• Concealer how to use it. How to use a palette of colored concealers. The best concealers for the face


    Collateral good makeup is a beautiful and even skin tone. However, not everyone can boast perfect color faces.

    Well, then various concealers that are widely produced by the modern cosmetics industry come to the rescue. A very good investment is buying a facial concealer. However, in order for cosmetics to play the role of an assistant, it is necessary to learn some tricks of its use.

    A product for correcting minor skin defects is called concealer. Thanks to its dense texture, it will successfully cope with the task of masking flaws. The color range of concealers is represented by a variety of shades of beige.

    What is the difference between concealer and corrector? Firstly, the corrector has a lighter texture compared to concealer. Secondly, the color palette of the corrector is wider and is represented in different colors.

    How to choose the right concealer

    It is necessary to pay close attention to natural color skin. The concealer is selected in accordance with its exact shade, or it was half a tone or tone lighter.

    Practical tips:

    1. Select all cosmetics recommended in natural light. So try to make your purchase during the daytime;
    2. It will be much better and easier to choose a shade if you apply the sampler directly to your face (using cotton swab). The color of the skin on the inside of the palm often does not match the color of the face. This advice is especially relevant in the summer;
    3. Make your choice according to your skin characteristics. Pay attention to her type, tendency to allergic reaction.

    What types of concealers are there?

    Cosmetic companies offer various options concealers, the texture of which can be liquid, creamy or solid. Also, this cosmetic product may contain additional components that have a nutritional or therapeutic effect.

    For sensitive and dry skin, the liquid texture is good.

    It is quite easy to apply and shade (does not form lumps). A significant disadvantage is poor camouflage of acne.

    The creamy texture is universal. It is recommended for use if you need to mask not only the area around the eyes, but also other areas of the skin on the face. The creamy concealer is easy to apply using your fingers, brush or sponge. However, it will not be able to hide sufficiently strong redness.

    Concealer stick has a denser texture compared to a creamy one. If you need to disguise small pimples, wrinkles or age spots, then you should pay attention to this option. It should be noted that you do not need to shade it thoroughly.

    The dry or mineral texture of the concealer will be an excellent choice for those who have oily skin. It has a number of advantages over others:

    1. Perfectly masks severe redness and pimples;
    2. The minerals included in the composition have a healing effect;
    3. Absorbs excess oil secreted, thereby eliminating shine from the skin.

    It is not advisable to use such a texture for the area around the eyes, since its drying effect leads to an acceleration of the formation of wrinkles.

    The concealer may also contain:

    1. Reflective particles;
    2. Zinc and disinfectants;
    3. Antioxidants and vitamins.

    To give your skin youth and radiance, you can use a concealer with reflective particles. It will also cope with the task of masking fine wrinkles and brightening the area under the eyes.

    A concealer containing zinc and disinfectants will be a real boon for problem skin. Its regular use will have a healing effect.

    Residents of the metropolis will appreciate a concealer containing vitamins and antioxidants that will help create healthy color face and skin tone.

    Scheme and rules for applying a concealer palette for the face

    Any cosmetic product will provide good service if you know how to use it correctly. Application Tips:

    1. Since any concealer has a drying effect, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with cream before applying it. After the cream is completely absorbed, you can start applying makeup;
    2. Concealer is not applied to the entire face, but only to those areas of the skin whose defects need to be hidden;
    3. A sense of proportion never hurts. No need to apply a thousand layers of makeup. Make naturalness your goal;
    4. The concealer does not need to be thoroughly smeared, but only slightly shaded using a sponge, brush or finger;
    5. Before applying foundation, you should wait a couple of minutes for the concealer to set;
    6. If you use foundation, apply concealer after it.

    Important! It must be fixed with powder, in otherwise, it will quickly rub off from the skin.

    Step-by-step scheme for using concealer:

    How to use facial concealer: instructions, step-by-step photos

    When there is a desire to correct the shape of your face, concealer will be an excellent assistant if you use it correctly and skillfully.

    How to correct a square face

    At square shape face width of forehead, chin, cheekbones is approximately the same.

    To add refinement to your facial features, you need to:

    1. Darkening in the forehead (at the edges), corners of the jaw and cheekbones;
    2. Eruption in the area under the eyes, nose and middle of the forehead.

    How to correct a round face

    For round face characterized by the same width and length. To carry out visual correction you need:

    1. Apply light shades to the forehead and infraorbital area.
    2. Dark shades are applied to the temples, cheeks, and jaw line. This technique will help visually narrow your face.

    How to correct a triangular face

    For triangular shape The face is characterized by a wide upper and narrow lower part. To correct this form you need:

    1. Apply dark shades to the temporal and tubercular areas of the forehead;
    2. Apply light shades to the lower jaw, under the eyes. Using this technique will help visually expand the central part of the face.

    How to correct a diamond-shaped face

    This form is characterized by the presence of a wide middle part of the face with narrow upper and lower parts. To visually reduce the middle part, you need:

    1. Apply dark shades to the cheek area;
    2. Lighten the central part of the face (forehead, area under the eyes, chin).

    How to correct a long face

    Characteristic is the predominance of vertical size over horizontal.

    To visually make your face proportional you need to:

    1. Apply dark shades to the chin and forehead (just below the hairline);
    2. Apply light shades to the side areas of the face.

    Precautionary measures

    Like any cosmetic products, concealers can cause an allergic reaction. Allergies manifest as rashes, itching, and tearfulness.

    To avoid this reaction of the body, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test to cosmetic components.

    This is done as follows: apply a little concealer to a small area of ​​skin. The appearance of the above signs indicates increased sensitivity to the cosmetic product.

    What to do if you have an allergic reaction to cosmetics?

    Do not be upset if you have allergic manifestations. Many cosmetic companies produce a line of hypoallergenic products.

    When should you not use concealer?

    In case of severe acne and medium degree you should also refrain from decorative cosmetics for the period of treatment of an acute process.

    Dry skin requires additional hydration. If concealer is applied to previously unprepared skin, it becomes difficult to blend (formation of lumps), and it can also aggravate its condition, which is manifested by the premature formation of wrinkles.

    Every woman pays Special attention facial tone, since naturally smooth and ideal skin is very rare.

    Therefore, you have to use special masking agents: powder, foundation, highlighter, corrector and concealer. With their help, you can transform any face and make it look like something from a magazine cover. One of these miracle products is concealer.

    Concealer is a spot-on concealer, to correct skin defects such as dark spots, redness and dark circles, pimples, scars, fine wrinkles, capillary mesh... It differs from other concealers in its denser structure and opaque tone. Concealer is much more effective than foundation in treating skin problems, but it cannot replace it. This product only works on small areas with defects, and the foundation should cover the entire area of ​​the facial skin. For best results, you need to skillfully use these two tools.

    Concealers are often confused with correctors, but these are completely different products. Concealers have a lighter texture and a wider palette of shades, each of which is aimed at correcting specific skin tone problems. The main task of the corrector is to neutralize excess unnecessary color: redness, gray and earthy skin tone, yellowness or excess pink, excessive pallor. And the concealer eliminates specific spot problems.

    The right concealer, for sure matches facial tone or a maximum of half a tone or tone lighter, but no more. They are divided into several types:

    • liquid concealers. They are easy to apply and blend easily, hiding redness perfectly. They are used in the area around the eyes, near the lips, and on the wings of the nose. Liquid concealers are good for sensitive and dry skin. But they do not mask acne well;
    • cream texture concealers They lie softly on the skin and are suitable for everyone, they are universal. They need to be applied with a brush, sponge or clean fingers. Cream concealer can be used to correct all problem areas of the face;
    • concealer stick, Although it is classified as cream, it has a denser and harder structure. It copes well with pimples, age spots, vascular networks and scars, as well as fine wrinkles around the lips and nose. But this product should not be applied under the eyes; it will greatly dry out the thin skin around the eyes and ripen. Concealer stick, applied pointwise and not blended;
    • dry concealers. They are made on the basis of mineral powder, which is why they are also called mineral. This type of concealer masks severe redness, acne, pimples well and absorbs excess sebum well. Therefore, they are ideal for oily and problematic skin. But they cannot be used on the area around the eyes.

    The composition of the concealer may include various auxiliary components. Reflective particles help hide fine wrinkles, antibacterial concealers fight inflammatory processes, and the presence of vitamins improves skin condition. This product can not only be a concealer, but also perform therapeutic functions.

    Accuracy and moderation are the main rules when applying concealer. It must be applied exactly to the defective area and carefully distributed. Before correcting your skin tone, you need to use a moisturizer. The concealer is carefully blended with a damp sponge, brush or finger. If one layer does not cover the problem, then after it dries, you can apply a second one. After this, foundation is applied. Concealer is applied over the foundation only if the defects are minor or the concealer matches the tone perfectly foundation. In any case, after using these products, you should apply powder, otherwise the concealer may wear off during the day.

    Concealer - before and after

    Choose a concealer that suits your needs, and with its help you can always quickly tidy yourself up and create an even complexion.

    How to apply concealer correctly? Video

    Unfortunately, today almost no girl can boast that she has perfect skin in all respects. All this is associated with poor ecology, improper and irregular nutrition, as well as frequent stressful situations. That is why the global cosmetics industry does not stand still and every day delights us with its new discoveries in the field of evening out skin tone and masking its unevenness and other imperfections.

    Foundation, powder, concealers, correctors - all these products will allow a girl to be perfect in any situation. We will devote our article to concealers, namely concealers. So, concealers - what are they, how to choose and apply them correctly?

    Miracle of cosmetology

    Concealer is a camouflage product that hides any skin defects at a point level. It has a dense consistency, characterized by a transparent texture, and contains various shades, which can be selected according to skin type and color. Very often, concealer, which many girls leave reviews of, is confused with foundation. It should be noted that in comparison with a regular foundation, this product is able to hide even the most noticeable defects (pustules, scratches, scars, wrinkles, age spots).

    Why are correctors and concealers confused?

    It’s clear that these are concealers, but why are they often confused? Correctors differ in that they can hide color imperfections of the skin, for example, bruises, spider veins, etc. Also, these products have a large color palette in their arsenal, starting with green shades that can hide redness on the skin, and ending with pink shades that help cope with the grayish tone of the face.

    The moment of choice

    The main feature of the choice is that the concealer, reviews of which are in most cases positive, should match the skin tone or be one tone lighter.

    Variety of color options

    There are many colors in the palette of this product, so it is very important not to make a mistake in your choice.

    Do you prefer dry or liquid concealers?

    Concealer, the price of which varies between 600-2000 thousand rubles, comes in different consistencies. So, which concealer is best for which skin?

    How to apply it correctly?

    To correctly answer the question “how to use concealer,” you should remember that before any application of a cosmetic concealer, the skin must be cleansed and moisturized.

    After this, carefully apply the product to the desired area using pointed movements. It should be remembered that the most sensitive skin is located under the eyes, so eye concealer, reviews of which are described online by famous cosmetologists, should be applied with extreme caution so as not to damage its delicate structure. So, use your fingers or a specially designed brush to blend the product over the entire problem area.

    If you have sensitive or inflamed skin, try to choose this product under the guidance of a cosmetologist. IN in this case Concealer with medicinal properties. Remember: don't smear dry product, it must be applied exactly to the problem area!

    A few important secrets


    To look your best and avoid basic mistakes in applying makeup, use concealer products. Remember: it is very important to select them correctly and apply them in accordance with your skin type and tone. Use our tips, and your reflection will never tire of pleasing you in the mirror.

    Happy owners perfect skin not much on earth. This is due to poor environmental conditions, poor nutrition, worries, and stress. Of course, girls are more interested in smooth, blemish-free skin. A solution has been found - using concealer. This wonderful product will prepare the skin for makeup and eliminate all imperfections.

    Varieties and textures

    Many girls start with makeup on the entire surface of the face. To achieve better results, cosmetics manufacturers and makeup artists suggest using concealer.

    Concealer is a carefully developed and tested cosmetic product that gives girls the perfect makeup look. It will disguise everything: age spots seem to be erased from the face, no fine wrinkles or cobwebs, dark circles under the eyes disappear, the skin becomes radiant and fresh. Each type has its own effect. Facial concealer will hide any imperfections. Not everyone knows how to use it, but there is nothing complicated.


    The texture is designed to eliminate imperfections on the most sensitive parts: the eye area and around the lips. It perfectly masks redness, but blackheads are beyond its control. Comfortable liquid texture is easy to apply to the skin. If you do this, you can blend a few drops with a sponge and you will get the effect of a “porcelain” face. And for daytime makeup apply the concealer pointwise, so it will not be noticeable, and skin imperfections along with it.


    This form of concealer is very easy to use. But you need to be careful - the pencil stretches the skin, so you should not be zealous in the eye area. The main purpose of a pencil corrector is to hide acne. He deals with them best. If there are broken blood vessels or spots on your face, feel free to take up a pencil. Application should only be spot-on. During the day, it is better to shade the application areas with your finger, but in the evening or for a photo shoot, you can apply a thicker layer.


    This type of concealer is not suitable for everyone. The texture is very dry, so there is no need to use it around the eyes and lips. This is not the most popular concealer. How to use? Photos will help you understand the application technique. The dense consistency perfectly masks unevenness. It acts like putty, covering up depressions and leveling the surface. The only negative is that it dries out the skin very much. Therefore, it is not suitable for daily use.

    Moisturizing and care

    The skin constantly needs hydration. You can use a special makeup fluid, but there is more effective means. Giving the skin moisture - the best How to use? Very simple. Apply a thin layer as usual daily cream. The skin will gain matte shade, bruises under the eyes will become almost invisible. But most importantly, it contains beneficial moisturizing ingredients. The skin immediately takes on a healthy and toned appearance. If you use this product regularly, expression lines will become less noticeable.

    Making a choice

    Concealer is a very soft product that, unlike corrector, does not harm the delicate skin around the eyes. Before you get one, you need to know how to use concealer correctly. Photos will help you choose the right type, shade, and manufacturer. The market offers a wide range of cosmetics for every budget. Don't skimp. After all, it will last a long time if used in moderation.

    Color of the skin

    The main criterion when choosing a concealer is skin color. You need to choose a shade identical to your native one. " Snow queens» will not suit anyone with snow-white skin dark colors. They will stand out in spots on the skin. It's better to take peach or pink. For owners of dull, grayish suitable for skin natural beige It will refresh your face and give your skin healthy looking. The apricot tone hides dark circles under the eyes well and suits any skin color. For tanned beauties, all shades of bronze are recommended, then the skin seems to radiate light.

    We use it correctly

    It’s not enough just to choose the right shade, you need to know how to use eye concealer. The skin in this area is sensitive and delicate, so you need to get rid of bruises carefully:

    • fingertips should be warm;
    • slowly cover your face with foundation;
    • Apply the product to your fingertips and place dots under the eyes;
    • Now we begin to distribute the product with light tapping;
    • the skin under the eyes should not be stretched or injured, otherwise unexpected wrinkles will form;
    • if the concealer is colored, it is applied under the foundation.


    Colored concealers are more effective. Cream textures are usually sold in a palette. This set is necessary for any girl who strives for... perfect makeup. You can hide skin imperfections with colors that are opposite to them. Here's how to use the concealer palette:

    • purple concealer neutralizes orange-brown freckles;
    • purple and blue skin defects are concealed by a yellow tint;
    • green color fights all red manifestations;
    • orange - use with caution and in minimal quantities, it does not suit all skin tones;
    • pink is the patron of green spots and dark circles under the eyes; it is better not to apply to red defects, as the imperfections will become more noticeable.

    You need to carefully study all the topics that face concealer concerns: how to use, which manufacturers are better, which type is suitable for your skin. All this is very important if you want to achieve an ideal result.

    Work on mistakes

    Some girls don't know how to use green concealer. And this is a very important touch in makeup, especially if there is redness and irritation. Apply a drop of moisturizer to your face and let it absorb for a few minutes. Then, using a thin brush, we begin to apply a layer of green product around the pimple, gradually moving towards the middle. We completely mask the redness, and then apply a layer of foundation. Now you know how to use green concealer.

    Before you start camouflaging the area around your eyes, be sure to apply a foundation cream. Concealer and foundation get stuck in wrinkles, the appearance becomes untidy and several years are added.

    You should not blend the product onto dry skin, even if you know how to use a concealer palette. The product has a hard texture and it is better to moisten your hands with water before applying. Then you can easily hide all skin imperfections.

    I don’t like blending facial concealer with fingers (especially cold ones). How to use it correctly? Makeup artists advise using a brush that needs to be washed after each application. If it is still more convenient to shade with your fingers, they must be warm.

    Let's improve your makeup

    In order to make your makeup stunning, without the slightest flaw, there is a highlighter. This is the last important touch of the image. It highlights the desired areas of the face and gives the face relief. The main thing is not to overdo it with this remedy. Light strokes, gentle touches - and the highlights are placed.

    Apply highlighter only to convex areas of the face: nose, chin, area under the eyebrows. This product is not considered a tinting agent, but should be used with caution. Available in the form of cream, powder, liquid.

    Like any product, highlighter needs to be selected to match the color of your own skin. Girls with dark skin preference should be given golden color. A light pink tone will suit those with rosy cheeks; white-skinned beauties deserve a peach tone.

    Basic Rules

    You can learn how to apply highlighter yourself:

    • a narrow forehead can be enlarged by applying highlighter to the sides, closer to the temple area;
    • apply the product to the hairline - the forehead will lengthen;
    • if you want to increase the shape of your eyes, highlight their inner corners;
    • apply the product over upper lip- and the volume will visually increase;
    • if you lighten your cheekbones a little, your face will become more expressive;
    • apply highlighter to the bones under the eyes and see an excellent lifting effect - your face will look several years younger;
    • To lift the brows and highlight the eyes, apply the product in a thin line under the brows.

    Now you know how to use highlighter and concealer. Experiment, try new products and application styles. The services of a makeup artist are not cheap, but learning how to apply it yourself professional makeup is quite real. Love yourself, take care of your skin - and it will respond to you with beauty and radiance! After all, there is no limit to perfection!

    None of us are perfect. But the desire for the ideal of beauty is the main idea that has not left women’s heads for many centuries. And the further science advances, the more different skin care cosmetics appear.

    Hiding small imperfections

    Everyone has long known that she looks more beautiful when she is clean and healthy. But there are situations when no amount of care can prevent unpleasant manifestations on the face.

    This happens when in the spring a whole bunch of freckles suddenly appear, which you don’t really want to show to others. It is especially unpleasant if these are not small light spots, but whole large spots that are completely out of place on a beautiful, well-groomed face. Or when one or several unpleasant pimples appear at once. Or if you had big skin problems in your youth, which left not very beautiful scars.

    Products for correcting facial skin imperfections

    The main helpers for girls in the fight against facial skin imperfections are foundation creams, powders, concealers and correctors. What are the differences and how to apply? Let's figure it out.

    It would be worth mentioning that any of the above products must be selected individually, for each skin type.

    Stages of applying makeup

    The first stage of applying makeup is to disguise various imperfections. Everyone knows that the main tool in this, of course, is concealer. Only a few know how to apply it correctly.

    First, we mask imperfections with concealer. Greenish tint - redness, light - dark circles under the eyes.

    After applying the product evenly, apply the foundation. This is followed by a layer of powder matching the foundation and blush.

    What can concealer do?

    To disguise various types of redness, it is best to use a product with a greenish tint. It is this color that masks redness best.

    To disguise dark circles under the eyes, it is best to use a concealer that is one tone lighter colors foundation. This is true during the cold season, when the skin becomes pale.

    But in the summer it’s better to do it a little differently. For tanned skin, you need to choose an appropriate, darker foundation and concealer of the same color. This is done so as not to get the effect of white glasses under the eyes.

    We figured out where to apply concealer, now we need to understand how to do it correctly. Correct application It is very important to avoid uneven, creasing makeup. Such a careless approach may not only fail to get rid of skin imperfections, but may also make the situation even worse.

    Correct application

    We use it to disguise small imperfections - the science is not tricky, but very necessary. If applied too thickly, even after coating foundation the tubercles will protrude strongly.

    The product can be in the form of a pencil or liquid. Pencils are universal: on one side there is a greenish tint, and on the other - light. It is easier to use a pencil in the sense that it takes longer to dry and you can easily spread it over the area to be masked.

    It dries faster, but also goes on smoother. The main thing is to have time to carefully shade it.

    You need to blend the product as carefully as possible, making gentle patting movements rather than rubbing movements. This is done so that there are no lumps.

    Choosing a remedy

    All cosmetics stores have special samples that display all color palette each means. There is also a special concealer palette. How to apply the sampler? When choosing any facial concealer, you usually use your wrist or the outside of your hand. You should not choose such things by eye.

    Now let's figure out how to properly apply concealer under the eyes.

    Removing dark circles and age spots

    In order to make the eyes look fresher and remove circles under them, apply to the crease under the eyes. light shade concealer. How to apply it correctly was described earlier. It is important that the layer is not too thick. Let it dry a little, after which, if the skin is light, use a light shade and gently shade it on the area under the eyes. If your skin is tanned, you can use a dark shade or do without it by immediately applying foundation.

    It is imperative that if concealer was used and you do not want to apply foundation on top, you need to use powder. Through the powder, the skin of the face will breathe well and when used, the transitions from applying the product will be hidden.

    It is best to mask with a product of the same shade as the base, blending it evenly and letting it dry a little.

    This product is often used to correct the shape of the nose. In order to make your nose thinner and more graceful, you need to use a dark shade of concealer. How to apply it correctly? Two lines are drawn along the nose. If you need to make the wings or protruding lower part more invisible, carefully apply it there too. dark tone. After which you need to apply foundation.

    Also, concealer can be used to give your face a glow. To do this, you need to apply a light shade of the product to the middle part of the face: the area between the eyebrows, the front bridge of the nose, the dimple under the nose.

    In addition, applying a light shade to the dimple under the nose makes the lips look more voluminous, and therefore more impressive.

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