• How to organize a solemn medical day. Medical-themed party: a pill for boredom


    Traditionally, on the third Sunday of June, Doctor's Day is celebrated in Russia. The scenario of a holiday in nature will certainly receive the approval of the team of a medical institution, be it a hospital, a clinic, or just a department. It’s not so often that doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants, pharmacists, and orderlies all get together, especially in an informal setting. So, if the weather permits, it makes sense to stock up on food to prepare delicious food, drinks, meat for and go out of town together to Fresh air.

    Comic scenario on Doctor's Day in nature

    For a fun picnic on the bank of a river or in a forest clearing, the “Medician’s Day” scenario will do, the ceremonial part of which will be held in a family-like, warm and relaxed manner. For example, like this.

    Leading: Dear Colleagues! We sympathetically ask each patient: “How are you feeling? What worries you?" And we rarely address each other with such questions. The situation urgently needs to be corrected. We are starting an on-site reception. Ivan Ivanovich (turns to the head physician), how are you feeling, how’s your mood?

    Chief physician(in a sing-song voice, raising his glass): Today I am one hundred percent happy!

    Leading: It’s great when a leader’s “soul sings.” We will be happy to join him. Could you, dear doctor, remind us of the reason that brought us to this wonderful place?

    Chief physician: “It’s been so long, we haven’t rested for so long.”

    Leading: And that's true. I wish everyone have a nice day in the company of colleagues and friends. (On Doctor’s Day, we recommend diluting the scenario of a holiday in nature funny competitions relevant topics). And I continue the medical examination. Those who are in favor, please stick out your tongues and say “a-a-a” in unison. Guess who did it best. Of course, our wonderful therapists (lists by name). They can cope with any disease, and if they cannot overcome it with their bare hands, they will call on surgeons to help. They are experienced, although at the beginning of their careers they heard more than once from their mentors: “Who taught you to cut? You scratched the whole table!” Admit it, (names, patronymics) happened?

    Surgeons(in chorus): We also know how to embroider, and on a typewriter too...

    : Great guys, doctors from God. By the way, there is a specialist among us with an amazing gift: he sees right through people. “The forearm and two ribs are broken, there is a crack in the fibula. It’s okay, I’ll paint it in Photoshop.” Where is our master of photography? Dear (full name), how did you like our party in honor of your professional holiday?

    Radiologist: I was completely confused by everyone’s attention, I don’t know what to say. Thoughts are confused...

    Leading: Or maybe you should see a neurologist or psychiatrist for a consultation? They will diagnose you instantly. Really, dear (names)?

    : Tell me, patient, does your inner voice tell you the name of the disease?

    : He insistently whispers that it’s high time to congratulate our irreplaceable helpers, the sisters, on the occasion. And endlessly patient, kind workers - nurses.

    Words of gratitude to junior medical staff must be included in the “Medical Day” script. Official part can also praise other health care workers, for example, accountants, cooks, plumbers, drivers.

    Leading: Thanks for the timely tip.
    Please accept our
    And assurances of love.
    Good luck, happiness and smiles,
    Who deserves them if not you.
    Today, lovely ladies are so charming and attractive that men’s mouths open in amazement, as if in the chair of our dentist (name, patronymic). Indeed, beauty, you can’t take your eyes off her. Do you have anything to say, Tooth Fairy?

    Dentist: May those present have teeth like pearls!

    Leading: Nice toast. Is everyone full? I think that the narcologist will not only allow us to take strong drinks, but will also be happy to support us. I hope, doctor, you are in favor?

    Expert in narcology: I want glasses to be filled with wine!

    : Do you know why all tinctures and balms are made with alcohol? Because doctors used to test them on themselves. After all main principle doctor - do no harm. We try to follow it throughout our lives. What is life from a scientific point of view? A sexually transmitted disease, moreover, with a disappointing prognosis and inevitable death. Friends! Take care of yourself, your loved ones and patients who trust you with the most precious thing - their lives. Happy holiday, dears!

    On Doctor's Day, the outdoor holiday scenario is also expanded with concert numbers, dance breaks and group games.

    What are we celebrating? Any holiday related to medicine. And there are quite a few such holidays. For example, Medical Worker's Day (Medical Day) , which is celebrated annually in Russia and Ukraine on the third Sunday in June. Or World Health Day , celebrated annually on April 7th. True, on Health Day you can organize a sports or environmental party, but this holiday is worth celebrating only once medical party , because our health depends not only on ourselves, but also on healthcare workers.

    But that's not all the holidays. Let's look at the holiday calendar and find in it World Anesthesiologist Day (October 16), International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day (May 8), International Doctors Day (first Monday in October).

    Medical party By the way, you can also arrange it in honor of the birthday of a friend or relative who works in the medical field. And even if the rest are not doctors, they will be able to try on white robe, hang a medical one around your neck stethoscope, pick up a tonometer and feel like you’re in the same harness as the hero of the occasion.

    You can also take this topic for regular theme party- show off and remember your childhood and games of hospital.

    How we celebrate

    Party theme: medical. We choose a concept and name: “Party in White Coats”, “Intern-Party”, “Aibolit-Party”, “Party “Clinical Case””, “Ward Number Six”, etc.

    Entourage. You should not try to recreate the atmosphere of a hospital or ward - after all, white sheets and empty walls are not conducive to fun and a good mood. Let it be an ordinary or elegant setting, into which you can add a little “medical” decor. For example, hang posters on the walls with instructions on first aid and with slogans: “Wash your hands before eating,” “The doctor is a friend of the people,” “There are healers out: they don’t heal, they just rob and maim!” and so on. In general, everything that can be found on the topic.

    You can also make “medical” garlands by hanging various medical devices on a thread: for example, paint water with gouache of different colors, fill disposable syringes without needles with it and hang them. You will get a multi-colored garland. Stretch a rope and hang x-rays (fake ones, of course) on it using clothespins. Make a huge fake thermometer. Prepare cool medical masks for your guests. Be creative, but let the atmosphere be festive, not hospital!

    Dress code. Options are possible here: you can have a party in white coats - everyone comes in white, or you can wear doctor's caps with stethoscopes around your neck. Or invite guests to choose who they will be: nurses, doctors or patients. Patients may come in a straitjacket, with their head bandaged, with a cast on their leg, etc. The female nurses, of course, are in white stockings and short white dresses.

    You can prepare badges in advance with funny inscriptions. For example, the host of the party could be “Doctor Nalivaiko.” The girl in charge of the table is called a “Culinary Nurse.” More inscriptions for badges: “Doctor DownHouse”, “Nurse-proletarian”, “Nurse’s name is Tamarka”, “Hysterical nurse”, “Doctor Gennady Urinovich Malakhov”, “Doctor half-literologist”, etc. Hand out badges to party participants at the entrance - make sure they match the inscriptions.

    Progress of the event

    Doctor Nalivaiko and his assistant (for example, “Paramedic Socialite") they greet guests near a specially prepared table with a mixture (aperitif) poured into beakers. They hang a badge on your chest, give you shoe covers, and gently persuade you to take the “medicine.” When everyone has gathered, the first toasts are made in honor of the health workers and the entertainment begins.

    To begin with, you can invite guests to diagnose the lyrical hero of the song. Short fragments of songs are played, and guests try to determine what is really bothering the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

    Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

    1. “And my heart stopped,

    My heart sank” (diagnosis: heart failure).

    2. “If you don’t hear me,

    This means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).

    3. We walked with you,

    I cried, oh, I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

    4. We honestly want to tell you:

    We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).

    5. You shouldn’t scold the rain, you shouldn’t scold it

    You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

    6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

    This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

    7. She even wanted to hang herself

    But college, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

    8. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,

    I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: muteness).

    9. It hurts me, it hurts

    This evil pain cannot be relieved (diagnosis: pain shock).

    10. And his wound rots,

    And it won't get any smaller

    And it won’t heal (diagnosis: gangrene).

    11. Every step through it hurts,

    Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).

    Games and competitions

    1. Enema. Several participants are called. Each person is given a syringe. The presenter invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the presenter gives them a tennis ball (instead of balls, you can take very light paper boats) and announces the start of the race. The balls are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the ball with a stream of air from a syringe. Whose ball gets to the finish line faster wins.

    2. Medical gloves, or Strong-willed doctors. Volunteers are given one medical glove. Their job is to inflate the glove until it bursts. It is better to involve men to participate in the competition. Whose glove bursts faster wins.

    3. Dentist. Volunteers are being called. The presenter says that now they will implant dental implants. Gives them each a small wooden block, painted pink or red (the color of the gums) and a nail. The task is to drive a nail into a block. The hammer, of course, is not included. Each participant finds his own way or uses available material. Whoever drives the nail in faster is the winner.

    4. Competition “Dress the Doctor”. Couples participate. Each person is given a white shirt big size. One of the pair is a doctor, the second is an assistant. The assistant should put the doctor's shirt on backwards and fasten all the buttons on the back as quickly as possible. The couple that completes the task faster than others wins.

    5. Pipette. 2-3 people are called. Each person is given a medical pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink. The task is to drink the contents of the beaker as quickly as possible. However, you can only drink using a pipette, drawing liquid from a beaker into it and pouring the contents into your mouth. Whoever empties the beaker the fastest gets the winner's prize.

    6. Procedural. Couples participate. Each person is given a bandage or a roll toilet paper. One of the pair is a nurse or nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the patient’s cheek as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until the entire roll of bandage or paper is used.

    What we serve:

    Various dishes with medical names. For example, vegetable salad " Vitaminosis", meat " Protein sufficiency", Seafood Cocktail " Dietary supplement", chocolate dessert " Tranquilizer" and so on. It is better not to give the dishes themselves a “medical appearance”, as this can cause a persistent lack of appetite in some participants. For the same reason, it is better to use… dishes, rather than medical supplies, as utensils.

    Happy medical party!

    Scenario Doctor's Day

    Fanfare, exit tr.001

    Good afternoon, Dear friends! Good afternoon, dear medical workers, people in white coats, doctors, nurses, orderlies and everyone who considers themselves part of this responsible, difficult profession!

    Since October 1, 1980, our country has celebrated the holiday “Medical Worker’s Day.” And you, without exception, rightfully deserve both this holiday and this applause that sounds in your honor.


    There is no nobler cause than bringing mercy and kindness to people in the name of health. It is for these qualities that people thank you. You have a great opportunity to help every person who needs your help. So may God give you strength and patience to continue your great work.

    People in white coats, how honorable your work is!

    Your sensitive hands bring healing!

    We wish you both goodness and warmth on your holiday!

    So that fate brings only happiness, only joy

    Song "MY MOTHERLAND"tr.003

    Dear friends! No matter how much we would like to be distracted and forget about work or profession at least for a while, we are unlikely to succeed. Because any medical worker, regardless of the circumstances, time of day and location, must remain a medical worker. Well, since our team is assembled, I can safely invite your leader to the stage. The floor is given to the chief physician of the sanatorium “Pikhtovye Gory” Ovsyannikova Olga Alexandrovna


    Today is the day of wishes and congratulations for everyone medical workers. We, a group of vacationers in your wonderful sanatorium, also cannot stand aside.

    There is no more honorable work in the world,

    More noble and more important!

    A paramedic saves a life

    He heals ordinary people.

    We wish you good health,

    Strong nerves, a lot of strength,

    Personal happiness, good luck,

    Faith, courage, love

    “LET'S FLYING TOWARDS THE WIND”, 1st squadtr.005

    The children of our camp not only relax in the “Fir Mountains”, but also improve their health. And all this is thanks to you, dear doctors and nurses. On such a wonderful day, they also did not stand aside and prepared their congratulations


    Reader 1 when you hear “Be healthy!”

    You'll immediately remember the doctors,

    Those who rush to our aid

    Whose advice is always ready

    Wear white coats

    Nice guys

    “Anatomy” - “five!”

    We will congratulate them

    Reader 2 In general, magicians of medicine,

    Like a shot of penicillin

    We will write you a prescription.

    And there is no more wonderful one.

    Ten drops of kindness

    Twenty drops of beauty

    Per glass happy life

    Stir until thick!

    Reader 3 So that everything is fine -

    From luck powder,

    spoon good health

    We add to you with love

    A spoonful of joyful love

    For the blood to boil

    Mix everything well.

    Take daily

    Reader 4 Good for health!

    What else have we forgotten?

    They took a spoonful of the mixture -

    Let's start the procedure.

    Bitter, too small

    Medical salary.

    So that she grows faster,

    We add yeast.

    It will be lush, it will be sweet.

    Everything will be fine in life.

    Ved. Your work is not more important in the world!

    Profession - from ancient times and forever

    After all, everyone knows: both adults and children,

    What is the doctor, the most main man

    Song "YOU ARE A MAN"tr.007

    Friends, I learned that today people from different medical specialties gathered at this holiday! Let's welcome the people we rightfully call doctors. People who receive patients, make diagnoses, prescribe treatment and ensure the recovery of patients!


    Doctors rise


    Nurses rise

    And, perhaps, the work of orderlies cannot go unnoticed - these are those who perform auxiliary functions in medical practice. Let's ask them to stand up too and congratulate them on their professional holiday.


    The orderlies rise

    Winter or summer, spring or autumn,
    Diseases come, they won’t ask us,
    On guard of health, always on the alert,
    They are always on duty
    They pass our pain through themselves,
    They always help us in trouble,
    From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
    Thank you, people in white coats.

    “We are together” Ekaterina Droganova, Andrey Droganov

    Today, in honor of your holiday, fanfares are sounded, songs are sung, and poems are read. We thought of something else to surprise you with. And we decided to invite an orchestra of musicians who will perform “Frog Jazz” for you.

    COMPOSITION “Frog Jazz”, 6th squadtr.010

    The medieval scientist Avicenna said: “A doctor must have the eye of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion!” So, we wish you that all these qualities are not only present in you, but also preserved throughout your life. long years yours professional activity!

    Therefore, happy holiday to you, happy professional holiday, Happy Medical Worker’s Day. Keep healing people and doing good!

    Song “WHAT IS KINDNESS” Polina Golovatenko,3 squad

    Today, the children of the camp give their creativity to those who take care of them and treat them for an entire shift. We can not only sing and dance, we can also compose. And then show it on stage. We bring to your attention a re-enactment of the 4th detachment.

    Sketch "ANYUTA" 4th squad

    At the camp, children live their lives to the fullest: they play, sing, have fun and, most importantly, make friends.

    Song "TWO HALVES" Nastya Kolesnikova, Katya Shevchenko, 1st squad

    We present to your attention the dance of the 6th squad “Poppy color”

    Dance “POPPY COLOR”, 6th squad

    Next creative gift came to us from the 3rd detachment.

    GYMNASTIC SKETCH, 3rd squad

    Song “Red Cat” by Stanislav, 3rd squad

    You chose a difficult path, and yet,

    Walk without turning away from it boldly

    Is most valuable to you

    The health of everyone, without exception.

    Treating people is not an easy task

    And you can't make mistakes.

    So may good luck be with you

    And the Earth flourishes with joy.

    Dance "KAPITOSHKI", 5th squad

    Presentation of gifts

    Happy holiday to all doctors!

    We wish you bright and unique days.

    May happiness open its arms to you,

    The holiday in the soul should not end

    Treat people and be healthy yourself,

    May life spoil you with miracles more often.

    May everything be great in your families

    And people say thank you more often.

    Dance " Good mood", 3rd squad

    1. Scenario for the day of a medical worker
    Oh, you guests - gentlemen!
    Have you gathered here?
    Happy Doctor's Day to everyone
    And glorify your deeds!
    Your hospital town -
    He is neither low nor high.
    Good people live there
    And it brings health to everyone.
    Chief Doctor Aibolit
    He keeps order here.
    They work here with their souls -
    Anyone in the city knows.
    I offer you a riddle:
    Who knows about everything in the hospital
    And he suffers for everything with his soul?
    Strict, handsome, stern, smart.
    Did you guess it? Who is he?
    That's right, this is the chief doctor of the hospital and I am pleased to give him the floor.

    Speech by the head physician

    A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life: from the first child’s cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky whose parents endowed him with enviable health from birth, but this does not always happen. And here you, dear doctors, come to the rescue! I offer to fill your glasses and drink for you! Here’s to your health, luck, success and simple human happiness!

    So, a man is born, and who meets him on the threshold of the big and difficult life? Yes, our doctors are gynecologists, midwives and maternity ward nurses.

    Song for the gynecological department (to the tune of “Our Neighbor”):

    Make a woman beautiful
    And healthy you should.
    For this important purpose
    Gynecologists are needed!
    Help to appear
    To the kids in the world,
    To you from everyone, from everyone for this -
    Thanks and hello!

    (All songs are performed by pre-prepared participants of the holiday.)

    The little man is growing up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he receives one of the first documents - a medical history, and the local pediatrician and a nurse become one of the family members.

    Song for the children's department (to the tune of "Top - Top"):

    Stomp-stomp, baby stomps,
    You're rushing to the hospital with your mom,
    They will get a vaccination and an injection,
    So that you can get better.
    Top top, don't be afraid of them:
    All in white and kindly robes,
    There is nothing better and kinder in the world
    Children's clinic doctors!
    Top-top, top-top, very difficult,
    Top-top, top-top, first steps.
    Along with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the beautiful clinic building. Here, at his pleasure, he can walk on all floors and in every office he will be received, listened to, given good advice and a recipe.

    Song for the clinic (to the tune of "Aty - Baty, the soldiers were coming"):

    If your teeth hurt or your chest feels hot,
    Go to the clinic quickly, dear friend!
    Here they will greet you with a smile, they will be able to treat you,
    And, of course, you can get sick leave!
    Here are x-rays and cardiograms.
    And mothers bring their children here.
    Any doctor here can see you.
    And you can get everything tested here!
    In the same building there is a service, without which not a single medical worker, no matter how capable and talented he may be, can live. Can you guess who I'm talking about? Yes, this is your dear accounting department!
    Everything is in your hands.
    Finance is power!
    You are our almighty king and god!
    Life without money seems disgusting
    If the chief accountant didn’t help!
    We wish hospital accountants to contact doctors as rarely as possible, and medical workers to meet with them as often as possible!

    Song for accounting (to the tune of "A Stream Flows"):

    The month has flown by, it's time to pay,
    After all, we won’t be able to live long without a salary.
    Everyone in our accounting department is beautiful.
    Let's get the money and we're happy!
    We say "thank you" to you,
    Thank you for the money.
    Such an accountant is simply a treasure!
    Everyone is happy to say “thank you”!
    If a person’s blood pressure has risen, his heart is acting up, his cough does not go away for a long time, he can be firmly confident that he will definitely talk to the staff of the therapeutic department for some time.

    Song for the therapeutic department (to the tune of "Little Red Riding Hood's Song"):

    If it's long - long - long,
    If the cough does not go away,
    If it gets hard for you,
    Stomp, ride and run,
    Perhaps, then of course,
    That's probably true, true,
    It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
    You should go to therapy!
    Ahh, you'll get a lot of injections here!
    Ahh, there are still a hundred procedures in reserve!
    Ah, there are doctors and nurses here,
    Ahh, all habits heal,
    Ahh, don’t come here to them!
    Ahh, don’t come here to them!
    And if you ate something of poor quality or suddenly fell ill with some unknown disease, then, of course, you are eagerly awaited in the infectious diseases department.

    Song for the infectious diseases department (to the tune of “Tick-tock, walkers”):

    Why have you eaten too much again?
    Why did you get so sick?
    To ease the suffering,
    Needs rinsing!
    Tick-tock, little steps, the years fly by,
    And in terms of infection, everything is fine with you - just great!
    People end up in this department completely unexpectedly and unexpectedly. And it is in this department that the sickest patients are the most severe, requiring great care from doctors and nurses. Which department am I talking about? Yes, this is a surgical department.

    Song for the surgical department (to the tune of "Call me with you"):

    Once again they are bringing us a patient in an ambulance -
    Work again!
    In the operating room the seconds are running,
    Care for everyone!
    Can we take trouble away from people again?
    Can we save you from death?
    Bring happiness to the sick?!
    Call me to your place, I will come day and night,
    I will always help you, even if you don’t want to.
    I will ease your suffering, you will fall asleep and forget everything,
    I want to help you, I want to help all people!
    Just know it!!!
    We cannot remain silent and not say kind words thanks to our bosses or, as it is now fashionable to say, sponsors!

    Song for chefs (to the tune of “Tell me what you need”):

    And in our hospital it’s both light and cozy,
    But don’t bother us with the repairs!
    True, our bosses are golden guys.
    And they always give us whatever you want!
    I’m walking through the depot, the boss meets me:
    "Here you go again, darling!
    Make me a list of what I need, what I need,
    I still won’t give you what you want!”
    Our editors will never offend us either,
    He will give you as many consultations as you want!
    And he knows and sees all our problems,
    But you can’t take money from him!
    He says: “I can’t, life has changed dramatically,
    I would be glad, but you can’t trample on a bubble!”
    You, our dear ruler, help in any way you can,
    We are whatever you want, whatever you want!
    But we hope that our life will become better.
    Yes, for a thousand rubles, not for a penny!
    Our good bosses will call and say:
    "Come and take whatever you want!"
    I propose to drink to our friends, to our dear sponsors, because it is very difficult to live without friends!
    And now I ask everyone to come to the table.

    (Feast, games, dancing.)

    2. Medical Worker's Day. Holiday, script dedicated to the day medical worker.

    Long before the holiday, a poster is hung with the image of Doctor Aibolit and the task for each department is to prepare an interesting performance.

    All words of congratulations belong to the Presenter.

    Today is Doctors' Day,
    We congratulate everyone!
    Let the song flow more cheerfully
    Sounds like fun laughter!
    We wish you with all our hearts
    Dance today!
    And we hasten to congratulate everyone
    And wish you happiness!
    We invite you,
    It's like being in a fairy tale
    Let's play a fairy tale:
    Let's go to the departments
    Our hospital
    And we, without a doubt,
    A miracle will happen.

    Congratulations to the therapists:

    Almost historical
    Therapeutic department.
    General practitioners
    They're rushing to work
    On Tuesday and Wednesday
    And even on Saturday
    And even when
    The country is resting
    Hospital then
    Shouldn't rest!
    General practitioners,
    You are nice people!
    Let your secrets
    They will be famous!
    We are so grateful
    For your work,
    We are so grateful
    For your concern!
    We wish you
    Health today!
    After all, this is success
    All over the preface!

    I'm the word now

    I give it to therapists.
    Will open for us
    They are their soul.
    Speech by therapists.

    Congratulations to the surgeons:

    Let's move on...
    I will say without falsehood:
    Surgery department
    Causes admiration.
    To warm the soul,
    We need to sing a song to them.

    Song for surgeons:

    I stood and trembled
    In the surgeon's office:
    Here she took me
    Nervous trembling
    I almost fell -
    It got bad, it got bad,
    And the surgeon got
    Sharp knife.
    He looked into my eyes,
    He spoke very quietly
    He mocked my fear.
    I'm completely numb
    It became dashing, it became dashing:
    My soul and body have cooled down.
    And the surgeon slashed
    By bandages and cotton wool
    And he put ointment on my abscess,
    Only me all spring
    At night I ran somewhere
    And until the summer he was treated for a nervous breakdown.
    Oh, surgeon, you are a surgeon,
    Your mysterious image
    I dream about it for many years in a row.
    Scalpel in a cloud of hands
    And a mocking voice
    And under the cap there is a tender look.
    Surgeons! Say something, prove your talents!
    Surgeons' speech.

    Congratulations to traumatologists:

    The condition is critical,
    Trauma department...
    Come in boldly
    Get busy.

    Traumatologists work

    They know clearly: inside and out.
    For their concern
    Everyone responds kindly.
    Happens to anyone
    Trouble and misfortune
    And they will connect to salvation
    Traumatologists then.
    You'll break an arm or a leg
    Or you'll hit your head -
    There is mutual understanding here
    And you will find sympathy.
    Eternally grateful
    Thank you for your help until the end.
    Of course they work here
    Only kind hearts.
    And I will say again:
    "Traumatologists, you have the floor!"
    Speech by traumatologists.

    Congratulations to endocrinologists:

    In the endocrine department
    We will listen to the singing with you.
    Dedication song to an endocrinologist:
    Spring has spread
    Green canopy
    And the shore is gentle
    Everyone is waiting for the wave.
    Love you girls
    They are hormones
    Always full.
    They are cheerful, they are healthy,
    And the jokes are bold on the tongue.
    They won't tell you
    Not an ounce of anything new
    And they won't go
    Walk to the river.
    But there will be faithful ones
    They probably
    After all, they are not geologists,
    To walk.
    First in work
    Not nervous at all
    And dearly
    Dream about them.
    Spring has spread
    Green canopy
    And the shore is gentle
    Everyone is waiting for the wave.
    Love you girls
    They are hormones
    Always full.

    Congratulations to neurologists:

    Now walk more quietly
    So that no one can hear you.
    In neurology now
    Sleep is observed.
    The work of a neurologist is difficult
    And she's not always very cheerful.
    Old people and children believe in him:
    He is a healer not of the heart but of the soul.
    Souls are more difficult to treat than hands,
    Everything there is according to the rules, everything is according to science:
    The nerves are healthy and the body is healthy.
    You do not believe me? Honestly!
    You are very, very dear to us!
    Sing to us, neurologists.
    Speech by neurologists.

    Congratulations to urologists:

    Not many will survive
    Work in urology.
    Come in, don't make any noise,
    Don't wake up the department.
    In urological
    A lot of "critical"
    Without a doubt.
    People lie there
    Seriously ill
    And operations
    It's not simple.
    Difficult cases
    It often happens
    Only doctors there
    Don't be discouraged.
    They help everyone
    Beautiful people!
    May they have good luck
    Will accompany!
    In my opinion, everyone
    Will greatly oblige
    If you have your word
    Urology will tell you.
    Speech by urologists.

    Congratulations to toxicologists:

    Now another road
    Let's go to toxicology.
    In toxicology
    It's a hard life!
    In toxicology
    Just hold on!
    That poisoning
    That's indigestion
    Spoils what's good
    They poison everyone
    Whatever came to hand!
    Everyone gets poisoned
    Who lacks intelligence!
    And fussing
    Sometimes a nurse
    Can't sleep at all
    Until the morning.
    Happy holiday to you,
    Dear doctors!
    Let them be yours
    Hearts are hot!
    I'm ready to say:
    Toxicology - over to you!
    Speech by toxicologists.

    And now I promise:

    We'll play a little.
    Not flying and not looking,
    There will be just a medical examination:
    Need you to know
    Which office did you end up in?


    about the ophthalmologist:
    1. You got into the office,
    Where there are no bandages and iodine.
    The doctor will examine the fundus
    A magnifying glass will be connected to this,
    He is pure in soul and heart.
    That's for sure... (ophthalmologist).

    about lore:

    2. This doctor will wash your nose,
    Maybe push some cotton wool,
    If necessary, open his mouth -
    He will check his throat
    He will put tampons in his ears.
    Everyone has known for a long time:
    He is a serious person
    This doctor is called... (ENT).

    about the gynecologist:

    3. You can laugh or cry,
    Only this is a female doctor.
    He immediately senses illness
    He treats all pregnant women.
    His day in the service is long.
    This doctor... (gynecologist).

    about the dentist:

    4. And now I ask for a chair,
    Take a seat quickly
    Open your mouth wider
    Wait: the doctor will come.
    He will conduct excavations in the teeth,
    He will make fillings and braces,
    Remove the diseased fragment...
    This is a wonderful... (dentist).

    about the cardiologist:

    5. He doesn’t look at you menacingly,
    He's always so serious
    He has his own program:
    Can take a cardiogram,
    Can I take your pulse?
    And check the pressure.
    And imagine as an astrologer,
    Everything will be predicted... (cardiologist).

    about the surgeon:

    6. He is sometimes sad, sometimes he laughs,
    Never separates
    He's with a scalpel. Friends,
    He can't live without it.
    He is always cheerful, fresh,
    What is not needed will be cut off,
    He will sew what you need...
    Maybe vice versa.
    He will drink a little alcohol,
    I'm flirting a little with the nurse...
    He is a brother and friend to all doctors.
    Did you guess it? He... (surgeon).

    about the nurse:

    7. Who is always with a bandage and cotton wool?
    In a white ironed robe?
    Knows what? Where? For what?
    How to treat? Whom? And with what?
    Will give his orders
    And will he sign all the decisions?
    Who is always ready in the morning?
    This is the older... (sister).

    about the pharmacist:

    Now let's go to the pharmacy
    Let's look at the river for medicine,
    And we'll find out who looks like
    Our question will determine.
    1. Who will make the medicine?
    He will arrange all the showcases,
    He'll stand by the window,
    Looks at the medicines
    The ointment will knead well,
    Will the powder be successfully weighed?
    Answers in a singsong voice,
    Well, of course... (pharmacist).

    about the pharmacist:

    2. Well, who is this, by the way?
    In a white cap and robe?
    Like a minister in a vast kingdom,
    Checks all medications.
    Checks everyone:
    Who is right and who is wrong here?
    Who didn't get enough pills?
    Where did you spill the powder?
    Who chatted like TV?
    Did you guess it? He... (pharmacist).

    about the chief physician:

    3. He is in a separate office,
    Always responsible for others
    Knows everything and knows everyone
    And in business there is always success!
    He can't sleep at night -
    He knows the troubles of hospitals,
    But you can’t solve everything, even if you cry -
    This is definitely the main... (doctor)!

    The medical examination went well

    Of course, it became clear to me
    That everyone in the hospital is healthy
    And cheerful! I give you my word!

    Happy holiday, dear medical workers!

    Happiness and success in your hard work!

    3. Competitions, games, poems and congratulations to doctors in the scenario of the holiday Medical Day, Medical Worker, for Medical Worker Day.



    Welcome to our fabulous clinic "Neboleyka", only today you will meet our wonderful specialists who will prescribe you medicines for all diseases and check your health.

    Where does theater begin?
    Everyone knows that from the wardrobe,
    But there are no clinics,
    No receptionist at the entrance.

    He will guide and advise

    To the patient Right way will indicate
    He will give you a ticket and put a stamp on it
    And he will send you to see a doctor.

    Grandma comes on stage

    (disguised young man or girl):

    Oh, what do you have here guys?

    Looks like a clinic?
    This is for me, I really need it,
    Let me go through all the doctors together.

    The grandmother approaches the reception staff:

    Milky, my back hurts and my heart is pressing,
    The leg is lame, the liver is tightening,
    The eyes can't see, the nerves are out of order,
    In short, there are health problems.

    Send me to the doctors soon,

    Give me a ticket, put a stamp on it,
    Well, guess which doctors?
    Guess my riddles together.

    She asks them riddles:

    1. The main doctors in the world,
    All colds are cured for people,
    If you have problems with your throat
    Will they help me? (Pediatricians)

    2. If my eyes are tired,

    I started to see something bad,
    It’s somehow cloudy, the gaze is not clear,
    Will they help me? (Ophthalmologists)

    3. I became very nervous,

    And I'm tired of life,
    Does your grandmother need a gynecologist?
    No! So who? (Neurologist)

    4. The heart rhythm is not calm,

    Yes, and the age is worthy,
    The path up the stairs is so long,
    Does grandma need it? (Cardiologist)

    5. Runny nose, tears flowing from the nose,

    The ears don't hear very well,
    Cough muffles conversation
    Of course I need it? (Lore)

    The grandmother collects referrals to doctors from the receptionists, which they can write on napkins or any pieces of paper.

    Presenter (to the hall):

    How can we congratulate pediatricians,

    Their work is important and invaluable!
    Any trip to the hospital begins with them,
    They always have friendly faces.

    (addressing personally to pediatricians):

    Dear ones, how proud we are of your service,
    Today you are the sweetest and most beautiful
    You are, as always, worthy of admiration.
    Happy Doctor's Day! Congratulations!

    The grandmother holds any active competition, after which the doctors take her pulse and make a diagnosis - Healthy.

    Presenter (to the hall):

    How can we live without ophthalmologists?

    Without those who will quickly check your vision,
    The eyes are the most important human organ,
    If they get sick, it’s no laughing matter for him!

    To see home, nature, friend, mother,

    Walk without squinting, but confidently and straight,
    You need to contact them for help!

    (Addressing personally to ophthalmologists):

    We congratulate you on “Medical Day”!

    Grandma is holding a competition.

    You can hold any vision test competition, for example, draw something on pieces of paper and show it from afar, gradually moving further away. In the end, the grandmother is diagnosed - Healthy.

    Presenter (to the hall):

    It's been a long time since people's nerves have been roped,
    And sometimes my soul is heavy,
    Neuropathologists, funny guys,
    You will always be received with sincere warmth.

    (addressing personally to neurologists):

    Sometimes without feeling sorry for yourself,
    You are burning mentally at work,
    We hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible,
    Your work is especially appreciated!

    Grandma is holding a competition for the best nerves:

    everyone is given a piece of paper, it needs to be torn as small as possible, one with an outstretched arm, you can’t help yourself.

    Presenter (to the hall):

    There is nothing more important in the body than the heart,
    It gives rise to feelings and recognitions,
    There is a warm light hidden in him and love,
    And happiness lies in consciousness.

    (Addressing personally to cardiologists):

    Sometimes your heart hurts,
    And we can’t fix those problems without you!
    "Medical Day" is flying all over the earth,
    We hasten to congratulate you on it!

    Grandmother holds a competition:

    You need to draw a heart on a piece of paper with your eyes closed.
    After the competition, the doctors diagnose the grandmother as healthy.

    Presenter (to the hall):

    Since childhood we have known the agreement,
    Our ear and nose is treated by ENT.
    If you have snot or otitis media,
    He will heal us quickly.

    (Addressing personally to the lore):

    How grateful we are to you,
    If your nose is breathing properly,
    Ears hear, throat is clear,
    You are the experts!

    We congratulate you on the holiday,

    We will glorify your work across the earth,
    Happy “Day” to you “Medika” dear ones,
    Our lores are golden!

    Grandma is holding a competition for the best ear, sweet compliments and congratulations are whispered into the ears of those who wish, they need to pass them on to a neighbor or say them out loud.

    After the competition, the doctors diagnose her as healthy.


    Our grandmother is healthy
    Thank you to all doctors
    We talk together with her,
    Glory to the good doctors!

    The grandmother changes her appearance to her younger self and makes a speech of gratitude to all the doctors and the head physician.

    After which the floor is given to the head doctor himself, who congratulates all those present on the holiday on the Day of the Medical Worker!!!

    4. Scenario for Doctor’s Day “Men in White Coats.”

    The tables are covered with white cloth up to the floor, and there are flower vases on them. Upon entering the hall, each invitee is given lottery tickets. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. There is pleasant music in the hall.

    - Words of gratitude to you,
    To nurses and doctors,
    To those who saved our lives,
    To those who will return our health,
    Our deepest bow to you.
    To present certificates of honor and valuable prizes to honored medical workers, you are invited to (full name).

    The presentation is performed to the accompaniment of solemn music. After the presentation, a girl enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. She performs “Song about the Doctor” by Alena Sviridova, during the performance, she comes to each table and gives a flower, which she places in a vase.

    - Winter or summer, spring or autumn,
    Diseases come, they won’t ask us,
    On guard of health, always on the alert,
    They are always on duty
    They pass our pain through themselves,
    They always help us in trouble,
    From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
    Thank you, people in white coats.

    (Scene “At a doctor’s appointment”, with the participation of three people. The doctor is sitting at the table, the patient comes in.)

    - Hello, Doctor!


    (The patient lies down, the doctor examines him.)

    -What are you complaining about, young man?

    - My heart hurts, my blood pressure jumps, my eyes burn and my head feels dizzy.

    - Yes, yes, yes, speak your heart.

    - Yes, doctor.

    (The doctor listens to the patient with a stethoscope.)

    - My eyes are burning, my head is spinning!

    - Yes, doctor.

    (The doctor takes out a photograph beautiful girl and brings it to the patient’s face.)

    - Is it easier?

    - Oh, yes, doctor, it’s much easier this way.

    - Get dressed, you are in love. It's not fatal, but if it doesn't go away in two months, you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life.

    (The patient leaves, another appears.)

    - Hello, come in, undress, lie down.

    - Yes, I, this is the doctor, here...

    (Hands out papers.)

    - I told you, quickly undress, lie down, we’ll sort it out now.

    (The patient undresses and lies down.)

    - Well, well, well, what are we complaining about?

    - For salary.

    (The doctor listens to him.)

    - Interesting symptoms, you don’t seem to be experiencing exhaustion. Sore throat?

    - Only after a cold beer.

    - Dizzy?

    - Only after vodka.

    - It seems to me that you are healthy, maybe you are a malingerer, my friend?

    - No, doctor, I’m not a malingerer, I’m a loader, sign the papers and tell me where to pour the coal.

    - Everyone here received lottery tickets upon entering. And so, not sparing smiles, we begin the lottery.

    The lottery is carried out with the help of those present. The host approaches each table and asks them to pull out a ball and read out the number. Prizes can be pillows with hearts, chewing gum in the form of jaws, vodka as a medicinal tincture, chocolate - the hormone of joy, lemon - vitamin C, and much more. You can come up with a little joke for each prize.

    - Quiet hour is coming

    Everyone is in their rooms,
    Spring is just outside the window,
    A riot of aromas,
    Breaking the silence
    In a white robe,
    Young nurse
    Spun in a waltz.

    Dance competition for everyone present.

    The host approaches the dancing couple, gives one of them a balloon, and starts dancing with the other. The person with balloon. You can break a pair only once, when there is not one unbroken pair left around, the remaining person with the ball is given the task of bringing the ball in the palm of his hand to his beloved or loved one. A prize is awarded for a successful action.

    Next competition: “Nurse Courses”.

    Two women and two men are chosen. Male doctors give instructions to their nurses. After a certain distance, a ball is tied to two chairs and two glasses of water are placed; you can only get to the patient chairs along the drawn squares. The first task is to give an injection to the patient. A disposable syringe is assembled and a ball is pierced on the other side. The second task is to give the patient pills. Five tablets are taken, the nurse must transfer all the tablets into a spoon one at a time. The third task is to give an enema. To do this, use a small syringe to select water from one glass to another. The fastest and most agile one wins. She is presented with a painted diploma “Cool Nurse”.

    - You chose a difficult path, and yet,

    Walk without turning away from it boldly,
    Is most valuable to you
    The health of everyone, without exception,
    Treating people is not an easy task,
    And you can’t make mistakes,
    So may good luck accompany you,
    And the Earth flourishes with joy!!!

    celebration of medical worker's day.

    Music is playing. The presenters come out.

    Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, guests, dear healthcare workers

    Presenter: Medical Worker’s Day is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of doctors, paramedics, paramedics and paramedics who fight every day for the health and lives of sick people.

    Presenter: The floor for congratulations and opening of the holiday is given to the chief physician of the Central Regional Hospital, Viktor Vasilievich Ubaichin

    The anthem sounds Russian Federation and the Altai Republic.

    Presenter: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the Administration of the Ongudaysky District municipality, M.G. Babaev.

    Welcome address. Awarding district diplomas order No.
    Fanfare sounds

    For every patient you have
    There is enough hope in reserve:
    Smiles bloom again
    And fear recedes from the eyes!
    And everyone is in love with the world again!
    And the train of life continues to rush!
    And in every heart renewed
    A piece of you is knocking

    Host: One of the favorite folk sayings is “if only I had health.” Alas, only a few are happy with the presence of this wealth, and even the rich cry without it. So we can’t live without doctors. And our medical workers are wonderful and smart! The chairman of the district council of deputies, E.M. Tekenov, joins this completely sincere compliment.

    Presenter: Doctor, doctor, doctor! They have bowed before these people in all centuries, at all times. They were always respected and loved, because they were the ones who made people’s lives easier and instilled hope for the future. They are the ones who free people from pain and sometimes provide the wisdom with which a person can exist in the world.

    You can become a real doctor not only by learning all the terms and concepts, but also by feeling love for people, for children, a desire to serve them, help and understand them.

    Presenter: Dear, glorious medical workers! congratulates you
    deputy head of social issues Salamova A.A.

    We wish you inspiration
    Fervor of strength for many years
    All your dreams come true
    And new labor victories!

    Musical number ______________________________________________

    Presenter: In connection with the celebration of Medical Worker Day and for many years of work in the district’s healthcare system, award Certificate of honor Municipal institution Healthcare "Central District Hospital"

    The presenter reads out the certificates from order No.
    Ubaichin V.V. presents a certificate and flowers

    Musical number ______________________________________________

    Presenter: In connection with the celebration of Medical Worker Day and for many years of work in the district’s healthcare system, award gifts

    The presenter reads out order No.
    The award group presents gifts. Solemn music sounds.

    We celebrate your holiday with honor,
    We entrust everything to you: health, life.
    We glorify skill and knowledge
    And we hope for creative thought

    Words of recognition and congratulations to you,
    Praise, smiles and flowers to you,
    Blessings for patients' eyes,
    Wishes of happiness and love.

    Musical number _____________________________________________

    Presenter: The floor for congratulations goes to the chairman of the trade union committee, Vera Yashunovna Enchinova

    Solemn music sounds
    The award group presents flowers to veterans

    It’s not enough to find heartfelt words
    On a holiday you could
    But today we want to say
    The same eternal thing - thank you!

    Musical number ______________________________________________

    Presenter: There are many good, wonderful medical workers in our hospital; it is rare to find such a composition of experienced doctors and nurses. The floor is given to one of them


    Host: Years pass, decades flash by. And no matter what time comes, lasting values ​​will remain on earth: goodness, beauty, love... Love for the land, love for the native land, love for your work.

    Musical number ______________________________________________

    Presenter: People who know how to work have the most main secret it is your spiritual strength and resilient character. Thanks to this secret, with your efforts and hard work, you will overcome all your difficulties and troubles.

    Musical number ______________________________________________


    Thank you for your work, attention,
    For a good heart in the chest,
    For that warmth and compassion,
    What you generously give us.

    We wish you good, bright everyday life,
    There would be fewer sick people,
    May your life be brighter
    Gives more drunken meetings,

    Strength, love, patience,
    Victories, well-deserved awards,
    Love, hope, inspiration
    And a waterfall of compliments!

    Our holiday is nearing its end,
    But that's not what we're talking about,
    In conclusion, we wish you
    There are still quite a few good meetings.

    Musical number ______________________________________________

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