• What water is better to wash your hair with? How to wash your hair correctly


    Very often in your comments you ask about how to wash your hair correctly and how often it needs to be done. To answer all your questions, we decided to devote a separate article to this.

    How often should you wash your hair?

    Most frequently asked question question that girls ask: how often to wash their hair. You can find a lot of advice on this matter on the Internet.

    Some people strongly recommend washing your hair once a week, they say that frequent washing of your hair washes away sebum and this is fraught with the appearance of dandruff, and also harms your hair. Proponents of this opinion insist that shampoos, which contain very harmful chemical components, provoke us to wash our hair often. But in this case, everything would be fine if the hair did not become too dirty in 6 days, and the head would not itch.

    Others believe that hair needs to be washed every day to keep it clean and look beautiful at the same time. Moreover, this is also evidenced by shampoo advertisements, which say that you need to wash your hair every day. This version could also be trusted, but knowing how many chemical components are in the shampoo is also not the best option. When should you wash your hair?

    In order to give the correct answer to this question, you just need to analyze the situation. Each person is individual and therefore, setting a certain frequency of hair washing for all girls would be categorically wrong. You need to wash your hair when necessary. It all depends on the following factors:

    • Skin and hair type;

    • Hair length and condition;

    • Nutrition;

    • Season;

    • Using different hair styling products.

    How often you need to wash your hair depends on these factors.

    If you have oily skin and oily hair, they usually need to be washed once a day or every other day. If in this case you follow the advice: wash your hair once a week, then imagine what kind of hair you will have and how much your head will itch. IN in this case using shampoo is not harmful, since it does not wash away the lipid film from the head, but cleanses the head and hair. Accordingly, it is necessary to wash your hair based on the degree of contamination.

    If you have short and brittle hair, then daily washing will have negative impact, so again, you need to wash your hair when needed. Since dry hair does not get dirty as quickly as oily hair, on average it needs to be washed once every 3-4 days.

    Eating fatty and high-calorie foods causes hair to become oily faster.

    The time of year also affects the degree of hair contamination. When we wear a hat, our head does not “breathe,” and this, in turn, causes our hair to become oily faster.

    If you use it daily various means for hair styling: foam, gel, hairspray, etc., then it is best to wash your hair every day, since these products have a negative effect on the hair.

    Let's summarize. The hair needs to be washed as soon as the hair gets dirty: the hair becomes greasy or the scalp starts to itch, which means it needs to be washed.

    How to wash your hair

    What shampoo to wash your hair with

    First of all, you must establish your hair type and its condition; all shampoos are divided according to these criteria. Today there are the following types of shampoos:

    • Shampoo for oily hair;

    • Shampoo for dry hair;

    • Shampoo for normal hair;

    • Anti-dandruff shampoo;

    • Shampoo for damaged stripes;

    • Hair strengthening shampoo;

    • Shampoo for colored hair.

    These are the most basic types of shampoos. As you can see, the names of the shampoos indicate what kind of hair they are intended for. When choosing a shampoo brand, rely on reviews on the Internet. And one more nuance, purchase shampoo exclusively from trusted outlets: pharmacies, large retail chains or direct distributors, since today there is Great chance buy a fake, the use of which can cause irreversible damage to your hair.

    What is the best shampoo to wash your hair with?

    It is best to use shampoo for washing your hair, which includes as few chemical components as possible.

    Many girls prefer to use conditioner when washing their hair, as it adds volume to the hair. Using air conditioning is useful, but there is one very big caveat. Some girls, in order to save money or because they are reluctant to apply conditioner after washing their hair with shampoo, buy 2 in 1 shampoo: shampoo and conditioner. But it's not right. Shampoo and conditioner are 2 substances that neutralize each other and thus it turns out that the head and hair do not receive the full properties as when using these two products separately. Therefore, in such a situation, give preference to the separate use of both means.

    And one more nuance that needs to be mentioned. The shampoo needs to be changed periodically, since our hair and head get used to any shampoo, or rather its components, which ultimately leads to the fact that it simply will not produce the desired effect. It is preferable to change shampoo after finishing the previous one.

    How to wash your hair instead of shampoo

    If for some reason you don’t want to use shampoo, then there is a wonderful way to prepare homemade shampoo. For this we need:

    • Two yolks;

    • Half a glass of warm water;

    • A tablespoon of lemon juice;

    • Tablespoon olive oil(see also - ).

    Next, all the above components are thoroughly mixed using a whisk until a homogeneous substance is obtained. We use the resulting substance instead of shampoo, applying it to the head and hair for a few minutes, then rinsing it off. Very good recipe from natural ingredients, which makes hair soft and manageable.

    Is it possible to wash your hair with soap?

    A certain group of girls and women asks whether it is possible to wash their hair with soap. Based on the fact that these issues exist, we cannot ignore them. Firstly, soap contains enough a large number of alkali, which negatively affects our hair. Secondly, in our time, when store windows abound with a wide range of shampoos for various types hair – washing your hair with soap is very illogical.

    How to wash your hair

    When we have determined the frequency of washing your hair and what you can wash it with, now let's find out exactly how it needs to be washed.

    Preparatory procedures

    Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb your hair to thoroughly wash it. Special attention Pay attention to the water and its temperature. Firstly, the water must be warm so that your head does not feel cool. Secondly, if you have very hard and poor quality water, then it is recommended to first boil the water and cool it, or wash your hair with water from a spring (if possible) before heating it. First, we thoroughly wet the hair and the part of the head on which it grows, and then apply shampoo.

    Applying shampoo

    You should not apply shampoo to your hair, but first rub it in with your palms, and then distribute it in equal portions. That is, first we pour into the hand a certain part shampoo, rub it in your palms, and then rub it into the hair roots and into the hair itself, but do not rub the shampoo directly on your head. This must be done in order to ensure even distribution of the shampoo over the entire surface of the head.

    When you wash your hair, shampoo must be applied twice, this must be done in order to thoroughly wash your hair and head from dirt, dust and sebum. At one time (especially if you have long hair) It is almost impossible to wash your hair clean; thanks to double application of shampoo, washing will be of better quality. After you have applied the shampoo once and rinsed it off well, apply it again and rinse thoroughly again until your hair is squeaky clean.

    You need to wash your hair from ear to ear, along the so-called conditional lines, and then move to the back of the head. The movements should be massaging and done with the pads of the fingers, but in no case with the nails, so as not to scratch the head. It is recommended to massage while washing your hair; it will help you relax and is also good for the hair roots.

    The next step is applying hair care products. Conditioner, balm and mask should be applied exclusively to the hair, but not to the head and roots; the hair must first be wet with a towel. It is very important to maintain the correct proportions of these products, since many girls apply them in excessive quantities, which negatively affects their hair. It is best to apply these products along the length of the hair, without rubbing it in. After applying the product, it must remain on the hair for at least 1-2 minutes for it to have its positive effect. There is an opinion among girls that secondary shampoos should not be completely washed off, supposedly this will be better for styling hair, but this is not correct. Residues of these products on the hair will contribute to rapid contamination, while the hair will become heavier, which will contribute to its fragility when combing.

    Have you ever wondered: how much shampoo to apply? How often should you wash your hair? Will the products harm your hair? We asked a trichologist about all this, who dispelled some myths and told us how to properly care for your hair.

    dermato-cosmetologist, trainer and leading specialist in hardware rejuvenation techniques, chief physician of the aesthetic medicine clinic L’art de la vie

    Don't let your hair get dirty

    The head should be washed as the skin becomes dirty. As confirmed by studies conducted by trichologists and dermatologists in different countries, the scalp and hair suffer much more from impurities that accumulate at the base of the hair and are not removed from the head in time. Sebaceous secretions, dust, dirt create a breeding ground for the development of bacteria, do not allow the skin to breathe, and hair roots do not receive enough useful material, - all this disrupts the normal functioning of the scalp and slows down hair growth.

    Don't be afraid of shampoos

    Shampoos that indicate that they are allowed to be used every day are the most neutral, delicate, hypoallergenic and have a non-aggressive composition. Accordingly, they can really be used daily.


    Maintain washing frequency

    The frequency of hair washing should be selected individually, taking into account hair type and water quality. If you fat type hair, then during a break of 3-4 days an abundant sebaceous secretion will accumulate, which can lead to the appearance of minor inflammation.

    Apply shampoo correctly

    The amount of shampoo depends fundamentally on the length of the hair. It is not recommended to pour the product directly onto the head. Firstly, it will be difficult to control its quantity; secondly, an overly concentrated product will reach a limited area. Therefore, you first need to foam the shampoo in your palms, and only then distribute it through your hair.

    The correct algorithm for washing your hair

    Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb your hair to thoroughly wash it. You need to wash your hair from ear to ear, along the so-called conditional lines, and then move to the back of the head. Movements should be massaging and made with the pads of the fingers, but in no case with nails, so as not to scratch the skin. It is recommended to massage while washing your hair; it is beneficial for the hair roots.

    How much shampoo to apply

    It all depends on the frequency of washing and the product used. If you have to wash your hair every day, then double soaping is not necessary. For those who wash their hair 2 times a week, it is better to apply shampoo twice. The second time, it is recommended to reduce the amount of shampoo by half.

    Water temperature

    Many people commit gross mistake and wash your hair with too hot water, which leaches the hair and activates the sebaceous glands. The optimal water temperature for washing hair is 40−50 degrees. It is this temperature regime that promotes good dissolution of sebum, easy removal of dirt, and also improves blood circulation.

    Finish washing your hair with cold water

    It is advisable to complete the washing procedure with a cool or cold shower, which stimulates blood supply to the scalp and makes the hair shiny.

    Mask after washing your hair

    The frequency of using masks depends on the condition of the hair, the desired effect, as well as the composition of the nutrient. If your hair is severely damaged and needs extra care, apply the mask every other day. After 8-10 sessions, the result will already be clearly visible, and you will be able to use the data cosmetic product much less often.
    If you plan to apply a mask to your hair for preventive purposes, do it no more than 1-2 times a week. This frequency is considered optimal.

    Don't forget the balm

    The balm is applied to the hair after washing with shampoo. The balm not only stabilizes the pH level of the hair, but also gives it shine and makes it silkier, since it contains easily reflective elements. The balm also smoothes the outer layer, or cuticle, of the hair, which opens when alkali comes into contact with it - that is, hard water, shampoo, dye or permanent solution.

    The balm CAN be applied along the entire length of the hair (some believe that it is needed only for the ends), including the roots, but do not rub it into the scalp. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. When applied to the scalp, there is a possibility that the balm will weigh down the hair and deprive it of root volume.

    What to do when you've already washed your hair

    Depending on your hair type, it may be necessary to use hair oil or protective spray.

    Following the instructions on the label, apply a drop of oil to dry or wet hair depending on how they react to the oil. Use it very much a small amount of oils to prevent your hair from looking greasy or wet.

    You need to know that the impact essential oils on damaged hair more effective when they are wet. Therefore, if you usually use oil on dry hair, wet it with water and then apply the oil to achieve the desired effect.

    Always use thermal protection

    As for the protective spray, it must be used if the hair needs constant styling with a hairdryer or other devices. Hair is vulnerable to heat, as it consists of a solid protein, keratin. When exposed to temperatures, the smoothed scales of the cuticle (the upper protective layer of the hair) rise, opening the cortex. The keratin softens and the water evaporates. When hot styling, especially on damp hair, the moisture evaporates and the grease is broken down. Hair breaks, becomes dull and brittle.

    It is important to note that thermal protective sprays usually contain natural proteins, vitamins E and B5, as well as extracts of medicinal plants. Thanks to these components, the hair is not only neutralized from thermal effects, but also acquires additional volume, which makes the hairstyle even more impressive.

    It would seem that there could be nothing easier than washing your hair. This procedure is familiar to everyone from birth. However, if for most men, as in childhood, it can remain a simple daily ritual, girls and women who monitor the condition of their curls should not treat it carelessly, because the methods and quality of washing their hair may well affect their condition.

    How often can you wash your hair?

    Most exciting question related to cleansing hair is “How often should you wash your hair.” It is difficult to answer this unequivocally, since it depends largely on physiological characteristics, hair type, time of year (under a hat or in the heat they get dirty faster), physical activity, as well as their condition.

    In general, it is generally accepted that it is enough to wash normal, healthy hair once a week. In principle, we can agree with this. Those who have children have probably noticed that after washing a child’s hair remains fresh and clean for at least seven days, but as he grows up, his hair begins to require more and more frequent cleansing. This may well be associated with the deterioration of their condition.

    Not so long ago it was believed that it was better to wash your hair as rarely as possible. Modern trichologists have refuted this theory. They recommend not allowing heavy pollution, in which the strands become greasy, sticky, covered with dust, a layer of styling products and fat, as this can negatively affect their condition.

    In this regard, hair should be cleaned as needed (if it is in good condition, two or three times a week is usually enough). Experts consider even daily hair washing quite acceptable, especially if the curls are prone to oiliness or when a large amount of styling products is regularly applied to them. However, for this you should use the mildest possible shampoos or those intended for daily use (usually this information is contained on the labels).

    What should you wash your hair with?

    It's no secret that current detergents contain a lot of chemicals that can not in the best possible way affect the condition of the hair. Just look at the sensational sodium lauryl sulfate, which is present in almost all shampoos. This substance is used for washing cars, making household chemicals, powders and even engine cleaning. It foams perfectly and eliminates grease, which is why it is very popular among hair care product manufacturers.

    Other components of conditioners, balms and shampoos can be no less harmful. Therefore, when purchasing them, be sure to pay attention to the composition.

    An ideal hair wash should contain a minimum of chemical ingredients. If you have difficulty understanding what exactly is listed in the ingredients, give preference to trusted brands or products sold in pharmacies. In addition, the product must be suitable for your hair type.

    2in1 type shampoos, the composition of which is also enriched with, for example, balm, would not be the best choice. Of course, a high-quality product will not harm your curls, but they are unlikely to become as good as when using each product separately. The fact is that various substances combined together can neutralize each other’s effects.

    When choosing a shampoo, you should also take into account the fact that the scalp and the hair itself tend to get used to certain substances, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. In this regard, it is advisable to change shampoos from time to time.

    You can wash your hair with oil, this will be especially useful for owners. Any oil that has a beneficial effect on curls is suitable for this, for example, rosemary, almond, wheat germ oil, grape seed oil, jojoba, avocado, etc. However, use them in pure form Not recommended.

    Oils mixed with yolk give a good effect:

    • Whisk a spoonful of oil with the yolk, apply the resulting mixture, massaging it, onto the strands and wrap them in cling film. After about thirty minutes, simply rinse your curls with warm (preferably even slightly cool) water.

    Oils can be combined with other components - mustard powder, honey, colorless henna, lemon juice, and they can also be added to ready-made shampoos.

    Water for washing hair

    Often many people carefully choose shampoos, but do not pay any attention to what water they wash their hair with. Meanwhile, it can affect their condition no less than detergents.

    The water that comes out of our pipes is not the best option because it contains chlorine, which is harmful to your hair. Therefore, it is better to use filtered or bottled water for washing; boiled water is also suitable. To soften it, it is very useful to add a small amount of soda to it (a teaspoon per liter); herbal decoctions will also not be superfluous.

    Washing your hair with cold water, as well as washing your hair with hot water, is not recommended. It should have a comfortable temperature of 35 to 40 degrees. And bold suitable for hair the water is cooler, since hot water helps to activate the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the strands can become even fatter.

    It's hard to believe, but there is a right and wrong way to wash your hair. If you do it right, your hair will become healthy and shiny, and this article will teach you how!


    Choose the right shampoo

      Choose a moisturizing shampoo for coarse or unruly hair. If you have hard or unruly hair, you need a shampoo that will saturate your hair with moisture. Shampoos with glycerin, panthenol or shea butter are great for similar type hair because they provide additional moisture.

      Try a volumizing shampoo if you have thin or rare hair. If you have fine or thinning hair, find a shampoo that adds volume without weighing it down. You should also stick to “clear” shampoos: if you can't see through the bottle, don't buy it.

      Choose a shampoo with silicone if you have curly or Wavy hair. If you have curly or wavy hair, you need a moisturizing shampoo that contains silicone. It will give your curls the moisture they need to maintain bounce, but won't allow your hair to absorb too much moisture, preventing frizz.

      Experiment with mild shampoos if you have normal hair. If you have “normal” hair, also known as combination hair, then you can use almost any type of shampoo you like. The main thing is to choose products that do not dry out your hair. A good option There will be shampoo with white tea.

      • Avoid shampoos with ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium lauryl sulfate. All of these are harsh cleansers and will strip your hair of its natural moisture, drying it out.
    1. Use volume control shampoo if you have very Thick hair. If you have thick hair, you probably want volume at the roots but not at the ends, and you want to give your hair optimal moisture.

      Choose a keratin shampoo for dry or damaged hair. If your hair is dry or has been damaged in some way (such as over-coloring, frequent use of hot styling tools, or constant application of hair products), look for a keratin shampoo. Keratin acts as a kind of super moisturizer that will help restore hair.

      Use a vitamin-rich shampoo for colored hair. To maintain the vibrancy of color-treated hair, look for a shampoo that contains vitamins E and A. Typically, shampoos for color-treated hair are specially formulated and are gentler than regular shampoos.

      Try tea tree oil shampoo for oily hair or if you want to cleanse your hair. In fact, greasy hair is the result of the body compensating for a dry scalp by producing more oils. Tea tree oil helps relieve dry scalp, and the body, in turn, stops producing as much fat. Additionally, tea tree oil can deeply cleanse hair, making it an excellent clarifying shampoo.

      Choose a scent. The easiest part when choosing a shampoo is finding a scent you like. However, try to also take your work or school environment into account. Some people are sensitive to certain scents, and if you or people you work closely with are sensitive, you may want to look for an unscented option.

      • Strong scents, such as peppermint or tea tree oil, may linger on your hair longer.

      Wash your hair

      Wet your hair. Be sure to completely wet your hair before using shampoo. Do this in hot water to open the cuticles and soften the oils already on the hair.

      Use the correct amount of shampoo. If the amount of shampoo you use is larger size five-ruble coin, which means you poured too much. An amount the size of a five-ruble coin will be enough, unless you have very thick or very long hair. In this case, you can double the amount of shampoo you use, but you should not apply a full handful of product to your head, no matter how long and thick your hair is.

      Lather your hair. When you wash your hair, it is enough to wash only the area at the roots and at the back of the head, and then distribute the shampoo to the ends. In other words, don't apply a large amount of shampoo to the ends of your hair or distribute it from bottom to top.

      Don't rub your hair. Lather your hair gently and gently. Try to avoid circular motions, even though this seems natural when washing your hair. It's better to move your fingertips up and down.

      Rinse off the shampoo with cold water. At the beginning of the wash, you use hot water to open the cuticles and prepare the hair for shampoo, and at the end you should rinse your hair with cold water. This will close the cuticles and keep moisture inside. In addition, cold water will help your hair look healthy and shiny.

      Distribute conditioner from mid-hair to ends. If you use conditioner after shampooing your hair, do not apply it all over your head. This will make your hair look floppy and greasy, especially at the roots. It is better to distribute the conditioner from approximately the middle of the hair to the ends.

    2. Dry your hair with a towel. Once you've washed your hair, towel dry it to remove most of the moisture. Then let your hair dry naturally. This The best way prevent hair damage.

      How to properly apply and rinse off shampoo?

      Before washing your hair, you need to prepare your skin and hair. There are 2 simple rules:

      • Never start washing your hair without combing your hair first. Otherwise, during washing you will get them very tangled, and then, trying to comb them, you can damage them. The procedure is also useful because it improves blood circulation and, as a result, more nutrients reach the hair roots.
      • Before applying shampoo, thoroughly wet your hair with warm water. The dirt will loosen and will be easier to wash off. The more intensely you wet your hair, the easier it will be to distribute the shampoo over the scalp and lather it. The optimal water temperature is 35-45 degrees; if the water is too hot, it will dry out your hair, and too cold will prevent the cuticle scales from opening, which will complicate cleansing.

      Many people believe that the more shampoo used, the better the end result, but this is not only false, but also harmful. Try to follow these guidelines:

      • Rub about one teaspoon of shampoo in your palms and lather it onto your hair roots and skin, making light circular massaging movements. The main thing is to work with your fingertips. Movements should be pleasant and soft, in no case jerking. If the shampoo does not glide well on the skin, add a little water. There is no need to apply shampoo along the entire length; the foam that flows down is enough.
      • Leave the shampoo for 1-2 minutes, rinse and repeat the procedure, but with less product. Don't forget to rinse the skin behind the ears and in the neck area well, as a lot of oil accumulates here. Rinse with water at a lower temperature. This contrast helps close the cuticle, which gives the hair shine.

      Applying additional hair care products

      Shampoo alone is not enough for the beauty and health of hair, and the hair washing procedure continues:

      • Dry your hair with a towel and, stepping back at least 5-7 centimeters from the roots, apply conditioner, mask or balm to the entire remaining length. If the hair is very long, then increase the interval to 10-12 cm. If they get on the roots, these products add fat and cause faster contamination, which means they reduce the volume. The dose needed is small; it is enough to apply the product with a diameter of about 1 cm. For thick and long curls it increases slightly, and with short ones it decreases.
      • After evenly distributing the product, take a large comb, comb your hair, wait a few minutes, rinse and rinse thoroughly. Follow the rule: the rinsing procedure should last 3 times longer than shampooing. Advice for those who have long and dry hair: before washing your hair with shampoo, apply a little balm to the length of your hair and then wash your hair as usual. This method will protect your hair from drying out.
      • Gently squeeze out the lengths of the hair, just do not twist it. Wrap your head in a soft, fresh towel, wait 10 minutes, then remove and air dry your hair. Do not rub your hair with a towel - this leads to splitting and damage to the hair fiber. If you keep your head wrapped up longer, a greenhouse effect will occur and sebum will begin to be produced.


      Wait until your hair is slightly dry and begin combing using a wide-tooth comb. Wet long hair becomes heavy; when combing, it breaks off and is pulled out. They are first taken apart by hand and left loose until dry, and then combed from the ends to the roots.

      Curly hair, on the other hand, is very prone to tangling and should be combed slightly damp. It is better to use a wooden comb with infrequent teeth.

      How often should you wash your hair?

      Proper hair care is the key to its beauty. How often should you wash your hair? We recommend doing this at the first signs of contamination, and they appear individually and depend on the type of hair:

      • Dull, sticky curls that seem greasy by the end of the day need to be washed daily. You will need special masks to bring them back to normal.
      • Dry hair always gets tangled, splits, and breaks. This is facilitated by both frequent dyeing and perm. The head does not look dirty, even if you wash it once a week. This type of hair requires treatment to restore hair structure and strength.
      • At combined type The ends are dry and the roots are oily. They need to be washed as often as fatty ones. Don't forget to use additional care for dry hair ends in the form of and.

      Principles for choosing funds

      There are many negative factors that inhibit natural hair growth, so often hair not only does not grow, but also becomes less frequent. To restore beauty and strength to your curls, carefully choose truly effective and professional products for hair care, pay attention to the composition, country of origin, manufacturer, certificates, clinical test results, reviews.

      To fix the problem, you need to know the cause. The most common causes of poor hair growth are:

      • Decreased immunity, insufficient intake of useful elements into the body. In this case, we advise you to reconsider your diet. Special drugs for growth are not necessary, but they will be useful to achieve faster results.
      • Poor environmental conditions. Here without special means cannot be avoided, but for an excellent result you need to select them correctly.
      • A problem created by oneself as a result improper care. You will need systematic care and good strengthening agents.
      • The reasons are genetic and hormonal. In such circumstances, strengthening agents are used only as support; consultation with a doctor is necessary.

      When choosing a shampoo, the decisive point is not the type of hair, but the type of scalp. When strands are damaged and overdried by various procedures, the skin may remain oily, so you need: shampoo for oily hair and scalp and a nourishing restorative conditioner and mask.

      For fatty fine hair the best choice- shampoo for volume. In difficult cases, pharmaceutical products are effective - both internal and external, called medicinal cosmetics. They supply the strands with the missing nutrients, but they should not be used systematically.

      In the fight against split ends, fluids and elixirs have proven themselves well. They improve the appearance of unhealthy curls, and even restore them by filling the hair from the inside, making it whole.

      For those who want to grow curls quickly, we recommend the HairJAZZ line of hair growth products from the French manufacturer Institut Claude Bell. Application or allows you to increase the length of strands up to 4.5 cm per month. They are suitable for all hair types. Contains natural active ingredients:

      • soy protein;
      • eggshell membrane extract;
      • keratin;
      • vitamin B6.

      For normal and dry hair, the manufacturer offers it, used during the washing process using shampoo, conditioner or lotion from this line. In addition to the ingredients contained in the shampoo, conditioner and lotion, there is also shea butter, which softens and moisturizes the hair, giving the hair elasticity and shine.

      So, in order for washing your hair to benefit your hair, follow these simple rules- first comb, then moisten generously with warm water and only then apply shampoo. Apply the shampoo with massaging movements, rinse, do not forget about additional products for the lengths and ends of the hair, rinse, dry, and only then comb.

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