• Dexamethasone during pregnancy: when the goal justifies the risk. Dexamethasone for maintaining pregnancy and saving premature babies


    Almost all women are aware that during pregnancy they should avoid taking any medications because they can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Of course, this is the correct position, but in some cases it is impossible to avoid therapy with medications. After all, other emerging pathologies turn out to be much more dangerous to the child’s life than the drugs that help get rid of them. One of these is Dexamethasone. It is prescribed during pregnancy for hyperandrogenism.

    What is Dexamethasone?

    The annotation for this drug states that it is contraindicated during pregnancy. However, it is precisely in this condition that it is prescribed to expectant mothers - precisely in order to maintain the pregnancy. And they do this in cases when the body of a pregnant woman begins to produce an increased mass of androgens - male hormones.

    Why is hyperandrogenism dangerous?

    With this condition, hyperandrogenism develops, which leads to the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.
    The hormonal drug Dexamethasone in injections during pregnancy suppresses the production of androgens by the adrenal glands and ovaries, thereby reducing the threat of miscarriage. Typically, this drug is prescribed throughout pregnancy, because during the process of growth, the fetus’s body also begins to produce male hormones. This is especially unsafe if a woman is expecting a boy: his hormones join maternal androgens, and this further increases the risk of premature birth and termination of pregnancy.

    Immune system activity

    Dexamethasone during pregnancy inhibits the activity of these processes, so it is prescribed for hyperactivity immune system which he pauses. This activity is called autoimmune conditions. They are typical for diseases such as lupus, arthritis, hepatitis, kidney disease, etc. In these cases, the overly active immune system of the pregnant woman regards the fetus as some kind of danger and reacts to it aggressively, trying to reject it. The mother's body also suffers under this onslaught. Dexamethasone prevents this by blocking the production of antibodies that prevent pregnancy from developing.

    Dexamethasone instructions for use during pregnancy

    This drug is a member of the class of corticosteroids and is characterized by the fact that it can penetrate the placenta. However, the dosage, verified over the years in practical endocrinology and gynecology, reduces to zero side effects for the fetus when used in the treatment of pregnant women with Dexamethasone. Usually the drug is prescribed in a dose of 1 to 3 tablets per day - this depends on the results of blood and urine tests. During therapy, you can reduce the dose of the drug, depending on the levels of androgens in the body. If complications do appear, it is usually atrophy of the adrenal cortex in the fetus. Their adjustment in the form of replacement therapy is carried out in a newborn.


    Dexamethasone is not recommended for third- or fourth-degree obesity in a pregnant woman or for hypersensitivity to the drug. Side effects from using Dexmethasone include nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and the formation of stomach ulcers.

    However, you should not neglect treatment with this remedy, despite concerns and thinking about negative consequences when taking the drug. Its use has been practiced for more than one year, and doctors, of course, are aware of its possible adverse effects, but that is why a pregnant woman taking Dexamethasone will be under the close supervision of specialists. Moreover, by refusing motivated treatment, you may have painful and tragic consequences for yourself - the loss of a child.

    During pregnancy, the expectant mother tries to avoid taking any medications. However, sometimes the doctor prescribes certain medications for her according to indications. Such medications include Dexamethasone. After reading the instructions for this product, many women are horrified when they see the number of contraindications and side effects indicated in the annotation. Is it necessary to take Dexamethasone during pregnancy? Let's consider when this drug is prescribed, what are its contraindications and side effects.

    Use of Dexamethasone during pregnancy

    Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid for systemic use. The active substance of the drug, dexamethasone sodium phosphate, has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and antiallergic effects. Its main property is to reduce the level of androgens in the body. These male hormones are common cause not only miscarriage, but also the woman’s inability to conceive. This is why Dexamethasone is often prescribed when planning pregnancy. The active ingredient of the drug is a synthetic analogue of adrenal hormones. It has the ability to restore hormonal balance in the body. Thus, the drug is effective for hyperandrogenism (increased amounts of male hormones).

    Another indication for the use of Dexamethasone during pregnancy is autoimmune conditions, or hyperactivity of the woman’s immune system. These conditions are typical for pathologies such as kidney disease, lupus, hepatitis, and some arthritis. With such diseases, the mother's immune system is initially too active. As a result, she perceives the fetus as a danger, and often reacts aggressively to it, and may even try to get rid of it. Dexamethasone prevents the production of antibodies, which can lead to miscarriage.

    Instructions for Dexamethasone during pregnancy

    Dexamethasone is available in the form of injection solution, tablets and drops. The dosage, frequency of administration and duration of therapy in each case should be determined by the attending physician. It takes into account the severity of the woman’s pathology, her general condition, the course and duration of pregnancy.

    Typically, Dexamethasone injections during pregnancy are prescribed in the first 3-4 days of treatment, then they switch to maintenance therapy using tablet form.

    This drug has the ability to penetrate the placenta. However, in most cases, a woman takes a dosage of Dexamethasone that cannot significantly affect the health and development of the fetus.

    According to reviews, Dexamethasone during pregnancy can cause side effects:

    • Weight gain, increased blood pressure, muscle weakness;
    • Nausea, flatulence, indigestion;
    • Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), bradycardia (slow heart rate);
    • Anxiety, nervousness, dizziness, insomnia;
    • Increased sweating;
    • An allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes, itching and burning.

    Experts note that the use of Dexamethasone during pregnancy leads to a decrease in immunity, so a woman becomes more susceptible to colds and infectious diseases. However, all of the above side effects are usually observed when taking a large dose of the drug.

    Dexamethasone tablets and injections during pregnancy sometimes help a woman keep her child. Therefore, do not panic when prescribing them. You must trust your doctor and follow all his recommendations. The reward for the mother will be the birth of a healthy baby.

    The instructions for Dexamethasone state that it is not recommended to take this drug during pregnancy. But despite this, doctors quite often prescribe it to pregnant women.
    Doctors say that if you find expectant mother in the hospital, under their careful supervision and the right choice dosage of Dexamethasone, you can save the child if there is a threat of miscarriage. If this cannot be avoided, then this drug will help the baby’s body form lungs faster.
    This drug is taken in the form of tablets or injections, whichever is right for you is prescribed by your doctor.

    Doctors specialists very actively recommend Dexamethasone to pregnant women, although this is a strong hormonal drug, according to the instructions, it is contraindicated for expectant mothers.
    Let's look at the reasons why doctors prescribe this medicine:

    For faster formation of fetal lungs, if there is a high probability of giving birth ahead of schedule.
    With adrenal hyperplasia of the expectant mother.
    To reduce immune system activity that is harmful to pregnancy.
    If there is an acute possibility of miscarriage due to a change in hormonal levels future mother.

    There are often times when premature birth simply cannot be avoided; it is in such cases that Dexamethasone is prescribed.

    Due to the fact that the baby was born prematurely, his lungs have not yet fully formed and may not open on their own. Thanks to the Dexamethasone injection, which was administered to the expectant mother in advance, the child will be able to breathe on his own.
    If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with adrenal hyperplasia, then this drug is administered to her throughout pregnancy. Dexamethasone will ensure that she maintains the balance of water in the body, and will also increase her immunity, which is very important during pregnancy.
    If a woman is diagnosed with autoimmune diseases even before giving birth, which strongly activate the immune system of the expectant mother, which is why her body will try to reject the fetus, she must be prescribed Dexamethasone. It blocks the excessive activity of the expectant mother’s body and minimizes the likelihood of miscarriage.

    Situations arise when a woman’s body produces an excessive amount of male hormones, which can cause a malfunction menstrual cycle and even infertility. Such women are immediately visible by their masculine figure and excessive hair. If pregnancy does occur in such women, then due to fluctuations in the amount of hormones in their body, there may be a threat of miscarriage. Such hormonal disorders in women they are mainly congenital, less often they arise in connection with polycystic disease.

    Dexamethasone when planning pregnancy

    If a woman has made unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant several times, doctors prescribe her Dexamethasone.
    The instructions for use contain so many undesirable consequences that many women doubt taking Dexamethasone. In particular, they are concerned about whether the next drug will harm their health, as well as their unborn child, since the description does not indicate the effect on the body of a woman planning a pregnancy.

    Modern gynecologists claim that the summary of Dexamethasone is very outdated, and if previously pregnancy was the main contraindication, now it is mainly recommended for pregnant women.

    Penetrating into a woman’s body, it significantly reduces the number of male hormones (Hyperandrogenism).
    As we reported earlier, hyperandrogenism causes not only disruption of the menstrual cycle in most women, but also contributes to infertility, and if you do manage to conceive a baby, there is a huge chance of miscarriage. So, with regular administration of Dexamethasone, the level of male hormones in a woman is regulated, and there is Great chance conceive a child.
    In this case, the drug is not canceled, but only its dosage is changed; it is possible that the doctor will not remove this drug until the birth.
    Doctors say that the consequences of Dexamethasone are minimal compared to the harm that can be caused to the body of a pregnant woman and child by a high content of male hormones in the body (Hyperandrogenism).
    It must be taken into account that the consequences of taking the drug, which are indicated in the annotation, are possible when using the usual dosage. At the stage of planning a child, a woman is prescribed one-fourth of the usual dosage, which cannot cause serious harm.

    Dexamethasone actively participates in metabolism in the body and promotes the growth of fat deposits. This factor was noted only in women with a strong tendency to be overweight; in the rest, a strong increase in kilograms was not observed.

    Remember that any medicine, including Dexamethasone, should be administered only after consultation and passing the necessary examinations.
    Under no circumstances do you self-medicate, as only your doctor will prescribe the dosage you need.
    Dexamethasone must be taken after meals, strictly at the same time.

    Contraindications for Dexamethasone during pregnancy

    Dexamethasone has an effect on a woman’s body, reducing her immunity. Due to this, she is susceptible various types diseases, especially during an epidemic.
    There are contraindications for which you should absolutely not take Dexamethasone:

    intolerance to individual components of the drug;
    stomach diseases;
    any form of gastritis;
    liver pathology;
    problems with the thyroid gland;
    problems with the heart and blood vessels.
    If you have at least one of the above symptoms, your doctor should under no circumstances prescribe you Dexamethasone, at least until the disease is eliminated.

    Side effects of Dexamethasone

    If you have no contraindications for the use of Dexamethasone, your doctor will prescribe it for a positive outcome of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby on time.
    Despite all the positive effects on the body, Dexamethasone also has a number of side effects. These include:

    weight gain (applies to those women who have a tendency to be overweight);
    disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
    the work of the sebaceous glands increases;
    manifestation of allergic reactions.
    If you experience one or even more symptoms while taking Dexamethasone, your doctor will most likely stop the drug or change the dosage. In this case, everything will go away on its own.
    You should not be too wary of contraindications to Dexamethasone; doctors explain that the descriptions in the instructions are greatly exaggerated.

    Experts have been using this drug for a very long time, and thanks to Dexamethasone, many healthy and full-term babies have been born.

    Use of Dexamethasone in the first trimester of pregnancy

    According to many studies, there is a possibility that when using Dexamethasone injections at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, it can lead to the birth of children with a pathology such as cleft palate. Accurate data on taking this drug have not been identified, and gynecologists assure that the risk, as a percentage, is not significant.

    Use of Dexamethasone in late pregnancy

    According to recent reviews, when using Dexamethasone, fetal development may be delayed and premature birth may occur.

    But, in most cases, this happens when the doctor did not correctly calculate the dosage of the medicine, as well as when a pregnant woman is ill.

    Also, with an increased likelihood of premature birth, or the birth of a child with insufficient body weight, the use of Dexamethasone increases the survival rate of such babies.

    I was prescribed Dexamethasone injections at the 28th week of pregnancy, due to ICI, the threat of premature birth and an exacerbation of rheumatic disease. The purpose of the appointment was to accelerate the maturation of the child’s lungs and partially suppress the mother’s immunity.

    Instead of an epigraph

    Since in one of the reviews about the diet, some impressionable citizens heatedly reproached me for touching on the topic of pregnancy, that pregnant women could supposedly take my words as a guide to action (apparently the citizens confused pregnancy with dementia), I would like to immediately make clarifications. I have no medical education. The review is not a call or propaganda. I am writing it only for those women who have already been prescribed the drug by their attending physician, but who, like me in my time, are afraid to inject it. If Dexamethasone injections are not prescribed for you, you can safely pass by and consider yourself lucky.

    Why was I afraid

    I was very afraid and for several days did not dare to inject the drug because it is covered with unkind legends. Where have I heard enough of them? It so happened that it was immediately assigned to our entire ward at the perinatal center - me and 2 other girls. Immediately, a stream of horror stories about Dexamethasone blew my mind against my will. The residents of the neighboring wards eagerly joined in the discussion, and an hour later the entire pathology department was discussing the topic. The most common opinion is that the administration of dexamethasone during pregnancy causes severe hormonal imbalances, impaired fetal growth and unimaginable developmental pathologies.

    At the same time, when you ask the “narrator”: “Did they prescribe it for you?”

    In response you get something like: “No, but a friend of mine…”

    In reality, it turned out that previously Dexamethasone injections were prescribed only to my roommate Vinaria, during her first pregnancy. And so they appointed me again. The timing and reason for our appointment were similar. But in the end, Vinaria, like the first time, refused to inject. She explained that she had read a lot about Dexamethasone and believed that the drug was very harmful for a child.

    What to do in such cases? How to make a decision without having any special education and, therefore, without being able to weigh the pros and cons. When some shout - if, and others - don’t dare! All these hesitations, of course, for the most part arise precisely from distrust in the professionalism of our doctors, but this is a separate, sore subject.

    Dexamethasone is a hormonal agent (glucocorticoid for systemic and local use). Fluorinated homolog of hydrocortisone.

    Pharmacological action - glucocorticoid, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antishock, immunosuppressive.

    During pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), the drug can be used only when the expected therapeutic effect outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. With long-term therapy during pregnancy, the possibility of impaired fetal growth cannot be excluded. If used at the end of pregnancy, there is a risk of atrophy of the adrenal cortex in the fetus, which may require replacement therapy in the newborn. The drug weakens the immune system of a pregnant woman. If it is necessary to carry out treatment with the drug during breastfeeding, then breastfeeding should be stopped.

    (Vidal Medicinal Directory)

    As I decided for myself

    And I decided that with the possible risk of pathologies from injections, the question is not yet clear. But if at early birth If the baby's lungs turn out to be not mature enough, then it will definitely be bad. In general, initially I had a program to at least reach at least 28 weeks, since I know that such babies are already being saved, then up to 30. And so, reaching each next milestone, I usually set myself a goal of another 2 weeks. So I decided to inject.

    To be fair, it must be said that I naturally consulted with the doctor who was “unofficially” managing my pregnancy. She ordered to inject. But here, too, everything was very difficult, because earlier, at week 18, I, by the will of fate, was left without the support of a doctor whom I had trusted for many years. I was hysterical, to put it mildly, and was frantically looking for a new specialist on my topic. I want to say that I was not very confident in the new doctor. But, inopportunely, I remembered that the doctor at the LCD, before referring me for conservation, warned me not to take Dexamethasone injections. In short, there was semolina porridge in my head.

    I also don’t look for information about medications on forums and related medical sites, because I don’t know who speaks out there, what kind of education do the people writing articles there have.


    I was prescribed Dexamethasone in ampoules of 1 ml (4 mg), 4 injections intramuscularly every 24 hours. The drug is not expensive, about 30 rubles. per ampoule, it seems. I was given a ROC. The first injection was given in the hospital, then I injected myself at home. There were no painful sensations during the injection.

    Otherwise, there are no sensations at all. I didn’t notice any of the huge list of possible side effects.

    Side effects of the drug From the outside endocrine system: steroid diabetes mellitus or development of latent diabetes mellitus, suppression of adrenal function, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (moon-shaped face, pituitary-type obesity, hirsutism, muscle weakness, stretch marks). From the outside digestive system: nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, steroid ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, erosive esophagitis, gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, loss of appetite, indigestion, flatulence, hiccups. From the outside of cardio-vascular system: arrhythmias, bradycardia (up to cardiac arrest); development or increased severity of heart failure, increased blood pressure, hypercoagulation, thrombosis. From the nervous system: delirium, disorientation, euphoria, hallucinations, manic-depressive psychosis, depression, paranoia, increased intracranial pressure, nervousness or restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo, pseudotumor of the cerebellum, headache, convulsions. From the senses: tendency to develop secondary bacterial, fungal or viral infections eye, trophic changes in the cornea, sudden loss of vision. Metabolic: hypocalcemia, weight gain, increased protein breakdown, increased sweating. From the musculoskeletal system: osteoporosis, muscle tendon rupture, steroid myopathy, decreased muscle mass. From the outside skin and mucous membranes: delayed wound healing, thinning of the skin, a tendency to develop pyoderma and candidiasis. With parenteral administration: burning, numbness, pain, tingling at the injection site, infection at the injection site.

    After use

    2 weeks after the injections, during the ultrasound they asked if I had received Dexamethasone injections. The doctor said that the progress in the development of the fetus’s lungs is very noticeable. I somehow immediately felt calmer.

    Born at 37 weeks, very small, but with the will to win. Who knows what it would have been like if I hadn’t given these injections.

    We are currently 7 months old. and a couple of days, everything is like everyone else. Now we are running around the room in walkers, purring something and making our mother happy. I started to worry about my growth at about 5 months, because we were stretching too high. But both the endocrinologist and the neurologist said that everything was absolutely normal, the daughter was just taller than her parents.

    I think that if the need arises again to inject Dexamethasone during pregnancy, if the period is just as short, I will inject it. With threats of more later, I think it makes sense to think about it.

    In any case, if you believe your doctor and there are no doubts about the adequacy of the prescription, then I think Dexamethasone itself is not so scary. Later I became interested in this issue, wrote to mothers who also received the drug, and whose children were already older than us. Everything is within normal limits for everyone. So I calmed down.

    I don’t even know how to rate this drug in points. I just think that it is necessary, I give the points conditionally.

    Every woman during pregnancy is afraid of harming the baby through her actions or inactions. Even with complete confidence in the doctor, the prescription of hormonal drugs during this period is questionable. One such medicine is Dexamethasone. It helps maintain pregnancy when there is an excess of male hormones, but has the potential for serious side effects.

    Why do doctors prescribe Dexamethasone during pregnancy?

    Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug belonging to the group of glucocorticosteroids. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exudative (anti-edematous) effects. It is used in cases where quick and effective help is needed:

    • eye diseases (including non-purulent and allergic conjunctivitis);
    • systemic connective tissue diseases;
    • acute and chronic allergic reactions for food and medicine;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • diseases of the skin, kidneys, lungs, hematopoietic organs;
    • endocrine disorders.

    Newborns whose mothers took Dexamethasone during pregnancy are placed under special medical supervision due to the risk of developing adrenal insufficiency

    During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to women to prevent the threat of miscarriage due to hyperandrogenism.

    The male fetus produces hormones, which are already abundant in a woman’s body during hyperandrogenism. Therefore, the likelihood of atrophy of the adrenal cortex ( side effect Dexamethasone) is higher in newborn boys than in girls.

    Hyperandrogenism in women - video

    Using Dexamethasone to open a baby's lungs

    If there is a threat of premature birth, the drug may be needed not by the woman herself, but by the child. It helps open the lungs and helps the newborn breathe independently. Without Dexamethosone injections, there is a high risk that artificial ventilation of the respiratory system will be required. For this purpose, a glucocorticosteroid is prescribed in the third trimester.

    In the first and second trimesters, the medicine can be taken according to indications if the benefits of its use outweigh the risks.

    Release forms and instructions for use

    Dexamethasone is available in several dosage forms:

    • injection;
    • pills;
    • eye drops.

    Prescription of injections, tablets and drops

    Injections are administered intravenously, less often - intramuscularly and intraarticularly. They can be done no more often than one course every 3-4 months. Exceptions to this rule depend on the individual course of pregnancy and doctor's orders. The daily dose of Dexamethasone is administered 3–4 times, and the duration of treatment is 3–4 days. Typically, injections are used for emergency therapy, when it is important to get results as quickly as possible.

    The daily dose of medication in tablets is taken at a time in the morning (if the dose recommended by the doctor is large, you can divide it into 2-3 times). The drug in this form is prescribed for long-term therapy or after a course of injections, when the severity of the condition has been eliminated and the result needs to be consolidated.

    Drops are used topically for inflammatory diseases eye.

    Dexamethasone tablets are used when planning pregnancy to suppress the activity of male hormones. Depending on the indications, such treatment can last several months.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Like any medicine, Dexamethasone has contraindications. In addition to individual intolerance to the components of the composition, these include:

    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers and gastritis);
    • severe disruption of the cardiovascular, immune and endocrine systems;
    • active form of tuberculosis;
    • liver or kidney failure.

    After taking Dexamethasone, a woman may experience:

    • weakness;
    • irritability;
    • loss of appetite or, conversely, weight gain;
    • convulsions;
    • hallucinations;
    • signs of arrhythmia;
    • allergic reactions.

    While taking Dexamethasone, you need to eat more foods rich in vitamins, proteins, and potassium. This will help reduce the negative effects of the drug on the body. It is also better to limit the consumption of fatty foods and carbohydrates.

    Possible consequences for women and children

    The likelihood of side effects of Dexamethasone increases with long-term use (as a rule, a long course of therapy is required during pregnancy). The fetus is at risk of disruption of the adrenal cortex. The most dangerous condition in this case is adrenal crisis, which can lead to death.

    Drug analogues and hormonal drugs prescribed during pregnancy

    Necessity of appointment hormonal drugs is decided individually. Their use is justified only in cases where pregnancy is to be maintained.

    Dexamethasone analogues for the active substance are:

    • Dexamed (injection solution, tablets);
    • Decadron (injection solution, tablets);
    • Dexazone (injection solution, tablets);
    • Dexamethasone sodium phosphate (solution for injection);
    • Maxidex (drops);
    • Dexaven (injection solution);
    • Fortecortin (tablets).

    In case of intolerance to the components of the composition or the presence of contraindications, Dexamethasone and its analogues can be replaced by other drugs with a similar therapeutic effect.

    Hormonal drugs prescribed during pregnancy - table

    Name Release form Active substance Contraindications Use during pregnancy
    • pills;
    • drops;
    • ointment;
    • injection.
    prednisolonesensitivity to the components of the composition (with short-term use for health reasons)Possibly if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. In the first trimester it is prescribed only for health reasons.
    • pills;
    • lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.
    Utrozhestancapsules that can be taken orally and intravaginallynatural micronized progesteronesevere liver dysfunction (if taken orally)It is possible, but if it is necessary to use it after the third month of pregnancy, monitoring of the functional state of the liver is necessary.
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