• The most beautiful legends and parables! Love stories - true stories, myths, legends


    One day, a boy at a school party gave flowers to the wrong girl. The girl was surprised, but took the flowers. Thus ended the story of female friendship and began the story of love.

    This story is as old as time. One day a boy at a school party dedicated to the day March 8, gave flowers to the “wrong” girl. The girl was surprised, but took the flowers. This is how the story ends female friendship and a love story began.

    There is a legend wandering around the world that when a person comes into this world, his soul splits into two and then these halves look for each other to unite... But there is nothing more dissimilar in nature than masculine and feminine. She is an excellent student, quiet. He is a bully and a loser, a girls dream, tall, strong, confident.

    Here I would like to tell you what the boy said to the girl that evening important words, and the girl reciprocated, but this probably only happens in fairy tales or does not happen at all.

    In the evening the girl returned alone, and the boy escorted home “that” girl to whom he was supposed to give flowers. And it seemed that this story ended before it even began.

    But they met after graduation. She became a pretty girl, but He remained a bully and joker, confident in himself and in his ambitions. That's when they decided to get married. He proposed to her and She agreed.

    After several years, doctors told her that she would not be able to get pregnant. I won’t bore readers with medical terms; almost every fifth woman in Russia is diagnosed with infertility. That's when the worst thing began. She began to abuse alcohol, and he began to go out, and the halves of one soul, which was destined to become a single whole, suddenly found themselves in a terrible void.

    Do you believe in magic? Probably, if it weren’t for faith in the best thing that exists on earth - love, which actually saved my heroes, I would never have been able to write this story, except maybe just make it up.

    On December 25, 2001, a pregnancy test showed those cherished two stripes that He and She had been waiting for for 8 long years. He cried, kneeling in front of her. And then there were flowers, a sea of ​​flowers, and it seemed to her that now the whole world lay at her feet.

    On January 22, 2002 they got married. And in the light of church candles, the two halves seemed to wake up from a long sleep, merged into one, and the soul found peace. Their names were entered in the Church Book of Destinies.

    10 years after the day in which the boy gave flowers to the “wrong” girl at a school party dedicated to March 8th, those important words were finally spoken that marked the beginning of a new life in which He, She and not yet the little angel born became a Real Family.


    Beautiful story, although a little sad

    04/13/2008 21:20:06, Lutz

    I think I've found my soulmate...

    01/17/2008 21:19:12, Irina

    At the end of the story, I cried: how good it is that in our complex, cruel and sometimes unfair life there is a place for a miracle.

    Comment on the article "The Legend of Love"

    The British romantic comedy Love Actually, having become canonical almost immediately after its release in 2003 and gaining worldwide fame, returns to fans thirteen years later. In March 2017, director Richard Curtis will present a 10-minute video, Comic Relief Actually, telling what happened to the heroes " Real love". "We are very happy to see each other again after so many years, it is such a nostalgic moment, and we hope that in the end something will work out...

    From March 26 to 29, 2017, the international creative festival “You are a Legend!” will be held in St. Petersburg, where talented children from all over Russia and the CIS countries will demonstrate their achievements in different types art. The winners will have the opportunity to participate in international competitions for free and study in specialized educational institutions with a worldwide reputation! Festival “You are a legend!” – a unique art platform that combines both a competitive and educational program. For the preparation of...

    There are two tickets to Grand Theatre for the ballet "Legend of Love" on February 9, 19:00. Dress circle, box 1 (closest to the stage), row 2...

    Recommend something about love, so that it really grabs you, so that you can’t tear yourself away? Don't take off your pants in the aquarium" Cynthia Lord, love, but different:) "Looking for love" Nancy...


    Ishiguro "Don't Let Me Go" I was very hooked :)
    I never tire of praising “The Go Player.”
    And I’ll sign “flowers for Algernon.”

    Watch Anna Todd's After. The book grabbed me and I couldn't put it down. The writing is very interesting. There is no vulgarity, but passion and emotions... right through the edges! I was impressed for a long time after reading it. The book really hooked me

    There are many legends about the rose. It is known from history that she was worshiped and sung. In ancient countries, brides decorated their outfits with roses, and petals strewn the path of victorious warriors when they returned home from war; Many religious temples around are surrounded by indescribably beautiful rose gardens. With ongoing excavations, scientists are still finding coins with images of roses on them. And in ancient Rome, roses only decorated the homes of very rich people. During the celebrations, pink...

    My top ten: - Best deal; - Legend of autumn; - Pride and Prejudice 05/02/2014 19:21:53, Antre. The English Patient is probably one of my favorite films about love.

    There's also "Legends of Autumn". For me, the whole film was about love and family, even, I would say, only about love and family.


    I watched the movie “One Plus One” the other day. The next day I rewatched it with my husband.
    “The Giant” is watched with pleasure by both children and adults.

    And from the Russians... (just please don’t laugh at me)
    Winter cherry
    Moscow does not believe in tears
    Station for two
    Love affair at work
    Love and pigeons
    I can't say goodbye
    Princess on beans
    Winter romance
    Come watch me (I don’t know why, it’s a special film for me)
    Christmas mystery with Chulpan Khamatova
    Wings of an Angel with Alena Bondarchuk and Baluev
    Moscow saga
    The most charming and attractive
    The Irony of Fate
    Well, that’s how it is for now... let’s say it offhand))))

    LoveTheWeb.Ru Now, thanks to online dating, it has become very easy to find your true love, a partner just for sex, or just friends to communicate around the world, which is confirmed by millions of grateful users of the site. A set of ultra-modern and very effective services will help to reveal your unique personality, attract and please exactly the audience of the dating site whose attention you need

    Below the window are a mother and teenage son. He probably did something wrong again, because she screams: “I am for you... everything for you... raising... all my life...”. The teenager responded to the long speech in a short phrase: “I didn’t ask you.” I feel sorry for my mother, but I catch myself thinking seditiously: “But the boy is right!” "Children don't need you to give them best years life" and put their whole life on them. The only thing they really need from you is your unconditional love. If your love for your child is unconditional, that is...

    One of my favorite books is Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, I was attracted by the unusual, mystical plot. On the one hand, the action takes place in a completely real life. No fictional worlds for you, which science fiction writers love so much, but which personally do not interest me. The mysticism in Bulgakov’s novel, I would say, is folklore: demons, witches, talking cats - all this seems to be from the pages of Russian fairy tales. On the other hand...

    Folk wisdom says that children of love are beautiful children! I love and am loved, only the baby is missing... A dream... But it can become a reality tomorrow. I would also like to understand how to speed up this process and why one night of love is enough for someone , and some are not given a chance for several years! If someone reads my post, share your thoughts on how to get pregnant as quickly as possible. Thank you very much in advance!

    When we go on a trip, we take a long time to choose a direction and carefully consider the route. On the eve of Valentine's Day, we invite you to choose one of seven places, a visit to which will become the most romantic moment of your life.

    In the Asian part of Istanbul, on a small island of the Bosphorus Strait in the Usküdar region, one of the symbols of ancient Constantinople is located - the Leander Tower (also called the Maiden Tower). According to one version, it is believed that the tower was built by the Athenian commander Alcibiades to control Persian ships, and according to another, that it arose during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great.

    Many famous works are dedicated to this turret, which has already become iconic. One of the myths says: in ancient times, a young man named Leander fell in love with the priestess of the goddess Aphrodite, Hero, who lived in the Maiden Tower (Kiz Kulesi). Every night the lover swam to his Gero, and the torch that the girl lit served as his guide. One day the fire went out and the unfortunate Leander, wandering in search of his beloved’s house, drowned. Only in the morning did the waves bring this terrible news to Gero. Her heart could not stand the grief, and the girl in despair rushed into the waters of the Bosphorus, wanting to meet her lover as soon as possible.

    This quiet city in northeastern Italy has long become a must-see for almost every couple. And this is not surprising, because it is here that you can find the 13th century house in which, according to legend, Juliet lived.

    Once upon a time, this five-story mansion, built near Piazza Erbe, belonged to the Dal Capello family, which became the prototype of the Capulets. At the end of the 17th century, the mansion was sold to the Rizzardi family and began to serve as an inn. However, the coat of arms of the Capello family - a marble hat - still adorns the arch leading to the courtyard.

    Juliet's house gained real popularity after the release of a feature film about lovers from Verona in 1930. In 1972, a statue of Juliet was installed in the courtyard with a balcony, standing under which Romeo confessed his love to his beloved. There is a tradition: if you write a letter to Shakespeare’s heroine, then real love will definitely find the sender. There is another piquant custom: it is believed that touching the chest of the bronze Juliet brings happiness.

    Even if you are celebrating this Valentine's Day alone, do not despair. Take a trip to beautiful Italy alone! Visit Juliet, write a letter with your cherished wish and taste the most delicious pasta in the world in one of the local trattorias.

    Who among us does not know the touching story of a young girl who was ready to give her life to meet her lover? Of course, this is the Little Mermaid. The monument to her in the capital of Denmark has been one of the main symbols of the city for almost a hundred years.

    A sad tale about true devotion and love that demands nothing in return still inspires many to romantic actions and exploits in the name of high feelings. The little Mermaid, in love with a handsome prince, without a moment’s hesitation, gives her voice to the sorceress in order to receive legs in exchange for a tail and have the opportunity to spend just a few days on land with her prince and try to charm him. But, as often happens, the young man falls in love with another, dooming the Little Mermaid to death. She refuses a new deal with the witch, who offers her to save her life and kill her lover with her own hands. Of course love wins. But the end of this story is sad: the girl throws herself into the sea and turns into sea foam.

    Very close to Vilnius, in the “lake town” of Trakai, the former residence of Lithuanian princes, is located the largest of the ancient castles preserved in the country (XIV-XV centuries). This place, sung in many verses and poems, is capable of conquering everyone with its grandeur and beauty; it is shrouded in legends and secrets, and the waters surrounding the castle still retain the images of the noble people who lived in it.

    Local residents say that this fortress on the water did not appear for defense at all - it was erected at the request of a woman. Biruta, the wife of the Trakai and Samogitian prince Kestutis, did not like living in Old Trakai, which she never tired of telling her husband. Compared to her native Palanga, there were too few bodies of water and not as beautiful as in her native places. In order to please the woman he loved, the prince at the beginning of the 14th century began building a castle on an island surrounded by lakes.

    Head here for inspiration, stroll through the intricate corridors and admire the elegant frescoes - Trakai Castle will not leave you indifferent.

    This bridge is one of the oldest and most iconic in St. Petersburg. How many legends have developed around this place - it’s impossible to count!

    Built in the 18th century by the merchant Potseluyev, who owned the nearby drinking establishment “Kiss”, the bridge over time turned into one of the most romantic places in the city. And no wonder. They say that it was in the 18th century, when the city’s borders only reached the Moika River, that it served residents who, for various reasons, had to leave the city, as a place of meetings and farewells. In addition, it is believed that the Potseluev bridge was named so because it leads directly to the gate of the Guards Fleet Crew, and it was on it that their girlfriends said goodbye to sailors going to sea for several months or even years. In addition, an ancient legend has been preserved that in the good old days, lovers met on the bridge, who for some reason had to hide their feelings.

    Be that as it may, it doesn’t matter at all which of the stories actually turns out to be true, because the city itself and the Kisses Bridge, from which a beautiful view of St. Isaac’s Cathedral opens, are worthy of you coming to St. Petersburg for at least a couple of days .

    In ancient times, a couple in love lived in the mountains of Abkhazia. Amra was so beautiful that legends were made about her beauty, and the mermaids in the mountain waters envied her. Akhra was a brave and courageous young man, madly in love with Amra.

    One day, an evil mermaid, by deception, taking on the image of a young man, lured the girl into her arms and tried to throw the unfortunate woman off a cliff. Amra begged for mercy, and tears flowing like a river from her eyes fell into the river water. The god of water was angry with the mermaid, who tried to take the life of an innocent person, and turned her into stone, but Amra also turned around with her, unable to escape from her hands. Akhra, who went hunting, suddenly felt severe pain in his heart and realized that his beloved was in danger of trouble. Out of helplessness, he shed a tear, knowing that he would no longer save his beloved. Since then, in the places where the tears of two lovers separated by fate fell to the ground, streams of crystal clear water flow from the mountains.

    If you decide to travel around Abkhazia, be sure to stop by to see the Male Tears and Female Tears waterfalls, which are located very close to Lake Ritsa. There is also a legend that the Women's Tears waterfall grants wishes: all the trees surrounding the waterfall are hung with rags and ribbons with cherished wishes written on them.

    20 kilometers from Novorossiysk there is a truly fabulous place - the emerald-blue Lake Abrau, surrounded by mighty mountain ranges.

    An exciting legend about the love and friendship of the shepherd Durso and the beautiful daughter of a rich man from Abrau, who was against this relationship, is passed down from generation to generation. One day rich family the girls threw a feast, and, for fun, the guests began to throw bread cakes into the sky. Seeing this, Allah became angry with the inhabitants for desecrating the bread and opened up the earth under the feet of those celebrating. At the place where the rich people feasted, a huge lake formed. And it so happened that the beauty from Abrau was with her lover in Durso, and heavenly punishment did not befall her. Returning home and finding a picturesque lake on the site of the village, the girl, out of grief and despair, threw herself into its waters, which carried her to her lover, back to Durso.

    They say that if you look closely at the surface of the water, you can see the trace that a girl in love left - a lunar path.

    Become love?

    Warm summer day. A young, very young, stupid, inexperienced and naive girl walks through the park past a pond. She has good mood. The soul is light. She feels that her life will soon change. Necessarily! God will send her the man she is waiting for. He will do it because it has to be!
    One day at a Brotherhood meeting, she heard and remembered these words: “If you want love, learn to give love. Don't wait for her. Realize that love already exists. She's in you! Become love, breathe love, smile with love and give love! For whatever we give, we receive back multiplied.” And suddenly she notices a man. He is very beautiful. And also very lonely. He sits alone on a park bench and looks at the water. It is clear that there is no love in his life. If he loved, then his soul would be open to the world. And it is closed, like a black hole. But in it, in this depth, there is light! That's for sure! She's confident.
    - Can you tell me what time it is? - asks the young lady.
    He answers, but the young lady listened. She was so enchanted by his face - so correct, so refined and courageous at the same time - that she listened to everything. His are completely black curly hair And Blue eyes. No, not blue. They blue! And he also has a voice... He has a voice like a huge cat - insinuating, soft, caressing.
    The girl smiled out of embarrassment and hurried away.
    “What am I doing? - she thought on the way. - Why am I running away? But what about the rule: “if you want love, learn to give love”? Yes! I must give him love! It's so obvious - he needs love! Love will make him happy. No, not just love - my love will make him happy! I can love him like no one has ever loved! I have such a sea of ​​love..."
    The young lady turned back and again approached the man sitting bored on the bench.
    - Aren't you bored? - she asked, radiating love.
    “No, not at all,” the man answered. The girl was confused and thought: “Why is he telling a lie? - but after a moment I guessed. - A-ah-ah... he just doesn’t want to burden me with his sadness! How kind he is! Kind and unfortunate... No, you have to make a wish. I'll make a wish now. If I ask him and he says yes, then I'm right - it's him. May God give me a sign!”
    - And I wanted to invite you to a meeting of our “Brotherhood”. I think this might be interesting to you. We meet to talk about God. After all, God is present in the life of every person, but people do not notice Him. People suffer precisely because of this. They don’t find time to pray, don’t think about what God is doing for them, and don’t know how to be grateful to Him. God is Love. And I want you to know about this too, touch His grace and become happy... Please come!
    - You asking? - the man smiled.
    - Yes! - confirmed the young lady. And he agreed!
    - The fact that we met with you is no coincidence! It's a sign! I feel the huge potential of love in you! But you're closed! Open yourself to love! - she said when they were at a Brotherhood meeting.
    “Are you really asking me?” he asked.
    She pressed herself against him, felt his scent - deep, exciting, spicy. And she almost screamed:
    - Oh yes of course! I am ready to love you with all my heart, all my life! There is God in every person! To love a person is to love God in him! Love deifies! Love is a great gift that you cannot refuse! If she comes, we must open ourselves to meet her! This is how we open ourselves to God! That same night she became a woman. No, it was he who made her a woman. And that's not the point? - lost virginity. The point is that she felt. Having dissolved in him, she was born again. She had a body - real, living, sensual. He took possession of every cell of her being, penetrated into her very being, as if he was in her constantly. It sounds strange, but it's true. Barely touching... With fingertips... Not hands, but hot air... She felt like clay, warm, pliable clay in the hands of the Creator... A laughing deity... He drank her body with tender lips... Tender, like rose petals... She was choking on his scent - intoxicating, revealing, driving her crazy... And the whisper, the whisper of incomprehensible words... Flashes of fire in the middle of the black sky, the annoying sound of magic tambourines and the singing of a shaman... The breath of the abyss. .. Smooth, precise movements... God turned into a predator... A predator before a jump... Confidence, strength, pressure... At the moment of death, she closed her eyes... A bright flash of pain... Inexplicable happiness... Nothingness ... Weightlessness of nothingness... Death... Having survived death, she began to rise... With a powerful stream... Somewhere up... There is no death... Her body came to life after death... Rhythmic movements, inhaling life into it... The ultimate enjoyment of life... Life that has become the ultimate pleasure...
    Before that, she was just an empty vessel. But I didn’t even know about this emptiness. She had no idea that she could have so much feeling! But now, now everything has changed. She loved him in all his guises - as a man, as a father, as a son, and most importantly - as God. He became her God. He made her happy! She never needed anyone else in her entire life. Only HE!
    However, there is only one thing... They had been meeting for three days, three of the happiest, brightest, brightest days in her life! And he never told her about his feelings! He never said he loved her. Of course, confessing your love is not easy, even scary.
    She understand. It's scary to open your soul to another person. But she loves him, so there’s nothing to be afraid of! How can he not see this?.. Nothing. She will help him. Fate destined them to be together. Now it's forever. This feeling is worthy of eternity. Yes, of course, they will have children, they will have a house. Someday they will grow old and die on the same day. But this is only here, in this world. And there - WHERE the union of their hearts is concluded, they will always live. Love, if it is love, never fails. SHE is eternal.
    He sits on the bed and looks out the huge window - naked, handsome, covered with beads of sweat. And outside the window the city and the high sky sleep. She leans on the headboard and looks at the back of his head. He has a beautiful, the most beautiful of all the most beautiful heads... with short, curly, black hair.
    - Do you love me? - she asks, knowing the answer in advance, and waits.
    But he is silent and continues to look out the window. As if he doesn't hear.
    -Didn't you hear? I asked - do you love me? - For some reason her heart began to beat in her chest, like a bird caught in a tight snare.
    “Do you want to hear the answer?” he asks.
    “Yes,” the bird in my chest jerked and froze.
    - You're asking? - he asks again.
    - Yes.
    He turns his head towards her. He looks over his shoulder. He has blue-blue eyes:
    - No, I don't love you...
    On the last sound of the last word, the bird in her chest dies.

    That's what two candles said

    “I feel sorry for you,” said the unlit candle to its lit friend. - “Your life is short. You burn all the time, and soon you will be gone. I am much happier than you. I do not burn, and, therefore, I do not melt; I lie calmly on my side and will live a very long time. Your days are numbered.”
    The burning candle answered: “I don’t regret it at all. My life is beautiful and full of meaning. I burn and my wax melts, but from my fire many other candles are lit, and my fire does not diminish from this. And when the wax and wick burn out, then my fire - the soul of the candle - will unite with the fire of space, of which it was a particle, and I will again flow into my magnificent and shining fiery house. And here with my light I disperse the darkness of the night; I bring joy to the child’s eye on the festive tree; , for pathogens cannot tolerate living fire; I raise myself as a symbol of prayerful aspiration in front of sacred images. short life isn't mine beautiful?! And I feel sorry for you, my unkindled sister. Your fate is pitiful. You have not fulfilled your purpose; and where is your soul - fire? Yes, you will lie safe long years, but who needs you, and what joy and benefit do you bring?
    Indeed, “it is better to burn than to rest,” because in burning there is life, and in hibernation there is death. And you feel sorry for me that I will soon burn out and stop living, but you, in your preserved inaction, did not begin to exist, and you will die without beginning. And life will pass by."
    So spoke the two candles.

    For love

    One day, a rich young man and a poor girl (or maybe, on the contrary, it doesn’t matter) fell in love with each other and confessed their love to each other.
    “I love you,” he said.
    “I love you,” she said.
    “But we can never get married,” he said.
    “I know,” she said. “But I love you so much that it doesn’t matter.” Whether we are husband and wife or not is not really important. Take me because you are my only one and I want to give you everything I have.
    “No, I can’t do that,” answered the young man. - First we must get the blessing of our parents and get married in the church. Only then can we be together.
    - But this will never happen! - the girl exclaimed. - Parents will never agree! And I would rather die than live without you!
    “Well, then all we can do is die,” the young man agreed. And they came to a cliff and looked down.
    “I’m afraid,” said the girl. “Hug me one last time, kiss me goodbye and throw me off a cliff, because I can’t do it on my own.”
    And the young man hugged the girl, kissed her and threw her down. There she crashed. And he looked at her from above, looked, and his head immediately began to spin, and he felt unwell, and for some reason he didn’t want to die in general. He turned around, went home, got married, and sixty years later died of old age.
    And then God called them to righteous judgment.
    - Well, who's first? - asked God.
    “Ladies first,” the former young man answered gallantly.
    And God began to judge the girl.
    - Did you want to plunge into the sin of adultery and plunge him?
    - Yes, but I wanted to do it out of love.
    - Did you want to ignore the laws of the church?
    - Yes, but for the sake of love.
    - Did you want to disobey your parents and show disrespect to them?
    - Yes, but it’s out of love...
    “Did you want to commit the grave sin of suicide so that he would do the same because of you?”
    - Yes, but we...
    “You forced him to kill himself because you couldn’t do it yourself, and made him guilty of murder?”
    - Yes, but...
    - In hell!!! - the voice of God thundered.
    The girl was dragged away. It was the young man's turn.
    - So, you didn’t want to disobey your parents and neglect the consecration of the church?
    “I didn’t want to, because God, father and mother are above all,” said the young man.
    -You refused to commit the sin of adultery with her and thereby saved her from the same sin?
    - Yes, I did it.
    - But you killed her.
    “She herself wanted to die and asked me about it.” The sin lies with her. Besides, I have already repented of what I did.
    - Did you want to die yourself?
    - But I came to my senses in time and did not commit suicide, because this is the greatest sin.
    - Then welcome to heaven, my son! - said God.

    Switch and Light Bulb

    The switch was very small. In addition, it is black, and, as they said, flat. The light bulb was big, big. Besides - bright and dressed in such a beautiful and fashionable chandelier that there is nothing surprising - the Switch fell in love with her. He really liked that she would flare up - and then she seemed cheerful and carefree, and then she would fade - and then she would seem thoughtful and tender. Plus, she had such beautiful shapes, and this wide-brimmed chandelier is crazy! In general, the Switch suffered a lot. The lamp hung in the center of the room, and the Switch stuck out in the corner, from where he could only sigh. The light bulb winked flirtatiously. But there was no way they could be together. Never. Window glass there was none. Nobody even noticed him. They seemed to look at him, but said something like: “what good weather today.” Or: “Look how funny the puppy is on the street.” And no one ever said anything good about the Window Glass, except sometimes they scolded: “The glass, they said, is dirty again.” There was reason to be angry and offended. In addition, Window Glass was considered a distant relative of the light bulb, and the fate of the Light Bulb always seemed brighter to him.
    And then one day Window Glass said: “Listen, friend Switch.” The Switch and Window Glass were never friends, but when they say something unpleasant, they often lie. “Listen, friend Switch,” repeated Window Glass for greater persuasiveness. “At least you Do you know who you’re sighing for, naive one? Do you even know that Light Bulb can’t live without you?”
    The switch was very happy and scared. This is what always happens when it comes to love.
    “You are her king, her boss, her leader,” the Window Glass even trembled with excitement. When you want to do something nasty, you worry too. “If you want it, it will glow. If you don’t want it, it will go out. If you had your desire, it will blink every second or not burn at all. Why are you suffering? She is your servant, subordinate, slave, and you sigh for her, fool..."
    Out of surprise, the Switch went into itself - it turned off and the Light bulb immediately went out.
    "What did you tell me? How can you call her that!" - the Switch lost his temper, and the Light Bulb turned on. "Well, are you convinced?" - the Window Glass rattled joyfully. “Is it true that you depend on me so much?” - the switch asked the Light Bulb, because lovers trust only each other. “It’s true,” the Light Bulb sighed and seemed to dim. “Now you can do whatever you want with me. Now you understand how I depend on you, and love will turn into slavery.”
    “That’s it... Otherwise they sigh here and don’t let you sleep,” the Window Glass clinked very disgustingly.
    “What are you talking about?” the Switch smiled. “So, in fact, we are not far from each other, and this is all a deception? Does this mean we are connected? This means that fate itself is destined for us to be together. Now we will live very happily with you: when you want, just tell me - you will flash with a bright light. If you get tired, you will rest.
    "What a fool!" - Window Glass cursed. This often happens: when there is nothing to say, they swear.
    We could put an end to this, but if we are to be completely truthful, we must add: This light bulb never burned out. Everyone around was surprised at how incredibly long this light bulb burned. Everyone around probably just didn’t know: they love this Light Bulb...

    Why is the woman crying?

    The little boy asked his mother: “Why are you crying?”
    - Because I'm a woman.
    - I don't understand!
    Mom hugged him and said: “You will never understand this.”
    Then the boy asked his father, “Why does mom sometimes cry for no reason?” “All women sometimes cry for no reason,” was all the father could answer.
    Then the boy grew up and became a man, but he never ceased to wonder: “Why do women cry?”
    Finally he asked God. And God answered:
    “When I conceived a woman, I wanted her to be perfect.
    I gave her shoulders so strong that they could hold the whole world, and so soft that they could support a child's head.
    I gave her a spirit strong enough to endure childbirth and other pain.
    I have given her a will so strong that she goes forward when others fall, and she takes care of the fallen and the sick and the tired without complaining.
    I gave her the kindness to love children under any circumstances, even if they hurt her.
    I gave her the strength to support her husband despite all his shortcomings.
    I made it from his rib to protect his heart.
    I gave her the wisdom to understand that good husband never intentionally hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strength and determination to stand by his side without hesitation.
    And finally, I gave her tears. And the right to shed them where and when necessary.
    And you, My son, need to understand that the beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, hairstyle or manicure.
    her beauty is in her eyes, which open the door to her heart. To the place where love lives."

    Pages of love folklore

    Akhtamar (Armenian legend).
    A long time ago, in time immemorial, King Artashez had a beautiful daughter named Tamar. Tamar's eyes shone like stars in the night, and her skin turned white like snow on the mountains. Her laughter gurgled and rang like the water of a spring. The fame of her beauty spread everywhere. And the king of Media sent matchmakers to king Artashez, and the king of Syria, and many kings and princes. And King Artashez began to fear that someone would come for the beauty with war, or that an evil vishap would kidnap the girl before he decided who to give his daughter as a wife.
    And then the king ordered to build a golden palace for his daughter on an island in the middle of Lake Van, which has long been called the “Sea of ​​Nairi”, it is so great. And he gave her only women and girls as servants, so that no one would disturb the beauty’s peace. But the king did not know, just as other fathers before him did not know, and other fathers after him would not know, that Tamar’s heart was no longer free. And she gave him not to the king or the prince, but to the poor azat, who had nothing in the world except beauty, strength and courage. Who remembers now what his name was? And Tamar managed to exchange a look and a word, an oath and a kiss with the young man.
    But then the waters of Van lay between the lovers.
    Tamar knew that, by order of her father, guards were watching day and night to see if the boat was sailing from the shore to the forbidden island. Her lover knew this too. And one evening, wandering longingly along the shore of Van, he saw a distant fire on the island. Small as a spark, he fluttered in the darkness, as if trying to say something. And looking into the distance, the young man whispered:
    Distant fire, are you sending me your light?
    Isn’t it you, dear beauties, hello?
    And the light, as if answering him, flashed brighter.
    Then the young man realized that his beloved was calling him. If you swim across the lake at nightfall, not a single guard will notice the swimmer. The fire on the shore will serve as a beacon so as not to get lost in the dark.
    And the lover threw himself into the water and swam to the distant world, to where the beautiful Tamar was waiting for him.
    He swam for a long time in the cold dark waters, but Red flower fire instilled courage in his heart.
    And only the bashful sister of the sun Lusin, looking out from behind the clouds from the dark sky, witnessed the meeting of the lovers.
    They spent the night together, and the next morning the young man set off again on his way back.
    So they began to meet every night. In the evening, Tamar lit a fire on the shore so that her lover could see where to swim. And the light of the flame served the young man as a talisman against the dark waters that open at night the gates to the underground worlds inhabited by water spirits hostile to man.
    Who remembers now how long or short the lovers managed to keep their secret?
    But one day the king's servant saw a young man in the morning returning from the lake. Wet hair they were stuck together, and water was dripping from them, and the happy face seemed tired. And the servant suspected the truth.
    And that same evening, shortly before dusk, the servant hid behind a stone on the shore and began to wait. And he saw how a distant fire was lit on the island, and heard a light splash with which the swimmer entered the water.
    The servant saw everything and hurried to the king in the morning.
    King Artashez was fiercely angry. The king was angry that his daughter dared to love him, and even more angry that she fell in love not with one of the powerful kings who asked for her hand, but with a poor azat!
    And the king ordered his servants to be ready at the shore with a fast boat. And when darkness began to fall, the king’s people swam to the island. When they had sailed more than half the way, a red fire flower bloomed on the island. And the king's servants leaned on the oars, hurrying.
    Coming ashore, they saw the beautiful Tamar, dressed in gold-embroidered clothes, anointed aromatic oils. From under her multi-colored cap, curls as black as agate fell onto her shoulders. The girl sat on a carpet spread on the shore, and fed the fire from her hands with branches of a magical juniper. And in her smiling eyes, small fires burned like in the dark waters of Van.
    Seeing the uninvited guests, the girl jumped to her feet in fright and exclaimed:
    You, your father's servants! Kill me!
    I pray for one thing - don’t put out the fire!
    And the royal servants were glad to take pity on the beauty, but they were afraid of the wrath of Artashez. They roughly grabbed the girl and dragged her away from the fire, into the golden palace. But first they let her see how the fire died, trampled and scattered by rough boots.
    Tamar cried bitterly, breaking away from the hands of the guards, and the death of the fire seemed to her the death of her loved one.
    And so it was. The young man was halfway along the path when the light that had beckoned him went out. And the dark waters pulled him into the depths, filling his soul with cold and fear. There was darkness in front of him and he did not know where to swim in the darkness.
    For a long time he struggled with the black will of the water spirits. Every time the exhausted swimmer’s head emerged from the water, his gaze pleadingly searched for a red firefly in the darkness. But he did not find it, and again he swam at random, and the water spirits circled him, leading him astray. And finally the young man was exhausted.
    “Ah, Tamar!” – he whispered, emerging from the water for the last time. Why didn’t you save the fire of our love? Was it really my fate to sink into the dark waters, and not fall on the battlefield, as a warrior should!? Oh, Tamar, what an unkind death this is! He wanted to say this, but he couldn’t. He only had the strength to exclaim one thing: “Oh, Tamar!”
    “Ah, Tamar!” – the echo picked up the voice of the kaji, the spirits of the wind, and flew over the waters of Van. “Ah, Tamar!”
    And the king ordered the beautiful Tamar to be imprisoned forever in her palace.
    In grief and sorrow, she mourned her lover until the end of her days, without removing the black scarf from her loose hair.
    Many years have passed since then - everyone remembers their sorrowful love.
    And the island on Lake Van has been called Akhtamar since then.

    Oh, very interesting legends and parables!

    One day, little Fish heard a story from someone that there was an Ocean - a beautiful, majestic, powerful, fantastic place, and she became so eager to go there, to see everything with her own eyes, that it actually became the goal, the meaning of her life. And only The fish grew up and immediately set off to swim and search for that same Ocean. The Fish swam for a long, long time, until finally when asked: “How far is it from the Ocean?” they answered: “Darling, you are in it. It’s all around you!” “
    “Ugh, nonsense,” Rybka grimaced, “there’s only water around me, and I’m looking for the Ocean...
    Moral: sometimes in pursuit of certain “ideals” we do not notice obvious things!!!

    And do you believe?

    Believing Child: No, no! I don't know exactly what our life will look like after giving birth, but in any case, we will see mom and she will take care of us.
    Unbeliever baby: Mom? Do you believe in mom? And where is it located?
    Believing baby: She is everywhere around us, we abide in her and thanks to her we move and live, without her we simply cannot exist.
    Unbeliever Child: Complete nonsense! I didn't see any mother, so it's obvious that she simply doesn't exist.
    Believing Child: I can’t agree with you. After all, sometimes, when everything around is quiet, you can hear her sing and feel how she strokes our world. I firmly believe that our real life will begin only after childbirth. And do you believe?

    And do you believe?
    Two babies are talking in the belly of a pregnant woman. One of them is a believer, the other is an unbeliever. Unbeliever baby: Do you believe in life after childbirth?
    Believing Child: Yes, of course. Everyone understands that life after childbirth exists. We are here to become strong enough and ready for what awaits us next.
    Unbeliever Child: This is nonsense! There can be no life after childbirth! Can you imagine what such a life might look like?
    Believing Child: I don't know all the details, but I believe that there will be more light there, and that maybe we will walk on our own and eat with our mouths.
    Unbeliever Child: What nonsense! It’s impossible to walk and eat with your mouth! This is absolutely funny! We have an umbilical cord that nourishes us. You know, I want to tell you: it is impossible for there to be life after childbirth, because our life - the umbilical cord - is already too short.
    Believing Child: I'm sure it's possible. Everything will just be a little different. One can imagine this.
    Unbeliever baby: But no one has ever returned from there! Life simply ends with childbirth. And in general, life is one big suffering in the dark.

    The story actually has a subtext: instead of dad there can be mom, and instead of work there can be the Internet, and the telephone and... everyone has their own!
    Let's not repeat the mistakes of others
    One day, one man returned home late from work, tired and nervous as always, and saw that his five-year-old son was waiting for him at the door.
    - Dad, can I ask you something?
    - Of course, what happened?
    - Dad, how much do you get?
    - It's none of your business! - the father was indignant. - And then, why do you need this?
    - I just want to know. Please, tell me, how much do you get per hour?
    - Well, actually, 500. So what?
    “Dad,” the son looked up at him with very serious eyes. - Dad, can you borrow me 300?
    - Did you ask just so that I would give you money for some stupid toy? - he shouted. - Immediately go to your room and go to bed!.. You can’t be so selfish! I work all day, I’m terribly tired, and you’re acting so stupid.
    The kid quietly went to his room and closed the door behind him. And his father continued to stand in the doorway and get angry at his son’s requests. How dare he ask me about my salary and then ask for money?
    But after some time, he calmed down and began to think sensibly: Maybe he really needs to buy something very important. To hell with them, with three hundred, he’s never even once asked me for money. When he entered the nursery, his son was already in bed.
    -Are you awake, son? - he asked.
    - No, dad. “I’m just lying,” the boy answered.
    “I think I answered you too rudely,” said the father. - I had a hard day and I just lost it. I'm sorry. Here, have the money you asked for.
    The boy sat up in bed and smiled.
    - Oh, dad, thank you! - he exclaimed joyfully.
    He then reached under the pillow and pulled out several more crumpled bills. His father, seeing that the child already had money, became angry again. And the baby put all the money together and carefully counted the bills, and then looked at his father again.
    - Why did you ask for money if you already have it? - he grumbled.
    - Because I didn't have enough. But now that’s just enough for me,” the child answered.
    - Dad, there are exactly five hundred here. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home early from work tomorrow, I want you to have dinner with us.

    We were sitting at lunch when my daughter casually mentioned that she and her husband were thinking about “starting a full-time family.”
    - We're conducting a survey here. public opinion“, she said jokingly. - Do you think maybe I should have a child?
    “This will change your life,” I said, trying not to show my emotions.
    “I know,” she responded. “And you won’t sleep on the weekend, and you won’t really go on vacation.”
    But that was not at all what I had in mind. I looked at my daughter, trying to formulate my words more clearly. I wanted her to understand something that no prenatal class would teach her.
    I wanted to tell her that the physical wounds of childbirth would heal very quickly, but motherhood would give her a bleeding emotional wound that would never heal. I wanted to warn her that from now on she would never be able to read a newspaper without asking herself, “What if this happened to my child?” That every plane crash, every fire will haunt her. That when she looks at photographs of children dying of hunger, she will think that there is nothing worse in the world than the death of your child.
    I looked at her manicured nails and stylish suit and thought that no matter how refined she was, motherhood would lower her to the primitive level of a mother bear protecting her cub. What an alarmed cry of “Mom!” will make her throw away everything without regret - from the soufflé to the best crystal glass.
    I felt like I should warn her that no matter how many years she put into her job, her career would suffer significantly after having a baby. She can hire a nanny, but one day she will go to an important business meeting, but she will think about the sweet smell of a baby's head. And it would take all her willpower not to run home just to find out that her baby was okay.
    I wanted my daughter to know that the bullshit everyday problems will never be bullshit to her anymore. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room at McDonald's would be a huge dilemma. That there, among the rattling trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender will stand on one side of the scale, and the fear that there may be a child rapist in the toilet will be on the other.
    As I looked at my attractive daughter, I wanted to tell her that she could lose the weight she gained during pregnancy, but she would never be able to shake off motherhood and be the same. That her life, so important to her now, will no longer be so significant after the birth of the child. That she will forget about herself at the moment when it is necessary to save her offspring, and that she will learn to hope for fulfillment - oh no! not your dream! - the dreams of your children.
    I wanted her to know that the scar was from caesarean section or stretch marks will be badges of honor for her. That her relationship with her husband will change and not at all in the way she thinks. I wish she could understand how much you can love a man who gently sprinkles powder on your baby and who never refuses to play with him. I think she'll learn what it's like to fall in love again for a reason that now seems completely unromantic to her.
    I wanted my daughter to be able to feel the connection between all the women on earth who tried to stop wars, crimes and drunk driving.
    I wanted to describe to my daughter the feeling of delight that a mother gets when she sees her child learning to ride a bike. I wanted to capture for her the laughter of a baby touching the soft fur of a puppy or kitten for the first time. I wanted her to feel a joy so intense it could hurt.
    My daughter's surprised look made me realize that tears were welling up in my eyes.
    “You will never regret this,” I finally said. Then I reached across the table to her, squeezed her hand and mentally prayed for her, for myself and for all mortal women who devote themselves to this most wonderful of callings.

    Incredible facts

    Do you believe in true love? What about love at first sight? Do you believe that love can last forever? Perhaps the love stories below will help you strengthen your faith in this feeling or renew your faith in it. These are the most famous stories love, they are immortal.

    1. Romeo and Juliet

    These are probably the most famous lovers in the whole world. This couple has become synonymous with love itself. "Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The story of two teenagers from two warring families who fall in love at first sight, then get married, and later risk everything for their love. Willingness to give your life for your husband or wife is a sign of real feeling. Their premature departure united warring families.

    2. Cleopatra and Mark Antony

    The true love story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable and intriguing. The story of these two historical characters was subsequently recreated on the pages of William Shakespeare's work, and filmed by famous directors more than once. The relationship between Mark Antony and Cleopatra is a true test of love. They fell in love at first sight.

    The relationship between these two powerful men put Egypt in a very advantageous position. But their romance extremely outraged the Romans, who feared that as a result of it the influence of the Egyptians would significantly increase. Despite all the threats, Mark Antony and Cleopatra got married. It is said that while in battle against the Romans, Mark received false news of the death of Cleopatra. Feeling empty, he committed suicide. When Cleopatra learned of Antony's death, she was shocked and then also committed suicide. Great love requires great sacrifice.

    3. Lancelot and Guinevere

    The tragic love story of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere is probably one of the most famous of the Arthurian legends. Lancelot falls in love with Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur. Their love grew very slowly, since Guinevere did not let Lancelot close to her. In the end, however, passion and love overcame her, and they became lovers. One night, Sir Agravain and Sir Modred, King Arthur's nephew, who led a group of 12 knights, burst into the queen's room, where they found the lovers. Taken by surprise, they tried to escape, however, only Lancelot succeeded. The queen was captured and sentenced to death for adultery. However, a few days later Lancelot returned to save his beloved. All this sad story divided the Knights of the Round Table into two groups, thereby weakening Arthur's kingdom significantly. As a result, poor Lancelot ended his days as a humble hermit, and Guinevere became a nun, and remained so for the rest of her life.

    4. Tristan and Isolde

    The tragic love story of Tristan and Isolde was numerous retold and rewritten several times. The action took place in the Middle Ages during the reign of King Arthur. Isolde was the daughter of the King of Ireland, and had just become engaged to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew Tristan to Ireland to escort his bride Isolde to Cornwall. During the journey, Tristan and Isolde fall in love with each other. Isolde still marries Mark, but the love affair continues after her marriage. When Mark finally learned of the betrayal, he forgave Isolde, but exiled Tristan from Cornwall forever.

    Tristan went to Brittany. There he met Isolde of Brittany. He was drawn to her because she looked like his true love. He married her, but the marriage did not turn out to be genuine because of his true love to another woman. After he fell ill, he sent for his beloved in the hope that she would come and be able to cure him. There was an agreement with the captain of the ship he sent that if she agreed to come, then the sails of the ship upon return would be white, if not, then black. Tristan's wife, seeing the white sails, told him that the sails were black. He died of grief before his love could reach him, and soon after Isolde also died of a broken heart.

    5. Paris and Helen

    Told in Homer's Iliad, the story of Helen of Troy and the Trojan War is a Greek heroic legend that is half fiction. Helen of Troy is considered one of the most beautiful women in all literature. She married Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy, fell in love with Helen and kidnapped her, taking her to Troy. The Greeks gathered a huge army led by Menelaus' brother, Agamemnon, to bring Helen back. Troy was destroyed, Helen returned safely to Sparta, where she lived happily throughout her life with Menelaus.

    6. Orpheus and Eurydice

    The story of Orpheus and Eurydice is an ancient Greek myth about desperate love. Orpheus fell very much in love and married Eurydice, a beautiful nymph. They loved each other very much and were happy. Aristaeus, the Greek god of earth and agriculture, became infatuated with Eurydice and actively pursued her. Fleeing from Aristeas, Eurydice fell into a nest of snakes, one of which fatally bit her on the leg. The distraught Orpheus played such sad music and sang so sadly that all the nymphs and gods cried. On their advice, he went to the underworld, and his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone (he was the only person who dared to take such a step), who agreed to the return of Eurydice to earth, but on one condition: when they reached the earth, Orpheus would not must look back and look at her. Being extremely alarmed, the lover did not fulfill the conditions, turned around to look at Eurydice, and she disappeared a second time, now forever.

    7. Napoleon and Josephine

    Having married her for convenience at the age of 26, Napoleon clearly knew who he was taking as his wife. Josephine was older than him, a rich and prominent woman. However, over time, he fell deeply in love with her, and she with him, however, this did not stop both of them from cheating. But mutual respect kept them together, the passion that burned everything in its path did not fade away and was genuine. However, in the end they separated because Josephine could not give him what he wanted so much - an heir. Unfortunately, their paths diverged, however, throughout their lives they kept love and passion for each other in their hearts.

    8. Odysseus and Penelope

    Few couples understand the essence of sacrifice in a relationship, however, this Greek couple understood it best. After they were separated, 20 long years passed before their reunion. Shortly after marrying Penelope, war required that Odysseus leave his new wife. Although she had little hope of his return, Penelope still resisted the 108 suitors who sought to replace her husband. Odysseus also loved his wife very much and refused the sorceress who offered him eternal love and eternal youth. Thus, he was able to return home to his wife and son. So believe Homer when he said that true love is worth the wait.

    9. Paolo and Francesca

    Paolo and Francesca are the heroes of Dante's famous masterpiece "The Divine Comedy". This real story: Francesca was married to a terrible man, Gianciotto Malatesta. However, his brother, Paolo, was the complete opposite, Francesca fell in love with him and they became lovers. The love between them became even stronger when (according to Dante) they read the story of Lancelot and Guinevere together. When their affair was discovered, Francesca's husband killed them both.

    10. Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler

    "Gone with the Wind" is one of the immortal literary works. Margaret Mitchell's famous creation is permeated with love and hate in the relationship between Scarlett and Rhett Butler. Proving that timing is everything, Scarlett and Rhett never seemed to stop "fighting" each other. Throughout this epic story, this violent, volatile passion and their tumultuous marriage took place against the backdrop of the events of the Civil War. Flirty, fickle and constantly pursued by fans, Scarlett cannot decide among the numerous contenders for her attention. When she finally decides to settle on Rhett, her fickle nature pushes him away from her. Hope finally dies when their romance is never rekindled, and Scarlett says at the end: “Tomorrow is a new day.”

    11. Jane Eyre and Rochester

    In Charlotte Brontë's famous novel, loneliness is cured by being alone and having each other's company. Jane is an orphan who takes a job as a governess in the house of the very rich Edward Rochester. The couple quickly became close, as Rochester had a tender heart underneath his rough exterior. However, he does not reveal his penchant for polygamy, and on their wedding day Jane discovers that he is already married. Heartbroken Jane escapes, but then returns after a fire destroys Rochester's house, killing his wife and leaving him blind. Love triumphs, lovers are reunited and live out their days in each other's company.

    12. Leili and Majnun

    A well-known classic of Persian poetry and one of the most famous poets of the medieval East, who complemented Persian epic poetry with colloquial speech and realistic style, Nizami of Ganja became famous after he wrote his romantic poem "Leyli and Majnun". Inspired by an Arabian legend, Layli and Majnun is a tragic tale of unattainable love. For many centuries it was told and retold, and the main characters were depicted on ceramics and written about in manuscripts. Leili and Kays fell in love while studying at school. Having noticed their love, they were forbidden to communicate and see each other. Qais then decides to go into the desert to live among animals. He often goes undernourished and becomes very emaciated. Due to his eccentric behavior, he becomes known as Majnun (madman). In the desert, he meets an elderly Bedouin who promises him to win back his Leili.

    The plan fails, and Leili's father continues to refuse to let the lovers be together because of Majnun's insane behavior. Soon he marries her to someone else. After the death of Leili's husband, the old Bedouin facilitates her meeting with Majnun, however, they were never able to completely get on the same page and understand each other. After death they were buried next to each other. The story is often interpreted as an allegory of the soul's desire to connect with the divine.

    13. Heloise and Abelard

    This is the story of a monk and a nun whose Love letters became world famous. Around 1100, Pierre Abelard went to Paris to study at the Notre Dame school. There he gained a reputation as an outstanding philosopher. Fulbert, a high-ranking official, hired Abelard as a tutor to his niece Heloise. Abelard and Heloise fell in love, conceived a child, and married secretly. However, Fulbert was furious, so Abelard hid Heloise in a safe place in the monastery. Believing that Abelard had decided to abandon Heloise, Fulbert had him castrated while he slept. Heartbroken, Eloise became a nun. Despite all the troubles and adversities, the couple continued to love each other. Their emotional love letters were published.

    14. Pyramus and Thisbe

    A very touching love story that will not leave anyone indifferent who reads it. Their love was selfless, and they were sure that even in death they would be together. Pyramus was very handsome man and from childhood he was friends with Thisbe, a beautiful maiden from Babylonia. They lived in neighboring houses and fell in love with each other as they grew older. However, their parents were strongly against their marriage. One night, just before dawn, while everyone was sleeping, they decided to sneak out of the house and meet in a nearby field near a mulberry tree. Thisbe came first. While she was waiting under the tree, she saw a lion approaching the spring located near the tree to quench his thirst, his jaw covered in blood.

    Seeing this terrifying sight, Thisbe rushed to run to hide in the depths of the forest from the lion, but on the way she dropped her scarf. The lion followed her and came across a handkerchief, which he decided to taste. At this time, Pyramus approached the place, and seeing a lion with bloody jaws and with the scarf of his beloved, he lost the meaning of life. At that moment he stabs himself with his own sword. Unaware of what had just happened, Thisbe continued to hide. After some time, she came out of hiding and discovered what Pyramus had done to himself. Realizing that she has nothing to live for, she takes her lover’s sword and also kills herself.

    15. Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy

    In fact, Jane Austen embodied two attributes of human nature, pride and prejudice, in her heroes Darcy and Elizabeth. Darcy belongs to high society, he is a typical educated representative of the aristocracy. On the other hand, Elizabeth is the second daughter of a gentleman of very limited means. Mr. Bennett is the father of five daughters who were given the right to grow up as they wanted, who did not receive a school education and were not brought up by a governess.

    Elizabeth's very indulgent mother and irresponsible father never thought about the future of their daughters, believing that it was self-evident that they would be fine. “Everything is fine” in the understanding of the girls’ mother meant marrying a rich and prosperous man. For a person like that social status which Mr. Darcy possessed, the shortcomings of Elizabeth's family were very serious, and absolutely unacceptable to his polished and refined mind. He falls in love with Elizabeth, but she turns him down, but later she realizes that she cannot love anyone but Darcy. The story of their unification and the birth of love is very interesting.

    16. Salim and Anarkali

    Every lover knows the story of Salim and Anarkali. The son of the great Mughal Emperor Akbar, Salim, fell in love with an ordinary but very beautiful courtesan Anarkali. He was captivated by her beauty, so it was love at first sight. However, the emperor could not come to terms with the fact that his son fell in love with a courtesan. He began to put pressure on Anarkali, using all sorts of tactics to make her fall in the eyes of the loving prince. When Salim found out about this, he declared war on his father. But he failed to defeat his father's gigantic army; Salim was defeated, captured and sentenced to death. At this moment, Anarkali intervenes and gives up her love in order to save her beloved from the clutches of death. She was buried alive in a brick wall in front of Salim.

    17. Pocahontas and John Smith

    This love story is a famous legend in American history. Pocahontas, an Indian princess, was the daughter of Powhatan, who was the leader of the Powhatan Indian tribe, who lived in what is now the state of Virginia. The princess first saw Europeans in May 1607. Among everyone, she paid attention to John Smith, she liked him. However, Smith was captured by members of her tribe and tortured. It was Pocahontas who saved him from being torn to pieces by the Indians; later the tribe accepted him as one of their own. This incident helped Smith and Pocahontas become friends. After this incident, the princess often visited Jamestown, conveying messages from her father.

    John Smith, seriously injured after an accidental gunpowder explosion, returned to England. After another visit, she was told that Smith was dead. Some time later, Pocahontas was captured by Sir Samuel Argall, who hoped to use her as a link between him and her father so that the latter would free the English prisoners. During her captivity, she decides to become a Christian and, taking the name Rebecca, is baptized. A year later she married John Rolfe. Having gone to London after a certain time, she and her husband met his old friend John Smith, after 8 long years. This was their last meeting.

    18. Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

    In 1612, teenage girl Arjumand Banu married 15-year-old Shah Jahan, ruler of the Mughal Empire. Then she changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal, bore Shah Jahan 14 children and became his beloved wife. After Mumtaz died in 1629, the grieving emperor decided to create a worthy monument in her honor. It took 20,000 workers, 1,000 elephants and almost 20 years of work to complete the construction of this monument - the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan never completed the construction of a black marble mausoleum for himself. Overthrown by his own son, he was imprisoned in the Red Fort in Agra, where he spent lonely hours looking across the Yamuna River at the monument of his beloved. He was subsequently buried next to her at the Taj Mahal.

    19. Marie and Pierre Curie

    This is a story about partnership in love and science. Unable to continue her studies in Poland because universities did not accept women, Marie Skłodowska-Curie came to Paris in 1891 to attend the Sorbonne. Marie, as the French began to call her, spent every free moment in the library or laboratory. The hardworking student one day caught the eye of Pierre Curie, the director of one of the laboratories in which Maria worked. Pierre actively courted Maria and proposed to her several times to marry him. Finally, in 1895, they got married and began working together. In 1898, the couple discovered polonium and radium.

    Curie and scientist Henri Becquerel received the Nobel Prize in 1903 for their discovery of radioactivity. When Pierre died in 1904, Marie promised herself to continue their work. She took his place at the Sorbonne, becoming the school's first female teacher. In 1911, she became the first person to win a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry. She continued to experiment and teach until her death from leukemia in 1934, driven by the memory of the man she loved.

    20. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

    This is the love story of an English queen who mourned her dead husband for 40 years. Victoria was a lively, cheerful girl who was interested in drawing and painting. She ascended to the English throne in 1837 after the death of her uncle King William IV. In 1840 she married her cousin Prince Albert. Although Prince Albert was initially disliked in some circles for being German, he later came to be admired for his honesty, hard work and devotion to his family. The couple had 9 children, Victoria loved her husband very deeply. She often used his advice in state affairs, especially regarding diplomatic negotiations.

    When Albert died in 1861, Victoria was devastated. She did not appear in public for three years. Her prolonged seclusion drew public criticism. There were several attempts on the queen's life. However, under the influence of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Victoria returned to public life, opening the session of Parliament in 1866. However, she never stopped mourning her beloved husband, wearing black robes until her death in 1901. During her reign, which was the longest in English history, Britain became a world power on which “the sun never sets.”

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