• Why does a child have concave nails on his feet and what to do about it? Problems with nails in a child


    – various changes in the surface and shape of the nail plates caused by endogenous or exogenous causes. The most common types of nail deformities are: longitudinal or transverse grooves, convex nails in the form of watch glasses, concave spoon-shaped nails, flat nails, thimble-type deformation, etc. To determine the reasons that caused the deformation of the nails, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist (mycologist, podologist). Nail deformities may require local and systemic therapy, correction, or resection/removal of the nail plate.

    Often nails change their structure due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements: in children early age- with hypovitaminosis D; in adults - with a lack of vitamin B1, calcium deficiency, iron deficiency anemia. In some cases, nail deformation is a consequence of protein starvation, for example, in people following strict diets. A large group of reasons causing secondary nail deformation is chronic diseases internal organs(lungs, of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract), endocrine disorders, collagenosis, general infections, oncological processes.

    Types and characteristics of nail deformation

    Various nail deformations are not strictly pathognomonic signs of a particular disease, however, by the appearance of the nail plates it is possible to determine high degree reliability to judge the presence of a particular pathology.

    "Hippocratic nails" or "watch glass" nails have a convex spherical shape and are usually associated with a "drumstick" finger deformity. Such nails most often reflect hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (bronchiectasis, emphysema or pulmonary tuberculosis, purulent pleurisy, lung abscess, lung cancer). Also, such nail deformation is characteristic of “blue type” congenital heart defects, prolonged septic endocarditis, heart failure, aortic aneurysm, and biliary cirrhosis. Sometimes “Hippocratic” nails are a hereditary or congenital feature that is not associated with any pathological conditions.

    Platonychia(flat nails) is often a congenital anomaly, but deformation may develop when exposed to occupational factors, psoriasis, liver cirrhosis, etc. In this case, all nail plates are usually affected.

    Transverse grooves on the nails(Bo's lines) can appear after influenza, jaundice, Raynaud's disease, syringomyelia, anorexia. The depth of the grooves depends on the severity of the damage to the nail matrix and can reach 1 mm. The color of the indentations does not differ from the color of the entire nail plate. With many grooves and ridges, the nail takes on a wavy shape. Longitudinal grooves on the nails (ribbed, corrugated nails) usually indicate an improper or unbalanced diet, vitamin deficiency, and malabsorption in the intestines.

    Thimble-shaped or pinpoint nail deformity characterized by the presence of many pinpoint pits on the surface of the nail plate. Small depressions have a diameter from 0.3 to 1-1.5 mm and a depth of up to 1 mm; their number can vary from 2-3 pieces to several dozen. This form of onychodystrophy is typical for eczema, psoriasis, rheumatism, and pulmonary tuberculosis. At various types Nail deformities often include leukonychia (white spots on the nails), brittleness, splitting of the nails, and ingrown nail plates.

    Diagnosis and treatment of nail deformities

    If nail deformation occurs, you should consult a dermatologist or a specialist with a narrower profile -

    Nail deformation is a fairly common pathology that occurs on the hands and feet and is detected in both adults and children. Often this phenomenon is not simply cosmetic defect, but also a sign of any disease. Why do nails begin to deform and how can you return them to their original natural shape?

    Who is more likely to have pathology?

    Common problems that can cause concern include thickening, curvature, and abnormal growth of the nail plates. Often the deformation of the toenail concerns thumb or little finger.

    According to statistics, nail problems are of more concern to women, since they are the ones who more often seek advice from specialists with this problem. Men are not particularly in a hurry to see a doctor, resorting to medical care only if the pathology begins to cause discomfort, discomfort or other symptoms of illness appear. Children most often suffer from congenital nail dystrophy, less often it occurs due to injury or disease.

    Deformation factors

    In normal condition, nails are smooth, pink, and shiny. But if the surface of the nail plate is rough, there are growths or grooves, the color changes to yellow, separation and brittleness are observed, then there is something wrong with them.

    Changes often lead to improper care or lack thereof. If you do not remove dirt from under your nails or fanatically scrape them off, causing injury to the skin, then in both situations microbes appear, the activity of which becomes the cause of degenerative changes.

    Deformation may be associated with frequent use of products household chemicals without using gloves. The aggressive action of chemicals negatively affects the condition skin and nails.

    Nail plates can become bent due to injuries. On the feet, the injury most often affects the big toe. Among the common causes of this phenomenon, we can safely mention wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes. If at first a person simply feels discomfort and the nail feels excessive pressure, then later the disease develops - onychogryphosis.

    If you are constantly worried about deformation of your fingernails, the reasons may be professional in nature. Hairdressers, cleaners, dishwashers and representatives of other professions that involve contact with chemicals often suffer from this pathology.

    Appearance the nail plate may deteriorate after numerous extension procedures, frequent decoration with products containing harmful components, especially formaldehyde. Similar photos of damaged nails can be found on the Internet; they warn against the use of dubious decorative cosmetics.

    Their condition may be negatively affected by taking certain medications, such as antibacterial drugs, or chemotherapy courses. Peeling and crumbling nails are a sign of a lack of vitamin and mineral components in the body.

    What ailments can cause the structure to change?

    Curvature, discoloration and other disturbances in the structure of the nail plate often have more serious causes associated with a painful condition:

    1. Diseases caused by fungus. Because of them, such deformation of toenails most often occurs. In this case, the plate thickens and yellowness appears on the surface.
    2. Somatic diseases. Sometimes a doctor, looking at a patient’s nails, can tell about disorders occurring in the body:
    • hyperemia of the nail bed signals heart disease - in this case it is necessary mandatory consultation cardiologist;
    • yellowing of the surface occurs with pulmonary diseases;
    • nails turn white in the presence of an anemic condition - it is advisable to take a test to determine the level of hemoglobin;
    • yellow nails with a bluish tint are a sign of diabetes;
    • whitish spots are a signal of liver dysfunction; with significant liver damage, half of the nail turns white.

    Additional changes

    Deformation may occur as a result of the following problems:

    1. Onychogryphosis. As already noted, the cause of the disease is improperly selected shoes. The pathology is accompanied by curvature, thickening of the nail plate, and disruption of normal growth. At an advanced stage, it is recommended to completely remove the nail along with the root.
    2. Pathologies of genetic origin. In some of them, pronounced dystrophic changes in the plate and bed are observed.
    3. Hypertrophic change in the cuticle (pterygia). The disease is diagnosed quite often; its main symptom is the rapid growth of the cuticle. As the disease progresses, it can spread to the entire surface of the nail plate.
    4. Dermatological diseases. There is a form of nail psoriasis in which the structure and shape of the nails change. Various images appear on their surface in the form of dots, transverse lines, inclusions and spots. The skin in the area of ​​the roller thickens, and the nail itself becomes thicker, it splits and becomes more brittle.
    5. Trophic changes in the nail plates can occur against the background of dyshidrotic eczema; in this case, thick areas of the skin - feet, palms - are affected; they become covered with papules, which are subsequently covered with purulent-serous crusts.
    6. Infections caused by bacteria. A common cause of dystrophic lesions of the toenails. The deformed nail begins to bother you; there is swelling and redness around it. In some situations, suppuration appears, although the disease can develop without this symptom.
    7. Congenital pathology. Many parents face this problem: their child’s nails have been deformed since birth. They may grow incorrectly, have a concave shape, and even be ingrown. Such phenomena most often normalize over time; in some cases, taking vitamin supplements is required. The pediatrician gives recommendations for caring for problem nails.

    These are not all the reasons, and each case requires individual consideration. The doctor can identify what triggered the changes and what their causes are, and only he can prescribe treatment.

    Forms of deformation

    There is a classification of dystrophic changes, according to which all pathologies have their own characteristics and arise due to certain reasons:

    1. The nails that make the fingers look like drumsticks (they are also called “Hippocratic nails”) have a convex, thickened surface.
    2. Problems are identified in patients with cardiovascular diseases, endocarditis, tuberculosis or lung cancer, in the presence of circulatory disorders in the extremities, damage to kidney or liver tissue and other pathological conditions.
    3. A deformity called bird's claw or onychogryphosis, the deformed nail becomes significantly thicker and curved. The change also affects the color of the nail plate - it may become yellowish, dirty gray or even black.

    Fans of uncomfortable, narrow shoes and older people may encounter a similar problem. Onychogryphosis can develop as a result of thermal exposure - frostbite or burns, against the background of diseases such as generalized candidiasis or onychomycosis.

    Platonychia is a dystrophic change in the shape of the nail plate, which loses its convex shape and becomes flattened. This phenomenon is considered a developmental anomaly and comes in two types:

    • congenital (primary) - can affect either one plate or several;
    • acquired - occurs under the influence external factors(long-term injury, exposure to harmful conditions) or due to existing concomitant diseases, such as liver cirrhosis, eczema, psoriasis, the damage spreads to all nails.

    Koilonychia - with this pathological condition the nails become concave, spoon-like, but the structure and thickness remain the same. This occurs due to mechanical or chemical trauma, various diseases - Addison's, typhoid fever, iron deficiency anemia. Koilonychia can be hereditary.

    Beau-Reil's lines are transverse grooves. Their depth is related to how damaged the nail plate matrix is. The nail plates become wavy. But the color of the damage does not differ from the shade of the rest of the nail. The appearance of this deformation is associated with a disruption of metabolic processes in the body. But it can also manifest itself due to the influence of diseases, injuries or ineptly performed manicure procedures.

    Other types of deformities

    Longitudinal (vertical) grooves - they can be different, depending on the cause of their occurrence. If they form in an elderly person, they are not considered a pathology and are associated with age-related degenerative changes. They can appear due to injury to the nail, gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and skin ailments. Narrow grooves may indicate damage to the spinal cord or nervous system. Severely protruding deformation can occur due to a lack of iron and vitamin B12.

    Point deformation of the nail plate - similar pathological change The shape of the nail is called “thimble”, since when it occurs, the surface is covered with multiple pinpoint pits. At the bottom of the indentations, the nail peels off, but this does not affect its surface.

    Most often, the deformity appears in people suffering from psoriasis. It can occur with eczema, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis, syphilis and other diseases. There are rare cases when nails change in this way in healthy people.

    It is not always possible to avoid deformation of the nail plate, but in most cases it is still possible. To do this, you should undergo timely examinations and treat existing diseases. In addition, it is important to monitor personal hygiene, avoid infection with fungus, and take care of the condition of your nails. Shoes should be comfortable and cosmetic procedures carried out by specialists.

    Nail dystrophy is a pathological process characteristic manifestations which are a modification of the shape and structure of the plates or periungual ridges. The disease is of non-fungal origin and is diagnosed on average in 3-4% of the population. The development of dystrophy on the nails can be promoted by a variety of infections, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the circulatory system and heart.

    The main causes of the disease in adults

    Dystrophy of the nail plate is a problem that can affect every person. City dwellers are most exposed to its influence. The formation of white spots, brittleness of nails, and their separation are symptoms of dystrophy, which has a large number of root causes and varieties. Localization of the disease can be observed on the arms and legs. The most common causes of nail dystrophy in adults include:

    • poor environmental background, manifested in air pollution, low quality of drinking water;
    • avitaminosis – lack of vitamins due to poor nutrition;
    • injuries to fingers and toes;
    • eczema or psoriasis;
    • fungal diseases affecting the horny tissue of the nails;
    • weak immunity that occurs against a background of constant stress, inadequate rest, and prolonged infectious diseases;
    • disorders endocrine system;
    • cardiovascular pathologies leading to poor circulation and, as a result, weakening of the nail plate.

    Why does nail dystrophy develop in children?

    The causes of such nail damage in adults and children are almost the same. Often this condition is caused by low immunity, frequent chemical and traumatic effects on the nails. The appearance of longitudinal and transverse grooves on the nails may indicate congenital pathology and skin diseases. The following reasons for the formation of this disease in children are identified:

    • improper care;
    • injuries;
    • malnutrition;
    • transferred infectious diseases;
    • chronic diseases of internal organs;
    • psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema contribute to the formation of a secondary form of dystrophy.

    The most common types of nail plate dystrophy

    This pathology can be presented in various forms, each of which has its own characteristic features, and also requires certain treatment. Only an experienced specialist can recognize the type of nail dystrophy. Based on this, he will prescribe effective therapy. There are several types of pathology:

    • median channel-shaped;
    • Bo's furrow;
    • hapalochinia;
    • onychorrhexis.

    Median canal dystrophy

    This type of dystrophy is characterized by the presence on the nails of a wavy surface, a transverse arcuate depression that looks like a groove or groove, the width of which is up to 4 mm. The plates resemble a forked washboard. Small erosions, peeling, and scratching may form near the rollers. This dystrophy is diagnosed in people experiencing constant nervous and mental disorders. Therapeutic measures include psychological conversations, the use of sedative herbal medicines, tranquilizers.

    Furrows Bo

    This type of dystrophy is more common than others. With this disease, a transverse groove forms on the nail. It crosses the surface of the nail plate from one side fold to the other. The Bo furrow is characterized by the presence of a slightly raised ridge along one edge. Frequent causes of this pathology are an inflammatory process, injury to the nail fold, or damage to the skin during a manicure. The damaged area may be divided into two halves. As a result, contact between the free part of the nail bed and the plate is lost, but nail growth continues.


    For of this type dystrophy is characterized by such manifestations as softening of the nail plate, thinness, layering and fragility. The main reasons for the formation of hapalonychia are pathological processes in the internal organs. Treatment of such a disease is aimed, first of all, at stopping the cause, and then at eliminating the resulting external signs.


    The pathological process called “onychorrhexis” ranks second in the ranking of the most common diseases of the nail plate. It is characterized by the formation of a crack in the longitudinal direction from the free edge. The result of this process is the delamination of the nail, its fragility. In addition, air accumulates under the nail. He serves common cause formation of onychorrhexis. The main factors in the development of this pathology include:

    • eczema;
    • lichen;
    • varicose veins;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • avitaminosis;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • fungal diseases.

    How to treat nail dystrophy at home

    Treatment of nail dystrophy on the fingers and toes should be agreed with a doctor. He is obliged to take into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body. Therapy for such a disease always has an integrated approach and is aimed at determining the cause of the pathology and its relief, regenerating the trophism of the nail and tissues around it. It includes the use of ointments, drugs, folk recipes or surgery.

    Treatment with medications

    Treatment of dystrophic changes in the nail plates with the help of medications involves the use of two groups of medications: sedatives and drugs that block the sympathetic nervous system. Only it sends impulses to the sweat glands. Sweating plays a major role in the body's thermoregulation. With frequent sweating, local swelling of the skin occurs, for example, around the fingers. The result of this process can be dystrophy of the nail plate.

    Therapy for such a pathology should take place directly under the guidance of a doctor, because many of the available drugs have contraindications and side effects. The following medications will help eliminate all manifestations of dystrophy:

    • Valerian, motherwort can be prescribed in the form of medicine, herbal preparations or homeopathic preparations.
    • During the initial development of the disease, antiperspirants are used (medicines actively used to treat conditions associated with anxiety, bad mood, apathy, emotional stress, melancholy). Their action is aimed at narrowing the channels through which sweat penetrates the skin. The result of this treatment of fingernails and toenails is the normalization of sweating.
    • Angioprotective (vascular protective) drugs. They help improve microcirculation in the tissues of the hands and feet. Effective drugs Such actions are Detralex, Endotelon.

    • Mineral and vitamin complexes to increase the body’s content of vitamins B, A, E, sulfur, selenium, calcium.

    Folk remedies

    Treatment for nail dystrophy may include traditional methods. They are used primarily as adjunctive therapy. Thanks to local use traditional medicine possible for short term restore damaged nails, normalize nutrition of periungual tissues. Treatment of nail plate dystrophy with folk remedies includes the following recipes:

    1. Iodine. Treat your nails with 5% iodine tincture 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 10 days, then a break for 2 days, and then repeat the course again.
    2. Propolis. Use a 20% tincture for compresses at night. During application, you must avoid getting the product on the skin, otherwise it will cause a burn. Number of procedures – 2-3.
    3. Baths. Render good effect with deformation of nails. Sea salt is used to prepare baths. A tablespoon of the substance is diluted in a glass of warm water, and then poured into a container and immersed in the solution for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, they must be dried with a soft towel and natural wax rubbed into the skin.

    Photo of nail dystrophy on the hands and feet

    Dystrophy of the nail plate in the photo below is a pathology that not only disrupts the growth and shape of the nails, but also spoils their appearance. Only the use of comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic measures will help restore former beauty nails But there are cases when the only way to eliminate the pathology is surgery. The following photos will help you better imagine the forms of this disease.

    If you notice that your child’s toenails have begun to curl, and this is causing discomfort to the baby, you need to take measures to eliminate the deformation as soon as possible so that the curled nails do not cause injury. delicate skin of the child’s toes and did not lead to the development of inflammatory processes and susceptibility to fungal diseases.

    Bend nails in children are not always associated with serious pathologies, so parents should not worry in advance. Visit a doctor, get tested necessary tests, undergo treatment if necessary. And your baby's nails will be healthy!

    The nail plate on the toes is finally formed much later than on the hands - by about 9-10 years (on the hands - by about four). Until this point, the nail plates are quite thin and are significantly susceptible to stress and damage (especially when it comes to thumbs feet and little fingers). Even minor trauma can cause deformation of the plate, and the nail may become concave or bent outward.


    In addition to injuries, the following factors can lead to bent nails:

    • diseases (both of the body in general and of the nails in particular);
    • lack of vitamins and microelements, resulting in nail plates are formed incorrectly or not quickly enough;
    • wearing uncomfortable or ill-fitting shoes;
    • anatomical defects in the development of the nail bed and nail plate.

    If your nails grow up or curl down

    It makes sense to fight a defect only if the deformity is acquired and not congenital, which only a doctor can tell you about. If you have just identified the problem, you can try to correct the situation:

    • change your baby’s shoes to looser ones, if possible, let the child spend as much time as possible barefoot;
    • adjust your baby’s diet, make sure you get enough useful substances into the child’s body;
    • Take baths several times a week to help strengthen the nail plate - add sea salt and a few drops of iodine to warm water;
    • rub vitamin E into the nail plates of your toenails and cuticles, which will improve their condition.

    If you do not notice positive changes within several weeks, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

    If your nails curl at the sides

    If your nails curl at the sides, this is most likely a sign of ingrown nails. Ingrown nails can be caused by improper nail trimming. To learn how to properly trim your child's toenails, ask your pediatrician to show you how. Remember - toenails are cut at a right angle, using a special children's tool - nippers or scissors.

    The best thing you can do if you notice any deformity in your child's toenails is to see a doctor. A pediatrician can also help solve the problem, but the best option is to find narrow specialist Podiatrist who specializes in the treatment of foot and toenail diseases.

    In any case, do not try to eliminate the defect using drastic methods; this can lead to serious injury and the need for long-term treatment.

    Problem in infants and newborns

    If the nails are bent in a newborn child or infant, the reason for this may be disturbances in the development of the fetus in the womb or a significant lack of keratin, the protein that makes up human nails (as well as hair and partly skin). If you find nail defects, be sure to inform your doctor about this - he will prescribe special tests that will help identify the cause of the deformation and eliminate it.

    Nails can be damaged by fungal infections, as well as many diseases of internal organs, metabolic and neurotrophic disorders.

    From this article you will learn the main causes of nail disease in children, how nail disease in children is treated and what preventive measures you can take at home to protect your child from nail diseases.

    Causes of nail disease

    Paronychia - nail disease

    Paronychia is the name given to an infection of the nail folds caused by streptococci. Against the background of hyperemia, blisters and swelling appear, subsequently erosion develops, and then a layer of staphylococcal infection. In some cases, regional lymphadenitis is possible.

    The cause of nail disease in a child: non-compliance with the rules of care for newborns.

    Pemphigus - a nail disease

    Pemphigus is a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the appearance of blisters and erosions on the mucous membranes and skin. The benign form is characterized by the appearance of vesicles and small blisters (up to 0.5 - 1 cm in diameter) with serous-purulent contents against the background of erythematous spots. Bubbles may be on different stages development, have a slightly infiltrated base, a rim of hyperemia is noted around the bladder, usually localized on the skin of the lower half of the abdomen, near the navel, on the limbs, in natural folds.

    Blistering may continue for several days. It is typical that surface erosions appear in place of the former blisters, but crusts do not then form. The condition of newborns may not be impaired or be moderate. Possible increase in body temperature to subfebrile. Intoxication with this form of the disease is usually absent, however, children may become restless or lethargic. There is no weight gain. With timely treatment, recovery occurs within 1 to 2 weeks from the onset of the disease.

    Purulent lesions of the skin and nails in children require mandatory treatment.

    The malignant form of pemphigus in newborns is characterized by the appearance on the skin large quantity flaccid blisters, mainly large sizes– up to 2–3 cm in diameter (such bubbles are called conflicts).

    Symptoms of a malignant form of pemphigus: the skin between individual blisters may peel off. The condition of the children is serious, symptoms of intoxication are pronounced. The body temperature rises to febrile. The child's appearance resembles that of a patient with sepsis.

    Major nail diseases

    Koilonychia - spoon-shaped depressions of the nails, combined with their striations; occur when there is a deficiency of iron or chromium in the body.

    The symptom of a thimble (pinpoint depressions on the surface of the nail plate) occurs in patients with psoriasis. Symptoms of nail disease in children: nails gradually become cloudy, acquire transverse or longitudinal striations, become thinner and atrophy (onycholysis).

    A symptom of “watch glasses” is a pronounced (more than usual) convexity of the nails. Occurs during prolonged purulent processes in the lungs, subacute bacterial endocarditis, congenital heart disease, biliary cirrhosis of the liver.

    Leukonychia (the appearance of white spots or lines inside the nail) can be the result of injury or dystrophy, in severe chronic somatic diseases.

    Syndrome" yellow nails“develops in children after suffering respiratory tract diseases: nail growth slows down, their total or partial yellow or yellow-green coloring and transverse striations appear.

    Onychogryphosis (“clawed” nails) is the result of their congenital dystrophy.

    Point hemorrhages under the nails and in the nail bed occur with thrombovasculitis, for example with SLE.

    With congenital ectodermal dysplasia, nails may be absent or deformed and underdeveloped.

    Inflammatory swelling and redness of the skin around the periungual fold are characteristic of paronychia.

    Damage to nails as a result of constant biting is observed in neuroses and states of mental tension.

    At fungal infection The following symptoms of nail disease in children are observed: deformation of the nails, the appearance of small pits and cracks on them. They become cloudy, yellow, thicken, and sometimes separate from the nail bed.

    Loss of a nail occurs with the formation of a hematoma of the nail bed (of traumatic origin), porphyria (nails acquire a reddish tint), acrodynia, and a dystrophic form of epidermolysis.

    Treatment of nail disease

    If you find atypical formations and damage on your child’s nails, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. First, you should contact your pediatrician, he will refer you to a mycologist who deals with fungal diseases and will tell you how to get rid of nail fungus in your child.

    How to get rid of nail fungus at home?

    The first thing you will need to do in treating a nail disease is to eliminate all possible sources of fungus at home. Throw away all the shoes you can and thoroughly disinfect the rest. The baby's socks and tights need to be washed and ironed thoroughly. The baby’s apartment and room must be thoroughly washed and treated with serious disinfectants.

    As a preventive measure, the whole family will need to undergo antifungal treatment. This measure is absolutely mandatory. Without it, any treatment is simply useless.

    Next, the doctor will offer you ointments and a course of medications to treat the fungus at home, externally and internally. For convenience, you need to do the following. Mark the real root of the nail with green paint. Treat your nails with ointment until the strip grows back. As a preventative measure, all nails are treated at home, even those that are not affected. In addition, it is recommended to treat your nails until they grow three normal lengths nail

    It is recommended to begin active treatment of fungus at home after you find out what kind of fungus and whether the fungus has affected the baby’s nails. Otherwise, you will needlessly torment your child with procedures when, perhaps, he simply does not have enough vitamins.

    Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies

    External therapy can also be used to treat nail fungus. Make hand baths with sea salt every three days. To do this, dilute a teaspoon sea ​​salt in a mug or a special bath with warm water and place the baby’s hands in it. Bath time is 15 - 20 minutes.

    After it, you should lubricate your hands and nails with baby cream. Rub it in with light massage movements. This will protect your hands from drying out and improve blood circulation, which is important for normal nail growth.

    You can use traditional methods of treating nail diseases. Particularly garlic. Grate the garlic onto a fine grater and mix it with butter. Treat your child's nails with this ointment. Let's leave the mixture on your nails for at least 10 - 15 minutes a day.

    It is worth using tea tree oil to treat nail diseases. Treat your nails with it and let it absorb completely.

    It is worth reviewing the child’s diet. You can increase your potential vitamin base by using food supplements, vitamin tablets, or improving the quality and variety of food. More fish, more fermented milk products, and vegetables. Reduce your potato consumption and eliminate processed foods from your diet.

    To get rid of nail fungus at home, it is very useful to increase the vitamin E content in the body. To do this, it is worth replacing animal fats with sesame or olive oil. Introduce fish oil tablets or another drug that contains liquid vitamin E into your diet.

    You must understand that the main thing is not the result, but the consequence. It’s not difficult to figure out how to grow your child’s nails. It is difficult to solve the problem of deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the baby’s body. Nails, this is just the beginning; then much more serious disorders in the baby’s body can begin. Take care of his health, do everything possible so that he has enough of everything.

    Fungal skin infection

    It happens that harmful microorganisms and fungi get onto the damaged area of ​​the skin. If the vesicle is surrounded by a red halo, opens and dries out, forming a yellow crust, it may be impetigo - a purulent skin lesion caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Pyoderma tends to spread to healthy areas of the skin and therefore requires immediate treatment.

    The most striking symptom of a fungus is the appearance of reddish oval or oval spots on the skin. round shape with fringed edges or a rash with white pustules.

    Treatment of fungal infection in children

    Observing in general hygiene rules, secondary morphological elements in the lesions are also processed. Effective in treating fungus are alcohol solutions of aniline dyes (2% solution of brilliant green, 2% solution of methylene blue, 2-5% solution of potassium permanganate) and external medicines that contain antibiotics: 5% lykacin gel, 1% dalacin T gel, 2% bactroban ointment, baneocin ointment, lincomycin, neo-mycin, erythromycin ointments and pastes.

    External preparations containing antibiotics are applied 1-2 times a day to get rid of the fungus.

    In the presence of a fungal skin infection, clotrimazole, nystatin ointment, citrosept, mycospor, etc. are indicated. Since purulent and fungal infection indicate a decrease in immunity, treatment should be comprehensive. There is a stage medical appointments and procedures for subsiding the inflammatory process.

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