• Is garnet a precious, semi-precious or ornamental stone? Garnet stone: magical properties and who is suitable for it


    Garnet is a collective term. In common parlance, garnet is usually called any stone belonging to the group of minerals of the same name. These stones are similar in structure, many of them have a similar appearance, hence the tendency towards generalization. But jewelers and other industry specialists are familiar with the classification, as well as the complex names of each type of mineral.

    So, the group of pomegranates is divided into two main subgroups:

    • Pyralspites;
    • Ugrandites.

    What is the meaning of this division? Initially, minerals were divided based on their chemical structure, and somewhat later the names of the subgroups formed the first letters of the names of their most prominent representatives:

    However, do not think that there are only six varieties of pomegranates. Their number is much larger. What colors can they come in? What properties do they have? Where are they mined? In this article we will tell you about the main representatives of the garnet mineral group.

    Garnet pyrope

    Pyrope is the first representative of the pyralspite subgroup. Transparent samples of the mineral are used in jewelry making, and “classic” garnets are made from them. various shades red But the remaining crystals have found a more prosaic application - they are used in industry for the manufacture of abrasive materials.

    The name “pyrope” itself comes from the Greek “pyropos”, which means resemblance to fire. There are also a number of historical names for the stone that have almost gone out of use. Among these are: American ruby, Arizona ruby, California ruby, Colorado ruby.

    Outdated names reflect the specifics of the first discovered deposits, as well as the external characteristics of the stone (similarity to ruby). The stone was also called a carbuncle, like some other garnets.

    What is so special about pyrope garnet? Let us dwell on its three main properties:

    Pyropes are mined in America (USA, Brazil), Africa (Tanzania, Lesotho), as well as a number of countries in Europe and Asia (Czech Republic, Russia, Sri Lanka).

    Among the stones mined on the island of Sri Lanka, there are quite rare pyropes with an alexandrite effect (that is, a color shift effect). This garnet stone plays with additional shades of blue and/or green.

    almandine garnet

    Almandine is another prominent representative of the pyralspites. It is the most common of all garnets mined today, and also the hardest. Its name is a somewhat distorted modification of the name of the town of Alabanda, which is located on the territory of modern Turkey. It is here that these wonderful stones have been cut since ancient times.

    Among the outdated names of the stone: anthrax, oriental garnet, karfunkelstein. It was also called a carbuncle; there are also regional variations in the name.

    Thus, in Germany, garnet and almandine were called Tyrolean, and in the Czech Republic - Kollin. What is remarkable about almandine? Let's figure it out:

    Almandines are mined in Asia (India, Sri Lanka), South and North America (Brazil, USA, Canada), Africa (Tanzania, Zambia, Zanzibar, Madagascar). Australia and Japan also have deposits of these garnets. It is believed that the best almandines are mined on the tropical island of Sri Lanka, while in second place are the almandines mined on the Indian Peninsula.

    Spessartine garnet

    Spessartine is a fairly well-known type of mineral. At the same time, jewelry containing spessartine garnet is one of the rarest. This stone is distinguished primarily by its color, but more on that a little later.

    The name “spessartine” is associated with the name of the area of ​​the same name in Germany (Spessart). It was there that the first sample of the mineral was discovered.

    The main distinguishing features of spessartine are given below:

    The area of ​​deposits of this representative is similar to those given above: spessartine is mined in America (USA, Mexico), Europe (Norway, Sweden, Germany), on the islands of the Indian Ocean (Sri Lanka, Madagascar), as well as in Russia (Siberia, Karelia). The spessartines of the tropical islands - Sri Lanka and Madagascar - are considered the best.

    Grossular garnet

    Grossular (syn. hessonite) is a representative of ugrandites (garnet stones, second subgroup). Classic grossulars are small, round in shape, various shades of green, and resemble gooseberries in their appearance. The latter are called “grossularia” in Latin, hence the name of the stone.

    Grossular garnet can have shades of green, yellow, brown, or even colorless. There are four subtypes of grossular stones:

    The most expensive garnet, hessonite, is tsavorite. Due to its rarity, as well as thanks to the marketing campaign of the Tiffany brand, the stone acquired precious status.

    Andradite garnet

    Andradite is another representative of the Ugrandites. The stone was named after the Portuguese professor of geology José Andrade.

    It is noteworthy that in jewelry This stone is rarely used, but from a collecting point of view it attracts special attention.

    This andradite garnet can play with shades of green, yellow and even black. There are three main subtypes of andradite stones:

    Despite the fact that andradites are relatively rarely used for making jewelry, their use guarantees the most spectacular appearance of the product.

    So, we have looked at the most interesting representatives of the “pomegranate world”. You may also have heard that blue garnet exists. Indeed, this type of mineral was discovered in the 90s on the island of Madagascar. However, due to their exceptional rarity, these grenades were not classified as a separate group. Blue or blue garnet are collectible minerals, the value of which amounts to hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars.

    Pomegranate is gem, including many subspecies. The gem is available in all color spectrums.

    Breaking the usual stereotype of how a garnet looks like it has a dark red tint, it can appear as blue, green, yellow and others. At the same time, the most valuable is the green garnet, which imitates a diamond.

    It is already difficult to determine exactly what the name means, since there are several assumptions: similarity with pomegranate seeds, in honor of the measure of weight. There are whole legends and tales about the supernatural effects of the stone on people and events.

    Magical properties of the stone:

    • Power over people and events in life.
    • Guardian of human energy.
    • Promotes emotional balance and well-being.
    • Inspires creative people.
    • Moves the indecisive to take action.

    The list can be continued endlessly. There is a belief that garnet acquires shine and shade in accordance with the character of the owner of the gem.

    Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology?

    In many cultures, the pomegranate is considered a symbol of passion, love, and relationships with the opposite sex. The gem is given as a sign of fidelity and devotion. But each zodiac sign receives its own influences from the gem.

    Note! The impact of this stone on a person is so great that it is better not to use it as a talisman if it does not suit your zodiac sign.

    The astrological significance concentrated in the mineral is so great that some zodiac signs find it difficult to overcome this effect.

    Who is suitable according to the horoscope:

    What color and what it looks like: types of stone

    A wide color spectrum makes this gem the most original and non-standard in its subgroup. The stone is generally burgundy in color. The texture is mostly homogeneous, without foreign inclusions.

    A transparent or translucent mineral has the ability to reflect the sun's rays, which are in no way inferior in quality to more precious analogues. The species do not differ in physical properties, only in chemical composition.

    Varieties of pomegranate can be distributed according to color schemes:

    1. Pyrope.
    2. Rhodolite.
    3. Spessartine.
    4. Almandine.
    5. Andradite.
    6. Demantoid.

    Other varieties are much less common. Moreover, they are much more valuable in jewelry.

    How much does it cost: price

    How much does a garnet stone cost? The price is determined relative to one carat:

    • Processed rhodolite has a cost in the range of 40 - 50 thousand rubles per 1 carat.
    • Rhodolite crystals cost from 50 thousand to 80 thousand rubles.

    In general, the pricing policy is determined within the range from 1,500 to 10 thousand rubles. It all depends on the prevalence and quality.

    Note! The use of the mineral can be very different. Some collectors simply display cut stones.

    Untreated stone can look much more impressive, maintaining its naturalness and naturalness. Its cost often exceeds standard requests.

    Products and decorations made of stone and its use

    Garnet is used to make magnificent jewelry and products that are valued by jewelers. Mostly translucent and transparent samples are used for this. Minerals and facets play in the sun and create the effect of a diamond.

    The stone is combined with any precious metal: gold and silver, platinum.

    The following are extremely popular:

    • Rings.
    • Pendants.
    • Earrings.
    • Necklace.
    • Bracelets.
    • Tiaras.

    The stone is precious, so it is not used for ornamental purposes. The cost of a large piece of pomegranate is very high.

    Medicinal properties: do they exist?

    Since the Crusades, pomegranate has been valued as a cure for wounds and pain. Treats many diseases and prevents inflammatory processes.

    This mineral is a symbol of a woman-mother, so it was used as an assistant during childbirth.

    Medicinal properties:

    • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
    • Stabilizes the body's metabolic processes.
    • Increases potency.
    • Accelerates tissue regeneration.

    Depending on where the stone is worn, the impact is determined. If it is a pendant or necklace, then the impact is determined by the zone chest and lungs. The gem also combines with other healing stones.

    How to distinguish a fake: checking for authenticity

    It is impractical to counterfeit pomegranate, since synthetically grown pomegranate is much more expensive than natural one.

    It is very difficult for a non-professional to determine its natural origin; special equipment is required.

    Authenticity can be determined by the following criteria:

    1. Using a micro-magnifier to examine foreign inclusions and edges.
    2. Using a magnet. A natural stone will begin to magnetize slightly.

    There are simply no other ways to detect counterfeiting or they are impractical.

    Mineral deposits

    Many deposits have been developed in Russia. There are both eastern representatives and completely overseas ones.

    Popular deposits of natural stones:

    1. South Africa.
    2. Ural.
    3. East Alamanda.
    4. South America.

    Other gem mining sites are defined as small. The quality of the stones is an order of magnitude lower.

    Care and storage

    It is worth caring for and storing garnet with special care so as not to lose the color saturation and structure of the stone.

    To maintain quality, you should care for the mineral as follows:

    1. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
    2. Dry the product.
    3. Polish with a dry cloth.

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    Many gemstones are associated with a specific country. – Australia, diamond – Yakutia in Russia, malachite – Ural. Pomegranate is from the Czech Republic, although it is found in many other countries. In the Czech Republic, they were mined back in the early Middle Ages, finding it in river sediments. It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of visiting Prague, Krumlov, Liberec, and visiting the branded stores of Granat Turnov, a cooperative that unites Czech jewelers. You don’t even have to buy anything, but just look at the play of light on the faces of numerous stones arranged in patterns. This mineral, which is an exquisite decoration and amulet, will be discussed further.

    It is not known exactly where the name came from. There are two versions on this matter:

    1. Small crystals protrude from the rock, reminiscent of a pomegranate fruit. Probably in ancient times any red gems were considered garnets.
    2. Pliny the Elder called the pomegranate a carbuncle, from the Latin for “emercoal,” because its color resembled a red smoldering coal. This name was in use until the middle of the 16th century. Later it was replaced by the alchemist Magnus with a pomegranate.

    In the Czech Republic, where the first grenades were found, it became a symbol of the country and a symbol of patriotism.

    Many peoples have legends about the garnet stone:

    1. The Mongols call it “fire stone”. It is believed that whoever finds it will gain wealth.
    2. The Jews tell a legend that Noah placed it on the mast of the ark to light the way at night.
    3. The Persians revered the grant as a gem that belonged to the kings, so they carved the profiles of the rulers on it.
    4. In the magical treatises of many countries there are references to the fact that pomegranate is not a mineral at all, but frozen blood. In North America, a rare pomegranate is called ant's blood. It is found on the site of large anthills. It is surprising that its deposits have not yet been discovered.
    5. For Italians, garnet is a stone of honesty. There is a legend that tells about a thief who stole a garnet necklace. As soon as he disappeared from pursuit, the gems faded, became gray and inconspicuous. It began to shine again only after returning to its place.

    Physico-chemical properties of garnets

    Garnet is a group of minerals belonging to silicates. It is the combination of two minerals that determines the color.

    The properties are presented in the table:

    Transparent garnets are used in jewelry production. This started in ancient times. Evidence of this is the jewelry stored in museums around the world. For example, a garnet weighing 468.5 carats adorns the Order of the Golden Fleece, a legacy of the Saxon kings. The Trebnitz Museum houses a set of Urika von Levetzow, Goethe's lover.

    Druses, brushes, and unusual crystals become collectibles.

    In production, garnet is used as a flux in the smelting of iron ores. It is added to lower the melting point and make it easier to separate the ore from the iron. Garnet does not have the hardness of diamond or topaz, but its ability to split into sharp edges makes it good remedy for soft abrasive.

    Varieties of pomegranate

    Garnet colors are varied. In nature there are only blue ones. The color of garnet is due to the mixing of several minerals.

    1. Pyrope. Chemically, it is quartz with additions of magnesium and aluminum. The most common type of red garnet. The hue and saturation of the red color are determined by the presence and amount of iron and manganese. The deposits are located in the Czech Republic and also in southern Africa. Pyrope is a companion of diamond, since it is a mineral of magnetic origin that came to the surface due to processes in the earth's crust that formed kimberlite pipes.
    2. Rhodolite. This is a type of pyrope Pink colour. The line between such varieties is so thin that an amateur cannot distinguish pyrope from rhodolite. The legend about the nymph Roda, daughter of Poseidon, is associated with it. Rhoda and Helios fell in love with each other and lived happily, but every morning the sun god went on a journey across the sky. The girl was bored and crying. Her tears, falling on the stone, turned into rhodolites. This mineral is rare and therefore highly valued. Apparently, the nymph did not cry often, hiding her grief. The most valuable bright specimens are found in Africa and Asia.
    3. Almandine. It is the hardest mineral in the garnet family. It is also the most common. Hardness reaches 7.5 on the Mohs scale. All almandines have dark shades: purple, cherry, brown. The color is determined by the amount of iron impurities. There are deposits in Sri Lanka, Brazil, the USA, Canada, Japan, Finland, the Kola Peninsula and Eastern Siberia.
    4. Spessartine or spessarite. The name comes from the plateau in Bavaria where this mineral was first discovered. The color is yellow, sometimes with an orange tint, sometimes brown. The color of this mineral is given by manganese impurities. Often manganese and aluminum ions are replaced by iron ions, which makes the mineral opaque and unsuitable for jewelry. Impurities of other substances, which can amount to up to 6% of the mass, make it unstable to high temperatures and prone to cracking. But there are many deposits of spessartine around the world, so you often come across transparent stones of a bright orange color, reminiscent of a tangerine, suitable for cutting.
    5. Andradite. This is a whole series of minerals, including demantoid, topazolite, and shorlomite.
    6. Demantoid. The most valuable garnet because it has a bright green color caused by impurities of chromium and iron, and an extraordinary shine, similar to diamond. This is why the gemstone got its name. Minerals from the Urals are unique. Not only do they have their own rich color, but they also have asbestos inclusions that form patterns.
    7. Topazolite. A yellow mineral resembling . Found in Switzerland. Most often it becomes an exhibit of a collection, rather than a decoration.
    8. Shorlomit. Black garnet. It acquired color thanks to titanium impurities. It is mined in Germany.
    9. Grossular. Aluminum-calcium silicate. A low iron content discolors the stone, chromium gives a green color, manganese and titanium give a pink and golden tint. Fluorescence adds to its attractiveness. IN ultraviolet rays the stone seems to glow from within.
    10. Hessonite. A variety of grossular with a bright orange color that changes depending on the light. It is the weakest stone in the garnet family, making it difficult to use in jewelry. The stones are found in Sri Lanka.
    11. Leucogranate. A colorless variety of pomegranate.
    12. Tsavorite. The rarest and most expensive type. A mineral with an admixture of vanadium, which gives it a bright green color. In nature there are small stones weighing less than one carat. Large specimens can reach prices of $1,000 per carat. It is mined in East Africa. The first minerals were found in Kenya.
    13. Uvarovite. Another rare species of emerald green hue. Large crystals have not yet been found, so brushes or small druses of garnet are most often used in products.

    Products and prices

    The price of garnets depends on the type of stone and its prevalence in nature. For example, pyropes or almadins are common, so their prices are low and fakes are almost never found. Jewelers who want to make money on them compete in the purity and skill of the cut, the originality of the frame, offer to decorate with carvings and add more expensive jewelry: pearls, carnelian. Almost all types of jewelry are made from this garnet: pendants, brooches, rings, tiaras, necklaces, brooches in silver and gold.

    Rare varieties of pomegranate are highly prized. Large specimens are rarely found, therefore, the larger the stone, the higher its value. Spessartines weighing 3-5 carats are valued at about $150 per carat, but a larger stone, 10-20 carats, will cost more than gold.

    The cost is affected by the purity of the color and also the shade. For example, rhodolites from Sri Lanka cost about $130 per carat, and from Thailand about $100 due to their grayish color.

    The quality of the cut is another point that determines the cost. The right cut brings out the color and shine of the garnet, which increases the price. An example again would be rhodolite. This gem in Soviet times were mined in Karelia, but so that the stone did not lose weight, it was cut sparingly. The flaws were hidden with a thick gold frame, which was in fashion at that time. With their tricks, jewelers raised the price of the product, but did not show the beauty of the stone. Now stones from Soviet jewelry are re-cut and re-framed, giving them a second life.

    Medicinal properties

    In ancient times, red garnets and pyropes became very famous. The healing properties of the stone, described in ancient treatises, are determined by the principle of similarity. Red pomegranate has a positive effect on the circulatory system, stops bleeding, restores menstrual cycle, heals wounds. Recovery from severe injuries or operations will be faster under the influence of red garnets.

    Healing properties:

    1. Facilitate childbirth by reducing pain.
    2. Gives vitality.
    3. Restores metabolism.
    4. Treats depression.
    5. Normalizes blood pressure.
    6. Reduces temperature.
    7. Accelerates recovery from sore throat.
    8. Reduces headaches during migraine.

    Minerals of a bright, rich red color are not advisable for nervous people. Suitable for curing mental illness and relieving nervous tension pink stones. With its help you can improve your mood and add positivity to your life.

    Grossulars can thin the blood. A wound made by this mineral does not heal well. This property was noticed by the Indians; they made bullets from grossular for pale-faced people.

    A ring made of silver and hessonite normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And pomegranate beads treat lung diseases.

    Magic properties

    The pomegranate was associated not only with blood, but also with fire. This determines magical properties stone

    1. Adds fury to wars. Makes you invulnerable; for this reason, in ancient times, before a battle, it was customary to drink from a bowl decorated with pomegranate stones.
    2. Pink minerals normalize relationships in couples, making them sincere and tender.
    3. Scarlet garnets inflame passions, you need to be careful with them. Where there is passion, there is not far to rage. Because of this, wearing garnet jewelry is not recommended for hot-tempered people or passionate people.
    4. Demantoid attracts financial success, is especially suitable for men, making them more purposeful, helping them soberly assess the situation and make the right decisions.
    5. Demantoid makes women attractive and protects them from betrayal.
    6. Hessonite protects a person from deception. Moreover, this is not only deception on the part of others, but also self-deception. The stone helps to part with your illusions.
    7. Green types of pomegranates cleanse the soul, making thoughts good and free from negativity.
    8. Uvarovite protects against scammers and deceivers.
    9. Gets things going.
    10. It is considered a talisman for travelers.
    11. Symbolizes friendship. Having exchanged it, people will definitely meet again.
    12. A change in color warns of danger.

    The magical properties of the pomegranate are explained by its ability to accumulate cosmic energy and, if necessary, quickly give it to a person, which is why it is a frequent participant in white magic rituals. But it will act exclusively in the hands of a sincere and honest person.

    Meaning in astrology

    Astrologers find it difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which zodiac signs the pomegranate is suitable for. Its action and power defy logic. Compatibility can only be determined experimentally. If after a person with a garnet, energy has increased, improvements have begun in life, conflicts have stopped, then the stone is suitable. If everything does not go as planned, then it is better to choose a calmer and more predictable talisman.

    Experts agree that pomegranates and. These signs are characterized by self-doubt and nervousness. Garnet stone will enhance these personality traits, exacerbating conflicts with other people, demoralizing and driving depression.

    Garnet is a stone of strength and passion, it is fueled by it, therefore it will not help the passive and calm signs of Aries, Taurus, Leo, but it will not harm either. Others can wear garnet jewelry without fear.

    1. Capricorn. The most successful combination of sign and stone. Capricorns with garnet achieve high results in their careers, recharging themselves with strength. become more emotional and warm when communicating with other people, this will open up new opportunities. Capricorn women wearing garnet jewelry become more attractive in the eyes of men, quickly arrange their personal lives and are happy in family life.
    2. Scorpion. They are full of internal contradictions that result in emotional outbursts. Pomegranate will cool down excessive passions and love of love. But caution won't hurt. Moderation is good in everything. We cannot pacify the excessive ardor of grenades; we will have to resort to other means.
    3. Aquarius. The stone does not have a beneficial effect on all representatives of the sign. First of all, for a stone to help in love and career, the energy of Aquarius must be directed towards achieving a specific goal, and not into emptiness, it must be creation. Aquarians are incorrigible dreamers. Pomegranate will help you cope with this and will sober you up, but only if daydreaming has not become a way of life.
    4. Sagittarius. For people of this sign, garnet will give sensuality, which is usually lacking. This will help improve relationships and find happiness.
    5. . A pomegranate will give you confidence, help you choose a goal and not get lost on the way to it.
    6. Scales. These are people who doubt everything. The pomegranate talisman will help you make a decision or choice.

    Garnet is a stone of positivity, fun and energy. It revives any person and adds spice to any event.

    Pomegranate care

    In bright light and under the influence of water, garnet does not fade or tarnish, so it can be worn constantly, adhering to the following rules:

    1. Do not allow temperature changes, as this may cause the stone to crack.
    2. Chemicals and cleaning products will destroy the stone.
    3. Garnet is a durable stone, but can crack if hit hard, for this reason you should not drop or hit it. This will lead to chipping.
    4. Jewelry is stored in a separate box or, if there is only one jewelry box, then wrapped in soft cloth. This will protect the product from scratches.
    5. It is better to clean it in special solutions that are sold in jewelry stores. Home remedies can ruin your frames.

    Garnet is a regal and powerful stone that awakens passions. It is beautiful and diverse, has a centuries-old history. Products with pomegranate will become a worthy decoration and a strong amulet.

    Garnet - precious or semiprecious stone? Jewelry store sellers often hear this question from potential buyers. This mineral actually resembles pomegranate seeds, from which it gets its name. Its old Russian name is “lal”. This is what our ancestors called pomegranate in ancient legends and epics. Although rubies and spinels, that is, any transparent red stones, were often called lalas.

    Pomegranate cannot help but delight and attract the eye. Dark red transparent garnet crystals attract attention to any jewelry made from it. Is garnet a real gemstone?

    To find the answer to this question, it is worth understanding what types of stones are, how they are classified, and which of them can be considered precious.

    Classification of stones

    Garnets are mainly used for making jewelry. Jewelers divide all natural minerals into three main categories:

    • precious;
    • semi-precious;
    • ornamental.

    This division is conditional, since there is no generally accepted classification enshrined in law. However there is the federal law No. 1 dated March 26, 1998, which clearly states which stones can be considered precious. These are natural diamonds natural pearls, alexandrites, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.

    It is believed that a gemstone should, in addition to being beautiful appearance, which is given to it by processing and cutting, must be rare. All of the above stones are expensive, so they can become a means of saving and investing money. The weight unit of this type of natural minerals is carat (0.2 g)

    As you can understand, garnet is not one of them. Ornamental minerals are also used in jewelry production. They are used to make decorative and interior items. Using the cutting method, dishes, ashtrays, candlesticks and larger products (architectural decorations of facades and columns, furniture elements, etc.) are made from ornamental stones. Ornamental stones include chalcedony, carnelian, malachite, agate, onyx and jasper.

    Ornamental varieties of pomegranate, as a rule, are little or completely opaque, but have beautiful natural shades and a unique pattern. They are inferior in hardness not only to precious, but also to semi-precious stones.

    Based on the fact that garnet cannot be called an ornamental stone, it can be classified as an intermediate group, that is, semi-precious jewelry and ornamental stones. In addition to garnet, peridots, turquoise, topazes, amethysts, beryls, amber, are considered semi-precious. rhinestone and etc.

    These are, as a rule, transparent stones that lend themselves well to cutting. But among more than 30 types of garnets, there are also stones that do not have a transparent structure.

    Semi-precious and ornamental stones, including garnet, are measured in grams. Hardness is 6.5-7.5 units on the Mohs scale used by jewelers.

    Varieties of pomegranate

    The natural forms of pomegranate are striking in their diversity. It’s not often that you see a stone found in nature not only in the form of the usual rhombuses, triangles or trapezoids. There are crystals of a very complex structure with 38, 48 and even 72 faces. The most popular types of garnet among jewelers are scarlet pyrope and almandine, distinguished by their bright red, seemingly radiant color.

    Moreover, pyropes were most valued in ancient times. They were mined mainly in the Czech Republic and were an indicator of refined taste and prosperity for the nobility. Nowadays, pyropes are very rare and cannot cost less than $200 per carat. The market is filled with synthetically created stones.

    These days, thanks to a large number explored deposits, the primacy went to almandines. These are quite large stones. And their price is quite affordable.

    Quite rare, and therefore expensive and most valuable are demantoids and tsavorites. Only a specialist can distinguish the shine of their facets from the shine of emeralds. But their sizes are small. The largest stones weigh only 0.4 g (2 carats). Demantoids may have unique shades: pistachio, olive, soft green.

    These stones, which have high levels of purity and transparency, are not precious, but can nevertheless be measured in carats and be quite expensive.

    The most expensive and rare type of garnet is majorite, a transparent stone with a radiant purple hue.

    This king of garnets can originate either from the impact of a meteorite, or from the pressure present at a depth of at least 400 m. Majorites are found very rarely. They were last discovered in France in 2004, cut and sold for $2,400 per carat. And the most expensive cut majorite weighs almost 4 carats. Its cost is estimated at more than $8 million. How can we call this variety of garnet a semi-precious stone?

    However, if a person can explore Mars or at least the Moon, majorite will cease to be an expensive curiosity, since the conditions there are conducive to the formation of this type of mineral (majorite, in particular).

    Among the stones most used by jewelers and master carvers are:

    • pink rhodoliths;
    • greenish urovites;
    • orange-brown hessonites;
    • light green grossoirs;
    • black melanitis;
    • multi-colored spessartines, which can be yellowish or pinkish-red.

    How to distinguish a real stone from a fake?

    The answer to the question of whether a garnet is precious or just a semi-precious stone does not affect the number of fakes that flood the market these days. Pomegranate is faked and grown artificially. How can you protect yourself from purchasing a counterfeit when purchasing?

    A specialist will be able to do this based on a number of indicators:

    • appearance of the crystal;
    • shine;
    • transparency indicators;
    • hardness;
    • density;
    • the nature of the fracture;
    • lack of cleavage;
    • specific gravity;
    • refractive index.

    It is much more difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish a fake from a real stone. You can use a method known since ancient times. It has been noted that garnets have high pyroelectric properties. That is, if you rub the stone well (before heating), it will begin to attract small debris: fluff and feathers of birds, straws, dust.

    Features of the stone:

    1. Natural garnet can scratch glass.
    2. It does not have a homogeneous structure and may have microdefects, uneven color and transparency.
    3. Too large stones are most likely synthetically grown, rather than natural garnets.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/granat-1.jpg" alt="garnet stone" width="300" height="295">!} Garnet is a stone that has attracted people with its mystery and beauty since ancient times. Products made from garnet look very impressive, because the magical shimmer of this gem is simply impossible to resist. It is highly valued for its properties and is shrouded in a lot of legends and secrets.

    Facts from history

    Dark red precious stones were very popular among the rulers of Ancient Egypt. His fame reached both Persia and the Roman Empire. This gem was used to decorate cups and various decorative elements in palaces. Warriors inlaid their armor and weapons with it, because it was a symbol of victory in any battles. And it got its name (from the Latin “grantus”) due to its external resemblance to the fruits of the pomegranate tree.

    But in different territories it was called differently. IN Ancient Rus' all red stones were called “worm-like yachts”, and the garnet mineral was called “garnet” or “worm”. Europeans gave it the name “carbuncle”, and the Greeks compared the crystals to burning coals and called it “anthrax” (Greek: “emergent”) or “pyrope” (Greek: “like fire”).

    People have always created amazing legends about where the garnet gemstone came from. There was a version that the small pebbles were nothing more than droplets of water that froze and were stained with the blood of the soldiers who fell on the ground. In Mongolian culture, it was believed to be solidified dragon blood that bestowed strength before battle. It became a symbol of victory for the crusaders, who always took a pomegranate product with them when they went on campaigns. Among the peoples inhabiting the Hindustan Peninsula, the mineral was used to make weapons, enhancing their deadly power.

    U different nations and in different religions the properties and meaning of the stone also differ. Christians are sure that on the ark that Noah built, the lamp was made of this very material. Among the Persians, this “royal stone” was used to create images of rulers. And the Mayans and Aztecs used dark red crystals to decorate the ritual clothes of their priests.

    Main characteristics and properties

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/granat-2.jpg" alt="red garnet" width="250" height="198">!}
    The properties of garnet stone are determined by its belonging to minerals that belong to the “Silicates” class. What makes them similar to each other is their special crystal lattice, the main distinguishing feature of which is the presence of square faces. This general group divided into calcium ugrandites and iron-magnesian-manganese pyralspites. These crystals, having the same structure, have different composition, which affects their features (for example, color scheme).

    Characteristics according to physical properties includes the following features:

    1. Natural stone can have a completely different shine depending on the quality. Sometimes it looks like glass, and sometimes it sparkles and shimmers like a diamond.
    2. Its transparency is also changeable. Some specimens will be distinguished by their absolute purity, while others, on the contrary, will surprise you with a rich, but “dull” rich red color.
    3. Mineral hardness different types is in the range of 6.5-7.5 on the Mohs scale. And its density is 4.
    4. If you split a pebble into pieces, the surface at the split points will be uneven.
    5. Crystals have sufficient resistance to impact high temperatures and chemicals.
    6. In laboratory conditions, scientists have found that when passing through a mineral, the speed of sound will decrease.
    7. And the property of the stone to electrify can help distinguish a natural garnet from a fake. If you rub a crystal, for example, on a woolen fabric, it will be able to attract small pieces of paper, fluff, and hair.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/karta-.png" alt="" width="80" height="68 "> Garnet stone, whose properties vary depending on the type, is distributed throughout the world. Its production is carried out in the southern hemisphere (South America, Africa), in North America and Canada, in Russia (Ural Mountains, Kola Peninsula).

    Variety of types and applications

    Of course, the most popular and famous is the red crystal. It is called "pyrope". Such dark red fire gems are most often found in deposits in South Africa and Yakutia. The “grossular” (lat. Grossularia - gooseberry) looks very unusual. Such light green and darker samples rich color found in deposits in the Urals. Also surprising is the black crystal, which is actually just dark red and opaque. It can be found not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan and Germany. There is even a transparent stone!

    But there is a whole range of garnets of different colors that are no less beautiful:

    • The most common is a gem called almandine. It can be red, brown, or purple.
    • Yellow hessonite garnet can shimmer with an orange or even honey hue.
    • Beautiful uvarovite looks like a real emerald, but it is quite difficult to find.
    • Sometimes there are andradites, which can be either red-brown or yellow-green.
    • Another species turned out to be beautiful - spessartine. Such pebbles have a reddish, pink or yellow tint.

    Such a variety of species has made it possible to find the use of garnet not only in the jewelry industry for creating beautiful and exquisite jewelry. It is used in electronics and in the production of various precision instruments. The mineral is also in demand in construction as an additive to various mixtures.

    Medicinal properties

    In the Ancient East, healers believed that pomegranate was suitable for protecting its owner from a variety of misfortunes. It was considered the best antidote, protected a person from the plague, and was able to overcome heat and fever. In the Middle Ages, when going on Crusades, knights took with them a garnet amulet, which not only gave strength in battles, but, according to legend, could also stop severe bleeding. Residents of India still believe that such decoration can greatly improve health. And in the times of Ancient Rus', the gem helped pregnant and giving birth women.

    Today, modern lipotherapists note the ability of the stone to solve the following health problems:

    1. Thanks to this mineral, blood clots much faster, which speeds up the process of wound healing and recovery from severe injuries.
    2. The functioning of blood vessels improves, and hemoglobin in the blood increases.
    3. The body receives protection from the harmful effects of the environment and is able to more actively resist various diseases.
    4. Pyrope can help if there are problems with metabolism. With its help, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve and the endocrine system will return to normal.
    5. These crystals are also used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

    The properties of this dark red stone have also been established to cope with headaches and improve a person’s condition even with severe migraines. To do this, you need to wear a garnet ring or necklace. Such jewelry will be useful for relieving stress and depression.

    Magic properties

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/granat-3.jpg" alt="red garnet ring" width="200" height="178">!}
    It is not for nothing that the great rulers of the past often chose pomegranate as a talisman. This majestic stone helps you find harmony with yourself and begin to accept important independent decisions. But he does not like those who prefer to be lazy rather than act. It will not help such inactive people get rid of apathy, but will only strengthen it. If a person is sociable and is constantly on the move, then the amulet will find an energetic connection with him.

    Before you choose garnet jewelry for yourself, you need to know how this mineral can affect you:

    • First of all, it is worth mentioning that garnet is a stone of love. He will support the passion that flares up between lovers or help a young beauty meet her lover.
    • A dark red crystal can be an excellent protection against the evil eye. He will protect his owner from communicating with bad people and give him strength to achieve his goal.
    • The gem will add leadership qualities and the ability to influence people, conveying your thoughts to them and persuading them to do something for their own purposes.
    • Creative people should also pay attention to this pebble. It will help realize all endeavors, but only if a person is truly devoted to art.
    • This precious or semi-precious stone is a symbol of fidelity and memory. It was customary to give it when parting. With its help, magicians and fortune tellers got in touch with the world of the dead.

    The pomegranate talisman will be able to take on any negativity that you have experienced. Its magical effect will not allow you to follow your fleeting emotions, you will gain wisdom and the ability to judge events sensibly. However, you need to choose an amulet very carefully. If you don't feel particularly drawn to this stone, try choosing another variety. Remember that if you received such a stone as a gift or wear it for a long time, you need to wash it off sometimes. negative energy running water.

    Compatibility with Zodiac signs

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/kozerog-.jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50"> Прочитав астрологическое описание камня, вы сможете узнать, что лучше всего он подходит для Козерогов, которых он наделит силой и способностью выражать свои эмоции.!}

    Jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50"> Полезен такой талисман и для Стрельца. Люди, родившиеся под этим знаком, получат защиту от неудач, станут более чувственными и страстными.!}

    Jpg" alt="Aries" width="50" height="50"> Темно-красный гранат для Овна является отличным помощником в любовных делах и творческих начинаниях. Овен, который занимает руководящую должность, будет еще лучше проявлять свои управленческие качества.!}

    Jpg" alt="Gemini" width="50" height="48"> Близнецам самоцвет поможет выбрать правильный жизненный путь и перестать метаться.!}

    Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="50" height="38">.jpg" alt="Fish" width="50" height="50"> Не подходит этот красивый кристалл для рыб, рыбам он категорически противопоказан. Не рекомендуется гранат для рака. Этим знакам лучше подобрать себе иной талисман.!}

    Having learned how the garnet stone manifests its magical properties and who is best suited among the Zodiac signs, choose a truly real garnet for yourself, and not a synthetic analogue. This is not difficult to do, knowing that the crystal can scratch the glass or become electrified after friction. Fake stones are usually not large, and their shine and color are rarely uniform and very bright.

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