• The nail comes off on the side of the hand. Detachment in systemic diseases. Causes of nail detachment


    Detachment of the entire nail plate is an unpleasant and unattractive defect. At first, a person notices a white or yellowish spot the color of an overgrown nail, which grows deeper. Women often hide such peeling nails under decorative coverings at a time when urgent action and treatment are needed. Otherwise, the nail may separate completely. What can you do when the nail comes away from the skin? Medicine and home cosmetology will help cope with this problem.

    Causes of peeling nails

    Detachment of nails of infectious and non-infectious nature is otherwise called onycholysis. Infections (mainly mycoses) account for 40% of all cases. There are more than 200 types of mycoses of the hands, feet and nails. Some tend to literally eat away the connection between the nail and its bed. No treatment nail plate can be lost, and the fungus will spread further: to the feet, other nails, between the toes, etc.

    Non-infectious causes of nail detachment

    • Some chronic or acute diseases One of the symptoms is nail detachment. These can be vascular, gastrointestinal, and nervous diseases. The simplest example is a violation of the blood supply directly under the nail bed. Also, a nail extending from the bed can be associated with an untreated ulcer or gastritis.
    • Often the nail comes off due to some hormonal pathology. In this case, you need to take care of treating the underlying disease. Then the nail plates will return to normal and will not move away, break, etc.
    • Often, peeling nails are a consequence of autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema or bullous dermatosis.
    • Sometimes nails peel off after taking certain antibiotics (fluoroquinolones). Detachment may also be a reaction to unsuitable washing powder, cleaning agent, solvent and other substances.
    • A common cause of onycholysis is a common injury (severe pinching or bruising of a finger), after which the plate darkens, breaks and comes off over time. And then it grows again.
    • Inaccurate and inept manicure can also cause nail separation: filing nails in different directions, at an angle, improper cutting with deformation of the nail plate - all this can also contribute to separation.

    Almost every person experiences severe peeling of their fingernails at some point. This is not such a threatening pathology as complete detachment of the nail. But it’s also unpleasant. The reasons for delamination are the same as stated above. Moreover, direct interaction with harmful components household chemicals come out on top among them.

    Medical treatment for splitting nails

    Only a doctor can determine exactly why fingernails peel and move away from the nail bed. Consider onycholysis as a signal by which your body lets you know about the current problem. Find out the cause of the delamination, undergo a course of treatment, and you will completely get rid of the disease and cosmetic defect. Tried and tested home remedies for peeling nails will help you with this.

    What will the doctor advise?

    In any case, a course of general strengthening vitamins and microelements is prescribed: vitamins A and B, iron and calcium supplements. It is recommended to take gelatin daily for a long time (3 months).

    Manicures and pedicures for nail problems should be performed carefully and regularly. After all, when the nail moves away from the skin, a cavity forms under it. It needs to be cleaned of dirt so that an infection does not develop under the nail.

    If problems with peripheral blood supply are detected, the doctor will prescribe massage of the feet or hands, physiotherapeutic procedures to stimulate and restore normal blood circulation.

    Be sure to visit a mycologist and have a scraping done for the fungus so as not to endanger your loved ones and not trigger this insidious disease. If the peeled nail has changed color (yellowed), then do this first. Treatment of mycosis takes from 3 months to a year, and is carried out with local remedies or tablets. In advanced cases, you even have to remove the damaged nail.

    At an appointment with a mycologist

    How to deal with onycholysis and dissection with home remedies

    The main weapon against brittle and peeling nails is strengthening baths and lotions. We offer several types of them.

    Potassium permanganate and salt

    Add a few grains of potassium permanganate to warm bath water and dissolve. Also dissolve a full tablespoon sea ​​salt. After the bath (20 - 30 minutes), dry your feet with a towel and apply syntomycin emulsion or heliomycin ointment to problem nails and around them.

    Oil and garlic

    Crush or grate five cloves of garlic in a garlic press and mix them with butter 1 to 1. Cover the entire damaged peeling nails with this mixture and rub in the composition.



    This recipe is against fungus and other infections. Use propolis tincture with alcohol. Apply cotton pads, richly soaked in tincture, to sore nails.

    Herbal bath with oak bark

    What to do if your toenail comes off? A bath of herbs and oak bark will help. Mix three tablespoons of crushed bark with chopped celandine (1 tablespoon per table) and a tablespoon at a time. lilac and calendula flowers. Leave the mixture in a water bath, pouring two cups of boiling water over it.

    Prevention measures

    You have successfully dealt with nail detachment thanks to medical advice. What's next? Now follow simple recommendations for prevention

    • During treatment and in the future, set a gentle regime for your hands - protect them from direct contact with aggressive substances from household chemicals. Force yourself to always wear gloves when performing dirty household or industrial work.
    • Wear only your own shoes, gloves, socks, etc. Being neat does not guarantee that you will never get a fungus, but it increases the chances of having healthy nails and fingers.
    • Take care of your nails in a timely manner using a strictly individual manicure tool.
    • Toughen up and lead active image life to support blood circulation in the extremities.
    • Avoid injury
    • Monitor your own health, do not take medications uncontrollably, and receive timely treatment for internal diseases.

    Beautiful and well-groomed nails always create positive impression about a human. Like skin and hair, they need constant care. In addition, nails are a kind of indicator of the state of the body. Problems associated with discoloration of the nail plate, splitting and slow growth indicate that the body is not as healthy as it seems. In this article we will look at a problem such as split nails, find out the reasons for its occurrence and ways to solve it.

    Structure and anatomy of the nail

    In order to find out why nails are prone to splitting, it is necessary to turn to a science such as biology. The nail is a horny lamellar layer, the function of which is to protect the phalanges of the fingers. The matrix is ​​the root where the formation of the nail plate occurs. Its basis is a special protein - keratin.

    It is also present in skin and hair. It determines the strength of the nail plate. The shape, structure and growth rate of nails are genetically dependent. However, despite this, certain external and internal factors can also influence these indicators. Thus, we can say that nail separation in some cases may depend on genetic predisposition, and in others on external and internal environmental factors.

    External factors

    As we found out earlier, the plate can be a consequence of the negative impact external factors. These include: improper nail treatment, contact with aggressive detergents, humid environment, false nails. In order to find out how these factors can lead to such a problem as splitting nails, let's study each of them in more detail.

    Manicure secrets

    Quite often it happens that those girls who devote a huge amount of time to nail care have weaker nails than those who get a manicure every two weeks. Of course, here you can recall the expression “Everything needs moderation.” Firstly, filing the nail plate too often traumatizes it, which leads to even greater delamination. In addition, giving the necessary shape to your nails is a very important and responsible task. To do this, you need to choose a quality tool - a nail file.

    There is a huge selection of manicure tools, and each has its own purpose. For weak nails, prone to delamination, it is impossible would be better suited glass file. It does not injure the stratum corneum, but in skillful hands it gives a beautiful and neat shape.

    Frequent use of nail polish remover also causes splitting of nails. For this reason, it is recommended to buy quality cosmetical tools which will give not only beautiful visual effect, but also strengthen the nail plate. Low-quality nail polish, which must be removed every two weeks with a special product and reapplied, is unlikely to strengthen them.

    Contact with various substances

    We all know that a substance such as water - H 2 O - is not an aggressive environment. As a rule, it does not cause harm to the body, but its excess can have negative impact. This is explained by the fact that the stratum corneum contains layers of water and fat. It is thanks to them that the nail plate shines and has high elasticity. In addition, nails absorb water, and the more it penetrates, the thicker and softer they become. This leads to a problem such as split nails. Cause and cure are, of course, interrelated. If you notice that after contact with water your nails begin to peel, you need to reduce the time it is exposed to the nail plate.

    Aggressive substances can also damage the stratum corneum. As a rule, it is in detergents that they are most abundant. If water is absorbed into the nail, causing splitting, then detergents, on the contrary, they dry out the nails and take away moisture from them. As a result, not only the nail plate suffers, but also soft skin hands It is interesting to note that split toenails are much less common. Perhaps this is due precisely to the fact that the feet do not come into contact with such substances. For this reason, of course, rubber gloves must be used when cleaning, washing and washing dishes. And upon completion, you can apply a softening cream to your hands and cuticles.

    Internal factors

    Lack of vitamins and minerals, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy - all this can also cause a problem such as split nails. The cause and treatment, of course, are interrelated and depend on a person’s lifestyle, diet and many other factors. What vitamins and substances do nails need?

    Deficiency of macro- and microelements

    Diet plays an important role in the functioning of any organism. Lack of certain nutrients leads to many problems. One of them is separation of fingernails. The reasons why this problem occurs can be easily identified by carefully studying your menu. It must contain at least a set of vitamins such as A, C, E and D. If for some reason it is impossible to get them from food, then you need to take a complex of vitamins and minerals for hair and nail growth every six months .

    Very often, women experience various hormonal imbalances. They can be caused by stress, depression, pregnancy and childbirth. In each specific case, a problem such as splitting of fingernails may also arise. The reasons mentioned above cannot always be eliminated very easily. For example, if a woman is preparing to become a mother, most likely her nails may begin to peel and hair fall out. This is quite common. In order to avoid this, you need to contact your gynecologist. He must prescribe the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals.

    Medicinal effects

    Nails, like hair, react very strongly to internal changes in the body. When failures occur, the nail plate immediately signals this by turning blue, peeling, and low growth rates. Splitting fingernails can be a consequence of taking certain medications, such as antibiotics. With cancer, this problem can also arise. If nail splitting has been bothering you for a long time, and there is still associated symptoms, such as anemia or malaise, you must definitely consult a specialist, because this may be a signal of a serious illness.

    Traditional methods of treatment

    As we have already found out, the reasons for splitting nails can be very diverse. It is not always possible to quickly eliminate them, but you always want to have beautiful and healthy claws. It is necessary to understand that not always a folk remedy can completely solve a problem such as splitting of the nail plate. However, in cases where the human body is absolutely healthy, and the problem is caused by external factors, you can easily get rid of it using the following methods.

    • Sealing nails with wax. This is a rather interesting and unique procedure that allows you to solve such a problem as delamination. It consists of rubbing healthy oils, and the whole thing is sealed with wax. The procedure is carried out both in salons and at home. As a rule, avocado, almond, ylang-ylang, and wheat germ oils are rubbed in. Then a special cream wax is applied and the nails are polished with a suede buff. This procedure allows you to “seal” the necessary elements and vitamins inside the nail plate, which leads to its strengthening and reduction of delamination.

    The process by which fingernails and toenails begin to peel off is called. This is a fairly common problem that accompanies various diseases skin and internal organs. It often occurs at older ages, more often in women. In the article we will analyze common causes of peeling nails, symptoms, talk about diagnostic and preventive measures and, of course, about how to treat this disease.

    Why do fingernails and toenails peel?

    The nail consists of large quantity keratin plates connected to each other. Between the layers of keratin is located a small amount of molecules of fat and water. There are many reasons why nails peel off:

    1. Injury. More often, the nail begins to peel due to improper manicure technique. If you file inaccurately, air penetrates between the layers of keratin and gradually peels off the nail. In more severe cases, the nail plate is separated from the soft tissue. It is not uncommon for the nail to peel off after the formation of a subungual hematoma due to an impact.
    2. Contact with chemicals. Surface active substances included in household chemicals destroy the outer fatty layer of the nail, which leads to disruption of the keratin structure. Cheap varnishes and acetone-based solvents have the same effect.
    3. Dermatological diseases. , eczematous lesions, hereditary skin diseases.
    4. Varicose veins, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other pathological processes in internal organs. The nail peels off due to a disruption in the nutrition of its own matrix. The matrix contains cells that produce keratin, the main protein of the nail plate. If the supply of nutrients to this zone is disrupted, keratin synthesis becomes difficult, which leads to destruction of the plate.
    5. Lack of vitamins and nutrients.


    The nail begins to peel off gradually, from the edge. Small transparent plates are separated from it. As the disease progresses, the nail plate thickens, its surface becomes uneven and changes its color to yellowish or even blue. When a subungual hematoma forms, the nail is completely separated. The localization and prevalence of onycholysis is different and depends on the etiology: for example, with fungal infection the nail peels off more often thumb feet or hand.

    Onycholysis can be complete or partial. Partial peeling of the nail is usually traumatic or infectious.


    The diagnosis is based on searching for the cause of onycholysis. First, the nail plate is carefully examined. A piece of the damaged area is then analyzed under a microscope to rule out a fungal infection.

    In addition to a visual examination, a blood test, urine test and, if necessary, examination of other organs with the participation of specialists are carried out.


    It is not easy to cure the process of nail peeling. Therapeutic measures are a complex that is individually selected for each patient. In the presence of diseases of internal organs, treatment is carried out jointly with doctors of another profile.

    Prescribe local and general treatment onycholysis. Antifungal drugs and vitamin complexes are used systemically. Antifungal agents are used for a long time until the new nail plate grows.

    Ointments with antimycotics and keratolytic drugs are prescribed locally.

    Treatment with traditional methods

    Folk remedies for the treatment of detachment of fingernails and toenails are best used in conjunction with classical medicine. This is due to the fact that traditional methods do not eliminate the cause of the process, but only help reduce the symptoms of the disease. The following recipes are popular:

    1. Propolis. Pieces of propolis are warmed up, softened and applied to damaged nails overnight. The procedure is repeated daily for 1-2 months.
    2. Salt baths. A tablespoon of sea salt is dissolved in a liter of warm water, then the damaged fingers are placed in the solution. The bath lasts about 20 minutes. After the procedure, rub a softening ointment or olive oil. The baths are repeated at least 3 times a week for 2 months.
    3. Olive, flaxseed or Castor oil. The oil is rubbed into the damaged nail daily for 2-3 months.


    Preventive measures include using protective equipment when in contact with chemicals, use high-quality varnishes and solvents without adding acetone. Nutrition should be complete and balanced.


    The separation of the nail from the nail bed is most often accompanied by discomfort in the leg during movement. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the defect.

    Onychomadesis is a disease of the nail plate, during which a change in the structure of the nail occurs, followed by its detachment. With timely treatment, the progression of the disease can be stopped.

    Onychomadesis can appear on several fingers; most often this type of problem appears on the lower extremities.

    The nail plate at the site of the lesion changes its color and gradually becomes yellow, and subsequently dark shade. Lack of treatment contributes to poor circulation, which can result in the nail peeling off completely.

    Symptoms of onychomadesis

    The disease can proceed without pain, the most common symptoms that occur are:

    Depending on the reasons contributing to the formation of the disease, pain symptoms may appear, which intensify upon contact with the affected area. In complex stages of the disease, purulent discharge and redness of the skin around the nails may be observed.

    Causes of nail separation

    Detachment of the nail plate can occur for infectious and non-infectious reasons.

    Non-infectious factors

    Detachment of the nail plate, resulting from non-infectious factors affecting the extremities, appears for various reasons.

    They are as follows:

    Often, destruction of the nail plate occurs as a result of bruises and mechanical impacts on the fingers and toes.

    Infectious causes

    Onychomadesis can occur as a result of an infectious lesion of the extremities, the causes being fungal infections.

    Infectious factors include:

    • nail candidiasis;
    • athlete's foot;
    • ringworm (may appear on the nails in the form of spots and lumps);
    • felon.

    One of the most common reasons, which causes detachment of the plate, is a fungus that affects the limbs and spreads to healthy areas.

    Classification of nail separation depending on the reasons

    Onychomadesis is divided into the following groups depending on the reasons that caused the problem:

    Type of disease Causes
    TraumaticOccurs as a result of mechanical impact on the limb (impacts, chemical damage). May appear on the upper and lower extremities.
    SystemOccurs as a result of diseases of internal organs and hormonal imbalances in organism. After eliminating the disease of internal organs, it tends to disappear on its own.
    BacterialManifests itself as a result of infectious causes. Requires urgent treatment and can affect healthy nails.
    DermatologicalThe causes are diseases skin(lichen, eczema, psoriasis).

    Depending on the reason that caused the nail to separate from the nail bed on the toes, complications may occur that lead to complete loss of the nail.

    Stages of onychomadesis

    The disease can occur in several forms: it is partial and complete damage to the nail plate.

    Also, onychomadesis can manifest itself in various stages:

    1. Development of the disease– minor symptoms of the disease appear. Most often in the form of small light spots on the nail plate. The disease is quickly treatable and does not cause discomfort for the patient.
    2. Stable flow– onychomadesis is manifested by symptoms such as brittleness and damage to the nails. Symptoms do not increase; when using medications, the necessary therapeutic result is absent.
    3. Subsidence of the disease– manifests itself with minor symptoms that disappear on their own or after using medications.
    4. Regressive stage, which tends to reduce the intensity of symptoms, but after a short time manifests itself with renewed vigor. Most often it manifests itself in diseases of internal organs.
    5. Recovery– the symptoms of the disease reduce in intensity, the nail acquires a healthy appearance.

    A specialist will be able to correctly determine the stage of development of onychomadesis after conducting the necessary type of diagnosis.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    To determine the stage of the disease, the following types of diagnostics are performed:

    The nail has moved away from the nail bed on the foot without visible prerequisites and requires the appointment of the correct treatment, for this purpose a test is carried out general analyzes to identify possible reasons appearance of the disease.

    Treatment regimen for onychomadesis

    Treatment of the disease requires an integrated approach to eliminating the problem.

    For cases where the nail has moved away from the nail bed on the foot, the following treatment regimen is used:

    • physiotherapy – strengthens the nail plate and prevents further development of the disease (diathermy, iontophoresis);
    • vitamin therapy – helps strengthen the body;
    • limb massage – helps increase blood flow to activate the regeneration process of damaged areas;
    • the use of medications to eliminate fungal infections and strengthen blood vessels.

    Medicines for internal use

    Often, when sick, patients are prescribed medications for internal use. The use of medications is used if the disease is caused by fungal infections and damage to internal organs. The duration of treatment is determined for each patient individually.

    Medicines can cause side symptoms, so you should consult your doctor before starting therapy.

    Local remedies

    The nail has moved away from the nail bed on the foot - a complex disease, so it is necessary to use local drugs for complex treatment. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to high level penetration into the nail plate and elimination of infection. Also, products for external use strengthen nails and reduce their fragility.

    The following means can be used:

    1. Lamisil– cream for external application. Prescribed to eliminate fungi, the cream prevents nail detachment and eliminates the inflammatory process. It is prescribed twice a day until the symptoms of the disease subside. To achieve results, it must be used in complex treatment.
    2. Lotseril– the drug in the form of a varnish is used to protect the damaged area from external factors. The varnish contains components that eliminate infection and nourish the nail. Used once every 5-6 days.
    3. Ichthyol ointment– has an antimicrobial effect, reduces inflammation. Must be used once a day under a gauze bandage.
    4. Onychoplast– prescribed for partial damage, the action of the patch is aimed at softening the nail layer and removing the damaged area. It is recommended to use once every few days.

    The use of local remedies to treat the disease reduces unpleasant symptoms and speeds up the healing process.

    Removing the nail plate

    For cases where the nail has moved away from the nail bed and complex therapy is not effective, complete or partial removal of the plate on the toe is prescribed.

    The procedure can be carried out using the following methods:

    • Surgical removal– local anesthesia is performed, after which a specialist uses special forceps to remove the damaged area. After the procedure, an appointment is made recovery period for several months.
    • Use of phenol- apply to the affected area special remedy, which leads to the gradual elimination of the plate.
    • Application of radio waves— the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. The damaged area is removed with special forceps, after which the affected area is treated with radio waves to prevent relapses.
    • Using a laser— removal is carried out using a laser knife. The procedure does not cause unpleasant symptoms and prevents the problem from recurring.

    The method is selected for each patient individually depending on the complexity of the problem.

    Traditional methods

    The nail has moved away from the nail plate on the foot - a problem that can be eliminated with the help of traditional methods of treatment. The action of the methods is to eliminate pathogenic microflora from the affected area and block the further development of nail detachment.

    With the help of special recipes, it has a strengthening effect on nails and improves blood circulation.

    When using methods traditional medicine It is necessary to first conduct a test for the individual reaction of the body to the constituent components. Treatment traditional methods carried out only after consultation with your doctor.


    The product must be applied as a gauze compress to the damaged area and secured with a bandage.

    Propolis (alcohol tincture) restores damaged tissue and eliminates fungal infection. The compress is applied at night, the duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear.

    Tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil contains components that have antiseptic properties and are effectively used to treat fungal infections. Before use, the damaged area is steamed in water, after which a small amount of oil is applied, fixed with a bandage or bandage, and left overnight.

    Aloe lotions

    The plant has anti-inflammatory properties; aloe contains vitamin E, which restores damaged areas. The plant leaf is cleaned, crushed and mixed in equal quantities with water. The resulting composition is applied to a piece of gauze and applied to the nail. The procedure is carried out before bedtime.

    Herbal baths

    Herbs in equal proportions (celandine, chamomile, sage, string), are poured with hot water and left for several hours. Place your feet in the resulting infusion and keep for at least 20 minutes. Duration of treatment is up to 2 months.

    The disease, during which the nail moves away from the nail bed on the extremities of the legs, is most often accompanied by complex consequences.

    Especially in the absence of proper treatment. To prevent such problems, it is necessary to properly monitor foot hygiene and promptly eliminate all diseases of the internal organs. You need to be careful when choosing comfortable shoes, and in cases of limb injury, promptly seek medical help.

    Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

    Video about a detached nail

    What is onycholysis, causes, symptoms and treatment:

    It's no secret that skin, nails and hair are indicators of human health. If the nail comes off and the finger sweats, treatment is required immediately. The sooner the diagnosis is made and a number of measures are taken, the easier it is to cope with the problem.

    Anyone can encounter this problem - both a lady who regularly takes care of herself and a simple worker who spends most of his time in rubber boots. Statistics show that almost every person has had nail problems at least once in their life. For some, this is a one-time problem, while others suffer from it constantly.

    Reasons for the nail to separate from the finger

    Variants of the disease

    The separation of the nail from the finger has a medical name. A single term combines three subgroups of problems:

    • Caylonhinia. Cases when detachment occurs not from the edge, but in the middle of the nail. An air or blood bubble forms between the skin and the nail plate.
    • . Situations in which detachments also occur in the middle of the nail, perpendicular to the nail bed.
    • Onychomadesis. Detachments occur at the base of the nail plate. Often accompanied by inflammation and severe pain.


    Even at first glance, minor changes in the color or shape of the nail should not leave you indifferent. Untimely or incorrect treatment can lead to complete and irreversible loss of the nail. It is not uncommon for the nail to completely come off the finger. The average period is from 3 months to a year. In the absence of preventive and therapeutic measures, new nail may not grow in the place of the old one.

    Treatment is divided into several stages. Only compliance with measures and careful monitoring of the results can lead to complete recovery.

    Stage 1. Diagnosis and treatment course

    First of all, you need to contact a professional. A dermatologist-cosmetologist will help solve the problem. You can contact a private medical center or a skin and venereal disease clinic. It is important to choose a reputable, experienced doctor. He will conduct an examination, prescribe tests and, based on the data obtained, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Stage 2. Hygiene, lifestyle

    If a disease is detected, it is necessary to immediately sanitize shoes or gloves. Replace tight shoes with more spacious ones made from natural materials. Eliminate allergens from your diet. If allergic reaction appeared on household chemicals, then it must be replaced with a more gentle one and its contact with the skin must be prevented. When cleaning, use rubber gloves. When it comes to skin care products, give preference to pharmacy products recommended for people with dermatitis and eczema.

    Stage 3. Medication

    It should be remembered that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to observe the timing of use and dosage. Medicines are divided into oral and external. Reception can last from one month to a year. Some specialists prescribe entire treatment regimens. Experts prescribe antimycotic drugs. These may be: terbinafil, intraconazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole or griseofulvin. Fungal diseases may require antibiotics. Additionally, sorbents are used.

    4. Stage. Folk remedies

    This stage can be combined with medication. You should not prescribe even the most harmless procedures yourself. When the nail moves away from the finger, baths made from a solution of sea salt, potassium permanganate or a decoction of herbs have a beneficial effect. It is recommended to wipe the affected area of ​​skin and nails with sea buckthorn oil.

    5. Stage. Nutrition

    It is recommended to stop taking antibiotics. Introduce fish and foods rich in B vitamins into your diet. Consuming gelatin will help restore your nails. You can make jelly or aspic. The vitamin-mineral complex used should include components such as zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium.

    It is better to overcome any illness at the initial stage. If the nail has moved away from the finger and the treatment was carried out correctly and in a timely manner, after some time it will be possible to grow a healthy nail plate. And paying attention to yourself and prevention will help you avoid problems in the future!

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