This attribute is the most important for a Russian bath. If you plan to visit the Finnish sauna or then such a thing will not be required. When choosing a broom, you need to pay attention to which tree the branches come from. This determines the effect of the massage.

    Birch broom can cure pain in bones and muscles. Oak relieves nervous tension and skin ailments. The twigs can be fresh or dried. A dry broom quickly becomes fresh if it is steamed in hot water. You can also steam the broom, then it will become soft.


    What to take with you to the bathhouse if not a washcloth? The skin is steamed, dead cells are peeled off. A washcloth will help this process. Rubbing has a massage effect, which restores blood circulation to the skin and has a tonic effect.

    Anything natural is suitable for a bath, so the washcloth must also comply with this rule. The product can be made of loofah, sisal, bast. Each of them is tough, so it cleanses the skin perfectly. For small children, natural

    A washcloth in the form of a mitten works great. It is put on the hand: with pressure you need to perform massage movements, treating all areas of the skin. If you plan to visit alone, you need to take a long-handled brush with you. This device will allow you to rub your back without any help.

    A cap

    If you plan to go to the bathhouse, what should you take with you? A special headdress is required. It is necessary for those steam rooms where the temperature reaches 80 degrees. This will protect your head from overheating and your hair from drying out.

    There are linen, cotton, felt or felt. Each of these materials is good in its own way. You can choose any product to your taste.


    What to take to a body bath? Need 2 large towels. You will need one of them to place on the hot shelf before sitting down. The second towel is for drying and wrapping around yourself.

    What clothes should you take to a city bathhouse? Required bathrobe, which will be more comfortable than a towel. You can relax in it after the steam room.


    What to take to a public bath? Don't forget about slippers. You can do without them only when visiting your own bathhouse, and in in public places It’s rarely perfectly clean, which can lead to foot fungus. Moreover, these could be rubber flip-flops, or something original, for example, bath slippers made of linen, felt, or sisal.

    Soap and shampoo

    What to take with you to the bathhouse for hygiene procedures? For this you need soap and shampoo. When choosing products, pay attention to the aroma. If it is intrusive, then it is of synthetic origin. You should not purchase such products. It is advisable to use soap made from natural ingredients, as it will not contain chemical additives or animal fats.

    Soap based on tar and goat milk. These products are different from standard bar soap. They are usually produced in liquid form.

    Care products

    If you plan to go to the bathhouse, what should you take with you for care? Since the pores of the skin open in steam and absorb the valuable composition, you need to take medicinal products. For example, honey, which is rubbed with massage movements. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and toxins are removed from it. Honey massage has an anti-cellulite effect.

    Scrubs that cleanse the skin are suitable for the steam room. It could be sea ​​salt, coffee grounds, chopped nuts with olive oil. After the steam room, you can apply different masks: from oatmeal, honey, cream, fruits and berries. You need to choose a product that is suitable for your skin.


    When visiting a public bath, you must take a basin with you. This will be much more convenient. It should be noted that often in a common steam room there are iron containers that heat up quickly.


    These devices are used for massage. They may have long handles. They are easy to massage your back and legs. Brushes come in wood, silicone and plastic. The former are used to treat cellulite. The type of wood is of great importance. Every tree has special properties, aroma and benefits.

    The disadvantages of wooden brushes are that they get wet from moisture, crack and dry out, so pathogenic bacteria remain on them. Brushes from artificial materials Excellent for: They will be bacteria-free, will not crack, are highly polished and are ideal for wet massage.


    This attribute is needed for foot care. It will help you cleanse your skin of corns, calluses, and rough areas. A few movements are enough to improve the condition of your legs.


    During steaming in a bathhouse, the body loses a lot of fluid. To make up for this deficiency, you need to take a thermos with herbal or green tea. The drink will quench your thirst and also fill you with vigor. Melissa, calendula, thyme, and other beneficial herbs are suitable for herbal tea. It must be prepared according to dosage. It is advisable to sweeten with honey.

    Green tea should be brewed with 80 degrees water, not boiling water. Then the drink will be healthier. You can take a vitamin mixture to the bathhouse, for example, a decoction of rosehip, sea buckthorn, or strawberry. There are many recipes for making such drinks.

    Juices made from carrots, beets, and grapes are perfect for drinks. Only they must be freshly squeezed. Natural kvass and mineral water are suitable.

    This necessary list necessary things for the bath. It is important to prepare in advance for visiting it, because then relaxing in the steam room will be effective.

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