• How to quickly learn letters with your child 6. Activities with the little ones: learning letters. Drawing and coloring letters


    As a rule, children younger age remember short texts very well mechanically. But when the child will go to school, this way of learning required material sooner or later will cause difficulties with memorizing the school curriculum. Information intended to be studied on average school age, is more complex and will require developing other memorization skills to master it. How to teach a child to a short time correctly assimilate the required amount of knowledge? Here are some important tips:

    The most best time to complete school homework is the same day on which the child received this task. The fact is that in this case, short-term memory works only during the first day, after which the student can easily forget the information explained or already learned in class. In order for the acquired knowledge to be consolidated, you should not put off doing your homework for a long time.

    The material that needs to be learned must be divided into several equal parts. The student will memorize each part separately, with breaks between educational activities(short time during which you can actively relax, move around, do something physical work for your own pleasure). Thus, the information will be absorbed much easier than if you try to immediately master all the given material in one sitting.

    You also need to constantly monitor proper organization student's daily routine. It is advisable to start doing homework every day at the same time, and the best option there will be daylight hours. During daylight hours, the material will be remembered better, and in the evening you will only have to repeat it once if necessary.

    Naturally, in order for a child to easily and quickly remember the necessary educational information, he must clearly understand the meaning of everything that needs to be learned. It happens that during lessons a student is unable to delve into some material and master it - help your child figure it out at home. Carefully study the given topic and explain any unclear parts. It is very difficult to remember something unclear.

    Also, in order to help children remember quickly and well, it is worth teaching them how to work with texts correctly. As you know, each person has his own method of memorization that is closer to him (some require visual images, others perceive information better by hearing, and so on). In accordance with this, there are various ways working with texts. Introduce the child to all existing basic types of work with educational material, teach him to use each of them in practice, and then the student will independently choose the one that will be closest to him and will help him cope with the task as effectively as possible. So, you can read the text several times in a row to memorize it visually, or read and reproduce the information out loud. You can read the information and highlight the most important ideas of the text, or sketch out a short outline of it on paper.

    In order for the student to be able to special effort absorb what he needs educational material, you should train your child’s memory regularly. For this purpose, you can use a variety of special aids aimed at memory training. Such didactic materials are very entertaining and interesting and can become useful and fun leisure time not only for the student himself, but also for other family members.

    Because program material school may not always be interesting; often the child has to learn boring information without fully perceiving its meaning. Naturally, this method of memorization cannot be called effective. To save children from having to cram school curriculum, it is advisable to introduce them in advance to the principles of voluntary memorization. To do this, you can use various associations. For example, if you need to remember some new, unfamiliar word or abstract concept, you can find associations suitable for it that will resemble familiar images. When getting to know foreign words, you can use consonances (for example, the English word look is translated as “look” and is consonant with the Russian “bow”). You can even make up a small plot from the consonant word and translation (for example, from the words above, make up something like this: “When I cut the ONION, I can’t LOOK”).

    Teach your child to highlight and record the most important things in the information presented. For better memorization, you can come up with special reminder elements, with the help of which you can easily remember the material you have studied. For example, ask your child to choose a few words or images that match the meaning of the text.

    One of the most important elements of learning and memory development in children is learning poems by heart. Memorizing texts in poetic form is very useful and important for mental development child and successful learning. However, given the fact that at school the process of studying poetry is often presented in the form of a kind of test, like a kind of oral test, care should be taken in advance to ensure that the student successfully masters such information. Reading poetry together as a family will not only help facilitate the process of memorization, but will also develop a love for poetry in the child. From time to time you can have interesting family conversations, discuss not only poems, but also the biographies of their authors. Such activities, and most importantly the support of parents, will be an excellent contribution both to the development of the ability to meaningfully remember, and to the overall development of children.
    If a child has a desire to read poetry on his own, if he is attracted to the world of literature, then there will be no problems with memorizing poetic works at school. In addition, such a love for poetry over time can even develop into something more than just an element of study or a hobby, and develop into a talent. One way or another, learning poems by heart is one of the the best ways memory training. Having, as a rule, a harmonious rhythm and strict rhyme, poems are absorbed without much difficulty, especially if parents study together with their child, selecting the most interesting and age-appropriate material. For even more productive memorization, it is necessary to make the plot of the chosen poem as interesting as possible for children’s perception, to add more lyricism and imagery when reading the text. If you wish, you can even organize from time to time something like family literary evenings, where each family member will recite a poem he or she loves. This is not only the development of memory, but also the development of good, correct diction, and love of art.

    Human memory is truly unique, since it allows not only to accumulate the necessary information, but also to use it productively in the process of activity, to accumulate experience, to use the experience and knowledge of other people in various life situations. The key to quick and good development intelligence is the presence of excellent memory. Training a child's memory from the very beginning early age, you can achieve quite an impressive amount of it, which will help you study and work successfully in the future. It is possible to train the ability to memorize with the help of regular intellectual exercises - performing specially designed exercises.
    One such exercise could be the following one, called “Describe the Picture.” To conduct this activity with your child, you need to take images that are familiar to him: magazine cuts, book illustrations, or something similar. It would be great if the picture used depicted at least five or six various items. The child is required to carefully examine the image for 30 seconds, trying to remember in detail everything that is present on it. Afterwards, you need to close your eyes and first imagine the drawing from memory mentally and then try to describe in as much detail as possible everything you saw and remember. After the child’s story is finished, the image is shown again and any missed points are discussed. If children can easily cope with simple images, the visual material can be complicated by increasing the number of small details, using a variety of color shades. In turn, the child can create a similar task for their parents, and the lesson will turn into an interesting one. family game, in which children’s checking an adult’s story will be entertaining, useful and instructive.

    Photo: Sergey Nivens/Rusmediabank.ru, Dmytro Vietrov/Rusmediabank.ru, Sergey Nivens/Rusmediabank.ru, ximagination/Rusmediabank.ru, Nagy-Bagoly Ilona/Rusmediabank.ru

    It's difficult to give a specific answer because children develop at different rates. Some psychologists recommend studying after 4 years, while others ( G. Doman, N. Zaitsev, S. Lupan) it is recommended to start at 1.5-2 years.

    If you read books to your baby at night, he will show interest in reading and learning letters. At 2-3 years Not all children are ready for such lessons, so there is no need to push or rush. Act slowly and unobtrusively.

    At 4-5 years old You definitely need to start learning letters. Spend at least 10 minutes a day with your child, preferably in game form so that he doesn't lose interest.

    First you need to learn simple letters with which there are no difficulties: A, I, O, M, V, N, S, L, S. When they are mastered, you can move on to the next group: K, R, B, T, D, E, P. At the end, leave the most difficult letters that are difficult for children to pronounce and learn: C, X, Ch, Sh, Sh, Z, F, G, E, J, Yu, I, F.

    When studying, immediately pronounce the sound indicating the letter, and not the alphabetical name. For example, not EM, but M. This will make it much easier for the child to learn to read.

    How to learn the alphabet with your child while playing

    There are several techniques that will help make learning the alphabet more interesting for a child.

    Magnetic alphabet

    Stores sell colorful letters with magnets. They can be attached to various metal surfaces (for example, to a refrigerator). With their help, the baby will be able to take the letter in his hand, touch it, examine it, remember it, and then put it into words.

    When your child learns some letters, form words from them. Then remove one magnet and let the child say which letter is missing.


    This method was used by our parents, but is still considered relevant today. Any cubes with letters will do - plastic or wooden. But immediately check that there are enough of them to form words.

    Cards with letters

    You can buy it in stores or make it yourself with your child. The main thing is that the letters are large, and that there is an object nearby whose name begins with the letter. It is much more convenient and interesting than a standard primer.

    Available materials

    Constantly writing down letters with a pen on paper can get boring for your child, so change the place of study more often. After all, you can use chalk and asphalt, a stick and sand, jam and a plate for this. You can create letters from plasticine or fold them from pebbles while walking.

    Poster "talking alphabet"

    In stores you can find a large and convenient alphabet that can easily be hung on the wall. The child clicks on a letter and immediately hears its pronunciation.

    There is an “exam” mode where the baby will answer questions and consolidate knowledge. With this toy he will be able to learn letters on his own.

    Finding the right letter

    For this game you will need a felt-tip pen or a bright pen, preferably red. Take a scrap magazine with large letters and choose one letter. Let your child look at the page and circle it. With older children, you can play races, but choose the same text (you will need a second magazine or copy).

    Letter hunt

    Very similar to the previous one, but suitable for older children - here you will need scissors. Now you need to find the necessary letters in the magazine, cut them out and stick them in alphabetical order. Once the alphabet is learned, you can form words or sentences.

    Educational videos

    On the Internet you can find many short cartoons with which you can easily and quickly learn the alphabet with your child.

    Songs make it easier to memorize sounds, and beautiful picturesappearance. Before class, watch the video yourself so that it is appropriate for the child’s developmental level and age.

    We have selected several educational videos to help your child learn the alphabet even faster!

    With the help of such games, you can quickly learn the alphabet with your child. This is much more interesting than cramming letters using an ABC book!

    Quickly remembering information read is a skill that is sure to come in handy for every student. When trying to develop their child's memory, parents often make mistakes. To avoid them, you just need to follow some rules.

    How to teach a child to remember - train memory

    Children at school get a lot various information. All of it needs to be quickly memorized and reproduced. To avoid having to simply memorize educational material, it is worth developing the student’s memory.

    Memory development is quick way teach your child to remember what they read

    To train your memory you can use the following techniques:

    • associative series;
    • highlighting key points;
    • drawing up an algorithm.

    The “associative series” technique develops figurative memory And creative thinking. The child is given a task - in the process of reading new material, mentally connect unfamiliar words with something understandable. Then the student will be able to quickly reproduce the information, remembering the association.

    By highlighting key points, the child learns to work with the text and analyze it. You only need to remember important information, carrying meaning. Thus, the amount of material to memorize is reduced and the time spent on it is reduced.

    Drawing up an algorithm is necessary to improve the understanding of the text. Using a simple diagram, you can display the principles of operation of objects, mechanisms, features of phenomena or other patterns. Remembering the algorithm, the child can easily reproduce all the material on the topic. At the same time, he will spend a minimum of time.

    Possible errors during memory training

    If parents are wondering how to teach their child to quickly remember read information, then first of all they need to take into account his abilities and interests. You cannot demand from children knowledge or skills that are not appropriate for their age.

    Often parents, trying to help their child, raise their voices and start screaming. This behavior negatively affects the desire to learn. Therefore, adults should be patient and lenient towards children's mistakes.

    First you need to do two things: print out the multiplication table itself and explain the principle of multiplication.

    To work, we will need the Pythagorean table. Previously, it was published on the back of notebooks. It looks like this:

    You can also see the multiplication table in this format:

    Now, this is not a table. These are just columns of examples in which it is impossible to find logical connections and patterns, so the child has to learn everything by heart. To make his job easier, find or print the actual chart.

    2. Explain the working principle

    When a child independently finds a pattern (for example, sees symmetry in the multiplication table), he remembers it forever, unlike what he has memorized or what someone else told him. Therefore, try to turn studying the table into an interesting game.

    When starting to learn multiplication, children are already familiar with simple mathematical operations: addition and multiplication. You can explain to your child the principle of multiplication by simple example: 2 × 3 is the same as 2 + 2 + 2, that is, 3 times 2.

    Explain that multiplication is a short and quick way to do calculations.

    Next you need to understand the structure of the table itself. Show that the numbers in the left column are multiplied by the numbers in the top row, and the correct answer is where they intersect. Finding the result is very simple: you just need to run your hand across the table.

    3. Teach in small chunks

    There is no need to try to learn everything in one sitting. Start with columns 1, 2 and 3. This way you will gradually prepare your child to learn more complex information.

    A good technique is to take a blank printed or drawn table and fill it out yourself. At this stage, the child will not remember, but count.

    When he has figured it out and mastered the simplest columns well enough, move on to more complex numbers: first, multiplying by 4–7, and then by 8–10.

    4. Explain the property of commutativity

    The same well-known rule: rearranging the factors does not change the product.

    The child will understand that in fact he needs to learn not the whole, but only half of the table, and he already knows some examples. For example, 4×7 is the same as 7×4.

    5. Find patterns in the table

    As we said earlier, in the multiplication table you can find many patterns that will simplify its memorization. Here are some of them:

    1. When multiplied by 1, any number remains the same.
    2. All examples of 5 end in 5 or 0: if the number is even, we assign 0 to half the number, if it is odd, we assign 5.
    3. All examples of 10 end in 0 and begin with the number we are multiplying by.
    4. Examples with 5 are half as many as examples with 10 (10 × 5 = 50, and 5 × 5 = 25).
    5. To multiply by 4, you can simply double the number twice. For example, to multiply 6 × 4, you need to double 6 twice: 6 + 6 = 12, 12 + 12 = 24.
    6. To remember multiplication by 9, write down a series of answers in a column: 09, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90. You need to remember the first and last number. All the rest can be reproduced according to the rule: the first digit in a two-digit number increases by 1, and the second decreases by 1.

    6. Repeat

    Practice repetition often. Ask in order first. When you notice that the answers have become confident, start asking randomly. Watch your pace too: give yourself more time to think at first, but gradually increase the pace.

    7. Play

    Don't just use standard methods. Learning should captivate and interest the child. Therefore, use visual aids, play, use different techniques.


    The game is simple: prepare cards with examples of multiplication without answers. Mix them, and the child should pull out one at a time. If he gives the correct answer, we put the card aside, if he gives the wrong answer, we return it to the pile.

    The game can be varied. For example, giving answers on time. And count the number of correct answers every day so that the child has a desire to break his yesterday’s record.

    You can play not only for a while, but also until the entire stack of examples runs out. Then for every wrong answer you can assign the child a task: recite a poem or tidy things up on the table. When all the cards are solved, give a small gift.

    From the reverse

    The game is similar to the previous one, only instead of cards with examples, you prepare cards with answers. For example, the number 30 is written on the card. The child must name several examples that will result in 30 (for example, 3 × 10 and 6 × 5).

    Examples from life

    Learning becomes more interesting if you discuss with your child things that he likes. So, you can ask a boy how many wheels four cars need.

    You can also use visual aids: counting sticks, pencils, cubes. For example, take two glasses, each containing four pencils. And clearly show that the number of pencils is equal to the number of pencils in one glass multiplied by the number of glasses.


    Rhyme will help you remember even complex examples that are difficult for a child. Come up with simple poems on your own. Choose the most simple words, because your goal is to simplify the memorization process. For example: “Eight bears were chopping wood. Eight nine is seventy two.”

    8. Don't be nervous

    Usually, in the process, some parents forget themselves and make the same mistakes. Here is a list of things that you should never do:

    1. Force the child if he doesn't want to. Instead, try to motivate him.
    2. Scold for mistakes and scare with bad grades.
    3. Set your classmates as an example. When you are compared to someone, it is unpleasant. In addition, you need to remember that all children are different, so you need to find the right approach for each.
    4. Learn everything at once. A child can easily be frightened and tired by a large volume of material. Learn gradually.
    5. Ignore successes. Praise your child when he completes tasks. At such moments he has a desire to study further.
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