• How to open a diner. How to open a snack bar in your city? We give recommendations on where to start a business


    A business based on satisfying basic human needs is always profitable. Looking at Maslow's pyramid, you can understand that the most popular human need is the need for food. That is why novice businessmen are wondering: how to open a snack bar. At the right approach It won’t be difficult to find clients, especially if you organize your business correctly. In this material we will tell you how to do this.

    First steps

    How to open a snack bar and where to start? As in any other business, you need to start by resolving legal issues. Since the business is related to food, there will be many of them.

    First of all, you should register as an LLC if you plan to sell alcohol in a snack bar; if not, you can open an individual entrepreneur, which is much more profitable and simpler.

    • Production control program;
    • Deratization agreement;
    • Disinfestation contract;
    • Conclusion of the SES;
    • Assortment of food products sold;
    • Garbage removal agreement;
    • Fluorescent lamp recycling agreement;
    • Book of complaints;
    • Agreement for the use of laundry and dry cleaning.

    Also, before submitting an application, you should lease or purchase ownership of the premises where your eatery will be located.

    Selecting a room

    When opening a diner, you need to carefully consider the issue of choosing premises. You should analyze the level of competition and the need for such an establishment in the region where you plan to do business.

    It is profitable to place eateries near markets, universities, train stations and office centers, metro exits and public transport stops.


    The main expense when opening a diner is the purchase of equipment and furniture. Equipment needed: refrigerators, counters, cabinets, display cases, grill, pancake maker, hot dog makers, microwave oven, kettle, deep fryer, donut maker, coffee makers.

    Of course, the choice of equipment directly depends on the assortment. When compiling a menu, you should analyze the offers of competitors and choose what they do not have and what is in greatest demand. Intuition also plays a significant role in these matters.

    As a rule, snack bars prepare dishes from semi-finished products. However, do not forget about the quality of food preparation.

    The menu should include several types of first and second courses, sandwiches, meat and vegetable salads, hot and cold drinks.


    The number of hired workers depends on the type of eatery. If you intend to sell hot dogs and burghers from the counter, then you can get by with one employee.

    If you want to open a diner that offers first and second courses, you will need a cook, a cashier, and a waiter (if there are a lot of orders, there may be several cooks and waiters). For an additional fee, the main staff can be assigned to work as a cleaner.

    According to the law, all employees must have a health certificate and undergo timely medical examinations.

    Business promotion

    It’s not enough to open a cafe and snack bar; you also need to provide the establishment with a constant influx of customers. Speaking of promotion, first of all, you should take care of a bright sign that will be visible from different angles from afar.

    Having clarified the city rules regarding the placement and installation of outdoor advertising, it would not be amiss to place a pillar along the road. If your eatery is located near an office center, you can arrange at the checkpoint or reception to place business cards.

    Cafe on wheels

    Many businessmen wonder how to open a snack bar on wheels. This format is quite interesting, as it allows you to move to crowded places and attracts attention thanks to the original appearance. In addition, in this case there is no question of renting or purchasing premises, which is a cost-effective solution.

    Remember that your bus should attract attention. It should be colorfully decorated and equipped with comfortable furniture. The pleasant music flowing from the windows allows you to create a feeling of celebration.

    The target visitors of such cafes, as a rule, are students, young people and parents with children. The image of such establishments is close to that of a bistro; therefore, the pricing policy should be democratic and the dishes appropriate. In addition to its main purpose, the bus can be used for corporate events, youth and children's parties.

    Making the right menu

    Since you won’t be able to cook on the bus, you should stick to semi-finished products that can be reheated: hot dogs, hamburgers, hot sandwiches and pastries. If you plan to cook, you should take care of the power supply. This could be a small power station or a diesel generator. A snack bar on wheels is a business subject to strict criticism from inspection authorities. In field conditions, you cannot use reusable dishes; you have to use disposable ones, although this is much more expensive.

    Interior and route

    The number of visitors directly depends on these factors. If you plan to work in winter time, take care of thermal insulation and heated seats. The route should be laid out along the sights, crowded places and beautiful landscapes.


    Make sure you have an experienced driver. You will also need a bartender-waiter and a cook. Since your establishment will not have strict coordinates, you should hire a person who will call people over the loudspeaker.

    Possible problems

    First of all, the problems are related to regulatory authorities, since by law any catering establishment must be connected to water supply and sewerage systems. The next difficulty is Russian roads. Their imperfect condition is not conducive to eating.

    • Step-by-step plan for opening a diner
    • Search for investments
    • How much money do you need to open a diner?
    • Search for premises
    • Registration of activities
    • Which tax system to choose
    • Product range, conclusion of contracts
    • What equipment to choose for a snack bar
    • Recruitment
    • Advertising
    • How much can you earn
    • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
    • What documents are needed to open a diner?
    • Do I need permission to open a diner?
    • Business technologies: menu features

    How to open a snack bar? Let's look at a step-by-step guide to starting this business.

    Step-by-step plan for opening a diner

    The first thing you need to do is decide on the general concept of the future establishment. What will your establishment be like, what product range will it have, where will it be located, who will be the main consumer, and so on.

    It should also be understood that a snack bar differs from the same cafe in that it sells dishes that are not complicated in preparation, and which can be consumed literally “on the go.” At the same time, the size of the room does not play an important role, the main thing is that it has several tables and chairs, maybe even plastic ones, at which you can quickly have a “snack.”

    In general, snack bars are divided into two types: specialized and general. Specialized ones imply the sale of a certain range of products, so they are briefly called: dumplings, pirozhkovaya, cheburek, donut, kebab, etc. The general type, understandably, sells a wide range of different products.

    Which type of establishment is better? This depends on many factors, such as the location of the facility, the amount of funds available to start a business, the potential circle of visitors, the presence of competitors and much more.

    Search for investments

    And so, we have decided on the concept and style of the establishment - then we should take care of finding sources of financing for the project.

    Possible sources of funding could be:

    1. Bank loan;
    2. Participation in government business support programs;
    3. Searching for a private investor based on a well-written business plan for your business;
    4. Personal savings.

    How much money do you need to open a diner?

    In general, opening a small eatery in a rented premises will require an investment of 450 thousand rubles:

    1. Repair of the premises - 100 thousand rubles (if necessary);
    2. Trade equipment, mic. oven, grill, etc. - 90 thousand rubles;
    3. Tables, chairs - 30 thousand rubles;
    4. Permitting documentation and organizational expenses - 30 thousand rubles;
    5. Creation of the initial assortment - 150 thousand rubles;
    6. Other expenses, incl. design creation, advertising, transportation costs - 50 thousand rubles.

    Search for premises

    The next step is to find a suitable premises. The best places for placing such objects are:

    • bus and railway stations;
    • college campuses;
    • a highway with a lot of truck traffic (roadside service);
    • The central streets are where many office buildings are located.

    To open a small establishment, it is enough to find a room with an area of ​​30 m2. It is advisable, of course, that the rent corresponds to the location of the eatery. That is, if the rent is high, then the traffic of visitors to your establishment should also be high, otherwise you will work at a loss. Therefore, before renting a premises, you should conduct at least a little marketing research, determine the range of potential customers and the expected market capacity.

    It is important to take into account that the premises must comply with all SES standards and be equipped with a fire safety system.

    Registration of activities

    Once investments and premises have been found, you can begin to register your activities.

    The organizational and legal form can be either individual entrepreneurship or limited liability company(entity).

    In general, for a small eatery it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur, since the registration costs are much less than for an LLC, and the opening procedure will take a maximum of 7 days. You can read the instructions for opening an individual entrepreneur and LLC on our website in the section articles about business.

    Which tax system to choose

    After registering an individual entrepreneur, within 5 days you must submit an application for transition to a special tax regime, simplified tax system, UTII or buy a patent. If this is not done on time, then you will remain on the classical taxation system and will pay all taxes, including VAT, income tax, etc. Which mode is better to choose? Read in the article: choice of taxation system.

    Product range, conclusion of contracts

    An important point is the conclusion of contracts for the supply of products to the establishment. Since the room in most cases will not be large and not suitable for preparing dishes and baking pies, it is necessary to supply these products from local manufacturers. Some products can be supplied in the form of semi-finished products, for example dumplings, pasties, puff pastries. The rest of the related products (chocolate, drinks, etc.) can be supplied from local wholesale suppliers in your city. The markup on goods in a snack bar is on average 30%.

    You should also consider the issue of security for your establishment and enter into an agreement with a security company, as well as install “ panic button» and alarm system in the premises.

    What equipment to choose for a snack bar

    Once the activity has been registered and all contracts have been concluded, you can begin purchasing equipment and recruiting personnel. Main equipment includes:

    • Shelving;
    • Showcases;
    • Refrigeration equipment;
    • Furnaces;
    • Toasters, juicers;
    • Mixers, deep fryers, coffee makers;
    • Trade furniture;
    • KKM (optional);
    • Kitchen utensils, special. clothing for staff, etc.


    Next, you need to select future employees for your establishment. The main staff of the diner includes a cook, sales assistants, waiters and an administrator. At the initial stage of starting a business, the administrator function is usually performed by the entrepreneur himself or a trusted representative. Other personnel include an accountant and a cleaner, who can be hired at 0.5 times the rate under a civil contract or even outsourced these services.

    In order to motivate your employees, you should set their salary + bonus for good performance revenue and profit of the establishment.


    The equipment has been purchased, the goods have been delivered, the staff has been selected - we make a beautiful sign: “We are open.” Let's start working...

    Do not forget that after starting a business, you must notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activity.

    How much can you earn

    Let's try to calculate how much you can earn at a snack bar. Income will depend on attendance. With a well-organized business, you can earn 250-270 thousand rubles a month. Net profit will be 20-25% of income. The business should pay off within a year.

    Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

    When registering a business, you must indicate the OKVED code. For a snack bar you need the OKVED code - 55.30 - “Activities of restaurants and cafes”. This code is suitable for almost any establishment that operates in a cafe format, including a snack bar.

    What documents are needed to open a diner?

    It will be necessary to prepare a package of documents for business registration. Permits from the State Property Inspectorate and SES are required. You can't open a diner without them. A premises rental agreement, an agreement with utility services and an agreement with product suppliers will be required.

    Do I need permission to open a diner?

    A license is only required if alcoholic beverages will be sold. If their sale is not planned, no special permits are needed. Permits from Rospotrebnadzor are sufficient.

    Business technologies: menu features

    Despite the fact that the eatery is a fast food outlet, the menu should be carefully thought out. It should include first and second courses, snacks, desserts, and various drinks. To increase revenue, you can include trade in alcoholic beverages, at least beer. But this will require a license, which requires an additional package of documents.

    The restaurant business is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Now you can open a cafe or bar of exactly the type you have always dreamed of. This could be a mini cafe or a fast food restaurant. You may want to open a pastry shop or make the first children's cafe in the area.

    There are a lot of options, but what are the first steps you need to take to open a cafe? Where to start a business plan and what to pay attention to when this is your first project?

    Choosing premises for a successful establishment

    The first key point in creating an establishment where you can have a snack is the choice of premises. The success or failure of the project will depend on it. You can make a luxurious renovation, create a unique atmosphere and hire a brilliant chef. But if the wrong area is chosen, then there will be no visitors: the cafe and ticket office will be empty day after day. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such examples among those who think

    A business plan begins with finding space. When choosing a beachhead, pay attention to the condition of the main communication systems. Pay attention to the presence of sewerage, water supply and heating. A good option would be to buy out an old dining room that already has a kitchen. It is harder and more expensive to build a new cafe from premises that are not adapted for cooking, but cheaper: hangars and warehouses.

    Most eateries and bars open in residential areas.
    If there was already a canteen, pub or restaurant in this place, then everything is in order, you can open a cafe in a residential building. But if you decide to open a cafe for the first time, where to start the process to avoid a lot of pitfalls? If the sounds of music and the aromas of the kitchen become uninvited guests in residents' apartments, then problems can begin very quickly. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance about good zoning of the room, sound insulation and exhaust hood. If residents find the neighborhood inconvenient, the cafe may simply be closed.

    Rent or buy?

    Renting is not the best the best option. Especially if we are talking about a large cafe. Rents tend to rise, and not because of the good economic situation in the country. If you suddenly decide to move, the repairs and clientele will remain with the owner. Most of the venerable, established restaurateurs opened their business by buying out the property. After this, the establishment can be advertised on a larger scale, understanding that PR costs are an investment in the future. In addition, if the project does not take place for some reason, you can always rent out your space, but subletting is more difficult.

    Before opening, you should contact specialists in order to find out whether it is profitable to open a cafe, take into account all legal regulations and state requirements. Based on these recommendations, a project plan is drawn up. After receiving a business plan for a cafe, an example of it must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor. After the project has been agreed upon with government agencies, repairs and redevelopment can begin.

    A meal with good taste

    It is very important to choose a single concept and style of a restaurant or cafe. What audience do you want to work for? Who do you want to see among your guests? Answering these questions will help you understand the values ​​of your potential visitors and develop an appropriate image. Do not forget to take into account your ideas, because your personal dream is now being realized.

    It doesn’t matter what level of restaurant you are planning to open, it is important to find your own “zest” around which the concept will be built. Think about what this criterion is that will distinguish your shop from all others? This question will help you successfully open a cafe.

    How to implement a business plan?

    The first step is to carry out segmentation and risk assessment. Enthusiasts often skip these stages, underestimating the weaknesses of the enterprise and the strengths of competitors. In addition, at this stage it is worth calculating the cash costs, finding out

    A working cafe business plan is an example of good preparation. It cannot be done without an accurate portrait of a potential client, his social income, tastes, and lifestyle.

    Right now the question is being decided about where the cafe will receive the main profit: through high turnover or high markup? If, let's say, your typical guest is a young student who likes to spend time with friends, consuming chips and light beer, then he is unlikely to appreciate expensive gourmet food. Nor will he understand the fabulous prices for a cream made from 30 ingredients and goose liver prepared according to a special recipe. This type of business planning will most likely end in failure, despite the fact that you manage to open a cafe.

    Where to start: documentation and registration

    For this you will need a package of documents.

    Firstly, only an entrepreneur can do business in our country. You must first open an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

    Secondly, collect the following documentation package:

    • permission to locate an establishment issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
    • permission obtained from fire safety authorities;
    • confirmation of the premises’ compliance with sanitary standards (lease agreement, staff medical records, state registration certificate, permit for raw materials and commercial products);
    • licenses for the sale of retail trade, alcohol and tobacco;
    • patent for trade activities in a given territory (issued local authorities self-government);
    • notification of the start of activity.

    Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 “On the Protection of Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” regulates this activity.

    A legal entity (entrepreneur) provides the necessary documentation to Rospotrebnadzor at its actual location. The completed notification is supplemented by a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (entrepreneurs), as well as a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authorities. These documents are enough to open a cafe.

    Let's start work

    The operation of even the smallest catering establishment is unthinkable without equipment. In order to brew a cup of coffee or make ice cream, you need a technical base. It is necessary to think through all the details at the design stage of the room.

    All equipment must be as functional and practical to use as possible, durable, and meet the requirements for bars, restaurants and cafes. IN otherwise the technology simply won't pay for itself.

    Modern devices allow you to quickly prepare high-quality dishes. But high productivity is not only the result of the establishment’s powerful technical base, but also the ability of the staff to work on it. It is very important to conduct a master class for employees after purchasing a new car.

    The right equipment will increase the profitability of the business, while the wrong machines will lead to losses.

    Furniture and furnishings

    This is another important issue that you should devote your attention to before opening a cafe. Where to start building the situation? A profitable solution would be to order a set of furniture designed in a single design. However, this is an exclusive option - it is always more expensive. You can purchase ready-made furniture. If the cafe is the first such enterprise, then cheap furniture will serve as a model to better understand the needs of the establishment. Next time it will be easier to order suitable furniture.

    Human factor: selecting talented personnel

    The number of employees will depend on the establishment's sales volume. All roads in the “eating room” come down to the cook. He's like a captain on a ship. The chef must not only prepare delicious dishes, but also decorate them beautifully. It’s very good if you know your future chef in advance, even at the stage when you are developing a business plan for a cafe.

    An example when a business is opened under a famous master will definitely not go unnoticed in the city.

    The ideal composition of the kitchen is the chef, required amount cooks and dishwashers. There should be two such trains - for a shift work schedule. The owner's right hand - the chef - must cook quickly, without compromising the quality of the dishes, since in such places there are often influxes of visitors.

    If the chef is the soul of the establishment, then the next group of workers is his face. Bartenders, waiters, administrators personally address the client. The impression a venue manager makes when greeting guests can be a turning point in future relationships.

    If you don't have experience hiring employees, try the following advice. Think about your favorite place and try to chat with its owner about choosing staff. Find out from him the details of how to open a cafe. The business plan of his idea already lives within the walls of the establishment, and perhaps his advice will save you from financial and emotional disasters. The successful experience of a colleague is always invaluable to someone who knows how to learn.

    Any owner will tell you that you shouldn’t choose employees based on just good looks. Sometimes administrators, like waiters, have to find themselves in very delicate situations, where they need to both defend the honor of the establishment and not lose a client. Here, of course, you need intelligence and resourcefulness. Such a person can make mistakes, but should not let the owner down. The ability to resolve conflicts peacefully is a precious talent, so pay your employees for it when calculating salaries.

    A good waiter is also an excellent salesperson who will be able to offer exactly what the client wants or does not yet know what he wants.

    To make the café inexpensive, you can invite an already established team there, or at least the core of a team that has worked together for quite a long time. This will help make the work process quick and harmonious. This is an important nuance that unfavorably distinguishes new establishments from venerable chains.

    "Tasty" day

    So, when the basic procedures are completed and guests can be invited, the stage of purchasing food begins. Of course, if you have not invested in advertising and are not expecting an influx of visitors on the first day, then you can gradually improve the menu by refining the kitchen. And yet you have come this way for the sake of success, and the success of an establishment is its full house. Groceries are perishable goods, but it’s better to stock up on them in abundance than to be left with a full room and empty refrigerators, explaining that you were just able to open a cafe.

    Where to start purchasing? This issue has been pretty well worked out in chain coffee shops. They have established supplies with the best suppliers for the network, and when opening a new outlet, the franchise owner will already have an approximate estimate and telephone numbers for coordinating purchases. You can use this experience yourself, especially if you are going to discover where there is room to gain experience.

    "Edible" budget

    A good advantage major cities, like Moscow, is the opportunity to borrow or take in free use of a piece of equipment.

    Suppliers can provide free of charge In addition, venerable companies with deep pockets offer free souvenir accessories to attract customers. Bar mugs, ashtrays and even furniture with logos. All this will be an invaluable contribution to those who want to open a cafe inexpensively. Some equipment, such as a microwave or kettle, can be brought from home.

    If you open a cafe on average Russian city, then the advantages will be different. There is no need to invest in interior design and diversify the menu every week. There is no need for fabulous advertising and a glamorous image of the establishment. This may even scare off visitors who understand the word “comfort” differently than “metropolitan things.”

    The first major expenses will be advertising, salaries and food costs. The first months are usually unprofitable, but do not despair if you have already managed to open a cafe. Where to start in this situation is by gutting the “financial cushion”. This is the amount that was initially budgeted for such a period. Once the company is on an even course, expenses will primarily relate to repairs and equipment upgrades.

    Quick Spoon: How to open a fast food cafe?

    If you are deciding on the type of cafe, then it is worth noting that the demand for fast food is very high.

    The fact is that this type of food is suitable for poorer groups of the population due to the low cost of lunch and for office workers who snack on the go. This creates a certain blur in the client's portrait, but brings other project criteria to the fore.

    A fast cafe should be located in a place with high traffic of people. You need to separate yourself from your competitor. To do this, it is enough to open a mini-cafe at least around the corner from shopping center where the opponent is located: the main thing is that the flows of people do not intersect.

    From a legal perspective, opening a fancy restaurant requires as much work as opening a fast food joint. But investments in the second will be tens of times less. The owner of such a business mostly invests in primitive kitchen equipment and renting premises.

    The smallest gourmets

    Kids are also connoisseurs of gourmet cooking. But they value, rather, something else. How to open a children's cafe in your city and not go wrong? It is worth noting that this is still an unfilled niche in Russia, while in the West there is a children's cafe in every crowded place, and a children's menu in every self-respecting restaurant.

    Here, of course, special attention should be paid to the design of the room so that the kids feel comfortable. It’s better to invite a designer and consult with the animators, because they will organize holidays and events here. Perhaps it is worth choosing one stylistic line, fairy tale, era. The surroundings should evoke a feeling of comfort and recognition in children, and a fabulous feeling in their parents.

    A good place for a children's restaurant would be where it is located nearby. kindergarten, clinic for children or playground. It is enough to make a hall with 60 seats and fill the menu with fancy-shaped pasta, soups and delicious cereals - with such a base you can already open a cafe.

    Confectionery business

    This is the most fertile ground for investment. To open a snack bar with one oven, 100 thousand dollars is enough. Therefore, opening a bakery cafe is quite simple.

    This establishment will delight its guests with fresh pastries and a hot drink. By the way, that's why they come to the confectionery - they're delicious. bakery products, and they are only good fresh. Therefore, this type of cafe requires not a cook, but a baker.

    The profitability of the business reaches 30% with an investment of 400 thousand dollars.

    Confectionery shops are very different. These could be art trams at metro stations, where you can buy muffins and tea bags. But it could also be a confectionery house with a century-old history, where real works of art are made. And people are willing to pay for tasty and beautiful carbohydrates.

    In this material:

    A snack bar is a public catering establishment characterized by inexpensive and tasty food. People of the Soviet “hardening” associate snack bars with compulsory alcohol consumption and an antisocial contingent. In the 21st century, everything has changed, since not everyone can afford restaurants and branded cafes. Many former drinking establishments changed their names, rebranded and became inexpensive public catering establishments aimed at the general public. Despite the simple menu and standard business format, a business plan for an eatery is required with accurate calculations of investments, step-by-step organizational actions and calculation of potential profits.

    Snack bar as a business: features and relevance

    The main feature of the diner is the possibility of a quick and inexpensive snack. Based on this, a daily menu is created from inexpensive products, the opportunity to place an order “to go” and even comfortable rest friendly company.

    A modern diner is similar to a cafe, but the service is available to everyone, from students to office workers. Catering often offers set lunches at prices that are cheaper than promotional business lunches in famous restaurants and cafeterias.

    The relevance of a diner largely depends on the location. Wanting to save time and money, people are choosing to eat quickly and inexpensively instead of driving home for lunch. In this regard, catering establishments are popular in the area of ​​industrial enterprises, bus and railway stations, in the area of ​​shopping centers, attractions, parks and squares.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the idea

    Like any line of business, the project of opening a diner has positive and negative sides.

    • capital turnover – the catering establishment is visited regularly a large number of people, so you can earn decent money even on low-cost dishes;
    • investments – opening a diner does not involve serious investments. The main expenses are rent, renovation of premises and purchase of equipment. The purchase of products and ingredients occurs almost daily, so investments at this stage pay off immediately;
    • employees – restaurants, cafes and sushi bars require specialists with education and work experience. The diner serves the usual dishes that people prepare at home every day, so anyone who knows how to cook can cope with the profession of a cook;
    • savings - opening a catering establishment of this kind does not involve expensive renovations, an exclusive interior, or a luxurious sign.
    • long payback period - due to inexpensive dishes and goods with low markups, the profit of the diner will be significantly less than any other cafe with a higher status;
    • difficulties in registration - any type of catering requires compliance with a number of sanitary rules, as well as mandatory availability of medical records for employees and regular medical examinations;
    • difficulty in finding places - finding a crowded place without competitors is quite problematic, and opening a diner on the outskirts of the city is unprofitable.

    Help: with the right approach to organizational issues, many negative aspects can be avoided, such as searching for a profitable place. It is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the market, study competitors and build your own line of business.

    Market analysis

    Without analytical data, it is reckless to begin organizational actions, guided only by intuition. Even with confidence that the chosen location will be profitable, and the traffic of people will bring a stable income, in practice, an entrepreneur may go bankrupt in the first month.

    Target audience of the diner

    Who visits the diner - an unenlightened person will mistakenly answer that only drunks and the lower working class for the purpose of getting drunk. This is the biggest misconception, because modern eateries can give odds to even famous cafes and popular catering places.

    The target audience depends on the location:

    • city ​​center - office employees;
    • Shopping center – customers, employees;
    • station - people waiting for transport, or arriving from other localities;
    • park area - vacationers.

    All categories of diner visitors can be combined into one based on their low level of income. These are people of ordinary professions and specialties who receive secondary education wages and trying to save money on everything.

    Based on this, the establishment’s field of activity and assortment are built - simple, inexpensive dishes from ordinary products at an affordable price. Product quality – important factor. Customers should understand that it is stupid to demand the supernatural for little money, but after eating they should be satisfied with the food and service.

    Competition and risk assessment

    The main competitors of the snack bar are catering establishments of a similar type, called pancake houses, dumpling shops, and pirozhkov shops. Even pavilions with fast food and hot tea can lure away some visitors due to favorable prices and speed of service.

    Competitors are assessed as follows:

    1. Determining the location of opening a retail outlet.
    2. Identification of all the closest competitors in the catering industry, from fast food stalls to cafeterias.
    3. Comparison of pricing policies.
    4. Determining customer traffic.
    5. Rating popular products or dishes.
    6. Definition of target audience.

    Based on the data obtained, a prototype of an ideal snack bar is drawn up that meets most consumer requests.

    • low profit is a criterion characteristic of initial stage when there is no established flow of clients yet. If low profits are observed over a long period of time, it is necessary to reconsider the financial plan;
    • working at a disadvantage is a rare situation for catering. Occurs only with high competition and the wrong location;
    • complaints about low-quality products are typical for dishonest entrepreneurs who want to save money on the health of their visitors. This type of business is doomed to bankruptcy;
    • fines – regular inspections apply to all public catering establishments. In order not to pay high fines for non-compliance with working conditions, it is recommended to comply with all requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and work according to the law.

    A snack bar is a unique type of business that is not accompanied by high risks, and its activities are not affected by economic or political moods in the world. Fast food was always available, regardless of external factors.

    How to open a snack bar: organizational plan

    Registration of activities

    The legal form of doing business is individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice is not as obvious as one might think at first glance.

    For example, it is planned to open a standard eatery with food served in the hall and sale for takeaway, including drinks, candies, sweets and other products. In this case, an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable.

    Another example is a snack bar selling draft and bottled beer, as well as strong alcoholic drinks. To operate, it is necessary to establish a limited liability company, because an individual entrepreneur does not have the right to sell vodka, whiskey and other drinks with an alcohol content higher than 15%.

    Registration of business activity in both cases is not difficult - the entrepreneur applies to the Federal Tax Service with a package of documents and waits for a decision for several days. The list of documentation can be found directly from the tax service or on the structure’s website.

    • statement;
    • passport;
    • paid state duty (800 rubles).
    • decision to establish a company;
    • charter;
    • capital data;
    • personal information of the founder;
    • paid state duty (4,000 rubles).

    In the process, a taxation system is selected that corresponds to the preferences of the entrepreneur (most often they choose the simplified tax system or UTII).

    OKVED codes:

    • 56.10.1 – activities of restaurants and cafes;
    • 10.56.21 – sale of ready-made takeaway dishes;
    • 56.3 – serving drinks inside the establishment.

    Search for premises and repairs

    For a small eatery, an area of ​​40-50 square meters is sufficient. m, where 15-20 meters is occupied by the production and retail part, and 30-35 meters is the hall for visitors.

    Premises requirements:

    • communications;
    • ventilation;
    • fire safety system;
    • evacuation plan;
    • consumer corner.

    Requirements that entrepreneurs place on the premises:

    • high traffic of people;
    • convenient location;
    • visibility from several angles;
    • direction of entrance to the roadway;
    • low rent.

    In any case, you will have to make repairs if the premises have not previously been used for catering. In addition to cosmetic measures, it is necessary to take care of the redevelopment of the hall - demolition of partitions (except for load-bearing ones), installation of new double-glazed windows, equipment of the work area, kitchen, distribution line, updating of plumbing.

    Purchase of equipment and inventory

    The list of equipment below is designed to cover all types of eateries. It is likely that you will not have to purchase everything, however, these are the kitchen utensils that are most often used in catering establishments:

    • showcase, including cooling;
    • fridge;
    • electric or gas stoves;
    • oven;
    • kettle;
    • coffee maker;
    • food processor;
    • grill;
    • cabinets;
    • dishes;
    • audio system for playing music or radio;
    • TV;
    • racks;
    • cutting table;
    • deep fryer;
    • pancake maker;
    • mixer;
    • juicer;
    • microwave;
    • furniture for visitors;
    • hangers;
    • cash machine.

    Menu creation

    Dishes in snack bars are the simplest and most common. Some of them are prepared on site, while others are purchased separately.

    Sample menu:

    • first courses - soup, borscht, rassolnik, kharcho, cabbage soup;
    • main courses - porridge, potatoes, pasta with side dishes, meat, vegetables, fish;
    • drinks – juices, fruit drinks, water, tea, coffee, alcohol;
    • fast food - from sandwiches to pizza, including hot dogs, pasties, pies;
    • shish kebab – if possible;
    • salads;
    • dumplings;
    • vareniki;
    • pancakes;
    • snacks – crackers, chips, nuts;
    • sweets;
    • fruits;
    • ice cream.

    The variety of the menu depends only on the format of the establishment and the imagination of the owner. You can prepare first and second courses on site, including dumplings and shish kebab, and order flour for delivery.

    On the other hand, there is nothing complicated in the production of hot dogs, pasties and fast food, but customers will always have a fresh and hot treat.

    Search for food suppliers

    Considering that all food products for a diner are ordinary ingredients, there will be no problems with purchasing. It is necessary to contact wholesale stores to purchase cereals and pasta in bulk; for meat - to the meat processing plant. The rest of the products are also purchased from wholesalers.

    A huge plus is that all the ingredients are located in the region where the outlet operates, so there will be no interruptions in supplies.


    For a snack bar with a premises area of ​​50 sq. m. you will need:

    • 1 cook;
    • 1 assistant;
    • 1 cashier.

    As a rule, there are no waiters in such establishments.

    Basic requirements for a cook. Education is encouraged, but not required. For example, if a woman worked in a canteen at an enterprise for 15 years without a diploma, then in any case she understands cooking better than a young girl who just graduated from culinary college.

    It would be useful to conduct a small casting and test several applicants.

    Marketing and advertising

    Wide publicity for the diner is not required, because the establishment is designed for a narrow circle of visitors who regularly (for work or other matters) are in the catering area. The likelihood that someone from the other end of town will specifically go to a snack bar to have a bite is zero.

    • sign installation;
    • installation of pillars;
    • distribution of leaflets;
    • 3-4 billboards in the establishment’s operating area.

    Most The best way attracting customers - selling delicious and inexpensive food. Having tried the food once, people will definitely come back and recommend the new place to their friends, who in turn will spread the word further.

    Financial calculations

    Investments in the project

    Expenses at the stage of preparation for opening (in rubles):

    • 15,000 – registration of business activities, collection and execution of the necessary documentation;
    • 20,000 – market analysis (payment of labor to people collecting information and conducting opinion polls);
    • 35,000 – conclusion of a lease agreement, making an advance payment;
    • 60,000 – repairs;
    • 150,000 – equipment;
    • 25,000 – advertising and signboard;
    • 15,000 – additional expenses.

    Result: 320,000 rubles.

    Current expenses

    Costs in the first month (in rubles):

    • 35,000 – rent;
    • 100,000 – salary;
    • 12,000 – utilities;
    • 20,000 – unexpected expenses.

    Result: 167,000 rubles.

    Costs for products are not indicated anywhere in the expenses, because the cost of ingredients is extremely low, and the final product has a markup of almost 500%, and sometimes more. That is why, having purchased the first batch of goods for 10-15 thousand rubles, the entrepreneur sells ready-made dishes for 40-50 thousand. Allocation of funds from this amount for the purchase of new products will become invisible to the overall profit.

    Revenue, profit and business profitability

    The number of people visiting the diner daily is 60. The average bill is 150 rubles. The monthly income will be 270,000 rubles.

    This is dirty profit, from which mandatory monthly expenses must be subtracted.

    270,000-167,000=103,000 rubles.

    Having taken away the tax and costs of supplying products, the entrepreneur is left with 85,000 rubles for personal use.

    Profitability is the ratio of net income to gross income, multiplied by 100%.

    85 000/270 000*100=31%.

    The project will pay off within 3-4 months.

    When thinking about organizing a fast food outlet, you should never discount cheap and affordable establishments. Cafes and restaurants are always subject to increased demands, so it is extremely difficult to get ahead in the face of fierce competition. Opening a diner requires a minimum of effort and money at all stages, but a business plan for the idea must be present. Otherwise, even such a business may go bankrupt.

    Order a business plan

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    Often there is not enough time to prepare food and many do not have the opportunity to afford a snack in an expensive restaurant, preferring budget establishments. Therefore, coffee shops and small cafes can be an excellent business. To develop a business from scratch, you need to figure out where to start and how to open a snack bar with minimal investment.

    Organization before opening

    To start a snack bar, you will need to immediately decide on the concept of the establishment. First of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    • Product range;
    • Location;
    • Target orientation.

    To properly build a business, you need to understand the main difference between a snack bar and other establishments. Simple food is prepared here that can be eaten on the go. The parameters of the premises do not affect the development of the business. The main thing is accessibility and comfort for visitors. Small cafes are divided into 2 types:

    1. A specialty snack bar involves selling specific products. Often the names of such establishments come from the assortment sold: dumplings, cheburek, homemade.
    2. A general bistro offers a wide selection of dishes.

    Business registration

    Naturally, you won’t be able to open a bistro without registration. You can choose one of the options: individual entrepreneur or LLC. If the scale of the business is small, opening an individual entrepreneur is ideal. For a novice businessman, this has its advantages:

    1. Financial costs are less than for opening an LLC.
    2. The registration process does not exceed 7 days.

    After registering the individual entrepreneur, within 5 working days you need to submit an application for transfer to the tax regime of the simplified tax system or UTII. If this procedure is not completed within a certain time frame, then the income is taxed according to the classical system.

    If, when setting up a snack bar, you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, then you will have to register an LLC.

    Particular attention should be paid to documentation for the state. organizations. This:

    • Production control program;
    • Agreement for disinfection;
    • Waste removal;
    • Sanitary and epidemiological permit;
    • Magazine of reviews and recommendations.

    It is necessary to collect all the necessary documentation and submit it to the appropriate authorities, as a result of which the entrepreneur receives permission to open a business. You might also want to think about how to open a food truck on wheels from scratch. This activity will require additional permission, depending on the location of the actual trade.

    Selecting a room

    Before opening an establishment, it is necessary to conduct research and select a promising location for a diner. For a good start, high traffic flow is important. In this area, you should not lose sight of your competitors, because you can always be one step ahead. You need to analyze the menu of such establishments and find out the preferences of their visitors. High-quality service and mouth-watering dishes will certainly attract a lot of customers. Delicious food is a guarantee of success. Before opening a diner, you should decide on the menu. To compile it, you need to select dishes that can be prepared quickly and tasty. At the start of your business, you can start activities in a store, a large office center, near universities and bus stations.

    Equipment and furniture for the establishment

    When drawing up a business plan for a diner, you need to include the costs of interior decoration. Be sure to purchase tables and comfortable chairs for clients. You need to think about a basic snack bar set. This:

    • Counters;
    • Refrigerators;
    • Exhibition stand;
    • Spacious closets.

    If at the start of opening the financial situation does not allow you to purchase new equipment, then you can rent it or buy used one.

    Personnel issue

    To open a profitable eatery from scratch, you need to select a staff. For business of this type The main personnel are:

    • Culinary;
    • Sales assistants;
    • Administrator;
    • Accountant;
    • Cleaning woman.

    Marketing plan

    Understanding how to start a culinary business is not difficult; it is much more important to conduct a competent advertising campaign. It is better to start promoting your business even before the official opening. An effective type of advertising is holding promotions and distributing leaflets.

    This is the face of the establishment, so it should be catchy and informative.

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