• What do uneven fingernails mean? How to get rid of unevenness. Wavy fingernails: how to treat at home


    Most often on the hands, the waviness of the nail appears precisely on the thumbs. To a greater extent, the causes of this phenomenon are various injuries, as well as other mechanical impacts on the hands. However, if all the fingernails become like this, then it is no longer a matter of injury, and special treatment is often required.

    Why wavy nails?

    Many of us are interested in why nails become wavy? Most often this is a cosmetic problem that occurs as a result of improper nail care. It is likely that the manicure was not done carefully, and the cuticle was cut rather roughly. Either during contact with household chemicals, there were no protective gloves on his hands. But in most cases, it happens that wavy nails are a sign of health problems, and quite serious ones. What kind of problems could these be, and what treatment is required?

    Fungal infection

    Mycoses are common problem in the hands of even those people who observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is very simple to get rid of such an infection, which only treatment can get rid of: for example, by taking a personal item of a sick person or even by unsuccessfully touching objects in public places, for example, in the gym. If you suspect a fungus, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately, as delayed treatment can make the recovery process longer.

    First of all, yellowed nails indicate mycosis. Their crumbling, pain and itching are also noticeable. There are a huge number of different fungi, so for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to laboratory research. Based on their results, the doctor will be able to choose the necessary treatment. The main point of successful recovery from mycosis is an individual approach to treatment. However, in any case, you should not self-medicate: this can lead to a deterioration in your health.

    If it turns out that the cause of wavy nails is not a fungus, it is still recommended to follow the rules for its prevention. In most cases, this is compliance with hygiene standards: change your socks every day, do not wear someone else's shoes, do not walk barefoot in the sauna and bathhouse.

    Non-fungal infection

    Nails can be exposed to a huge variety of pathogenic microbes. They are also capable, like fungal infections, of infecting the nail plates with subsequent deformation. Therefore, even if at first glance it may seem that there is nothing wrong with such “waves”, it is still better to consult a doctor. Treatment in this case will not be superfluous.

    Why you?

    It’s a shame when you and your friend go to the beach, for example, and she continues to show off her healthy nails, but you don’t. What is the reason? Why are some people able to walk barefoot in a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse, public shower without any problems, and some even have to walk around the house in rubber slippers? How can we explain that fungal infections are more common in some people and not in others?

    It's all about immune system. In properly nourished, seasoned people who go in for sports, the body is able to cope with almost any disease. Therefore, the formation of wavy nails primarily indicates poor health. What to do in such a situation? To protect yourself from germ-infested environments, do the following:

    • exercise;
    • eat a balanced diet;
    • be in the fresh air;
    • get enough sleep;
    • do not be nervous.

    Agree – it’s very simple. But in the end, you can get a healthy body, without problems with the heart, stomach, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs. Good internal well-being will manifest itself in your appearance.

    Treating wavy nails at home

    If wavy nails are not due to any pathology or organ disease, then most likely the cause is due to improper manicure. Errors in nail care, unlike health problems, are much easier to correct. The speed of eliminating the problem directly depends only on the speed of nail growth, because such unevenness alone is not capable of causing damage. After the grooves are cut, you just need to monitor proper care behind your own hands.

    Avoid nail injuries

    Nail plate It is quite delicate, so it can suffer from almost any mechanical impact. Frequent typing on the keyboard, pressing too hard ballpoint pen to the nail - as a result, you get deformation, peeling and crumbling of the nail. You should also not overwork your hands - everything is good only in moderation.

    Treat cuticles gently

    Removing cuticles roughly can result in wavy nails. After all, after careless cutting of the skin using scissors, various cuts, wounds and cracks often occur. This helps open “doors” for bacteria and pathogens, which cause uneven nails. This can be avoided by using an unedged manicure: you only need to use a special gel and wooden sticks, thereby pushing back the cuticles rather than cutting them off. You can pre-make a hand bath: with essential oils or sea ​​salt.

    Remove hangnails correctly

    Torn skin around the nail usually just begs to be chewed off or torn off, which only aggravates the problem. If you get rid of hangnails in such a terrible way, you can end up with wounds that will be rife with infections. Tears in the skin are best repaired using sharp scissors, and the incision site should be disinfected afterwards. There are also a number of methods aimed at accelerating the appearance of unevenness on the nails, and protecting them from further formations:

    • use of gloves when in contact with household chemicals;
    • decorative varnishes that have a uniform coating that does not create scratches on the nails;
    • disinfection of instruments used for manicure;
    • unedged manicure: European, spa, Japanese;
    • regular nail massage;
    • Use a base coat before applying varnish.

    These methods will allow you to take maximum care of your nails and skin. And they will definitely thank their owner with a beautiful and healthy appearance. The most important thing in this case is regularity. When using cleaning products, you should always wear gloves, not just occasionally. Not ongoing care will not bring the desired result. However, there are a number of procedures that are absolutely useless for wavy nails:

    • very strong moisturizing of cuticles and nails. Neither damaged nor even healthy nails will like this. In the future, the cuticles will become very tender, as a result of which they will suffer from constant injuries that can lead to inflammation and suppuration;
    • nail extensions. Artificial nails are unable to solve the problem. You can hide the deformation, but this will not remove the waviness, will not improve the health of the nails, and will not correct the mistakes of the cosmetologist;
    • polishing nails. This procedure allows you to remove dead cells. But it can be done no more than once a month and as carefully as possible. If the nail is wavy, then polishing will not be able to solve the problem, because it is not able to change its shape and structure.

    In summing up

    This doesn't mean that if you have a wavy nail, you shouldn't do any of the above. You just need to understand that such grooves should be dealt with in completely different ways. And first of all, it is recommended to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

    Some people sometimes wonder why their fingernails are ribbed and lumpy and what to do about it? Indeed, such a problem can manifest itself in a person in the very at different ages, both in children and in elderly people. This looks unaesthetic and causes a lot of anxiety. In this article we will try to figure out what causes the phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

    Why do they appear?

    Severe unevenness of the nail plate is not only a cosmetic problem. Their appearance may be due to improper manicure, injuries or internal problems of the body. It might even be a symptom fungal disease– an unpleasant and difficult to treat phenomenon.

    If you understand what they are talking about and why waves appear on the nails, then the reasons can be very diverse. They can be divided into external and internal. External ones are:

    1. Incorrect cuticle cutting;
    2. Nail extensions, etc. procedures;
    3. Exposure to chemicals, such as cleaning without gloves;
    4. Injuries.

    Lumpy fingernails can cause internal reasons, How:

    1. Mycoses;
    2. Metabolic disease;
    3. Unbalanced diet;
    4. Lack of vitamins and microelements;
    5. Bad habits;
    6. Stress;
    7. Hormonal disorders.

    This is not a complete list of why there may be ribbed nails on the thumbs or a wavy, uneven nail plate; the reasons are much more varied and individual. Risk groups for this disease elderly people, pregnant women and women who have recently given birth, children and adolescents in the period of active growth, etc. are considered.

    The high probability of unevenness on the nails in these groups of people is associated with metabolic disorders in their body and a sharp decrease in the amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In pregnant women and adolescents, the risk also increases due to unstable hormonal levels. The same applies to the question of why the child’s fingernails and toenails are uneven and wavy; the reason here is that everything useful material they are going, as they say, “in growth.” A simple diet adjustment will not help here; you need to add vitamin complexes. But we will talk about this below.

    How to prevent the occurrence

    Any disease (and unevenness on the nails can be considered a disease) is easier to prevent than to treat. How to reduce the likelihood of a phenomenon occurring? First of all, it is necessary to exclude external negative factors. Wash dishes, clean with gloves. Manicure with great care and avoid injury to the nail bed. If your nails are weak, avoid extensions, covering them with gel, etc.

    The second thing you need to do is seriously adjust your diet. One of the main reasons why fingernails deteriorate, wavy nails on the thumbs or all fingernails become ribbed and wavy is a lack of vitamins. Typically, this is iron, calcium, vitamin E, etc. You should include carrots in your diet, vegetable oils, citrus fruits, rose hips, seafood, dairy products. Gelatin is also good for nails; use marmalade, jelly, aspic, marshmallows, etc.

    It won't hurt to make adjustments to your lifestyle either. It is worth quitting smoking, since nicotine is one of the reasons why nails grow in waves, become uneven, ribbed, wavy, and yellowed. It is important to get a good night's sleep and try to minimize the amount of stress and take time to rest the body.

    How to cure nails

    Wavy nails

    Only a doctor can prescribe competent and comprehensive treatment. To do this, he will need to familiarize himself with the results of several studies in order to establish why nails become wavy. However, even before going to the doctor, you can do something at home.

    First of all, vitamins A, E, C and B are necessary for healthy nails. They can be obtained from food, but much easier in the form of a vitamin complex. Taking both multivitamins and each vitamin separately will be equally effective. Capsules with vitamins are sold in pharmacies, and their contents can be successfully used for masks and hand baths.

    Uneven thumbnails can also be a result of calcium deficiency. In addition, because of this, the plates become more fragile. A sufficient amount of calcium in combination with silicon will make nails healthier, thicker and more resistant to breakage by increasing their elasticity. Eat fermented milk products, tuna or Calcium D3 tablets.

    Another reason why wavy nails appear on the thumbs is a lack of sulfur. This directly provokes curvature of the plate and deformation of the nail bed. It is found in large quantities in garlic and onions, eggplants, and buckwheat. To speed up the growth of healthy nails, you should include more B vitamins and iodine in your diet.

    Cosmetic procedures

    If you notice minimally visible wavy fingernails, then it is better to start treatment immediately so as not to let everything get to the state shown in the photo. By adjusting your diet and getting rid of bad habits, you can begin caring procedures. Now they will make sense.

    An effective remedy that can help is baths with sea salt or a decoction of chamomile and calendula. They need to be done daily for 15-20 minutes, before going to bed or before doing a manicure. Use instead mechanical means trimming it, because often wavy nails on the big toes or hands are the reason for its improper removal, as a result of which the nail plate is damaged.

    Nail polishing

    The situation with toenails is more complicated. Uneven and ridged toenails are most often a sign of a fungal disease. It is quite difficult to eliminate, and its treatment requires a professional and comprehensive approach. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in time and begin treatment with antimycotic drugs that are suitable specifically for your type of fungus.

    Another reason why a fingernail grows in waves is a disruption of the parathyroid glands and metabolism. Since initially these nails are stronger, waves on them appear only with a very large deficiency of vitamins and calcium. In this regard, it is recommended to rub oil A or E from capsules into your nails 2-3 times a week. This should be done after a shower.

    Let us also say that unevenness on the nail plate can also occur after suffering severe infectious diseases– flu, pneumonia, etc. If the damage to the nails is severe enough, then there are bumps, dents, etc. appeared on all nails - do not self-medicate. It is better to consult a doctor who can competently make a diagnosis. After all, wavy, ribbed fingernails can appear as a sign of a fairly serious disease.

    Uneven fingernails or toenails are a cause of concern for many people. It is not simple cosmetic defect that needs to be hidden - flaws in the nail plate can signal pathogenic processes occurring in the body. Aesthetically, the most noticeable irregularities are on the thumbs. These can be waves, bumps and depressions.

    The main causes of uneven nails

    Similar pathological changes Both men and women are susceptible. The origin of various surface defects of the nail tissue has a number of characteristic reasons, knowing which, you can correct the situation.

    Many people consider uneven toenails to be a genetic predisposition. But this opinion is wrong: genes are the cause in very rare cases.

    If a person is healthy, there should be no deformation of the nail plates.

    Here are the main reasons causing irregularities:

    In addition to the above, the cause of unevenness on the toenails may be shoes - uncomfortable, tight, poor quality. In this case, the solution to the problem should be replacing shoes with more suitable ones.

    Nature of damage and its signals

    Nail defects can suggest pathological processes occurring in the body. The unevenness of the plate is not always caused by a disease, but only a doctor can rule it out.

    Possible diagnoses are indicated by the appearance of the deformity:

    To determine the exact cause of changes in the nail bed, the doctor will need to conduct not only a visual examination, but also collect many tests (blood, urine, ultrasound of internal organs, tests for fungal infections).


    Treatment of nail plate pathologies is prescribed after their true cause has been established. Most people try to mask defects without rushing to see a doctor to receive qualified help. But only a specialist can choose the necessary treatment method depending on the origin of the problem:

    As auxiliary means, a specialist may prescribe:

    • restorative, immunomodulatory drugs;
    • sedatives;
    • vitamins, dietary supplements;
    • massage;
    • physiotherapy (iontophoresis, phonophoresis, paraffin, warm wax).

    During the recovery period, damaged nails cannot be extended - this can lead to a deterioration in their condition due to lack of oxygen.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent the appearance of uneven nails, it is enough to follow a few recommendations:

    Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. In order for the nail plates to remain healthy, the body needs regular consumption of:

    • vegetables and fruits;
    • seeds, nuts;
    • seafood;
    • meat;
    • dairy products;
    • croup

    The following vitamins and minerals are especially important for nails:

    • A, C, E - strengthen the plate;
    • B and iodine - improve growth;
    • calcium - gives hardness;
    • silicon - promotes elasticity;
    • iron - responsible for structural parameters;
    • sulfur - protects against inflammation.

    Nails are not a rudiment inherited from wild ancestors, but an important part covers of the body. They perform primarily a protective function, and the aesthetic component, although secondary, at the same time eloquently testifies to the state of health of its owner.

    Nails give away their owner. Even if a person is dressed in elegant clothes and wears expensive accessories, sloppy hands will immediately reveal to those around him that he is an ordinary slob. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of healthy nails. And one of the common problems is wavy nails. “Waves” are located in an arbitrary direction: along or across, spoiling the entire aesthetics of the image. These “stripes” are always noticeable, especially among ladies who love to use bright varnishes. Why are nails wavy? How to return them to their original appearance? Is this even possible?

    What does the problem look like?

    Most often, waviness appears on the thumbs. It mainly occurs as a result of injuries and other mechanical impacts on the hands. Also on the nails thumbs The flaws are much more noticeable than on the others. But if the “ripples” are visible on other fingers, it means that the matter is not only about injury to the nail.

    It is best to study the presence of “waves” by looking at your hands from the side. In the “profile” of the nail you can see how deep the depressions are. “Waves” can be the same or different in length and width, almost invisible and very deep. It happens that the longitudinal depression “grows” simultaneously with the nail, no matter how much it is cut.

    You can better verify the waviness of the nail if you paint it with a bright varnish without a pearlescent tint. Then the irregularities will appear “in all their glory.” Having discovered such a nuisance, there is no need to be upset: you can get rid of it if you establish the cause.

    Why are your fingernails wavy?

    Sometimes the “grooves” that appear are simply a cosmetic problem caused by improper care for nails. Perhaps the manicure was not done carefully enough, and the cuticle was roughly cut off. Or, when in contact with household chemicals, the hands were not protected with gloves.

    But it often happens that wavy nails are a sign of serious health problems. What can you expect?

    Fungal infection. Mycoses are a frequent guest on the hands of even very scrupulous people. After all, such an infection can be picked up very simply: for example, by using the personal belongings of an infected person or even by unsuccessfully “walking” through public places like a gym. If you suspect a fungus, you should immediately consult a doctor, since delaying treatment greatly delays recovery.

    Mycosis is primarily reported by yellowed nails. Their crumbling, itching and painful sensations may also occur. There are many types of fungi, so first you need to take a lab tests. Based on their results, the doctor will select the optimal treatment. An individual approach to the fight against mycosis is the main criterion for successful recovery. But under no circumstances should you self-medicate: this can lead to a deterioration in your health.

    Even if it turns out that the cause of wavy nails is not a fungus at all, you should still follow the rules for its prevention. Basically, this means following hygiene standards: not wearing someone else’s shoes, changing socks every day, not being barefoot in baths and saunas.

    Non-fungal lesions. Nails can suffer from many pathogenic microbes. They are just as good as a fungal infection in affecting the nail plates and deforming them. Therefore, even if it seems that there is nothing wrong with the “waves”, you should still consult a doctor. Treatment will not be unnecessary.

    Why me?

    It's a shame when you sunbathed on the beach with a friend, but she continues to show off beautiful nails. What is the reason? Why do some people allow themselves to fearlessly walk barefoot in communal showers, baths, saunas, swimming pools, and some cannot leave the house without rubber slippers? What explains the fact that fungi and other infections “love” some people more than others?

    It's a matter of immunity. In seasoned people who eat right and exercise, the body can easily cope with almost any “infection”. So the appearance of “waves” on the nails signals poor health. What to do?

    The following will help protect you from the aggressive influence of an environment infested with microbes:

    • balanced diet;
    • adequate physical activity;
    • quality sleep;
    • Fresh air;
    • emotional balance.

    It's not difficult at all, isn't it? But as a result, the body will be able to “boast” of healthy kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach, heart and will be able to protect itself from any pathogenic influences. Inner well-being will manifest itself in outer beauty.

    If your fingernails become wavy, how can you restore their smoothness?

    The solution to the problem of wavy nails is very simple, but to many it seems impossible. This healthy eating. Nails very clearly show what exactly the body lacks. There is no need to be afraid of a healthy diet: the devil is not so scary...

    Eating healthy is easy and inexpensive. The main thing is to include more “native” and familiar vegetables and fruits in your diet. Apples, pears, legumes, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes and even bananas, tangerines, oranges: our body has already learned to “extract” the maximum from them necessary vitamins and microelements. We must also not forget about nuts, seeds, grains, and herbs - they are very useful “guests” on any table.

    What substances are most “loved” by nails?

    • vitamin B and iodine – promote growth;
    • Vitamin D – helps the body absorb calcium;
    • vitamins A, C and E – strengthen the nail plate;
    • Vitamin H – prevents nails from crumbling and makes them less brittle;
    • iron – ensures the correct structure;
    • silicon – takes care of elasticity;
    • sulfur – protects against inflammation;
    • calcium – makes nails hard.

    But how do you understand what exactly your nails are missing? They will tell you about it themselves!

    Yellowness, unevenness, concavity and thinness of nails. Need iron. Its sources: cabbage, blueberries, raspberries, oats, legumes, peas, any fruit. You can improve the absorption of iron by consuming vitamin C and fluoride along with it. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, and greens. Eggs, potatoes, nuts, milk, tea, apples, cereals, grapefruits are rich in fluoride. You can “make your nails happy” with vitamin C by immersing them in lemon pulp: this will not only strengthen the nail plate, but also lighten it.
    Brittle, crumbling nails. Lack of vitamin H, or biotin. 0.2 mg of this vitamin per day is enough to get rid of the problem of brittle nails. Biotin is found in mushrooms, chicken yolk and nuts.
    Point depressions, white spots, layering of nails, the appearance of various infections. Lack of vitamin A, C and zinc. Vitamin A “lives” in all orange vegetables: pumpkin, bell pepper, carrots. But there is also a lot of it in butter and dairy products. Sources of zinc: seafood, legumes, raspberries, dates, greens, black currants, grains, leeks, mushrooms, nuts.
    Nail deformity. There is not enough sulfur. It can be provided to the body by eating more cabbage, milk, buckwheat, garlic, cheese, eggplant, oatmeal, onions, and bread.

    Dullness, gray-yellow nail color, grooves. Caused by a deficiency of vitamins PP, B5, and selenium. Vitamin PP is a nicotinic acid, which is rich in nuts, seeds, yeast, eggs, milk, porcini mushrooms. Vitamin B5 can be found in cereals, bran, eggs, yeast, and broccoli. Selenium ensures smoothness and shine of nails and is found in soy, black currants, beans, rice, buckwheat, garlic, olives, pistachios, coconut, porcini mushrooms, seaweed, white bread, eggs.

    If for some reason your nails are not striking in beauty and do not shine with health, then it is better to consult a therapist. Perhaps, after all the tests, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex that will help get rid of nail problems.

    How to get rid of uneven nail surfaces at home

    If the waviness of the nails is not a consequence of any pathology or disease of the body, then perhaps the reason lies in the wrong home manicure. Nail care mistakes, unlike health problems, are easy to correct. The speed of “elimination” of unevenness depends only on the growth of the nails, because the “ripples” cannot disappear on their own. Having cut off the grooves, all that remains is to carefully care for your hands.

    Do not injure the nail. The nail plate is quite delicate, so it can suffer from any mechanical impact. Pressing a regular ballpoint pen too hard against your nail or typing on the keyboard frequently will result in crumbling, peeling or deformation. So don’t overwork your hands: everything is good in moderation.
    Gently fight the cuticle. Rough removal of the cuticle leads to the appearance of “waves” on the nails. After all, after “cutting” the skin with scissors, various cracks, wounds, and cuts often remain. Thanks to them, the gates “open” for pathogenic microbes and bacteria, which contribute to the appearance of unevenness on the nail. You can avoid this by turning to an unedged manicure: you only need wooden stick and a special gel that softens the cuticle. You can first make a hand bath: with sea salt or essential oils.

    Correctly remove hangnails. The usual torn skin around the nail, which you just want to tear off or bite off, can aggravate existing unevenness. By getting rid of hangnails in such a merciless way, you can get wounds that are very popular with infections. It is best to eliminate breaks in the skin using sharp scissors, after disinfecting the incision site.

    There are also “tricks” that speed up getting rid of wavy nails and prevent similar deformations in the future:

    • gloves during contact with household chemicals;
    • decorative varnishes with a uniform coating that does not scratch the nails;
    • disinfection of manicure instruments;
    • hand baths (with sea salt, essential and vegetable oils);
    • regular nail massage (with a special manicure brush or at least a regular toothbrush);
    • unedged manicure: Japanese, spa, European;
    • base coat of the nail before applying manicure polish.

    Such “techniques” allow you to take maximum care of your skin and nails. And they will thank their owner with a healthy and beautiful appearance. The main thing is regularity. When using cleaning products, gloves should be worn every time, and not just when it comes to mind. Inconsistency of care negates all previous benefits received from caring for your skin and nails.

    But there are also procedures that are completely useless when dealing with wavy nails:

    • too much moisture in nails and cuticles. Neither healthy nor damaged nails will like it if they are overly “pampered” with softening and moisturizing agents. Over time, the cuticle will become so tender that it will begin to suffer from regular injuries fraught with suppuration and inflammation;
    • nail extensions. Artificial nails are not a solution to the problem. You can hide the deformation, but this will not get rid of the waviness, will not improve your health, or correct cosmetic errors;
    • polishing nails. This useful procedure which allows you to get rid of dead cells. But you can do it no more than once a month and only very carefully with the help of a special nail file. For wavy nails, polishing will not be a salvation, because it cannot in any way change their structure and shape.

    This does not mean at all that if your nails are wavy, you cannot do anything from the above list. But you need to be aware that grooves need to be dealt with using completely different methods.

    Healthy nails – it couldn’t be easier

    It’s very easy to say that bad nails were inherited from your mother or that they became that way due to the environment, lack of time and money for care…. These are the explanations of a lazy person. After all, taking care of your nails requires daily attention, and not everyone finds it in themselves to take such careful and loving care of themselves. But in vain!

    Trimming and filing nails are hygiene requirements. Everything else, although optional, is for the sake of beauty appearance Necessarily. It is advisable to sometimes “show” your nails to a professional: a master from a salon can not only give you a high-quality manicure, but also suggest how to nourish your nails, what tools are best to use at home, and what vitamins you are missing. What should a girl who wants to become the owner of beautiful and healthy nails remember?

    You should start with the basics: hygiene rules. Each person should have their own individual manicure set. After and before each use, instruments must be thoroughly disinfected to avoid contamination. In addition, before a manicure, you need to wash your hands with soap and be sure to remove old nail polish with fortified polish. cosmetic product. It would be superfluous to mention that all scissors-tweezers in a girl’s arsenal should be of high quality and well sharpened.

    Then it's time to think about protecting your nails from negative impacts environment. After all, nails are similar in structure to hair: they absorb absolutely all substances from their surface in the same way. Therefore, it is better to get rid of the habit of washing dishes or tiles without gloves, as well as using decorative varnishes too often, especially if you do without a manicure base. Continuous “painting” is detrimental to nails. We need to give them a chance to recover and take a break from harmful substances. During nail “vacations”, it is recommended to take hand baths more often, nourish your nails with creams and oils, and also use various strengthening varnishes.

    And the “pinnacle” of nail care is simple common sense. There is no need to pick off hangnails, bite your nails, cut cuticles until they bleed, or ignore disinfection. It is also necessary to seek advice from a doctor or a manicurist if you notice the slightest problems with your nails: deformations, color changes, pain.

    Beautiful nails are healthy nails, multiplied by constant care. You can achieve a good result only by loving and accepting yourself. Then taking care of your own body will bring only joy and pleasure. And graceful hands with a delightful manicure will evoke envious glances from those less fortunate in this regard.

    Marigolds, like hands, are an indicator of age and health. Skin aging, unsightly nails and changes in the structure of the bones of the hands cannot be hidden under foundation and a thick layer of varnish. If the skin can be moisturized with cream and transformed with simple cosmetic manipulations, then sometimes problems with nails require careful analysis and treatment.


    What are wavy nails

    The waves that appear on the nails can be transverse and longitudinal. Longitudinal waves are the ribbing of the nail from the cuticle to the free edge.

    Let's consider what causes the appearance of longitudinal waves:

    • injury;
    • negative effects of household chemicals;
    • careless nail treatment in a nail salon;
    • low-quality varnishes;
    • exposure to water and cold.

    Transverse waves are ribbing located across the nail plate. The number of waves can vary, as can the depth. Why the nails on the hands become wavy, even a specialist will not immediately answer. The appearance of transverse waves most often indicates some kind of disease.

    Why do transverse waves appear on nails?

    Noticed wavy fingernails? The reasons may be different. Unsightly transverse furrows appear as a result of:

    • injuries;
    • fungal nail infections;
    • improper processing of the cuticle;
    • use of low-quality varnishes;
    • illness;
    • unstable hormonal levels;
    • allergies to materials and substances.

    You need to carefully watch your nails. Please note, are all nail plates affected? How does the color and shape of the nail change? Are the waves on your nails large or slightly visible? What is the condition of the skin around the nail plate?

    Treatment of the problem depending on the cause

    Unsightly looking nails can be temporarily hidden under false nails, as in the photo, but this will not solve the problem. In addition, after applying varnishes, glue and stabilizers to the nail plate, the access of air to the nail is reduced significantly, and this will worsen the problem. Even if an unsightly nail is the result of an injury, limiting the supply of oxygen slows down its growth, changes the structure and softens the nail plate. She becomes brittle. Due to damage to the growth zone, the nail becomes wavy and its color fades. When treating an injured nail, you should refrain from applying various coatings and pamper your hands with baths with chamomile and iodine.


    The treatment process will be more difficult if the nail is damaged by mycosis. The fungus not only damages the plate, but also causes severe itching, burning and even painful sensations on the skin around. Currently advertised a large number of remedies for fungus, but self-medication is unacceptable here, because drugs, varnishes and ointments for fungus act only on certain groups of mycoses. What kind of fungus caused the infection can only be determined in laboratory conditions.

    Why can't you put off visiting a doctor? If you delay therapy, the disease will begin to progress and penetrate deeper and deeper. Only the right drug can cure the affected nail. It is possible that you will have to treat the skin of your hands and even your internal organs. Some types of fungus quickly penetrate the body and begin to affect the human immune system.

    Bad manicure

    If uneven nails are the result of poor quality work by a manicurist, it is better to change the specialist. Your hands are always visible and do not tolerate the mistakes of non-professionals. The fingernail sometimes becomes wavy due to improper processing of the cuticle, as in the photo.

    Internal diseases

    The appearance of wavy nails can be the result of some kind of disease. The fingers and toes contain control points for some internal organs, and this relationship is two-way:

    1. If big nail wavy on the hand, you should pay attention to the respiratory organs.
    2. The index finger is responsible for the digestive system.
    3. Middle finger - for the circulatory system.
    4. The index finger is for the nervous system.
    5. The little finger is for the heart and small intestine.

    When waves appear on the corresponding finger, you need to listen to your body and undergo an examination. However, the appearance of waviness on the nail thumb hand may just be a consequence of constant use of a fountain pen, when under the influence of daily pressure a nail defect appears.

    If the nails are wavy on both hands or feet and this is accompanied by the appearance of white transverse veins and a deterioration in the condition of the facial skin, then this indicates problems digestive system and metabolism. Often, a lack of microelements causes changes in the shape of the nail. Diseases of the small intestine lead to incomplete absorption of vitamins and microelements, as a result of which the skin, hair, and nails suffer. These diseases are accompanied painful sensations in the abdominal area, bloating and colitis. Laboratory tests and treatment under the supervision of a physician are necessary.

    Hormonal stress

    Hormonal disruption in the body is possible both due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, and as a result of stress, nervous strain, and mental exhaustion. Stress causes the body to malfunction. No one knows exactly what mechanism is activated in the body - destruction or creation.

    Allergic reaction

    Allergies can also cause wavy nail plates: for example, after spending time in the garden without gloves. Upon contact with the ground, the chemical compounds of the soil affect the unprotected skin of the hands and nails. This causes dryness, cracks, desiccation of the nail plate, as well as the appearance of hangnails, small blisters on the fingers and a burning sensation. If such signs are present, it means that you are allergic to this type of soil, and you cannot work without rubber gloves. You can cure affected nails with the help of moisturizing hand creams and medicinal baths.

    Poor quality care products

    Using low-quality cosmetic products can even lead to nail loss. Chemical compounds of varnishes penetrate into the nail, coloring not only the surface of the nail plate, but also the underlying layers. They have a toxic effect on living tissues, leading to changes in the shape and death of the nail plate.

    Even if your nails are in order and delight you with their shine and color, you should not forget about the benefits of vitamin complexes. They will come to the aid of the majority of us for whom a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements is not an easy task. Healthy image life, proper nutrition and observing the regime of wakefulness and sleep will certainly have a beneficial effect on the nails of the hands and feet.

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