• How to insert an earring with a hook into your nose? Nose wing piercing. Earrings with a hook: secrets of easy dressing


    Today, inserting earrings into different places on the body is called a wonderful word piercing, which literally means “to pierce.” Now young people are not only trying to stand out from the crowd, to show their “I”, to amaze with their beauty and individuality ness, but also follow fashion, and piercing helps them with this. One of the most common and harmless types of piercing is nose piercing.


    1. Insert earring or several nose earrings are very fashionable now. This is very easy to do even at home, which really attracts young people who cannot pay experts certain amounts.

    2. Prepare all the necessary materials for piercing the nose and disinfectants for its treatment. So, for a simple nose piercing, you should take a piercing needle, alcohol, cotton wool, gloves and the earring itself (pierce), which will be inserted into the nose. In this case, it is best to take a needle of the same diameter as your prepared earring.

    3. Wear gloves. Disinfect them on your hands, earrings and needles with alcohol or another prepared antiseptic, pouring it onto cotton wool and wiping the necessary items.

    4. Lubricate the puncture site with alcohol. Fold the nostril as far as possible, so that the clasp of the earring with the hook will then be inside, away from the edge and along the wall of the nose.

    5. Bring the prepared needle to the inside of your nostril. Perform the piercing quickly. The subsequent pain will depend on the speed. The faster this the procedure will pass, the less pain you will have to endure.

    6. Insert the jewelry into the catheter. Insert everything into the hole made, and then carefully remove the catheter.

    7. Rub the piercing site and itself thoroughly and richly. earring, which is already in place, with alcohol. Check to see if the earring fits comfortably in your nostril and is held firmly.

    8. After inserting the piercing into the nose, do not forget to wipe this area with an antiseptic every day until the puncture site heals.

    9. There are also non-standard types of piercings, such as bridge (piercing of the nose in the bridge of the nose), Austin Bar (piercing of the very tip of the nose in a horizontal position) and others. It is recommended to do this type of piercing only in a beauty salon.

    Piercing is one of the most fashionable youth passions. Today, more and more often we meet people with an earring in nose. Sometimes even impressive ladies sometimes decide to take such a step as piercing their nose. Piercing in nose. will probably add grace and coquetry to your image.

    You will need

    • Earring made of medical steel


    1. First of all, you should take care of the earring. It is better to buy it in advance. It must strictly be made of medical steel. This is necessary so that the puncture begins to heal as quickly as possible. You can buy an earring of any shape, especially since the choice is huge. An experienced salesperson will help you in a specialized store; he will tell you about the superiorities of the material from which the product is made.

    2. Head to the salon. Ask your friends in advance about the master who does this. Find a person with medical education and excellent practice, because your health depends on his professionalism. An experienced master will perform his work quickly and painlessly, and will also eliminate the risk of infection. Pay attention to the reputation of the salon, look at the tools and equipment, and evaluate the level of cleanliness. If you are satisfied with everything, then bravely go for the procedure. Remember that you should not pierce your nose at home. You don't know all the intricacies of this matter. And the likelihood of introducing an infection is very high.

    3. After you have your nose pierced, there is a healing period. Mostly it is quite painful. Every 3-4 hours you need to wipe the puncture site with an antiseptic.

    4. Later, after the piercing channel has healed, you can insert a gold earring. Remember that you should not drink alcohol for several days before the piercing procedure. Your body is already under extreme stress.

    Video on the topic

    Nose piercing is the most commonly known type of piercing. His celebrity is growing every day, both among girls and boys. In addition to young people who dare to get a nose piercing, mature women with a nose ring are becoming more and more common, which gives them a certain charm.

    You will need

    • – earring made of medical steel
    • – antiseptic


    1. Buy a special earring for your nose piercing. The shape is at your discretion: either a ring or a stud. It is important to remember that the earring must strictly be made of medical steel. It is this material that will heal your puncture as quickly as possible.

    2. 2.Go to a specialized salon. The master will do his job quickly, efficiently, and most importantly – painlessly. The risk of introducing infection will be reduced to a minimum.

    3. Treat the puncture site with an antiseptic every four hours after the ideal piercing procedure. This will slow down inflammatory processes.

    4. Insert a gold earring into your nose. You can do this only if your piercing channel has completely healed.

    Never pierce your nose at home. This may lead to undesirable results.

    Helpful advice
    Remember that the piercing must be carefully looked after in order to prevent the risk of infection and reduce inflammation.

    Catheter- this is a medical instrument in the form of a tube, one that is prepared for ordinary channels, vessels with the external environment for the purpose of emptying them, introducing liquid into them, washing and passing surgical instruments through them. The process of inserting a catheter is called catheterization.


    1. Placement of an intravenous catheter (peripheral). You need to start by providing lighting to the manipulation site. Hands are washed and dried. Apply a tourniquet 10-15 centimeters above the catheterization zone and select a vein by palpation. Next, you need to choose a catheter of the required size, while taking into account the size of the vein, the speed of entry and the schedule of intravenous injections. Next, treat your hands with an antiseptic and put on gloves. The catheterization site must also be treated with any disinfectant for 30-60 seconds and allowed to dry. There is no need to palpate the vein a second time. Having easily fixed it, a catheter of the selected diameter is taken and the protective cover is removed. If an additional plug is installed on it, then it is not thrown away, but held between the fingers of the free hand. Catheter is inserted on a needle at an angle of 15 degrees to the skin, while tracking the indicator camera. When blood appears in it, you need to reduce the angle of the stiletto needle and insert the needle into the vein a few millimeters. Having fixed the stiletto needle, slowly and completely move the camera from the needle into the vein and remove the tourniquet. After this, it is necessary to clamp the vein and finally remove the needle from the catheter. The needle must be disposed of according to safety regulations. And lastly, you need to remove the plug from the protective cover and close the catheter, or insert the infusion system. Catheter fix on the limb.

    2. Inserting a urinary catheter. Wash your hands and urethral area. Open the catheter package 2-3 centimeters. Fill the catheter package with traditional water to the tip. The catheter must be in the water for at least 30 seconds. Attach the catheter with an adhesive circle to a flat surface. In cold water the catheter is harder, and in warm water it is softer. For women: Remove the catheter from its packaging. Spread your labia and use your other hand to insert the catheter into the urethra. For men: With one hand, lift the penis and straighten the urethra. Insert the catheter with your other hand, moving it 2 centimeters each time. Move it until urine starts flowing. When bladder completely emptied, slowly remove the catheter.

    3. A large number of complications can be avoided if you strictly follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis and properly care for the catheter.

    Piercing has been known to the world for a long time. It was used mainly for rituals. In Ancient India, say, girls were pierced nose when they were married off. Nowadays, piercing does not carry a sacred meaning, and a nose ring no longer shocks a modern person.

    You will need

    • Disinfectants (hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine), sterile gloves, cotton pads, jewelry.


    1. If you decide to pierce your nose, note that the soft cartilage tissue is very mobile, and insert earring It may not be easy to get a new piercing because the skin will be mobile. Insert the earring directly into the needle.

    2. Disinfect the jewelry by holding it in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine for about 10 minutes.

    3. Inhale forcefully through your nose. Two “dimples” will appear on the nostrils. The middle of any “dimple” is an ideal place for a puncture. Enlighten the nose and choose a place for piercing that does not have blood capillaries. Mark this place with a marker.

    4. Soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine and wipe the puncture site with it to disinfect.

    5. Wear sterile surgical gloves. Remove the needle from the original packaging. Piercing needles must be hollow inside. Make sure that the thickness of the needle allows you to easily insert your jewelry into it.

    6. Pinch your nostril with a special piercing pliers. The hole in the forceps should be located at the marked puncture site.

    7. Pierce your nose by inserting the needle into the hole in the clip.

    8. Release the nose from the forceps, leaving the needle in the skin. Insert your jewelry into the hole of the needle - be it a ring, a spiral or a small stud.

    9. Carefully remove the needle from the puncture. The earring will remain inside.

    10. Attach the earring to your nose. If it's a ring, most likely every one of its parts will be hollow. Insert the thin tip of the earring into it and press lightly. The earring must be tightly closed, but have a positive circle shape. If you are inserting a spiral or a ring with a ball, after piercing, screw the ball onto the thread until it stops. If you are inserting a stud into your nose, try to secure the second part of the earring inside the nostril, securing the piercing. Some studs have a small ball on the inside of the shaft. It does not unscrew, but due to its thickening it allows you to tightly hold the piercing in place. While your puncture is healing, be careful with such an earring: it may fall out due to the fact that the puncture is still wider than the barbell. However, as it heals, the puncture will take the shape of a barbell, and a small ball on the inside of the nose will be an excellent fixation for the jewelry.

    11. Do not pull out the earring until the puncture has completely healed (on average, this takes 5-7 days if the weather is favorable and the wound is properly cared for).

    12. After a week, the puncture will take on a fixed shape, and changing jewelry will be simple and painless. You need to insert earrings into a healed hole in the nose in the same way, but without a needle.

    The ideal time for facial piercing is mid-autumn or spring. The air temperature at this time is most convenient for healing: frost does not complicate wound healing, and the lack of heat has a beneficial effect on the cleanliness of the wound.

    Nose- the most prominent part of the face in all respects. He tans faster, any flaw on him becomes immediately invisible. And how much anxiety it brings to those who consider the shape of their nose to be far from ideal! The aesthetics of the nose can be assessed from different angles, therefore, making it beautiful can also be done in different ways.


    1. Clean and smooth skin Clean the skin of your nose correctly, do not neglect washing your face in the evening. Use suitable cosmetics. Choose a product that not only removes excess sebum, but also cleanses and tightens pores. Remember that the results of any product only come with regular use. Use scrubs or homemade peeling - flaky skin on the nose does not look very attractive.

    2. Salon procedures Sign up for ultrasonic, manual or vacuum cleaning. In certain cases it may be necessary laser resurfacing. Consult with a cosmetologist about which procedure is best for you. Procedures for removing “stars” (capillary vessels) on the nose - too salon procedure. If pimples appear on your nose, again, visit the salon; do not remove them yourself.

    3. CosmeticsUse “visual results”. With the help of clear powder and blush, you can correct the shape of your nose. For example, in order to make it visually tighter and thinner, apply a clear stripe to the back, and lightly shade the wings of the nose with blush. Always carefully blend the makeup in the area of ​​the nose and folds of the nostrils, sloppy strokes foundation on the nose will invariably be more invisible than on other parts of the face. Use cosmetics that do not clog pores.

    4. Aesthetic surgeryIf you are not too happy with the shape of your nose, contact a plastic surgeon. Rhinoplasty is a fairly common operation. If it is carried out professionally, in the future it will be impossible to distinguish a nose from a “genuine” one. Rhinoplasty is recommended after 18 years of age, has a number of contraindications, and is performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, you will be able to return to your normal pace of life in an average of two weeks.

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    The right earrings will complement your outfit and highlight your features. Choose jewelry that not only suits you, but also matches the latest fashion trends. Today, several trends are relevant - from romantic to cautiously classic.


    1. One of the leading trends this year is laconic classics. Hoop earrings, long chains, flat squares, ovals and circles are in fashion. Such options can be found both among jewelry and in costume jewelry departments. The combination of metals is very famous various shades and textures - say, a combination of white, pink and yellow gold, or a combination of matte and polished metal in one piece of jewelry.

    2. Small chips of rhinestones and precious stones is irrelevant today. Choose metal earrings without stones or jewelry with huge crystals. Celebrities are saved by large colored stones of strange tones - topazes, citrines, tourmalines, amethysts, as well as their imitations. Several crystals can be combined in one decoration various forms and flowers.

    3. Avoid medium-sized, inconspicuous earrings. Today extremes are in fashion - either small studs or deliberately huge shapes that perfectly emphasize facial features. Long pendants can reach the shoulders. When purchasing these earrings, make sure that they will not be too heavy.

    4. An alternative to earrings is clip-on earrings. On sale you can find the most various options made of metal, plastic, mother-of-pearl, leather and other materials. Huge flat clips in the 80s style, as well as vintage options with rhinestones and ornamental stones, are extremely trendy.

    5. After many years of the dominance of colored pearls, clear classics returned to fashion - earrings with inserts of golden and white pearls, both unnatural and natural. Pearl earrings will perfectly complement business suits and evening dresses.

    6. Long jardiniere earrings have been famous for many years now. This year, earrings in the oriental genre with recognizable Central Asian, Arabic, Indian or Byzantine motifs are extremely fashionable. These earrings can be worn not only in the evening, but also during the day. They perfectly harmonize with both smooth hairstyles and loose hair.

    7. Another current trend is the glam rock genre. Earrings in the form of large chains, spikes, skulls, various weaves made of metal, leather and other materials are in fashion. These earrings look a little hostile, but in combination with suitable clothing and with makeup they can make your look exceptionally colorful.

    8. Do you want to attract everyone's attention? Wear just one large earring or pair it with a modest stud earring. Such ensembles are shown by models on the catwalk, it looks fresh and strange.

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    Nowadays, nose piercing is fashionable and common, and almost anyone can wear it if there are no contraindications. Therefore there arises interest Ask about how to insert an earring with a hook into your nose. And is it possible to do this quickly and safely at home?

    Benefits of piercing

    There are certain advantages and disadvantages to piercings. Knowing them, you can decide for yourself whether this procedure is necessary at all. As you know, piercing has the following main advantages:

    1. It is fashionable and beautiful, thanks to which you can complement your appearance in an original way, making it special and unique, because you can choose a piercing of any shape and design.
    2. Almost anyone can wear nose rings. After all, it is fashionable and stylish for both men and women at any age (you can choose any earrings according to their shape and design). For example, a hoop earring on the nose looks quite interesting.
    3. The procedure can be performed at home or in a beauty salon, and the cost will be low, so almost anyone can insert earrings into their nose.
    4. Caring for the earring will be easy, thanks to which you can maintain the beauty and elegance of the piercing for a long period of time (if the installation process was successful).


    Despite such a number of advantages, nose earrings have the following disadvantages:

    1. The procedure of piercing and inserting jewelry is long and painful, so a man or woman should prepare for the fact that it is painful and beauty requires sacrifice, as they say.
    2. If the procedure is carried out in unsterile conditions and carelessly, the risk of infection increases and can cause a serious illness that can impair overall health.
    3. If the piercing is inserted incorrectly and does not follow the rules of sterility at first, then there is a possibility of deforming the nose, ruining its beauty and general health.

    Please note that nose wing piercing is done safely and practically painlessly, and it looks beautiful. However, it all depends on how you install it. After all, if you insert a nose ring incorrectly and violate the integrity of the nose, then beauty and attractiveness will disappear appearance.

    Modern designers offer big choice earrings and nose piercings, which will help make the image of women and men much more attractive. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to insert an earring with a hook into the nose and what is needed first. There are different types of earrings. Let's look at them.

    Medical nose ring. What does it represent?

    This type of piercing is considered safe and sterile, since it consists of steel and titanium, which do not corrode and when worn do not cause unpleasant painful sensations. It can be inserted into the nose, ears and eyebrows, as it is considered safe and beautiful if the procedure is carried out correctly and if there are no allergic reactions (as a rule, the body does not react to medical steel).

    Gold earring. Description

    Products made from gold are considered beautiful, they can be worn for a long time, because the body most often accepts this metal. Such earrings are expensive compared to other materials, but despite this, gold piercings will look bright and attractive.

    Silver piercing. What is this earring?

    This material will be safe and beautiful if inserted correctly into the nose. It is a little cheaper than gold, but despite this, you can choose any shape of earring from this material. It is safe and practically does not cause allergic reactions unless there are certain contraindications.

    Plastic. Description of this type

    Plastic piercings are considered cheaper and affordable option, so almost everyone can afford it. It looks quite attractive, also does not cause any inconvenience and discomfort, because the material is light and suitable for almost everyone. It is most often used by young girls with an informal appearance who want to make their image bright and more rich.

    It is also recommended to visit a dermatologist, who will examine your skin and determine if you are allergic to the piercing material, and tell you how to wear a hook earring on your nose. After all, if you insert the piercing incorrectly, you can damage the skin and mucous membrane of the nose, which will worsen your overall health and attractive appearance.

    How is a piercing installed in a beauty salon? Step-by-step actions of the wizard

    Interested in the question of how to insert it correctly and what is needed for this? Typically the procedure is carried out in this order:

    1. The master conducts an examination and determines whether there are any diseases of the skin and nose that can progress after installation of the piercing or disrupt the overall beauty and attractiveness of appearance.
    2. After this, the master provides a choice of earrings different materials and designs that can decorate a woman’s (or man’s) nose in their own way. Make the image bright and attractive.
    3. Once everything is ready, the master disinfects the earring and then inserts it into the nose, and this is done carefully and with the help of a special anesthetic.
    4. After a successful procedure, the specialist treats the pierced area and makes sure that there are no side effects and severe swelling.
    5. Upon completion of the earring piercing, the master should conduct a detailed consultation on how to care for the jewelry and how to preserve the nose wing piercing for a long time.

    It is worth considering that the procedure is quick and safe if carried out carefully and sterilely. In the beauty salon, the master also conducts additional disinfection and consultation. It will help keep the piercing in place. long time and get rid of pain. You also need to decide on the type of earring material and design that will decorate the image in its own way, making it attractive and original.

    How to insert an earring with a hook into your nose? Step-by-step instruction

    Make sure that there are no nasal diseases or inflammatory processes that can progress and disrupt the beauty of the installed piercing (runny nose, sinusitis, and so on).

    Interested in the question of how to insert a snail earring into the nose and can this be done at home quickly and accurately? It is generally recommended to insert the piercings in this order:

    1. If everything is fine, then it’s worth preparing necessary tools, which will be needed to pierce the nose and install an earring (special needle, antibacterial agent, cotton swab and earring).
    2. As soon as everything is ready, you need to carefully pierce the wing of the nose and insert the earring, then push it further and carefully fasten it (before this, administer an anesthetic if possible).
    3. After the earring has been installed properly, it is necessary to disinfect the wound. Afterwards, you need to make sure that you do not experience pain and that the wound does not open. Here's how to insert a hook earring into your nose. As you can see, everything is quite simple. But in this matter you need to be extremely careful.
    4. At the end of the procedure, you need to treat the wound and then familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for the piercing.

    In order for the piercing to last for a long time, you need to know exactly how to insert an earring with a hook into your nose and how to properly care for it. For care you need to do the following:

    1. Avoid going to the beach and pool, which can cause an infection of the nose and pain in the piercing area. This is due to the fact that the wound has not completely healed.
    2. Refuse to use cosmetics, ointments and creams that can irritate the skin and cause pain and an allergic reaction.
    3. Visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and determine whether there are any diseases of the nose, whether the piercing is safe and whether the general health of the nasal mucosa will be affected.
    4. Stop using antibiotics and medications that are available allergic reaction, which may result in side effects and the piercing will be rejected.
    5. Do not touch the wound with your hands after you have just completed the procedure for installing a nose piercing (you can get infected and cause pain).

    What are the contraindications to the procedure?

    We figured out how to properly insert an earring into your nose. But there are cases when piercing cannot be done. The procedure is not performed if there are a number of contraindications:

    • If there are infectious diseases sinus and throat (sinusitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, etc.). First you need to undergo a course of treatment and only then think about piercing your nose.
    • If you have an allergic reaction to the piercing material and sensitive skin, which may become covered with red spots and other unpleasant symptoms will bother you.
    • If you have oncological, infectious diseases and a number of other ailments (leukemia, diabetes, AIDS and so on).

    A little conclusion

    Please note that nose piercing looks beautiful and attractive. But only if everything was done correctly and without complications. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you need to consult a dermatologist, who will determine whether there are any contraindications or serious diseases.

    IN modern world both girls and boys try to decorate themselves with everything possible ways, giving their appearance originality. In addition to classic earrings, all kinds of piercings are still popular today. Nose rings are no exception.

    Features and Benefits

    Piercing is perceived by many, first of all, as a way to emphasize their difference from others.

    But before you actually insert an earring into your nose, you need to carefully consider whether it's worth it.

    First of all, remember that there are certain medical contraindications.

    First of all, poor blood clotting.

    If you have such a problem, then the puncture will heal very slowly and for a long time.

    The same can be said for your susceptibility to keloid formations, which typically appear where your wounds are healing.

    It is also worth remembering that if you later get a job in some serious event, then everyone will have to pierce accessible ways hide.

    In other cases, piercing is a good, albeit rather unusual and controversial way to decorate yourself.

    Types of jewelry

    A person who decides to pierce his nose should know that there is a wide variety of earrings.

    The choice is not at all limited to the classic small earring or nose ring. Among the presented assortment of jewelry, you can always find an original nose earring that will suit you.

    First of all, they differ in the puncture site. Therefore, you need to know what a certain type of earrings are called and how to pierce them correctly.


    The second most popular option, after the classic one, is the so-called septum. This is a septum puncture. Typically, a simple ring or small barbell is used for this type of piercing.


    This type of puncture is just a variation of the previous one. The difference is that the puncture goes in a vertical direction.


    This type of piercing is less common. It is usually preferred by informals. The word "bridge" is translated from English as "bridge".

    With this type of puncture, the earring passes through a certain bridge - it pierces soft fabrics the upper part of the nose is almost at eye level, but does not touch the cartilage.

    In addition to how earrings are divided depending on the location of the piercing, there is also a division based on the type of earring itself.


    A simple, but at the same time, quite common option is the classic nose ring. It can be barely noticeable, or, on the contrary, massive and attracting attention. This ring is placed on the wings of the nose and on the septum.


    False rings are also popular. This is a great way to test how a nose piercing looks on you without piercing the skin. The fake ring is usually firmly attached to the piercing site, but does not damage the soft tissue.

    With rocks

    Earrings decorated with small stones also look attractive from an aesthetic point of view. If you plan to wear the nose earring for a long time, then it is better to give preference to a product made of natural metal.

    The same applies to stones. A piece of jewelry decorated with a small diamond or sapphire looks very attractive.

    With two balls

    Jewelry with two small balls looks stylish. These earrings are usually complemented by balls that fit tightly to the nose. Balls can be either neutral or bright in color - it all depends solely on your style.


    More original version– nose earring in the form of a spiral. Such decoration looks quite voluminous and will definitely not go unnoticed.


    Another option for a bright earring for piercing is the so-called snail earring.

    Its appearance resembles the previous version, only it fits more closely to the nose.


    You also cannot ignore such an option as a metal straight earring in the nose. Typically, such earrings are used to pierce the septum.


    Nose earrings were worn many centuries ago.

    Such jewelry was especially popular in Africa and India.

    Today, piercing earrings made in such an unusual style look very impressive and are popular among young girls.

    The most common option is Indian nat.

    Traditionally, such jewelry in India was worn only by girls who became women.

    But today everyone wears such an earring, forgetting about ancient traditions and using it simply as an unusual decoration.

    It is also interesting that in India you can often meet a girl with piercings in both nostrils at once.

    There are also options with punctures going through the entire nose. Take a closer look at the exotic photographs of Indian women, perhaps they will inspire you to choose the perfect accessory.

    How to choose an earring?

    Apart from the appearance and shape of the earrings, there are other parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing earrings.

    It is very important that the first earring used for piercing be as practical and comfortable to wear as possible.

    The earring should not cause discomfort and cling to everything.

    For the first piercing or for everyday wear for a long time, it is better to choose jewelry made of high-quality metals.

    Nose piercing jewelry is made from silver, platinum and gold. Therefore, you can choose the metal from which you wear accessories most often. This will make it much easier for you to match other jewelry to your piercing. In addition to jewelry made from precious metals, there are others of no less quality. The main requirements for the materials from which earrings are made for piercing are that they must withstand treatment with various sterilizing liquids, including alcohol. In addition, the material must be hypoallergenic. The best option

    – earrings made of high-quality medical steel, titanium or bioplast.

    Classic rings, so beloved by many girls, are best suited for piercing the wings of the nose and septum. You can also choose a half ring for the septum. It can be either smooth or figured, for example, decorated with stones or made in the form of half a silver nut.

    Often, earrings such as barbells and bananas are used for nose piercings. .

    They are suitable for all types of piercings, except, perhaps, the classic piercing of the wings of the nose.

    For this purpose, it is better to choose nostrils from unusual earrings. By the way, they can be both straight and curved.

    In general, no matter what earring you choose, it must be comfortable and not cause you pain even in the first days of wear. The earring should be comfortable, not cling to anything and aesthetically pleasing.

    Manipulations with decoration

    How to insert?

    It is better not to do a nose piercing yourself. In order for the puncture to be of high quality, heal quickly and not fester, it is better to have it done in a salon.

    The salon, of course, must be good so that you can be sure that you will not get any infection along with the puncture.

    Make sure that before the puncture the master treats both the instrument and the puncture site with a special antiseptic.

    Often in the salon there is a choice of what to pierce your nose with: a special gun or a simple needle. Here it is definitely worth choosing a simple needle. Of course, the first option is more modern and even painless.

    The procedure takes just a few seconds and goes almost unnoticed. But, nevertheless, this option is more suitable for classic ear piercings.

    The skin on the nose is more delicate and the slightest mistake will leave a noticeable scar after the piercing. In addition, such a gun is much more difficult to sterilize. Therefore, you may well become infected with AIDS or hepatitis, although the risk is not very high.

    How to remove?

    Removing an earring, especially for the first time, can also be painful. In order to remove such decoration, especially if it is securely fixed, it must first be treated either with a special lotion, or, in the absence of the latter, at least with boiled water. When removing the earring, you need to carefully push it with your finger from one end and pull it from the other. After the earring is removed, treat the puncture cotton swab

    , soaked in a special solution or alcohol. After this, you can insert a new earring.

    When getting your nose pierced, remember that you will have to wear the earring for several months without removing it. The fact is that soft tissues heal very quickly, and after taking out the earring, next time you may not be able to insert it.

    In general, you will learn all the details on how to change an earring and properly care for your piercing directly from the master.

    How to care?

    But if you have not received recommendations for care from the master, then here are a few basic things that you should never forget about. We all know that we should not touch our face, pimples or any wounds with unwashed hands. This is also true for piercings. By touching the puncture site, you risk introducing an infection there.

    Just like tattoos, piercings require care with special means. The puncture site must be treated with Chlorhexidine, which can be bought at almost any pharmacy.

    Girls who decide to get a nose piercing should make do with a minimum of cosmetics in the first weeks after the piercing. You should not allow foundation, powder or any other cosmetics to get into the wound. Even lotions or toners used to cleanse the skin can cause irritation.

    How to hide in the nostril?

    An important point that many piercing owners face is the need to hide it. If you have a strict dress code at work, then piercing, naturally, will not fit into it.

    And here difficulties arise - you can’t just remove the earring, because the puncture will heal very quickly. The easiest option is to use the most inconspicuous decoration.

    This could be a small nail with a translucent stone or a light metal ring.

    But even if you decide to remove the ring and let the puncture heal, you shouldn’t immediately rush to cover up your nose foundation to hide the consequences of an unsuccessful piercing. Such an attitude towards a puncture will provoke the occurrence of infection. And over time, a scar may even appear there.

    Stylish looks

    A nose ring is a rather unusual piece of jewelry. Therefore, before you get a piercing, think carefully about whether such a detail will fit into your style.

    The nose ring is optimal for creating various bright and informal looks.

    Such accessories were once popular among emo and goths.

    However, a neat, barely noticeable earring is also suitable for girls who are not distinguished by their love for various subcultures.

    But for this purpose, choose less noticeable accessories.

    What rules should you follow if you decide to get a piercing? Advises cosmetologist at the Intermedservice clinic Olga Vladimirovna Posvyanskaya.

    Ear piercing is the most common - earrings have long become an almost indispensable attribute women's fashion for all time. Second place goes to nose and eyebrow piercings. In honorable third place are lip and tongue piercings. Navel decorations are also approaching them, but rings and chains on the chest, near the nipple, in the cheek area and genital piercings remain extravagantly exotic.

    While young people most often opt for facial, tongue or navel piercings, people over 30 years of age choose intimate piercings. No matter how we feel about it, the fact remains: all over the world, more and more adult women, already in their fourth decade, praise the erotic effect of this type of piercing.

    A lady who decides to decorate her body often thinks that the piercing procedure is quick and simple. It really only takes a few minutes for a specialist to reward your body with the desired puncture. But we shouldn’t rush to conclusions about simplicity. Unfortunately, piercings come with some risks and require caution during the postoperative period.

    Where and what to inject?
    Piercing is an operation. Moreover, the appearance of the hole itself is only a prelude, and a fairly painless one at that. If the piercing is done in compliance with all the rules of medical sterility, then in most people there is almost no bleeding. Proper piercing does not affect nerve endings, arteries and veins.

    After the puncture, a healing pin is inserted into the emerging channel or special ring, which should remain in the wound until the tissues are completely and completely healed. In order to avoid complications, the puncture must be carried out with sterile medical instruments in a medical institution or salon that has a medical license.

    There are nuances that are unknown to self-taught fakirs. For example, a lot depends on the thickness of the needle. When piercing the area between the nostrils or the top of the ear, use a needle thicker than the diameter of the “loop” of the jewelry that will be inserted into the hole. If medical rules are violated, uneven edges may form, which take a long time and do not heal easily. In such cases, women often face sad consequences - aesthetic disturbances in the form of “falling” scars, similar to bunches of grapes. But the doctor or master should know about these subtleties and warn the patient.

    The latter should be borne in mind that:
    you should refrain from piercing before and during menstruation;
    The procedure is undesirable in the hot season - the wound will constantly sweat and the healing process will be significantly lengthened;
    You should not get piercings during periods of general ailments.

    Health risk?
    Complications do occur. And most often they are associated with unprofessional conduct of the procedure. taken on the way to the beach during, for example, an Egyptian tour?
    1 Ill-proper nipple piercing can damage the milk ducts and then your future baby may not recognize the taste of mother's milk.
    2 Eyebrow piercing is dangerous because it can “touch” the nerve plexus and partially paralyze the facial muscles.
    3 Homemade tongue piercings can disrupt your sense of taste.
    4 Due to uncontrolled ear piercing, hearing, smell and even vision can deteriorate.
    5 Needless to say that when piercing a wound with unsterile needles, it is easy to introduce any infection? Infection inevitably leads to the formation of ulcers or rough scars.
    6 Adherents of the mystical sciences argue that by making punctures on the chest and abdomen, we allow a gap in our own energy protection.

    After piercing
    Wounds heal differently. Depending on the puncture site and health condition. Holes in cartilaginous tissues - the ears and nostrils - are much easier to scar. Mucous tissues heal well: lips, tongue, genitals. The hardest places to “get used” to new openings are the places where there are a lot of sweat glands: the navel, eyebrows and bridge of the nose.

    Don't forget to take good care of the wound:
    1 The wound from the piercing heals after 1-1.5 months, and complete healing occurs after six months. For two months, it is necessary to treat the wound itself and the jewelry ring with antiseptic agents.
    2 During the first week, a yellowish liquid is usually released from the puncture - lymph, which many people mistake for pus. Lymph must be removed. To do this, clean both the wound and the jewelry twice a day using a cotton swab dipped in an aqueous or alcohol solution of chlorhexidine. It can be replaced with any sterilizing alcohol solution or even cologne.
    3 In the first weeks during disinfection, it is better not to remove the jewelry, but to wipe it, carefully turning the ring in different areas.
    4 The decoration should be slightly moved several times a day.
    5 Throughout the day, the wound should be open and dry, except for those moments when it is washed.
    6 At night, apply a sterile napkin to the puncture site, the edges of which are secured with a band-aid.
    7 After having your nipple or navel pierced, wear only cotton underwear.
    8 Never remove the crust from a wound.
    9 All psychotropic substances, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, and smoking “slow down” the healing process.
    10 Try not to injure the piercing areas active movements- otherwise you risk leaving a scar on your body.

    What are we inserting?
    From the list of materials suitable for body jewelry, you should forever forget about nickel and metals containing cobalt. Silver should not be inserted immediately after the piercing. It is prone to oxidation and can cause inflammation in an unhealed wound. During the healing period, only healing steel or gold rings should be used.

    Gold, silver and platinum. All other parts of the body better tolerate jewelry made from stainless surgical alloys, the so-called medical steel. A huge number of them are produced. Filigree rings for navels and nostrils, elegant sticks for eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, funny pendants for the young, noble cones with funny miniature toys, funny horseshoes with locks and much more.

    When the wound heals, it coexists quite peacefully with stainless metals such as palladium and titanium. Synthetic materials, for example, plastics, should be worn only briefly and used no more than once or twice a week.


    A huge number of women are ready to do a lot just to stand out from the crowd and highlight their beauty. For several years in a row, nose earrings have remained at the peak of popularity, adding some piquancy to one’s appearance. According to statistics, men find this type of jewelry very sexy and attractive. Thanks to the wide range of earrings, you can constantly select jewelry to suit your look.

    In general, the history of piercing began several dozen centuries ago. There is even mention of such decoration in the Bible. For many tribes, nose piercing is a mandatory ritual. Some people use bones, feathers, teeth, etc. instead of earrings.

    What are nose earrings called?

    The anatomical structure of the nose makes it possible to use several types of piercings, which allows you to choose the most suitable one for yourself. suitable option. It is worth considering that making holes in this part of the face is painful and takes a long time to heal, so you should think carefully before deciding to get a puncture.

    The most popular is the piercing of the wing of the nose. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the pain in this place is not too noticeable. Secondly, the range of jewelry is the largest. In the salon, after a puncture, they usually immediately insert a screw with a ball, which is secured inside with a special hook.

    They may also use a decoration called barbel. Outwardly it looks like a horseshoe. There is a circular version with small balls at the ends. When the puncture heals and there is no pain, replace the earring with any of the existing options: straight or curved fang, ring, lance, labret, stud or nostrilla.

    When a puncture occurs in the nasal septum, it is recommended to use the following earrings: barbell, keeper, horseshoe or ring. The last two options can be purchased in both gold and silver. For the manufacture of other products, titanium, surgical steel or silicone are mainly used.

    If you decide to make a puncture in this particular place, then you should contact a professional craftsman, because if the hole is made incorrectly, the jewelry will end up looking crooked.

    Some people decide to pierce the tip of the nose and bridge of the nose. In the first case, the hole can be made not only horizontally, but also vertically. It is recommended to use a barbell for this. In the second case, it is necessary to give preference to rings or barbela.

    Oriental jewelry is worth discussing separately. The peoples of the East never do piercings just like that, it always has special meaning and carries a certain meaning. Many cultures associate the nose with a person's ability to procreate.

    Men demonstrated their courage and readiness to start a family by wearing large jewelry. In India, a girl's left nostril was pierced the night before marriage.

    How to choose an earring for a nose piercing?

    Experts recommend choosing jewelry in advance and only then going to the salon. Initially, it is worth saying that silver products should not be taken, because... When it gets into a puncture, this metal begins to darken. In addition, silver particles get into the hole and lead to an unaesthetic appearance.

    You should approach the choice of gold products with special care. Be sure to check the earring so that there is no sample on the part that will be punctured, as this will irritate the wound and it will take a long time to heal.

    Also keep in mind that the head of the upper part above the puncture should not be large, because air must flow to the hole. In addition, this will prevent the growth of scar tissue along the edge of the wound.

    When choosing the nose, pay attention to the bend of the hook. It should be as large as possible to make putting it on easier.

    A gold earring is the most common piece of jewelry. In almost all jewelry stores you can find several different options. Instead of a regular ball, products can be shaped like a butterfly, flower, triangle, etc. In principle, the range is quite wide. The advantage of such jewelry is that they do not cause allergies and do not lose their attractiveness.

    Nose earrings with diamonds are no less popular. As a rule, such products are a manifestation of financial viability. There are simpler options with semiprecious stones or with Swarovski crystals.

    The pieces may have one diamond or another stone, or they will have a specific shape with several stones. There are also earrings made from special medical alloys.

    There are many exotic jewelry for piercings, but the most popular option is Indian nat. When such a decoration appeared on a girl, everyone knew that she had lost her virginity. Modern Indian women use nat not only following traditions, but also as a fashion accessory.

    An interesting fact is that in different parts In India, nose decorations are viewed differently. For example, in the north and east of the continent, women wear earrings in both nostrils, or they pierce the septum and insert a ring. It can be of different sizes, starting with small specimens and ending with a huge hoop that covers the entire cheek.

    In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, women can get their nose pierced at any time without waiting for their wedding. Hoop earrings inserted into the nose are called mukkuthi. In India, they wear not only nose rings, but also carnations, and items in the shape of birds and fish.

    How to insert an earring into your nose?

    Accuracy and sterility are important in this process. To prevent serious problems from occurring, you need to use peroxide, gloves, cotton pads, and the earring itself. The tools you will need are a special needle and forceps.

    You can insert an earring if there is no hole in several steps:

    • Since the skin in a new puncture is mobile, it is better to use a special needle;
    • Place the earring for 10 minutes. into peroxide, which will allow it to be thoroughly disinfected. Wear gloves;
    • Inhale forcefully through your nose, which will allow you to see two indentations in your nostrils. Their center is best place for puncture. Lighten the nose to determine where there are no capillaries. Using a marker, make a dot;
    • Moisten a cotton pad and disinfect the site of the future puncture. Take the needle and check that the selected decoration fits easily into it;
    • Using forceps, fix the nostril so that the hole in it coincides with the previously placed point;
    • Using a needle, make a hole. Remove the forceps and leave the needle alone. You need to insert the selected decoration into it. Remove the needle and the earring will remain in the nose;
    • Now fix the product. If you choose a spiral or a ring with a ball, then be sure to fix them all the way. When choosing a nail, you will have to fasten a ball on the inside that will hold it tightly. If it is a ring, then insert the thin end into the hollow part and press until it clicks. In the end it should be perfect shape circle;
    • Do not remove the earring until the piercing is completely healed. On average, this takes a week.

    Changing decorations depends on a variety of options. If you want to insert a loop, then you need to do it from the outside in. First, insert the end of the loop and carefully twist it clockwise.

    Typically, such products have a spiral or loop-shaped end that allows them to hold on. The bar should be inserted from the inside thumb, and then twist the ball. Be sure to check that everything is done correctly and it will not fall out.

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