• What phrases should you not say to a woman or girl?


    A man is increasingly confused about how to behave with a woman. The desire of men to dominate and feel their own superiority is now suppressed by women.

    IN modern world The role of breadwinner is distributed almost equally between husband and wife. And the woman justifiably rattles pots nervously after work, since, unlike her husband, she also has a second shift. This situation is developing, women are impudently displacing men from their full-fledged positions: managers, scientists, drivers. Men do not want to lose their positions, but they absolutely do not know how to consolidate them.

    Therefore, the reaction of men is very diverse, and is aimed at regaining their primacy. The mistakes of men can be radically opposite: one fertilizes everything in a row (because a woman cannot do this), another begins to assert himself at the expense of a woman (by choosing a weaker, simpler lady), the third gets into a pose and begins to put forward conditions (manipulating children and what they need father). And only a few choose the right decision- come to an agreement with your ego. Save the nerves of your woman, yourself and become happy.

    In this article, I shed light on the main mistakes men make in communicating with a woman. These are the mistakes that can make a woman finally turn away from a man. By the way, many reasons for male behavior are clear to a woman, since she is acutely aware of a person’s condition. This ability is inherent in nature: a mother must understand the needs of a child of any gender.

    Giving in to a woman, even if you are sure she is wrong, speaks of male strength. It is much more difficult to overcome your ego than to regain your position in an argument. Victory over oneself speaks of strength of spirit, and this is what women expect from men.

    "Let's see"

    For a woman, this phrase is equivalent to the phrase “no,” since she understands that the man is not interested in her proposal, but is trying to evade. A woman thinks that a man is making a fool out of her. Because when asking a question, she wants to hear a positive or negative answer. After all, everyone understands that the given answer “we’ll see” is not a hope for “yes”, but a mild form of deception.

    “What kind of dress is this (stockings, makeup), take it off and don’t wear it”, “You need to lose weight (get better)”, “These colors will make you laugh”, “What kind of nonsense are you reading (learning)?”

    Lucky are those couples whose tastes and views coincide even in such trifles. But this is extremely rare. The mistake of men is that they strive to re-educate and reshape a woman or even develop a complex in her.

    It's sad when a man tries to develop a complex in a woman. Of course, if you keep telling a person that he is a bull, he will moo. You shouldn’t play such games with a woman, otherwise after she grunts, he’ll give you, excuse me, a hoof in the ass. A woman is patient and tolerant of remarks about her intelligence, talents or appearance. But there is a limit to everything, after which the man will no longer prove that he just wanted to help her. And it will be funny for a woman if a man begins to assure her that he is her destiny and the light at the end of the tunnel, and all because they used to dream of being Cinderella, but now they dream of being a businesswoman (why, that’s another question).

    A man should never laugh at his woman’s education, hobbies, or talents (especially talents), since she will either leave such a man for someone who will appreciate her or prove that with such knowledge she can earn much more than him.

    “How many men have you had?”, “How were your previous relationships?”

    “We are all women who are bitches, Everyone who is not first is second to us.” Singer Irina Allegrova subtly noticed this nuance. And for good reason.

    All women know male logic - they say, if a woman has not been in long term relationship, then no one needs her, and if she was or had many men, then she, excuse me, is a b**ch.

    “You don’t understand anything about this”, “You’re such a fool”

    Nobody is required to know everything in the world. If a man understands something, it is not a fact that it is understandable to other people. Therefore, such statements are unjustified rudeness.

    But perhaps his woman is a fool. Sometimes it happens. So what? This means that she has other advantages that won him over. And accusing his woman of stupidity and narrow-mindedness, a man first of all blames himself. If she is a fool, then who is he?

    "I don't know"

    From whom, but from the man you love, you least want to hear this phrase.

    "Here's mine ex-girlfriend(wife)…"

    The slightest mention of former young ladies causes a surge of unnecessary and not at all useful emotions for relationships. Especially if a man sets her up as an example or talks about her with or without reason. A woman never wants to know about former women. She can only ask if necessary, and then only a man can tell about his exes.

    “But my mother does it differently”

    Women's subtle mental organization does not tolerate such comparisons. Such phrases can turn a quiet and sweet loved one into an aggressive miguera.

    “This woman is beautiful”, “What an ass she has”, “You are not so young anymore”

    Never talk to a woman about her beauty and age in a negative way. And even more so about the fact that she looks bad or has aged. A woman struggles all her life with age and with flaws in appearance, and if you take their side, you will unwittingly become her enemy.

    Never compare your woman to other women. This is a sore subject. And the woman will certainly choose the same means of struggle. And don’t be surprised when a woman says that Petya is better and sexier than you. And if, after a male comparison, a woman changes her makeup or hairstyle, then the man will have to change a lot to make Petya fade in comparison. In general, you should not buy your wife an abdominal exercise machine, anti-wrinkle cream, etc.

    “You will never go there”, “You will not work there”, “You should not communicate with them”

    A woman should also not categorically prohibit anything or limit her actions and communication. Since a man’s prohibition of this kind can only be justified by his fantastic erudition (magnetic ability to hold the attention of his interlocutor for hours).

    Perhaps the man is not confident and is afraid that his wife will be smarter and more successful and will want to leave him. But maybe it’s better to be the most successful, smart and understanding... Happy couple must be able to find compromises on any issue or desire. Remember that men who forbid women to engage in any interesting activity or communicate with their friends always look very pathetic.

    By narrowing a woman’s range of interests (or muting her talents), a man risks running into aggression on her part. Or she will turn into a downtrodden woman and hate him.

    “You women are all the same”

    Never say that! You will receive nothing in return except aggression and contempt. A woman will perceive you as a misogynist rather than someone who is trying to encourage her to be unique.

    It irritates a woman very much when a man responds to a long and succinct message with such a short and dry answer. Or even worse, silence. This speaks of indifference and indifference, which are unacceptable in relationships between a man and a woman.


    A blow to female pride. “Do you like my new dress?” - “Normal!”, “Did you enjoy your joint vacation?” - "Yes, good!"

    "Where are my socks?"

    Slippers, tie, razor, socks... There are a lot of jokes about this, it seems funny. But in Everyday life The female nervous system may suffer from such issues.

    “Don’t forget, I feed not only you, but also someone else’s child.”

    If you live with a woman who has a child that is not yours, never reproach her for this. A woman-mother reacts very sharply to such words in her direction.


    Recently in mall I was offended. A middle-aged security guard dared to tell me: “Woman, you can’t bring a cart here!” The resentment was so strong that I almost ran him over with this cart. I immediately felt like an aunt nearing retirement age pushing carts at the market. All the puzzles of my Balzac complex came together sharply: the address “woman”, a face without an ounce of makeup, a ponytail at the back of my head and this ill-fated cart.

    In general, there are stop phrases that you should never say to girls, and at absolutely any age.

    Well, or something like this is what comrades usually say when they lose half their brains at the sight of women’s charms. It’s the same as if we say: “You’re stupid and look like a gop, but because of your tool I’m ready to endure.”

    Here the girl may have the idea that she is some kind of simpleton and there is no mystery in her. If you want to say that it is simple and easy for you to communicate with her, then say so, without abbreviations...

    Yes, even to Sobchak or Pugacheva, there is no need to say this at all, since every girl a priori considers herself the most beautiful and inimitable.

    And it doesn’t matter what your ex didn’t do: she didn’t hug you so passionately or didn’t ask you for strawberries at one in the morning. The main thing is never think about it, because you will be reminded of this one incorrect phrase all your life.

    Such things are said by very stupid guys, unless, of course, they are so cunning as to quarrel with their girlfriend and all her friends in this way. In your eyes, only your chosen one should be the most beautiful and intelligent, and you simply should not notice the rest.

    That’s it, you’ll have to forget your mother, at least there’s definitely no point in comparing. Girls know that even the casually thrown phrase “And at our house my mother did this” means a personal failure for each of us as a housewife.

    Hmmm, that means that at other times the girl is ugly and has to wear war paint every day, even if she hates wearing makeup and wearing heels. Learn to give compliments correctly!

    To put it simply, our men are hard-working martyrs, and the women get everything for their beautiful eyes. This is a phrase from an insecure guy, and I hope such people are rarely found.

    What if you imagine that someone would say that about your parents? After all, any normal man will immediately respond to this attack, and maybe even get into a fight. So why should a girl listen to something like this? You need to respect all her relatives, no matter what they are.

    Forget the word “woman” forever, as if it does not exist in our language. Believe me, no young lady, even if she is 50 and has three children, will like this treatment. You are setting her up against you in advance. It’s better to just address yourself as “you”...

    It is clear, of course, that I have not listed all the safe words and stop phrases that should be avoided. But by stopping saying at least these ten expressions, you can already avoid annoying quarrels and insults. After all offended girl, it’s like an earthquake – the consequences are unpredictable!

    The last century was marked by the fact that women began to defend equal rights and ways of self-realization with men. But this does not mean at all that a woman has ceased to be fragile and a delicate flower requiring careful treatment. Especially from close men - a dear friend, husband, lover, Casanova.

    However, what you should never say to a woman has little overlap with the fact that the peculiarity of women is that they are offended differently because they perceive themselves differently in the mirror. What if a man blew, spat and walked away, but a woman has to preen herself for a long time. From here follow phrases that cannot be said to a woman - whether they sound verbatim or not verbatim does not matter. Any normal man who wants to keep a woman by his side is simply obliged to memorize our hit parade. And after that - forget about him once and for all, so as not to say all these bad words to the Beloved and the Only One.

    10 best ways to lose a woman

    And let's start with the most seemingly offensive... 1. "You're stupid" There is an opinion that a woman does not have to be smart, but simply beautiful is enough. This is only partly true: if a woman is not very beautiful (see point 9 of the hit parade), then she will have to become smart in order to charm men in some other way. Therefore, for some women, the phrase “you’re stupid” may sound like a compliment to their appearance. But, fortunately, not for most. In addition, it is already the 21st century - when women fight on equal terms with men using intelligence. Several higher educations, your own business, expensive car and decisive logic are signs of a successful woman who built herself independently, and not through capital from a rich husband/lover. 2. “You are not a woman” If for a man such a phrase (“You are not a man”) is a shot in the back on the spot, then for modern woman comparison with a man may seem flattering. But, fortunately, not for most. No matter how hard men and technological progress try, not all women have lost their femininity enough to sacrifice beauty, tenderness, cunning and motherhood. And for them, denial by a man feminine qualities- at least it's offensive. There is a rude expression among men: “a woman with balls” - and it is usually pronounced with delight. Yes, in some rare cases it is active, Strong woman can inspire respect and admiration. But a man should not change a woman's gender on a permanent basis. 3. “This dress doesn’t suit you.” Hitting the taste of the woman you love without her consent or request is a great way to turn your girlfriend against you. You can criticize not only the style of her clothing, but also her scent (perfume), jewelry, handbag - any external accessories. You can continue and go through what she reads, listens to, watches on TV. Soon the woman will stop coming on dates or will bring a divorce request in an envelope. Or rather, her lawyer will do it. 4. “Where have you been?” This phrase is a little more complicated than for men, however, it speaks not only of invasion of the spouse’s personal territory, but also of male jealousy. A male jealousy, for the elite, is a completely common thing. There are even those who still believe that if they are jealous, it means they love. Which is fundamentally wrong. Nowadays women have become obstinate and self-loving. Therefore, they cannot stand control from their men. But it usually goes to timid, meek fish and mice who become dependent on the powerful, despotic miser. An adequate woman will not endure for long and one day will not come home, but will remain where “she was.” 5. “Know your place, woman.” Men, ah! You, of course, know that a woman’s place is at the stove. She has responsibilities - to feed her husband, clean the apartment, raise a child... and under no circumstances interfere in men’s affairs. Never drive. Go to work... well, okay, sit at home and work, embroider your rags.

    You've been friends for a long time, and now you want to ask a girl out on a date? Or have you liked your classmate for a long time, but you still don’t dare to approach her? Whatever the situation, wikiHow will help you get the girl. Help her fall in love with you as much as you fall in love with her.


    Part 1

    Tell her how you feel

      Test the waters with compliments. You don't need to turn on "romance mode" right away. See how she reacts to compliments and actions that hint that you like her. If she smiles, blushes, is slightly embarrassed, or responds in kind, she probably understands what you are not saying.

      Talk to her alone. When you decide to tell her how you feel, don't do it when there are a lot of other people around. So she may feel awkward and give a different answer than she herself would like. Take her somewhere nice and calm and make sure she feels relaxed when she hears how you feel.

      • “I would like to ask you something in private. Do you have a minute?"
      • “Let’s go for a walk, I’ve been needing to talk to you for a long time.”
      • “_____, can we go out for a while?”
    1. Tell her in a few words that you value her friendship. Tell her that you enjoy being in her company and that you are having a great time together. Keep it short to get to the point faster.

      • “You already know you’re amazing, right?”
      • "I'm very glad I met you."
      • “You know that I can talk about everything with you. You are a wonderful friend."
    2. Take a deep breath and talk about your feelings. It's hard, but if you take a deep breath, count to three and say important words, then it will become much easier for you. If you speak from the heart, you should be proud of what you did.

      Don't rush her to make a decision, let her think. Perhaps your feelings came to her a complete surprise, and she needs time to figure out her own. Give her this time.

      • “You don’t have to reciprocate my feelings, but I couldn’t hide the fact that I liked you anymore.”
      • “I don’t want to embarrass you or put pressure on you. I just wanted you to know how I feel."
      • “I know this is unexpected. I had much more time to think about everything. But if you want to talk about it, I’m ready.”
    3. Ask her out on a date. Be prepared to offer a specific date and time. If she's willing to let your friendship become something more, let this be your official first date.

      • “I am so happy when you are around, and I want to make you just as happy. Will you give me a chance? Will you have dinner with me on Friday?
      • “I will be very glad if you give me the opportunity to get to know you better. Would you like to go to the exhibition with me next week?
      • “I have tickets to the game this weekend. I’d really like us to go there together and have some fun, just you and me.”
    4. Don't be dramatic and avoid grand "romantic" gestures. Beautiful words and techniques from films real life does not work. Keep it simple and be yourself - that's all you need. Here are examples of what do not do it speak.

      • "I love you". It's too early for this, especially if she's hearing about your feelings for the first time.
      • “If we can’t be together, it’s better that we don’t see each other again.” With this ultimatum you will back her into a corner and she will feel terrible. Definitely not the most romantic thing to do!
      • “I’ve liked you for a very long time, month after month, more and more.” Keep it simple. She should be easy and calm with you, but unexpected pressure will ruin everything.
      • “You and I are like a bee and honey, like the sea and a light breeze...” - and stuff like that. Once again: keep it simple and to the point!

      Part 2

      Be friends
      1. Spend time together in groups. Enter the girl's social circle and make friends with her. Sign up for clubs and clubs where she goes, attend parties and events where she appears. Let her get used to you, talk to her more and more and before you know it, you will become friends.

        Get to know her more and more. Find out what she likes and doesn't like, her quirks and bad habits. This is the path to success; girls don't want to date those who like them not only because of their appearance. They want a relationship with someone who truly “gets” them. Talk about religion, politics, where she grew up, her family and other important things. But you can also talk about stupid things!

        • Let her get to know you too! Start a friendly conversation and let her speak, but don't forget to add a word yourself.
      2. Explore her passions and let her explore yours. Support her in what she loves to do. Find out more about it and maybe even do it yourself. Even if you don't want to or can't, go to shows she performs in. She needs to feel like you understand what makes her life happy. Let her see you enjoying your hobbies. Passion is contagious and very attractive.

        Be a good friend. Become a good friend - be there when she needs support during tough times, help solve her problems if you can, make her laugh, bring fun into her life and always find new ways to enjoy life! Don't be afraid to get into the "friend zone": if you are truly worth it, it doesn't matter how long you are friends; she will respond to your feelings.

        Part 3

        Strengthen the connection between you
        1. Spend quality time alone. If you want to make her feel serious about you, the two of you need to spend more time together where you can focus on each other. Invite her to go with you when you need to get something done, just as a friend. You can also invite her to do something with you (watch a movie she hasn't seen yet, try a new video game, etc.).

          Let her feel how wonderful she is. A girl should feel good around you. Let her feel important and be in harmony with herself. Compliment her, never put her down, and always encourage her to achieve what she wants. Show her that you notice when she does something good - even if it's something small like helping someone.

          Keep your distance. One of the reasons why people are afraid of relationships is the fear of losing themselves and constantly pretending to be someone else. They think they'll lose their friends free time or that people will perceive them differently. Keep a little distance to help her understand that she shouldn't be afraid of doing this with you. Mind your own business and help her find interesting activities which she can do independently.

        Part 4

        Work on yourself

          Try again and again. If she turns you down, it's not the end of the world. You will be sad, but you will find someone else. You don't want to impose your feelings and artificially create your relationship. You deserve to be loved as much as you are loved. It's not your fault that she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, but it's not her fault either: some people just aren't meant for each other. But what you can do is work on making sure that the next time you develop feelings for a girl, you present yourself in the best possible light. This The best way make sure that exactly the girl responds to your feelings.

          If possible, talk to her in person. Even if it scares you, you need to talk about your feelings face to face. If you want to do this via SMS, email, or through friends, your actions will look childish and frivolous.

          Look after yourself. When a person does not take care of himself, he thereby tells other people that he is unworthy of courtship and love. You are an amazing person and you need to treat yourself that way! Respect yourself and take care of your body. Wash regularly, use deodorant, and wear clean clothes that fit and look good on you.

          Do something with your life. No one wants to date a person who does nothing, who himself is a nobody. Show girls that you are a holistic, interesting person. Get off the couch and find something to do! Play sports, learn something, join a club, focus on school work: do whatever makes you happy.

          Help others. You want any girl who hears something about you or gets to know you to understand that you are... good man. Work on yours personal qualities, if you're a little self-obsessed, always be kind to everyone around you, maybe even volunteer. Such things attract kind girls.

          Get some cool skills. If you don't have anything else up your sleeve, you can interest a girl with a cool skill or talent. If you haven't mastered any of this yet, take the opportunity to learn something new! This will help you with girls and will be useful in the long run.

          Make sure she doesn't have anyone. This will require finding out a little about her or secretly asking her friends, but if she's already trying to get some guy, she won't be able to reciprocate your feelings when you tell her how you feel. But even if she cares about the other guy, you can still try. But be prepared to fail.

        Part 5

        Don't stop learning

          Learn how to properly ask a girl out on a date. Not everyone can boast of professional experience in inviting girls on dates. If you're afraid to tell her because you don't know what to say, don't worry. It's not as hard as it seems.

          Learn to maintain self-confidence. Confidence is really important when it comes to who you like. This is an attractive trait for almost everyone, so it's worth mastering if you want to get the girl you like.

          . If you really want to arouse serious feelings in a girl, it often has a lot to do with your conversational skills. Learn to start and maintain conversations well so that she wants to see more of you in her life.

        • Don't tell your to the best friend that you like this girl if he likes her too.
        • Be yourself. If she doesn’t like you for who you are, that’s okay; there will be someone who will love the real you.
        • If you're afraid to talk to her, look over her shoulder and she'll think you're talking to her.
        • If you're desperate, meet a girl at a party, invite her to dinner, get to know her, ask her main question and... a start has been made.
        • Tell her how you feel. If she says no, be a man and let her go. They say when you love someone, you need to be able to let them go.
        • Do not hurry. Find out as much as you can about her, have fun and spend quality time with her. You don't need to run up to her and talk about your feelings - it doesn't work. Also, don't put pressure on her under any circumstances.
        • Be polite to her friends. But don't overdo it, or she might think you're in love with her friend.
        • Help her. If you notice that she is carrying something heavy, approach her and offer your help.
        • Don't ask the same question over and over again. Otherwise, she will decide that you do not respect her.
        • Don't write several messages at a time and don't call her too often. Nobody likes “stuck”.

    Women are gentle, uncomplaining and submissive creatures. However, every man can become a victim of merciless female anger, especially if he does not watch his words. In this article you will learn what not to say to a woman.

    Popular wisdom says that women love with their ears. There really is some truth in this, because unlike men, we perceive verbal information very well, taking compliments and praise at face value. But, consequently, ambiguous and ambiguous phrases spoken by a loved one will be perceived by us in the most unfavorable light. Therefore, men who want to live in peace and tranquility need to memorize 30 phrases that cannot be said to women under any circumstances.

      In this dress you look so much like my mother.

      Are you really going to eat all of this?

      I'm so tired! Let's skip talking today and get straight to sex.

      Which Nice dress! My ex had exactly the same thing, although it fit more loosely on her.

      Your friend looks very good! Would you like to dye your hair the same color as hers?

      Sorry, I forgot to do what you asked me to do because I was out at the bar with friends.

      Maybe sign up for a gym?

      How much have you prepared? But I'd rather have pizza for dinner today.

      Do you really like these pants? I think you should try on a size larger.

      I forgot to warn you - tomorrow we won’t go to the theater because my mother is coming to see us.

      Maybe you will go to your parents alone?

      Do you remember how wonderful we had a holiday at sea last year? Oh, yes, I wasn’t with you then.

      Let's give your cat to someone and get a tarantula?

      At least in the next five years, I definitely don’t plan to get married.

      Darling, please remind me what date is our anniversary?

      Why does your mom look so bad? Is she sick?

      Are you going shopping again? You already bought a fur coat last year.

      I miss the borscht that my mother used to cook so much.

      Maybe you won't invite your friend to our house anymore?

      Where did you put my socks again?

      You don't understand anything about this!

      When we first started dating, all my friends were jealous of me! You were so beautiful and thin at that time.

      Are you sure that a sore throat can be treated with these pills? Maybe I'd better call my mom?

      How come you didn't have time to cook dinner? What were you doing all day?

      I don't think you should go for an interview with this company. It’s unlikely that they need employees with an education like yours.

      You are the best of all my girls!

      I consider myself too young to think about children.

      Come on, instead of a gift, I’ll give you money for your birthday, and you can choose something for yourself.

      I prefer to have sex without condoms.

      I love you (if I really don't).

    Dangerous topics

    The list of phrases that should become taboo when communicating with your girlfriend can be continued indefinitely. In order not to get into trouble and inadvertently offend a woman, men should remember several topics that should be discussed very carefully and carefully.

    Notes on appearance

    First, you should never, under any circumstances, make direct comments to a woman about her appearance or weight. If you don't like her new dress, or you think the girl should lose weight, you need to hint at this very transparently. For example, instead of the phrase: “Darling, why don’t you join the gym?”, you can invite her to spend a joint weekend on the sports ground or on a horse ride.

    Comparison with other women

    Secondly, women don't like to be compared. If a man wants to give his beloved a compliment and calls her the most best girl, which he had, this will cause righteous anger. Any comparisons in themselves are humiliating, and even more so, mentioning past relationships will make her jealous.

    Criticism of culinary and other abilities

    Thirdly, you should not hint to a woman about her poor culinary or housekeeping skills. Every girl who loves her chosen one tries to surround him with attention and care. And even if she does not succeed in everything as it should, it is better to turn these errors into a joke.

    Negative statements about loved ones

    Fourthly, under no circumstances should you speak negatively about her close people, be it her mother or her best friend.

    And fifthly, women should not lie, as they sense lies very subtly. The exception applies only to white lies. For example, if you didn’t pick up your dry cleaning items even though you promised, it’s better to lie and say that it was closed than to frankly admit that because you were on vacation with friends, you couldn’t keep your promise.

    Communication is a delicate thing. To build harmonious relationships and not to destroy them with accidentally spoken phrases, you need to treat your chosen one carefully and with respect. Before you say anything, you need to think, would you like to hear the same thing?

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