• How to wean your child off the bottle. How to wean a child from breastfeeding after a year The “pill” against human milk or how to quickly wean a child from breastfeeding


    How long should you breastfeed? - ask many mothers who are confused in conflicting information. The entire first year? Or when the child turns 1.5 years old? Or can I stop when my teeth start cutting? From this article you will learn how much to breastfeed and how to wean your child from breastfeeding.

    How to wean a child from breastfeeding at 1.5 years old?

    If your baby is 1.5 years old and you want to wean him off breastfeeding, then start this process with the feeding during which you already accumulate the least amount of milk.

    How to wean a 1.5-year-old child from feeding at night?

    • Let your baby drink from a bottle or eat from a spoon first, and then offer him the breast. This way he will drink a little, and the amount of milk you produce will gradually decrease.
    • To completely abandon one breastfeeding you need to allocate time of 5-7 days.
    • Then gradually replace another breastfeeding.
    • This way you can completely wean your baby off the breast in about three weeks - unless you still want to maintain morning and evening feedings.

    Stress during weaning

    Several activities will help you reduce stress when weaning your child from breastfeeding at 1.5 years:

    1. Drink less than usual, and certainly not tea, which stimulates milk production.
    2. Wear a tight bra and pull the straps tight to lift your breasts.
    3. If your breasts hurt, you can make a cold cottage cheese compress, which will also prevent inflammation: low-fat cottage cheese is spread on a gauze film in a finger-thick layer, applied to the breasts and covered terry towel. After half an hour of the compress, its remnants are washed off with warm water.
    4. Do not pump the milk during this time, as this will stimulate milk production.
    5. Hormonal pills to help with weaning, they create tension in the circulatory cycle; It's better to do without them.

    Sometimes you have to wean your baby off breastfeeding very quickly: illness or the urgent need to travel forces you to stop breastfeeding in a few days. Here you will need to ask the female doctor to prescribe special medications for this purpose, so that the amount of milk quickly decreases and there is no stagnation, which causes pain and can even turn into mastitis.

    Attention! This remedy may cause tension in the circulatory cycle.

    When should you wean your baby off breastfeeding?

    The word "sucker" comes from the word "to suck." And indeed, until the 5th - 6th month infants can receive nutrition only by sucking. When you are already in the third month trying to feed your baby with a spoon, you have to spread the porridge evenly in your mouth, like a mason does with a trowel in the seams brickwork. However, your baby cannot yet be called a “spoon-eater.”

    So, they start feeding the baby porridge from a spoon in the fifth month (20th week) or only in the sixth. At the same time, the baby should extend his mouth towards him and proudly accept the food, chew it and swallow. However, now, one after another, breastfeeding of the child is replaced by porridge. And finally, the day comes when the baby weans himself - usually around the 10th - 12th month. After that he drinks only from a cup. Few mothers achieve such a self-regulated end to breastfeeding.

    The benefits of breast milk for the functioning of the intestines and metabolic system, as well as for strengthening the defense against infections (immunity), persist until approximately the end of the fifth or sixth month. But even then this is often not achieved in other ways. In general, we can say: every day at the breast, which the child still gets, is good for his health.

    Every nursing mother has a question about when is the best time to start. The World Health Organization says the age is two years. Breast milk - important factor in the baby's life. It ensures proper development and growth, forms and strengthens the immune system.

    By the age of two, a child’s immune system is already strong enough to begin to wean itself off the breast. In addition, many children self-wean after two years.

    Psychologists say that the appropriate age to wean a child from breastfeeding is 1-2 years. At 1.5 years, the need for breast milk is more psychological than physiological.

    The baby attaches to the breast only to calm down and be with his mother. Such communication can be replaced with games, storytelling and other interesting activities.

    The time when weaning is necessary must be determined by the mother herself. It depends on the development and psychological state baby. However, there are standards up to which weaning is not recommended.

    When can you stop breastfeeding?

    • The child is 1.5 years old;
    • The child's primary teeth have grown;
    • The baby reacts calmly if the mother does not breastfeed at every request.
    • It is easy for a child to be distracted by another activity;
    • The baby falls asleep without a breast.

    Involution of lactation - the best time for weaning

    Involution of lactation involves a natural reduction in milk production. It occurs 1.5-2 years after the birth of the baby and the start of breastfeeding. The quantity and quality of milk decreases, gradually changing to .

    This is the best time to start weaning. However, for some mothers, involution begins only after 3-4 years. And such prolonged feeding can cause great discomfort to the mother.

    If it becomes necessary to stop feeding when the baby is 1.5 years old, and involution has not yet begun, then you will have to wean the child from the breast with stable lactation. There are a number of recommendations to facilitate this process.

    Ways to wean your baby from the breast

    • Distraction - invent one for the child interesting activity. Tell a story, play, play. When the baby asks to breastfeed, try to entice the baby with something else;
    • Gradually reduce feeding times. It is better to feed often, but in small portions;
    • Replace breast milk artificial mixture, some water;
    • Reduce the quantity. To do this, feed your baby tightly before bed. This could be breast milk, porridge, or formula. Sleep separately at night;
    • Wear things that cover your chest. It is important that the baby does not see the power source;
    • Hug your child more often, kiss him, rock him to sleep. This will give the baby a sense of calm and protection;
    • You can leave home for a while and leave your child with dad or grandma. However, this is a painful step for both mother and child. If you're ready, don't leave your baby for more than a week.

    Dr. Komarovsky offers five tips to stop breastfeeding:

    1. Drink less fluid;

    2. Do not eat foods that improve lactation. These are hot broths and soups, nuts, caraway seeds and caraway seeds bread, dried fruits and black currants;

    3. Don't pump instead of breastfeeding;

    4. Increase physical activity, go in for sports, do exercises;

    5. Reduce feeding time or skip breastfeeding altogether.

    According to doctors' recommendations, a baby at 1.5 years old should fall asleep without breastfeeding. It is better to start with feedings before bedtime, since if the breast refuses during the day, the baby may simply stop sleeping in daytime. According to doctors' recommendations, afternoon naps should be maintained for up to 5-6 years.

    Before bedtime, rock your baby to sleep, tell a story or sing a lullaby. Create a pleasant sleeping environment. It's good if you sleep in separate places.

    If your baby wakes up during the night, give some water or other ways to soothe your newborn. When the baby begins to fall asleep at night without the breast, gradually remove daytime feeding.

    Weaning problems

    If this is not self-exclusion or involution, prepare for difficulties. On average, the weaning period ranges from three days to several weeks. The baby may be capricious, cry and even hysterical. This is a normal reaction that goes away within 15-20 minutes.

    However, if such a reaction occurs for hours over several days, then it is better to wait until stopping breastfeeding. You can try again in two to three weeks.

    Sometimes weaning goes smoothly, but sometimes it requires patience. However, there are a number of moments when a child should not be weaned:

    • During viral epidemics and infections. When a baby stops receiving breast milk, he is more susceptible to illness;
    • During the period of illness and at least a month after. Milk helps the baby to recover and recover;
    • In a stressful situation. For example, when moving or entering kindergarten. Weaning will increase stress;
    • If teeth are being cut.

    Weaning from breastfeeding occurs individually for each child. Rely on the physical and psychological readiness of the baby. Pay attention to how often he gets sick, how long he can go without his mother, whether he calmly skips feedings and whether he falls asleep without breastfeeding.


    Find out what may influence baby cries
    The child constantly wants to get his way if the parents do not understand him, do not pay attention to his requests or do not want to understand. Avoid communicating with children suffering from the same problem. Children love to repeat after each other. Also, never quarrel with your husband or other people in front of your child.

    Teach your child what he wants, or words
    After a year, children begin to point with a finger at an object of interest to him, pull his clothes or hand and lead him to what he wants. Just don’t ignore his requests so that it doesn’t come to screaming. If a child can speak, it is easier to teach him to explain in words. When you hand him something, name the item he wants to take several times.

    Talk to your child in a calm tone
    Often adults raise their voices at a child when they want him to fulfill some requirements. The child gets used to it and normal speech no longer taken seriously. He thinks that his parents’ non-raised speech has nothing to do with him. It’s better to wait until the child screams, and then talk to him about how to do the right thing.

    Ignore the screams
    When a child screams, parents try to give him what he wants. But you can’t do that. The baby must understand that he will not be able to achieve what he wants by screaming. If the tantrum started in the store because of a toy that you cannot buy for him, try to distract him. For example, always keep his favorite toy, candy or chocolate with you - something that can interest him.

    Distinguish between types of screams
    Mom can always distinguish one cry from another and identify the causes of children's cries. If your child is constantly screaming hysterically, take the above steps. If he screams with tears, complaining to you, then take pity on him, hug and kiss him. The baby may have hit or fallen. If a child screams in his sleep, then immediately calm him down, most likely his teeth are bothering him or he dreamed of something bad.

    U infant Crying is the only way to get attention. Therefore, if the baby is hungry or needs to change his diaper, he starts crying to attract the attention of adults to his problem. At this stage of adulthood, crying is natural remedy communication with the outside world. What to do when the child grows up? How to stop him from crying?

    You will need

    • consultation with a child psychologist


    Do not cultivate in your child the desire to attract attention by crying. When the child is already able to explain in words what he needs, communicate with him in this language, which is already new to him. Many mothers ignore verbal requests, then he, naturally, begins to cry at the top of his voice, so to speak, trying already proven ways to reach his mother. And only then does the mother pay attention to him, thus the conviction is reinforced in the child’s mind that crying is a great way to get what he wants. Therefore, be sure to listen to your child when he asks for something. Even if you cannot fulfill his request, calmly explain in words that you cannot go for a walk yet, but will go home. Or why don’t you buy him this toy right now, but do it tomorrow. In other words, don't make your baby cry yourself.

    Firmly tell a sobbing baby who comes to you with a request that you will help him only when he stops crying. Usually children, no matter what character or temperament they have, listen and stop crying. And the constant practice of such communication discourages them from crying at all. The child begins to look at crying as an unnecessary stage of communication with parents. He understands that they listen to me when I immediately start speaking. And the problems associated with endless hysterics disappear by themselves. A new “adult” way of communication is emerging - conversation.

    Caress your baby, be attentive to him. For many children, crying tantrums are just a way to gain parental approval. Therefore, give your baby your attention for free. Then he won’t have to make a flood of tears to get the simplest and most natural thing he should receive - your love. Don’t miss the opportunity to spend time with him free time. Cancel “adult” activities for his sake. This is the only way he will understand that you need him as much as he needs you.

    Ask your child why daddy never cries? Let your child think about this. The father is the authority in the family, especially for boys. Let the father talk to his son about why he shouldn’t advertise his emotions, upsetting his mother and getting upset himself.

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    Don't speak rudely to your child. Don't try to stop the tears by screaming or even more so. physical punishment. Obviously, nothing good will come of this. Under no circumstances should you boycott or ignore your child. This will only increase the exclusion zone between you and your baby.

    Helpful advice

    Pay your child's attention to babies crying on the street. Ask him if he likes the fact that the baby is crying in front of everyone? Who might like this? The child will realize that crying is not the best best habit.

    Children are undoubtedly a great happiness and an inexhaustible source of joy. However, this is not only a load on the nervous system, but also a great workout for parents’ endurance, intelligence and mental balance.
    How to get along with our children and resist the storm of emotions of our whys - the question has been pressing at all times.

    To begin with, it is important to understand one thing - children's scandals and disobedience, most often, an attempt to attract the attention of parents. After all, the child’s whole world is concentrated precisely on being in the center of this very attention. Why is it so valuable? For a child, at the level of unconscious mental processes, the attention of parents, concentrated on him, his beloved, is a guarantor of security - I will be protected and fed.

    And taking into account the fact that parents are often busy (oh, our time, always rushing somewhere), it is much easier to attract attention with negative behavior than with positive behavior. And more often than not, children don’t even know how to attract this precious attention to themselves without throwing a loud tantrum or trying to hit a power socket with a fork. Then the attention of parents will be guaranteed with predictable 100% accuracy!

    What should we do if we encounter this type of childish tantrum? It’s all very simple – ignore it if possible, naturally, while monitoring the child’s physical safety. What does this mean: This means that if your child throws a tantrum on the roadway or hits his head on the floor with all his might, it is clearly not worth ignoring in this case.

    The main purpose of ignoring is for the child to understand that in such a cunning way he desired result will not receive no matter how many decibels of noise attack he threatens you with. Alternatively, the child can be distracted or redirected. Children are very good at shifting their attention to what interests them, completely forgetting both the cause of the hysteria and the hysteria itself. And the most important thing is to teach the child other behavioral stereotypes. Positive. Fixing them with just an excess of that very precious attention that your child so craves from you.

    If you do not become infected with negativity and remain calm and able to analyze the situation, then with consistent behavior you will definitely get the desired result.

    And the most important thing in this difficult process of raising your child is not to forget that there is no such thing as too much love. Is this true?

    One of important reasons The emergence of whims is the constant compliance of parents. Besides this, there are other reasons that parents should study.

    By the end of the first year of life, the child begins to gradually realize that if he shouts a little, he will immediately be given everything he wants. It is during this period that the child’s character is formed. It is a pity for parents to punish a child at this age. And when a baby starts screaming, demanding something, the following phrase is often heard: “Give it to him, don’t let him scream.” He quickly remembers and understands this phrase.

    It gets worse with age, the child grows too capricious. Two- and three-year-olds throw tantrums on the street and in stores. And mothers are tearing out the hair on their heads, wondering how to rehabilitate the little bully. First of all, it should be noted that this is the fault of the parents. Therefore, it is better not to follow the child’s lead and not raise him spoiled; in this case, the question of how to re-educate him will not arise.

    The child wants to achieve his goal, and the most correct reaction to this situation is calmness in relation to the child’s emotions. For example, when a baby in a store screams for a purchase new toy, it is better to move some distance away from him. He will be a little offended, but will definitely calm down. Over time, the child will understand that tantrums do not help him achieve his goal. Under no circumstances should you yell at your child or raise your voice. He will not calm down, since a child at this age is not ready to understand and accept a refusal to his demands. You need to devote more time to your child. If a child is full and doesn’t want to sleep, but still cries, you don’t need to immediately get angry with him, thinking that he’s just spoiled. It is possible that he is bored, he wants to play with someone, and he lacks the attention of his elders. The child does not need to be spoiled too much, but rather follow his lead. He gets used to the fact that everything is allowed to him and grows up capricious and disobedient. This is bad not only for parents who will no longer cope with their child. This is bad for both the baby and his future.

    Children spoiled by their parents will not be able to take care of themselves in the future. Boys grow up helpless, waiting for their parents to give him both an apartment and a car. It will be difficult for girls to find a husband, since they will look in every man for exactly the one who will fulfill all their whims. You need to raise a child delicately, without resorting to screaming. For example, if a child watches cartoons for too long, there is no need to pointedly turn off the TV and tell the child “no”. You need to interest him in some other activity, for example playing a game together.

    One more thing important rule. If parents are impulsive, get into conflict for no reason, and get started half-heartedly, you shouldn’t expect anything different from the child. He won't be calm. Children imitate their parents in everything until a certain age. And the last thing everyone should remember is that you cannot hit a child. This will make him aggressive. It is better to look for other methods of punishment, such as deprivation of cartoons or something tasty.

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    If there is a small child in the house, you can often hear him crying. Parents, overwhelmed by constant worries, sometimes cannot independently determine the reasons for this behavior and think that the baby is simply capricious.

    They do not pay attention to the tears of the little person, or even begin to scold the child. This can lead to very sad consequences: passing by a little grief, dad and mom lose the baby’s trust and move away from him. There is also the opposite situation, when overly caring parents completely spoil their offspring and turn him into a capricious monster.

    What to do when a child cries? Often a baby's tears are a cry for help, a distress signal. The child does not yet know how to express his emotions clearly to others. This is how a little man asks for help to cope with difficult situation, tells the world about his problems and sufferings. First of all, it is necessary to establish the reasons for the baby’s tears. There may be several of them.

    1. Grief. Small child does not yet know how to think logically, and the present, past and future do not exist for him. The baby lives here and now. If something bad happens to him, the baby thinks that it will always be like this. He does not yet know how to analyze past events and does not know that the situation can change. The baby does not yet understand what hope is and any negative emotions he feels it more strongly. Even situations that are insignificant for an adult, such as a broken toy, are perceived by a child as a huge grief that will never end. In this situation, it is necessary to calm down and distract the baby with something, to improve the situation so that the child’s despair is alleviated. As soon as the discomfort disappears, the baby will forget about his experience and begin to smile again.

    2. Illness. When a child is unwell, he can use tears to communicate his unpleasant sensations. If in this case you ignore the baby’s crying, you can start the disease, which will lead to catastrophic consequences for the baby’s health. If the crying does not subside, and there seems to be no reason for this, you should urgently consult a doctor. It is better not to leave a sick child alone. You need to try to explain it kindly little man that the pain will disappear after some time, you just need to be patient a little. You can read a book to him, tell him something or play his favorite game to distract the child and cheer him up, then the illness will pass faster.

    3. Whims. Often a baby starts crying when he doesn't get what he wants. If a child seriously intends to get something immediately, usually no arguments or requests to wait will have any effect on him. This usually ends in copious amounts of tears, hysterics and screaming. Often in this case the baby is not pretending, he simply openly expresses his feelings and desires. In such situations, parents should control themselves and not scold the child, but try to switch his attention to something interesting. You shouldn’t indulge everyone’s requests; it’s impossible and can lead to emotional dissolution. Talk to your baby, then he will understand that there is still a lot of interesting things in the world and there is no need to waste time on tears.

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    Tip 6: Children's tantrum in the store: how to behave before and during it

    Probably, many are familiar with the situation when, after refusing to buy something or seemingly out of nowhere, a child suddenly lies down in the dirtiest puddle in the store and begins to scream heart-rendingly. A crowd of grandmothers immediately gathers, wailing: “What a cruel mother, she didn’t buy the baby candy, ah-ay-ay!” Many parents feel shame and guilt at such moments and would rather buy their child what they want to keep him quiet. Someone simply grabs the baby in their arms and leaves, forgetting about everything. And someone begins to publicly reprimand the child. How to behave in such cases?

    Children's tantrums are quick way get what you want. They begin at about 1.5 years and can last up to adolescence. Children feel their parents very well and press on their most painful points, for example, shame.

    The desires of young children are spontaneous: I see - I want. Due to a small vocabulary, and also due to the fact that for a long time the mother herself guessed about the child’s wishes (crying means he wants to eat or the diaper is wet), a 2-3 year old child can throw a tantrum just because the mother does not I guessed his desire. And desires can sometimes be very interesting. For example, a mother put butter in the basket, and the child threw a tantrum. It turned out that he himself wanted to do it. But mom didn’t guess.

    From the age of 1.5 years, a child should be taught to express his desires in words: “I can’t guess what you want, tell me in words, please.” If the child does not yet know how to speak, then he may well point, for example, at the juice or cookies on the table.

    Before going to the store, you need to tell your child your plan and prepare him, for example: “We’ll go to the store with you now. There we will buy milk, bread, butter, and then you can choose any 2 juices. But we won’t buy candy and toys today.” Thanks to this preparation, most likely, the child will no longer look at all the shelves, because we are going for juice!

    If a tantrum does happen, then you need to go down to the child’s level, squat down, and mirror him, describe his feelings: “I see that you are very upset and offended that I didn’t buy you candy, but I can’t do that now.” do. When you are ready, come to me, I will take pity on you.” Sometimes your child may need time to calm down. Let him cry or get angry, don't drown out his feelings.

    When we describe the feelings and experiences that a child is experiencing at the moment, we let him know that we understand him. And this is very important even for kids. And when they see this, they calm down quite quickly.

    The child's psyche is extremely vulnerable - overexcitement, refusal of a request and other factors can cause hysterics in a child. When confronted with it, parents are horrified when they see the baby hitting his head and squirming. It is quite difficult to cope with such a state of a baby, and weaning a 1.5-2 year old child from hysterics is even more difficult. “Popular about health” will tell you what Komarovsky advises on this matter.

    A child has a tantrum - what is it??

    Extreme emotional excitement in a child, accompanied by crying, waving his arms, stamping his feet, falling to the floor, and hitting his head, is called hysteria. At this moment, the child is completely unresponsive to admonitions, does not feel pain, he is capable of harming himself and others - biting, scratching, hitting.

    At the moment of a hysterical attack, persuasion does not work on the baby, and if you apply punishment or start scolding him, the situation will only worsen.

    Most often, hysterical crying occurs due to the child being denied something, as well as due to his unwillingness to obey his parents. The danger of this situation is that if the baby even once manages to get his parents on the hook, he will constantly throw tantrums, trying to achieve his goal.

    Why does a 1.5-2 year old child have tantrums??

    There are many reasons for this behavior. It’s worth considering them to better understand the psychology of children. younger age.

    * The child does not know any other way to attract attention and does not know how to express dissatisfaction in any other way.
    * The baby is trying to get what he wants.
    * Fatigue, overexcitement, lack of sleep, hunger, discomfort.
    * Experienced stress (for example, after treatment in a hospital, injections, IVs).
    * The disease is developing or transferred.
    * Parents devote little time to their child, do not play with him, do not study, and show a weak reaction to his actions.
    * Incorrect upbringing - the cause of hysterics may be excessive severity on the part of parents or connivance in everything.
    * Imitating peers or some adults. Children often copy the behavior of their father or mother.
    * Nervous manifestations.

    To stop any attempts to throw tantrums, parents should figure out what contributes to such behavior.

    How to wean a child from tantrums at 1.5-2 years old?

    When parents are faced with a child's hysteria, they sometimes do not know what to do or how to stop the child. Wrong reactions make the situation even worse. By scolding a child, nothing can be achieved - he does not hear and does not perceive information. Neither hugs nor consolations work.

    Attention! Hysterics in children under 2 years of age appear involuntarily; this is a consequence of an immature psyche. At a later age, such behavior is most often conscious.

    What not to do if your baby is having a tantrum:

    Screaming and cursing;
    - spank;
    - admonish and reprimand, shame;
    - leave alone;
    - threaten;
    - follow the child’s lead.

    Perhaps the most common mistake, allowed by parents, is to give in to the child when he sobs and stomps his feet, rolls on the floor and bends over. Most moms and dads are discouraged by this behavior, they want to stop it as soon as possible, so they give in. Having once made such a mistake, they doom themselves to repeat tantrums again.

    What should you do to stop your child from hysterics? Don't react to them at all. When the next “performance” begins, you can try to console the child, hug him and speak kindly to him, but this does not always work. But the lack of reaction will nullify whims and hysterics. If a child understands that his theater is left without spectators, that such behavior cannot achieve absolutely anything, he will stop using this method of influence.

    If the cause of the hysteria was the need to leave the baby with a relative or in kindergarten, and he resists, then you need to act decisively - go away about your business as quickly as possible, without yielding to your child. Over time, he will understand that the parents’ decision is always firm and does not change under the influence of tears and whims.

    What Komarovsky advises?

    Dr. Komarovsky advises contacting pediatric neurologist, If:

    * hysterical attacks become more frequent and more aggressive;
    * if in this condition the baby stops breathing or faints;
    * if the baby is over 5 years old and he still hasn’t stopped throwing tantrums;
    * after an attack there is sometimes vomiting;
    * if the baby injures himself or other people during an attack.

    According to Komarovsky, such conditions indicate existing health problems, in particular, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. If the examination does not reveal any abnormalities, then it is worth changing the situation in the family. Apparently, it is too hot, and children suffer from it.

    It is not easy to cope with hysterical seizures in a child aged 1.5-2 years, but it is possible. Success is achieved through correct reaction parents, or rather, their absence. It is also important to remove predisposing factors - fatigue, overexcitation, excessive strictness. It is necessary to show more love and attention to children, and create a favorable microclimate in the family.

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