• The most common symptoms of nail onychodystrophy in children. Convex toenails in a child


    Normally, the surface of a person’s nail plates should be smooth and even, have a slightly convex shape with smooth edges and regular outlines. They can be either matte or slightly shiny, and at the same time, in a healthy state, they are always elastic. However, deformation of fingernails or toenails sometimes occurs. In this case, there is often a change in the shape, color and structure of the nail plate. Such manifestations in dermatology are referred to as onychodystrophies.

    Changes occurring in the appearance and shape of the nail plate should never be ignored. Quite often they are the result of a number of diseases that need to be treated immediately.

    Deformation of fingernails: causes

    Deformation of the nail plate on the hands can manifest itself in different ways:

    1. Furrows resembling waves begin to form on the nails. They are arranged in even rows, spaced approximately the same distance from each other.
    2. A concavity of the plate appears, called “spoon-shaped”.
    3. Slightly raised ridges form on both sides of the nail. In this case, the middle part of the plate thickens, it becomes much wider and looks unnaturally large.
    4. There are grooves-indentations running across the entire nail.
    5. The plates peel and crumble, and inclusions and spots appear on them.

    Deformation of the nail on the thumb is most noticeable due to its size, which is significantly different from the rest. However, such curvatures usually affect all nail plates

    . The main causes of nail deformation are discussed below. There is a single factor due to which the change in the shape of the plate occurs only on one finger. This is an acquired injury.

    If the skin has been damaged as a result of a nail injury, a visit to the surgeon becomes necessary. The doctor will be able to administer a tetanus vaccine if necessary, and will also provide assistance in treating the wound and relieving pain. Most often, when there is a blow to the area of ​​the lunula or matrix, some time after the injury has been sustained, the plate converges. Sometimes it is removed by a surgeon. The decision is made by the doctor at the initial visit. Because the grows for quite a long time - up to 10 months, then the raised free edge of the old plate will need to be periodically cut off.

    Sometimes the nail comes off on its own before the new one grows back completely. In this case, measures must be taken to protect the nail bed.

    Also, after injury, due to damage to the matrix, a change in the geometric proportions of the nail and the appearance of curvature are possible. Treatment of severe forms of this manifestation is carried out using special staples.

    Injury, which then causes the nail plate to bend, can occur when the manicure is performed incorrectly or carelessly (when cutting the cuticle or nails). At the same time, their nutrition is disrupted, and growth occurs much more slowly.

    Any disruptions in the body’s performance are reflected in the condition of the nail plates and hair. At the same time, they can become wavy or ribbed.

    The causes of nail deformation can be determined by changes in their color and signal the following deviations:

    • a reddish tint indicates heart problems;
    • yellowish - about problems in the functioning of the lungs;
    • yellow and blue – presence of diabetes mellitus;
    • white spots indicate liver problems;
    • white-pink color is evidence of kidney dysfunction.

    If any of these conditions are left untreated, fingernails may grow crooked and may become brittle or layered. It is worth remembering that a defect in nail growth lies in diseases of the cardiovascular or digestive, endocrine or reproductive systems.

    Mycoses ( fungal infections) – this is the most common reason due to which changes occur in both the thickness of the nail and its color and changes in structure. At the same time, itching in the area of ​​the nail fold is very disturbing.

    If such defects appear, then you should not postpone visiting a doctor due to the possibility of infection spreading to neighboring fingers.

    Fungus is a problem that cannot be solved quickly.

    Nail psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease that affects not only the skin, but also the nail plates. At the same time, they begin to peel off, acquire a rather unpleasant color, and the skin adjacent to them becomes covered with wounds and changes color.

    1. Dot-shaped depressions appear on the nails. Sometimes they appear in groups in different parts of the plate. In cases where the indentations cover the entire surface of the nail, it looks like the surface of a thimble. At the same time, the nail plates grow rapidly, and the depth of the pits can be different.
    2. The peeling of the plates is called onycholysis. In such cases, the nail becomes thinner, becomes cloudy and loses its shine. Due to impaired microcirculation, its color changes. In advanced forms of the disease, the nail is preserved only as a small part located near the bed.
    3. Deformation of the toenail plate often occurs with suppuration, thickening of the nail and the formation of a striped pattern on it. Sometimes longitudinal excision appears, which is clearly visible in the following photo:

    Photo: deformation of fingernails in the form of longitudinal excisions.

    Anemia, dystrophy and other internal causes

    One of the symptoms of anemia is deformation and brittleness of the nail plates. This dystrophic disease manifests itself due to low hemoglobin levels in the blood.

    With this disease, the nails become deformed because the lack of a substance so important for the body leads to oxygen starvation of the tissues, including the nail plates.

    It should be borne in mind that anemia can manifest itself as an independent disease, but it can also occur as a result of other pathologies.

    In the photo: changes in the shape of nails due to anemia.

    Deformation of the plates on the legs due to shoes

    Incorrectly chosen shoe size or very rough material for its manufacture are the main reasons why deformation of the nail on the big toe very often occurs. It may also grow into the soft tissue of the finger.

    It should be borne in mind that long-term wearing of such shoes that do not meet all the requirements leads to changes in the process of supplying blood to the fingers, which negatively affects not only the nail plates, but also the entire foot. The same changes in other toes are quite rare.

    In the photo: deformation of the nail on the big toe.

    Nail deformity in children Young children sometimes have spoon-shaped nails. In this case, they speak of the presence of koilonychia. However, this manifestation does not require special treatment, In a child, such curvature of the nails is often considered normal

    In addition, infants may experience such manifestations from the nail plates as Beau's lines, their fragility or brittleness, and some types of nail pigmentation.

    Pathogenic fungi can cause infectious diseases of the nail plates in children. These and other manifestations that cause deformation of nails can be contributed to by some factors that the child encounters in everyday life, or by internal diseases:

    • walking barefoot in public places;
    • wearing someone else's shoes that have not been pre-treated or unwashed hosiery;
    • Constant sweating of a child’s feet creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of fungal diseases;
    • accidental impact or wearing tight shoes;
    • accidental contact with a carrier of a fungal infection;
    • due to a lack of vitamins, iron, calcium, the structure of the nail plates in children changes;
    • A deformed nail in a child may appear due to anemia or dysfunction of the adrenal glands or the metabolic process.

    To effectively treat curvature of the nail plates, it is necessary to identify the root cause of this manifestation and determine the specific disease.
    Pay attention to our articles about fungal tablets. about vitamins for nails and hair. about nail dystrophy.

    Prevention of these diseases is also of considerable importance. If anemia is detected, it is necessary to consume vegetables, herbs and fruits containing sufficient amounts of vitamins. Also, minerals, fatty acids and proteins are required for normal growth of the plates.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    In cases where deformation of the toenails or fingernails occurs, you should consult a dermatologist. In some cases of curvature of the plates, when they grow into the body, the patient may be referred to a more specialized specialist - a podologist, and in case of fungal infections - to a mycologist or dermatovenerologist.

    When examining nails, the doctor must evaluate not only the shape and thickness, but also their hardness, color and transparency. To clarify the question of why fingernails are deformed, it may be necessary to use spectral analysis to determine missing microelements, microscopy to check for the presence of fungi, and blood tests to identify vitamin deficiencies in the body. In some cases, consultation with specialists such as a cardiologist or pulmonologist is necessary. If you receive an injury, you must contact a surgeon.

    Deformation of toenails: possible causes and treatment

    Why deformation of toenails occurs: causes and treatment, as well as disease prevention will be discussed further. Deformation of the nail plates, both on the hands and feet, can occur in both men and women, and even in children. Many disorders can be of concern: this includes thickening of the nail plate, its curvature, and sometimes the nails grow upward. Usually there is deformation of the nail on the big toe. More often, the weaker sex goes to the doctor with a similar problem, since they pay more attention to their appearance, and wavy nails on the legs do not add any attractiveness. If you find out the cause and begin to treat crooked nails in a timely manner, they will become straighter over time.

    Main differences healthy nail from a patient:

    1. A healthy nail plate on the toes reaches 1 millimeter in thickness.
    2. Its surface is smooth and shiny, pinkish in color.
    3. The diseased surface is uneven, rough, thickened, its color is yellowish, etc.
    4. The plates become brittle and brittle, and sometimes begin to delaminate.

    Main causes of deformation

    Sometimes a person neglects the rules of nail care, considering it a secondary matter, but just as you take care of the cleanliness of your body, you should also take care of the cleanliness of your toenails and fingernails. If this is not done, various infections can penetrate under the nails. In addition, healthy and well-groomed toes will add special attractiveness in the summer.

    Nail plates are a kind of indicators of diseases: by their appearance, you can recognize the initial stages of some diseases, for example, infections that can be detected on early stage and eliminate it in a timely manner.

    If there are any problems in the body, the color of the nails first changes. You should pay attention to the following signs:

    1. If the nail plate has acquired a reddish tint, especially its bed, then it is better to visit a cardiologist - you may have problems with cardiac activity.
    2. A yellowish tint indicates problems with the lungs.
    3. Too pale nail bed - anemia may develop.
    4. Yellow plates with a blue tint are found in patients with diabetes.
    5. If white spots appear, check your liver.
    6. Half pink and half white color indicates kidney dysfunction.

    Nails can become deformed for various reasons:

    1. If there are illnesses internal organs.
    2. For injuries and mechanical damage.
    3. The reason is the development of anemia.
    4. The effects of antibiotic therapy or chemotherapy, in the absence of further treatment to remove the remaining drugs from the body.
    5. Dystrophy of the nail plates, inherited.
    6. Presence of fungus.
    7. Infections of bacterial origin.
    8. Skin disease, such as psoriasis.
    9. Wearing uncomfortable shoes.

    The changed shape of toenails can be different; each type should be considered separately:

    1. Grooves resembling a wave over the entire surface (nails have become wavy) - wavy nails occur due to unbalanced nutrition or psychological trauma. Sometimes hereditary predisposition plays a role. If you experience this condition and do not know the cause, consult your doctor.
    2. Concave nails that look like a depression or hole - this indicates a lack of calcium in the body, which must be replenished with nutrition.
    3. Transverse stripes along the entire nail plate are formed due to trophic disorders, for example, after prolonged use of antibiotics or a long-term lack of adequate nutrition.
    4. Splitting, ribbed nails - if the nails are crumbling, this may be due to anemia, lack of calcium, vitamin B1 or a disorder of the thyroid gland.
    5. Deformation of the nail due to injury or uncomfortable shoes, the nail looks like a lump - this disease has a specific name in medicine.
    6. Onychogryphosis. At the same time, the nail thickens, bends and brings a lot of discomfort. The basis of treatment for this disease is the action of reducing the thickness of the nail plate, sometimes requiring complete removal of the nail.
    7. Ptergia or cuticle hypertrophy - this phenomenon is characterized by rapid growth of the cuticle. Sometimes the cuticle covers the entire nail. At home, it is soaked and then carefully cut off.
    8. Thickening and yellowing of the nail due to exposure to a fungal infection - this condition is accompanied by discomfort and pain; if treatment is not carried out, the fungus will spread to other parts of the body. Remember that bacteria prefer wet socks and shoes. It is easy to catch fungus in public swimming pools, bathhouses, etc.

    Detachment of the nail from the bed, onycholysis, occurs due to trauma to the surface. For example, during a manicure or pedicure procedure. This condition can be caused by certain diseases, for example, psoriasis, thyroid disorders, or as a reaction to medications.

    Thus, it was found out why nails grow incorrectly, now it is worth finding out the measures to treat this deficiency.

    How to fix the problem

    How to change the shape of your toenails? Treat uneven nails necessary depending on the cause of this condition. Sometimes treatment is not required. Each case should be examined separately.

    If a deformed nail on the big toe appears due to congenital pachychonia, then no therapeutic measures are carried out. In this case, the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy and warm baths to soften it.

    If blood circulation is impaired, the nail plates may also become deformed; in this case, it is recommended to take appropriate medications and daily foot massage. If the cause of the damage to the nail plate is mycosis, it is necessary to fight the fungus that caused the disease. Antifungal agents are most often used in the form of ointments, lotions, etc. d. In this case, research and treatment are carried out by qualified specialists of a narrow profile. If the nail has changed due to injury, then no special treatment is carried out: over time, a new one will grow, and the problem will disappear by itself.

    If thick, uneven nails are formed due to eczema and psoriasis, then this is only a symptom of the underlying disease, and it is the disease itself that must be treated. If the cause of nail deformation is flat feet or club feet, then wearing orthopedic shoes or insoles will solve the problem.

    If the nail is curled, compacted, or has something wrong with its appearance (for example, ribbed nails), then the cause may be vitamin deficiency and a lack of minerals. They can be replenished by proper nutrition and taking appropriate vitamin complexes.

    Treatment with herbal infusions

    Herbal infusions are useful not only if the cause of nail deformation is infection, they can soothe irritation and also soften the nail plate, which can be easily cut off if necessary. Infusions with celandine are very useful. To do this, take a glass of water per tablespoon of raw material. Pour boiling water over the grass and place it on steam bath. After 15 minutes, the liquid is left to cool, but only so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

    After this, apply lotions to the sore nail for 15-30 minutes. Use this remedy every day for 3 weeks, then you can take a month break.

    Preventive measures to avoid deformation

    If you comply preventive measures, then nail thickening can be avoided:

    1. The shoes you wear. must be of high quality, made from natural, breathable material. This way you will avoid two problems - fungal infection and nail deformation due to squeezing your fingers.
    2. Do not allow physical damage to the nail or injury to it: if a toe is bruised, the toe may change over time, its nail will become denser and then only complete removal nail plate. Therefore, avoid bruises.
    3. If you visit public areas, you must maintain good personal hygiene.
    4. If you suspect psoriasis or the presence of a fungus, do not delay treatment; first of all, go to a dermatologist. The disease will not spread further, and the nail will remain intact.

    Remember that a person with a strong immune system is less susceptible to various diseases, so eat right, toughen up, visit more often fresh air. And then beautiful toenails will be your reward.

    DEFORMATION OF TOENAILS CAUSES AND TREATMENT - Why nails become wavy, what do irregularities in the nail plate indicate and how to restore them to health

    Why do wavy nails appear?3. Deformation of nails is not a problem that can be saved from with plantain. Nail deformation is various changes in the surface and shape of the nail plates caused by endogenous or exogenous causes.

    Nail deformities may require local and systemic therapy, correction, or resection/removal of the nail plate. In dermatology, various types of nail deformities are classified as onychodystrophies. Changing the appearance of your nails is not just a harmless cosmetic flaw.

    Nail deformity

    In this case, nail deformation can be caused not only by trauma to the nail plate itself, but also to the nail bed or nail fold.

    In some cases, nail deformation is a consequence of protein starvation, for example, in people following strict diets. Hippocratic nails or watch glass nails have a convex, spherical shape and are usually associated with a drumstick-shaped finger deformity.

    Also, such nail deformation is characteristic of congenital heart defects of the “blue type”, prolonged septic endocarditis, heart failure, aortic aneurysm, and biliary cirrhosis.

    The nails take on a horn or spiral shape; become very dense, change color to yellow, dirty gray or black. Koilonychia is a spoon-shaped deformity that affects only the nail plates of the fingers.

    Transverse grooves on the nails (Bo's lines) can appear after suffering from influenza, jaundice, Raynaud's disease, syringomyelia, and anorexia. The depth of the grooves depends on the severity of the damage to the nail matrix and can reach 1 mm. The color of the indentations does not differ from the color of the entire nail plate.

    Thickened toenails - treatment

    At various types Nail deformities often include leukonychia (white spots on the nails), brittleness, splitting of the nails, and ingrown nail plates. If nail deformation occurs, you should contact a dermatologist or a specialist with a narrower profile - a podologist or mycologist.

    What are the causes of thick toenails?

    Correction of ingrown and deformed nails can be done using B/S plates, staples, and Goldstadt half-staples. Among the salon procedures for caring for hands and feet, you should pay attention to paraffin therapy, massage, European or machine manicure and pedicure, and coating of nails with medicinal varnishes.

    The defect is thickening of the toenails, the treatment of which must begin as early as possible. A healthy nail plate is half a millimeter thick, and on the toes it is almost a millimeter thick.

    The nails thicken gradually and only on the big toes. Such thickening is not a pathology and does not lead to further destruction. Some are related to problems of the whole body, while others concern nail diseases.

    Medicines are also used locally, treating thickened toenails; their treatment, prescribed on time, does not last long. However, for some reason it is generally accepted that internal organs and skin are necessary and important, and such “little things” as eyebrows, eyelashes, hair or nails do not have such weight and significance.

    We should not forget about the external attractiveness that nails give a person - healthy, well-groomed.

    It should be noted that fingernails and toenails are deformed differently, and accordingly, their deformations should be considered separately. Many representatives face the problem of splitting fingernails...

    Toenails thicken (with photo)

    Fungal nail diseases do not cure quickly. Thickening of the nail plate on the toes is quite common, and a variety of reasons cause such deformation.

    Thickening of toenails can be caused by improper or unbalanced nutrition, excessive vitamin supplementation or lack of vitamins. The reason underlying the problem with toenails must be found out, and it is imperative to begin to eliminate it.

    What do nails say about the owner’s health?

    If nail thickening is caused by psoriasis, treatment should be aimed at the underlying disease, in addition to which local nail therapy is carried out.

    After a nail injury (chip or blow), most often it recovers on its own, but you should not disturb it during the recovery period.

    Deformations of fingernails and toenails: causes, treatment

    For fungus, iodine is mixed with a drop of vinegar essence and lubricated on a thick nail overnight.

    For a month, mint oil is rubbed into the nail at night after a bath. Compresses with apple cider vinegar, propolis and oleoresin help.

    Deformation of nails can be different, look different and, accordingly, have their own reasons for their appearance.

    This illness can talk about too many things - about a blood disease, about poisoning, about a fungus. This “waviness” of the nails becomes even more noticeable when they are covered with bright varnishes, and, as you know, they are used for special occasions, which is doubly upsetting.

    We often notice that wavy nails have formed on our big toes. And the most common reason for this is injury. In addition, the nails on the big toes are larger than the rest, and therefore all the flaws on it are much more noticeable than on other nails.

    The side view especially shows off wavy fingernails. The “profile” of the nail will immediately show you the full depth of the depressions and hollows.

    If you cover them with bright varnish, especially varnish without pearlescent, wavy fingernails become even more wavy, and unevenness on the nails is visible even to the naked eye.

    And the first place in the ranking of problems that cause unevenness on the nails is occupied by mycoses - fungal infections. If you or your manicurist suspects that your nails may be affected by a fungus, you should consult a dermatovenerologist or mycologist.

    Onychogryphosis, or bird's claw nail deformity, is characterized by curvature and thickening of the nail plates.

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    My daughter is 1.7 years old and her nails on her two big toes are deformed. The pediatrician referred to a dermatologist, the dermatologist prescribed a test for fungus, analysis good fungus not detected. Now the dermatologist sent me for a stool test for dysbacteriosis and a blood test from a vein for helminths and immediately prescribed the anti-worm drug Vermox and Entorosgel. Girls, has anyone had this happen and what did they do and when did it go away? I’m in doubt whether to give vermox or not, is it still toxic and affects the liver?! Even when they took the test, the laboratory assistant said that the deformity is common in such young children and will go away over time.

    Nail deformation is a fairly common pathology that occurs on the hands and feet and is detected in both adults and children. Often this phenomenon turns out to be not just a cosmetic defect, but also a sign of some disease. Why do nails begin to deform and how can you return them to their original natural shape?

    Who is more likely to have pathology?

    Common problems that can cause concern include thickening, curvature, and abnormal growth of the nail plates. It is not uncommon for a toenail deformity to affect the big toe or little finger.

    According to statistics, nail problems are of more concern to women, since they are the ones who more often seek advice from specialists with this problem. Men are in no particular hurry to see a doctor, resorting to medical help only if the pathology begins to cause discomfort, unpleasant sensations, or other symptoms of the disease appear. Children most often suffer from congenital nail dystrophy, less often it occurs due to injury or disease.

    Deformation factors

    In normal condition, nails are smooth, pink, and shiny. But if the surface of the nail plate is rough, there are growths or grooves, the color changes to yellow, separation and brittleness are observed, then there is something wrong with them.

    Changes often lead to improper care or lack thereof. If you do not remove dirt from under your nails or fanatically scrape them off, causing injury to the skin, then in both situations microbes appear, the activity of which becomes the cause of degenerative changes.

    Deformation may be associated with frequent use of products household chemicals without using gloves. The aggressive action of chemicals negatively affects the condition of the skin and nails.

    Nail plates can become bent due to injuries. On the feet, the injury most often affects the big toe. Among common reasons This phenomenon can be safely noted by wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes. If at first a person simply feels discomfort and the nail feels excessive pressure, then later the disease develops - onychogryphosis.

    If you are constantly worried about deformation of your fingernails, the reasons may be professional in nature. Hairdressers, cleaners, dishwashers and representatives of other professions that involve contact with chemicals often suffer from this pathology.

    The appearance of the nail plate may deteriorate after numerous extension procedures, frequent decoration with products containing harmful components, especially formaldehyde. Similar photos of damaged nails can be found on the Internet; they warn against the use of dubious decorative cosmetics.

    Their condition may be negatively affected by taking certain medications, such as antibacterial drugs, or chemotherapy courses. Peeling and crumbling nails are a sign of a lack of vitamin and mineral components in the body.

    What ailments can cause the structure to change?

    Curvature, discoloration and other disturbances in the structure of the nail plate often have more serious causes associated with a painful condition:

    1. Diseases caused by fungus. Because of them, such deformation of toenails most often occurs. In this case, the plate thickens and yellowness appears on the surface.
    2. Somatic diseases. Sometimes a doctor, looking at a patient’s nails, can tell about disorders occurring in the body:
    • hyperemia of the nail bed signals heart disease - in this case it is required mandatory consultation cardiologist;
    • yellowing of the surface occurs with pulmonary diseases;
    • nails turn white in the presence of an anemic condition - it is advisable to take a test to determine the level of hemoglobin;
    • yellow nails with a bluish tint are a sign of diabetes;
    • whitish spots are a signal of liver dysfunction; with significant liver damage, half of the nail is painted white.

    Additional changes

    Deformation may occur as a result of the following problems:

    1. Onychogryphosis. As already noted, the cause of the disease is improperly selected shoes. The pathology is accompanied by curvature, thickening of the nail plate, and disruption of normal growth. At an advanced stage, it is recommended to completely remove the nail along with the root.
    2. Pathologies of genetic origin. In some of them, pronounced dystrophic changes in the plate and bed are observed.
    3. Hypertrophic change in the cuticle (pterygia). The disease is diagnosed quite often; its main symptom is the rapid growth of the cuticle. As the disease progresses, it can spread to the entire surface of the nail plate.
    4. Dermatological diseases. There is a form of nail psoriasis in which the structure and shape of the nails changes. Various images appear on their surface in the form of dots, transverse lines, inclusions and spots. The skin in the area of ​​the roller thickens, and the nail itself becomes thicker, it splits and becomes more brittle.
    5. Trophic changes in the nail plates can occur against the background of dyshidrotic eczema; in this case, thick areas of the skin - feet, palms - are affected; they become covered with papules, which are subsequently covered with purulent-serous crusts.
    6. Infections caused by bacteria. A common cause of dystrophic lesions of the toenails. The deformed nail begins to bother you; there is swelling and redness around it. In some situations, suppuration appears, although the disease can develop without this symptom.
    7. Congenital pathology. Many parents face this problem - their child’s nails have been deformed since birth. They may grow incorrectly, have a concave shape, and even be ingrown. Such phenomena most often normalize over time; in some cases, taking vitamin supplements is required. The pediatrician gives recommendations for caring for problem nails.

    These are not all the reasons, and each case requires individual consideration. The doctor can identify what triggered the changes and what their causes are, and only he can prescribe treatment.

    Forms of deformation

    There is a classification of dystrophic changes, according to which all pathologies have their own characteristics and arise due to certain reasons:

    1. The nails that make the fingers look like drumsticks (they are also called “Hippocratic nails”) have a convex, thickened surface.
    2. Problems are identified in patients with cardiovascular diseases, endocarditis, tuberculosis or lung cancer, in the presence of circulatory disorders in the extremities, damage to kidney or liver tissue and other pathological conditions.
    3. A deformity called bird's claw or onychogryphosis, the deformed nail becomes significantly thicker and curved. The change also affects the color of the nail plate - it may become yellowish, dirty gray or even blacken.

    Fans of uncomfortable, narrow shoes and older people may encounter a similar problem. Onychogryphosis can develop as a result of thermal exposure - frostbite or burns, against the background of diseases such as generalized candidiasis or onychomycosis.

    Platonychia is a dystrophic change in the shape of the nail plate, which loses its convex shape and becomes flattened. This phenomenon is considered a developmental anomaly and comes in two types:

    • congenital (primary) - can affect either one plate or several;
    • acquired - occurs under the influence external factors(long-term injury, exposure to harmful conditions) or due to existing concomitant diseases, such as liver cirrhosis, eczema, psoriasis, the damage spreads to all nails.

    Koilonychia - with this pathological condition the nails become concave, spoon-like, but the structure and thickness remain the same. This occurs due to mechanical or chemical trauma, various diseases - Addison's, typhoid fever, iron deficiency anemia. Koilonychia can be hereditary.

    Beau-Reil's lines are transverse grooves. Their depth is related to how damaged the nail plate matrix is. The nail plates become wavy. But the color of the damage does not differ from the shade of the rest of the nail. The appearance of this deformation is associated with a disruption of metabolic processes in the body. But it can also manifest itself due to the influence of diseases, injuries or ineptly performed manicure procedures.

    Other types of deformities

    Longitudinal (vertical) grooves - they can be different, depending on the cause of their occurrence. If they form in an elderly person, they are not considered a pathology and are associated with age-related degenerative changes. They can appear due to injury to the nail, gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, skin ailments. Narrow grooves may indicate damage to the spinal cord or nervous system. Severely protruding deformation can occur due to a lack of iron and vitamin B12.

    Point deformation of the nail plate - such a pathological change in the shape of the nail is called “thimble”, since when it occurs, the surface is covered with multiple point pits. At the bottom of the indentations, the nail peels off, but this does not affect its surface.

    Most often, the deformity appears in people suffering from psoriasis. It can occur with eczema, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis, syphilis and other diseases. There are rare cases when nails change in this way in healthy people.

    It is not always possible to avoid deformation of the nail plate, but in most cases it is still possible. To do this, you should undergo timely examinations and treat existing diseases. In addition, it is important to monitor personal hygiene, avoid infection with fungus, and take care of the condition of your nails. Shoes should be comfortable and cosmetic procedures carried out by specialists.

    It is impossible to imagine beautiful and well-groomed feet without healthy nails. But they are often subjected to mechanical and chemical stress, which leads to deformation.

    Deformation of the nail plate quite a common occurrence. Many adults, as well as children, suffer from this problem.

    Nail deformation is a process in which a change in the structure of the nail plate occurs due to external, internal influences or due to some kind of injury.

    Differences between a healthy nail and a diseased one:

    Ingrown nails and fungal infections

    How does deformation of the nail plates manifest?

    Pigmented stripes on the nail

    The deformity of fingernails is slightly different from that of toenails.

    Deformation of toenails can be determined by the following signs:

    • Nail loss;
    • Curvature;
    • Delamination;
    • Ingrowth;
    • Color change;
    • The appearance of longitudinal pigmented stripes along the nail;
    • The appearance of subungual bleeding;
    • By the hardness and opacity of the nail;
    • The cuticle grows quickly and covers the nail;

    Types of toenail deformities

    Type of deformation Description Causes
    Grooves or ridges They resemble a wavy wave along the nail plate, which are arranged in even rows. unbalanced diet, psychological disorder, heredity.
    Concavity or depressions Pits or depressions form on the nails change in diet, lack of calcium in the body.
    Cross stripes There are transverse stripes on the nails that run from one edge to the other malnutrition and long-term use of antibiotics
    Hanging nail The nail begins to crack at the base excessive and careless cutting of the cuticle, as well as its dryness
    Blue nail A blue tint appears on the nail, like a bruise poor blood circulation
    Ingrown nail. The nail grows into the side ridges and causes inflammation and redness cutting the sides of the nails too short or biting them
    Watch glasses The nail is convex, rounded, spherical. Resembles the shape of a watch glass lung disease, bronchitis, cancer, congenital heart disease, aortic aneurysm and liver cirrhosis
    Thimble's symptom Small, pinpoint pits and depressions appear on the nails psoriasis, eczema and tuberculosis
    Peeling nails The nail begins to delaminate, break off, and its top layer is easily removed anemia, vitamin B1 deficiency, calcium deficiency and thyroid dysfunction
    Curved nails or onychogryphosis The nail begins to take on a curved shape, reminiscent of a “bird’s claw”, “horn”, “spiral” uncomfortable and incorrect shoes, advanced age, generalized candidiasis, onychomycosis, heredity and lack of proper nail care
    Nail thickening or hypertrophy Yellow spots appear on the nails wearing wet socks and shoes, visiting public places: swimming pools, saunas, water parks, solariums and showers
    Thinning of nails or atrophy The nail is very thin, white and bends greatly. chronic diseases
    Detachment of the nail plate from the nail bed or onycholysis The nail completely peels off at the base. careless and incorrectly done pedicure, frequent use of low-quality nail polish, psoriasis and a reaction to some kind of medication
    Ptergia or cuticular hypertrophy This is when the cuticle grows very quickly, which can completely cover the entire nail. local infection.
    Onychomycosis The color of the nail plate changes from yellow-cloudy to brown-cloudy. fungal nail disease.
    Onychogryphosis The nail becomes like a bird's claw. Reason: uncomfortable shoes, frostbite, onychomycosis, burns.
    Hapalonychia. The nail bends, breaks and cracks easily. disturbance of sulfur metabolism in the body, endocrine dysfunction and spastic paralysis.
    Micronychia. Small and short nail. congenital anomaly.
    Onychoauxis. On the contrary, the nail is enlarged. appears due to injuries to the nail bed and nail fold, burns, eczema.

    Causes of nail deformation

    There are eleven main causes of deformed toenails:

    Nail detachment, initial stage

    If you notice any of these signs on your feet, you should urgently contact a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. A podiatrist will carefully examine your nails. You may be assigned nail microscopy, spectral analysis for microelements, as well as blood test to check the content of vitamins in the body.

    The doctor must determine the cause of nail deformation and select treatment methods.

    If the cause of the deformation is a fungus, then you will be prescribed a course of treatment for a fungal disease. These can be like ointments, creams or varnishes in initial stage diseases, and drugs for oral administration in advanced stages of the fungus.

    In some cases, nail removal will be indicated. It can be partial or complete. There are several methods for removing nails:




    Ingrown nail

    If there is deformation in the form of an ingrown toenail, the podiatrist may suggest correcting the problem using staples and special plates.

    Restoration of toenails after deformation.

    And so that the new nail grew back healthy, the following conditions must be met:

    • complete and balanced nutrition;
    • follow basic rules foot hygiene, just as you take care of your body, you also need to take care of your feet. Washing your feet daily is one of the important conditions.
    • Always use only clean socks. And if you often feet sweat, then you need to wipe them cotton wool with talc;
    • need to be accepted vitamin complex(the vitamin complex must contain such components as vitamin B1, vitamin A, vitamin H, vitamin E, iron, zinc, silicon, sulfur and calcium);
    • To take care of your nails regularly, you can do this make baths and use various creams, scrubs, oils for restoration;
    • do a proper pedicure. Trim your toenails straight only, and not in a semicircle;
    • have a personal, individual, manicure set of tools;
    • disinfect and treat instruments;
    • wear only comfortable shoes and a little big size than yours;
    • if you are overweight, then make an effort to lose weight, as extra pounds put a burden on the body, fingers and toenails;
    • lubricate your nails with lemon juice;
    • adequate physical activity;
    • quality and complete sleep;
    • maintain emotional balance and calm;
    • walk in the fresh air;

    nail injury

    If you have suffered a severe injury to your nail(s), no matter how, and you experience symptoms such as:

    1) The nail/nails are very red, swollen and painful;

    2) Various discharges come out from under the nail/nails;

    3) The nail/nails fall off, peel off;

    Then contact an experienced specialist as soon as possible so that he can prescribe you high-quality and effective treatment. If a hematoma forms under the nail, be sure to make a puncture to release blood. Instruments must be completely sterile to prevent nail inflammation.

    Most often, patients neglect treatment, thereby worsening their disease.

    Treating deformed toenails at home

    And if you are very worried about the deformation of your toenails, and you cannot get to the doctor in the near future, then the following recipes will help you soothe the irritation and pain.

    Infusion with celandine.

    It is made at the rate of 100 mg of herb per 4 liters of water. Bring water to a boil and immediately pour this water over the prepared raw materials. Leave for about an hour. Apply such lotions to sore spots for 15–30 minutes, every day for 3 weeks. Then they take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.

    healthy and fungal nails

    Or you can lubricate the sore spot with Kalanchoe juice, celandine juice, an onion cut in half, and eucalyptus oil.

    These can be used internally herbal infusions:

    1) nettle decoction;

    2) calamus decoction;

    3) a decoction of string;

    4) decoction of St. John's wort;

    5) decoction of elecampane.

    All these herbs can be purchased at any pharmacy. Read the instructions for their use on the packaging.

    The main thing is not to lose your positive attitude! Strengthen your immunity! Cheer up! And don't give up!

    Koilonychia in children under 10 years of age is considered normal. Parents of newborn babies and preschoolers should not worry too much about this if the child’s concave nails have not changed color, become flaky, or become stained. We will tell you in our article how to determine that you need to see a doctor and get treatment and why the concavity appears.

    From this article you will learn

    Features of the structure of nails

    Babies are born with thin, transparent nail plates on their fingers. Sometimes they are so long that they have to be cut in the maternity hospital so that the baby does not injure himself. Keratin plates in newborns are not at all similar to the nails of adults. They will acquire a normal appearance after some time.

    By the appearance of a baby's nails, one can determine a lack of vitamins, features intrauterine development. Normally, infant fingernails and toenails have a pink tint, a smooth surface, and do not peel off.

    The keratin plate changes gradually. It is fully formed and roughens on the hands by the age of 4, on the feet by 10. This difference in the time of development of nails is explained by the weakness of the plates on the feet, frequent injuries, wearing shoes and peculiarities of care.

    Toenails up to 10 years of age can be concave, grow convex and incorrectly - all these external defects in childhood are considered normal. Most often, the little toe and big toe are affected, as they are the weakest elements of the foot. It is these fingers that need careful care and attention the most.

    There is no need to treat koilonychia in a child. If the defect does not disappear in adolescence and adulthood, then we are talking about autoimmune pathologies leading to tissue damage and the development of inflammation. In this case, it is necessary to carry out additional diagnostics, perceiving the curved nail as a sign and symptom of a more serious disease.

    Main reasons

    Toenails bend due to the following internal malfunctions in the body and external factors:

    • Deficiency of calcium, iron, minerals, other vitamins.
    • Unbalanced diet. This factor manifests itself especially often in diathesis and allergic children. Parents have to exclude a lot of generally healthy foods from the menu because of negative reactions to them in a particular child.
    • Circulatory and metabolic disorders. Tissues are deficient in nutrients.
    • Incorrectly chosen, tight shoes. The toes become compressed, the feet sweat, and the tissues of the epidermis and keratin plate become deformed.
    • Injuries. Outdoor games and kicking a ball bend the nail, causing it to weaken and split.
    • Incorrect manicure and pedicure. The baby requires special care. Mothers should learn so as not to damage the plate, not to disturb the direction of its growth, and to avoid bending. The nails on the toes are cut in a straight line, on the hands - in the form of a smile.
    • Fungus. possible in the pool, when wearing someone else's shoes or socks, through plants and soil. In children, the fungus causes sweaty feet and poor hygiene. That is, mothers forget to wash their children’s feet after a walk, before going to bed at night, and force them to put on warm slippers and boots in hot weather.
    • Anatomical feature. If the child’s relatives have the same problem without the presence of other diseases, when concavity becomes an alarming symptom, then we are talking about inheritance of an unusual shape of the nails. There is no need to treat or diagnose this factor.

    Treatment methods

    A dermatologist and therapist are involved in the treatment and diagnosis of the causes of concavity of children's nails. Contact for medical care for such symptoms, it is necessary after the child reaches 10 years of age. If the nails bent earlier, at one or two years old, and the plate is covered with spots, the cuticle is inflamed, and there is pus under the nail, then, of course, there is no need to wait for the baby to grow up. The cause of the defects lies in infection and other pathologies.

    Treatment begins with an examination. The doctor is obliged to exclude the fungal nature of the plate defect and check for the presence of autoimmune abnormalities. After receiving the results of a blood test, scrapings, immunogram, the appropriate drug treatment or maintenance therapy.

    Treatment with drugs

    It is prescribed only by a doctor; you cannot treat fungus, impaired protective functions and other pathologies on your own.

    1. To saturate the body with microelements and minerals to a sufficient extent, you will need to drink vitamin complexes. The duration of treatment is at least a month.
    2. Antifungal medications. Ointments, tablets, in extreme cases antibiotics. For children over 2 years old, Exoderil (cream), Terbizil, Mikozan are allowed. Pharmacies sell special antifungal varnishes; they can also be used from an early age.

    Additional Treatments

    To correct the current situation with nails, parents need to try to correct shortcomings in the care and life support of the baby. Analyze possible reasons concave nails at small child. If you find something similar to your case, take the following measures:

    • Buy boots a size larger or loose fit. Pay attention to the material for sandals and sneakers. For summer, buy shoes made of breathable fabric, with open toes and open toes. Do not wear 3 pairs of socks under boots or felt boots. This restricts the movement of the foot, injures the nails and provokes sweating.
    • Adjust the children's menu. Add fruits to your diet (especially kiwi, apples, bananas, they have a lot of iron), and dairy products. Prepare fish dishes 2-3 times a week, and good meat daily.
    • Do not wash your child’s hands and feet often with soap or shower gels. Cosmetical tools dry the skin and nail plate. Make do with clean water or buy special baby bath products.
    • Lubricate your nails with creams and oils. Buy liquid vitamin E, baby cream, apricot oil. Use any product several times a day, lubricating your fingers and toes.
    • Maintain good hygiene standards. Teach your baby to wash his feet after a walk, several times a day in hot weather, and before bed. Do not wear warm wool socks if your feet sweat excessively.
    • Take herbal baths. Calendula and chamomile strengthen the nail bed and keratin layer. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week, for 15-20 minutes.
    • Strengthen your nails with salt. Sea salt should be added to the water when bathing, or to a container for foot baths. For 10 liters of liquid - 3 tablespoons of sea or ordinary salt + 3 drops of iodine.
    • Get your pedicure done on time. If the nails grow too long, then they have to curl and break when rubbing against shoes. Trim them regularly if you notice that the plate has gone beyond the edges of the cuticle by 2-3 mm.
    • Change your pedicure tools. Buy special scissors and forceps, disinfect them before first use.
    • Remove ingrown toenails promptly. In advanced cases, surgical treatment will be required. Subsequently, parents need to monitor the injured finger and learn how to properly do a pedicure so that the nails do not grow ingrown.

    Hair, nails, skin are the mirror of the body. Their condition can tell a lot about the health of an adult and a child. Pay attention to body cues and don’t miss warning signs. This will help to diagnose pathology in time and cure diseases. A false alarm in this case will not be superfluous.

    IMPORTANT! *When copying article materials, be sure to include an active link to the original

    A healthy nail plate in a person is even, smooth, and has a pleasant light shine, but sometimes this picture of well-being deteriorates, and the appearance of the nails changes. Various cracks, chips, detachments, ridges - all this signals negative changes and pathological processes in the body. One of the common deformations is the formation of waves that can cover both part of the surface and the entire nail plate.

    Causes and types of nail deformation

    If you notice a deformation of the nail plate, you should not ignore it, since such a symptom does not occur without a reason. The grooves can be located longitudinally or transversely on the nail. In the first case, vertical waves go from the cuticle to the free edge, and often they are hardly noticeable without a decorative coating. This nail condition can be caused by:

    • insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body, which causes the plate to become thinner and deformed;
    • aggressive effects of household chemicals;
    • mechanical damage and thinning of the plate during manicure;
    • an illness that has weakened the body.

    Longitudinal grooves on the nails can have varying degrees of severity and are a consequence of a lack of vitamins or aggressive external influences

    Transverse stripes are usually more visible and more serious symptom. This picture often accompanies fungal infections, injuries, and metabolic disorders.

    Transverse waves on the nails in most cases are the result of a fungal infection or nail injury

    According to statistics, in 50% of cases, a change in the shape of the nail plate is a consequence of the development of a fungal infection.

    It is worth separately identifying a phenomenon called Beau-Reil's grooves - this is the formation on the nail plates of transverse arc-shaped waves with ridges that pass from one side roller of the finger to the other. The main cause of the defect is damage to the matrix (root) of the nail as a result of injury or complex diseases (infectious lesions, psoriasis, etc.).

    Beau-Reil's grooves are formed due to damage to the matrix of the nail plate

    Irregularities in the nail plate can look not only like waves and furrows; often there are pinpoint depressions (thimble-shaped deformity), and a bending of the free edge up or down. Similar states have the same sources:

    • heredity;
    • lack of vitamins;
    • fungus;
    • injury.

    Possible options for nail deformation are not limited to the formation of waves and irregularities on the surface of the plate.

    Video: nail diagnostics

    Diagnosis of the problem

    The appearance of changes on the nail plate, especially if this was not preceded by an objective reason in the form of mechanical damage, requires attention and referral to a specialist. The best option There will be an appointment with a dermatologist, and if the problem is localized on the toes, then you can immediately go to a specialist - a podiatrist.

    • During a visual examination, the doctor will assess the general condition of the nail plate according to a number of parameters:
    • form;
    • thickness;
    • degree of fragility;
    • color;


    • microscopy of a part of the nail plate to detect a fungal infection;
    • spectral blood analysis for microelements and vitamin content - this allows us to identify the presence of a deficiency of a specific substance;
    • consultation with other specialists, in particular a cardiologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist.

    Methods of treatment and correction of deformities

    The scope of treatment for nail plate deformation depends on the causes of the problem. Thus, both surgical intervention and a course of drug therapy, and exclusively aesthetic correction of appearance may be required. You can work on any kind of changes, but it is not always possible to restore the appearance of the nail that was in complete health.

    Drug treatment

    Drug therapy is prescribed only in individual cases of deformities and is aimed at eliminating not the most cosmetic defect, and its root causes. It consists of:

    • A course of antifungal agents. The patient can be prescribed local medications in the form of ointments and medicinal varnishes, and medications for oral administration (for large-scale lesions) to destroy the pathogenic microorganism. Examples of funds:
      • Clotrimazole cream;
      • Ketoconazole;
      • varnishes Oflomil or Lotseril;
      • Mikozan drops;
      • Fluconazole tablets.
    • Antibiotics (Levomycetin, Erythromycin, Clindamycin, etc.) are relevant when a bacterial infection occurs and suppuration develops, for example, in case of injury or ingrown nail plate.
    • Vitamin and mineral complexes. The doctor can prescribe both combined formulations, for example, Vivasan capsules or Merz dragees, and individual substances (iron for anemia).

    Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of nail deformities

    Clotrimazole cream has a wide spectrum of antifungal action. Lac Loceryl not only destroys fungal microflora, but also protects against re-infection and allows you to protect people around you from infection. The antibiotic Levomycetin is prescribed when a bacterial infection occurs. Dragee Merz is a complex of vitamins, minerals and others useful substances, which improves the appearance and health of skin, hair and nails, working from the inside

    Traditional methods

    Alternative medicine can be effectively used as an auxiliary element in the complex treatment of nail plate deformities.

    So, to strengthen thin and brittle nails, use:

    • In the fight against fungal infection, the following will be useful: Rubbing in tea tree oil. A drop of clean product is applied directly to the affected plates and rubbed in cotton swab
    • Garlic applications. Garlic passed through a press is applied to the nails, covered with film, a bandage and a fingertip on top to fix the structure. The bandage is left overnight.
    • Compresses with celandine oil. A cotton pad soaked in celandine oil is applied to pre-steamed nails and fixed with a gauze bandage for 20–30 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

    Corrective measures

    To successfully treat nail deformities, it is necessary to prepare the nail plate itself. In all cases, treatment is carried out, which involves removing the damaged areas. In the case of fungus, the specialist mechanically removes only the affected areas; in case of thickening, he removes excess tissue growth; in case of ingrowth, he treats with softening compounds. This helps improve the results of using local drugs due to their enhanced absorption.

    How many psychological problems, what physical discomfort a person experiences when unpleasant symptoms appear! Diseases of the toenails cause external change plates and surrounding tissues, have a variety of causes and symptoms, and require a qualified approach to treatment. It is useful to understand why pathologies arise, how they manifest themselves in different diagnoses, and what methods exist to counteract the disease.

    What are toenail diseases?

    Sign good health– smooth, shiny, toenail plate with a pale pink color. Unfortunately, damage occurs at any age and is a symptom of serious problems in the body. The situation is provoked by:

    • infectious fungal infections;
    • diseases caused by disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems;
    • birth defects;
    • injuries;
    • heredity;
    • eating disorders;
    • poor quality care;
    • smoking;
    • infectious, skin diseases;
    • chemical substances;
    • avitaminosis.

    Dermatologists identify the main diseases of the toenails. One group is caused by fungal and bacterial infections. The other part includes pathologies:

    • dyschromia – change in the color of the nail plate;
    • nail ingrowth into the skin;
    • injury;
    • splitting, delamination of the surface;
    • deformation, appearance of grooves;
    • nail dystrophy;
    • formation of hematomas;
    • change in shape and size;
    • plate rejection.

    What diseases do toenails indicate?

    Experienced specialists in the appearance of nail plates can diagnose diseases and note problems that appear in the patient’s body. Pathologies are often indicated by a change in the color of the toenail. There are health problems depending on the color:

    • yellowish tint, with blueness around the bed - diabetes;
    • white – liver disease;
    • Blue colour– oxygen starvation;
    • pale – evidence of anemia, impaired renal function;
    • the cause of thickening, slow growth, yellow tint is lung disease.

    Chinese doctors use toenail diagnostics for early detection of diseases:

    • thin plate, raised edges – evidence of iron deficiency;
    • cracking, brittleness – problems with the thyroid gland;
    • the disease affects the region - onychoschisis;
    • white spots – zinc deficiency, arthritis, nail bed injuries;
    • red – heart problems, hemorrhagic stroke, hypertensive crisis;
    • black – fungal infection, melanoma, soft tissue injuries;
    • brown dots– manifestation of psoriasis, protein deficiency;
    • yellow – pathologies of the lymphatic system.

    Nail fungus

    One of the serious reasons why toenail problems occur is fungal infection. The infectious disease onychomycosis is characterized by the rapid spread of pathogenic microorganisms. In its advanced form, the pathology requires long-term treatment. The fungus multiplies rapidly in conditions high temperature and humidity. The causes of pathology on the legs are:

    • failure to maintain personal hygiene in the pool, sauna;
    • using someone else's shoes;
    • work in rooms with unfavorable conditions;
    • age-related changes;
    • illnesses endocrine system.

    The development of a fungal infection is provoked by problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities, metabolic disorders, and hormonal imbalances. The main causative agents of infections are three types of fungi; each has its own symptoms of the disease and requires a special approach to treatment. Damage to toenails is caused by:

    • mold microorganisms;
    • candida – yeast fungi;
    • dermatophytes.

    Signs of toenail fungus

    An infection caused by pathogenic fungal microorganisms has pronounced symptoms. Signs of the disease depend on the type of pathogen, but there are general characteristics pathological changes. These include:

    • the appearance of thickening;
    • cracking;
    • change in the color of the nail plate on the toes;
    • fragility;
    • nail splitting;
    • damage to the surrounding skin with redness, burning, itching.

    On early stages Diseases of the plate take on a dull appearance, the shine is lost, and spots of a yellowish tint appear. With timely contact with a dermatologist, a quick cure occurs. As the fungus on the feet progresses, the following is observed:

    • change in surface color to darker - brown, black;
    • the appearance of tuberosity;
    • plane deformations;
    • redness of the cushion;
    • tissue inflammation;
    • complete destruction of the nail plate.


    It is a mistake to think that a fungal infection on the feet will go away on its own. It is unacceptable to self-medicate. Only a dermatologist, having identified the pathogen and made the correct diagnosis, can prescribe medications and a regimen of use. To combat fungal pathology on the feet, use:

    • local external medications in the form of sprays, ointments, solutions;
    • antifungal drugs for oral administration – tablets, capsules;
    • Traditional medicine recipes - baths, compresses, lotions.

    It is very important to consult a specialist when the first symptoms of nail disease appear. This will help solve the problem in a short time. Dermatologists prescribe:

    • at an early stage of the disease - application of Fukortsin liquid, use of varnishes Ciclopirox, Lotseril;
    • if the lesion develops - Terbinafine ointment, Ketoconazole tablets;
    • to improve nutrition and activate blood circulation - physiotherapy;
    • in advanced cases - removal of the nail.


    This disease has characteristic feature- flat nail plate. Often there is a congenital pathology that cannot be cured. The disease affects all the toes at once. The causes of platonychia are:

    • heredity;
    • cardiac dysfunction;
    • pathologies of the endocrine system;
    • protein fasting;
    • liver diseases;
    • injuries;
    • skin diseases;
    • wrong manicure.

    To cure this toenail disease, you need to find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Symptoms other than a flat surface must be taken into account:

    • a bluish pale tint is evidence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, gastritis, iron deficiency, circulatory disorders;
    • fragility, dryness - lack of zinc, vitamins A, E, group B, use of strict diets.

    Hippocrates nails

    As this disease develops, the size of the terminal phalanx and toenails increases. Another name for the pathology is “drum fingers.” Symptoms of this disease are:

    • increased curvature of the nail bed;
    • thickening of the soft tissues of the terminal phalanges;
    • looseness of the skin at the base;
    • elasticity of the plate surface upon palpation.

    To recover, it is necessary to cope with the problem that was the cause of the disease - the underlying disease. Experts believe that damage to the capillary bed of the lungs plays an important role in the formation of pathology. Symptoms of Hippocratic nails are observed in the presence of:

    Transverse striation of nails

    This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of a transverse arcuate groove. It completely crosses the nail surface. The reasons for this change may be:

    • inflammatory processes;
    • infectious diseases;
    • injury to the nail folds on the feet due to poor-quality pedicure;
    • eczema;
    • neuropsychic pathologies;
    • psoriasis;
    • systemic diseases;
    • scarlet fever, measles in children.

    To cope with the manifestation of pathology, it is necessary to exclude and prevent traumatic factors. It is important to cure the diseases that cause transverse striations. The severity of the ongoing processes can be judged by the following signs:

    • superficial groove – minor traumatic impact;
    • deep damage to the plate, dividing it into two parts, disruption of the nutrition of the edge section - a serious, severe pathology;
    • the presence of several grooves means regular injury.

    Micronychia of the nail

    If a patient has short nail plates on his toes, this is a sign of the development of micronychia. This disease is often diagnosed on the hands of patients who bite their nails. The cause of changes in the legs are serious diseases. Only after completing the full course of their treatment can you get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Micronychia is a diagnostic sign and accompanies the following diseases:

    • trophoneurosis;
    • progressive scleroderma;
    • Genuine epilepsy, provoked by metabolic disorders.


    The main symptoms of this disease are the appearance of white stripes and spots on the nail surface. The disease manifests itself through the formation of small air bubbles between the layers of the plate. Causes of leukonychia:

    • injuries;
    • stress;
    • diet abuse;
    • poor quality pedicure;
    • action chemicals;
    • zinc deficiency;
    • disruption of plate keratinization processes;
    • arsenic poisoning.

    To treat leukonychia on the legs, dermatologists recommend:

    • make baths with medicinal herbs, essential oils, sea salt;
    • eliminate factors that injure the surface of the plates;
    • avoid frequent dieting;
    • when exposed to chemicals, use gloves;
    • change manicurist, pedicurist;
    • take vitamins and microelements.


    With this pathology, complete or partial separation of the plate from the nail bed is observed. With onycholysis, the color changes to grayish-white. The causes of the disease are:

    • fungal, bacterial infections;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis;
    • pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
    • endocrine disorders.

    The main task in the treatment of onycholysis is to cope with the disease that provoked the disease. In parallel with this, dermatologists recommend:

    • take iron and calcium supplements;
    • take vitamin complexes;
    • apply a bandage with Sintomycin ointment to the affected area;
    • use hot baths with essential oils;
    • use limb massage.


    The disease more often affects the hands than the feet, affecting individual fingers. Onychorrhexis is characterized by the appearance of longitudinal splitting of the plate, starting from the free edge to the nail bed. Nail damage may have causes:

    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • mechanical injuries;
    • contact with chemicals - acids, alkalis;
    • infections;
    • skin pathologies.

    The main goal of treatment is to improve the nutrition of the nail plate. Doctors prescribe:

    • drugs that improve blood microcirculation;
    • physiotherapy – iontophoresis, diathermy;
    • massage;
    • hot baths with medicinal herbs, sea salt;
    • taking vitamins;
    • use of unsaturated fatty acids;
    • applications with wax, mud;
    • use of drugs that enhance immunity.

    Ingrown nail

    With the development of inflammatory and infectious processes in the tissues of the finger, puncture of the skin may occur, which results in ingrown nails. The disease is characterized by the appearance of pain, redness, swelling, and possible discharge of pus and increased temperature. The causes of the pathology are:

    • improper nail cutting;
    • tight shoes;
    • injuries;
    • fungal infection.

    To exclude the disease it is necessary:

    • remove a piece of the plate that has grown into the skin;
    • take warm baths with antibacterial agents;
    • maintain foot hygiene;
    • use comfortable, high-quality shoes without high heels;
    • do a proper pedicure;
    • fight sweaty feet;
    • cure onychomycosis;
    • in severe cases, remove part of the plate.


    A characteristic feature of the disease is thinning of the nail surfaces, changes in their shape, and the appearance of longitudinal stripes. The tissues begin to split, peel, and break. There are many reasons for this phenomenon to occur. These include:

    • psoriasis;
    • lichen planus;
    • deficiency of vitamins A, C, B;
    • lack of iron, phosphorus, chromium, calcium;
    • plate injury;
    • fungal infection;
    • damage to peripheral nerves;
    • exposure to chemicals;
    • alcohol intoxication;
    • influence of drugs;
    • diseases of the digestive system.

    Treatment of atrophy involves following a diet. In complex advanced cases, the plate is removed. Dermatologists prescribe:

    • drugs that reduce immunity in systemic diseases;
    • vitamin complexes with microelements;
    • sedatives;
    • polyunsaturated acids;
    • antifungal agents;
    • medicinal baths;
    • yeast.


    The main feature of this disease is the coloring of the nail surface yellow. The causes of the phenomenon can be external and internal factors. Among them:

    • liver diseases;
    • skin pathologies;
    • diabetes;
    • presence of neoplasms;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • long-term medication use;
    • weakened immune system;
    • exposure to chemicals;
    • circulatory disorders;
    • smoking;
    • low-quality varnishes.

    Treatment for chromonychia depends on the cause. Getting rid of the underlying disease that caused the disease will help cope with the internal preconditions of pathology. External reasons quickly eliminated with:

    • refusal of decorative coating;
    • taking a vitamin complex;
    • rubbing lemon juice;
    • using warm baths with sea salt and soda;
    • massage with essential oils.

    Deformation of the big toe nail

    The disease, which is characterized by changes in the nail plates on the toes, has many causes. All of them are associated with external and internal influences. The appearance of deformation is provoked by the following factors:

    • injuries, mechanical damage;
    • exposure to tight shoes;
    • improper care - pedicure with severely cut cuticles;
    • panaritium - nail beetle;
    • changes in the structure of the plate under the influence of diseases;
    • fungal infections - mycoses;
    • exposure to chemicals;
    • poor circulation in the legs.

    To eliminate deformation of the nail plates, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology. Treatment of the disease that caused the symptoms helps to get rid of its manifestations forever. Signs of deformation are closely related to the causes of the disease:

    • stratification – lack of B vitamins, calcium, thyroid problems;
    • stripes, scallops - consequences of stress, heredity;
    • curvature – age-related changes, incorrect shoes;
    • thickening of the nail plate – fungal infection;
    • atrophy is a consequence of chronic diseases;
    • the presence of pinpoint depressions – eczema, psoriasis.

    Photo of onychorrhexis


    Nails are considered one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. It is they, just like skin and hair, that primarily signal a person about changes occurring in his body caused by certain pathological processes. Sometimes the deterioration of the nail plates can be caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins and nutrients, but in some cases they are affected by serious diseases.

    Nails tend to change, change color or become damaged. Nail diseases occur in both women and men, and less often they affect children. Healthy nail plates are characterized by a convex shape, a smooth shiny surface while maintaining a constant level of transparency, and they end with a protruding free edge.

    Groups of nail diseases

    All nail diseases are divided into three large groups:

    Diseases of the toenails are not much different from diseases of the nail plates that are found on the fingers. With the development of such pathological processes, a change in the shape and size of the nail body or nail dystrophy may occur. It should be noted that many diseases of the fingernails occur against the background of other diseases. Disturbances in the structure and coloring of the nail plate arise as a result of nervous, mental, endocrine and other systemic lesions of the body.

    Most often, damage to the nail body occurs due to infectious diseases skin – candidiasis, pyoderma, .

    Names of the most common diseases of fingernails and toenails with their detailed description will allow each person to notice the development of the pathological process and promptly seek help from a specialist.

    Nail diseases and causes of their occurrence

    Diseases of the fingernails associated with changes in their shape and size are manifested by changes in the appearance, shape and size of the nail plate.

    Hippocrates nails

    With the development of this pathological process, the nails and terminal phalanges of the fingers significantly increase in size, they become wider and dome-shaped. Sometimes this phenomenon is referred to as “drum fingers.” Such signs can be found in people suffering from systemic diseases. Often, “drum fingers” appear with tuberculosis, emphysema, tumors in the lungs, disorders of the cardiovascular system, leukemia and other pathologies of a chronic nature. Sometimes “drum fingers” are considered by specialists as a congenital or hereditary anomaly.

    A clear description of this fingernail disease and its symptoms is presented in the photo.


    The term “micronychia” refers to small short nail plates on the fingers and, less commonly, on the feet. Mostly, this pathological process is a congenital anomaly, but micronychia can also be observed in people who often bite their nail plates. In addition, such a change in the structure of the nails often develops against the background of diseases such as genuine epilepsy, progressive scleroderma, and trophoneurosis.

    Genuine epilepsy caused by metabolic disorders is often accompanied by micronychia. It is this symptom that allows specialists to make the correct diagnosis, differentiating genuine epilepsy from other forms of this disorder.

    Pay attention to the photo, which shows the disease of the fingernails, the description of which is given above.


    Onychogryphosis (from the Greek - curved, popular name "bird's claw") is a change in the nail in the shape of a horn or spiral, in advanced cases up to 5 cm or more in length. The nail body has an uneven surface, brown, gray-yellow, sometimes almost black, very dense, like the horn of animals. Many believe that the cause of the damage is bruising with a heavy object or frostbite of the fingers.

    In practice, procedures are usually used periodically to treat this disease of the fingernails and toenails:

    • softening the nail plate with a 50% salicylic plaster, ureaplast or its modern analogue “Mikospor” in a nail treatment kit;
    • scraping the affected nail;
    • Often it is necessary to use surgical removal (temporarily).

    External manifestations of the fingernail disease under the same name in the photo.


    A disease called onyhauxis ( onychauxis) is a hypertrophy of the nails, in which they are thickened and noticeably increased in size, which occurs as a result of increased growth of subungual horny substances. The nail plate thickens to a less pronounced extent than with onychogryphosis.

    Curvature of the nail plate with onychauxis almost never occurs. With the development of this pathology, paronychia is often observed. This type of changes in the nail body is characteristic of diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, as well as inflammatory processes in the nail fold and nail bed when fungus penetrates them. In some cases, the development of this disease can be caused by injuries to the nail bed and fold.

    Pay attention to the photo of the symptoms of a nail disease called onychauxis.


    Scleronychia(scleronychia) – a pathological process representing hypertrophy of the nail plates. The disease manifests itself as unusual hardness of the nails, their transparency, and the acquisition of a yellowish-gray color. With the development of this pathology, damage to all fingers and toes is noted.

    The nail skin separates from the surface of the nail, and over time the plates move away from the nail bed. The causes and pathogenesis of this nail disease are not fully understood. Some experts are of the opinion that scleronychia is caused by endocrine diseases and dysfunctions of the body.


    Onychodystrophy - changes in the nail plate, nail bed and periungual fold. Onychodystrophy can appear due to traumatic injuries of mechanical, chemical, physical, biological origin. In addition, they can be considered by specialists as a symptom of intoxication, internal or infectious diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases, pathologies of the endocrine system and metabolism, and vitamin deficiencies.

    Nail dystrophies - onychodystrophies - in elderly and old people: Senile nails are characterized by longitudinal grooves, decreased transparency, a grayish-yellow color, the thickness of the nails decreases or increases, and their growth slows down.

    What other nail diseases are there: photos and descriptions


    Koilonychia ( coilonychia) , or spoon-shaped nails are one of the common forms of onychodystrophy. This form of the pathological process is characteristic exclusively of the fingers of the upper extremities.

    With the development of this nail disease, the following symptoms are observed:

    • the surface of the nail plate becomes concave;
    • the nail becomes smooth;
    • the thickness of the nail remains unchanged.

    Koilonychia occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the surface of the nail body, for example, with prolonged exposure to alkalis and acids. In addition, the development of this nail disease can also be caused by various pathologies - onychomycosis, Addison's disease, typhoid fever. In rare cases, this pathology is congenital and hereditary.

    Symptoms of a fingernail disease called koilonychia in the photo.


    Platonychia ( platonychia) – a pathological process in which the nails have a completely flat surface. It is predominantly a congenital anomaly, but can also be acquired through exposure to occupational factors.

    The occurrence of certain chronic inflammatory processes in the body, for example, liver cirrhosis or psoriasis, also causes such changes in the nail plates.

    Transverse grooves

    Bo's furrows or Bo-Reilly's furrows are other names for this pathological process. The pathological process is the result of exposure to exogenous and endogenous factors on the nail plate. The depth of the groove (groove) formed on the surface of the matrix indicates the depth of the lesion and the degree of development of the disease.

    Bo's furrows do not differ in color from the rest of the nail plate. The depth of such pathological formations can reach up to 1 mm. The reasons for the development of pathology may be different. This nail disease often occurs in children when they receive trauma to the nail body during childbirth. In most cases, transverse furrows are detected between the 20th and 43rd days after the baby is born.

    In adults, pathology can occur against the background of severe infectious and skin diseases.

    Longitudinal furrows

    This disease occurs mainly in older people with age-related changes structures of the nail plate. Sometimes longitudinal grooves are formed in young people with certain diseases, for example, with lichen planus.

    This nail disease, described above, is demonstrated in this photo.


    The term hapalonychia ( hapalonychia) denotes a process in which the nail plates soften, as a result of which they easily break and split at the free edge. With this disease, the nails become fan-shaped.

    There may be several causes for hapalonychia. They distinguish true hapalonychia, which occurs as a result of pathological processes occurring in the human body such as endocrine dysfunction, spastic paralysis, and metabolic disorders. Hapalonychia is also known, which occurs with prolonged and regular local exposure of the nail body to alkalis, acids, solvents and other aggressive chemicals.


    Onycholysis ( onycholysis) – a disease of the nails, in which their complete or partial separation from the nail bed occurs. Usually this process occurs from the free edge, but the nail plate can also separate on the sides.

    The parts that have separated from the nail bed are whitish-gray in color. Experts name several reasons for the development of this pathological process:

    • intoxication of the body;
    • neurotrophic disorders;
    • injuries;
    • skin diseases - eczema, congenital epidermolysis;
    • bacterial and fungal infections, for example, rubromycosis of nails.


    Onychomadesis ( onychomadesis) – complete separation of the plate from the nail bed. The name of this disease has a synonym – onychoptosis. Unlike onycholysis, onychomadesis is accompanied by separation of the nail plate not from the free edge, but from the posterior - proximal, at its very base.

    This pathological process occurs in a very short time, may be accompanied by inflammatory phenomena.


    Onychorrhexis ( onychorhexis) – a pathological process accompanied by brittleness of nails and their splitting in the longitudinal direction. Onychorrhexis is often the result of endocrine disorders in the body, various skin dermatoses - eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus.

    Among the reasons for the development of onychorrhexis, experts also name various types of mechanical damage and occupational injuries. Not all nails may be affected, but only on individual fingers; on the feet, such a pathological process is rarely detected.


    Onychoschisis ( onychoschisis) – a disease in which the nail splits in the transverse direction parallel to its free edge. One of the main reasons for the development of this pathology is frequently repeated mechanical damage to the nail. This can happen to musicians who play the violin, and women who are overly keen on manicure.

    Nail diseases associated with skin infections

    With a number of skin diseases of a non-infectious nature, as well as with a number of infectious dermatoses, the development of nail diseases such as:

    • pyococcal paronychia;
    • onychia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa caused by Proteus;
    • diphtheria paronychia and onychia;
    • leishmaniasis of the nail folds;
    • mite-borne lesions of the nail apparatus (with Norwegian scabies, dermatophagoid mites - such as flour, fodder, cheese, etc., feeding on skin scales);
    • paronychia and partial separation of the nail plate from the bed with herpes simplex.

    If speak about skin diseases a non -infectious nature, the above diseases occur with psoriasis, red flat lichen, eczema and neurodermatitis, acrodermatitis of the calpois, nesting baldness, pink lichen, herpes, dermatitis Dühring, daria, inherited bullous epidermalis, enteropathicomatics, and vlege adenoma sk, the adenoma of the priest, common pityriasis versicolor pilaris Devergie, keratoderma of the palms and soles, ichthyosis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and other dermatoses.

    Occupational paronychia occurs among workers in tanneries and furriers, in chemical and brick production, among masons, plasterers, among workers in tobacco factories, metallurgical, plastic production, among workers in printing houses, hairdressing salons, darkrooms, laundries, among radiologists and radiologists and many others.

    Ingrown toenails: photos and treatment

    Ingrown nails are a common occurrence. Ingrowth of the outer or inner edge of the nail plate into the tissue of the lateral nail fold initially causes hyperemia, swelling of the periungual fold, moderate pain when walking, and then there may be pyogenic granuloma and complications such as paronychia, lymphangitis, erysipelas, phlegmon, osteomyelitis.

    In unadvanced acute cases, conservative treatment methods consist of placing a swab (strip) of gauze soaked in 5-10% syntomycin emulsion or ointment under the edge of the nail


    Vishnevsky ointment, Solcoseryl

    Rivanol lotions and lubrication with Castellani liquid (fucorcin) are also considered effective.

    Proper selection of shoes, hygiene, proper trimming, treatment of excessive sweating are mandatory measures for ingrown toenails and other toenail pathologies.

    Heliomycin ointment

    Onychopathology, i.e. changes in the shape, transparency, composition, apparatus, and pigmentation of nails indicate metabolic disorders, diseases of internal organs, and are often signs of certain syndromes and genodermatoses.

    How to treat fungal nail diseases?

    The fungus spreads quickly in the dark and in high humidity; closed shoes are a favorable place for it. Fungal nail diseases most often occur on the toes, and less often on the fingers.

    The first signs of fungal infection of the nail plates are:

    • itching and redness of the skin around the nail;
    • fragility of the nail plates or, conversely, their rapid compaction;
    • color change;
    • formation of stripes on the surface.

    Manifestations of fungal diseases of toenails are presented in the photo below:

    Fungal toenail disease is difficult to treat at home. To stop the spread of the fungus and get rid of the disease, you should contact a specialist. At home, you can only alleviate the condition during the development of this pathological process. A solution of soda and salt has a good effect on nail plates affected by fungus. Even before prescribing treatment, you can prepare a bath and soak your feet in the solution for 15 minutes, then rinse them with warm water.

    How to properly treat nail diseases caused by fungus? The fungus is very persistent, so often even after recovery, if the immune system is weakened, it can develop again.

    If diseases of the fingernails and toenails are not advanced, they can be treated using antimycotic varnishes and solutions:

    Loceryl, Batrafen, Oflomil

    Mikozan, Cyclopiroxolamine

    Such products have an exfoliating effect, allowing you to painlessly remove the affected nail.

    In cases where the disease has already taken an advanced form and is developing very rapidly, patients are prescribed antifungal drugs in the form of tablets.

    The following antifungal tablets are considered the most effective:





    Diseases of the fingernails and toenails in children: photos and treatment

    What are the types of nail diseases on the hands and feet of children? Children suffer from almost all diseases that occur in adults. Those children who attend kindergarten, school, etc. are especially susceptible to fungal diseases. public places– swimming pools, gyms.

    Children can develop koilonychia, leukonychia, onychogryphosis and many other diseases. How to treat nail diseases depends on the form and type of pathological process. Treatment is carried out by a mycologist who, after conducting a series of studies, prescribes the most effective and safe drugs.

    For diseases caused by fungus, it is carried out local treatment method of treating the nail plate:


    Nystatin ointment,Citrosept


    When the pathological process is neglected, it becomes inevitable to take antifungal agents orally.

    For any onychodystrophy, alternating local baths with warm water is considered useful. vegetable oil and sea salt, as well as rubbing an oil solution of vitamin A or vitamin creams into the nail plates in the evening.

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