• Symptoms of love depression in men. How to recover from unhappy love


    Love depression occurs not only due to unhappy love. Although if you conduct a survey, 99% of its participants will name this very root cause. In fact, love depression can occur at the most different conditions. Eg:

    Despite all its certain, albeit rather conventional, romance and sublimity, love depression is exactly the same painful condition, and therefore requiring urgent professional treatment, as any other mental problem.

    And like any mental anomaly, under certain conditions - not solving the problem of constant stress for a long time, strong psychological conflicts, fears, nervous overstrain, refusal to help a psychologist or psychotherapist - this type of depression can also lead to various kinds of complications.

    For example, it can cause various chronic diseases at the physical level that affect the cardiovascular system and disrupt the normal functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems. Or lead to various serious mental illnesses, some of which are psychosis, social phobia, aggressiveness, or chronic fear of love - philophobia.

    Therefore, never treat such depression with a grin or as something that will go away on its own. After all, such a state, experienced even at a very young age, can subsequently become a source of a variety of, sometimes insoluble, problems that can have a destructive impact on both the personality and the entire fate of a person who today is subject to such seemingly harmless love depression.

    How to get rid of depression Depression is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms

    – reluctance to live, loss of interest in the world around us, rapid fatigue and many others. If you find yourself showing signs of a depressive mood, then you need to start fighting this problem as quickly as possible.

    What is depression

    Depression is a mental illness that is accompanied by a mood disorder.

    Types of mental disorder

    Mental disorders are very diverse and most often young and elderly people are exposed to completely different types. Let's list some of them.

    Symptoms and signs of depression Most often you are in a very bad mood, and this has been going on for several weeks. However, there are often no special reasons for feeling this way.

    2. Apathy. You have lost interest in activities that previously could have seriously captivated you. You do not strive for new knowledge and are indifferent to almost everything that happens around you.

    3. Closedness. You prefer to communicate with other people as little as possible, and if possible, avoid their company altogether.

    4. Anxiety. This feeling accompanies you quite often, and, as a rule, you are unable to determine its nature.

    5. Thoughts about death. From time to time you think that nothing would change in the world if you passed away. And in general, even close people, in your opinion, would not be very worried about your death.

    6. Changes in appetite. You've started eating differently than you did recently, and it's affecting your weight. Now you eat very little, or vice versa - “sweep away” everything you see in the refrigerator. Most often, you do not control this process - you simply forget about food or don’t even notice how regularly you chew something.

    7. Sleep disturbance. Here, too, there can be two extremes - you either suffer from insomnia and cannot fall asleep for a long time, or you fall into deep sleep, which usually lasts the bulk of the day.

    8. Lack of self-confidence. You think that you look bad, are uninteresting, not charming, or are simply stupid.

    9. Tearfulness. An accidentally dropped careless word can bring you to tears. However, from time to time you cry even without anyone’s “intervention”, but from general powerlessness.

    Causes of depression

    1. Parting with a loved one. Perhaps some time ago you experienced significant stress after breaking up with a person with whom you were in a serious relationship or marriage. It is possible that immediately during the breakup you kept yourself under control, but suppressed emotions still make themselves felt.

    2. Non-reciprocal love. For a long time you tried to achieve the affection and reciprocity of the person you were in love with, but in the end you realized that all your attempts did not lead to a positive result.

    3. Death loved one. You have experienced a serious emotional shock after someone dear to you passed away.

    4. Problems in learning. You are a student and you have problems with mastering the material, many absences, difficulties in communicating with other students or teachers. Studying excites you more negative emotions, rather than positive.

    5. Problems in the professional sphere. You feel that you are not being fully realized in your profession. Perhaps you doubt the correctness of the chosen path, or you don’t even know what type of activity is right for you.

    6. Financial difficulties. You have debts, you just recently got out of them, or you simply barely have enough money, and most often you are constantly forced to limit yourself, denying what you want.

    7. Health problems. Perhaps you have experienced the loss of a child or are facing some serious illness. We can also talk about illnesses that have appeared in a loved one.

    Family troubles. It's hard for you to find mutual language with your other half, parents, children or other close relatives.

    The course of depression and its possible consequences

    Accompanied by mood changes. Nevertheless, you manage to pull yourself together when necessary - behave at ease in society, carry out your daily duties, and the like.

    In neglected form

    Accompanied by complete apathy to everything that happens, nervous breakdowns. A person is physically unable to do his usual activities and will not be able to hide his condition. Suicidal thoughts may appear.

    The relationship between depression and stress

    Stress and depression are directly related to each other, and very often one does not exist without the other. As you know, a stressful state, which can be caused by many factors, is accompanied by nervous exhaustion. Negative emotions that have been experienced over a long period usually lead to depression. An exception may be very stress-resistant people who are able to ignore many negative factors.

    To prevent stress from turning into depression

    If you understand that you are faced with a stressful situation, but do not want it to lead to depression, follow some rules that will help you get out of this situation with the least emotional losses.

    How to quickly cure depression

    Serious depression cannot be overcome very quickly, but, in general, if you start fighting it right now, you will begin to live a completely different life within a few weeks.

    Treating depression yourself at home

    How to get rid of severe and prolonged depression

    If depression has lasted for more than a year, and you cannot force yourself to follow any recommendations, then you need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist. Often people in this condition are physically unable to take advantage of this advice, because they need to look for a specialist, call the clinic, make an appointment, and the like. Share your problem with a loved one and ask for help - let him find you a psychotherapist, arrange a meeting and accompany you to him.

    How to overcome the disease once and for all

    By following the above tips, you can get rid of depression forever. However, since such a nuisance has already happened to you, then you need to realize that you are in a kind of “risk zone”, and another serious stress can again plunge you into a depressive state. To prevent this from happening, apply these recommendations not only when getting out of depression, but also subsequently in your everyday life.

    Is it possible to die from depression?

    Depression by itself is not fatal. That is, apathy, decreased ability to work, tearfulness and other symptoms cannot lead to the death of a person, but there is another problem.

    A depressed person thinks very pessimistically. He considers himself useless to anyone, superfluous and inappropriate everywhere. The longer and deeper the depression, the more often the patient may think that it would be good to end all suffering in one fell swoop and begins to see his salvation in suicide. This only happens with a very severe form of depression, and in order to get out of it, serious help from loved ones or specialists is needed.

    What best helps with depression?

    1. If you feel that your emotional condition leaves much to be desired, then you need to switch yourself to other emotions. The fastest way to do this is by simply calling a person with whom you enjoy communicating. Even if you don’t feel like dialing someone’s number right now, do it!

    2. If your depressed state does not have any particular basis, and does not last for several days, but arose only today, then a cup of delicious strong tea can help you! Choose chamomile and linden drinks. Don't drink it while running - find a calm and quiet place where you can slowly drink soothing tea and think about something good in solitude.

    3. Physical labor or sports can greatly relieve you of depression, because your energy will be directed in a completely different direction. And in general, it has long been known that muscle activity provokes the release of endorphins into the human blood, which are also called “hormones of happiness.”

    Tips for treating depression

    How to be treated with antidepressants

    If you decide to improve your condition by using antidepressants, keep in mind that this will not completely cure your depression. You will be able to suppress the symptoms of the disease for a period of time, but not get rid of it. Only a specialist can determine the dosage of medications; under no circumstances do this yourself, otherwise this approach can only harm you.

    If you want to get rid of depression, do not rely only on medicine, because you are overcome by “mental illness.” Communicate with loved ones more often, telling them confidentially about your problem.

    Therapy and psychotherapy

    Many people underestimate the help of psychotherapy, but this industry is actively developing. Specialists use the following types of psychotherapy: cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic and interpersonal. The first will help correct your thinking from negative to positive, the second will help resolve internal conflicts, and the last will make it clear what has become the main source of the problem for you.

    As you can see, one visit to a psychotherapist can give you a complete understanding of your condition and identify guidelines along which you can get out of it.

    Family or group therapy may help some people, and you may also find it easier to solve a problem based on positive examples from others or a solution family problems from the inside.

    Preventing future depression

    To prevent depression from returning, try to limit yourself from the factors that cause it. Many people involved in charity or simply interesting hobby, are less susceptible to depression than others. Find something that you enjoy and truly enjoy, and in the end it will always be able to distract you from gloomy thoughts.

    Depression due to love and its causes
    Depression due to love and its causes Love depression occurs not only due to unhappy love. Although if you conduct a survey, 99% of its participants will name this
    How to get rid of depression
    How to get rid of depression Depression is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms - reluctance to live, loss of interest in the world around us, fatigue and many others. If you find

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    Breaking up is difficult and painful. Not a single guy, not a single girl, not a single person will be able to feel comfortable for any period of time after this happened. Even people with the most stable psyche will still worry. You can hide this from others, even from yourself, but there is nothing positive about it. If we are talking about the fact that depression arose after a breakup, and it is not called ordinary human sadness, but precisely a mental disorder, then everything is much more complicated. However, first you need to understand that this is so. To do this, you can use the Zang scale, which is intended for self-assessment of depression. Full testing will take no more than 30 minutes. There are only 20 questions, but it is recommended to think carefully about each one. Based on the results, you can determine whether you are actually facing a mental problem and what its severity is. Depression diagnosed? In this case, one piece of news awaits you...

    Breaking up with a loved one often leads to depression

    Depression due to a breakup is no different from its counterpart with another apparent cause. The same thing can happen due to the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, participation in a long-term conflict, poor living conditions and anything else that can happen to us. It’s just that this factor has arisen right now, but in a month the same thing can be provoked by another, and someday depression will also arise after a mistress, what to do then?

    In medicine or in religion, depression itself is identified in order to begin treatment, and it is universal, what exactly bad things would you think about right now?. Therefore, change your approach to the problem. Stop asking about how to get out of depression after a breakup, and think about how to generally make your condition and life better.

    What actually caused the depression this time? Your thinking and emotional sphere found herself in the grip of two misconceptions.

    • Let's say you've broken up with someone forever. This person will never reciprocate your feelings. You are now turning this particular fatality into the impossibility of building a relationship with someone in principle, but this is a completely wrong conclusion. It is quite possible that these words will find a negative assessment, because you have the attitude “I don’t need anyone else.”
    • Now the text of this article will seem even more incorrect. The fact is that everything in the world is relative. In the abstract, you would agree with this. But right now it will seem that the lines were written by some person who does not understand anything. However, in your case there is no universal drama. Only a couple of months will pass and you yourself will be surprised that you worried so much.

    You associate these misconceptions with lost love, but in fact they are signs of any depression. Almost every case is associated with the fact that any problem is exaggerated.

    Love depression is no easier than any other type of depression

    We noted above that love depression - due to separation or lack of reciprocity - is not much different from any other. This is true, but with one significant caveat. In addition to love, there is also addiction. In a broad sense, this term means passion for some activity, and in psychology it is most often considered as a pathological attachment to some object or person. Most often, negative factors during separation are associated with this phenomenon. Addiction can occur to some chemical substances or ordinary objects, even technologies.

    For example, Internet addiction is an addiction. The person does not receive any drugs, alcohol or medications, but when he is unable to go online, he begins to experience something similar to the “withdrawal” that occurs in drug addicts at the moment when they are unable to get the next dose.

    The same state can be experienced by a person who fell in love with someone, tried to build a relationship, but nothing worked.

    Biological factors

    Currently, scientists do not yet have a clear and complete picture of the emergence of any dependencies. However, there are quite significant and well-reasoned arguments in favor of the existence of certain biological mechanisms. The most significant is the opinion that the process of dopamine release, which has a stimulating effect, plays a significant role. This is a neurotransmitter that precedes the appearance of norepinephrine. When it concentrates to the proper extent, a person experiences a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure. Chemicals that cause addiction help either block reuptake mechanisms, or block the action of antagonists, or increase its concentration in the synaptic space, or imitate its appearance. Research shows that almost every attraction, every addiction is somehow connected with dopamine.

    Dopamine is responsible for the feeling of addiction in the human body.

    In its natural mode, this neurotransmitter is necessary and useful, and its deficiency leads to diseases associated with loss of cognitive abilities. True, it is human nature to get used to the beneficial effects, which makes us strive to repeat it again and again. If it is impossible to obtain a sharp increase in concentration, a person falls into a panic and is capable of committing actions that are unusual for him. There are cases when not only drug addicts, but also people suffering from gambling addiction committed crimes in order to get the opportunity to gamble. The so-called love neurosis is no exception. We all know dozens of examples when, because of love, or rather, love addiction, people committed a variety of unseemly acts and it all ended tragically.

    This can seriously hurt your pride and cause an internal wave of protest. Not only depression, which arose due to such delicate reasons, but also the feeling itself, from romantic and idolized by many, turned into addiction. If you are experiencing a protest, then understand that this is a protest that will never give you the answer to the question of how to get out of depression after a breakup.

    Much depends on our own attitude. Recovery occurs only when treatment begins, and for it to begin, you must at least recognize the fact of the disease.

    Two complexes

    Most often, after the separation of loved ones or spouses, two complexes can be traced. Both of them are connected with the fact that a person thinks not “we broke up”, but “I broke up” or “I broke up.” If all experiences were built on the basis of a lost union, then there would be no talk of the appearance of symptoms of mental deviation. Worrying about a lost family or a disappeared relationship is also painful, but at least it is constructive pain that makes you wiser. Only the question of how to survive depression after a breakup is asked when all thoughts are focused on oneself.

    • A victim complex arises. A person tells others and himself about how he was cruelly treated by his former “significant other.” If we remember the biochemical picture of addiction, we get a pretty funny sketch. Somewhere in this world there is a person who gave out the conditions for the production of dopamine. You can imagine a kiosk, and in it is someone who is lost. And he distributes the neurotransmitter there. For a while I got hooked, got hooked on this emotional drug of love, and then that was it. The victim of such deceit feels very sorry for himself, his self-esteem drops. And suddenly!..
    • An aggression complex arises. How so? Where's the justice? How could this distributor of the hormone of pleasure, happiness and self-confidence do this? There may be vindictiveness, a desire to go to him and turn everything upside down. Sometimes this happens in practice and even ends with the intervention of law enforcement agencies.

    An aggression complex may develop

    Getting rid of all this is quite possible. In many cases, the help of not even a psychotherapist, but an ordinary psychologist who is not a doctor, is sufficient. For those who are not yet ready to reveal their secrets to strangers and want to find the answer to the question of how to cope with depression after a breakup on their own, a few simple and effective advice. Some of them are of a general nature, and some are aimed at “fixing” their psyche after the end of a love relationship.

    Treating depression on your own...

    In Pursuit of Pleasure

    Restore the natural balance of doformin release. To do this, make a big list of everything that gives pleasure, but is not associated with taking drugs, gambling and everything that contributes to a sharp increase in adrenaline levels. This is a very interesting point. If you actually try this, you will make an amazing discovery. Apart from food, nothing comes to mind so easily. The list could be very impressive, but we live a very inert life. Pleasure comes from having money on your debit card, buying things, eating good food, and being in a relationship with your loved one. No criticism of the social structure of the world, but a little, a little.

    Look for it yourself - pleasure can come from working on a personal plot, communicating with animals, being creative, hiking, or just skiing or biking... A huge list can be written. After this, make it a rule: to live in such a way that at least two items from this list are accomplished every day. Got on the walk list? Park your car away from the office or leave public transport 3 stops from home and work. Otherwise, with the modern rhythm of life, walks may not work out. Don’t consider this advice as a banal suggestion to distract yourself with something. Everything is much more serious.

    The path of the energy miser

    Remind yourself once again that the question of how to overcome depression after a breakup is not posed correctly. First you need to remove the mention of separation. If you have depression, the Zang questionnaire will show it. This is an exclusively medical phenomenon - a mental disorder, and in a clinical case - a real disease. It is better to treat it under the supervision of a specialist, but first discard unnecessary words. Can you imagine a diagnosis with them? If processing the results leads to the conclusion that the state is normal or moderately depressed, then feel free to change the term. Let it be frustration, apathy, sadness... There is no need to put such a label on yourself without any particular reason.

    Sometimes you need to get rid of excess life ballast

    Do you feel a loss of strength? If the answer is yes, then start throwing out everything from your life that you can do without. The logic is simple and common - dumping ballast and excess cargo. For example, you decided that buying something would give you pleasure. Whether it will actually work is not yet known. Very often, after purchasing something that should please you, the opposite effect occurs. Therefore, we recommend doing the opposite - throwing away everything unnecessary. You can do this directly physically: collect all unnecessary things and throw them in the trash. You can look at your behavior and start throwing out what you really don’t need - don’t watch TV just because it’s evening, don’t sit in in social networks without meaning or use. This way you can give up many of your inclinations - to argue just for the sake of arguing, to drink a cafe only for the reason that a coffee pot caught your eye, but in fact there was no desire.

    This is not a direct answer to the question of how to get rid of depression after a breakup, but a recommendation to get rid of unnecessary things - in yourself and around you.

    Another prayer

    The appearance of the question of how to deal with depression after a breakup suggests that it is masking something else. There can only be two wishes behind it. First- this is the desire to return everything to its previous course. Interestingly, it can occur even in the person who initiated it. Second- this is the desire to forget, let go and live on as if nothing had happened. Both desires are formed against the background of an imbalance in the production of hormones and various chemical compounds.

    If the relationship cannot be renewed, then there is no point in wanting it. It’s impossible to just take it and forget it.

    Let's imagine that you decide to turn to God with a prayer for help. In the first case, one would have to say: “Lord! Make him mine again." Just black magic some - this is the influence on the will of another person, and even by God's will. In the second: “Lord! Help me forget him! There is no such obvious sinfulness, but still God is a drug for erasing memory.

    Sometimes breaking up is for the best!

    What kind of prayer would be fair? The one that was a request for strengthening, for the strength to remember the relationship, its breakup, but not to see any tragedy in it. Life goes on…

    Try to actually pray as described in the third case. It is quite possible that you will even be surprised at how you got out of depression so quickly.

    In our life, love is considered one of the axial, central concepts. A person can feel unhappy at a time when he feels a lack of love from a significant person. It is known from experience that sometimes official medicine and psychiatry turn a blind eye to this fact, but nevertheless, this circumstance should not be discounted.

    Features of the formation of the human psyche

    It’s worth starting with the factor of complete dependence of the newborn on the mother in the early periods of life. At this time, thanks to the mother, the child receives the warmth and nutrition necessary for his life. The mother becomes for the child the center of his mental world, an indispensable condition without which life is not possible. Nature predetermines that the presence of a loving object throughout a person’s life is mandatory. When circumstances of an objective or subjective nature prevent this, depression develops.

    Psychoanalysis will help

    In the event of such love problems, it makes sense to contact a psychoanalyst. Psychoanalysis may not be able to bring back a loved one, but it will certainly change the sufferer in better side, will teach him to look at the world differently, will help him find another object for strong feelings. In fact, this is the only way out for a person suffering from depression. You can, of course, seek help from a psychiatric hospital. But there a person immediately receives the status of a patient, often with indifference to the essence of his emotional experiences. By and large, the vicissitudes of the patient’s relationship with his beloved object have no meaning for the psychiatrist. The doctor views the situation from the perspective of official medicine, in which a mental disorder is perceived as a disruption of the functioning of nerve cells, which is caused by poor heredity.

    Love brings you out of depression

    You should perceive depression as a kind of clot, an accumulation of a mass of fear and negative emotions. Love is like a force that can bring consciousness beyond the limits of this fear. Love, or rather its physical manifestation, can very effectively bring a person out of a depressive trance. Psychologists say that such physical and emotional intimacy is directly related to energy exchange within the human body. At each specific point of contact between circumstances and events, you can find the lucky keys to the doors of your success in life. A positive perception of the world enhances love, respect, trust in each other, and the balance of optimal mood.

    The great thinker and spiritual mentor Osho said that only love can heal any psychological disorders. No matter how strong the sadness is, try to accept it, and love will certainly dispel depression.

    If your relationship has gone to pieces: your loved one has left you, or you yourself have left, unable to put up with infidelity (drunkenness), but continue to love, the state into which you will fall for the next indefinite time threatens with serious losses not only in terms of peace of mind, but and in the sense of a decline in quality of life.

    Psychotherapist Leonid Shemlyakov gives advice on getting out of the state of hopelessness and depression that occurs when losing love.

    Bad advice

    I became convinced of the complete inconsistency of the advice that would-be psychologists often give. They recommend that if you lose a loved one, enjoy life more, not sit at home, go on picnics and start a new hobby. It seems that these tips were given by robots who have never suffered from unhappy love or the loss of a loved one, and do not understand that the collapse of the entire world cannot be saved by going on a picnic. And we all are well aware that we need to look for and stigmatize shortcomings in the lost object of love, convince ourselves that you didn’t really love, and you can live just fine without this loser (this bitch).

    Just don't confuse love with being in love. If it was a fleeting feeling, there is nothing to talk about. But when a serious relationship breaks up, a person wants to lie down, cry, and not have anyone touch him. Such conditions are caused not just by a bad mood, but by serious changes in brain biochemistry and a general decrease in brain activity. Therefore, of course, if we say that unhappy love is a disease, then one should be treated for depression, and nothing else.

    Depression is a predictable condition

    Abandoned lovers fall into an apathetic state, which turns into depression. This emotional disorder manifests itself through such experiences as feelings of depression, hopelessness, helplessness, guilt, and increased self-criticism. These manifestations are accompanied by a decrease in mental and motor activity, indifference to the environment, fatigue, decreased sexual desire, lack of appetite, insomnia. In some types of depression, insomnia and decreased appetite may be replaced by sleepiness and overeating, respectively. These physical manifestations are vegetative signs of depression and the basis of long-existing assumptions about its psychosomatic nature. Depression is also accompanied by increased attention to one's own inner world and decreased interest in external activities.

    Depression is a predictable and normal condition following the loss of a loved one and Serious relationships, with the collapse of illusions and ideal future life the togetherness you dreamed of.

    Unfortunately, many people underestimate the degree of their depression simply because they can no longer adequately examine themselves; they consider it normal that for several months, when returning from work, they sit and stare at one point, or eat only chocolates, or refuse to go anywhere. -go out. Be very careful.

    Will it hurt and go away? It may not pass!

    In our country, the emotional and mental spheres of life are perceived as something secondary and not in need of qualified help. There is no psychotherapeutic culture. Now, if you break your leg, they will certainly understand, feel sorry for you and send you to a doctor. And if you suffer from unhappy love, they will shrug it off and say, “Time is the best doctor.” Moreover, many perceive any appeal to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist as an admission of mental inferiority: they immediately consider such a person (and often even themselves) to be a psycho.

    Depressed patients are often criticized for being weak-willed and “unwilling to help themselves.” But it is the very nature of depression to change a person’s thoughts and actions so much that he becomes unable to do anything to improve his condition.

    Due to this biased point of view, it is imperative that a depressed patient seek professional help. Without treatment, depression tends to get progressively worse, followed by temporary episodes of stabilization.

    If ordinary depression turns into clinical depression, then in this state a person can harm himself socially (by losing relationships with other people), professionally (by losing his job), financially and even physically (even to suicide). Left untreated, depression usually develops between six months and two years before becoming chronic, lasting many years, if not indefinitely.

    Treatment of depression

    Depression distorts a person's perception of life and can cause shame, fear and guilt about having it. Many people worry in silence, others deceive themselves, downplaying the severity of symptoms, postponing treatment.

    Remember that one of the manifestations of depression is a feeling of hopelessness. It may be hard for you to believe that anything can help, but in the vast majority of cases, treatment for depression is effective when you see a mental health professional.

    The choice of treatment for depression depends on: the type of depression, its origin (endogenous or psychogenic, i.e. caused by stress), severity of symptoms, previous treatment experience, tolerance side effects the patient, the personality characteristics of the patient himself.

    In many cases, combination treatment for depression (a combination of psychotherapy and drug therapy) can be especially effective.

    The main thing is to soberly assess your condition, its severity, and, without listening to the “good” advice of friends and acquaintances in the style of “Forget that goat (that fool)!”, consult a doctor if your life after breaking up has changed for the worse.

    *** Do you have your own recipe for curing unhappy love? Share it in the comments!

    Acquaintance, meetings, falling in love, turning into strong feeling affection and love, and then a sudden break and unexpected protracted depression after parting with a loved one, which every lover has probably experienced in their life.

    How to properly forget your loved one and get out of love depression? People who suffer from this painful feeling wonder. It is important to remember that one of the main needs of a person is to be loved, the soul constantly cries out for love, and when such a moment of “catastrophe” comes, when “they no longer love you,” the mind does not want to accept this, and there is no way to change the situation, and then it begins uncomfortable existence and depression occurs after separation. The heart does not want to accept reality, since the brain is still absorbed in the pleasant haze of love. What advice can you give to unhappy lovers? Words of consolation alone will not be enough: everything will pass, this too will pass, you just have to wait. But at that moment, the depression after the breakup seems unbearable.

    How to overcome depression after a breakup? Until the sufferer is freed from psychological dependence falling in love, there will be no relief from depression. What happens when you break up with your loved one? When breaking up with a loved one, the energetic connection only intensifies (the person you broke up with is not ready for such an outcome of the relationship) and the psychological dependence on this person only increases, intensified by love withdrawal

    Depression after breakup - treatment

    There are no people who do not experience breakups; everyone is subject to internal conflicts. Stress is already a norm that has become a part of our lives. The question is already in accepting the very existence of this stress - parting with a loved one.

    Depression after a breakup is a painful feeling, a decadent mood, a heartbreaking feeling and the inability to change the situation. The only thing possible is to accept it and not try to change anything. Remember that you cannot run away from your experiences and suffering. Many people hide from their suffering in work, in another person, in religion, in illness, in alcohol, in fantasies, but it is necessary to give the heart the opportunity to ache, suffer, and one day the morning will come and everything will pass. But before this morning comes, you need to master the technique of releasing psychological dependence on your loved one.

    How to get out of love depression? It's simple. Movement is walking. Movement (walking) characterizes the development of our lives towards the future. When a cramp occurs, we stand still, and depression after a breakup is a spasm in our thoughts that keeps us in place and does not allow us to think and enjoy life further. What to do?

    Use yoga in post-breakup healing. Also Shri B.K.S. Iyengar emphasized that yoga can help everyone find harmony, as well as inner peace, they just need to overcome their laziness.

    Also use these rules, maybe they will help you:

    - don’t isolate yourself, meet with friends;

    - throw out your anger and aggression during sports training;

    - go to church, walk in nature;

    - talk to yourself in front of the mirror;

    - devote yourself to work;

    - do renovations in the apartment;

    - include foods rich in serotonin in your diet (nuts, fish, seafood, eggs, liver, honey, raisins, chocolate, vegetables, fruits);

    — visit exhibitions, museums, theaters, film festivals;

    — love yourself, change your image (hairstyle, wardrobe);

    - take part in all kinds of holidays;

    — try not to be alone with sad thoughts at first;

    - when inspired negative thoughts use homeopathic medicines “Calm”, and your doctor will prescribe antidepressants;

    — develop self-confidence with auto-training;

    - massage, bibliotherapy, art therapy are effective to distract yourself;

    - remove from sight objects and gifts that remind you of your former loved one;

    - say mentally thank you for everything that happened between you and move on, without looking back, and although thoughts are cyclical and you will still go back, remember everything with gratitude, do not become bitter, do not destroy yourself internally;

    - remember that love means unity in order to give and not demand anything in return.

    Why does depression occur after a breakup? Let's figure out the mechanism of falling in love. A person in love has created a picture of the world, which he considers to be the truth. And suddenly this truth stops giving him what he wants, the person gets angry, becomes bitter, begins to be capricious, wants to return his favorite toy to continue being in this high state. A person in love is selfish to the core, and when his beloved leaves, he only feels sorry for himself, his sadness. And sadness is the energy of anger. Anger will not help you cope with love withdrawal, and if you think that only with anger and hatred you can stand up for yourself, then you are mistaken. Your goal now is to free yourself from old, meaningless relationships. Let go of the situation, and by letting go of your partner, it is likely that your partner will want to resume the relationship after a while. You need to mentally let go of your loved one, saying at the same time that from today our paths will run parallel, and will intersect as much as necessary.

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