• New script for the entertainment program "World Graduation!"


    Place of work: MBOU Novobataysk Secondary School No. 9

    Job title:English teacher

    Theme of the event: “Virtual New Year's trip by country of the world"

    Form:Family KVN

    Event participants: children and their parents.


    SfEstablish a culture of relationships between parents and children.

    Promote the rapprochement of adults and children, the formation of positive emotions.

    To acquaint the event participants with the New Year traditions and customs of many peoples of the world.

    To develop among parents and children an interest in participating in the preparation and holding of joint holidays.


    Wonderful picture

    How dear you are to me:

    White plain,

    Full moon,

    Light of the high heavens,

    And shiny snow, And distant sleighs

    Lonely running.

    A. A. Fet

    Hello, Dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to today's celebration. Outside, winter is a wonderful time of year, a time for fun and magic, because it is in winter that we celebrate New Year, A holiday that fulfills all our desires and expectations. This holiday unites us, makes us kinder and makes us believe in miracles. New Year is a holiday interesting traditions and customs. How do you celebrate the New Year? Each nation has its own unique traditions of celebrating the New Year. Today we will take you around the world, virtual trip and learn about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in many countries.

    Of course, traveling is more fun and easier with a song.

    (Children from the class sing the song “If only there were no winter” from the cartoon “Prostokvashino.”)

    Our first station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Greece”)

    Presenter: Greece)

    New Year in Greece is called St. Basil's Day. In Greece, children leave a shoe at their doorstep for St. Basil to fill with sweets and gifts.

    As a souvenir of our visit, we will also leave shoes filled with sweets for the residents of Greece, thereby wishing them happiness in the New Year! I invite two families to the stage (two mothers, two fathers and two children).

    Candy is scattered on the floor. I blindfold you and give 1 cardboard shoe to each family. At the signal, you start collecting candies. The family that scores more candies, whose “shoe” will be filled with candy.

    Well done! Greece rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

    As a gift, our participants and all other guests will perform the Greek folk dance “Sirtaki”

    (Children perform the Greek dance “Sirtaki”.)

    Our second station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Japan”)

    Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? (Japan)

    In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. The bells ring exactly 108 times on New Year's Eve. According to the Japanese, each of us has exactly 108 bad habits that negatively affect the life of every person. And the ringing of the bell on New Year's Eve cleanses and helps you become a better person. A resident of Japan does not celebrate his own birthday. On New Year's Eve, every Japanese, even those just born, celebrates the birthday common to all Japanese. With the last 108 stroke, the life years of every Japanese person increase by one year. As for children in Japan, they strongly believe in New Year's miracles, so on New Year's Eve they put a drawing under their pillow with what they dream about. They say that this way your wish will definitely come true. In their homes, in a prominent place, the Japanese place rice cakes on top of which they place tangerines, symbolizing happiness, health and longevity. On New Year's table There are rice dishes, which, according to the Japanese, have special powers. It is believed that rice brings prosperity to the family.

    Today we will try to feel the atmosphere of New Year celebrations in Japan. I invite two families to the stage. You need to portray a Japanese family and taste the rice using special chopsticks. The winner is the family that eats the most rice and that best portrays the atmosphere of a Japanese family. You will need the following attributes for this: kimono, plates of rice and chopsticks.

    (While the participants are preparing, the children perform the Japanese Kabuki dance.)

    Well done! Japan rewards all participants in the competition with gifts.

    Our next station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Mongolia”)

    Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? (Mongolia)

    In Mongolia, the New Year is celebrated at the Christmas tree, although the Mongolian Santa Claus comes to the children dressed as a cattle breeder. IN New Year's celebration Sports competitions and games are held. In Mongolia, a rake is considered an integral attribute of the New Year. They are specially decorated with various jewelry. There is such a sign that it is on New Year’s Eve that you need to “rakes in” happiness with such a rake. Today we will also try to create such a “rake” that will help us “collect” our happiness. I invite two families to the stage. Your task: decorate the rake using the suggested items and accessories.

    The winner will be the family that decorates the rake in a more original way and uses more items for it. (During the competition, Mongolian folk music is played.)

    Well done! Mongolia rewards all participants in the competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

    Our next station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Spain”)

    Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Spain) In Spain, there is a New Year's tradition: while the clock is striking, you must have time to swallow some grapes - then your most cherished wishes will come true. Spain is a country rich in vineyards, so it is not surprising that there are a number of traditions associated with the grapevine. Now we will also have the opportunity to make wishes, but not just eat 12 grapes, but find them and then eat them as the chimes strike. Each grape is packed in paper; if you unfold the paper and find it, you need to put it aside. If you collect 12 grapes in a certain time, you become a winner and have every right to eat them during the chimes, making your deepest wishes. I invite two families to the stage to participate in this competition.

    (Spanish folk music is played during the competition.)

    Well done! Spain rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

    Our next station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Brazil”)

    Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Brazil)

    New Year in Brazil is summer holiday, since December 31st is the time for sun, heat and beaches in this country. On the eve of the New Year, city streets are decorated with colorful lanterns and garlands, and fluffy Christmas trees are decorated. The cheerful sounds of drums are heard from all sides; Brazilians celebrate the New Year by dancing and singing songs. Merry New Year's carnivals take place in Brazil.

    Have you ever taken part in a carnival? Today you will have such an opportunity.

    I invite 4 families to the stage (two families in each team). You need to prepare a Brazilian carnival outfit for the New Year for your child. The winners are those team representatives who come up with more original outfit for a child from the proposed materials.

    (On stage, children show the show “Brazilian Carnival” while the outfits are being prepared.)

    Well done! Brazil rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and based on the applause, we will determine the winners and reward them with a standing ovation.

    Our next station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in India”)

    Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( India)

    Very beautiful rituals of celebrating the New Year in India. Residents of northern India decorate themselves with flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with orange flags. In western India, small lights are lit on the roofs of houses. Indians have a unique way of giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and are led to a tray with gifts.

    (Two girls come out dressed in national clothes Indians.)

    I invite two families to the stage to participate in the next competition. You need to guess with your eyes closed what is on the tray. There are edible and inedible items on the tray; you need to guess what is on the tray within a certain time. The family that guesses the most prepared gifts on the tray will win.

    Well done! India rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and we also give applause to the winners.

    Our next station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in England”)

    Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( England)

    The most famous New Year's tradition in this country is First Guest Tradition. The year will be successful if, after the clock strikes midnight and announces the beginning of the New Year, the first guest in the house is a young dark-haired man. In England, a guest must bring bread, a coin and a coal, which symbolize food, prosperity, and warmth. According to custom, the first guest, upon entering the house, goes to the fireplace and throws a coal there, and only then everyone congratulates each other. The first guest must be fed. In England, the New Year is celebrated colorfully and enthusiastically - in anticipation of gifts from “Santa Claus”. The British love to give Greeting Cards With beautiful poems, wishes. Let's see if you can congratulate beautifully and originally. I invite two families to the stage to participate in the next competition. While the children's song “Jingle Bells” is playing, you need to write a congratulation. Whose congratulation will sound more interesting, that family will win.

    (Children sing the English song “Jingle Bells.”)

    Well done! England rewards all participants in this competition with gifts, and based on the applause, we will determine the winners and reward them with a standing ovation.

    Our next station

    (On the screen is an image of “New Year Celebration in Lapland”)

    Presenter: Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Lapland)

    The traditions of the peoples of the North are the most interesting and festive. New year's night turns here into the personification of feeling boundless joy, greetings of the holiday. This is a sales fair, these are sports competitions, these are folk songs with the presence of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, who is the keeper of secret desires and surprises on this New Year's Eve.

    (Children perform the dance of the peoples of the North.)

    Our next station

    (On the screen there is an image “Celebrating the New Year in Russia”)

    Look at the screen, please! Name this country? ( Russia)

    Presenter: Here we are at home!

    (Father Frost and Snow Maiden come up to the stage.)

    Father Frost: Hello, dear guests! Our country is rich in traditions.

    Snow Maiden: And what traditions will you now show us? In Russia New Year - family celebration, so many traditions are related to family.

    I invite 4 families to the stage (two families in each team). (They had to prepare a number in advance on the topic “ New Year traditions in Russia".)

    Santa Claus: Well done! Thank you for such wonderful numbers.

    (Santa Claus distributes gifts to all participants in the competition.)

    Presenter: Well, friends, our holiday has come to an end.

    Father Frost: We wish you all your wishes come true this New Year!

    (we all sing the song “Happy New Year!” together, Santa Claus walks through the hall and gives everyone gifts).


    Seasons. Russian poets about their native nature. Compiled by N. G. Pavlov, 1985

    Traditions. Customs. Rituals./Editor-compiler L.I. Zhuk - Mn.: Publishing house. LLC "Krasiko-Print", 2004.-128p.

    Christmas Star/ Editor-compiler L.I. Zhuk – Mn.:Pub. LLC "Krasiko-Print", 2004.-128p.

    If homework on the topic of: » Scenario of the event “Virtual New Year’s trip around the world” If you find it useful, we will be grateful if you post a link to this message on your page on your social network.


    Author V. Popovich Thanks to the neighboring forum!
    Attention, boarding for flight 20-04 is announced. All passengers take their seats. Fasten your seat belts. Have a good flight!

    The best crew is invited to board.
    The Airbus makes an amazing voyage.

    Boy: We sat by the window, the airway winds,
    We'll count to five; got ready,
    Let's take off!

    1. “The Wind Calls”
    Tell me baby, what do you see in your dreams?
    Where does the blue river start?
    How dolphins swim into the ocean, leading them into the depths,
    Exposing your sides to the rays.

    I'll show you how a day is born.
    How the cranes sing in the blue skies.
    As moose run through the swamps, no one will ask them anything,
    Their traces will be lost in the forests.

    Look, the east is on fire behind you.
    The grass falls asleep in the fields near the river.
    How good it is to laugh all around and the echo repeats it,
    Without stopping from night to morning.

    The world was not invented by me, but we are together with you,
    We will know this world to the end.
    And may the red sun smile on you and me,
    The wind invites you to go.

    Stewardess: Our plane is at bird's eye level. Landing course is 240. It is now 10 am in London, 9 am in Paris, 11 am in Lisbon. The journey begins.

    Boy: Interesting, no doubt, all the guys are old world.

    Girl: Try to look at Europe from above.

    2. "Europe"
    He is always strict and proud, famous London,
    The fog even hid the prime meridian from us.
    You fly over the Channel, you end up in Paris,
    Duels are often disputed, here the musketeers decided.....
    Look, try, from above at Europe, from above at Europe!

    We need to say goodbye to the Rhine as soon as possible.
    The liner suddenly changes course, the plane flies south.
    Under the wing of Hellas, we need to see!
    Everything around is antique, very nice.

    Look, try, from above Europe, from above Europe

    Stewardess: Our plane is crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Flight altitude – 5,000 meters. Course – Africa. All passengers must wear Panama hats. Sand temperature in the Sahara Desert: +43 degrees.

    Girl: Oh, is this Africa? It's hot!

    Boy: Well, it was hot. Strange name - Sahara. The whole desert is smooth and not at all sweet.

    3. "Africa"
    We're going through Africa, Africa, Africa.

    A river flows ahead, and in the river, and in the river.
    Crocodiles in the distance, sleeping on the banks

    Under the wing lies the savannah, herds of antelopes are walking.
    The predator came out here early to hunt at dawn.
    The elephant walks patiently towards the place where the spring flows.
    The formidable lion yawned lazily, finishing his picnic.

    An African river stretched like a narrow ribbon.
    And the Zulu tune sounds, coming from afar.
    Soon the pastures will be covered with raindrops,
    They will run like one river, the rivers of Africa in a crowd.

    We're going through Africa, Africa, Africa.
    One after another, and in the hand, and in the hand.
    A river flows ahead, and in the river, and in the river.
    Crocodiles are in the distance, sleeping on the banks.

    Stewardess: We just crossed the Indian Ocean. The course is to the east.

    Girl: From the cabin we can see the beginning of the Indus.
    The dense tropics obscure the view.
    We landed right in the center of Delhi.
    Boy: What will the guide tell us about the Indians?

    4. "India"
    Many years ago, ships were guided by sails here.
    Ships approached the shores of the mainland.
    The merchants opened their mouths, the caskets were full of gold.

    Pearls blind the eye, diamonds burn with the brilliance of stars.
    It has long become magical, the Hindustan Peninsula.
    The whole world of snakes that swallows the fakir is surprising.
    Now I will see what India is.

    Knight and bishop, rook and queen fight on squares here.
    Was it really possible, you might ask, that they played chess here?
    Do we need to tell you that Mowgli lives here?
    Now I will see what India is.

    Stewardess: We will now transfer to an ocean liner. Our journey will continue on the ship. Don't forget to take life jackets.

    Boy: In a quiet harbor by the sea, we met a hero.
    A connoisseur of all hurricanes, all currents and channels.
    Conqueror of the seas, sails and anchors.
    And the regiment is not afraid of sharks, it is a “brave wolf of the sea”!

    5. "Sea Wolf"
    Where the waves come in succession and the cold wind
    Our captains go to the oceans, steering,
    blue wave
    They are not afraid of storms and the azure of the sea is their peace.
    They vigilantly look into the distance, wherever they have been,
    The sea wolf is not afraid of the storm.

    Oh, oh, the wolf of the sea, the city dies in life.
    Without seas he is bored alone.
    And it’s not for nothing that the anchors shine on their shoulder straps.
    So, captain, back to the ocean!

    He holds his steering wheel tightly.
    The narwhal does not hide in the depths.
    The path is precisely marked, and the shark’s liver,
    The harpoon instantly tore into pieces.
    The pennant flies proudly, the albatross warms its wings in the sky.
    - Unfurl the sails on the yard as soon as possible!
    The sailor does everything exactly.

    Stewardess: The ocean roars angrily, the wind shakes the ships.
    Here Atlantis once became the center of the entire earth.

    Boy: But we stay the course stubbornly,
    We don’t move any point.
    Here, sometime after a storm, the mainland was discovered by Columbus.

    Girl: Look, look, earth!
    Oh! What, on the shore, some people are dancing on the sand!

    6. "Latin America"
    The stars sparkled with lights, people stood in pairs.
    We unexpectedly found ourselves at a Mexican masquerade.

    It’s not easy to get lost here, and who can help: amigo!
    Who will help amigos at the carnival?
    And the fun is hot, we will dance here again,
    Like never before, we have never danced anywhere.

    Take off your mask, gentlemen! Oh, we were wrong, it doesn’t matter
    Oh, we were wrong, nonsense, we didn’t know.
    Don't let go of the chain of hands, let's stand in a common circle,
    Let's join the circle at the carnival!
    Give me a sombrero for an hour, the beach is a dance hall!
    We will dance until the night, where we spin
    In the archive Scenario, pros and cons.

    Break-ring in preparatory group. Scenario

    Breaking ring scenario in the preparatory group. By country and continent

    Target: Continue to form children’s ideas about life, everyday life, culture, and inventions of the peoples of different countries.
    Material: a drum with balls with numbers, envelopes with numbers (with the name of the country inside each), bells, musical accompaniment, prizes, badges for players with team names (“Znayki”, “Pochemuchki”), flags to indicate points

    Bray ring progress

    The bray ring is held in a suitably decorated hall. There are two tables in the center. Children are pre-divided into two teams. To the accompaniment of music, children enter the hall and sit at the tables. The presenter introduces the captains and teams and introduces everyone to the rules of the game.
    The children are shown a box containing prizes that are being raffled off. The presenter invites the team captains to come up and pull out the balls with the envelope number from the drum. Then he opens the envelope and names the country in which the breaking ring will take place. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If the team finds it difficult to answer asked question, the floor is passed to the opposing team. Arctic, Antarctic
    1. What ancient animals were preserved in the ice of permafrost? (seal, dinosaur, mammoth)
    2. Which star is not visible at the north pole during the entire weather? (Pole Star, Sun, Aldebaran)
    3. Which bird travels the longest distances during migration (Little Willow, Bar-headed Goose, Arctic Tern)
    4. What are these continents called (“Kingdom of Ice”, “Dead Kingdom”, “Desert of Ice”)
    5. What color predominates among animals and birds of these countries? (brown, gray, white)
    Eurasia - continent
    1. Which continent is surrounded by four oceans? (North America, Antarctica, Eurasia)
    2. Whose homeland is the mainland? (mountain sheep, sheep, pigs)
    3. What does the word “Asia” mean? (south, north, east)
    4. Which country in Asia is the most populous? (Japan, China, Pakistan)
    5. Which language is the most widespread on Earth? (English, French, Chinese)
    India is a country
    1. On what continent is India located? (Eurasia, Africa, America)
    2. Capital of India? (New Delhi, New York)
    3. Is a flower a symbol of India? (rose, peony, lotus)
    4. Women's Indian clothing? (kimono, sari, sundress)
    5. Sacred animal of India? (cat, dog, cow)
    Australia is a continental country
    1. Which city was founded in Australia first? (Sydney, Portland, Rylston)
    2. What valuable minerals are mined in Australia? (malachite, black opals, diamonds)
    3. Which continent is not covered by permafrost? (America, Australia, Africa)
    4. Who are the indigenous people of Australia? (pygmies, aborigines, Papuans)
    5. What weapons do the aborigines use? (spear, boomerang, sword)

    China is a country
    1. What creatures on the roofs and columns protect Chinese buildings? (lions, dragons, dogs)
    2. Tibet? What is this? (mountain range, plain, desert)
    3. What did they start producing in China first? (silk, cotton, linen)
    4. Which animal is considered a symbol of prosperity in China? (horse, dog, pig)
    5. Which flower is the symbol of China? (peony, rose, carnation)
    Japan - country
    1. What is depicted on the Japanese flag? (moon, sun, stars)
    2. Which mountain is the symbol of Japan? (Everest, Fuji, Lhotse)
    3. Which tree is considered the symbol of Japan? (birch, baobab, sakura)
    4. What does the Japanese word "sakura" mean? (apple, cherry, chestnut)
    5. What flower is depicted on the coat of arms of Japan? (tulip, aster, chrysanthemum)
    North America
    1. What countries are located on the continent of North America? (Canada, USA, Mexico)
    2. What is depicted on the Canadian flag? ( Maple Leaf, sun, chrysanthemum)
    3. What is the name of the capital of Canada? (New Delhi, Cairo, Ottawa)
    4. Is the country the birthplace of hockey? (Japan, Canada, Brazil)
    5. Is the animal the national symbol of Canada? (elephant, beaver, bear)
    South America
    1. The most famous clothes in Latin America (poncho, sari, kimono)
    2. What is the capital of Brazil? (Reykjavik, Brasilia, Peru)
    3. What happens every day in Brazil? (carnival, football, masquerade)
    4. Where is the largest water lily located and what is it called? (In Brazil, Victoria water lily)
    5. Which waterfall is located in the south of Brazil? (Niagara Falls, Iguazu Falls, Almonte Falls)
    After the first 4 countries there is a musical break. Children perform "Oriental dance".
    After the second 4 countries - a physical education session. Children play the African game "Hunters and Monkeys".
    Outdoor game "Hunter and Monkeys".
    Children are given ribbons, which become tails in the game; the hunter's task is to collect as many tails as possible.
    The game is repeated 2-3 times.
    At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the teams are awarded.
    At the end, a relay game “Sunny Circle” is held with all the children.
    Relay game "Solar circle"
    Children are divided into teams, in front of each team there are hoops, and the children have yellow sticks in their hands - sun rays. On command, the first player runs forward and places a stick near the hoop, returns and passes the baton. As a result, each team should get the sun.
    Song "Sunny Circle"

    One of the most optimal options have a beautiful holiday is to visit the best countries in the world. Absolutely everyone loves to travel! To travel around several countries in one evening without leaving a restaurant is simply fantastic.

    And the issue with the show program disappears on its own, since in every hospitable country you will witness a stunning national performance.

    Brief holiday script

    With a bunch of guests. There are buffet tables where everyone can refresh themselves with soft drinks. Musicians who create an international mood begin their work. At the entrance, everyone who comes is greeted by animators who are representatives various countries. The actors are dressed in Mexican, Chinese, and African outfits. They hand over Carnival masks or holiday accessories, showered with confetti and streamers. Flags of various countries hang on the walls of the restaurant. The tables are covered with national dishes of each country.

    Animation zones:

    • Dreamcatcher Weaving
    • Torcedor (cigar roller)
    • Painting gingerbread
    • Coinage

    The leader exits. The entertainer announces that the point of the program is that all the guests of the evening travel to different continents and countries. As a logical point at the beginning of the evening - a festive congratulation.

    The on-site photo studio invites guests to take photos in carnival costumes against the background of the original banner with logos and pictures. Behind the counter of the Beer-Vody pavilion, a colorful Soviet barmaid makes “Leninist” cocktails for guests.

    Suddenly the music turns off, African dancers come onto the stage to the sound of drums and greet everyone gathered on the African continent. A small master class with the participation of the public.

    Dividing the guests of the evening into teams. Each of them must come up with a name for itself, choose a leader and the motto of the country chosen by the guests. All competitive program will take place between the participating teams. It is worth noting that for each continent or country, the presenter has unique and original competitions. The performances of the artists will complement the festive evening and create a special, cheerful mood. Guests of the holiday will see with their own eyes a sensual Brazilian show, German singing, as well as other performances that will appeal to everyone.

    At the end of the evening, all guests will receive the main gift - a birthday cake, which the waiters throw at each other. A small scuffle ensues, during which the attendant begins to perform a medley of various songs. The drawing took place and the celebration was a success.

    Party program “Travel around the world”

    • Legendary Citro and Tarragon
    • African drums
    • Flags of all states
    • Making amulets
    • Cigar making
    • Gingerbread painting
    • Singing waiters
    • Thematic competitions
    • Festive disco
    • Dance groups
    • Sand painting
    • Themed costumes

    Austria is the country of the Waltz, France is the country of poetry, Germany is the country of beer and fried sausages, England is the country of fogs and aristocrats, Spain is the country of bullfighters, Italy is the country of pasta and black coffee, Venice is the city of Love. Switzerland is a country of banks.

    1. Meeting of young people.
    Meeting the newlyweds at the restaurant. The newlyweds are greeted by guests, showering them with confetti and streamers. The newlyweds drink champagne and break glasses for good luck. The presenter invites everyone into the hall. They go up the stairs, undress, and clean themselves up.

    If you liked this scenario, then any of our wedding toastmasters will hold your banquet according to this scenario in one of the Moscow restaurants, and a wedding photographer and wedding videographer will be happy to organize wedding photography and wedding videography. Also at your service is decorating the hall with balloons and decorating the hall with flowers and any artists. All these services will be provided to you by our “Banquet-Moscow”, whose main task is.

    2. Seating of guests.
    Presenter. - Gentlemen! On this wonderful day we decided to go on a trip to Europe. And since we like to travel in comfort, this will be a virtual trip, and we are in the dining car. I ask everyone to take their seats. Be careful, the train is leaving.

    A toast to the young.
    Presenter - And at the beginning of our journey, I propose to raise our glasses to the road. Just not ours, but our newlyweds. Since for them today is the beginning of a long road that will last a lifetime, let us wish them that this road will be without potholes and sharp cliffs. Nadezhda and Vladimir, we wish you that your road will be smooth and even, like a hundred-ironed tablecloth. In general, good riddance! They drink and eat.

    3. First stop. The word of the parents.
    Presenter - And here is the border. This is our first stop. Here, young people leave their bachelor and lonely life and enter (enter) a new joint, family life. Dear parents, your children need your support. Tell them yours parting words on the road and light their torch (candle) so that it illuminates their path.

    You can combine the word of the parents with the lighting of the Hearth - mom and dad said, dad lit a candle, gave it to mom - it went to smoke, then the second one, then they lit the Hearth. Presenter - So that this candle illuminates your path throughout the entire journey and you do not wander in the dark.

    4. Next stop – Austria.
    Presenter - As you know, Austria is the country where Strauss, the king of the waltz, was born. So where else if not here should young people dance their first dance?

    A waltz is playing, the young people are dancing. Then they return to their place. Presenter - I propose a toast to the fact that our young family will walk through life hand in hand and its steps will be as light and graceful as we just saw. They drink and eat.

    5. Next stop – Switzerland.
    Presenter - as we all know, the Swiss are very neat and hospitable people who love to give gifts. I invite you, dear guests, to take the initiative into your own hands and congratulate the newlyweds. Guests congratulate and give gifts.

    6. Germany.
    Presenter - While we were congratulating the newlyweds, our train arrived in Germany. And the Germans are very neat people. I propose to take an example from them and write down all your wishes in this book “Notes on a Journey”, so that after some time our newlyweds can re-read it and relive these happy moments. The guests are given a book and a pen, they write down their wishes there and at the end of the evening return it to S. The rest drink and eat at this time.

    7. France.
    Presenter - A poetry competition is announced. Paris is the capital of poetry. Please don't let us down. Five minutes to think, during this time the young people can smack their lips and drink champagne. Guests who wish dedicate their “pearls” to the newlyweds, and all participants are awarded prizes. () Toast. Let's eat.

    8. Venice.
    The presenter is the city of love. I suggest we all write a fairy tale or poem about love together. (S. writes the first phrase and covers it with a piece of paper. Passes it further around the circle, the guests write down 2-4 lines, the notebook is returned to the newlyweds and the groom reads the fairy tale out loud). If the guests like it, then you can do it again, but only write a poem or song.

    9. Spain.
    Hosted by Spain, the country of bullfighters and flamenco dancing. They say that the gypsies came from here. (Either a paso doble or a gypsy girl plays) I suggest you warm up a little after such a long journey and dance this fiery dance. (You can announce a competition for the best dance) The guests dance, then more music is turned on. 20-25 minutes of dancing.

    10. England.
    The presenter is England - the country where they drink tea. And we, as travelers, join this ritual. The cake is brought out, the young people cut it, treat it first to each other, then to their parents, then to the rest of the guests. This is followed by tea drinking. (During the tea party, “Guests are given sheets of thick beautiful paper with headings pre-printed on them (examples - list below) and pens or markers with which guests will have to illustrate the heading they come across - draw, write a poem (even if it’s white), an anecdote, just good wishes, words from a song... After this, the presenter will collect these “arts”, and we will read the best of these congratulations out loud. After the wedding, you can give these sheets to a bookbinding shop and for mere pennies you will have a cool, cheerful Book of Memories from those who are near and dear to you.

    Heading examples:
    1.My happiness cocktail recipe
    2. Poem about Love
    3. Portrait of tenderness
    4. friendly cartoon for the bride/groom
    5. Drawing "The Most best gift for the wedding"
    6. Slogan for honeymoon
    7. Today I especially remember...
    8. You are a wizard. What would you do for us today?
    9. Your feelings after reading the invitation
    10. What was unexpected for you today?
    11. Secrets of taming your husband's friends
    12. Share your romantic dessert recipe.

    11. Italy.
    Presenter - Dear guests! Italians have hot blood. And although they love sweets, they immediately burn off all the extra calories because they are always dancing. I invite everyone to dance. Music plays, everyone dances. (if there is a witness or friend, then ask the Pope to play with congratulations from the Vatican).

    12. Return. Farewell to the young.
    Presenter - our virtual journey has come to an end, but only for us. But for Vladimir and Nadezhda it is just beginning. Let's wish them that their journey will be as interesting and festive as tonight. The newlyweds thank the guests for keeping them company and set off on their honeymoon.

    This may seem strange to you, but wedding traditions exist not only in our country.

    Other peoples of the world also have them. And maybe it's even stranger, but you can get a lot of benefit out of it. Which one? First of all, material. How?

    Yes, very simple. The presenter writes it on a postcard! ten wedding traditions different nations peace, really! Not all of them are real, some are fictitious. Having warned the guests about this, the presenter reads out the name of the country and the supposed tradition that exists in it. Then he makes his bet. This can be any prize prepared for games and competitions. There is no need to show it to guests in advance.

    To win a prize, the guest needs to place his bet with the money actually in his pocket, and then give the correct answer whether such a thing really exists wedding tradition in the named country.

    The presenter plays against the player who offered the highest bet. The guest answers briefly: either “yes” or “no.” If the answer is correct, then he receives a prize (bet) made by the host. If the answer is incorrect, then the bet (money) goes to the newlyweds’ budget.

    To prevent guests from trying to catch the host of “fraud,” he can choose one of the guests as an independent expert, who, in the event of a controversial situation, can be shown postcards with a plus or minus next to each question. Plus - there is a tradition, minus - there is no such tradition.

      1. EGYPT - is it true that in Egypt the groom sees the bride only after all the wedding celebrations?
      2. (Right)
      3. DENMARK - is it true that in Denmark, during matchmaking, the groom must give all members of the bride's family a pair of wooden shoes?
      4. (Wrong)
      5. HUNGARY - is it true that in Hungary the groom must present the bride's parents with a pork ham as a gift during matchmaking?
      6. (Wrong)
      7. FINLAND - is it true that in Finland, before the wedding, the bride must spend a week in the groom's house, doing minor housework?
      8. (Right)
      9. BANGLADESH - Is it true that in Bangladesh a bride must spend three days in the jungle before her wedding?
      10. (Wrong)
      11. NORWAY - is it true that in Norway newlyweds after the wedding and before the wedding feast must go into the barn and milk the cow?
      12. (Right)
      13. GERMANY - is it true that in Germany the dowry of a bride moving into the groom's house must include a drunken rooster tied to a broom?
      14. (Right)
      15. ENGLAND - Is it true that in some rural areas of England, church gates are decorated with beer mugs and silver spoons before weddings?
      16. (Right)

    The game continues as long as the guests remain interested in it. Use all suggested questions Optional. But the best way to end the game is with the next question.

    1. RUSSIA - is it true that in Russia it is customary to make toasts in honor of the newlyweds at weddings? (Right)
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