• Modular origami paper diagrams of dragons. Dragon: modular origami, assembly diagram with step-by-step instructions and master class


    Modular origami surprises with its 3D products, which are obtained by masters and beginners. Large toys of animals, fairy-tale characters and even pieces of furniture and simple things can be created using a simple small triangular module made of paper.

    Now we will figure out how to make a dragon from paper modules with our own hands. Let's look at a simple scheme for making a dragon in the form of modular origami, and in the end we'll learn how to create your own products based on it.

    First we need to understand our material. To work, you need to take a lot of paper, but keep in mind that not all paper will do: for example, the paper should be quite flexible so that the leaf folds easily and holds its shape. Remember, you don’t need too strong a material, we’ll also select it right away required colors and shades - this will make it easier to arrange some details and give the dragon the desired color.

    You can find special origami paper on sale. masters, it comes in a wide range of colors and there are no difficulties in working with it, but for beginners Suitable drawing and typographical paper, as well as newspaper or writing paper. Some needlewomen manage to create figures even from velvet material.

    Master class on creating modular origami - “Dragon”

    Let's sort it out master class on assembling a beautiful three-headed serpent from a fairy tale, which we will create from triangular modules. You definitely have never had such an interesting dragon before!

    There are thirty-five modules in the first row of the dragon, and there are 19 rows of modules in each neck. Let's start working on this very complex and unusual model by assembling the body.

    There are 3 triangle-shaped parts extending from the body, which will be the base for the three necks of our kite. At the ends of each neck is the head of our good-natured hero, which is decorated with red details - fire and magnificent eyes, which are simply glued to the paper head.

    After this, we begin to create the wings and legs of the dragon. We attach the legs with glue to the base of the body, and the wings with the help of auxiliary seats from modules - to the side particles of the body. Each wing consists of 2 diamond-shaped parts in green, decorated with several orange modules.

    In addition to gluing the legs to the body, we will use glue to this product one more time - to glue the dragon's head to the neck. There is no need to use glue anywhere else - the entire model is held together by the strong connection of the modules. The stability of the dragon is due to the fact that it stands on the rounded base of the body, and the paws simply have their own decorative value and are easy to make.

    Gallery: modular origami dragon (25 photos)

    How to make a simple dragon or snake, step by step

    First we need to make modules in triangular shape. For each individual model, they need to be in certain shades and in a certain quantity, and if with the first point you can allow your own options, then the second condition must be fully adhered to.

    Collect dragon from origami modules, and you will understand that this hobby is available to every adult and child. Crafts from paper triangles They always turn out unique and beautiful.

    The presented dragon is going in an accessible way in one evening if you prepare the modules in advance. How to make them. In total you will need a little more than two hundred parts. You can make your own changes to the model and add something new if you really want.

    Even a child can handle this craft school age. By the way, this good way instill useful hobby, instead of constantly sitting in front of a computer monitor or tablet.

    Assembling a dragon from modules using origami technique

    Start with preparation necessary materials. You will need:

    • 10 purple parts;
    • 9 black triangles;
    • about 200 pieces red;
    • glue.

    For modules, I take leaves measuring 4x6 cm. Your size may be different. For a dragon, a flat and thick option is suitable. The first one differs little from the second one. One of the inner sides is incomplete.

    Be sure to use glue in this model, otherwise the dragon will fall apart before the assembly is completed.


    Start with the torso paper dragon. Once you've completed the biggest detail, you'll know what to do next.

    Take one red module and connect it to the other two by inserting long ends in pockets. Next, put on 3 triangles, then 4 pieces.

    From the 5th row, alternate 5 and 4 modules until the 23rd row. In rows with five parts, leave the outer ends of the modules free, and where there are four triangles, tuck them completely into the pockets.

    24th row: 3 red mods. 25th: 2 mod. Then put one on and two more on its long ends. The dragon's body is ready.


    Make two front and two back legs from the red parts. The claws are black at the ends.

    The forelimbs consist of 10 triangles inserted into each other. Place two black ones on the last red module. Collect two identical paws. The rear ones consist of 7 red modules each. There are also black claws at the ends. The assembly method is similar to the front ones.

    Now you will need glue. Glue the limbs on the side of the body. I couldn't figure out how to insert them, so they are glued on the outside. Perhaps you will find another way. Share it in the comments.

    Dragon head

    While the paws are drying, proceed to the head and neck. The first row consists of 2 modules, the second of 3. Repeat 2 and 3 again. Then alternate 1 and 2 until 21 rows.

    At the free ends of the modules of the fourth row, make horns by putting 4 red triangles and 1 purple triangle on both sides. Form a curve in the neck and attach the head to the body by inserting the center ends of the modules into the pockets of the first row of the body.


    For the tail, thread 12 red triangles into each other. Then put 2 more in the pockets of the last module and finish with one.

    The tip consists of 5 purple parts and 1 black. It is assembled as a continuation of the tail: 3, 2 and 1 module.

    Attach the finished tail to the back of the body by inserting the pockets of the first triangle into the two central ends.

    The dragon made from modules using the origami technique is almost ready. All that remains is to add the top prickly growths. Take three purple triangles and glue them to the back in a random location.

    The craft is ready! The dragon looks a little scary and majestic. As you have seen, there is nothing complicated in making it.

    I wish everything works out for you! If you liked it, do it. The manufacturing method is similar.

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    Necessary materials:

    The dragon head is assembled quite easily according to the following scheme:

    2nd row - 5 blue modules;

    4th row - 5 blue modules;

    6th row - 2 white; 1 blue; 2 white – 5 modules in total;

    Row 8 - we begin to put on the module from the second tip of the module - 2 modules of blue color; then, we skip 2 more tips and begin to put on 2 more blue modules;

    A video on assembling the dragon head can be seen here.

    Let's start assembling the dragon's paws.

    1 row - 2 blue modules;

    3rd row - 2 blue modules;

    5th row - 2 blue modules;

    7th row - insert the modules with the short side - 2 blue modules;

    Row 9 - insert the modules with the short side - 2 white modules.

    In total you need to collect 4 paws.


    We start the first row with 5 blue modules. In the second row you need to add 1 module.

    3rd row - 1 white, 5 blue, 1 white module;

    Then, you need to put 2 white modules on the blue modules.

    All that remains is to assemble the wings. To do this, you need to connect the modules according to the diagram:

    1 row - 1 blue module;

    3rd row - 3 blue modules;

    5th row - 5 blue modules;

    7th row - 5 blue modules;

    9th row - 1 white and 2 blue modules;

    11 row - 1 white and 1 blue module;

    Row 13 - 1 white module.

    The procedure for assembling the wing is also shown in the video.

    Dragon assembly diagram

    The head must be secured with toothpicks.

    The wings, like the tail, are attached using modules.

    We attach the paws to the body with toothpicks.

    Look what a magnificent dragon we have made!

    The dragon is a symbol of the coming year, so decorating your home with homemade figurines of this mythical creature will be very useful. We offer to make original New Year's dragon by using modular technology origami and found for you the 4 most interesting, but at the same time quite simple circuits.

    First, get acquainted with the technique of origami from modules and make all the blanks. Now you can begin the creative part of the process.

    Dragon from origami modules “Drakosha”

    This funny little dragon will be loved by everyone at home, especially children. You can use it as a table decoration or give it to friends. In both cases, it is better to fasten the parts with glue. You can see the diagram and manufacturing master class by Galina Tikhova here.

    Dragon from origami modules “Serpent Gorynych”

    Reminds me of a guest from fairy tales, and that’s its charm. In order to make this charming dragon, you will need 933 basic modules, but the result is worth it. As in the previous case, it wouldn’t hurt to “plant” the triangles with glue. Acquainted with detailed master class You can also visit Galina Tikhova’s website.

    Each child learns to make various kinds of crafts in kindergarten, school or home. To teach your child ingenuity, to develop fine motor skills hands, memory and perseverance, it is best to choose modular origami for beginners. As a rule, modular origami can be folded from identical components - modules. The main advantage of origami is that to engage in this type of creativity you do not need glue, paper clips and other elements to secure the modules; all parts of the figures are inserted into one another.

    The module is the basis of this type of origami. Only after you learn how to fold it, you can start creating complex figures. Instructions for folding the component part are as follows:

    Thus, we have a component for making figurines of any shape and size. Usually, toys require a lot of these parts, so before you start creating, it’s worth practicing the technique of folding the modules.

    Serpent Gorynych made of paper

    To collect everyone's favorite fairy tale hero Snake Gorynych, you will need about 35 pieces of green and a few pieces of yellow. For beginners, it is better to practice making origami parts in advance. To begin with, the green modules must be assembled so that the circle is closed. Repeat the same in three rows.

    You can start making the belly of our hero. This time you will need three yellow triangles, which will be located at a distance of six green parts from each other. Then you need to gradually expand the pattern of yellow and orange modules, giving the toy a three-dimensional look.

    Gorynych's neck should consist of no more than three triangles. For example, the first row is green, yellow, green, and the second row is two orange. The sequence of such two rows must alternate. The total should be about 16-17 rows. The same must be done with the other two necks of the Serpent. Their difference from the main one is that they should not have orange, so the two outer necks will be thinner.

    For wings you need 5 origami pieces in the first row, then the rows will decrease by one piece each. As a result, there should be one module left on one wing of Gorynych. Make the hero’s tail according to this scheme: starting with five, end with one module on which yellow and orange colors are strung.

    Now start creating the side heads. To do this, you need to start with three green modules, alternating and adding other colors. The central head will be a little larger, so you need to start it with four green origami pieces. The Snake's paws are made as easily as possible - according to the same scheme, but starting with two and ending with four modules.

    The wings of our unusual Snake are made a little differently. Start with one module, reaching the seventh row, you need to reduce the number of parts to two. There should be four such wings. Please note that two wings must be attached on each side of Gorynych.

    To finish, attach eyes to the three heads (you can buy them in a special store) and tongues from the red module.

    Chinese origami dragon

    After you have learned how to make a paper dragon from Russian fairy tales, you can try to assemble another similar origami from modules . Dragon - symbol of China To make it, it will take much less time than for the previous hero of fairy tales. In general, many people associate the dragon with an evil monster that brings only evil. But in this wonderful country, the dragon, on the contrary, is considered a symbol of goodness, prosperity and peace. And in eastern calendar The dragon is the happiest sign of all. So, the origami dragon diagram step by step.

    Paper crafts deservedly enjoy love in all countries. Origami is especially popular - creating paper figures without using improvised means. There are many techniques for folding paper figures. One of the most popular techniques of recent times is based on creating works from paper modules. Modular origami dragon holds a leading position among other crafts.

    These mythical animals have been of interest to people since ancient times. All peoples of the world have fairy tales, legends and myths that tell about these fabulous creatures. In some countries, dragons represent evil and oppose people. In others, for example, in China, the dragon has been the personification of goodness, prosperity and masculinity since ancient times. China holds annual boat racing festivals dedicated to noble dragons. In modern modular origami Chinese dragon occupies a special place.

    There are eastern and western dragons. Eastern, Asian dragons are kind, powerful snake-like creatures that do not have wings. For Asian dragons, the color that symbolizes the elements is very important. The color of the creation has a special meaning.

    Yellow and gold colors represent prosperity and wealth. Green – health, fertility. The most favorite color is red, which symbolizes power, authority, strength. The red Chinese dragon is a symbol of imperial power.

    Western dragons are evil winged monsters that hunt not only animals, but also people. European dragons are depicted as fire-breathing monsters with huge wings. Among them, the three-headed Serpent Gorynych stands out. This fabulous beast lived on Russian lands and, as a rule, had three heads.

    The love for dragons from China spread to Europe, as well as to other parts of the world. The dragon figurine is good gift, bringing success and prosperity to the house. A little dragon using modular origami technique can decorate bookshelf or desk.

    For beginners there are a lot of master classes with detailed description And step by step instructions making a modular origami dragon according to the diagram. Creating such a paper figure will require a lot of time, patience, accuracy and perseverance. Finished craft Your loved ones will like it, it will add color and originality to the design of your home.

    Materials for work

    • Cut sheets of paper for modules. Typically, an A4 sheet is cut into 16 or 32 pieces, depending on the size of the craft.
    • Glue.
    • Assembly diagrams.
    • Ruler.

    Prepare the modules for work in advance. Select colors for blanks depending on the type of craft.

    Step one: form two main folds to create modules. The rectangular sheet is folded in half along the longitudinal line. Bend the resulting workpiece in half and straighten it.

    Step two: bend the top edges of the workpiece towards the formed center line.

    Step three: turn the resulting workpiece over, and bend the rectangles protruding beyond the bottom edge of the paper upwards.

    Step four: bend the two lower corners of the workpiece along the line of the large triangle. After which you need to bend the lower part of the craft back.

    Step five: the small lower triangles are folded along the formed lines. The lower part of the workpiece is bent upward.

    Step six: bend the resulting figure in half and secure the fold. You have a module with two corners and two pockets.

    The craft is made according to step by step diagram assemblies.

    • For such a small craft you will need only 141 red modules.
    • The body, legs, head and wings are assembled separately. After the parts of the craft are created, they are fastened together with an additional module. To prevent a small craft from falling apart when touched, you can use glue.
    • For the body you will need 64 modules.
    • The modules in the workpiece alternate 3 and 2 parts alternately. From the 23rd row, the narrowing of the body towards the tail begins. To do this, 2 rows of 2 modules each are assembled, and the next 5 are assembled one by one.
    • For each leg of the figure you need 5 modules.
    • The wing of the figure can be assembled from pink modules. For 2 baby wings you need 22 elements.
    • The head is assembled in two ways. The first method requires 35 paper elements. For the second - 21 red modules.

    After assembling the figure, glue on the eyes. To assemble a colorful baby, it is preferable for beginners to use modules large sizes. You can use blanks of different sizes in one craft. For the head there are large modules, and for the tail there are small elements.

    When creating a small green monster, white and red modules are used for the eyes and tongue, respectively. For the body, you can take blanks in two shades of green to emphasize the ridge line and ears.


    The three-headed green snake is assembled using the swan assembly technique. In the Chinese assembly technique, the model is assembled from a long snake. The assembly of the three-headed handsome man goes in a circle. For the craft, you need to prepare 1128 modules of regular size and 6 small ones for the eyes. The color is usually chosen by the master himself. The figurine can be plain or with bright individual elements.

    To create a three-headed monster, there are color schemes that indicate which elements to use and in what order.

    To make it easier to assemble such a figurine, you can try to familiarize yourself with the rules for assembling a swan.

    Let's look at the step-by-step assembly of a baby dragon using a swan model as an example.

    The first three elements are assembled as follows: secure the corners of 2 elements in the pockets of the third part.

    We connect 2 more parts in the same way.

    We make 3 rows of 30 elements each. We close the resulting workpiece into a circle.

    Add 2 more rows, and carefully turn the resulting craft inside. The edges of the workpiece must be raised to form a bowl shape.

    From the seventh row, the reduction of modules begins. In the center of the model, 2 modules are removed opposite each other (for the neck and tail). For a three-headed dragon, three such gaps should be left.

    In modular origami, the swan assembly diagram is the basis for many crafts: it is used to assemble not only dragons, but also a variety of beautiful vases. The double swan circuit allows you to assemble beautiful figurine with double wings.

    Creation of a water elemental dragon

    The water element is symbolized by the color blue, so this fabulous creature will be made of blue parts.

    To work you need to prepare in advance:

    • blue triangles – 397 pcs.;
    • details white– 44 pcs.

    Since Chinese dragons resemble a long snake, the body is assembled according to the following scheme:

    • odd row – 4 modules;
    • even – 3 modules.

    The corners of the two lower elements are fixed in the pockets of the upper part. For the body, 62 rows are assembled. The resulting snake can be bent at the request of the master in several places.

    For the head of the figure, the following assembly scheme is usually used:

    • Row 1 – 4 blue pieces.
    • 2nd row –5.
    • 3rd row –6.
    • 4th row – again 5 blue elements.

    After the 4th row, we assemble the rows according to the following scheme:

    • 6 parts alternate: one blue and one white element. There are 2 blue details in the center. The row is completed by 1 white and 1 blue triangular blank.
    • Attach 2 blue, 1 white and again 2 blue triangles. Only 5 pieces.
    • Attach 6 blue parts.
    • The formation of the figurine's ears begins. To do this, we put on 2 blue elements from the 2nd tip of the part. We skip 2 triangles and put on 2 more blue blanks.
    • We attach 1 blue module to the 2 received elements, and put on the top piece on the left and right.

    The four legs are assembled alternately from white and blue parts.

    All that remains is to assemble the wings and tail.

    To assemble the tail of the craft:

    • 1st row: connect 5 blue triangles.
    • Add another blue element. Only 6 parts.
    • 1 white, 5 blue and 1 white triangle completes the row.
    • There is an alternation of colors: 1 white, 1 blue, 2 white elements in the center. Complete the row with 1 blue and 1 white piece.
    • For each blue part, 2 white blanks are attached.
    • To complete the figurine, craft elements of the same color are placed on white triangles.

    The wings are assembled according to the same pattern, but mirrored. For the right wing, parts are inserted with right side. For the left wing - on the left side.

    We collect the wings, starting with 1 element, reaching 6 blue parts on the 6th row.

    • Row 7 – 5 blue triangles.
    • We skip 2 parts on the right side. We put on 3 blue, 3 white elements.
    • 1 white and 2 blue triangles.
    • Offset to the right: 1 white, 2 blue elements.
    • 1 white and 1 blue part.
    • 2 white triangles.
    • 1 white piece completes the preparation of the wing.

    During assembly, the wings and tail are attached using modules. The head can be attached using toothpicks. You will get a cute figure.

    Use this diagram to build a modular origami red Chinese dragon. For the body, in addition to red triangular blanks, you can take black or golden ones to emphasize the beauty of the craft.

    Red is a particularly popular color in China. In addition to power, might and prosperity, a gift of this color means a wish of good luck and success. That is why in Chinese modular origami you can see various schemes for assembling a red dragon - from the smallest to the largest, the creation of which took several thousand paper modules.

    The Chinese consider the red dragon to be the patron of their country. In Chinese horoscopes, the dragon is the luckiest sign. The bright, unusual figure has conquered not only China. Experienced craftsmen and novice lovers are sure to have a fiery red beast in their collection.

    Using ready-made diagrams assemblies, or creating their own unique masterpieces, fans of modular origami delight their loved ones with the results of their creativity. Unusual, beautiful and bright figures allow you to take a fresh look at apartment design. Several red figures on shelves and window sills will add uniqueness to your interior.

    Chinese style red model

    The basis for everyone Chinese models The dragons are served by an ordinary snake. Assembling the snake begins with the tail of the figure. Elements such as the tail, wings, and head are always assembled separately. To make the model brighter and more colorful, hairspray with glitter is often used, which gives a special gloss to the finished masterpiece.

    There are many groups of fans of modular crafts, in which a beginner will be told where to get simple assembly diagrams, how to assemble and attach modules, and will give advice based on real experience. Beginners, before starting work, need to make a few simple models to understand the principle of fastening parts.

    Any modular composition is a kind of construction set that can be easily disassembled, and the parts are used to make new figures. But a colorful large composition of the Chinese red dragon, assembled from more than one thousand paper blanks, will become a true interior decoration.

    Spent on assembly unusual model more than one day, any master wants his masterpiece to decorate the apartment for as long as possible. To attach such large figures, toothpicks and glue are used. Huge compositions are immediately assembled and mounted on a special stand so that the figure can be moved or rotated.

    IN ready-made sets for assembling modular paper figures, colorful model assembly diagrams with detailed step by step instructions. The same diagrams can be downloaded on the Internet and printed on a color printer. A color picture will help beginners assemble the figure correctly.

    To make a model according to the sketch, you will need 767 colored triangular blanks. The colors of the figurine can be chosen according to your taste and desire. The individually assembled parts are carefully assembled on a stand and secured.

    After the first one is done volumetric model, the master wants to improve his work, change the ornament, add colors, make the figurine even larger and more significant.

    Modular origami and children

    Children can also assemble a dragon figurine with the help of adults. For children's crafts, it is better to make the modules larger. The body itself can be shortened, and the eyes and flames made of paper triangles can be replaced with shiny buttons and threads of red yarn. Imagine with your baby.

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