• Rubellite - the magical properties of the stone. Rubellite stone (red tourmaline) - appearance, history, properties


    Tourmaline Pink colour- one of the varieties of tourmaline. Its other names are rubellite, elbaite, crimson scorl. Its closest relatives include verdelites - green stones, indigolites - blue, scherls - black and achroites - colorless crystals.

    History and origin

    Tourmalines are a large family of gems, different in color, but with similar properties.

    By nature, these are aluminum borosilicates with a very complex formula. The composition of rubellite additionally includes sodium and divalent manganese, which provides reddish-pink shades. Other colors of tourmalines contain iron, lithium, potassium, calcium, chromium, magnesium and fluorine.

    Pink tourmaline gemstone

    Pink tourmaline had an unusual fate. It became known in Europe and Russia around the end of the 14th century, reaching the West in a roundabout way from Asia. They knew about tourmaline in ancient Greece and Rome, but they could not distinguish it from other stones of similar color - rubellite from ruby, verdelite from emerald, indigolite from sapphire. Even many rubies in the personal jewelry and crowns of the kings of the Czech Republic and the kings of Rus', after testing in the 18th–19th centuries, when science had reached a sufficient level, turned out to be tourmalines.

    Among the treasures of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great is a magnificent 255-carat bunch of grapes carved from a red gem.

    The Swedish king Gustav III, who gave her this bunch, claimed that it was made of ruby ​​and in ancient times belonged to Julius Caesar himself. In fact, it is made of rubellite.

    The study of tourmalines as independent stones began in 1704, when the Dutch brought from their colony - the island of Ceylon - pink and bicolor red-green crystals, which were called in Sinhala (one of the Ceylonese languages) - “turmalli”. This literally means “precious stone”.

    For 90 years, the stone was studied by various scientists, and in 1794, the Irishman Richard Kirwan finally established that it was a completely independent mineral. He also described physical properties stone

    Now rubellite belongs to the second order of the first group of precious stones of jewelry value (according to the Fersman-Bauer classification). It is valued on the same level as noble opal, topaz, aquamarine, uvarovite and zircon and is only slightly inferior in price to sapphire, ruby ​​and emerald. A gold piece with a red or pink tourmaline crystal, depending on the weight of the stone and the gold, can cost several thousand dollars.

    Opaque tourmaline is used as an ornamental stone. In Rus', raspberry sherl, like any other pink stone, was called lal or lalik.

    Rubellite stone is used not only in the jewelry industry. It is used in radio engineering and some contact medicinal products alternative medicine, such as health lumbar belts, knee pads and mattresses, as it is believed that these stones are capable of ionizing the air.

    Physicochemical characteristics

    The physicochemical characteristics of this stone are unique. It has a hardness of up to 7.5 Mohs, a fairly high density, but is also brittle. The degree of transparency varies; Rubellite stone can be transparent or opaque.

    Polychrome specimens of tourmaline are quite common.

    Part of the stone is painted green color, part of it is pink. Specimens with a red center and green edges are mined, or vice versa - with a green center and a red-pink perimeter.

    Transparent pink tourmaline has the same properties as its other counterparts:

    • pleochroism - the ability to change color from pink to yellowish depending on the lighting;
    • birefringence - a ray passing through a crystal is split into two;
    • slight dispersion.

    But pink tourmaline, unlike red, does not have luminescence. That is, it does not glow in the dark.

    This gem has the ability to become electrified by friction, heat or pressure, with one end of the crystal accumulating a positive charge and the other a negative one.

    Formulaheight 2 cm
    Formula Na(Li,Al)3Al6[(OH)4|(BO3)3Si6O18]
    TransparencyTransparent to opaque
    Hardness 7-7,5
    KinkUneven, small-shelled; fragile
    Density3.02-3.26 g/cm³

    Mining locations

    Tourmaline deposits are located in different areas globe. The pink variety is mined on the island of Elba (these stones are called elbaites), in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), in Brazil - the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais, in the USA - the state of California. In Russia, it is found in Transbaikalia (Malkhan deposit) and on the Kola Peninsula, in the Voronya tundra area.

    But in our country, deposits of pure pink tourmaline are rare; it is mostly found together with green.

    Rubellite often accompanies rocks zircon, corundum, hematite and spinel.

    Medicinal properties

    The healing and magical properties of tourmaline depend on its color.

    Lithotherapists, together with esotericists, believe that pink tourmaline affects the heart and sacral chakras. Its “area of ​​responsibility” includes the heart, along with the entire cardiovascular system, the terminal part of the intestine, as well as the thoracic, sacral and coccygeal sections of the spine.

    Jewelry with pink tourmaline is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases - hypo- or hypertension, coronary disease, including those who have had a heart attack.

    The precious gem promotes active saturation of the blood with oxygen, which improves the general condition of the body and stimulates thought processes. It is suitable for those who suffer from problems with the musculoskeletal system, pain in the thoracic and sacral spine, for example, with hernias. For this purpose, there are special mattresses and corsets in which tourmaline crystals are arranged in an optimal manner for treatment.

    Rubellite treats diseases of the rectum, such as hemorrhoids, as well as prostatitis in men.

    Emotionally, pink tourmaline has a liberating effect.

    It relieves a person from unnecessary complexes and embarrassment, helps to openly express his feelings, including in the intimate sphere.

    This stone has projective yang energy, that is, it is a specific “male” mineral.

    For representatives of the fair sex, tourmaline will add sexuality and self-confidence, but they should wear it with caution - it can lead natural passion to nymphomania and sexual intemperance.

    This stone “loves” naturally strong natures, emotional and bright, but at the same time strong-willed and self-confident. But it is better for the lazy and weak-willed to avoid it - rubellite will give them a thirst for activity, but will not be able to overcome their natural laziness. As a result, a person can easily develop a neurotic or psychotic illness.

    Magic properties

    The magical properties of pink tourmaline lie in its ability to give inspiration and creative strength to artists, sculptors, musicians and writers - in a word, any creative people.

    At the right moment, it gives them confidence and courage, and also attracts monetary luck, since talent needs to be nourished. At the same time, the stone attracts love, but you need to be careful here, since it casts a love spell by increasing the sexual charisma of its wearer. In some cases this may be unnecessary.

    Zodiac compatibility

    Which zodiac signs is Elbaite suitable for? First of all, they are Libra - strong-willed, quite strong, but sometimes feeling the need to feed their self-esteem from the outside.

    Since pink or red tourmaline, unlike its counterparts, is associated with Fire, the magic of the stone will help the fire signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo, but not Sagittarius, who need indigolite.

    Representatives of Water signs, except Scorpio, should not wear rubellites.

    Zodiac signCompatibility
    a lion+++

    (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

    Compatibility with other stones

    The meaning of the stone in this regard is Fire, but due to some properties it is not compatible with the fire garnet - except for its green subspecies.

    Rubellite goes well with:

    • with ruby;
    • diamond;
    • coral;
    • heliodor;
    • grossular;
    • amber;
    • spinel.

    Its properties will be enhanced by the company of the Air mineral - green demantoid and uvarovite garnets, various quartz - from rock crystal to amethyst, other types of tourmaline, except blue indigolite, as well as peridot and chrysoprase.

    A combination with Earth - any opaque stones, primarily malachite, azurite, chrysocolla, turquoise and jasper - will be neutral, not good, but not bad either.

    It is unacceptable to wear pink tourmaline simultaneously with Water stones, as well as minerals of the “double element” - Water and Earth, Water and Air.

    Among them:

    • emerald;
    • sapphire;
    • alexandrite;
    • indigolite;
    • aventurine;
    • zircon;
    • melanitis.

    Application area

    Pink tourmaline is used in the jewelry industry to make jewelry.

    Earrings, beads, rings, rings are made from it, less often - tiaras and necklaces. The types of cuts are different - from cabochon to diamond. The greatest demand is for specimens weighing 2 carats and above, but only defect-free stones are valued.

    Elbaites are set in white and yellow gold, as well as in silver.

    How to spot a fake

    Tourmalines are often counterfeited by making imitations from glass or less valuable minerals.

    There is a technique of “ennobling” - high-temperature treatment, during which the stone changes color. Thus, pink tourmaline can be obtained from less valuable red-brown.

    If the price tag says “refined,” the price of the stone should be lower. If it says “natural rubellite”, then if annealed it is a fake.

    It is impossible to independently check whether the stone was annealed or not. This is done only in a gemological laboratory. But you can distinguish it from glass or other mineral. Heat the stone with a lighter and hold it close to small pieces of paper or sawdust - if the stone is real, they will move. This occurs due to the phenomenon of pyroelectrification.

    How to wear and care

    For the magical properties of the stone to work, it is worn either in a gold pendant around the neck, or in a gold or silver ring - on the index finger of the right or middle finger of the left hand.

    Due to its fragility, it must be protected from mechanical stress.

    Store in a separate section of the stone box and wash with a mild soap solution.

    From time to time the stone needs to be cleaned of accumulated negative energy and recharge. To do this, first immerse it in water for 2-3 hours, where the silver product will be located at the same time, and then put it in the sunlight to dry.

    Time to buy

    The stone purchased during the 16th lunar day has the greatest power.

    To solve amorous problems, they agree to adventures, take dubious actions, with unpredictable outcomes. To heal a heart wound or find true love, they use the most incredible methods.

    Although, in fact, solving a love problem is much simpler; all you need is patience and a powerful natural amulet.

    History and origin

    The story of the origin of rubellite is very mysterious; its origin goes back centuries. From the description the most known specimens red tourmaline suggests that the gemstone appeared in the form of jewelry a thousand years BC.

    We are talking about a jewel in the shape of a bunch of grapes. This is one of the treasures stored in the Diamond Fund of Russia. Even at the beginning of the last century, experts believed that the product was made of ruby. A little later, academician Fersman A.E. revealed that the skillfully cut crystal belongs to the .

    The “Bunch of Grapes” made of rubellite had to change many owners. This confirms one of the names of the mineral - “Caesar's ruby”. According to legend, one of the first owners of the jewelry was a magician who lived in Babylon. Cleopatra was one of the mistresses of the treasure.

    Many centuries later, the jewelry masterpiece ended up in Russia and was presented to Catherine II by King Gustav VIII of Sweden as a sign of friendship.

    At the end of the 18th century, a geologist from Ireland, Richard Kirwan, discovered and provided a description of a lovely reddish-pink stone. The gem, which was a variety of tourmaline, received the name rubellite in 1794.

    Place of Birth

    The first samples of Ceylon tourmaline came to the Eurasian continent thanks to sailors returning from India. Today, the highest quality rubellite is mined in the mines of Brazil. There are deposits on the territory of the Czech Republic, and it is not for nothing that the crown of kings was decorated with a mineral that protected the crown from impostors.

    Mining of rubellite in Russia is carried out in the Urals and Transbaikalia. On the African continent, Mozambique and Namibia, as well as the Republic of Madagascar, have rich reserves of tourmaline. In the States - California, Massachusetts, in Europe - Germany, Italy have precious resources.

    Physical properties

    The “reddish” gem is formed in pegmatites; in the rock it is “adjacent” to other varieties of tourmaline. Represents solid, with glassy luster, below average density. The form of the discharge is a collection of needle-columnar crystals in radiate drusen.

    Density2.90 - 3.26 g/cm³
    TransparencyTransparent or translucent.
    ColorPurple, pink, red, dark red.


    “Crystals have many facets, shine, inclusions, transparency. And the inquisitive color and the ambiguity of forms excite the mind” [V. Sletov]

    Due to its high manganese content, rubellite has “sensual”, exciting, enchanting shades of red. The famous Soviet mineralogist A.E. Fersman wrote: “raspberry-red and cherry-red tourmaline have always been most valued.”

    Varieties and colors of rubellite:

    • apirite is a blood-red tourmaline;
    • Siberite is a variety of red-violet, lilac-red color;
    • Daurite is a mineral of thick crimson, berry color;
    • Crimson Schorl is a ruby ​​red crystal.

    If we continue the list of names and shades, then “red tourmaline” is also a synonym for the gem. More recently, before the discovery of Academician Fersman, rubellite was confused with and pink.

    Healing properties

    Tourmaline has a medicinal effect both on a specific area of ​​the body and also affects the general condition of the body. The healing stone helps to cope even with complex diseases. Raspberry schorl helps heal cancer. The miraculous mineral improves:

    • state of the nervous system;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
    • darker shades of rubellite help cope with nervous and mental disorders;
    • the crystal can have a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
    • improve blood composition and circulation;
    • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
    • rubellites of bright red shades improve the functioning of the genitourinary system;
    • has a positive effect on complexion and general skin condition;
    • strengthens male power.

    It is known that the shade of the gem determines which organ will be more or less affected. If the stone looks pinkish in color, it means that help will be aimed at recovering from stress and getting rid of depression.

    The sedative effect will make it possible to rest peacefully at night without disturbing dreams. Having decorated yourself with raspberry schorl, using healing stone, emotional condition comes under control.

    Magic properties

    The planet Venus is the patroness of magnificent rubellite. Thanks to the magical charms that the mineral is endowed with, it has the fate of an amulet that preserves love. Energy force gem helps a person get rid of problems in his personal life, obvious and carefully veiled in the mind.

    The magic stone rubellite frees you from fears and anxieties that block you and prevent you from opening up and moving towards your happiness. A talisman with a gem will strengthen existing feelings or revive those that are in danger of breaking up.

    With the help of the amulet, it will be possible to restore the broken trust between lovers, and it will also be possible to avoid the interference of the “third wheel” in a successful relationship.

    The magic of the stone will warm cooling feelings, adding tenderness and romanticism, making them glow. Those who have failed in love, with the help of the amulet, will easily survive disappointment and again revive hope, faith in love and in a happy personal life.

    The stone will help you believe in yourself, provoke in a person the desire to breathe life to the fullest, to discover a new person in yourself, unknown to yourself and others.

    In addition to the ability to help in matters of the heart, the vibrations of the stone organize all his powers in a person and direct him to solving personal problems, help identify complexes and get rid of them.

    Often, unrealized energy pushes a person to action, but, unfortunately, not everyone can correctly decipher this impulse. A precious amulet will tell you the right direction where you should move in order to reveal your talent and correctly distribute your potential.

    Jewelry with mineral

    Jewelry with a bright crimson crystal gained immense popularity during the reign of the kings.

    Jewelry with stones complemented the outfits of crowned heads throughout Europe and Asia. IN modern world The gem is valued among jewelers. Most often it is subjected to the following types of cutting:

    • pear-shaped cut, also called “drop”, the most common type of processing of raspberry schorl;
    • a cut with four rounded corners and wide edges is called “cushion”;
    • manual openwork carving is applied to stones that are not cut;
    • crystals having an uneven shade, inclusions or a large number of microcracks are used for beads and cabochons.

    It is known that collectors buy exclusive items at auctions. Unique samples with rubellite cost tens of thousands of dollars.

    • A Tiffany&Co ring with a 10-carat stone sold for $2,200;
    • Earrings, the total weight of crystals reached 56.97 carats, cost $5,000;
    • “IVY New York” earrings, total weight of gemstones was 21.37 carats, sold for $6,500;
    • “Michelle Ong for Carnet” necklace with a huge stone, framed and purchased for $7,200.

    Jewelry stores offer to buy faceted rubellites. The gem is mainly used for single products, since it is not easy to select identical samples for paired jewelry. The price of a gem is quite high, for example, an oval-cut rubellite, weighing 8.60 carats, costs $3,780.

    How to distinguish a fake?

    Excitement about the upcoming purchase of a precious stone may be caused by anxiety so as not to be deceived and buy real rubellite. Some features of the mineral will help distinguish a real crystal from a fake.

    • The hard natural mineral cannot be scratched. If you press on the surface of a red gem with a sharp object, there will be no traces of scratches left on it;
    • tourmaline translates as “attracting ashes.” If a stone is heated and a small piece of paper is brought to it, the mineral will begin to attract it;
    • rubellite, like any other natural stone, has foreign inclusions and microcracks. If a sample of impeccable purity is offered for sale, has absolutely no defects and is completely uniform in color, most likely the “jewel” is an imitation;
    • Only experts can distinguish high-quality rubellite analogues.

    To avoid falling prey to scammers, you should not buy products at reduced prices or enter into dubious deals.

    Caring for stone products

    It is not easy to break a solid mineral, but its structure can be disrupted if you accidentally hit or drop it. The structure of the crystal is also damaged if exposed to direct sunlight or chemicals. It is not recommended to dry jewelry near heating devices or with a heated air stream, for example, using a hair dryer.

    It is better to remove dirt from jewelry with soap suds and rinse plain water. Dry at room temperature or wipe with a soft cloth. It is recommended to store it in a separate case, soft on the inside, or put it in a velvet case, and then into a jewelry box.

    Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

    “And the comfort of my home is filled with the fact that they live in it - my friends, beautiful stones, gifts of Nature and a source of inspiration” [V. Sletov]

    The astrological properties of red tourmaline perform a protective function for some representatives of the zodiac circle.

    (“++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated):

    Zodiac signCompatibility
    a lion++
    • The zodiac sign Libra is considered the “favorite” of rubellite, its energy is aimed at protecting the owner, his family and home.
    • Taurus is protected by Venus, which means they can use a crystal to help them, which protects representatives of the sign from disappointment in love and strengthens relationships.
    • Leos need the support of the energy of the stone. Their habit of generously giving not only gifts, but also love leads to the fact that they are unable to replenish their own energy supply.
    • Aries, trying to keep up with the hectic rhythm of modern life, howls about what he asks for in his soul. An amulet with a stone will once again remind you that it’s time to set priorities.

    To whom rubellite is suitable, as a powerful magical artifact, sometimes the name decides.

    • Alexander is capable of great feelings and shares them with his soul mate so that they last a lifetime. Red tourmaline helps in choosing a worthy companion.
    • Vadim is ardent and passionate in love, but also jealous. Rubellite helps to tame jealousy and makes you learn to trust each other.
    • Mark is not constancy; “frivolity” in relationships leads to loneliness. Jewelry promotes the development of long-term relationships.
    • Maya is jealous, manifestations of mistrust reach the point of recklessness, which has more than once led to collapse in relationships. The crystal helps to calm temperament so that it does not interfere with a “sober” assessment of the situation.
    • Rimma is passionate, emotional, and does not accept boredom in relationships. The gem will give new life to fading feelings.
    • Eleanor can be too selfish in relationships, so the stone helps maintain balance so that egocentrism does not destroy mutual feelings.

    Love is not only a vivid manifestation of feelings, but also hard work on one’s own character flaws.


    Among Indians, there is an opinion that pink-red tourmaline is a traditional male amulet. Rubellite is a stone that has a remarkable charge of sexual energy, acting as an aphrodisiac. It improves potency for men, and gives women sensuality and attractiveness.

    Rubellite - a stone with love from Venus

    5 (100%) 1 vote

    As the legend says, the appearance of this stone in the human world was facilitated by magic, or rather by a sorcerer. In addition to its magical properties, our ancestors “healed diseases of the nerves and blood flow with it.” And he helps those born under the sign of Libra in everything: in making difficult decisions, and in gaining confidence in themselves and in masculine actions. And the name of this noble stone is rubellite.

    There is a legend according to which red tourmaline in the form of a bunch of grapes belonged to a Chaldean magician. The sorcerer got it by cunning, because he lured the stone away from the demon, who took the jewelry out of hell. Thanks to this decoration, the magician gained the ability to pass through walls.

    After several thousand years, Julius Caesar became the new owner of rubellite. He was not as lucky as the Chaldean sorcerer, because the ruler was no longer able to penetrate the walls. The death of Caesar put the stone out of sight for several centuries.

    After one and a half thousand years, rubellite appeared again. The Swedish king presented it as a gift to the Russian Empress. This time, rubellite showed not magical properties, but its hellish essence. Although relations with the donor improved at first, a war soon broke out between the two states, in which Russia turned out to be the winner.

    Historical discovery of rubellite

    The first mention of rubellite stone dates back to 1794. The discovery of rubellite, which means reddish in Latin, was due to the Irish scientist Richard Kirwan. It was he who described the properties and characteristics of the fossil rock in his scientific works.

    Although there is other information. If you believe the legends, jewelry with rubellite in the shape of a bunch of grapes adorned the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. You can also find descriptions of this stone among the Templars.

    But many scientists adhere to the version that rubellite first sparkled on the royal crowns of the Russian and English courts. Soon after them, jewelers under the French throne and among the subjects of the Swedish king Gustav began to use it.

    This is interesting! The Diamond Fund of Russia houses the most famous rubellite, “Caesar’s Ruby,” weighing 250 carats. It has the shape of a bunch of grapes and, according to legend, was carried out of hell by a demon, and then became an adornment for Egyptian rulers.

    Healing and magic

    Our ancestors believed that rubellite helps heal a person from diseases:

    The stone helps normalize sleep, relieves nightmares, improves memory, strengthens the immune system and activates blood flow. It is also believed that medicinal properties rubellite enhances male power and relieves potency problems. But the uniqueness in the matter of healing does not lie in this, but in the ability of rubellite to fully restore the body’s functionality after paralysis.

    Modern magicians have not ignored pink tourmaline. All minerals of pink and red shades are considered the personification of love and a pure heart. Rubellite is also credited with having beneficial effects on the human mind and body. If the stone is set in gold or silver, it becomes a talisman for a talented person, which enhances his abilities. Pink tourmaline was considered amulet of artists helping to gain recognition.

    For happy relationship a stone in a gold frame in the form of a ring follows wear on the left hand on the index or middle finger. Such a talisman with rubellite promotes peace and harmony in the family, helps two loving people find mutual understanding.

    Astrologers consider rubellite stone that protects Libra. Men who own the mineral acquire courage and the ability to make smart decisions. The indecision and uncertainty characteristic of people born under this constellation disappears.

    Libra women gain personal happiness, because the red hue of the mineral attracts love. Owners of rubellite in a gold frame enjoy harmonious relationships with everyone around them, not only in family circle, but also in the work team.

    Places of industrial development and properties of stone

    The main production of the pink-red mineral occurs in several parts of the world. The largest rubellites, about 20 cm long, are mined in Brazil. The development of deposits on Elba Island, North America and Namibia has also been established. Germany, Mozambique, Madagascar, Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic are distinguished by considerable reserves of rubellite in the form of stone. In Russia, industrial stone mining is carried out in Transbaikalia and the Urals.

    This is interesting! Rubellite, which is mined on the island of Elba, is distinguished by its special structure, bright colors and beauty. Experts identified them as a separate group and called them elbaites.

    The hardness of the mineral according to MOSS is determined by a high hardness index of -7-7.5. The stones are grateful for their reddish and pinkish hue to the admixtures of manganese in their composition, which is described in the form of a chemical formula as follows: Na(Li,Al)3Al6[(OH)4.

    The influence of the gemological relative of tourmaline is largely influenced. He gave rubellite a wide range of colors, because it has several shades in the spectrum from soft pink, which in saturation turns almost red, and sometimes even purple. But most experts are of the opinion that the main color of rubellite is pink.

    This is interesting! Several rubellites are classified into separate groups. These are stones with a dark cherry tint, which are considered the most valuable and are called siberites, and the already mentioned elbaites.

    How to avoid getting a fake stone?

    Natural minerals have a glassy luster and an unusual play of reflections on the edges, which jewelers immediately appreciated. But not only real tourmalines can be found in jewelry. Often, with a quick glance at jewel Doubts arise about the authenticity of the stones. You can distinguish a fake rubellite from a real one by the following signs:

    • a natural mineral has high hardness, if the stone can be scratched, then it is fake;
    • when heated, real stone attracts small paper pieces;
    • real rubellite does not have any inclusions inside - it is an impeccably pure mineral.

    Video on the topic: Tourmaline gemstone. All types of tourmaline. Gems

    But even if all the above signs are present, doubts have not disappeared, an expert will always help determine the authenticity of the stone. There are people who believe that rubellite as a stone has little value. But it is loved by jewelers, it is classified as precious and delights its owners with its beauty.

    The name means "reddish" and is of Greek origin.


    This is a gem rich in history and legends. It is considered a powerful love amulet because it is an aphrozodiac. The mysteries begin a thousand years BC. Already in those ancient times it was used for decoration.

    The famous grapevine is made of rubellite and is stored in the Diamond Fund of Russia. At first it was believed that it was, but modern scientists have established that the jewelry was made of pink tourmaline or rubellite.

    The vine's name is also known as "Caesar's ruby." Then ownership passed to Cleopatra. Historians also believe that the vine was owned by a magician from Babylon. Eventually the King of Sweden gave the vine to Catherine II.

    A geological description of the stone was compiled in the 18th century by the Irish scientist Richard Kevan. It was then, in 1794, that the stone received its modern name.


    “Officially” mineralogists gave recognition to rubellite in 1974, when R. Kevan studied and described the structure and composition of the mineral, its characteristics justifying its value.

    The physical characteristics of the reddish stone are as follows:

    • Glass shine.
    • Matte or transparent.
    • Hard, on the Mohs scale - 7.5 points.
    • A warm stone attracts a sheet of paper.

    It can be of two types: precious and ornamental, depending on the quality. Ornamental stones– opaque, large minerals, used for the manufacture of household items and room decoration.

    Transparent rubellites are precious stones, included in the second group according to. They have jewelry value.

    Place of Birth

    The highest quality jewelry pink tourmalines are mined in Brazil. Also known deposits of gem-quality rubellite are the Ural and Transbaikal deposits in Russia. Rich reserves have been explored in Africa - in Mazambique and Namibia. Mining is also carried out in America - in the states of Massachusetts and California, in Europe - in the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy.

    Magic properties

    The most important property is to protect love. It's powerful. Depending on the person and situation, pink tourmaline can help you maintain or find love. You can preserve feelings using a rubellite amulet due to the fact that it has a magical effect on its owner: it calms excessive passions or, on the contrary, awakens necessary emotions. It can get rid of fears and uncertainty, so a person becomes more open to real feelings.

    Being a powerful aphrozodiac, the stone is considered “masculine” and is not recommended for women. The reason is increased desire, and therefore, in India, from where pink tourmaline was brought to Russia in the 17th century, it was believed that the “love” stone better for women don’t give, otherwise they will be too insatiable.

    This is a stone for creative people. Pink tourmaline gives them inspiration, good luck, sharpens intuition and creative impulses. Therefore, if a woman is an actress, it is quite possible for her to wear rubellite as a talisman, because then in her creativity she will be able to find an outlet for the excess energy of the stone in another direction.

    Healing properties of rubellite

    Pink and reddish shades of tourmaline have a healing effect on such human organs as:

    • Gastrointestinal tract – digestion improves, appetite increases;
    • Internal secretion organs – work is normalized;
    • Thyroid gland – activity improves, metabolism normalizes;
    • Let's not forget about the effect on male power, confirmed by the centuries-old use of pink tourmaline.

    Light shades of rubellite have a calming effect on the nervous system, while brighter and darker shades restore strength and rejuvenate the body.

    The overall human immunity increases. If you wear pink tourmaline as a talisman, you can forget about viral diseases.

    According to zodiac signs

    According to the zodiac sign, rubellite suits almost everyone, with the exception of. It corresponds most harmoniously to, and. For pink tourmaline, it is a protector of home and family; it enhances the energy of the owner.

    For rubellite, it is a faithful assistant in strengthening personal relationships with the opposite sex, a protector against disappointments in love.

    Stones can be used to replenish their energy, which they spend when giving gifts and attention to family and friends.

    By name

    Being a powerful aphrozodiac for some names, pink is a talisman and amulet.

    Alexander - with the help of a gem, he will find his life partner, and then he will be able to preserve his love for many years.

    Vadim and Maya – pink tourmaline will help you avoid jealousy and trust your soul mate Vadim and Maya. They experience real passions and unreasonable jealousy, which the gem will help to curb.

    Mark - men with this name scatter their attention too much and cannot be constant in love, but pink tourmaline as a talisman will help you find and keep true love.

    Rimma is constantly in search of new sensations, and therefore begins to get bored when long term relationship. For Rimma, rubellite is a talisman of sensuality and emotions in her personal life.

    Eleanor - rubellite helps suppress excessive selfishness, and this allows you to be more attentive in relationships and find true happiness in your personal life.

    Stone care

    Pink tourmaline is a hard mineral, but is still susceptible to external influences such as shocks, falls and contact with chemicals. Does not like open sunlight either.

    When dirty, it is best to use soap and water and a soft cloth. It is better to dry without using a hair dryer or heating device. Simply wipe with a dry cloth. It is best to store jewelry with a reddish stone separately from other jewelry, in a soft bag and in a dark place (box).

    Rubellite jewelry

    The reddish stone of jewelry quality has always been in demand, and therefore jewelry is made from it, which then becomes a family heirloom. So, as a pendant or ring, pink tourmaline can become a talisman or a powerful amulet for its owner. The frame can be anything - white and yellow gold, silver, this does not diminish the magical and healing properties of rubellite.

    The magical properties of rubellite become especially strong if the jewelry is given as a gift for any significant day - a wedding, the birth of a child, etc.

    The price of stones can reach up to 5800 thousand US dollars.

    The website gemstock.ru presents unique stones:

    $3600 $5200 $5800

    You can also find inexpensive jewelry with pink tourmaline, up to $50 in a silver frame.

    How to spot a fake

    Tourmaline has many shades, and rubellite is a more expensive variety precisely because of its color. Therefore, rubellite can be exchanged for tourmaline, which is cheaper. In addition, tourmaline can be heat treated to give it a more “expensive” color.

    Even a stone specialist - a gemologist - will not always be able to distinguish rubellite from tourmaline, let alone “homemade” ways to recognize a fake. Even by price one cannot judge the authenticity of an insert into a piece of jewelry.

    When choosing a stone declared as rubellite, you should not focus on price. It is best to pay attention to the manufacturer and seller - how respected these companies are in the jewelry world.

    This stone is a mineral of the tourmaline boroaluminosilicate subspecies. The origin of its name is Latin – rubelus, which means “reddish” in Russian.

    Description, deposit and distinctive characteristics

    The tourmaline variety includes several crystals with their own names. The most expensive and valuable stone is considered to be elbaite, the name of which appeared due to its mining on the island of Elba. Rubellite is pink stone subspecies of elbaite.

    The pinkish tint of the mineral is due to the presence of manganese in it, which is also found in other stones. The structure of the stone can be shiny matte or transparent. Crystal clear examples of rubellite are recognized as second class gemstones. And from matte (opaque) crystals they make beautiful jewelry, various decorated items.

    The density of rubellite is low; unlike ruby, it is less hard. The environment for the appearance of the pink mineral is considered to be pegmatites. The historical origin of rubellite goes back to ancient times, and only in 1974 the stone was studied and received its official recognition from the mineralogist R. Kivarna, who called it rubellite, meaning “reddish” in Greek.

    According to some stories, the stone began its existence in the seventh century in Egypt, during the reign of Cleopatra. This famous stone resembles the shape of bunches of grapes.

    The largest deposits of rubellite are Ceylon, Germany, America, Madagascar, and Mozambique. Huge crystals of the pink mineral with a length of up to 30-40 centimeters and a total weight of up to 4000 kilograms are mined in South America.

    On Russian territory, such stones were found in Eastern Transbaikalia and the Middle Urals. A variety of rubellite mined in the Ural Mountains is used in jewelry art. From pieces large sizes boxes, vases, flower pots, and various figurines are made. Several deposits have also been discovered in Kazakhstan, where high-quality pink rubellites are mined.

    Sometimes, when buying jewelry items with rubellite, thoughts about its authenticity creep in. To distinguish a natural pink mineral from a fake, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

    To definitely determine the authenticity of a precious mineral, it is enough to have it checked by a master jeweler, who will evaluate it and issue a professional expert opinion.

    Healing and magical properties of pink crystal

    The healing properties of rubellite are similar to healing effect tourmaline, since it is considered a variety of it. Since ancient times, it has been generally accepted that such a pinkish crystal has a positive effect on the functionality of the endocrine glands.

    Scientists have suggested that this stone helps improve memory, color skin, increases the resistance of the immune system, is a folk remedy for preventing stomach diseases and intestinal disorders, improves metabolic processes in the body and the functioning of the endocrine system.

    The pinkish tint of such a crystal, according to many healers, relieves fatigue, mental stress, normalizes the nervous system, night sleep stabilizes and relieves nightmares.

    This crystal has magical properties that are well known to all practicing and modern magicians. Tourmaline with a pinkish color, like other crystals of similar shades, inspires purity of heart, strong love relationships and affection. If a person decides to purchase rubellite, then it is better if it is present in some accessories (jewelry).

    An excellent amulet would be a mineral enclosed in a gold or gilded pendant, which will help a person gain more courage and determination, reveal hidden talents, talents and improve those you already have.

    If you wear jewelry (rings) with a mineral of a pinkish-scarlet hue on the left middle or index finger, then he will be able to establish harmony, success in his life and further strengthen and unite the marriage ties.

    Artisans and seers of magical properties precious minerals We are convinced that any stones belonging to the tourmaline subspecies have projective Yang energy. They have a healing effect on the human mind and body, protect him from nervous shock and help cope with anxiety.

    The pink mineral is friendly to people born under the air sign - Libra. Female of this sign, rubellite will be able to help improve relationships in the family, create a welcoming atmosphere in your home, and fill it with grace and positivity.

    For men, accessories in the form of a ring or a ring with such a precious crystal will give strength, courage, and help them find correct solution in complex life situations, and also get rid of complexes and self-doubt.

    Rubellite jewelry

    A bright, picturesque and expensive variety of tourmaline is the natural stone rubellite. With its chic, aristocracy and sophistication it attracts the attention of many goldsmiths. The wide palette of colorful shades of this wonderful stone has about 50 colors, but not all tourmalines of pinkish tint colors are called rubellites.

    Finding differences in crystals is sometimes beyond the power of even an experienced seller, and there are often cases when tourmaline is sold in retail spaces instead of expensive rubellite, setting the price much higher. Transparent crystals of various parameters are used in jewelry. Faceted rubellite is encased in silver or gold items.

    The cost of such products is directly influenced by the size of the mineral, the richness of its tones, and the absence of any defects. Since rubellite is considered a second category stone, rich and large crystals are of high value. In other cases, the price of a faceted crystal without defects is within the range of 15-30 dollars.

    Opaque stones have a lower cost, which are most often used in the manufacture of magnificent and elegant wrist bracelets, talismans, pendants, and neck beads. Such products are sold in special shops or in jewelry departments.

    In past centuries, tourmaline was never considered precious stone. Despite its many color palette, it was not found in the jewelry of emperors, kings, or just rich people. The only exception was the red stone - ruby. According to ancient records, red colored minerals, which were of high value, were considered rubies. Therefore, rubellite is similar to this name.

    The most famous pink crystal, called the “Caesar's Ruby,” is located in the Diamond Fund of Russia. This rubellite has a bright scarlet hue with the shape of a bunch of grapes. This stone is considered a relic of an ancient era, and it was given to Empress Catherine II as a gift from the Swedish King Gustav III. In the old days, many countries, including Sweden, wanted to have a good relationship with the Russian Empire, and the donated rubellite stone was the key to good relations.

    This magnificent mineral has its own legend. According to ancient myth, rubellite was produced by a Chaldean demon. It endowed its owner with the ability to see through obstacles.

    This stone was given as a gift by Cleopatra to King Caesar. But such a talisman did not save the Roman Empire from the betrayal of Brutus. This stone later passed to Charlemagne, helping him conquer Western Europe. Then he was at the mercy of the Templars, the Jesuits, King Charles IX of France, and the Bohemian King Rudolf II.

    For centuries, rubellite was considered a ruby. And only in the twentieth century, great scientists determined that the “Caesar Ruby” is Burmese rubellite, which was processed by jewelers from India.

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