• What does it mean to be a well-groomed woman? What a well-groomed woman looks like


    All men dream of ideal woman, who could feed you rich borscht, and would be distinguished by her extraordinary intelligence, and she would also have beauty and charm... In addition, a woman must be well-groomed , because it is not enough to have natural beauty, which is nothing more than a gift of nature, you need to be able to preserve it and maintain it in proper condition.
    Preserving this gift requires considerable effort and constant hard work. Not everyone can be born beautiful, but everyone can take care of their body and always be well-groomed. What does it look like well-groomed woman and how much effort does it take to do this?

    For a woman, self-care is, first of all, a tribute to respect and love for herself. There is nothing overly complicated here, however, you will still have to make some efforts to be well-groomed. Lack of free time, workload, endless cycle of household chores - these are just pathetic excuses for our laziness and irresponsible attitude towards what nature has given us.

    Knowing the basic commandments of a well-groomed woman, you will always remain attractive and desirable. Over time, following certain rules will turn into a habit and become a way of life.


    Looking well-groomed and beautiful is an art. Knowing just 5 rules of a well-groomed woman, you can change and become attractive at any age. They look like this:

    1. Hairstyle anytime, anywhere. This business card every woman. Always and in any situation must be clean and neatly laid out. For amateurs short haircuts You need to visit the hairdresser monthly to ensure your hair is always in perfect shape. If you have hair, do not forget about timely touch-up of regrown roots, especially if the original color differs from the one you chose by more than 2 tones;
    2. The skin should always be healthy and well-groomed in any area. A well-groomed woman cannot have a flaky, shiny forehead, chapped lips and blackheads! The daily minimum skin care plan for any woman should consist of: daily cleansing and, weekly nutrition and exfoliation of the skin, excess skin and care of the hands and feet;
    3. , deserve to be handled with care. After all, they are the ones the interlocutor pays attention to immediately after the face, and they are the ones who are able to reveal the true age of a woman. Try to do all the work related to water, household chemicals and earth while wearing gloves. This will not only save, but also protect the skin from drying out, calluses and hangnails;
    4. Go anywhere without makeup, even in the kitchen – this is exactly what the rules of a well-groomed woman say. There shouldn't be a lot of it, but it should be there anyway. Makeup should be neat, appropriate for the time of day and location. Easy everyday makeup It won’t take much time, but it will allow you to be well-groomed and attractive even at home near the stove. Your eyes and lips should always be in order, because your face is your calling card;
    5. Neat, clean, ironed clothes are the law! No self-respecting woman would ever go out with stains or pills on her clothes. A protruding thread, a wrinkled blouse and unclean shoes - are these signs of a well-groomed woman? Such untidiness can ruin the best image.

    A well-groomed woman always has a mirror in her purse so that she can touch up her makeup at any time. In addition, she always carries spare stockings or tights with her, which have the unpleasant property of tearing at the most inopportune moment.

    The heels on her shoes are always in order, and the buttons are sewn on. When choosing clothes, she takes into account her age, color type and body shape, and does not neglect the use of accessories and jewelry. And, of course, a well-groomed woman never leaves home without a drop of beauty.


    Despite the fact that every woman is always 18 years old at heart, there are some features of the image of a well-groomed woman in different periods life.

    So, for girls under 25-30 years old, it is not worth much effort to always be well-groomed: the skin is still young and elastic, a lifestyle in which positive emotions predominate, quite active, and enough time to take care of oneself. Sometimes complete cleansing and moisturizing of the skin is enough to keep it always radiant. In makeup, too, you don’t need any special tricks - natural naturalness and youth take their toll! You can be relatively bold in your choice of clothing, and I don’t mean vulgar.

    After 35-40 years, women need to be more careful about their appearance, carefully select and decorative cosmetics, taking into account the characteristics and needs of its already mature skin. In addition, you need to carefully select the elements of your wardrobe, which should be discreet and elegant. Makeup at this age also has its own characteristics; too bright colors and too clear lines are completely inappropriate. However, to become old woman It is not worth it ahead of time either in clothing or in lifestyle.

    A well-groomed woman after 40 is the result of daily, regular and correct self-care. At this age, many women lack motor activity, family troubles and worries take up most of the time and leave neither the strength nor the desire to spend time on self-care. But, I repeat once again: lack of time is just an excuse. Just like lack of money is also an excuse. Therefore, with respect and love for yourself, you can find enough time and money to be beautiful and well-groomed.

    By the age of 40, a person is usually an accomplished person, with an understanding of style, elegance, and taste. 40 years is the middle of life. And if you keep yours, then you are still available elegant outfits, shortened skirts, fitted styles that add femininity. Gives a special charm to a woman light beautiful. If you cannot stay in the sun for a long time, self-tanning products will come to your aid -.

    However, not all the secrets of a well-groomed woman lie in proper and regular care of her body, clothes and timely visits to the hairdresser. There are things that make us special and unique, without which no one can become well-groomed and beautiful. This is unquenchable optimism and hope for the best, an open cheerful smile, shining eyes, good mood, a good-natured attitude towards others and self-confidence.

    I believe that our whole life in general and how we look in particular depend only on what we think. Therefore, the main task of every person is to cultivate a positive attitude towards life, towards the world around, a thirst for activity and a love for life.


    Experts name eight signs of a well-groomed woman.

    1. Beautiful hair. There are two main components of a beautiful hairstyle: correct haircut And quality care. The head should always be clean and well-groomed. This will undoubtedly be useful to you

    2. Good hairstyle. Complicated styling is not necessary. Simplicity is always important. Light waves, soft curls or straightened hair are appropriate in any situation. And for women in post-Balzac age

    3. Perfect skin. With clear skin, a woman can spend less time putting on makeup, so she needs to cleanse and moisturize.

    IN at different ages facial skin requires special care. In particular, after 45 years, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, the body’s production of collagen decreases, and later stops altogether. By the way, there are different ones.

    All this leads to the fact that the skin of the face over time requires more moisture than before. To moisturize the skin of the face, external influences in the form of creams and ointments alone will not be enough; the skin also needs hydration from the inside. You don’t need to do anything special to internally moisturize your skin, just try to drink 1.5 - 2 liters every day ordinary water(preferably cleaned). This condition is not at all difficult to fulfill, but it is very important for the skin of your face, because without it, creams may not bring any results at all, and may even harm the skin by “taking” moisture from the upper skin tissues.

    For facial care, continue to use facial scrubs and masks according to your skin type (see). It will also be useful for the skin, as well as for the entire body as a whole, to include more natural juices and fruits in your daily diet, because they contain most of the vitamins that your body needs so much.

    Facial skin is one of the indicators of the health of the entire body as a whole. Stress, lack of vitamins, fatigue - all this is reflected on your face, and far from better side. Take care of your face from a young age, then in more mature years you will not have to make any efforts. special effort to maintain your beauty.

    4. Graceful eyebrows. It is necessary to correct their shape at least 2 times a week. Untidy eyebrows are immediately noticeable.

    The expression of your eyes and face depends on the shape of your eyebrows, their color and length. Not everyone knows this procedure, which is called eyebrow correction. Don't believe me? Look at the women around you. Perfect eyebrows are very rare. Some prefer string eyebrows, hoping that they look gentle, but they make the facial expression look like a doll. “Brezhnev” eyebrows symbolize indifference to one’s appearance. Vulgar eyebrows, drawn in like black arrows...

    Eyebrows should be long and elegant, smooth and graceful. They are slightly wider at the bridge of the nose, then the width up to the upper point of the bend is almost unchanged, narrowing only at the temples. What should you consider when adjusting your eyebrows? The shape should be selected strictly individually, taking into account the shape of the face; for the first time, it is better to contact a specialist for correction. Arched eyebrows rejuvenate the face and give a clear expression to the face. Thick, wide eyebrows give the face severity and severity. Too long eyebrows that fall to the outer corners of the eyes make the facial expression sad and age.

    To determine exactly where your eyebrow should start and end, use this drawing:

    5. Flawless makeup. It is better that it is natural, as it is suitable for any occasion. The main thing is not to repeat it. Also, one of the main principles is that the emphasis should be placed either on the eyes or on the lips.

    6. Light tan. In summer, the skin should be at least slightly bronzed. Tanning is associated with health and well-groomed appearance. In addition, it improves the appearance of the skin. by the way, do you know

    7. Well-groomed hands. If it is not possible to get a perfect manicure, it is better not to paint your nails at all, but they should be beautiful shape and healthy.

    Of course, every woman wants to have beautiful hands. But this can not always be done only with a manicure. For persistent redness of the hands, alternating baths of hot and cold water have a positive effect. You can enhance the effect of this procedure with a hot infusion of calamus tubers and nettles (2 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of water) and a cold decoction of oak bark (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), 10-15 alternations should be completed with a cold procedure.

    To strengthen fragile and brittle nails you can take warm baths 1-2 times a week vegetable oil with the addition of three drops of iodine and five drops lemon juice. Nails grow faster and become stronger when eating foods rich in proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and gelatin. Beeswax thimbles have a very positive effect on strengthening brittle nails. The wax is heated in a water bath, then, while it is warm, almost all of your fingers are immersed in it. Try to keep the wax frozen in the form of thimbles on your fingers until the morning.

    To keep your hands soft, baths of potato broth are good. To do this, put your hands in the warm water where the potatoes were boiled for 15-20 minutes. The results of such procedures will undoubtedly please you. see also

    8. Thoughtful image. A well-groomed woman always chooses an image that suits the circumstances. Besides, it wouldn’t hurt to know

    The classic style of clothing will be relevant at all times; it is the foundation in the fashion world. It will always be popular with those people who want to dress elegantly and comfortably.

    The classic clothing style is characterized by certain features.

    1. The fabric must be expensive and of high quality.

    2. The color scheme should be unobtrusive and dim.

    3. No bows, ruffles, etc.

    4. The simplicity of the cut should emphasize the advantages of the figure.

    5. Minimum number of accessories.

    6. It is unacceptable to have decorations on shoes.

    Simplicity of style and modesty, wonderful taste are present in all clothes of the classical style.

    Who among us does not dream of being the most beautiful? Catch the admiring glances of men, accept sincere compliments, and look at your reflection in the mirror with a feeling of complete satisfaction, and even joy.

    But reality can be much harsher than our dreams.

    Think about it, how often are you dissatisfied with your appearance? Meanwhile, solving this problem is perhaps much easier than you think, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists, stylists and plastic surgeons.

    You may not be beautiful...

    ...but well-groomed - of course!

    Look around how little there really is in the world beautiful people! Beautiful one the most natural, ideal beauty. There are only a few of these...
    But there are many people who have a special attractiveness and charm that is unique to them. They are not perfect, they are all different, but there is something about them that attracts like a magnet. This is charm, a kind of charisma! The desire to please people.

    I want you to understand that there is no point in wanting to be like a model or some super beauty. After all, you are a thousand times better, you just need to reveal your potential!

    But there's another one little secret success - you should always be well-groomed. Being well-groomed has enormous power, it is your highlight, your attractiveness.

    What prevents us from looking well-groomed?

    Just let's not talk now about the lack of money for expensive cosmetical tools, clothes, stylists. They are not at all necessary to be well-groomed. Such excuses are just harmful stereotypes ingrained in your brain.

    Let's get rid of them now!

    So, what is stopping us from looking well-groomed? And everything is as simple as shelling pears – it’s just plain laziness!

    Do you doubt it? Do not believe?

    What does a well-groomed girl look like?

    A well-groomed girl can be seen from afar. She may not be at all distinguished by her natural beauty, but there is something about her... Some kind of special harmony, gloss. She is always flawless - silky hair that you want to touch, tender velvet leather, bright radiant eyes, special style, making her a truly unique personality. She's flawless.

    I think now you understand what it looks like well-groomed girl, the next step is to understand how to become one.

    How to always look well-groomed?

    It is naive to believe that now I will give you a magic pill, and you will immediately become so well-groomed, well-groomed, beautiful, beautiful, and the guys will be stacked at your feet, and the princes will take off their hats.

    Being well-groomed is a whole science. This is daily work. I repeat, you need to work every day. 1-3 hours a day. Is it a lot or a little? It depends…

    I foresee your protests regarding the acute shortage of time.

    Everyone always misses him.

    The problem is that we spend a lot of time on trifles. Such precious time, which could be very useful to us for more important matters...

    For this I have developed a small step by step instructions, which will tell you how to always look well-groomed.

    "How to look well-groomed"

    Step 1 – Find time for yourself

    In order to be well-groomed and beautiful, you need to take care of your appearance every day. Don't waste your day on trifles. Moreover, it doesn’t take much time to become well-groomed.

    Set aside 45 minutes for your beauty in the morning and 1.5 hours in the evening on weekdays. And on the weekend, devote 3-4 hours to your appearance.

    This will be quite enough.

    Step 2 – Start your morning right!

    Well-groomed girl sets the alarm clock in advance right time. She wakes up with a smile and does exercises to be cheerful, beautiful and total energy the whole coming day. Much has been said about a glass of water on an empty stomach and a proper breakfast - this is very important for maintaining health and attractiveness as you age.

    Step 3 – sports must be! (And they should also be a joy)

    It will probably be unnecessary to talk about the importance of physical activity. However, not every one of us is able to overcome laziness and go to the nearest fitness center and gym.

    Meanwhile, you have a great chance to save your time and money, and even get a great figure. And I mean this quite seriously.

    Now on the Internet you can download a lot of the most different videos lessons.

    For girls with poor athletic training who love smooth stretching exercises, bodyflex is ideal. I recommend downloading “Bodyflex with Marina Korpan”, because today her system has no equal on the RuNet.
    For lovers of active fitness, the course “ Beautiful figure in 30 days with Jillian Michaels." I recently found this course on the Internet and really liked it. As Gillian herself says: “It’s simple and effective!”

    No need to buy CDs! All of these lessons can be downloaded online for free. If you don’t find it, write to me and I’ll share my notes.

    Step 4 – Face and body care

    Your beauty arsenal should always include makeup remover, face toner, body cream and, of course, perfume!

    Don't forget to take care of your appearance every day.

    Don't go to bed without thoroughly cleansing your face first.

    After taking a bath, always apply cream to your body, because it is not only good for the skin, but also incredibly pleasant! Do cosmetic procedures at home with simple ingredients. There are such recipes on our website.

    Pamper yourself more often. And never forget what a well-groomed girl should look like and what she shouldn’t look like!

    Your hair also requires attention and care. Let it be not only shampoo and conditioner, but also masks once a week, and self-massage of the head with each wash. It would seem like little things that don’t take up much time, but they will make your hair truly royal. Then you will understand what well-groomed hair is, radiating health and natural strength.

    And try to use a hairdryer as little as possible. His hair splits and breaks.

    Don't forget about your hands: they should always be in order. Beautiful, neat nails, manicure that matches well with your clothes.

    Don't go outside without a drop of your favorite perfume and light, natural makeup. The aroma of perfume should be slightly perceptible. If you go to important meeting, it is better not to use perfume, the interlocutor may not like the aroma and the meeting will not be successful.

    Speaking of makeup...

    Step 5- Flawless Makeup

    Makeup is a must! And it should be natural. More details about natural makeup I said in the article ““.

    Learning how to apply makeup is not difficult, it's all a matter of practice. And don’t listen to those who say that a girl should be without makeup. Ladies should be liked by the men around you, and then your loved one will appreciate you and be afraid of losing you.

    However, remember that for special occasions there should be special, brighter and more noticeable makeup.

    How to do nude makeup for summer period you can watch in this video:

    Step 6-Shape and perfect your style

    Do you have your own style? No? You're wrong! Each person has his own style, it’s just that for some it’s, well... lame, let’s put it that way.
    And all because we often buy things impulsively: we like it or don’t like it, without thinking about our image as a whole.

    When buying a new item for your wardrobe, think about what you will wear it with and how you will look. An important detail in a woman's wardrobe is shoes. The suit may not be expensive, but the shoes (boots) should be beautiful and of high quality. It is better to save up money for expensive and good shoes than to buy cheap ones. Such shoes will raise self-esteem and will not injure your feet.

    Look closely at other people on the street, on TV. Find your style and stick to it. And you don't need a lot of money for this. The video in this article will help you understand how to choose and combine clothes and how to look expensive without spending a lot of money.

    By the way, don’t forget that makeup is also an important part your style. And it should always match your clothes and then you will create a harmonious image.

    I think that the most best style for a girl – lightness and femininity. Love skirts and dresses, bright fabrics. Don’t be lazy to experiment with accessories and jewelry, because they are what give our image a special charm and charm.

    Well, now you know how to look well-groomed, it’s just a matter of small things...

    So gradually, step by step, you will get closer to your ideal. I just ask you, start right now, without delaying until better times!

    After all, every path begins with such a small but incredibly important step towards your true beauty...

    You just need to love yourself with all your heart, and then you won’t ask desperate questions into the void: “how to look well-groomed?”, “how to become a well-groomed woman?”, “how to become well-groomed at 13,14,15,25,50 years old? " You will just be her - a beautiful and well-groomed girl! And let your feminine hobby be love and self-care.

    A beautiful girl is not one who has an attractive appearance, but one who is well-mannered and well-groomed. Becoming such a person is not so easy; it requires perseverance, desire and aspiration. If you have such character traits, then you can turn into a well-groomed girl. We will tell you how to do it correctly, what to pay attention to.

    What prevents women from being well-groomed?

    • Family tradition. If housekeeping is considered the main thing for grandmother and mother, and grooming fades into the background, then it will be difficult for a girl to defend her position in order to look different. If you have a similar situation, then you need to feel whether you agree with this opinion. If not, then take control of the situation and change yourself.
    • The desire to hide. This desire is not conscious; it arises in those who suffered emotional trauma in childhood. For example, a girl twirled in front of the mirror as a child, and her mother scolded her for it. The child concluded that being attractive and beautiful is bad. What to do in such cases? You didn’t receive support from your loved ones as a child, what prevents you from giving it to yourself? You can give yourself everything that you so lacked in childhood.
    • Lack of habit. Probably everyone knows how difficult it is to get used to something: so we take on some business, for the first two or three days there is excitement, and then it disappears somewhere, and with it the desire to continue doing this business. It’s the same with taking care of your appearance. We advise you to break your new activity into several stages - do not grab everything at once, but do everything gradually. Choose one thing, for example, hair care, take care of it for 21 days, then add facial skin care to this habit, and so on.
    • Lack of knowledge. Self-care is a whole science that contains many secrets, subtleties and nuances. Without knowing all this, achieving a good result is not so easy. In the art of beauty, first theory, then practice.

    How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - hair

    They must always be clean. Horror stories that you can wash your hair no more than twice a week are nonsense. Hair is washed as it gets dirty; this happens differently for everyone. As for coloring, you need to do it regularly, because overgrown roots will make your look sloppy.

    How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - skin

    Unfortunately, not every one of us is the owner of a beautiful porcelain skin like statues greek goddesses. Not a single expensive one Foundation or powder from the most famous manufacturer will not hide frankly unkempt skin. Learn the rules daily care take care of your skin and practice them regularly.

    How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - manicure

    Do you know that a woman's well-groomed appearance begins with the well-groomed nature of her hands? Even if men don’t stand in line to kiss your beautiful hand, believe me, they will definitely notice the rough skin on your hands and a stale manicure.

    How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - shoes

    If you want to become well-groomed and beautiful girl, throw away all your old and worn out shoes. Forget about flip-flops forever, these shoes are only suitable for the beach or cottage. Your permanent shoes should be beautiful shoes with heels, tight-fitting boots, neat ballet shoes. As for stockings, they should be black or flesh-colored, no drawings, flowers or mesh.

    How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - makeup

    Natural beauty comes first, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to highlight what Mother Nature has given you. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to confuse evening make-up with daytime. Another very important point– focus either on the eyes or on the lips.

    How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - clothes

    The main thing here is that the clothes are correctly selected according to your figure and age. If you want to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl, your wardrobe should have: small black dress, white shirt, black trousers, beige jumper, cashmere coat pastel shade, pencil skirt, four pairs of shoes.

    If you are not afraid of all the difficulties and still want to become beautiful and well-groomed, then start following our advice. Believe me, you won't have to wait long for a positive result.

    Some people are destined to be beautiful from birth. Successful genetics provided ideal facial features, chiseled figure, luxurious hair. And someone, despite being outwardly unsightly, has a “spark” inside that attracts others. Unfortunately, long legs or charisma is given to us only from above, but there is one thing that any woman, regardless of genetic data, age, and even financial situation(although one can argue here) it will make you attractive - this is well-groomed. With the question of what a well-groomed woman looks like and what is needed to become one, we turned to the readers of our portal.

    Natalya, 38 years old, manager

    A woman’s well-groomed appearance is revealed primarily by her skin, hair and nails, everything else is secondary. If a woman has truly sleek skin, then she can afford to get by with a minimal amount of makeup, because she has nothing to hide, disguise, or draw on.

    The main investments, in my opinion, should not be in decorative cosmetics, but in care products, especially after reaching a certain age. If you want to look good, then you need to cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish your skin every day.

    The lady's hands also give her away. Manicure for me is not painted three-centimeter claws, but a neat shape, moisturized skin (no reddened or flaky paws) and the absence of hangnails. Whether the nails are painted with varnish or not is not so important. I really don't like peeling nail polish or overgrown false nails. It looks so disgusting that I don’t even pay attention to the rest.

    A well-groomed woman should have clean hair. Always, regardless of whether she goes to the theater today or goes to the country. Personally, I don’t believe in horror stories that washing your hair often is harmful. You just need to choose a gentle shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. It’s not for nothing that the French say that a clean head is already a hairstyle.

    Do I consider myself well-groomed? More likely no than yes. I’m often too lazy to take care of myself, and, to be honest, it’s a pity for me to have free time, there’s not much of it anyway. But there are things that are sacred to me: a clean head and moisturizer for the face and hands after washing.

    Sergey 23 years old, student

    For me, a well-groomed girl is, first of all, hair, clean, long, shiny, silky, which you just want to touch. And she is always dressed neatly and stylishly: she wears dresses, skirts, heels, leaving sneakers and jeans for a picnic and for those who don’t take care of themselves. A well-groomed beauty will never wear washed underwear, stale tights or unkempt clothes. Such a girl smells of freshness and a clean body, perhaps a light, light scent of perfume. But when she smells fragrant like a perfume shop, I personally begin to feel sick, and the question immediately arises, what kind of smell is she trying to cover up with this?

    Elena, 27 years old, accountant

    The real indicator of grooming is what is not immediately visible. A woman who takes care of herself does it every day, and not before a vacation, New Year, or going to the beach. It’s crazy for me to hear that some girls don’t do pedicures or waxing in winter, “because no one sees anyway.” But they see it themselves every day! A well-groomed woman always has a fresh haircut, at least with minimal styling, good clean skin, treated arms and legs, neat eyebrows.

    Another important point is teeth. For their sake, I made huge sacrifices - both aesthetic and financial - and put on braces, already more than a year I go with them. If anyone is luckier than me, then professional cleaning at least once a year - this is one of the mandatory elements of care.

    Andrey, 33 years old, programmer

    I don’t like overly sleek young ladies. It seems that such girls, who are like dolls, with perfect manicure, makeup and hairstyle, are busy only with creating their own beauty and are not interested in anything else in life. For me, grooming is identical to the concepts of health and neatness, that is, clean, shiny hair, nails without a mourning border and peeling varnish, teeth without nicotine yellowness. And also slim and toned body. According to my observations, the first “bell” that a woman doesn’t care about herself is excessive obesity.

    Angelina, 24 years old, teacher

    A well-groomed woman can be seen from afar. For example, I consider myself very well-groomed, and people around me constantly remind me of this. What's the secret? I think it’s the attention I pay to my appearance. Thanks to this, I always look my best. It is simply unthinkable for me to go out in public “without a face.” Every morning I do a thorough make-up, apply moisturizer, foundation, correct minor troubles like a pimple on my nose with concealer, “sculpt” my face from 2-3 shades of foundation, with a little on top mineral powder and “meteorites” for a healthy glow of the skin, blush, of course, eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and the finishing touch - lip gloss. It may sound a little heavy, but I use only high-quality cosmetics, so my makeup looks impressive, but at the same time quite natural. Such grooming is expensive and takes a lot of time, but what a result! When I look at women on the street, those who put on makeup with one hand while putting on their boots, I can tell that the comparison is not in their favor.


    Anatoly, 39 years old, businessman

    I believe that a woman simply must be well-groomed, otherwise she simply ceases to be a woman and becomes something like the “middle sex.” Special claims I personally don’t have a problem with the appearance, I like it very much different women. But neat makeup, without the putty effect, easy styling, a manicure should always be present for someone who is not ashamed to show it to either her friends or her mother. There is nothing to even talk about depilation; there is nothing more repulsive than a woman with hairy legs or armpits.

    Elena, 41 years old, doctor

    In my opinion, what makes a woman well-groomed is her head. Look how many women there are around with unkempt hair, burned to the point of straw, with overgrown roots and split ends. Creating the image of a lady who takes care of herself is only possible with a clean, neatly styled, timely painted head. And there can be no compromises like “comb it well, tie it in a bun and it will pass for fresh.” The most important thing in the face is good skin, no matter with or without makeup, straight teeth without dark plaque and eyebrows. The latter are the frame of the entire face; they should not be shapeless, plucked like a thread, colorless or terribly permanent. And a well-groomed woman smells good, clean and has a light, unobtrusive scent that appears a second before her and disappears a minute after her.

    Yuri, 31 years old, forwarder

    I appreciate grooming in women, but it should be in moderation, without fanaticism. For example, it is beautiful when a woman has a fresh complexion and a light tan, but skin that has been overcooked in a solarium or smeared with self-tanner looks repulsive. Or an abundance of cosmetics, when foundation, powder, blush lie like plaster, from under which you can’t even see your face, it’s also annoying. Don’t these girls really understand that such “grooming” is conspicuous by its unnaturalness and is repulsive.

    Natalya, 34 years old, designer

    Well-groomed, I believe, always presupposes a certain lifestyle and level of income. There is no grooming on the trains, in the crush of the subway, in the dirt and in difficult conditions, she cannot survive there. What makes a sleek woman is free money and time when you can get enough sleep every day, eat healthy food, play sports and go for walks. fresh air, and not spin in the “children-home-work” wheel. Well, and also the work of a cosmetologist, hairdresser and dentist on it.

    Who is a “well-groomed woman” and is it possible to be one with a low level of material wealth: what do you think?

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