• How to make wet chemistry correctly. Types of curls for medium length hair


    The wet hair effect is the easiest styling method. It looks especially beautiful in the summer, combined with romantic and light clothes. Knowing how to create a wet hair effect at home, you can create in a few minutes beautiful hairstyle and conquer the world around you!

    Wet effect - subtleties and nuances

    The wet hair effect is ideal for girls with chemicals, carving or bio-perms. What is noteworthy is that the length of the strands is not at all important here, unlike the color. The fact is that styling cosmetics contain particles that reflect light and give the strands additional shine. And if on dark hair They look natural, but light strands can give an unkempt look.

    Gel styling

    Decided to achieve a wet effect using gel? Give preference to a professional texturizer or cosmetics whose texture is similar to a cream. Regular gels are cheaper, but the effect from them will be rather dirty than wet. The procedure itself looks like this:

    1. We wash our hair with shampoo.
    2. Wrap it in a towel for 10 minutes - during this time all excess moisture will disappear.
    3. Gently comb your hair with a wooden comb.
    4. Apply gel along their entire length.
    5. With both hands we crush the strands, turning them into curls. Ideally, hair should be dry naturally, but if you're in a hurry, you can speed up the process with a hairdryer.
    6. The hairstyle will be ready when the hair is completely dry. Fix them with varnish and go about your business.

    Spray for creating a “wet” hairstyle

    This option can only be used by owners curly hair. Unfortunately, it doesn't suit everyone else.

    1. Wash your hair or wet your strands with water from a spray bottle.
    2. Dry them a little with a hairdryer and spray with varnish. It can be applied only to the ends of the strands and to their middle. But you don’t need to touch the roots, the head may look dirty, and the styling itself will lose its lightness, volume and naturalness.
    3. Crimp individual strands with your hands before the hairspray has had time to dry, otherwise the effect of wet hair may not be achieved.
    4. At the end of the procedure, fix the curls with hairspray one more time. This will make the hairstyle clear and textured.

    Using mousse

    A wet effect on long hair is much more difficult to achieve than, for example, on short bob. But we know for sure that it is possible.

    1. Wet the hair with clean water.
    2. Lubricate the strands with mousse and with clean hands distribute it over the entire length.
    3. We wait until the hair dries naturally. If you dry them with a hairdryer, your head will look like a dandelion.
    4. We divide the hair into separate strands, lubricate each with a small amount of mousse and wrap them in curlers.
    5. Let the hair cool, remove the curlers and form beautiful curls with your fingers.
    6. We fix the styling with varnish, which will not allow the hair to frizz.


    Don't know how to create the effect of wet strands at home? Use wax for styling. Unlike gels, mousses and varnishes, this natural product will not cause the slightest harm to your hair.

    1. We moisten the strands with clean water (this procedure is not necessary, do as you feel comfortable).
    2. Rub a small amount of wax (about the size of a hazelnut) in your palms.
    3. Use a fine-toothed comb to distribute the wax over the entire length of the hair.
    4. Lightly dry your hair with a hairdryer.
    5. We crumple the strands with our hands, twist them into a tourniquet or wrap them in curlers.
    6. Let the product dry and separate large curls into small curls.

    Folk cosmetology to help beauties

    You need a beautiful hairstyle very urgently, but you don’t have any mousse, gel or wax on hand? Don't worry, you probably have gelatin and sugar in your kitchen that you can use to make your own fixative.

    Gelatin for a wet effect

    You will need:

    • Dry gelatin – 1 tablespoon;
    • Water (cold) – 10 ml.

    1. Pour gelatin with cold water.
    2. Leave it for 40 minutes. During this time, the powder will dissolve and begin to swell.
    3. The turn has come lemon juice- add it to the mixture.
    4. Mix the mixture and place the container in a water bath or low heat.
    5. We wait for the gelatin to completely dissolve, remove the container from the stove and let it cool.
    6. We use gelatin, just like hair gel.

    Sugar remedy

    You will need:

    • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
    • Lemon juice – 2.5 tablespoons;
    • Water (warm) – 10 ml.

    How to prepare styling product:

    1. Pour warm water and lemon juice over sugar.
    2. We wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    3. Apply syrup to damp strands.
    4. We wrap them in curlers and leave them until completely dry.

    True, there is natural remedies for fixation and two big drawbacks. Firstly, both gelatin and sugar can simply melt under the influence of heat, enhanced by your own body temperature. Secondly, sweet hair can attract swarms of insects, and this is fraught with a number of unpredictable consequences. Carefully evaluate the pros and cons and only then use folk remedies.

    A few final words

    If you want your wet hair style to last all day, never brush it with a brush. It’s also not worth focusing on cosmetics with a strong hold. Choose middle option, otherwise the curls will look unnatural. You can also opt for products labeled for “wet strands.”

    This technique can only be used on beautiful and thick hair. With sparse hair, you won't achieve anything interesting. For naturally curly curls, mousses and gels are more suitable. But with medium length and straight hair, you should give preference to hairspray and a hair dryer with a diffuser.

    It is very easy to use. In the same way, we moisturize our hair with water and lubricate it with any suitable means(preferably heat-protective) and twist each strand into a tight flagellum. We dry our hair with a hairdryer without an attachment, and when they remain barely damp, we bend our head down, put on the attachment and finish the job. As soon as the hair is completely dry, lift your head and divide the flagella into small curls.

    For women, everything is very simple: cut long strands, grow short ones, straighten curly ones, and curl straight ones! Have you just decided to have curly hair? Wet chemistry, which came into fashion at the end of the 20th century, is in great demand among women of all ages. We invite you to find out what the procedure consists of and who it is suitable for.

    What is wet chemistry?

    Wet chemistry is a special styling that is performed using special tools. How to create a wet chemistry effect? After curling, curls are treated with gel, varnish, foam or mousse only from the middle of the length, but the root part is left without composition. As a result we get very stylish hairstyle– the roots create volume, and the ends look as if a woman has been caught in a recent summer rain. Modern wet perm allows you to get bouncy and shiny curls. The hair itself looks very natural, well-groomed and beautiful.

    Advantages and disadvantages of wet perm

    This hairstyle has many important advantages:

    • Long-lasting root volume without hair frizz;
    • Daily saving of effort and time for styling. Even without complex manipulations, the hairstyle looks very beautiful;
    • Reducing the fat content of strands;
    • Naturalness;
    • Versatility - this curling option can be done for any hair type and length;
    • Modern chemical compositions for chemistry not only do not harm the health of the strands, but also have a positive effect on them.

    But the disadvantages include the following:

    • The effect of wet chemistry lasts from several weeks to 6 months (depending on individual characteristics hair and aggressiveness of the composition);
    • There is a high risk of mechanical trauma to the strands;
    • Heavy and thick hair not susceptible to composition;
    • The procedure is not suitable for recently colored hair (more than 2 weeks must pass);
    • Before chemistry, you will have to freshen up the ends a little.

    Advice! Wet chemistry is considered a rather expensive procedure, so before performing it, you must consult with experienced craftsman. IN otherwise money may be wasted.

    Types of wet perm

    Experts distinguish two types of chemistry with a wet effect. Let's look at each of them.

    Vertical or spiral

    Vertical wet perm is performed exclusively on long hair Oh. To obtain “spirals,” the strands are twisted into a rope and wound onto cone-shaped bobbins. It is very important that the turns fit tightly to each other and have the same direction of movement. As a result, we get beautiful large curls.


    Japanese chemistry is ideal for problematic hair (medium or very long) or sensitive skin. During the curling process, a lipid-protein complex is used, thanks to which the curls become shiny and elastic. The curling itself is performed using a polyethylene cap with small holes. The composition treats only those strands that are pulled through these holes, so the scalp remains untouched. The curl size is medium.

    Attention! Wet chemicals are absolutely not suitable for plump, stately women, as well as those with excessively oily hair. In this case, it will only once again emphasize their sloppy appearance.

    Compositions for creating wet chemistry

    Compositions for creating such a hairstyle are divided into several types:

    1. Acids are in great demand due to their long shelf life (about six months). Acidic compounds are contraindicated for sparse and thin strands.
    2. Alkalis have a more gentle effect (curls last about 4.5 months). Can be safely used on any hair type.
    3. Neutral - treat the hair very carefully, but reduce the period of “curl” to 3 months.
    4. Biowave - has a long-lasting effect and makes your hair well-groomed and healthy. The bio-curling mixture consists of natural ingredients and does not contain ammonia.
    5. Amino acids - used for carving, light wet curling. Besides the beautiful appearance strands receive additional treatment and nutrition. The harm from this procedure is reduced to almost zero.

    Advice! When choosing a composition, listen to the opinion of the master. He will assess the condition of your hair and help you make the best decision.

    Home perm procedure

    How to make wet chemistry at home? In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, just follow these instructions and stock up on all the necessary materials:

    • Waterproof cape;
    • Cone-shaped bobbin curlers;
    • Comb with a sharp tip and frequent teeth;
    • Non-metallic container for mixing the composition;
    • Retainer;
    • Sponge;
    • Towels;
    • Latex gloves;
    • Vinegar 9 or 6%;
    • Cap for insulation;
    • Balm.

    In the following video you can learn step by step how to perm your hair at home:

    Step 1. First, do an allergy test - apply a small amount of chemical composition on the inner surface of the wrist. Wait 10-15 minutes and wash it off with water. If the treated area of ​​skin does not turn red or break out in a rash, feel free to continue further.

    Step 2. On the day of curling, wash your hair with regular laundry soap - it is advisable to do this twice. Soap will loosen the hair structure and enhance the possible effect.

    Step 3. Lightly dry your strands.

    Step 4. Starting from the back of the head, divide the hair into small squares - their width should be equal to the length of the curlers. Secure each of them so that they do not interfere with your work.

    Step 5. Wind these strands onto thin bobbins, carefully wrapping them around their axis. Secure the curlers with rubber clips. For haircuts with bangs, there are two options - it is better to leave a short bang straight, but you can twist a long bang along with the rest of your hair.

    Step 6. Lubricate the skin along the hairline with any thick cream, and wrap it on top with a towel twisted into a rope.

    Step 7. Put gloves on your hands and a plastic cape over your shoulders.

    Step 8. Mix the wet chemical composition according to the instructions.

    Step 9. Without delay, apply it to your head using a regular sponge. Carefully ensure that the composition spreads evenly.

    Step 10. Wrap your head in an insulating cap and wait the time indicated in the instructions.

    Step 11. Without removing the bobbins, rinse off the first composition with running water.

    Step 12: Apply fixative for 10 minutes.

    Step 13: Carefully remove the curlers and leave your hair loose for about 5 minutes.

    Step 14. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and rinse it with a weak vinegar solution.

    We hope these instructions with photos will help you carry out the home perm procedure according to all the rules.

    Important! It is better not to wash your hair for 3 days.

    As you can see, doing wet chemistry yourself is possible for any of you. All he needs is free time and certain skills. The main thing is not to get carried away! Despite the fact that wet curling preparations have a fairly mild effect, the hair after them can become stiff and unruly.

    Advice! For winding, use wooden or polymer bobbins, as they do not react to chemicals. And one more thing - before the procedure it is worth treating your hair by special means– serums, balms, masks, etc.

    Wet chemicals on short hair

    Wet perm is most often performed on short hair. It will be perfect if you follow these very simple tips:

    • Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hair with shampoo. This will remove sebum and make the curls more rigid and elastic;
    • Twist the strands in the direction from roots to ends - this will increase the strength of the curls;
    • For symmetrical laying, place bobbins evenly;
    • The density of the rows of curlers should be maximum.

    Important! The elasticity of curls depends on several factors - individual predisposition, exposure time of the composition, the quality of the preparations used and the air temperature in the room (above 20 degrees).

    Wet perm for medium and long strands

    When creating chemicals for long and medium hair, you need to use gentle products that do not harm their health and structure. It is advisable to use booster medications. As for fixing the curls, it is better to take varnish or foam.

    How to care for your hair after a wet perm?

    Proper care of curls after wet chemicals is one of the main conditions for a beautiful, stylish hairstyle. To ensure that your curls after the procedure delight you with elasticity and health for a long time, listen to the advice of experienced specialists:

    • To wash your hair, choose a good medicated shampoo, moisturizing conditioner and nourishing mask– they will quickly restore all possible damage, improve the health of your hair and return natural shine. This is especially true for those who have permed their long hair. For them, you need to use a stronger composition, and the procedure time will be much longer, so long hair needs additional nourishment;
    • Apply shampoo only to the scalp and roots. There is no need to worry about the remaining length - it will be washed off perfectly with the remainder of the rinsable product;
    • Hair that has been permed becomes very dry, so it should only be dried naturally. Get wet wet curls with a towel, but do not rub or wrinkle them - this is the best thing to do;
    • Do not comb wet curls - wait until they dry completely;
    • Don't go to bed with wet hair - there will be kinks in your curls.

    Attractive curls are always in fashion. If your hair is naturally straight, then curlers, curling irons, and perms are used to create beautiful curls. Even a procedure such as wet chemistry can be performed at home. It is created for long and short strands.

    Compared to hot curlers and hot curling irons cosmetical tools do not negatively affect the condition of the hair. Moreover, you can create many hairstyles without spending a lot of time on styling.

    Features of the procedure

    Curl curls occur due to the weakening of keratin from chemicals. In this case, the hair scales do not open. Thanks to this, the strands wound onto bobbins quickly become curled.

    Many instructions indicate that it is advisable to use hydrogen peroxide to fix it, diluting a weak solution. This affects the restoration of keratin density, so a hairstyle in the form of curls is obtained. It turns out that the effect of wet chemistry is preserved due to fixation.

    The elasticity of curls is ensured by:

    • chemical composition;
    • the duration of its exposure;
    • individual characteristics ( normal hair curl better);
    • room temperature above 20 degrees.

    It must be remembered that the second curl will not be as successful as the first, since destroyed keratin reacts poorly to chemicals. In order for your hair to curl, you need to wait until it grows out.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of wet perm include:

    • performed on long and short hair;
    • the result lasts about 6 months, and with curling irons and whooping cough only 1 day;
    • volume appears from the roots;
    • no need to spend a lot of time on morning styling;
    • thanks to the elimination large quantities fat deposits do not need to be washed frequently.

    Disadvantages of wet chemistry:

    • inability to curl colored strands;
    • thick and heavy hair practically does not curl;
    • It is necessary to trim the ends to create a neat hairstyle.

    Perm procedure

    How to make wet chemistry at home? To do this, you need to complete the following steps.

    Wet chemicals for medium hair in a salon cost about 1,800 rubles. This allows you to get beautiful and voluminous curls for 6 months.

    Features of the procedure with short haircuts

    The procedure is most often performed on short hair. Wet perm will be perfect if you follow the advice of professionals.

    • You need to wash your hair to create bouncy curls.
    • Then you need to twist the strands from roots to ends. This will make them durable.
    • The bobbins should be placed evenly for symmetry of the hairstyle.
    • The density of the rows of curlers will be maximum.

    It is advisable to use wooden bobbins as they are not able to react to chemicals. But you can use polymer curlers.

    Long hair procedure

    To create chemicals for long hair, gentle products are used that are harmless to curls. It is advisable to use nourishing compounds. Fixation is performed with foam or varnish, which creates the effect of “wet hair.”

    The procedure for long hair is similar to the treatment for short hair. Owners of oily strands should not choose wet chemicals, as the hairstyle will look untidy.

    Features of vertical wet curling

    Principles of post-perm care

    Wet perm looks original. In order for it to always be neat and beautiful, proper care is necessary.

    • You need to wash your hair with medicated shampoos. For rinsing you will need balms, and for replenishing - natural masks. This approach will allow you to restore damaged curls, make them strong and shiny.
    • Long hair requires special care, since chemical treatments with it last longer, and the composition is used in larger quantities.
    • Gels that allow you to create the effect of “wet hair” make curls shiny and voluminous. But since naturalness is in fashion now, you should create a light effect.

    Laying rules

    Special cosmetics are used for styling. You can use the following installation technique.

    • Using styling you need to moisturize your hair.
    • The bangs should be combed to one side.
    • The temporal part is smoothed with gel.
    • The crown of the hair should be tousled.
    • Fixation is done with varnish.

    Features of spiral technology

    The technique is carried out using modified bobbins. The strands must be twisted into a bundle and wound in a spiral onto the bobbin. The coils should fit snugly against each other.

    The direction of the tourniquet and the curling of the curls should be the same. After this, the hair is secured, treated with a composition and fixed.

    Japanese technology

    Among existing species there is chemistry Japanese technology, in which a lipid-protein complex is used. The procedure is intended for problematic hair. The result is a long-lasting, silky curl. With the help of the complex, hair becomes elastic and shiny. The curls will be medium in rigidity. Chemistry is more suitable for long curls.

    With Japanese technology, a polyethylene cap with holes is used. The strands are carefully pulled through them. After this the processing takes place chemical composition. The scalp will not come into contact with the chemical composition, so the Japanese technique is great for skin problems.

    Wet perm is considered one of the popular procedures. It uses reliable vertical curlers that are gentle on cosmetics. The result is beautiful curls that last for 6 months. And for complete recovery you need to use medicated shampoos and balms. Folk remedies are also used for this - making masks. For this purpose oils are used, herbal infusions, natural products and pharmaceuticals.

    Wet perm – The best way getting a well-groomed hairstyle. You can change it at will. With this technique you get beautiful small curls without any “frizz.” Your hair will be neatly styled and beautiful to look at.

    As before, perm remains the most accessible and popular method by which you can change the shape of strands - with the help of simple manipulations you can make curls of various directions and shapes. You can create wet chemistry at home yourself.

    To do this hairstyle yourself, you need to have a styling product that will create a “wet” effect on your hair. This can be a gel that does not stick the hair together, foam or mousse. Hair needs to be curled in small curlers, and in order to dry the strands, you will need a hairdryer.

    It is necessary to style clean hair, so first you need to wash your hair, dry the strands with a towel, then wrap it around your head. You should not use a hairdryer at this stage, as your hair should remain damp. Wet hair lubricated with conditioner to make combing and styling easier. A styling product is applied to the hair and distributed over the entire length, excluding the skin.

    If your hair is naturally curly, then you just need to lightly dry it with a hairdryer, squeezing it into fists and pressing it with your hands. The hair needs to be dried, lifting it from the roots, thanks to this the hairstyle will receive additional volume, but at the same time maintain a falling effect in the middle part and at the roots. Special diffuser attachments must be used carefully, otherwise “wet chemicals” can be turned into unruly curls.

    If the hair is straight, then they are rolled into curlers, while being moistened with styling foam. As for the fixing composition, it should be quite strong, since styling must be ensured for the whole day. Preference should be given to products that contain aggressive active ingredients, while the girl should not be afraid for the health of her hair. She will apply the drug only for one day, and straight hair has a stiffer structure, so it will have minimal harmful effects on it.

    After this, the curled hair is treated with a hairdryer and the curlers are removed. The strands are moistened with gel, the hair is given the necessary shape with your hands, and the curls are twisted. In order to highlight individual strands, you need to use texturizers; they need to be applied to some curls with a hairdryer and not touched.

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    For women, everything is simple - cut long hair, add short hair, straighten curls, turn straight hair into curly hair. And men should not try to find logic; they are required to nod and admire any image of their other half.

    Hair chemistry will allow you to enjoy luxurious curls for a long time

    Today we are talking about transforming a woman’s hair with the help of “chemistry” - an option for obtaining romantic curls that cannot be regular perm. Chemicals for long hair will give a chic effect to their owner.

    Types of perms

    The essence of the issue is the application of a special composition to your own hair, which prolongs styling for a certain period of time. Depending on the type of strands and desired result, the types of chemical perms also differ. For example:

    Light temporary chemistry – carving

    It differs from other options by using gentle ingredients. If the owner of hair has doubts about the certainty of the relative future state of the strands after the procedure, then it is recommended to do just this option for a test.

    Its advantages:

    1. Suitable for ladies with thin or weak hair. The more active components of other types of perms will have an adverse effect on thin hair. With carving, the strands will become more voluminous and their appearance will improve.
    2. Curling options range from “small devil” to noble curls. Women with long braids You should definitely try each of them - it's luxurious and romantic. Light chemicals for medium hair look no less good.
    3. The perm procedure is safe not only in terms of composition and components, but also in terms of validity. for 4–8 weeks of existence. Afterwards, the growing hair is either permed again or waits for a haircut.
    4. After carving, the strands do not become frizzy when the composition is gradually washed out of their structure. This is a significant difference between the procedure and other perm options with heavier chemicals, and is an advantageous method for most fashionistas.

    In any case, using chemicals for styling is always stressful. Even if light chemicals are used for medium or long hair.

    After removing and washing out the composition, it is recommended to rest the hair for 1 month and only then carry out the procedure again.

    Spiral, vertical and fine chemistry

    The essence of the method is to form curls using special curlers - vertical bobbins. B, framing the face. Even hair that is not too thick gains volume.

    This option is especially popular among young women with long braids. However, before the procedure you should consider the following facts:

    • Not every face type is suitable for vertical curls. Before you finally decide on a transformation, you need to “try on” the perm. This is not difficult to do without a fixing compound.
    • As an option vertical curling– spiral chemistry. It is somewhat more difficult to do and the procedure is expensive, even if the length is impressive. Suitable for any face type.
    • It is important to choose the volume of curls in advance - from large to African. Short haircut with the last option the owner will be made “Boniface’s grandmother” and the key word here is grandmother. For example, like this:

    A properly selected composition for vertical chemistry will do the impossible. The sight of a long-haired diva conquering men is guaranteed.

    What does wet chemistry look like?

    A contradictory result, I must say. Foam is used for fixation, giving the hairstyle a wet look. This type of hair is not suitable for everyone.

    For example, for ladies with hair prone to oiliness, it is better not to use the option with wet chemicals. Otherwise, the sloppiness will be emphasized. Stately and overweight women It is better to avoid this look, otherwise the overall combination will become ridiculous.

    Wet chemistry is great on blondes with a fragile constitution and thin hair. By the way, wet chemistry is another gentle procedure that does not have a destructive effect on the structure of the hair.

    Major chemicals for long hair

    The actual installation technology is similar to any other. A special feature will be the use of large-diameter curlers - the wider, the more voluminous. Suitable for those with long hair, well below the shoulder line.

    Otherwise, the effect will be lost. Owners of thin and thin hair should not count on good results. rare hair– the curls will not be noticeable, and the condition of the strands will noticeably worsen. The ideal option would be cascading haircut+ perm using large curlers.


    Compositions for creating chemistry on hair

    Depending on the aggressiveness of the chemical components, the period of maintaining curls in their original form immediately after the hairdresser varies from several weeks to six months.

    Unfortunately, the relationship is directly proportional: the tougher the recipe, the longer the curl lasts. But health is more important, so let's look at the options:

    1. Acids. They are used as part of curling products and are popular due to high term actions - up to six months. Thin or thin hair is contraindicated.
    2. Alkalis. Somewhat weaker in action - the curls will last up to 4.5 months. Suitable for any hair type.
    3. Neutral components. An even shorter period of “curl”, however, and a careful attitude.
    4. . In this case, the curls last a long time + the hair remains healthy and well-groomed. The composition is made on the basis of biological components without the use of ammonia.
    5. Amino acids. This is easy chemistry - carving, wet. In addition to a good appearance, the strands receive nutrition and treatment. Harm from additional binding components is minimized.

    It is important to listen to the master. He will assess the condition of the hair and give the go-ahead for the procedure. In some cases, the use of any composition is prohibited.

    For example, this is due to problems with hair and scalp - weakened strands or wounded skin will become even worse after chemotherapy.

    Salon perm and home technology

    For a long time now, hair perm has undergone changes in better side. Previously, “atomic” compositions were used for it, which did not guarantee results, but with a high degree of probability worsened the condition of the hair.

    To achieve the effect, they used hot special caps to help better reveal the structure of the hair, which, naturally, did not benefit them. It is worth watching a modern story to compare the procedures.

    Carrying out the procedure is no more difficult if the hairdresser takes on the role best friend. Large curls or small ones receive the same. Algorithm:

    1. Comb your hair thoroughly. At least a day must pass since the last wash so that there is enough sebum.
    2. The entire mass of hair is divided into square parts. The width of one side is equal to the length of the bobbin.

    Then the hair is twisted in a half-eight, starting from the end of the strand, winding it around a stick. If it is decided to do root chemistry, the work is carried out to the end.

    1. All that remains is to apply the chemical solution and leave the hair under it for 20–25 minutes, wrapping your head in a towel. Quick drying with a hairdryer or other device is not allowed - there is a risk of damaging the hair and injuring the scalp.
    2. The bobbins are unwound, the head is washed generously and the composition is applied. It could be foam. After it falls off, the hair is washed again. The curl for medium or long hair is ready.

    Now, weekly care consists of hair restoration. This can be done using burdock oil, rubbing it in every time before washing your hair.

    Growth masks containing tinctures of peppers or mustard are excluded. This will cause increased dryness strands.

    The cost of hairdressing services - how much does chemicals cost?

    The work of a professional is expensive. This is another reason to try to master the procedure at home. The cost depends on the weight and length of the hair. So:

    • strands start from 3 thousand rubles.
    • Chemicals for medium hair – from 4 thousand rubles.
    • Long ones will cost up to 5 thousand rubles.
    • For owners of luxurious “manes” with a length of more than 1 m – up to 6 thousand rubles.

    In addition, hairdressers offer gentle hair chemicals - bio and keratin. Their price is somewhat more affordable.

    Price perm hair depends on its length

    So, in order to appear in a romantic image, it is worth taking risks - health, personal funds and the willingness to accept a new look.

    It's not easy, but change leads to a new life - that's the law!

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