• Can it be given to a newborn? Going out: when can you go out with your baby? It is very important that the experience of motherhood is correct from the very beginning


    Often, when we have a child, we simply don’t know what to do with the huge amount of information coming from outside...

    The baby, as soon as it is born, immediately finds itself in the arms of its mother. He knows that his mother is nearby, he smells her, hears her voice and... instantly calms down.

    Mom, in turn, also experiences many wonderful feelings, but at the same time she is very nervous (about almost any reason), especially if she became a mother for the first time...

    Advice pours in on her from all sides: from grandmothers, mothers, sisters and friends who have already been lucky enough to experience the joy of motherhood... And there were also courses on preparing for childbirth, various blogs and communities on the Internet.

    It is very important that the experience of motherhood is correct from the very beginning

    And in most cases, a new mother with a newborn child in her arms simply does not know what to do with all this information (admittedly, quite voluminous).

    And if you and your child have already left the clinic and come home, let’s outline some main points. After all, it is very important that the experience of motherhood be correct and positive from the very beginning.

    What you should never do with a newborn baby

    1. Don't ignore him

    Do not leave your baby alone in the bed, in the crib, on the changing table, or in another room... Nowhere.

    A newborn baby simply should not be left alone. Don't ignore him.

    And crying is his only way of communication: if a child cries, it means he needs something: food, a diaper change, something hurts, or he just wants to see his mother so that she is nearby.

    So, discard all beliefs from the series “you need to educate your child to be independent,” “he must be independent,” etc. Believe me, your baby will become so, but everything has its time.

    Like any other mammal, a person is highly dependent on how his mother takes care of him and whether she is always nearby. And after 9 months spent in her womb, where he heard her voice constantly, it is not surprising that the baby would cry every time she moved away (even if she only went to another room).

    2. Don’t feed “by the hour”

    If you have chosen Breastfeeding is just wonderful! Nothing better can be imagined for a newborn, and the moment when the baby looks at you while feeding, nothing compares to it... So, bon voyage!

    But Breastfeeding should not have a strict schedule, Feeding should only be “on demand”. Breaks of 3 hours are for children who grow up on artificial milk formula.

    And to the newborn baby mother's breast is needed not only at the time of feeding, because this is his connection with his mother: maternal warmth and love, his consolation and peace.

    3. Don’t leave to “cry”

    There will definitely be grandmothers and aunties who will tell you to leave the baby in the cradle to “cry it out.” Otherwise you will teach him to use your hands, etc. And you may even hear that your newborn baby is manipulating you like this!

    But manipulation is a model of behavior that is applied only to adults, but not to an infant.

    Ask yourself just one question: “After 9 months of waiting... am I really going to leave him there crying alone and not paying attention?”

    Yes, if you do not approach the child for a long time when he is crying, he will sooner or later stop calling, but only because he will learn your “lesson”: he will begin to think that you don’t care what happens to him (that he was betrayed).

    Since crying is the only way for a child to communicate, listen, because he wants to tell you something...

    4. Don't leave your child alone, even when he's sleeping.

    A newborn baby cannot sleep like an adult. Every two or three hours he will wake up and look for his mother to fall asleep again. A child cannot be “taught” to sleep; he does it because it is absolutely natural for him.

    Co-sleeping- this is a process that will one way or another take place in your life (as the child grows up). But if for some reason this option does not suit you, then at least place his crib next to yours so that you have the opportunity to quickly respond to his call. And then you won't have to get up several times a night.

    5. Don't shake the baby

    We must admit it: after long sleepless nights with constantly a crying child When no one knows what to do anymore, irritation accumulates. And, probably, fathers and mothers who say that they never wanted to shake the child harder to calm him down are, to put it mildly, disingenuous.

    But you should know that Strong shaking will not help a newborn baby fall asleep. Most likely he will get scared and cry even louder.

    In addition, this way you can harm his fragile body.

    Affection and hugs are what your child needs. They will help him feel warm and safe, and he will calm down faster.

    6. Don’t refuse to pick him up

    A newborn baby calms down in the mother's arms. If this opportunity is taken away from him, he, in principle, will not learn to relax, and this quality (or, more precisely, its absence) will carry with him into adulthood.

    After a 3-hour separation from the mother, the newborn’s “pain” receptors are activated, this causes severe stress, and in the long term, memory deficit.

    A newborn baby cannot be independent and self-sufficient. He needs constant contact with his mother, so that she holds him, protects him and gives him everything he needs.

    If this natural contact is limited from birth, this can lead to a weakening or even degeneration of the receptors for happiness hormones. We are talking about serotonin, endogenous opioids and oxytocin.

    7. Don't punish him

    Spanking greatly undermines a child's trust in their caregiver. He unconsciously begins to suppress his needs, his motivation to understand the world weakens. In the future, he will not trust himself, considering his impulses to be insignificant, he may even get used to pain and stress.

    In order to raise happy and confident children, you need to be patient.

    Of course, taking care of a newborn is not easy work! People often lose their temper. But it is important to remember that Small child needs, first of all, the patience of adults who care for him.

    And here’s another important note: if people know how to cope with their negative emotions, then their children grow up to be more sensitive, capable of empathy and joint activities (they have better social adaptation).

    8. Don't doubt your instincts.

    You will hear a great variety of opinions, ranging from specialists and scientists to all the “mothers” from your environment.

    And while some of their advice may actually be helpful, Trust yourself first of all. If at some point you hear your inner voice that does not agree with the majority opinion, trust it!

    After all, motherhood reunites a woman with nature, and you can’t fool her. This is the purest instinct we have! published .

    If you have any questions, please ask

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

    Modern mothers think that superstitions are just nonsense that has been disrupting the logic of life for centuries. However, these statements are the fruit of long-term observations, the study of events, causes and results, no matter how much mothers deny. Each superstition appeared for a reason, but on the basis of facts that were subsequently confirmed by science. If no supernatural forces influence the newborn, biology may well harm him. In the context of the old belief that a child should not be shown to anyone before 40 days, science, faith and people are united as never before.

    Is it possible to show a newborn baby to other people: many parents are interested in this question

    View from the people

    One of the most common superstitions says that a newborn should not be shown to strangers until 40 days. The tradition goes back centuries, even further than Christianity. In the old days, people also protected babies from strangers. Childbirth was considered the transition of the soul from one world to another, which in itself is a very intimate and complex process. According to the beliefs of the time, the soul takes root in the body on average 40 days after birth.

    In the old days, and even now, according to tradition, babies are baptized after 40 days of birth. It is believed that when a child is baptized, a Guardian Angel appears, who will henceforth protect him from oblique and evil glances. Relatives may inadvertently put the evil eye on the child, so it is better to organize viewings after baptism. Mom is also not advised to show herself to people, because during this period her connection with the baby is built, so her blues and poor health are easily transmitted to him.

    Word of faith

    Not a single priest will tell a mother that she cannot show the child until 40 days old. There is no such tradition in Christianity. But the origins of superstition are truly ecclesiastical. A woman who has given birth is not allowed to enter the temple due to bleeding. Even a priest with a wound cannot begin the service, because there should be no blood in the Temple of God.

    The baptism of a newborn took place no earlier than forty days after birth, when the baby’s mother was ready for it

    Thus, the mother could not attend the baptism of her baby, so she postponed the ceremony. The Church does not set any deadlines for baptism, much less force newborns to be baptized strictly on this day. In the old days, people wanted to quickly baptize their child and protect him, so they did this as soon as the mother got rid of any consequences of childbirth. This usually happened around 40 days.

    Verdict of science and medicine

    Medicine has its own answer to this question. Since every person is a carrier of various bacteria, infections and viruses, he is potentially dangerous even if he is absolutely healthy. The incubation period of many diseases is completely asymptomatic, so it is better not to take anyone’s word for it. Babies do not have immunity to “adult” diseases, but adaptation begins literally during childbirth, when the child follows the paths of the mother. The greatest danger is posed by other children, carriers of childhood infections (chickenpox and others).

    A newborn baby is not yet able to resist the viruses and bacteria of this world, therefore the presence of strangers in the first days of the baby’s life is extremely undesirable

    Bacteria (both beneficial and pathogenic) support human life. In a familiar environment, the former suppress the latter, and the body functions well. In the first weeks of life, the baby adapts to the microflora of the family.

    Mom and dad are “suppliers” of certain bacteria. The baby’s body gets used to them, but as soon as unfamiliar bacteria appear, brought by aunts, uncles, grandparents, then the balance is upset and diseases develop.

    Guests with their bacteria interfere with the adaptation process. Of course, it’s always nice to look at the baby, but it’s better not to give him or her in your arms. In a month, when the child’s microbiome (a set of bacteria suitable for the external environment) has formed, all friends and relatives will be able to play enough with the newborn.

    Another reason to isolate a baby is the underdevelopment of the nervous system. He gets excited easily, but still doesn’t know how to slow down the process. Long viewings, with new voices and smells, can greatly excite the baby. Afterwards it will be difficult to put him to sleep and you will have to listen to him cry for a long time.

    Outsiders can also affect the mother-baby bond. The first month of life is important in order to establish a trusting and strong relationship with the child and establish lactation. This happens through speech, touch, intonation. The whirlpool of contacts will simply confuse him, and the mother will not know what the baby’s crying is talking about.

    The bond between mother and child is established in the first weeks when feeding and communicating with the baby, so it is important to maintain calm and trust during this period

    The benefits of ancient superstition in modern practice

    At first, you need to protect not only the baby, but also the mother. She should rest, come to her senses, and feel a connection with the baby. Only the mother decides how to care for her child. Countless advice only harms, no matter how correct it is.

    Constant interference in the relationship between mother and child can lead to real tragedy, when a woman ceases to feel like a mother, but feels like only a servant.

    A young mother must learn responsibility. If she does not make decisions from the very birth of her baby, then in the future she will begin to wait for advice. What to refuse:

    • noisy companies;
    • other children;
    • gifts;
    • transferring the baby from hand to hand;
    • advice and recommendations;
    • any attempts to force oneself on a visit;
    • quarrels in front of the baby;
    • nanny;
    • clothes with a foreign smell;
    • long telephone conversations;
    • video calls.

    Be careful not to leave your newborn baby alone with other children.

    Pediatricians advise not to invite other children to see children under one year old. They do not know how to properly behave with newborns, they can cause them stress with their screams or laughter, and even accidentally injure them. It is better to communicate with the parents of other children on a walk while the baby sleeps in the stroller. Children over 14 years old can be invited to visit.

    In the end, any guests mean tea, treats, conversations, and cleaning. A young mother should not be distracted by such matters. Her task is to rest, care for the baby, and restore strength. Don’t be afraid to offend persistent relatives, because the peace of the whole family is at stake. If you simply don’t want to clean the apartment before guests arrive, you need to boldly rely on this sign.

    What to do with photographs?

    “Well, since doctors already prohibit direct contact, why not please relatives with photographs,” mothers think. However folk beliefs reimpose the ban. Photographs carry the image of a child, so even through them negative energy can be conveyed.

    It is believed that during this period the child is energetically weak and does not have reliable protection from bad influences. The baby’s energy field stabilizes just at this time. Every sidelong glance, flattering word, every breath is reflected on the newborn as if on a white canvas.

    Strong psychics are quite capable of causing harm even from photographs. It’s not for nothing that personal belongings or photographs are usually taken for searches. If you look at the problem from the other side, there will still be inadequate people who can do many indecent and creepy things with a photograph of a baby. Some person offended by life will ruin the photo of the child and send it back as a cruel joke. Esotericists are confident that every thought materializes. It is better to protect the baby from any influence and show photographs of older children.

    Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

    5-7 days after the birth of the baby, mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital. A nurse and pediatrician will visit you at home in the first few days after discharge. They will examine the newborn and tell you what to do and how to do it. in the first month of a child's life. But if you have any questions, be sure to ask!


    In the first 12 hours of life in the maternity hospital, the baby is vaccinated against viral hepatitis, and after 3-7 days - against tuberculosis (BCG).


    During the first month of life, a child grows by an average of 3 cm, and weight increases by 600 grams. It's already after the baby has lost weight after birth.

    Weight loss after childbirth occurs due to the fact that the circulatory system is reconstructed, the kidneys, digestive system, and so on begin to work. It takes approximately 10 days for the child’s body to become accustomed to it, and only then does the baby begin to gain weight.

    Many mothers carefully monitor the baby’s weight, weighing him before and after feeding, and strictly monitor weight gain and chart indicators. But actually Excessive scrupulousness is sometimes harmful.

    All tables are average data, and there is no need to chase them at all. A hungry child will definitely let you know about his desire to eat.


    Breast milk is the best nutrition for a newborn, especially in the first month of life. It serves not only as food, but also as drink. Therefore, there is no need for additional feeding until at least 6 months, if the mother has enough breast milk.

    Newborn usually saturates within 15 minutes vigorous sucking. During this time, he manages to eat 60-70 grams of milk (this is almost a fifth of the baby’s weight!). It is not recommended to hold the baby at the breast for more than 25-30 minutes.

    If your baby sleeps through a feeding, don't wake him up. And do not disturb the baby if he falls asleep during feeding. Remember that overfeeding a newborn is even worse than underfeeding, since a small stomach has difficulty coping with large volumes of food.

    Try to teach your child to take a night feeding break for 5-6 hours. This will not only allow you to rest at night, but will also help you form correct mode baby's sleep and wakefulness.


    The first week of my new life outside my mother's tummy the child usually sleeps almost all the time(up to 20 hours a day). A newborn sleeps on his back in a frog position, with his legs bent at the knees and arms at the elbows. In a dream, the baby may shudder and twitch his arms and legs - this is completely normal!

    Usually a newborn wakes up every 2-3 hours, to eat, but some sleepyheads can doze even while eating. If the newborn is fed and feels comfortable, then while he is awake he dangles his arms and legs.


    The baby still reacts to heat and cold in the same way: begins to move actively. If a child freezes, then his activity begins to decrease. When taking air baths, focus on the baby’s movements: while the child is active, he is pleased, as soon as he slows down, the baby freezes.

    You need to pick up a newborn correctly: so that the baby’s body rests on your arm, your elbow is under the baby’s head, and with your other hand hold the baby’s legs. Do not take the baby by the hands or in such a way that the baby’s head does not have support.

    Your baby needs your touch to become aware of his body. so pet your baby more often. By talking to your child and stroking him, you develop in him a desire to communicate.


    Already in the first month of life, a child can distinguish odors. If the smells are very obvious, then most likely the baby will close his eyes or even sneeze, despite the fact that the smell may be quite pleasant.

    If you drop something sweet on your baby’s tongue (for example, you were prescribed a sweet medicine), he will smack his lips, and if it’s bitter, the baby will grimace.


    First week of life the baby does not hear very well, therefore, it is not at all necessary to tiptoe around the apartment. A newborn's auditory nerve is still developing.

    But from a sharp and loud sound, of course, the newborn gets scared, shudders, winces, tries to turn towards the source of the sound and may even cry.


    The baby perfectly distinguishes between light and dark. The bright light makes the baby squint, even if his eyelids are closed. A newborn’s vision does not yet know how to adjust to near and distant objects in the first month of life.

    The ideal distance is 25-30 cm. Based on these recommendations, hang toys on the crib, thereby developing the child’s curiosity.

    At the end of the first month of life, the baby will begin to consciously look at an adult who approaches him, and perhaps even reward you with his charming toothless smile.


    1. After eating you need to raise the child and hold it in an upright position for some time so that the air swallowed during sucking comes out.
    2. To prevent or relieve bloating(all newborns suffer from this, as the baby’s digestive system adjusts to work in new conditions), stroke the baby’s tummy clockwise or, laying it on the tummy, stroke the back. If this is not enough, give your baby dill water or special medicines. If the belly button protrudes when the baby cries, consult your pediatrician; it may be an umbilical hernia.
    3. Treat the umbilical cord with brilliant green, it should not become red or swollen. Crust from umbilical wound should fall off two weeks after birth.
    4. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and requires careful care. Wash your baby after bowel movements, treat the skin with baby cream and powder.
    5. Bathe your baby every day before going to bed in an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
    6. Constantly change your newborn's sleeping position. It is impossible for him to sleep on one side or only on his back all the time, since due to the still soft skull, the child’s head may be deformed.
    7. Take a walk in the fresh air.
    8. Try to do all procedures at the same time to form a baby’s daily routine.

    If the child is crying, do not panic, but find out reason for crying. It can be:

    • dirty diapers
    • hunger or thirst
    • bloating
    • baby may be hot
    • baby needs your attention

    Most of the newborn's activities are reflexes. The child does not yet know how to consciously react to stimuli or control his actions, but nature took care of this for him with the help of innate reflexes.

    The baby can (newborn reflexes):

    • Search reflex (Kassmaul). If you stroke the cheek, the baby will turn his head to the touch.
    • Proboscis reflex. If you quickly touch the baby's lips, he will immediately curl them into a tube and pull them forward.
    • Sucking reflex. If you give your baby a pacifier or breast, the baby will suck rhythmically.
    • Grasping reflex. If you give a newborn your finger in a tiny hand, the baby will squeeze it.
    • Support and automatic gait reflex. If you hold the child upright with his feet on a hard surface, he will even take a few steps.
    • Protective reflex. If you put the baby on his tummy, he will turn his head so that he can breathe.
    • Moro reflex. If there is a loud unexpected sound, the child will spread his arms apart. different sides, and then return them back.
    • Galant reflex. If you run your finger along the spine of a newborn, the baby will bend in an arc, while straightening the leg at the hip joint.
    • Crawling reflex (Bauer). Lying on his tummy, the baby imitates crawling if you press on the feet.
    • Palm-oral reflex (Babkina). If you press on the little one's palm, he will open his mouth and turn his head.

    Many of these reflexes fade away by 3-4 months. But the presence of these reflexes in the first month of a child’s life indicates the correct development of the newborn’s central nervous system.

    However, do not panic if suddenly the baby does not want to demonstrate all the reflexes. Perhaps the child just wants to sleep and, instead of the expected reaction, responds by crying.

    By the end of the first month of life, the child will get used to the new conditions: he will clearly focus his gaze on you, react to your voice and even make some sounds in response. And the most pleasant bonus is that the four-week-old baby already knows how to smile!

    Tell us how your baby behaved in the first month of life? How often did you feed him or bathe him?

    Without exception, all young mothers are interested in whether newborns can be given water and whether this should be done. The opinions of pediatricians and the advice of the older generation usually do not coincide. Grandmothers claim that they gave their children water to drink already in the first days of the baby’s life, and modern doctors recommend doing without it.

    What should a young mother do to find correct solution? Let's consider whether the baby needs water, and what explains the refusal to introduce it into the newborn's diet.

    The key point here is the type of infant feeding.

    Do newborns need water when breastfeeding?

    Pediatricians believe that breastfeeding a newborn covers the body's fluid needs. This is explained by the fact that 85% breast milk consists of water, and the rest is essential nutrients. This percentage covers the baby’s drinking needs.

    However, some mothers feel that their baby needs extra fluids, especially in hot weather. Here it is worth considering that drinking water will make the baby feel full, and he will drink less milk. Consequently, the baby will receive fewer vitamins and microelements.

    Moreover, before the introduction of complementary foods, this situation can provoke a decrease in lactation, since the baby will not suck all the milk from the breast. Special meaning have night feedings, due to the fact that the milk production hormone is more actively synthesized at night.

    In addition, there is a risk of disrupting the balance of bacteria in the baby's intestines. Nature has it that mother's milk is ideal for the formation of healthy microflora, and everything else can upset the natural balance and causes the risk of dysbiosis in the baby.

    Another significant disadvantage is that the child may refuse to breastfeed. Most often, water is given from a bottle with a nipple, which is much easier to suck on than a breast. Because of this, the baby may prefer this particular method of feeding.

    Water can be given to a newborn on breastfeeding only when he has a fever or diarrhea. It is also acceptable to drink infant water with a decoction of dill or fennel for colic. This will help the baby pass gas.

    Supplementation of bottle-fed and mixed-fed infants

    Kids on artificial feeding, they get an impressive amount of protein, which means they need water. When calculating the amount for formula feeding, water is not counted as food. With mixed feeding, the baby also needs water.

    The amount of water for a child aged 1 month on mixed or artificial feeding is up to 200 ml per day. If the baby drinks reluctantly, then nothing is bothering her, and water is not required.

    What water is suitable for newborns

    Special water is preferable for infants. In pharmacies you can find special reconstituted water for babies. The bottle must indicate the age for which it is intended. If you can't buy bottled water, regular water will do. But it is worth remembering that you can only give your child boiled water.

    The most useful is melt water. Its recipe is simple: you need plain water Pour into a container and place on a sheet of cardboard in the freezer. After some time, after the water freezes, the bowl is taken out and allowed to thaw at room temperature.

    The best water temperature for feeding infants is 22-25°C.

    How to give water to a baby

    It is optimal to feed your baby with a spoon. This way you can control the amount of water you drink and in case of breastfeeding, the baby will not learn to drink through the nipple.

    A baby receiving breast milk should only be given water after breastfeeding, otherwise the stomach will become full and the baby will not eat the desired amount of milk. It is up to the parents to decide how much water to give the baby per day. Normally, a baby up to 2 months drinks 10-30 ml of water per day.

    With IV, water should be offered to the baby between feedings, provided that the child does not show signs of anxiety.

    However, if parents see symptoms of dehydration, the baby must be given something to drink. The following signs indicate a lack of water:

    • the child becomes unusually lethargic or moody;
    • the baby blinks very rarely;
    • the skin becomes pale, peeling and dryness occur;
    • the tongue also becomes dry;
    • urination occurs rarely, and the urine becomes dark and has a pungent odor;
    • constipation appears;
    • the fontanel in newborns begins to sink;
    • when a child is offered a drink, he greedily grabs a pacifier (spoon, sippy cup).

    The basic rule is not to experiment on a baby, especially in the first months of life. Water is necessary in the child’s body, but parents need to control its intake and follow the recommendations of specialists.

    As advised by Dr. Komarovsky E.O. in the article " Children's question: to drink or not to drink": " Healthy baby it makes no sense to force people to drink water... It’s up to you to offer it, but the child will decide for himself whether to drink or not.”

    For every mother, the main desire in life is to take care of the baby. Young parents are wondering whether it is possible to give their newborn water. This is one of the most controversial issues in modern pediatrics. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends not doing this until six months, when the child receives only breastfeeding. Some doctors do not agree and advise that you be sure to give your baby something to drink if he does not refuse water. Let's figure out whether a baby needs water or can he do without it?

    Water and breast milk

    When a baby is fed only mother's milk, he gets everything he needs. Nature took care of this. A woman's milk consists of 90 percent water, the rest includes substances essential for full development. Therefore, a young mother should not worry about whether to give water to her newborn. If breastfeeding is applied in a timely manner, there is no urgent need for this, since the baby receives liquid along with nutrition.

    According to doctors' observations, if infant start giving water, this will cause problems for him and the nursing mother.

    • The baby's stomach is too small, so it cannot accommodate a lot of food. Water entering it causes a false feeling of satiety, and the child drinks less milk. Not receiving enough nutrients, he gains weight worse and looks weaker than his peers.
    • A natural unique microflora is formed in the baby’s intestines thanks to mother’s milk. Substances that differ from it in composition upset the balance of bacteria and lead to bloating and dysbacteriosis.
    • If you give water to newborns, they will suck less milk. The mother's lactation may decrease. Its decrease leads to malnutrition of the baby and is often the reason for breast refusal.

    Don’t think that one small spoon of water will immediately lead to such consequences, but it’s not worth the risk. After all, breastfeeding is very important, and you need to do everything to maintain it for a long time.

    When can you offer water to your baby?

    Many mothers ask, should a newborn be given water when it’s too hot outside? A one-month-old baby is not familiar with the feeling of thirst, so offer him the breast more often and you will provide the right amount of fluid. To make your baby more comfortable in the summer, wear something from natural fabric, regularly wet clean your room, go for a walk early in the morning or in the evenings. Then there will be no questions about whether it is possible to give water in the heat.

    • There is an opinion that a baby should be given some water when he is suffering from jaundice. This is wrong. yellowness skin causes bilirubin, which is a fat-soluble enzyme. Water will not negatively affect him, unlike the valuable milk produced by the mother.
    • When a baby is sick and has a fever, fluid is removed from the body along with sweat. During this period, you can give water to drink if you consider it necessary. But breast milk is no worse at eliminating dehydration. You need to feed your baby more often, and there will be no need for additional fluid.

    At what age can you give water to drink? infants, it's up to the parents to decide. If you want to feed your baby, do not force him under any circumstances. Let him drink whenever he wants.

    Not all mothers succeed in breastfeeding. When your baby uses formula, you should start giving water from birth. In adapted artificial nutrition too much protein. Children's body cannot cope with it on its own, so water is required to break it down.

    Mixtures often cause constipation. Warm drinking water helps to empty the intestines. It’s easy to improve your child’s well-being with dill water. Doctors recommend giving it to babies to relieve colic and stimulate the stomach. Special filter bags are sold in every pharmacy. Use them according to the instructions after consultation with your pediatrician.

    An important reason to give additional fluid is mixed feeding. Drink with a teaspoon. Then the baby will not get used to the bottle longer and will suck the breast more intensely. This will help enhance lactation and regulate the flow of mother's milk.

    How to feed a baby

    When to give water to a baby, from how many months can this be done? Questions haunt parents.

    If your baby is formula fed, water is helpful between meals. With mixed and breastfeeding It is recommended to supplement your baby's food 15-20 minutes after feeding. To begin with, you should give a couple of teaspoons so that the baby gradually gets used to the water.

    From the fifth month it is allowed to introduce the first complementary foods to infants. From now on, it is necessary to give water so that the little body can process new dishes. Some children refuse to drink it at first. There is no need to worry, they will gradually try this product and after a few months they will be happy to drink solid food with it. In the meantime, offer them breastfeeding after complementary feeding, this will replenish the fluid deficiency.

    How much water a baby should be given per day depends on his weight. Pediatricians say that a child needs 100 ml of fluid per 1 kg of body weight. This norm also includes breast milk, so about 30-60 ml remains for additional liquid. On average, a baby up to six months old needs to drink 200 ml of water a day, but if he can’t handle it, don’t force it.

    From 6 months, a child can be given raisin water if there is no allergy to this product. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and perfectly stimulates work. digestive system. To prepare, you will need to measure out a spoonful of raisins, rinse them with hot water, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes. Cool, filter and start drinking little by little.

    Which water is better?

    Water for newborns is sold in pharmacies and specialty stores. When purchasing a product, carefully inspect the bottle. It should have markings and information about verification at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Study the expiration date to protect your baby from low-quality products.

    The fact is that water for babies has its own unique composition. When choosing what kind of water to give to a newborn, you need to take into account how different it is from ordinary liquid in mineral content. It should contain:

    • magnesium - 10-30 mg/l;
    • calcium - 50-55 mg/l;
    • sodium - 15-18 mg/l;
    • potassium - 5-21 mg/l.

    The total amount of minerals is about 250 mg/l.

    It is better to give preference to products in glass bottles. Such packaging does not affect its quality. Choose the volume of the container depending on how much water the newborn should drink. It is advisable to buy small bottles, since the shelf life of opened water is only a day. Don’t think about whether you need to boil it, it’s ready to eat right away.

    If it is not possible to regularly purchase bottled products, it is permissible to give water to a newborn from the tap, subject to mandatory boiling.

    When the baby is healthy and feeds exclusively on mother's milk, he has no need for other liquids. If you are not sure what to do and do not know whether to give water to your baby, consult a trusted specialist. Listen to his recommendation. He will explain how much water to give your child and how to do it correctly.

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