• How does a short visit in prison go? What is the procedure and standards for providing convicts with visits from relatives and close persons?


    Most often, the question of how a long visit in prison goes is asked by people whose relatives and friends have been imprisoned for a long period of imprisonment. And it is at this moment that those who have stumbled deserve attention and support from people close to them. Therefore, they need meetings and visits with relatives in order to brighten up at least a couple of days of imprisonment in places not so remote.

    First of all, let's talk about what dating is like in the zone general regime there are. As a rule, they are divided into two categories according to time:
    1. Long dates;
    2. Short-term dates.
    A long visit in prison is considered the most desirable for prisoners, because they can be allowed to see loved ones and close people for three whole days. And relatives can settle in a specially equipped room on the territory of the colony at their own expense or the expense of the convicted person. A long visit in prison for five days is also allowed if relatives stay outside the prison.

    A short-term visit in prison is allowed for a period of no more than 4 hours.

    Although the duration of a visit in prison may depend on the following factors:
    Type of punishment served by the convicted person;
    Conditions of detention;
    Behavior of the convicted person and adherence to the internal detention regime;
    The decision of the administration or the head of the correctional institution where the convicted person is serving his sentence.
    For more details, see articles of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation 89, 121, 123, 125, 131.

    How many meetings are allowed under the general regime?

    The number of visits per year is based on what type of sentence the prisoner is on. Let's start with the question, how much is due?
    In addition to the general regime, lighter conditions of detention are often added. In this case, up to six long-term visits are allowed, and the same number of short-term visits in every 12 months of serving the sentence.
    If a prisoner is serving a sentence in a general regime colony without light conditions, then there will be four long visits.
    Sometimes, if the convict behaves well, then, by decision of the administration, the management can turn a blind eye to an extra long visit in the zone. But only one thing, and on the condition that the prisoner tries to improve and follows all the internal rules.

    Answering the question: how many visits are allowed under the general regime, we will indicate - 4 long and short-term per year.

    However, if the convicted person has been observed to have gross violations of order, he may be deprived of visits.

    How many visits are allowed under strict regime?

    Now let's move on to those who were sentenced to imprisonment in maximum security colonies. There are also two forms of serving the sentence:
    1. Under normal conditions;
    2. In easier conditions.
    A prisoner serving a sentence in a maximum security colony under normal conditions is allowed three long-term visits in prison and three short-term visits per year.
    If he is in a lighter position, then the number of visits in the colony will be the same as under the general regime - 4 long-term and 4 short-term per year.

    How many dates are allowed under a special regime?

    The situation is even more difficult and complicated for those who are in a special regime of detention. Here the number of dates will be less:
    1. Under normal conditions – 2 long-term and 2 short-term;
    2. In a light mode - 3 long and 3 short-term.
    For you and me, the difference of one date may seem small, but from a psychological point of view, for people isolated from society for educational purposes, every date with a loved one becomes almost a holiday. Therefore, for people who have committed more serious crimes, such a privilege as a long “date” in prison can not only be reduced, but also canceled if his behavior does not comply with internal regulations.

    How many visits are allowed under strict regime?

    Long visits in a maximum security colony are completely prohibited. Prisoners have access to only two short-term visits with relatives per year.
    The reasons for this limitation are:
    The severity of the crime committed;
    Recidivism or criminal history of prisoners;
    The need for strict measures to re-educate citizens.

    How to get a date outside the colony settlement?

    But the most comfortable and attractive conditions for dating on the territory of prisons are dates in a colony-settlement. Because the number of meetings with relatives and friends there is not limited, and sometimes meetings outside the colony are allowed.
    To get a visit outside the prison, you must:
    1. Comply with the internal regulations of the prison;
    2. Write an application requesting a visit outside the prison territory addressed to the head, or to the person replacing him.

    At the request of a convicted person imprisoned in a general regime, he can remain in custody in a pre-trial detention center, where he was awaiting a court decision. To do this, he needs to express his desire to remain in the housekeeping squad.

    If a person remains in jail, he is guaranteed parole if he works hard, as well as unlimited short-term visits of up to four hours and long-term visits.

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    Short date

    Everyone knows what a short-term date is. These are brief meetings of the convicted person with family and friends in a specially equipped room on the territory of the colony. Meetings can only be permitted by the prison administration.

    On short-term dates the convicted person will be accompanied by a representative of the colony.

    Therefore, be prepared for the following:
    1. You cannot transfer personal items and products during a short visit;
    2. Conversations will be monitored by colony workers;
    3. In some cases, meetings will take place in rooms where the convicted person and his guest will be separated by glass.
    If you want, then use the window to transfer things. You can read more about this here.

    Long date

    Now let's move on to more interesting question What is a long visit in prison?
    Its main difference is that several days will be allocated for meetings with the convicted person, and it will take place either on the premises of the colony or in a hotel building on the territory of the colony. Payment for accommodation at the expense of a relative or the convicted person himself.
    Basic rules and permissions for long dates:
    1. You can take food and drinks with you, but not in glass containers;
    2. Meetings must take place exclusively in a designated room; the convicted person cannot leave it. If the convicted person leaves the meeting room, the meeting will be over.
    3. As a rule, long visits are allowed only for married couples and close relatives. Sometimes they are supplemented by caretakers in the pre-trial detention center. Close relatives include:
    a. Children (biological and adopted);
    b. Spouses;
    c. Parents;
    d. Brothers, sisters;
    e. Grandparents.
    4. If a prisoner does not exhibit exemplary behavior, he may be prohibited from having long visits.
    In addition, visits with cohabitants and loved ones are practically not allowed unless marriage is formalized.

    How are visits conducted in prisons?

    Since a prison is an area that is under constant special security, be prepared for thorough inspection and control by prison employees.
    Employees must check you for absence:
    1. Alcohol and drug intoxication;
    2. The presence of prohibited items: money, weapons, mobile phones, drugs;
    3. Food, if the date is short-term, as well as the presence of prohibited containers (glass, metal).

    The procedure for examining those arriving on a meeting with a prisoner differs in different prisons, so do not agree to various offers from the guards to “lead” you without inspection. Don't make life difficult for your relative.

    You are also required to show your documents:
    1. Passport or other identification document;
    2. Confirmation of relationship with the prisoner or marriage contract concluded with him.
    If at least one document is missing, the prison officer has the right to refuse a long visit.

    Refusal to be searched before entering the prison grounds means an automatic ban on visiting the prisoner.

    In addition, for the safety of arrivals, each room for long visits is equipped with telephones for calling armed guards. After the time allotted for the meeting has expired, a bus or convoy will come for you and escort you out of the prison territory. The prisoners themselves will be taken to their cells.

    List of permitted products and things that you can take on a date in prison

    So, if you are going on a short-term visit in prison, then all food and things must be transferred in the form of a parcel through a special window. And we’ll talk in more detail about what you can take with you on a long visit in prison.
    So, the permitted list includes:
    1. Food;
    2. Soft drinks, not in glass containers;
    3. Books, video discs;
    4. Personal hygiene items;
    5. Clothes for you and your relative.
    1. Narcotic drugs;
    2. Mobile phones, tablets;
    3. Alcohol-containing drinks;
    4. Weapons and means from which they can be made;
    5. Money.
    Never try to bribe a guard to transfer prohibited items into the prison, as you will either aggravate the situation of your relative or become subject to the criminal code.
    The list of acceptable food products includes:
    1. Instant food:
    a. Noodles;
    b. Soups for brewing;
    c. Porridge.
    2. Bouillon cubes;
    3. Crackers, Bread
    4. Black tea, sugar, coffee;
    5. Vegetable oil or butter in a small volume;
    6. Cheeses;
    7. Cigarettes.
    A more detailed list of products can be found at this address.


    In Russia, unlike a number of countries, long visits are allowed with relatives of the prisoner living on the territory of the colony. However, this requires fulfilling a number of strict requirements.
    However, for the prisoner, meeting with loved ones a real holiday, so don’t be afraid to go “visit” him in the colony and support him. He needs support now more than ever. Most importantly, do not forget to send a request for a meeting to the head of the colony and study the list of things acceptable for transfer.

    Please note that Russian legislation is constantly changing and the information we write may become outdated. In order to resolve the issue you have regarding Criminal Law, we advise you to seek the advice of a lawyer in support of the site.

    Types of visits with a convicted person, their number that a convicted person is entitled to during the year, their duration are established by the Criminal Executive Code Russian Federation. All this depends on the type of correctional institution, as well as the conditions in which the convicted person is serving his sentence. Submission procedure convicts dating
    regulated by the Internal Regulations of Correctional Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2005 No. 205.
    A person sentenced to imprisonment is provided with two types of visits on the territory of a correctional institution:
    short-term, lasting 4 hours; long-term – up to 3 days on the territory of a correctional institution with accommodation in a specially equipped room, as well as up to 5 days with accommodation outside the correctional institution. IN in this case
    , the head of the correctional institution determines the procedure and location of the meeting (for example, a city hotel at the expense of the convicted person or his relatives).
    And so, the number of short-term and long-term visits that a convicted person is entitled to per year depends on the type of correctional institution and the conditions in which he is serving his sentence.
    If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a high-security correctional colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 3 short-term and 3 long-term visits during the year; in easier conditions – 4 short-term and 4 long-term visits; under strict conditions – 2 short-term and 1 long-term visits.
    If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a special regime correctional colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits during the year; in easier conditions – 3 short-term and 3 long-term visits; under strict conditions - only 2 short-term visits.
    A convict serving a sentence in a penal colony may have visits without limiting their number.
    If the convicted person is serving a sentence in prison under general regime, then he is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits during the year. In a maximum security prison, a convicted person is allowed only 2 short-term visits per year.
    Convicted minors serving sentences in educational colonies are allowed to have during the year: under normal conditions - 8 short-term and 4 long-term visits; in easier conditions - 12 short-term and 4 long-term visits; under preferential conditions - an unlimited number of short-term dates and 6 long-term dates; under strict conditions - only 6 short-term visits.
    Short-term visits are granted with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution. Long-term visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.
    No more than two adults, together with minor brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren of the convicted person, can come to the convicted person for short-term or long-term visits at the same time.
    Persons arriving on a meeting with a convicted person must have identification documents, as well as documents confirming their family ties with the convicted person: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Persons arriving on a date, their clothes and belongings are searched. If a person arriving for a meeting refuses this procedure, he is not allowed a long meeting with the convicted person. In this case, instead of a long visit, he may be granted a short-term visit.
    Persons arriving for a short-term visit with a convicted person are not allowed to bring any products or things into the visiting room. For long dates, you are allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine, vodka and beer).
    The first meeting may be granted to the convicted person immediately after his transfer from the quarantine department of the correctional institution to the detachment. A convicted person can be kept in a quarantine department from the first day of arrival at a correctional institution and up to 15 days. Subsequent visits are granted after a period of time equal to the number obtained by dividing 12 months by the number of visits (short-term and long-term) a convicted person is entitled to per year.
    Upon a written application of the convicted person, he is allowed to replace a long visit with a short-term one, short-term or long-term visit - telephone conversation.
    To receive legal assistance, convicts are provided with meetings with lawyers or other persons entitled to provide legal assistance, without limiting their number, lasting up to four hours. At the request of the convicted person, meetings with a lawyer are granted in private, out of earshot of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening.

    Nikolay Severin


    It is a fact that in most Russian camps they still continue to charge a fee for renting a room in the premises for long visits. And this despite the fact that back in 2007, the relatives of the convicts turned for clarification on this issue to the Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and, according to the response of the higher-ups, the following quote: “We inform you that the current legislation DOES NOT PROVIDE PAYMENT FOR SHORT-TERM VISITINGS AND ACCOMMODATION IN ROOMS FOR LONG VISITINGS FOR CONVICTED CONVICTS. .." "Okay, then let's calculate how much such legislative independence can bring in profit. The fee for a room is about 500 rubles per day. In different camps the amount may differ slightly. Now remember that usually in a camp there are about 10 meeting rooms, eight of which, as a rule, are occupied. Thus, the amount of stolen funds per month is 120,000 rubles. And this is only one month and only one camp. And if you count it for all the camps where this practice exists? why should this money be considered stolen? Since the current legislation does not really provide for payment for living in rooms for long visits, then every month a certain amount of money is allocated from the federal budget intended for the maintenance of these same rooms. What does it mean? The fact that they actually pay twice for a room on a date. The first time this is done by the state, and the second time by the relatives of the convicted. The question arises, where does the second amount go? If we take a tour of the long-term visiting rooms of many camps, we will most often see a very sad picture - old dilapidated furniture, peeling paint on the walls, one TV for all rooms, etc. Is it really possible that, with a monthly income of 120,000 rubles, the bosses cannot do basic repairs and bring the premises into normal human form? However, the question may arise: do some camp commanders really have so much impudence that they actually openly steal budget money (or the money of relatives of convicts - depending on how you look at it)? Surprisingly, this is true. At the same time, of course, there is a certain fig leaf with which they try to cover up this shame a little.

    The official “excuse” for charging a fee for staying in a long-term visiting room is paragraph 81 of the Internal Regulations of Correctional Institutions. It says, further quote: “Additional services may be provided for longer visits. Their payment is made at the expense of the convicts’ own funds or those arriving on a date.” As you can see, what exactly is included in the concept of “additional services” is not deciphered by the rules. A small gap in the legislation that gives a chance for personal enrichment for an official... So they are pushing into additional services bed linen that any homeless person would be embarrassed to sleep on, and dishes that residents use on dates, and refrigerators that are usually bought by the relatives of the convicts themselves, and televisions acquired in exactly the same way, and much more. In some colonies, they even managed to include light and use of the toilet on this list! That is, live for free - live, but in the dark and without basic sanitary conditions. In some camps there is no list of additional services or prices for them at all. All relatives who come to visit the convicted person pay fixed amount. Regardless of whether a person uses a refrigerator or watches TV.

    But in general, in accordance with current legislation, no additional service can have a form and character that makes it impossible to exercise the right to use the main service. That is, this general rule of law means that if you were given a room (in this case, it was provided at the expense of the state), then you must provide all the conditions for normal living.

    If someone tries to interpret the law differently, then he is simply stealing money from you. Or, in this particular case, steals from the state. Tell me, maybe there is a different legal assessment for everything described above and the fee is charged legally!

    Lawyers' answers 1

    Hello, Marina.

    It's strange somehow. Let’s say, while I’m free, I want to go on a date with a girl :) To do this, I’ll rent the appropriate room. For some reason it wouldn’t occur to me to demand that it be free... It turns out that those who are “there” should, in your opinion, be in privileged conditions in relation to other citizens... and yet the punished are sitting there, not beneficiaries...

    I'll be glad to help! BUT! I DO NOT READ the clarifications on the website. Detailed consultations, all services are paid. Call.


    It's strange somehow. Money for the maintenance of correctional institutions is allocated from the state budget, both for the maintenance of prisoners and for the maintenance of premises. The question states that there is a law that regulates the use of long-term visiting rooms and that no fee should be charged from convicts and their relatives for visits required by law. Only for additional services. And you also compare a date with a convicted person with a date with a girl in a hotel! It was such a mockery of wives, children and mothers who only live to see their son, husband, father as soon as possible! Imagine a single, retired mother who has only one son in her life! She needs to spend a lot of effort and money to get to the colony in order to meet her son, and also pay a considerable amount from her meager pension to rent a room, but she is entitled to this meeting by law, and completely free of charge. And they impose on her “additional services”, which are included in the main ones, for which she has to pay, despite the fact that all this has already been paid for by the state! If you do not know the legislation in this area and have not even tried to understand the essence of the question, then it would not be worth answering at all. This question was asked on behalf of numerous relatives of prisoners whose rights are violated. We asked for a legal assessment of this problem, and not to find out your personal opinion at the everyday level. Sorry for the harshness.


    Dear experts and everyone who is interested in this topic! We conducted a more thorough search for information and found evidence of the illegality of charging money for a long date. Below is one of illustrative examples from the news archive: "... The regional prosecutor's office identified violations of penal legislation when charging fees for the provision of additional services during long-term visits. This was reported on the official website of the prosecutor's office on June 30.

    In accordance with Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 No. 5473-I “On institutions and bodies executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment”, the administration of a correctional institution is obliged to ensure the implementation of the penal legislation of the Russian Federation, incl. the realization by convicts and their relatives of the right to a long visit, including additional paid services that do not contradict the established regime for serving their sentences.

    However, in none of the correctional institutions of the region, before persons arriving on a date, information about the type, nature and cost of services provided paid services was not communicated in an accessible and visual manner.

    The Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation and the Internal Regulations of Correctional Institutions provide for the collection of fees only for the provision of additional services during long visits.

    Meanwhile, in violation of the rights and legitimate interests of those convicted in FBU T-2, IK-3, IK-4, accommodation in the long-term visiting room was carried out on a paid basis.

    The cost of additional services in FBU IK-4 also included a fee for use bed linen, while the law allows during long visits the use of clothes, linen and shoes brought by relatives.

    The actual imposition of paid additional services, the lack of the opportunity to choose them or the right to refuse to provide them violated the material rights of citizens and contradicted the basic principles of the activities of a state institution.

    Such violations were the result of weakening departmental control on the part of the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Lipetsk Region.

    Moreover, the Department unreasonably directed subordinate institutions to allow entry of persons arriving for a long visit only upon presentation of a receipt for payment for the room.

    For all identified violations, the prosecutor's office has taken comprehensive measures aimed at eliminating them and bringing the guilty officials to disciplinary liability..." 
 Based of the above, we, the relatives of the convicted, intend to file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office of our region. Thank you for your attention.

    Looking for an answer to your question? It's easier to ask a lawyer!

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    My legal spouse is serving his sentence in a maximum security penal colony. he has a positive character, he will serve a sentence of more than 6 years, in 10 months. we are entitled to parole. there was not a single penalty for the weight period, it works constantly. The last time he was granted a long visit was in September 2008. The husband is in improved conditions of detention and is entitled to visits 4 times a year, but unfortunately, for more than 6 months. We cannot achieve the required 3 days. The administration argues for refusing a visit by saying that there are allegedly not enough rooms for long-term visits. At the same time, not only legal wives, but also common-law wives come to the family home. what to do in this situation and how can you influence the administration of the penal colony so that visits are provided as expected?

    Long dates

    No. 304577 Sergey

    At this time, my young man is in places not so remote. Not officially scheduled. They don’t let me go on a long date. They force me to sign with him. And that’s exactly what we do THERE...

    No one is immune from misfortunes and troubles. And unfortunately, sometimes it happens that good friend or a relative goes to jail. If such a situation arises and a decision is made to visit the convicted person, then you need to know how a visit takes place in prison, what documents are required to formalize the visit. It is also worth understanding what transfers are allowed.

    What determines the duration of a date?

    First of all, you need to find out from the prisoner himself or from the prison authorities what type of visits is allowed. Usually they are divided into two types: short-term and long-term dates. The duration of the meeting depends on the following factors:

    • what type of sentence the prisoner is serving;
    • what type of prison (general, strict or special regime). This determines how many dates are allowed per month;
    • the behavior of the convicted person (whether there are merits or punishments);
    • permission from the prison authorities.

    A short date. What does it represent?

    How long are visits in prison? A short one lasts up to four hours. The meeting takes place on the territory of the prison, in a special room. A prison officer (security) must be present. During such meetings, only communication is allowed. It can occur through a grille or glass (for conversations there is a tube, like a telephone). All conversations are monitored. Therefore, it is not possible to talk much. Transferring parcels or just a small package with things and products on this date is prohibited. They can be handed over through a special window, not personally into the hands of the prisoner.

    Long meeting. Features and duration of the date

    A long visit in prison is, of course, the most favorite type of visit among prisoners. Its duration can last up to three days. The guest of the convicted person is accommodated in a special room on the territory of the prison or in a special hotel (it is also located on the territory of the colony). You will need to pay for the occupied space during the meeting. This can be done either by a visitor to the prisoner or by the convicted person himself. The prisoner's guest may bring food and drinks with him. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the allowed list. For example, no food or drinks are allowed in glass. The convicted person does not have the right to leave the allocated premises during a long visit. If violated, the date will be terminated.

    With whom are long-term visits allowed?

    Such meetings are allowed only with the closest relatives:

    • wife or husband;
    • parents (father, mother);
    • grandma or grandpa;
    • children (even adopted ones);
    • brothers or sisters.

    Cohabitants are not close relatives. Therefore, if you want to “knock out” such a date, you may need to get married. This is now practiced in prisons. At bad behavior the prisoner may not be allowed long meetings. In some cases, a visit may be allowed for up to five days, but the relative will have to live outside the territory of the colony.

    In a general security prison

    The number of visits in general security prisons depends on the behavior of the prisoner. If he is in good standing, he may be allowed up to six dates of both types during the year (that is, six long-term and six short-term). The standard limit is four dates per year (eight dates in total). But if the prisoner is guilty, the number of meetings may be reduced or they may be cancelled.

    In a maximum security prison

    Here, the number of visits in a maximum security prison also depends on the behavior of the convict. If he is serving a light form of punishment, then up to four short-term visits and four long-term visits are allowed. Otherwise (if the prisoner is kept under normal conditions) - only three visits per year (six in total).

    Visit in prison under special regime

    Here the number of meetings is kept to a minimum. Under normal conditions, only four visits are allowed per year (two short-term and two long-term). If the convicted person is under lighter conditions, then the number of meetings can be increased to six (three for each type). There may also be a lack of long meetings, depending on what the person is sitting for and how he behaves.

    How are meetings with loved ones and relatives held?

    How are visits in prison? Before entering a conversation room or a room for a long meeting, a thorough search of the visitor and his belongings will take place. If the following are found: alcoholic beverages, drugs, money or Cell phones for transfer, they are immediately confiscated, and the date may be cancelled. Do not forget that things and food, even permitted ones, will be confiscated if the date is short-term.

    It is not recommended to succumb to security tricks that you can go on a date without being searched. This can harm both the visitor and the prisoner. If you refuse a personal inspection and things, the meeting is canceled automatically. In the room where the meeting will take place, there is a button to call security (this applies to long dates); this is done to protect the visitor.

    Security will definitely require any document proving the identity of the visitor. As well as a document proving relationship with the prisoner. Especially if it's a long date. If one of the documents is missing, the visit will be denied.

    After the end of the meeting, the visitor, accompanied by security, leaves the premises. Then a bus takes you or a guard accompanies you to the prison gates. Meanwhile, the convicted person is sent to a cell to further serve his sentence.

    Dating outside the institution. Is it allowed?

    It was good when they gave me a date in prison. Is it possible to conduct it outside the prison? There are such privileges, but only in the colony settlements. To do this, the prisoner must behave simply ideally and write an application addressed to the chief or his acting director for a meeting with a relative not on the territory of the settlement. After reviewing the application, a response will be issued.

    What can you bring?

    The list of permitted items and products is of interest to visitors both when sending a parcel, a package for a short-term date, and when packing for a long-term visit.

    What can you bring to prison for a (long) visit:

    1. Food products: any instant food (noodles, cereals, soups, cubes, etc.); bakery products; butter (butter and vegetable) and cheeses.
    2. Drinks (non-alcoholic), but not in glass or metal containers. You can have tea and coffee.
    3. Sugar, candies (lollipops only), honey (in plastic containers).
    4. Books, magazines, notebooks, videos.
    5. Things for hygiene (for yourself and the convicted person).
    6. A change of clothes for both.

    Under no circumstances should you try to smuggle in prohibited items (alcohol, drugs, money, weapons, cell phones), especially with the help of a bribe. Then the date will definitely be cancelled. And this can have dire consequences for future dates. They may be banned with this particular visitor. Or they may take you into custody (if there was an attempt to bring a weapon or a drug). In order not to make a mistake about what to take on a date to prison, before the trip it is better to get advice from the authorities of the institution so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

    What items and food products are allowed to be placed in parcels and parcels?

    To begin with, you always need to call the colony authorities, since the lists can change, and parcels and packages can be sent not whenever you want, but a certain number of times. Below are the main permitted items and foods:

    1. Tea, coffee, cigarettes, and candy are not just permitted items in prison. For prisoners it is a kind of exchange currency. Therefore, they are permanent components of any parcel or transmission.
    2. Oil, both vegetable and butter, you can use melted chicken fat, lard.
    3. Instant foods (they are listed above in the list for long dates).
    4. Instead of salt, it is better to send chicken cubes.
    5. Gingerbreads, dryers, cookies.
    6. Fruits and vegetables, Special attention give garlic, especially in winter time.
    7. Dried fruits, condensed milk in a bag.
    8. Kissels (in packs), powdered milk, tomato paste.
    9. Cheese, sausages, fish and meat in vacuum packages.
    10. It is advisable to send clothes only dark colors(pajamas, tracksuit, sweaters, pants).
    11. Shoes with Velcro or lock are also dark in color.
    12. Dishes, preferably plastic.
    13. Laundry washing powder or laundry soap.
    14. Magazines, newspapers, books.
    15. Notebooks and pens (black or of blue color).
    16. Cards or other board and safe games.
    17. If you need to send medicines, you need to contact the authorities; the medicine is transferred not to the convicted person, but to the medical staff of the prison. The package must be marked “medicines”.
    18. Essential items for personal hygiene ( straight razors not allowed).

    Personal hygiene items include:

    • soap;
    • brush;
    • toothpaste;
    • shampoo;
    • towel;
    • shaving cream;
    • deodorant;
    • for girls - pads;
    • washcloth and so on.

    You cannot put items in parcels that quickly deteriorate, require storage in the refrigerator, or require cooking or other heat treatment.

    If a relative or acquaintance ends up in prison, then, of course, first of all you need to find out how many visits there are in prison, what kind of visits are allowed and when, what can and cannot be given to the prisoner. You should not carry bad news from freedom, as this may provoke an inadequate reaction from the convicted person. The visitor himself cannot violate the rules in this institution. This applies to both acceptable products and things, and the behavioral factor.

    A little conclusion

    It must be remembered that the prisoner enjoys long visits more than the visitor. Because it somehow dilutes the gray everyday life. Therefore, you can clarify in advance what he wants and whether it is allowed. You can bring family photos or videos. And you should always monitor changes in prohibitions and permitted things in the program.

    The right of convicts to visits, the number of visits allowed to convicts serving a sentence various types regimes, defined by the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, articles: 89, 118, 121, 123, 125, 129, 131.

    General rules conducting visits in correctional institutions are set out in paragraphs. 67-83 of the Internal Regulations for correctional institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 205 of November 3, 2005 and are as follows.

    In accordance with the procedure established by Article 89 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, convicts are granted short-term visits with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution.

    Long-term visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

    Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person replacing him, upon the application of the convicted person or the person who came to him for a meeting. If a visit is refused, a note about the reasons for the refusal is made on the application of the person wishing to meet with the convicted person.

    Documents proving the identity of those arriving on a date, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits followed by subsequent or previous service.

    The first meeting may be granted to the convicted person immediately after the convict’s arrival from the quarantine department to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous meeting in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first is determined by the convicted person. Subsequent visits are granted after a period equal to the quotient of twelve months divided by the number of visits of this type allowed to the convicted person per year.

    The time during which visits to convicts were not provided due to the introduction of a regime of special conditions is counted towards the period after which convicts may be granted visits. The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the date. Combining dates or splitting one date into several is not allowed. Convicts must appear neat for visits. During long visits, they can use clothes, linen and shoes brought by relatives.

    Convicts are subject to a full search before and after visits. A convicted person is allowed long-term or short-term visits simultaneously with no more than two adults, together with whom may be minor brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren of the convicted person.

    Long visits with other persons are granted only in cases where, in the opinion of the administration, such visits will not negatively affect the convicted person. Persons who arrive on a meeting with convicts, after the administration of the correctional institution has explained to them the procedure for conducting a meeting, hand over the prohibited items for storage until the end of the meeting to the junior inspector for meetings against a signature. Citizens arriving on dates, their clothes and belongings are searched.

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    If prohibited items hidden from inspection are discovered, the administration of the correctional institution takes measures in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules. If a person arriving for a meeting refuses to have his belongings and clothes searched, he is not allowed a long-term meeting with the convicted person, but a short-term one may be granted.

    In case of violation by arrivals established order the meeting is immediately interrupted. Persons arriving on a meeting with convicts are not allowed to bring any products or things into the short-term visiting rooms. For long dates, you are allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine, vodka and beer).

    For longer visits, additional services may be provided. Their payment is made at the expense of the convicts’ own funds or those arriving on a visit. Replacement of types of meetings and visits with telephone conversations is carried out upon the written application of the convicted person. To receive legal assistance, convicted persons, upon their applications, are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to provide legal assistance.

    At the request of the convicted person, visits are granted in private, out of earshot of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. Such visits are not counted among the number of visits established by law, their number is not limited, they are held for up to 4 hours during non-working hours for convicted persons and only during the hours from rising to lights out.

    The procedure for holding visits in a correctional institution is regulated by clause 5.3 of the Instruction “On the supervision of convicted persons held in correctional colonies". Supervision of convicts during long-term and short-term visits is carried out by a junior inspector, who is responsible for the implementation of the provisions established by the penal legislation and

    Internal regulations for the procedure for conducting visits, issuing parcels, transfers, parcels to convicts and their accounting. The junior inspector for conducting visits, receiving and issuing parcels, transfers and parcels is obliged to: before the start of the visit, accept applications from arriving persons, clarify the status of visits based on the registration data, obtain permission from the head of the colony and report this to the operational duty officer; ensure the arrival of convicts for a meeting; order passes for relatives of convicted persons and other persons arriving on visits; to familiarize persons arriving for visits with the procedure for conducting them, and also to draw the attention of citizens who delivered parcels to convicts to the inadmissibility of putting prohibited things in them.

    If a person arriving for a meeting refuses to have his belongings and clothes searched, he is not allowed a long meeting with the convicted person, however, a short-term one may be granted in accordance with the established procedure; accept money and valuables from relatives of convicts who have arrived for visits, register them against signature in a special journal, ensure their safety and return at the end of the visit; check appearance convicts who are granted a visit, if necessary, ensure that they change into underwear, clothes and shoes from the exchange fund; strictly observe the established sequence (queue) of entry (exit) of persons arriving on a date. He first of all introduces convicts into the short-term meeting room, and then accompanies the persons arriving there for the meeting.


    Relatives are invited first to long-term visiting rooms, and then convicts. At the end of a short-term visit, relatives or other persons are the first to leave the room, and convicts are the first to leave the room for a long-term visit; report to the operational duty officer or the inspector on duty in the residential area and allow, with their consent, the relatives of the convicted to leave the colony during a long visit, and after their return, carry out an inspection of the things and food they have with them in the prescribed manner; constantly monitor the behavior of convicts, their relatives and other persons during short-term and long-term visits.

    When conducting short-term visits, it is prohibited to leave convicts alone with persons who have arrived for the meeting. If the rules of conduct are violated, the date is interrupted. In this case, a long-term visit is terminated by the operational duty officer, and a short-term visit is terminated by the junior inspector. The final decision to terminate visits is made by the head of the IC.

    The reason for the termination of the meeting is recorded on the application, in the registration card, and the persons on the meeting are notified about this. If a conversation at a short-term meeting is conducted in a language that none of the administration representatives speaks, then a translator or another person (except for convicted persons) who speaks this language may be invited to control the content of the conversation; in addition, periodically (usually before lights out and after getting up) check the presence of convicts in the long-term visiting rooms and their compliance with the rules of conduct; ensure proper internal order in the visiting room, serviceability of equipment and inventory, compliance with fire safety rules

    Additional Information:

    Convicts have the right to visits. Visits with relatives are provided in order to preserve the socially useful connections of the convicted person. According to the 1999 special census of convicts, 61.8% of convicts did not exercise their right to long-term visits, and 50.3% did not exercise their right to short-term ones.

    The number of visits is established depending on the type of correctional institution, the type of regime and the type of conditions for serving the sentence. Dates can be short-term (4 hours) or long-term (3 days). The visits take place on the territory of the correctional facility. A correctional colony may provide visits lasting five days with accommodation outside the colony. In this case, the head of the colony determines the place and procedure for the meeting.

    2. Short-term visits are granted with relatives and other persons in the presence of representatives of the administration. Long visits are granted with the right to live together with close relatives (but not more than two adults), and in exceptional cases, with the permission of the head of the correctional institution, with other persons. The concept of relative and close relative is given in paragraphs 4 and 37 of Art. 5 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

    Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits followed by subsequent or previous service. During long visits, convicts can use clothes, linen and shoes brought by relatives. If the arrivals violate the established procedure for conducting a meeting, it is immediately interrupted.

    Persons arriving on a meeting with convicts are not allowed to bring any products or things into the short-term visiting rooms. For long dates, you are allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine, vodka and beer). Convicts are subject to a full search before and after the meeting. The clothes and belongings of citizens arriving on a date may be inspected.

    A person who refuses inspection is not allowed a long visit, but it can be replaced by a short one. If prohibited items hidden from inspection are discovered, the perpetrators may be brought to administrative liability under Art. 19.12 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person replacing him, upon the application of the convicted person or the person who came to him for a meeting. Documents proving the identity of those arriving on a date, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE, documents of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

    The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the date. Combining dates or splitting one date into several is not allowed.

    The first meeting may be granted to the convicted person immediately after the convict’s arrival from the quarantine facility to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous meeting in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first is determined by the convicted person.

    Subsequent visits are granted after a period equal to the quotient of 12 months divided by the number of visits of this type allowed to the convicted person per year. The time during which visits to convicts were not provided due to the introduction of a regime of special conditions is counted towards the period after which convicts may be granted visits.

    3. At the request of the convicted person, long-term and short-term visits can be replaced by a telephone conversation, and long-term visits - short-term ones; in a correctional colony there is also a long visit with accommodation outside the correctional institution - short-term with going outside the colony. Long-term visits are not granted to those in treatment and preventive institutions; they are replaced by short-term ones.

    Long visits under strict regime in prison, in strict conditions in a special regime colony and in a correctional colony, as well as when serving urgent penalties provided for in paragraphs “c”, “d”, “d” and “f” are not provided for. . 1 tbsp. 115 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

    The ban on long visits under strict security in prison was challenged in court as violating the right of a convicted person to privacy (Part 1 of Article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), to respect for personal and family life(Part 1 of Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms). As the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation indicated in its Determination No. 63-O of February 16, 2006, private life is not subject to control by the state, and this corresponds to both the interests of the individual and the interests of society.

    But if a person has committed a crime, the state is obliged to protect the violated rights and legitimate interests of other persons, including by applying punishment, including by interfering in the private life of the guilty person. The court, citing the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, stated that such interference in private life is not arbitrary, but only implements a state function to protect public interests. The main thing is that such government intervention meets the criteria of reasonableness and proportionality and is carried out in a constitutionally significant manner.

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