• Treatment of a chemical burn of the skin: remedies for help. Lime burn - how to properly provide first aid to the victim


    When working with aggressive substances such as acid, alkali or lime, there is always a chance of spilling or spilling the substance and getting a chemical burn to the skin. The degree of damage received will directly depend on the speed of reaction and the ability to provide first aid to one's neighbor. What should be done if aggressive products get on the skin?

    First aid

    The first step in helping the victim is to eliminate the burning effect. If something flows, drips or pours, then the victim must be moved away from observing their own safety. Further assistance is provided in a certain sequence:

    • The victim is removed from clothing and accessories stained with chemicals.
    • The skin at the site of the lesion is washed with water for about 20 minutes. If help is late, then washing continues longer (up to 40 minutes).
    • Dry and powder chemicals are first shaken off and only then the rinsing is started.
    • In case of an acid burn, the substance is neutralized by washing with a soda solution. And in case of alkaline damage, they are washed with a weak solution of acid (vinegar).
    • The lime affected area is treated with a solution of sugar, the concentration of which should not exceed 20%. Do not rinse with running water, otherwise the chemical burn of the skin will become stronger.
    • The damaged area is protected with a sterile napkin or a bandage is applied.

    What substances are most often burned

    Chemical burns of the skin most often occur through negligence. People do not follow safety precautions when working with various acids, alkalis, gasoline, kerosene, phosphorus, bitumen and other hazardous substances. Among acid burns sulfur, nitrogen and

    Kerosene and gasoline are burned when working in the garage or when trying to remove a stain from paint, tar or wax. Bitumen can get on the skin during construction or repair work. The substance has high temperature and adheres tightly to fabric or skin. This complicates chemical damage.

    Determination of the degree of damage

    Burns are treated by a branch of medicine called combustiology. Experts in this field argue that if the first aid was performed correctly, then the degree of damage is reduced by one, and if it is wrong, then the degree of burn increases.

    The degrees of damage are distinguished as follows:

    • A first-degree chemical burn of the skin is a swollen and reddened area of ​​the skin that is painful to the touch.
    • Grade II is characterized by the appearance of blisters (vesicles) containing a clear liquid. Affected skin looks swollen, they are painful to the touch.
    • At the III degree, the burn penetrates the skin up to the subcutaneous tissue. A partial reaction is disrupted because the nerve endings are melted.
    • At the IV degree of a chemical burn, the destruction of the deep layers occurs. The burn affects not only the skin, but also muscles, ligaments, bones, internal organs.

    It is not always possible to understand on the spot how much a person has suffered from chemical exposure. The exact extent of the problem is clarified only after 1-2 weeks, when suppuration of the scab occurs. In addition, the area of ​​the burn is important.

    Medical definition of area

    Doctors determine the size of a burn in several ways. The first is called the "rule of nines". In this case, the surface of the skin of an adult patient is divided into conditional 11 sections, each of which is considered as 9% of the surface:

    • chemical burns of the skin of the face, head and neck - 9%;
    • damage to the upper limbs - 9% * 2;
    • damage to the lower extremities - 18% * 2, that is, each leg 2 times 9%;
    • skin of the front side of the body - 18%;
    • skin of the back side of the body - 18%.

    There remains 1 percent, which conditionally falls on the skin of the perineum.

    Second way

    The second method is based on the statement that the palm area of ​​an adult is approximately 1% of the skin surface. With limited impacts, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage is measured with the palm of the hand, with an extensive burn - the size of unaffected skin areas. With deep chemical lesions, the victim develops a burn disease. The course of the disease directly depends on the area and depth of exposure.

    In what cases is self-treatment acceptable?

    If a chemical burn of the skin has occurred, treatment at home is permissible only with the first degree of damage. But even this is provided that the first aid was provided correctly and the consequences of the defeat are minimal. If an extensive burn of the 1st degree is received, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    With burns of the II degree, self-treatment can be attempted only with a small area of ​​the lesion. If the blister is more than 5 cm, then it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor. After contacting a burn center with lesions of the 1st or 2nd degree, hospitalization will not necessarily follow.

    A chemical burn of III and IV degrees may require surgical intervention, since self-repair of tissues is slowed down or does not occur at all. It is not worth the risk if a person has a severe chemical burn of the skin. Treatment at home will still not give a result. From this it follows that with deep burns, going to the doctor is a matter of life and death for the victim.

    Treatment Methods

    In the hospital, doctors assess the condition of the victim and only then decide how to treat a chemical burn of the skin. The affected area is additionally washed, treated with antiseptics. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics and painkillers. With the help of droppers restore water balance organism. Depending on the degree and area of ​​the lesion, it is carried out from undamaged parts of the body.

    Physicians have two goals:

    • Achieve tissue regeneration.
    • Prevent infection of affected areas or reduce as much as possible negative impact on the body.

    Recovery from severe chemical burns is slow. Even after tissue healing, doctors observe their patients for years to help them recover as much as possible.

    How to treat a chemical burn at home

    Chemical burns of I and II degrees (up to 5 cm) can be treated at home. But even with small lesions localized in the face, hands, feet or perineum, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    If at home treatment there are signs of secondary infection of the wound, that is, the edges become red and swollen, purulent discharge appears, the body temperature rises and the pain intensifies, then the treatment does not help and professional help is needed.

    For home treatment, an ointment for chemical skin burns on a gel or water basis is used. These include the following drugs:

    • "Panthenol";
    • "Levomekol";
    • "Rescuer";
    • "Dermazin";
    • "Solcoseryl";
    • "Bepanten" and much more.

    It is acceptable to use sprays containing panthenol. When processing use sterile bandages, napkins and gloves. Hands must be treated by special means so as not to infect.

    Common Mistakes

    Despite the advice of grandmothers and neighbors who are well-known experts in all fields, remember that many actions cause significant harm:

    • Never open blisters on burns at home, this opens the way for infection.
    • Do not lubricate the affected areas with oil, protein, sour cream or alcohol products.
    • Do not wash a chemical burn with urine, otherwise infection is guaranteed.
    • Do not touch the wound surface with your hands, but only with sterile swabs or a napkin.
    • Do not apply medicinal plants to the burn.
    • Do not use cotton and plaster for dressings.

    The best option for home treatment is to first consult a specialist and determine the health risks.

    Lime (calcium carbide) eye burn is a type of chemical eye burn that is accompanied by tissue damage. Burn injury to the eye is the result of non-compliance with safety rules. Regardless of what substance it is caused by, it is immediately necessary to rinse the eyes with plenty of boiled water and apply a sterile bandage. After that, you need to call an ambulance.

    Eye burns are more dangerous than skin damage. The human organ of vision is characterized by increased sensitivity and tenderness. In case of delay in the provision of emergency care, a person may lose his sight and remain disabled for life.

    We receive most of the information about the world around us with the help of a visual analyzer. If its function is violated, a person not only loses his ability to work, but also the ability to perceive all the colors of the world around him. He will not be able to read, watch movies, admire works of art and nature.

    When burned with lime, pieces of calcium carbide enter the tissues of the eyeball. Their rapid destruction occurs, which leads to irreparable consequences. It is important to provide competent first aid in the first minutes after the injury at the scene.

    First aid for eye burns with lime

    In case of eye burns with slaked lime, the following procedures must be performed:

    • rinse eyes thoroughly with running water;
    • try to turn it out and gently remove with a wet swab all the particles of lime remaining after washing;
    • wash the eyes with a 3% solution of disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, which reliably binds calcium cations with the formation of water-soluble complexes that are easily washed out within one day.

    After that, regardless of the degree of burn, it is necessary to hospitalize the victim in an ophthalmic hospital. If for some reason hospitalization is delayed, 2 drops of disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid should be instilled into the eyes every hour.

    Burn injury to the eye is very dangerous. Lime should not be taken lightly if it gets into the eyes, as this can lead to complete or partial loss of vision. First aid should be provided immediately after an injury. In case of chemical eye burns, hospitalization should not be refused.

    The best eye clinics in Moscow

    Below are the TOP-3 ophthalmological clinics in Moscow, where eye diseases are treated.

    Foreign bodies in the eye.

    Foreign bodies.

    If a foreign body gets into the eye and there is no way to remove it with your hand, with a clean napkin, by washing the eye with a liquid from a pipette or by blinking an eye in an eye bath, then the patient must be taken to a doctor. Sometimes it is impossible to pull out a foreign body with your fingers, but it is also unwise to use an instrument, such as tweezers, since the sensitivity of the eye is very strong; the patient may twitch when trying to remove the foreign body, which can further damage the eye. Only a doctor can deal with foreign bodies that have penetrated the eyeball or cause bleeding in the conjunctiva.

    If the foreign body is not easily removed, seek medical attention.

    Start giving the victim Aconite b dilution two tablets every 10 minutes and lightly massage the opposite eyeball through the closed eyelid as the eyes move...

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    Chemical burns to the eyes

    Damaging agents: various inorganic and organic acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, acetic, etc.), alkalis (caustic potash, caustic soda, ammonia, ammonia, lime, calcium carbide, etc.), chemically active substances and mixtures used on production and agriculture, household chemicals ( washing powders, glue, paints, pencil), drugs (tincture of iodine, ammonia, potassium permanganate, alcohols, formalin, etc.), cosmetics(ink, paints, lotions, creams, etc.), household aerosols, etc.

    Chemical burns, especially alkaline burns, are distinguished by the rapid penetration of the damaging substance into the depths of the eye tissues. Already 15 minutes after the burn with alkali, metal ions are found in the moisture of the anterior chamber and deep tissues of the eye, causing irreversible changes in them. In this regard, the importance of the speed and activity of first aid to victims is great.

    Emergency care consists in urgent, prolonged, thorough washing ...

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    Chemical burn - damage to body tissues under the influence of various chemically active substances. It can occur as a result of a violation of safety regulations, an industrial injury, an accident. Many chemicals can destroy body tissues. No less dangerous is the burn of the eye with lime.

    In case of a burn, alkalis and acids have the most destructive effect. First of all, in case of such an incident, it is necessary to rinse the affected area with running water as thoroughly as possible. If possible, a bandage should be applied. If the substance has got into the eyes or stomach, it is urgent to call ambulance.

    Lime eye burn: general information

    A burn of the eye, including lime, is much more dangerous than burns of the skin of the body. Our eyes are distinguished by increased tenderness and sensitivity. So, in case of delay, a person can remain disabled for the rest of his life. He will partially or completely lose his sight.

    But with the help of...

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    The main goal of any first aid for burns is to prevent the burn from spreading deep into the tissues at the scene of the incident. Therefore, if a lime burn occurs, first aid suggests that it is necessary to stop the effect of the chemical on the tissues of the body, and then reduce its concentration. To do this, clothes covered with lime must be quickly and carefully removed. Then, by dry means, it is necessary to remove the remnants of lime, and only then wash the damaged areas of the body with plenty of cold running water. With such a burn at work or in cases where the necessary reagent is at hand, after dry removal of lime residues, the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is treated with a 2% solution boric acid. After treating a wound with a lime burn, as a first aid, it is necessary to remove exfoliated particles of necrotic epidermis and cover the burn surface with a sterile dressing with Vishnevsky ointment, synthomycin emulsion or using other antiseptic ...

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    First aid for chemical burns

    Chemical burn occurs under the action of acids, salts heavy metals, alkalis and other chemicals. Usually chemical burns occur as a result of work injuries or as a result of accidents. A chemical burn can be obtained if alkali, concentrated acids, salts of some heavy metals get on the skin.

    The most common clinical forms of allergic conjunctivitis are characterized by their own characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing a treatment: pollinous conjunctivitis, spring keratoconjunctivitis, drug allergy, chronic allergic conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis when wearing contact lenses, large papillary conjunctivitis.

    Recently, ophthalmologists have begun to notice that age-related eye diseases (retinal dystrophy, cataracts, glaucoma) are noticeably ...

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    Chemical eye burn

    Main page ->
    Eye diseases -> Chemical eye burn

    It can happen in an instant. Chemical burns happen not only at work. Many
    there are many at home household products, whose contact with the eyes poses a great danger to vision.

    The nature of the burn depends on what reaction of the environment the damaging agent has - alkaline or
    acid. Alkaline solutions are more destructive than acid solutions due to their ability to penetrate
    biological tissues. Acids cause a severe burn on the surface of the eye by folding (coagulating) proteins.
    A dense scab is formed, which creates a certain barrier to the further spread of acid
    inside the eye.

    Often the difference between a serious but treatable burn and permanent loss of vision is determined by knowledge
    first aid principles.


    Deodorants, air fresheners and aerosols are the first...

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    Foreign bodies in the eye.

    If a foreign body has entered the eye and it is not possible to remove it with a hand, a clean napkin, by rinsing the eye with liquid from a pipette, or by blinking an eye in an eye bath, then the patient should be taken to the doctor. From time to time, it is impossible to remove a foreign body with your fingers, but it is also unwise to use an instrument, for example, tweezers, since the sensitivity of the eye is very strong; the patient may twitch when trying to remove the foreign body, which can further damage the eye. Only a doctor can cope with foreign bodies that have penetrated the eyeball or cause bleeding in the conjunctiva.

    If the foreign body is not easily removed, ask your doctor for help.

    Start giving the victim Aconite dilution b, two pills every 10 minutes. and lightly massage the opposite eyeball through the closed eyelid as the eyes move in sync with each other and circumspect movements...

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    * A two-year-old child was hit with hot lime in the eyes. Double burn - temperature and alkaline. The eyes turned white. The child and mother were taken to the hospital in Simferopol. 2 months were treated. One eye -100% loss of vision and there is no hope of returning it, the second - there was still hope to return at least some% of vision. The doctor let me go home with the words: “Relax at home and come, we will apply for disability and continue to fight for the second eye.” On the train, a motionless baby with white basins attracted attention. Mom talked with a fellow traveler, who suggested the Riciniol emulsion. They began to drip in the morning and evening. The completely whitened eyes of the child began to acquire the former blue color. Scabs came out from under the eyelids, the eyes began to see. When we arrived at the hospital, the child, waiting for his turn to see the doctor, was running along the corridor. The doctor, coming out of the office, did not recognize him. And when she found out, she said that “... disability does not shine for you! What were you treated for?" What a colorful Ukrainian grandmother from...

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    Therefore, it is necessary to know as much as possible about eye injuries and first aid for them, because no one is safe from accidents.

    What are eye burns?

    Ophthalmologists divide eye burns into three types:

    Chemical. Occur when acids, alkalis, lime get into the eye, ammonia and other chemicals. They can cause lesions of varying severity up to the death of the eyes and complete blindness. Thermal. Occur when boiling oil, boiling water, hot fat gets into the eye, with open flame burns. Radiant energy burns (electrophthalmia). Occur in people exposed to bright light that contains a large number of infrared or ultraviolet rays. Such burns occur most often in workers using an electric welding or gas welding machine, a voltaic arc, and so on. You can burn your eyes while in a high-altitude resort covered with snow, as well as when using a quartz lamp.

    How can...

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    All the time that a person is awake, he actively uses his organ of vision - the eyes. And the more interesting or accurate the work should be done, the more small details in it that require “jewelry” elaboration, the wider the eyelids open and less attention is paid to the events taking place around. In such conditions, the situation when a foreign body, whether it is an eyelash, a spark, dust or a chemical substance, enters the eye is not uncommon.

    In order not to lose your eyesight, you need to take a number of measures, even if after the incident almost nothing bothers you: some substances that have entered the eye can continue their destructive effect (for example, corrode chemically or cause thermal burns) even after you blink. Of course, you need to go to an ophthalmologist or a specialist in the Eye Trauma department, because only a professional can completely remove a foreign body and tell you about further measures that will save the eye structures. Visit a doctor by calling an ambulance or reaching ...

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    When debris gets into the eye, many questions arise - what to do, how to rinse, do I need to squeeze the eyelids? Do not panic! If, when something gets into the eye, you remain calm and quickly provide first aid, the mucous membrane will not be damaged and, apart from redness, there will be no consequences.

    How to rinse your eyes in case of debris?

    If small debris, dust or sand gets into the eye, then you need to quickly rinse the mucous membrane with plain clean water. To do this, you need to put your face in a cup of water and blink quickly. You can also rinse your eyes with running water, but this is best done if you have filters installed on your taps.

    Is the foreign body large enough? Then how to rinse your eyes when debris gets in, so as not only to remove it, but to calm and restore the mucous membrane? You need to make a decoction of chamomile. It has an excellent healing effect. Make a decoction of 20 g of chamomile (dry) and 1 liter of boiling water. In order to prevent the development...

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    Lime burns to eyes, emergency

    The course of lime burns is complicated by the introduction of lime particles into the tissues of the eye.

    Urgent care

    First aid: in case of contact with the eyes of hydrated and quicklime, it is necessary to urgently flush the eyes with a stream of running clean water for 10-15 minutes.

    Medical assistance: with a wet swab or tweezers, lime particles remaining after washing are removed. Then the eyes are washed with a 3% solution of disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), which binds calcium cations, forming complexes that are soluble in water, easily washed out of the tissues of the eye.

    Hospitalization for eye burns with lime is indicated in all cases. Further treatment is carried out in the eye department. If there is a delay in hospitalization after washing, continue to instill EDTA solution, 2 drops every hour during the day.

    Ed. O. Eliseev

    "Eye burns with lime, emergency care" article from the section Eye damage


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    All injuries of the organ of vision must be taken seriously, even if at first glance there are no significant changes. The fact is that the same injury can (with timely treatment) do without consequences at all, or, in the absence of treatment, lead to serious complications.

    Therefore, in case of any damage to the eye, you should immediately seek medical help.

    Major Mistakes: What NOT to Do

    DO NOT rub or apply pressure on the injured eye DO NOT touch or attempt to remove a foreign body protruding from the eye DO NOT flush the eye if there is a possibility of penetrating injury. Exception: if chemical solutions get into the eye at the same time, DO NOT try to neutralize the effect of one substance with another (for example, in case of a burn with an acid solution, rinse with an alkali solution) DO NOT use cotton wool as a bandage (with penetrating wounds, its small villi can get inside the eye). Exception: eyelid wounds with active...

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    Lime is obtained by heat treatment of natural limestone in kilns at 1000-1200 degrees. It turns out lumpy lime in the form of CaO. When water is added, the lime is “quenched” with the formation of fluff (at 33% water by weight) or lime paste (with more water). When extinguished, a lot of heat is generated and the water begins to bubble.
    Lime has long been widespread in the repair of premises. Its prevalence is associated with the ability to destroy microorganisms and fungi. After whitewashing, the building takes on a white and neat appearance. The lime coating is resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations, the walls under the lime "breathe".
    But is everything so great when using lime?
    Lime damage to health happens when used improperly.
    In the form of droplets or dust, lime is harmful when inhaled, as it irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and can lead to severe burns. You may experience choking and persistent sneezing. In that...

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    Lime is a chemically active substance that is actively used in the field of construction and finishing works. When using it, be sure to follow certain safety rules, otherwise you risk getting. What to do if lime gets into the eye? First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse your eyes with clean water to remove alkali and acids from the mucous membrane that can corrode soft tissues. Immediately after this, doctors recommend applying a bandage and calling an ambulance. Remember that lime can severely damage your organs of vision, and self-medication in this case is very dangerous.

    Lime, getting into the eye, leads to severe burns. Such an injury is much more dangerous than damage skin because the organs of vision are very delicate and sensitive. If such a dangerous situation has happened, you should not hesitate in any case, otherwise you risk losing your eyesight forever.

    With the help of the eyes, we receive most of the information about the world around us. A person who has lost sight becomes disabled. He not only cannot work, but also loses the ability to distinguish between surrounding objects, people's faces and all the colors of life. A blind man cannot read, watch films, admire the beauty of nature. All this is very sad and scary.

    Small particles of lime solution, falling on the mucous tissue of the eye, corrode it and penetrate deep into. Each person should know what consequences such a burn can have, and be able to provide first aid to the victim. Nobody is immune from an accident. A dangerous situation can occur both at work and at home.

    First aid

    Lime got into the eye - what to do? First of all, try to collect yourself, calm down, and concentrate on solving the problem. Remember a few simple rules first aid for chemical eye burns.

    • Rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean water. The victim may even dive headfirst into a large container of water and blink.
    • Pull back the eyelid with tweezers, and then with a damp swab remove small parts of the lime that have not been washed off with water. It is very important to remove all parts of this substance in time, not to miss anything.
    • If you have a 3% Na2 EDTA solution in your first aid kit, use it to wash your burned eye. Such a substance is able to bind calcium cations, forming a complex that is easily soluble in water. Even if lime particles remain in the eye, such a solution will neutralize them and help to quickly remove them from the body in a natural way.

    Even if it seems to you that the burn is not significant, be sure to consult a doctor. Patients with chemical eye burns are subject to mandatory hospitalization, they need professional treatment under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. If for some reason you cannot immediately go to the hospital, instill Na2 EDTA solution, 2 drops into the eye, every 2 hours.

    Sugar will help get rid of lime in the eye

    If lime gets into your eyes, but you cannot immediately go to an ophthalmologist, use a simple, but effective means for washing the mucosa. To prepare it, you will need pure distilled water and sugar. Prepare a very strong sweet solution - 1 tbsp. water 1.2 tbsp. Sahara. Rinse your eyes with this liquid.

    Sugar is able to completely neutralize the negative effects of lime. Immediately after the procedure, the victim will feel significant relief - the pain will disappear, and the inflammation will decrease.

    Such injuries are very dangerous, as they can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. Take care of your health, and in no case do not refuse a qualified medical care. Timely first aid will help the victim maintain visual acuity and reduce the spread of chemical burns.

    The likelihood of contact with aggressive substances for a person not employed in a specific production is minimized. However, the possibility of skin damage due to the ingress of active substances remains, which can also occur outside the production environment. For example, such a possibility exists when refueling the battery with electrolytic liquid.

    In a number of cases, with large-scale skin lesions, a significant amount of the ingested active substance threatens the life of the victim, and the success of further treatment will depend on how timely and correctly assistance is provided.

    Unlike thermal burns, an additional danger of damage by this type of substances also lies in the fact that their destructive effect on the body continues until it is removed from the skin surface. Without taking such measures, the consequences of the incident will carry much more negative consequences for the victim. Given this factor, first aid to a victim with chemical burns should be provided as soon as possible. Since it will take time for the ambulance to arrive in any case, the best solution is to start helping the victim with one of the people present nearby. The rules of first aid for burns do not require the possession of a significant amount of special knowledge and skills, are not difficult to learn and can be mastered by anyone.

    Since timely assistance can significantly reduce the consequences of an injury, and in some cases save a life, it is desirable to have knowledge about the rules for providing such assistance.

    First aid for burn victims

    Chemically active substances are a special type of hazard requiring proper handling in case of contact. Incorrect actions, in particular, washing the affected area with water when in contact with certain types of substances (for example, quicklime), may not only not solve, but also aggravate the problem due to leakage chemical reaction with heat release.

    The aids used must correspond exactly to the substance that has come into contact with the skin, information on the type of which must be available before the start of treatment.

    First aid for acid burns

    First you need to stop the contact of the active substance with the surface of the skin. If there is clothing on the affected area, it must be removed, while being careful, since contact with a saturated acid solution can cause rapid tissue death and exfoliation. Then you need to start removing the substance from the skin. To do this, you can use water, substituting the affected area under the stream of water. The period of the affected area under running water should be about 20 minutes. You should not try to wipe the substance with various types of tissue, as in this case there will be an even greater rubbing of the acid into the skin and an increase in the degree of damage.

    In the event of a burn with brake fluid, which includes hydrofluoric (fluoric) acid, washing the affected area under running water must be carried out for at least an hour, since fluorine ions tend to penetrate the skin very deeply.

    After removing the main part of the ingested substance, which is characterized by a decrease in the characteristic chemical odor and a decrease in pain, it is necessary to carry out the final deactivation of the affected area. To do this, it is desirable to use a solution baking soda at the rate of one teaspoon of soda to one glass of water. Gently wipe the affected area with this solution. Then you need to inspect the burn site. In case of a significant burn area, damage to the skin of the face, mucous membranes of the eyes, the presence of a pain shock or an unconscious state of the victim, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In case of contact with a slightly saturated acid solution and minor residual burn symptoms, you can continue to monitor the healing of the affected area yourself.

    First aid for alkali burns

    The difference between alkali lesions lies in their deeper penetration into the skin. With the same concentration of acid and alkali, the damage from the second will be much more serious due to the peculiarities of the skin's reaction to this substance.

    The principle of assistance is similar to the actions in case of acid ingress: first of all, clothes are removed from the affected area, if any, then the affected area is washed under running water.

    Final deactivation is performed with a 1% solution of acetic or citric acid.

    Further control of the victim is similar to the situation with an acid burn.

    First aid for quicklime burns

    If quicklime (calcium monoxide) gets on the skin, it is impossible to use water to wash off this substance, since if mixed with water, a conversion reaction to calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) will occur with the release of heat, which will create an additional factor of damage to the skin.

    In case of contact with this substance, it must be removed from the skin surface with a dry cloth. Residues of the substance are recommended to be removed with a cloth dipped in sunflower oil.

    After cleaning the skin from this substance, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage and consult a doctor.

    First aid for a severe burn with a chemically active substance, first of all, consists in removing it from the affected area as soon as possible. Since at severe burns there is a destruction of the skin and the formation of open wounds, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent infection, which can slow down healing, and in case of serious infection, create an additional problem for the victim up to a threat to life. During the initial washing of the wound with water, and later with a deactivating solution, hygiene must be observed, trying to use the purest water. After washing, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic bandage and go to the hospital as soon as possible.

    First aid for eye burns excludes the possibility of self-applying a deactivating composition to the mucous membrane of the eye due to its very high sensitivity.

    In case of contact with the eyes of any of the listed active substances, it is necessary to rinse them with plenty of water as soon as possible, opening the eyelids of the affected eye with the fingers. After that, it is necessary to drip an anesthetic into the eye and carry out an antibacterial treatment.

    For removal pain syndrome you can apply a solution of novocaine for intramuscular injection by instilling it with a syringe without a needle. Do not use too large doses of the drug, but even a significant excess of the optimal dose should not be harmful.

    After that, you need to drip an antiseptic drug (for example, a solution of levomethicin), apply an antiseptic bandage and consult a doctor.

    Using the above material, you can determine what first aid is needed for burns with various chemicals. At the same time, it can be argued that the required actions are not complex and are available for study by anyone from the adult population.

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