• Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose. Original congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose


    On this happiest and brightest day of your life, on your wedding anniversary, I want to wish you inexhaustible faith in each other! Let all everyday and material problems not get in your way! May your home always be filled with only mutual understanding, unquenchable love and boundless happiness! Let your love become even stronger, more reliable and stronger every day! I wish you that your hearts always beat in the same rhythm so that each of you always knows about the experiences and feelings of the other! I wish you to support and love each other, despite any vicissitudes of fate! You are made for each other! Happiness to you and sincere love! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! The moment you united two lives into one, two of the most beautiful roses, and in the sky two stars began to shine brighter. And even though roses have not only fragrant buds, but also sharp thorns, and the stars are sometimes so far away, you walk through life together, guided by a great feeling of all-conquering, selfless love. So may there always be a high and clear starry sky above you, and may beautiful and fragrant flowers bloom for you in the gardens every spring! Cherish each other! Take care of love, and it will protect you, it will drive away all the clouds from the family horizon! Happiness and love to you! Our precious anniversaries! In an age of particularly precarious family boats, you manage to resolutely overcome all obstacles and other nonsense that undermines the life of two people together. loving people who once started a family. Let the secret of the strength of your relationship be inherited and lead to the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty. Let wedding anniversaries become the most beloved and frequent holidays where people know how to love and teach fidelity by their own example. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you health and prosperity! Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. You are so elegant and happy today - just like on your wedding day. And your eyes also shine with love, and your hearts beat in unison. Over the years you have lived together, you have become an ideal couple, beautiful and harmonious. And managed to create real family, in which your wonderful children are growing up. Be happy, may heaven protect your union. Let love and tenderness fill your home with joy, warmth and comfort. We wish you mutual understanding, may your home be a full cup, may there always be good weather and the sound of children's laughter. Advice and love to you. Bitterly! Dear comrades, former newlyweds, and now celebrants of the day! On this festive day for you and exciting for us, allow me to congratulate your family on your next wedding anniversary, wish your family happy days, a bright future and further prosperity. But most importantly: let this speech be the last official text in your life! Let it be filled with lyrics: the iridescent singing of birds, the most delicate smell of flowers, a light breeze and other attributes that are pleasant for you and useful for the family. And may this joyful stream never dry up! Our dear anniversaries!
    We congratulate you on your next wedding anniversary. Every anniversary is a big holiday, because on this day your family was born. On this day, the union of your hearts was solemnly sealed with signatures. We know you as a happy married couple who lived a long life in love and harmony, as wonderful, rich in heart and soul, amazing people. Despite all the hardships that you had to endure in this life, you persevered, retained love, youth and loyalty to each other, and raised beautiful children! Today all the words, all the wishes are only for you - yourself best couple in the world! We wish you more long years remain the same cheerful optimists! Let your home always be warm from smiles and kind words. Health, prosperity, happiness, and, of course, love! Today is your family's anniversary. Looking at your joyful faces, you are once again convinced that happiness exists and happy marriages– this is not a phantom, but an exceptional reality. Exceptional because there is simply no other family like this and there cannot be. You have become so comfortable with each other that sometimes it seems that it cannot be otherwise.
    The words “we”, “together” in relation to you are given a special meaning. Your union is an indivisible whole that cannot be shaken or split. Perhaps your family well-being has a recipe that only you know. Or maybe it’s all about boundless love and willingness to accept and understand your loved one as anyone, faith in him.
    I would like to wish you new wedding anniversaries, health and well-being. A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Look today wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! Let mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family! On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and the fact that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one whole, to understand each other perfectly and to support each other in everything! A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, your wedding day, the birthday of your first child - you never know memorable dates happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong ! Dear (names)! As it says folk wisdom: “Living life is not a field to cross”! Over the years of living together, you have already become convinced that she was right, because you had to experience not only joyful events, but also difficult moments. Your noisy and fun wedding left far behind, like carefree youth, growing children require a lot of attention and cause a lot of trouble, everyday life becomes boring with its monotony - and it seems that life consists entirely of worries and anxieties... Your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember the many wonderful moments that happened to you. Remember your dates, your wedding, remember the time when you were expecting your first child, and the day he was born - you never know there were many wonderful moments. Let these memories help you understand that your life consists not only of gray everyday life, but also regularly delights you with happy events. Appreciate what you have and always be happy! On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life. We wish to always support each other in everything, to overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals, and to share all everyday chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

    Congratulations on your chintz date! Let your family be at ease with all the thresholds of life! Let love burn without fading, and let joy, happiness and smiles be eternal companions!

    This year, for sure, was as colorful in emotions as bright chintz. But you managed to save thin fabric relationship intact and unharmed. Let everything continue like this. Love, appreciate, respect and take care of each other. Patience, health and prosperity to your home!

    Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary - calico. This day can be called the first small anniversary. I wish you to leave all the vicissitudes, character adjustments, disagreements in the past year, and until diamond wedding live in peace and harmony!

    We have been by your side throughout the first year, dears! The calico date is proof that you managed to lay the foundation for a house that will have at least 50 floors. Each floor is another year of your happy life. Love and inspire each other! Let your home be beautiful and filled with love and happiness!

    Many people close to you have gathered today to congratulate you on your, albeit small, but already full-fledged 1st year of your wedding! We congratulate you on the calico holiday! We wish you to love each other with the same pure love as on your wedding day. We wish you to hold each other in the same way as you held hands on the first date. We wish you to be as happy as you were throughout the first year after your wedding! All the best to you!

    Ah, this chintz wedding! Let every year, hour after hour, moment after moment, your union acquire more and more profound value and significance. Happiness, goodness, prosperity, a bright future for your home at any time. Always love, always take care of and, of course, respect each other immensely.

    On this happiest and brightest day of your life, I would like to wish inexhaustible love and faith to each other! Let no problems stand in your way - the path that was formed thanks to the connection of your hearts! Let your love become more reliable and stronger every day!

    Exactly 12 months ago, you made a vow to each other to always be there, and this time flew by unnoticed. So let your remaining living together will have a long, happy and sweet life! Take care of your love and passion!

    WITH calico anniversary! The year flew by like one day. It’s as if yesterday we celebrated the most beautiful and grand wedding, and today you are already real, strong, Friendly family. May sensitivity, trust, understanding, and care for each other remain with you forever. Let little feet trample in your house soon! Remain as loving as you are, keep this look and tenderness throughout your long and bright life! And still the same... Bitter!

    Today, with all our hearts, we hasten to congratulate you on your gauze date. The 1st year is called this because the family is still young and has not had time to go through a long period of life together. But with every step married life getting stronger. Today I wish you the wisdom to not notice each other’s mistakes and, even after a huge period of time, still treat each other with the same reverence and tenderness. Happy holiday, dears!

    I sincerely congratulate you on overcoming the first milestone of family life! May your life be full of love and happiness, may there be joy and comfort in your home, may luck and luck be inevitable on your journey together.

    So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is wonderful! Congratulations on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world that we love so much! Happy anniversary of the creation of this world!

    Let me congratulate you on your 1 year wedding anniversary in prose. There is nothing more romantic and wonderful than celebrating your 1st family anniversary! I sincerely congratulate you on your calico celebration. And I wish you that love will live in your hearts forever! So that a spark of happiness always shines in your eyes, and complete harmony and mutual understanding reign in the house! May your marriage only grow stronger and get better and better every year. Be happy until your golden wedding!

    We hope that our selection will allow you to prepare for the celebration and inspire you to write congratulations on your birthday. chintz wedding in your own words!

    A wedding anniversary is, as a rule, a holiday celebrated in a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

    In such a warm atmosphere, reading other people's poems printed on postcards looks strange and not always appropriate.

    Much It’s better to congratulate loved ones in your own words, sincere and from the heart, without pathos and pathos. Not necessarily in poetry, especially if you don’t have such a gift. Prose is no worse, the main thing is that the words come from the heart and are sincere.

    For those who are not used to expressing their thoughts beautifully, we offer several options for congratulations on their wedding anniversary, compiled with love.

    1 year from the wedding date

    It seems like your wedding was just yesterday. But it turns out that a year has already passed. The whole 365 days you spent together have flown by, and it is very joyful to see that today you look as happy and in love as on your wedding day. They say the first year of marriage is the most difficult. You have survived this year safely, and I wish you that all subsequent years of your family’s life will pass just as happily, easily, and unnoticed. So that after 10, and after 20, and after 50 years, you still look at each other in love, give each other warmth, joy and, of course, love. Happy holiday!

    3 years of family life

    Psychologists say that 3 years after the wedding, the first crisis in marriage occurs. The spouses, they say, begin to quarrel, their reckless love passes, the rose-colored glasses fall off, and the husband or wife no longer seems so ideal. I’m not a psychologist, but I know for sure that if people have lived happily for three years, they are connected by something more than just love. And if quarrels break out between them, they always lead to improved mutual understanding. I would like to wish you daily spiritual closeness, warmth and, of course, love. And let any crises only benefit your family!

    Five Year Anniversary

    Five years have passed unnoticed since your wedding day. And, congratulating you on this event, I would like to congratulate you on successful completion“five-year plan”, the plan for which you fulfilled and even exceeded! You have increased your family by one/two people, acquired a vehicle and, most importantly, living space! And it is clear that, having gone through such serious stages of growing up your family, you are still in love and happy. We can say that the first five years of your marriage were more than successful. I would like to wish that all subsequent five-year plans will be exceptionally happy, successful, profitable, and that planned indicators will be met and exceeded! Happy holiday!

    Ten Year Anniversary

    Ten years is a whole life. Whole life your family. Nowadays, saving a family is not easy. Every day people disperse, every day new temptations appear, and sometimes it seems that family values completely disappeared. But your family, so happy and so friendly, proves that this is not so, that truly loving and close people can preserve their little world despite all the difficulties. I would like to wish you, dear (names), that your family will continue to live in love, joy and happiness. So that your children are healthy and successful. May you all feel safe and at peace when you are around each other.

    20 or more years from the wedding date

    Every person on earth has his own star under which he was born. Likewise, a family has such a star that guides it through life, brings joy and sorrow. Today is the anniversary of your life together, and it is clear to anyone present here that your family was born under a lucky star. She protected your union, led it through the storms and hardships of family life, gave strength and hope, and helped to find mutual understanding. Your guiding star has made sure that love remains the main thing in your life. So that your children grow up in your love. So that they, who grew up in warmth, care and love, go out into the world and make it a little brighter and happier. I sincerely wish you that the lucky star of your family will continue to protect you, keep the warmth and love that has lived between you all these years.

    Universal congratulations

    Dear (names)! We congratulate you on the anniversary of your life together and want to wish that you continue to masterfully overcome any problems and adversity. So that they can continue to share both difficulties and joys. So that you continue to be faithful to each other and to the promises that you made many years ago on your wedding day. Be happy every day! Be family and friends, and Hard time remember that only this is the main thing in life, everything else is secondary and passing. Love each other, take care of each other, enjoy each other and every day spent together!

    Every wedding anniversary is a testament to your wise people and truly love each other. Every year we wish you happiness, prosperity, patience and joy. But today I have a different wish. Today I would like to wish that, growing into each other and becoming one, you still remain yourself, remain full-fledged individuals. I would like to wish that you have every day interesting topics for conversations. To old age you remained interesting to each other - in every sense imaginable. And so that this interest again and again kindles love between you. Happy holiday!

    On this holiday, I would like to remind you, dear (names), how many years ago you intertwined your destinies into one and began counting down a new one - the fate of your family. As in any fate, in the fate of your family there was joy and sadness, there were ups and downs, there were quarrels and reconciliations. However, the fact that we are now sitting at festive table, indicates that your family’s fate is happy. And that you are happy people. After all, you managed to preserve your union, your love, and in our time not everyone succeeds. On your family's birthday, I wish you prosperity - financial and human. Let your dreams come true and your plans come true without any problems. Be healthy and happy!

    Your wedding anniversary is a great occasion to remember the best moments of your life together. Probably, in the everyday flow of days, joyful and bright events are forgotten and begin to be taken for granted. However, it is these moments that form the basis of your happiness, your family life. Today is the time to remember your first date, first kiss, wedding day, children's birthdays. Remember your travels together and your most significant acquisitions. In general, collect in your memory all the best things that you have had over the years, and be happy for yourself! Imagine how many bright and joyful events still await you ahead! I want to wish you to appreciate these moments, appreciate your happiness, and in difficult and dark moments understand that life does not consist only of difficulties and harsh everyday life. Years later, only the best is remembered. Let this best come to your family and stay there forever! Happy holiday!

    1 year - chintz wedding

    A year ago, “I” and “you” ceased to exist for you, and a solid “we” was born. And although your family is still young, it is already bound by strong bonds of love and happiness. Be happy, live in love, harmony and mutual understanding! Always remain as loving and true friend friend!

    2 years - paper wedding

    Today you are celebrating two years of family life - a paper wedding. If your love were not real, then the marriage would fall apart as easily as paper would tear. But you managed to maintain your love and respect for each other in the most difficult - the first years of your life together! Congratulations on your paper wedding and we wish to remain faithful and devoted to each other until the golden wedding!

    3 years - leather wedding

    With the clink of these glasses I want to congratulate our dear newlyweds on their anniversary; today we celebrate with pleasure leather wedding! I think that in the three years of their life together they got to know each other very well, they managed to quarrel and make up a thousand times, but as they say: “Dear ones quarrel - they only amuse themselves.” So let's wish these wonderful spouses to live another year in peace and joy, so that success and good luck will be frequent guests in their home!

    4 years - linen wedding

    You've been together for four years now. This anniversary is popularly called linen, by analogy with such a pure, light and light material as flax. May your married life be the same! Love, happiness, wisdom and quiet family happiness!

    5 years - wooden wedding

    Five years of marriage is wooden wedding. I think that over the years you have managed to break the wood, but only so that the fire of love, kindled by you, burns as brightly as it did five years ago. Let's drink to this fire of loving hearts, and let the ash of five years ago fertilize the earth to grow a beautiful rose on it for the next anniversary!

    6 years - cast iron wedding

    Six years ago you joined each other in marriage. This path was not easy, but you were able to overcome all the obstacles encountered along it, without losing love and loyalty in the nooks and crannies of everyday life. Holding hands, you met joy and sadness together. You were able to preserve in your hearts a tender and reverent attitude towards each other. You were support and support for each other and never forgot that you are family! Today we would like to happily wish you to continue moving forward together with the same confidence, may every day bring you joy and may your wishes come true!

    7 years - copper wedding

    Dear (names of spouses)! Today I am very pleased to congratulate you on your seventh wedding anniversary! You are now on the copper stage of the pyramid called " family life", but you can rise higher! During the seven years spent together, you learned a lot: love and tenderness, support and help, mercy and forgiveness. You learned to find compromises in solving many difficult problems, were able to achieve spiritual and physical harmony, and also learned the basics of the most important specialty - being parents! We can say that you are sufficiently prepared for the further journey to the top of the pyramid. And the main thing is that during all this time you have not forgotten how to please each other. nice words, affectionate glances and gentle touches. It remains to wish you to always be as dear to each other as you are now.

    8 years - tin wedding

    Dear spouses, we are very pleased to congratulate you on your anniversary. Today marks your family's 8th anniversary! These years you have worked painstakingly, solving many difficult problems every day. You have passed the strength test. Having experienced many difficulties, troubles, misunderstandings, quarrels and insults, you still did not stop loving and respecting each other, and retained tenderness and awe in your relationship. And despite the fact that your family is quite young, over these 8 years you have been able to prove to the whole world that with each passing year your love only becomes stronger! The birth of a child who grows up smart, obedient and healthy for you has not become a bone of contention, and this once again proves the strength of your family ties. We are proud of you!

    9 years - faience wedding

    What can I say about a faience wedding? The fact that this date is celebrated on the ninth year of marriage and the fact that wonderful ceramic products are made from faience, which are not only beautiful, but also expensive. I want to raise a glass to your family, which over the years has become truly valuable to you, to the subtlety of your feelings, capable of noticing the slightest changes in the mood of your loved one, to the love and respect for each other, which helped to live in peace and harmony all these years! For you!

    10 years - tin wedding

    You probably know about the Italian tradition of throwing away old and useless things. New Year. I invite spouses to adopt this custom, and today, as well as with each subsequent anniversary, to throw out from their hearts all the resentments, quarrels and misunderstandings that have accumulated over the past ten years of marriage. By doing this, you will free up so much space in your hearts, which you will fill with tenderness and love, care and support, trust and fidelity, so that you can live happily for many more summers! For your great, true family happiness!

    11 years - steel wedding

    As the Steel Was Tempered? Fire of love and endurance in the oven of desires! With this anniversary, your family has become so strong that not a single explosion can break it. This is exactly what I want to raise a glass to! Despite the fact that you have lived together for eleven years, you still remain as young, beautiful, and kind. You conquered time, you carried your feelings through it. I am pleased to look into your eyes, sparkling with love and tenderness for each other, and if I didn’t know you, I would say that you just got married! For love that can conquer time!

    12 years - nickel wedding

    Dear spouses, today marks the 12th anniversary of your wedding! Even if this is not an anniversary, I am pleased to note that with every year you live together, you become better and better! Your family has grown another year and acquired new facets and shades. Worldly wisdom and endless tenderness have increased in your relationship. With all my heart I wish you another year to go through life, holding hands, loving and protecting each other. So that none of you falls into the pit of anxiety and resentment - hold each other tight! Live and enjoy life together!

    13 years - lace (lily of the valley) wedding

    In the turmoil of days, we stop believing in miracles, but in vain, because this does not make miracles smaller, we just stop noticing them. Lace is a miracle created by human hands. But in itself it can perform miracles: it creates comfort in the house, warms the soul, brings joy and good mood when looking at him. Today we have gathered here to celebrate another miracle - the lace wedding anniversary of this family, who have lived together for thirteen years. This miracle, dear newlyweds, you also made with your own hands, tenderly and lovingly you wove the lace of your happiness, so airy and shining with the rays of true love! We wish you to always see miracles, sometimes even in everyday things!

    14 years - agate wedding

    14 years ago you got married, becoming one. Your family has become even stronger, playing with edges the most beautiful stone- agatha. So let your home continue to be filled with comfort and warmth, and let your feelings flare up with renewed vigor every day. Happiness, mutual understanding and love! Live in peace and harmony for many, many years!

    15 years - glass (crystal) wedding

    You gave yourself to each other without reserve, learned to understand each other from half a glance and half a word, from gestures and intonation of voice. Undoubtedly, this is the most wonderful period in marriage, when husband and wife became one team, and did not forget how to “love”? You have passed the test of strength! And with the clink of crystal glasses we once again wish you happiness!

    20 years - porcelain wedding

    Fragile porcelain is a symbol of your wedding anniversary, but your feelings that you have carried through 20 years are unshakable. You have not lost your tenderness and devotion to each other, continue to keep your love, protect it from quarrels and unnecessary insults. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you good luck, health and prosperity!

    25 years - silver wedding

    Today your wedding is crowned with silver. You have a wonderful anniversary - 25 years of marriage, filled with a variety of moments! You grieved together, shared each other's joy together. You have become one, so may your love and tenderness continue to fill your home with joy, warmth and comfort. Let there always be good weather and the sound of children's laughter.

    30 years - pearl wedding

    For 30 years you have nurtured your family's pearl necklace in your souls. And now it has sparkled with all its facets, sparkling from your smiles and the sparkle of your happy eyes. Your union is an indivisible whole that can no longer be split. Perhaps you know the secret of family happiness. Or maybe it’s just all about boundless love and willingness to accept and understand your loved one for who he really is. I wish you happiness and good luck in everything!

    35 years - coral wedding

    Today we want to congratulate you on your anniversary - coral wedding. You have been together for thirty-five years! Your marriage can be compared to a well-aged wine; it is strong, and at the same time has a wonderful taste and wonderful rich color. We sincerely congratulate you on this date and look forward to an invitation to your velvet wedding!

    Remember that it is very pleasant to receive congratulations on your wedding anniversary, no matter what wedding anniversary the spouses celebrate: calico or gold!


      Happy wedding anniversary! We wish that with each subsequent year, life together becomes even better and more beautiful. Let your common desires and dreams certainly come true. Live easily, beautifully, soulfully and peacefully. Happiness to your home and great love in your eyes!

      Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and I sincerely wish that no matter what happens, no matter what the weather is outside the window, no matter what people are nearby, you will always stand as a wall for each other, warming with your love, inspiring with tenderness, inspiring with faith and hope. Happiness to your family and prosperity to your home.

      You go through life together, side by side, hand in hand - this is such a great happiness that sometimes is not noticed or appreciated behind everyday worries and family worries! I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish you to appreciate your “WE” and that your marriage will be happy and last for many years! I wish you great patience, angelic humility, warm friendliness, readiness to always come to the rescue, provide support and, of course, strong, endless, unquenchable, tender and devoted love! Be happy every minute you are together!

      I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and want to wish prosperity and prosperity for your family, peace and happiness to your home. Love each other, protect, appreciate and confidently move towards your dreams together.

      I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. I wish you wonderful and bright moments in life, good stories and incredible miracles. May your love never fade away, may there always be happiness in your family.

      I wish that today will be as exciting for you as it was when you tied your lives with these strong ties. Let your love only grow stronger every year, so that there is no end to tenderness, passion, respect and harmony. Always remain young, reckless and in love, always look in the same direction in life. And let no sorrows and sorrows break your family core. Happy Wedding Anniversary to such beautiful young people!

      Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May your life always be happy and beautiful, may your home be cozy and warm, may your love remain sincere and strong, and may your family be friendly and cheerful.

      Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and I want to wish you to believe in each other and appreciate every day that gave you happiness, and may there be many, many such days. I wish you family comfort and prosperity, marital fidelity and love, constant harmony and mutual understanding in your relationships.

      Happy Anniversary. So that feelings become brighter and hotter every day. So that health, luck and success do not leave your home. Love each other and give joy.

      Congratulations to two lovebirds who one day on this happy day legalized their relationship and entered into legal marriage. I wish that your love always remains as hot and passionate. I wish that a mood of tenderness, the aroma of love, an aura of mutual understanding and the warmth of prosperity and comfort will always reign in your family nest.

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