• European-style wedding scenario - what the celebration should be like. On-site registration: scenario and implementation


    A European-style wedding is becoming increasingly popular among today's youth. How is a wedding different? European style from the Russian one we are used to? Remember foreign TV series, their wedding ceremonies are imbued with a different spirit, they are distinguished by special elegance, style, good taste, and a uniform color scheme. There are no homemade decorative elements, colorful dishes, dolls on the car, or cheap ribbons. Everything is done professionally, richly, stylishly.

    How to organize a wedding in European style

    If you have made a responsible decision to have a European-style wedding, then keep in mind that the wedding ceremony and wedding ceremony take place within one day. Calculate the time correctly so that you have enough time for a walk, a photo shoot, or a festive buffet. A European wedding presupposes leisure and regularity in everything; haste and fuss are unacceptable here.

    Decide on a color scheme for your wedding. The banquet hall, wedding arch, flowers, tableware, bridal bouquet, place cards for guests, invitation cards, wedding cake are decorated in the selected color and its various shades. They will help you organize your holiday correctly experienced stylists working with wedding accessories.

    Image of the bride and groom: photo

    Europe is, first of all, classics and sophistication in everything, and the outfits of the young were no exception. The bride wears a floor-length snow-white dress of extraordinary beauty to her wedding. It can be embroidered precious stones, rhinestones, sequins, beads, decorated with lace. A chic veil must be long, even stretching like a train along the floor. The groom - preferably in a classic tuxedo, but if one is not available, then in a stylish black suit, vest, white shirt, and tie.

    European-style banquet hall decor

    The highlight of a European wedding is that it is celebrated outdoors, in some beautiful picturesque place. A park, a river bank, or a blooming green meadow are suitable for this purpose. country house and even a passenger airliner. If the cold season does not allow this, then a restaurant with a spacious banquet hall is chosen as the wedding venue.

    The design style of the banquet hall is discreet elegance throughout. The room for a European wedding is decorated with garlands of fresh and artificial flowers, selected in a single color scheme. Europeans choose bright hues, for example, white or cream, which is diluted with some other bright color. There are many flower arrangements around the guest tables; they symbolize the creation of a young family.

    In the hall there are separate tables for 6-8 people, the place for each guest is indicated on the seating signs. Guests are seated “according to their interests” - married couples sit separately from single guys and girls. A luxurious table is prepared for the young couple, located on a hill.

    Tables and chairs are draped with light transparent fabrics, satin ribbons. The room is modestly and tastefully equipped with illumination - chic chandeliers, garlands of lights, candles. The prepared hall resembles a place for a royal couple's wedding ball, obliging guests to look as elegant and beautiful as possible.

    Dress code for guests

    At a Russian wedding, it is customary to choose one witness and one bridesmaid. Europeans have a different tradition - the bride and groom have many friends and girlfriends, and they are all considered witnesses at the same time. Bridesmaids wear dresses chosen or made in the main color of the wedding. Styles and styles of outfits can be different, they depend on the characteristics of the girl’s figure. They have identical bouquets in their hands. The bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonnieres are decorated with the same flowers.

    The groom's friends are simply obliged to look rich and stylish at a European wedding. They choose the same tuxedos or suits, and try to choose ties and vests in the same color as the bridesmaids' dresses. The newlyweds, together with their witnesses, seem to form a single composition, strictly harmonizing in color. The rest of the wedding guests are free to choose an outfit to their taste; the only requirement is that men wear suits and ladies wear chic evening dresses.

    European style wedding scenario

    All European weddings take place approximately the same way, following the same scenario. If you choose this style for your wedding, think through all the details in advance. At such a celebration there are no trifles; every nuance plays its own specific role. If staged successfully, the wedding will become a magnificent holiday that you will remember for the rest of your life.

    Beginning of the wedding meeting of the newlyweds

    In the morning, the groom's wedding cortege arrives at the bride's house. At the very entrance they are met by girlfriends who accompany the groom to the hall of the house. His heart is trembling with excitement, now his beloved will come out to him. Five minutes later, the bride leaves the room with her father, the groom kneels, says words of love to her, gives her bridal bouquet. Before leaving for the venue wedding ceremony, it is advisable to serve a small buffet table.

    And in the treasured place there is already an arch, decorated with garlands of flowers and draperies of transparent fabric. There is a path leading to the arch, along which the newlyweds will go to the altar. On both sides of the path there are chairs for guests and flower arrangements. A European wedding is led not by a toastmaster, but by an administrator - a manager who gives certain instructions and coordinates the processes at the wedding. Solemn music sounds, the administrator announces the beginning of the touching action.

    The course of the wedding, what competitions are suitable for guests

    The groom and his friends are waiting for his betrothed at the altar, where she goes out arm in arm with her father. He symbolically transfers her to her future son-in-law, thereby expressing the hope that he will take care of her and protect her from troubles. At the front of the procession are the bridesmaids, followed by a little girl in a white dress, strewing the path with rose petals, and a boy carrying wedding rings on a pillow.

    After a short speech by the priest, the newlyweds exchange rings, pronounce their vows, expressing their feelings and hopes for the future. With an oath, the newlyweds emphasize confidence in their choice and readiness to be with their spouse for the rest of their lives. This is an extremely touching moment tear-inducing tenderness for all those present.

    After the marriage registration ceremony is completed, the bride and groom go on a wedding walk and photo shoot. To do this, choose a beautiful place in nature, against which you will get bright, colorful photographs. So that guests can satisfy their hunger, a light buffet is organized. It’s a good idea to invite several musicians for a walk, performing light lyrical melodies.

    At the designated place for the banquet, the wedding cortege awaits the assembled guests. They become a living corridor along the path and shower the bride and groom with rose petals. The restaurant hall welcomes newlyweds and guests with a pyramid of crystal glasses with champagne, playfully sparkling with rays of bright light. The newlyweds take the top two glasses, tied with ribbons, the remaining glasses are intended for the guests. Everyone approaches the newlyweds, takes glasses, and congratulates them on starting a new family.

    The presenter invites everyone to follow festive table, guests take their places according to the seating signs and begin the meal. There are toasts and congratulations, light jazz or classical music plays, and artists perform pop numbers. At the wedding, the groom's parents must speak, and after a short pause, the bride's parents. The first dance of the newlyweds is performed, their love story is played, decorated in a slide show or film.

    The presenter announces a competition for newlyweds called “ Romantic meeting" He asks three questions to the bride, but the groom does not hear them, since at this time he is listening to music on his headphones. The bride answers questions regarding their first meeting. Then the same questions are asked to the groom. To the applause of the guests, he answers them. For the newlyweds, the same music is played as on the first date, they dance.

    During the wedding another one is offered interesting competition called "portrait". The entertainer asks his friends to draw a portrait of the bride and groom on a piece of paper. Guests take turns approaching the sheet and completing one detail at a time. When the masterpiece created together is ready, it is put up for auction. The money earned goes to the youth fund.

    How to end the evening beautifully

    When the climax of a European wedding arrives, the lights in the hall are turned off, and a luxurious wedding cake is brought in to the accompaniment of ceremonial music. Sparklers and firecrackers are lit around the cake. This circle of honor includes the bride and groom. They cut off the first piece of cake, eat it together to the loud applause of the guests and kiss while shouting: “Bitter!” Small rose petals fly from above on the young air balloons. After this, each of the guests receives a piece of cake from the newlyweds for a symbolic amount of money.

    The familiar tradition of throwing the bride’s bouquet is also present at European weddings. Bride standing with her back to unmarried girls, throws a bouquet at random. It is believed that whoever catches the bouquet from the hands of the bride will soon get married. The groom, having removed the garter from his wife, throws it to the single guys. The wedding ends with a “dance of wishes” - music is played for the newlyweds, and while they are dancing, each guest makes a wish for them. After this, the guests escort the newly-made spouses to Honeymoon.

    European style wedding video

    The wedding will fly by quickly, and before you know it, the banquet will end and the guests will leave. But the fireworks of feelings and emotions, the kaleidoscope of events of this unforgettable day. Give yourself the pleasure of being extraordinary, not like others, choose a European wedding for yourself!

    At a European wedding there is no ransom, crazy dancing or obscene competitions. In organizing such a wedding Special attention is given to a spacious restaurant with a park, live music and a light buffet. In this case, the host joins the celebration only at the wedding ceremony. Despite the inconspicuous participation of the host, a European-style wedding scenario is drawn up for him.

    Read the article to see what the newlyweds’ daily routine looks like and what are the advantages of a European wedding.

    Where does a European wedding begin?

    At a European-style wedding, the newlyweds have no witnesses. The role of the bride's assistant can be performed by any of her bridesmaids. Therefore, all the friends dress in the same dresses and are next to the bride from the very morning. According to European traditions, the bride is dressed at the hotel, from where she arrives at the location of the outdoor ceremony. If the bride spent the night at home, then the bridesmaids meet the groom at the gate and invite him into the house without any ransoms or competitions.

    The groom's morning looks a little different. The groom arranges a small buffet for friends at his home, after which he stops by to pick up a bouquet and heads to the bride's house. He should have it there serious conversation with the beloved’s father, after which the young couple goes to the registry office or to the site for the ceremony. Until this point, the presenter may not participate.

    Registry office or outdoor ceremony?

    Where the newlyweds will be painted is up to them to decide. This could be a regular ceremony at the registry office or symbolic wedding Outdoors. The most important thing is that the newlyweds should get married on the same day. Either the couple goes from the registry office directly to the temple, or the priest comes to the outdoor ceremony to bless the newlyweds.

    The participation of the presenter begins with painting. After the registry office, the presenter organizes a meeting of the young people. He distributes to all guests a prepared speech with wishes, any white cereal (rice, semolina) and rose petals for sprinkling the newlyweds. Near the exit, the host creates a “living” corridor in which each guest conveys his wishes to the lovers.

    If an outdoor painting is planned, the host will arrange the seating arrangements for the guests, conduct a ceremony of symbolic painting, and organize entertainment. A distinctive feature of the outdoor ceremony is that the father leads the bride to the arch, and beautifully dressed children escort the newlyweds, showering the newlyweds with flower petals. Another feature of a European wedding is the mutual vows of the newlyweds, which they voice after the cherished “Yes”. It's best if important words They will write it on pieces of paper in advance.

    Buffet after the ceremony

    After the painting and wedding, the guests congratulate the newlyweds and head to the buffet table, where a table with champagne awaits them. Glasses of sparkling wine stand in the shape of a pyramid, but guests do not take them themselves. Champagne is provided by waiters, whose job is to keep glasses filled throughout the evening. After drinking champagne, the host announces a musical break so that the newlyweds can clean up.

    The presenter should pay special attention to the first 15-20 minutes after painting. This time is ideal for a photo shoot. First, organize general photo and video shooting with the guests, and then personal photography of the newlyweds. While the couple is taking photos, guests will be able to take their seats in the banquet hall.

    Banquet in European style

    At a European wedding, the host seats the guests at small tables (4 or 6 people each). The newlyweds and parents sit on a small hill, and the guests' tables are arranged in the shape of the letter P. In the summer, the banquet can be held on fresh air, placing tables in the park area of ​​the restaurant, but most often the feast takes place in the hall. A European wedding is celebrated in a light, relaxed atmosphere. Each table orders a treat from the menu, while live music (violin, saxophone or piano) plays in the background. Congratulations from the guests do not sound like ours, from the spot, but each guest goes on stage to make a toast or sing a song for the young. Therefore, the presenter needs to prepare two microphones: one for himself, and the other on stage for the guests.

    The task of the host at the banquet is to create an atmosphere, hold light competitions, mainly to introduce guests, and announce the performance of the artists.

    Most often the program includes:

    • Performances by vocalists, dancers or magicians.
    • As a surprise, the bridesmaids or groomsmen can prepare a joint dance or song.
    • Parents' dance.
    • First dance of the young.
    • Competitions.
    • Fireworks.
    • Selling the first piece wedding cake.
    • Throwing a bouquet.
    • Seeing off the newlyweds on a journey.

    The presenter can announce the concert numbers as a pop entertainer (officially from the stage), or he can follow the flow of the program directly from the hall.

    Sweet auction

    At the end of a European wedding, it is customary to hold an auction to sell the first piece of the wedding cake. Since the bride and her shoes are not stolen at such a wedding, European newlyweds “earn extra money” in a civilized manner by arranging fair trades. After selling the first tasty morsel, the young people treat guests to cake and various sweets, traditionally found in the candy bar.


    Another feature of a European wedding is the throwing of the bouquet. At some weddings, the bride throws her bouquet in the banquet hall immediately after cutting the cake. But there is another option. In Europe, newlyweds do not stay with guests until midnight, and after drinking tea they immediately go on their honeymoon. And when the guests see off the newlyweds on their way, the bride throws a bouquet right out of the car window. The surprise is that the girl will never know before arriving which of her friends caught the wedding bouquet. It is important for the host to conduct all competitions and rituals in time for the newlyweds’ departure, and for the remaining guests to regulate the time of the concert program.

    Video from a European wedding

    How the host works at a European-style outdoor ceremony, watch the video:

    The European wedding (scenario) attracted many guests and newlyweds due to its simplicity, sublimity, and openness to creative innovations. There is no toastmaster, traditional for Russia, but many regard this only as a plus: the absence of competitions is replaced by more interesting demonstration performances.

    In Europe, weddings have a ready-made interesting scenario, which is being prepared by the agency. It is simple to make, versatile, looks impressive and is liked by guests. At the same time, the couple spends a minimum of effort on preparations, which is why the classics are so popular.

    An original celebration can take place in a non-standard place, while all the traditions of the European celebration will be preserved. In the West, no one is surprised by a buffet in nature - this is a standard procedure. But a celebration by the seashore or in an unusual building will pleasantly amaze guests.

    Original options for the location of the celebration:

    • an old manor (such places are especially good in winter and summer; the building is often accompanied by a park in a beautiful location, arches for a photo shoot, congratulations and gifts from a wedding agency);
    • the shore of the sea or river, lake (a wedding in Peterhof or on the shore of Lake Baikal will look especially impressive);
    • an equestrian estate, where guests and newlyweds can ride horses and then have a feast in an ancient rural atmosphere;
    • a mountain plateau, where you need to climb by cable car and where you can eat traditional dishes and have a photo shoot against the backdrop of the valley below (there are many such places in Crimea);
    • ski resort.

    The difference between a wedding held in a non-standard place and one that takes place within the city is one thing - after the wedding, the newlyweds go not to a park or restaurant, but to another, unusual place.

    In rare cases, even the ceremony is held in an unusual location. Marriages are often held on the seashore. The arch is placed on the shore, away from the sea waves, and then there is a buffet with seafood dishes and soft drinks.

    Even more unusual will be a wedding, after which all the guests will go to another country. It is difficult to choose an option that suits everyone. It is better to go on a holiday trip during the holidays - on New Year, March 8 or February 23.

    It is during this period that the state allocates one additional day off, and sometimes two.

    When selecting a tourist state, you need to take into account many factors:

    • the cost of travel;
    • level of favorable climate;
    • expected weather during the celebration;
    • accessible entertainment;
    • travel time (you need to choose a vacation or during the weekend so that it is convenient for everyone).

    Usually in Russia they only hold a ceremony at the registry office, and then head to near Europe to celebrate. They often choose the Czech Republic or Lithuania, and in winter – Finland. But the country most beloved by newlyweds is France.

    You can head to Paris or Milan to spend a few days away from your honeymoon with your loved ones and then begin your holiday travel.

    The problem with such a holiday is that it hits the budget hard. You can cope with this shortcoming by reducing the number of invitees to a minimum.

    Then it will even be possible to recoup all expenses, because on rich holidays guests do not skimp on gifts. Another disadvantage of this choice is the difficulty of selecting the optimal period. Adult guests are constantly busy with their own affairs. In order to have time to hold such a celebration on a short weekend, you have to wait for the holidays, when free days 3-4, and take an urgent flight to Europe.

    There will be only one full day in another country, and the other part of the time will be spent on the flight. To reduce flight costs, you can choose low-cost flights or take express tickets. However, they should be treated with caution, as low-cost flights are often postponed or cancelled. To protect yourself from such problems, it is better to select tickets through special aggregators of discounts on air tickets.

    They will help you find the cheapest, yet proven and safe option.

    Classic wedding

    A classic European wedding includes two small buffets or breakfast at the parents' house, a walk in nature, a wedding outdoors under an arch or in a church in a religious setting. The administrator acts instead of the toastmaster.

    The wedding algorithm consists of several steps:

    1. Morning. The groom goes to the bride's house. At the entrance, he should be met by the female half of those invited to the wedding, several girls, usually the bride’s friends. They escort the man along the decorated corridor (this would be difficult to do in an apartment) to the bride, who has already put on her festive outfit. The groom evaluates the girl’s appearance with a compliment, gets down on one knee in front of her, and repeats the wedding proposal. After a short exchange of declarations of love, the bride and groom go to the street area adjacent to the site and have a small buffet there. Only the closest relatives and friends participate in it. More often, the buffet is replaced by breakfast with the bride’s family with traditional juices, teas and morning dishes. Alcohol is not served here yet.
    2. Next, the future newlyweds head to the wedding venue. This could be a church (Catholicism and Protestantism are popular in Europe) or an arch built in nature. In the West, the climate is milder, and outdoor ceremonies can be held at any time of the year. In Russia, it is recommended to arrange them only in late spring, summer or warm autumn. Near the arch there are folding chairs for guests, where all invitees can sit. The chairs are positioned so that a corridor is formed between them, perpendicular to the arch. The arch is usually white, decorated with flowers or floral wreaths. A priest awaits the couple next to the arch to perform the marriage. This is both a marriage registration ceremony (as in a registry office) and a religious tradition. However, in Russia you will need to additionally sign at the registry office, preferably on the same day.
    3. The groom is waiting for the girl at the altar, where her father takes her. This is a sign that the parents are handing over their daughter to the reliable hands of her future husband.
    4. The newlyweds say their vows and exchange rings.
    5. A small buffet and a walk in the park begin. At the same time, a photo session is usually held at the celebration. All this happens during daylight hours. When it gets dark, from 7 to 9 pm, guests and young spouses go to the restaurant.
    6. In the restaurant, the newlyweds are greeted with rose petals, which are sprinkled under their feet or on their clothes. Everything is ready inside: the tables are set, the hall is decorated, solemn music is playing with a wedding mood, the cake is ready.
    7. A standard celebration for many countries begins with a feast, alcohol, competitions, wedding toasts and touching speeches.

    Already to the place where the arch is installed (or to the church), guests and participants travel in a wedding cortege.

    In this case, the groom and his side usually travel separately, the bride and her parents – separately.

    The cortege is also used when guests go to the restaurant, but then there is no clear distinction between the sides of the bride and groom. IN traditional version great attention pays attention to the little things. The groom must be in nice suit with a boutonniere, in the morning he must give the bride a wedding bouquet.

    Not only he, but also his witnesses or relatives should wait at the altar. The paths along which the future husband and wife walk, be it a corridor in a church or a restaurant, or a path to an arch in the open air, should be decorated with rose petals of different shades. To make the event look as thoughtful as possible, much attention should be paid to the color scheme. It should be uniform and manifest itself in dishes, the decor of the hall, and the attire of spouses and guests.

    It is necessary to enter the dress code in advance and send out cards with it along with invitations.

    How to hold a chamber wedding - ideas

    A chamber wedding is considered to be a celebration of 10-20 people, where all the guests know each other. This is a small celebration intended only for the closest and dearest. This type of holiday has its own characteristics and rules.

    Basic tips:

    1. It is convenient to hold a chamber wedding in places that are memorable for the couple. This could be a meeting place, an engagement party or a first date, which is not suitable for large quantities guests, but can easily accommodate up to 10. It could be a park, an open-air cinema, or a small cozy cafe.
    2. You should not try to add charm to your wedding with expensive restaurants and attire. An evening in a small but cozy cafe, where there is no disturbing noise, will look much better. A narrow circle of people will appreciate this.
    3. The location of the celebration or registration (if it takes place on the street under an arch) should be decorated not only with wreaths of fresh flowers and ivy, but also with a large number of light elements: lanterns, candles (preferably fake ones). They are rarely used on big weddings, since they are expensive, but in small rooms they will look very impressive and will be inexpensive.
    4. You can cancel all the small snacks that are provided for in the European wedding scenario (buffets) and replace them with one big dinner in a cozy place, as well as a morning feast at the bride’s house. This will emphasize the calm atmosphere of the holiday and the importance of family for the newlyweds, and will also reduce costs.
    5. When preparing an intimate wedding, you don’t have to buy expensive suits. It is enough to wear a decent jacket with dark trousers for the groom, a favorite dress for the bride, and then complement the look with wedding attributes (flower boutonniere, bouquet, veil).

    A simple and inexpensive dress code is a definite advantage of a chamber wedding. It allows you to save money and spend less stress on preparing your wedding.

    Chamber weddings, contrary to popular belief, do not spoil relationships in the family, but rather bring it together (if the family is small).

    Relatives and close friends are in close communication almost the whole day, which improves relationships.

    A wish from the newlyweds to the parents will further unite the team and different generations.

    But before the newlyweds decide on the little things, it is necessary to work out the main scenario of the celebration.

    1. Most marriage agencies recommend this algorithm for a European-style holiday if the number of guests does not exceed 10:
    2. Morning. Breakfast at the bride's parents with traditional elements (the girl appears in a wedding dress, accompanied by 1-2 friends). You can skip the buffet in favor of a standard breakfast. This will emphasize family unity. Registration. Chamber weddings are usually held outdoors. The arch is installed even within the city, for example, in a public park on a separate secluded section of the lawn. When guests a small amount of, such a registration location does not seem strange.
    3. If the registration was not carried out together with the guests, the newlyweds can go for a walk to memorable places. You can take a good camera with you (available for rent). If the quality of the photo is very important to the couple, the services of a professional photographer are always available. As soon as it gets dark, the couple heads to the cafe, where guests are already waiting for her. If registration took place in the presence of invitees, then the walk is usually limited to the park adjacent to the place of registration, after which all participants go to the place where the feast will take place.
    4. Feast. It is held in a cafe or even in the open air (you can have a quality picnic). During the celebration, a small amount of alcohol is used, guests can watch films on a projector, play board games, and tell each other life stories. In a narrow circle, entertainment is much simpler, but at the same time more enjoyable. You also don’t need to spend money on them: you can do without a host and administrator, spend money only on renting a place, even do without alcohol (at small weddings there are almost no glasses on the tables). Modern couples can celebrate a holiday in an expensive anti-cafe - a space where cafe, recreation, cinema, video and board games

    . However, this option will not appeal to the older generation - they prefer a banquet hall or a restaurant.

    Chamber weddings are small; a small budget is spent on rent, costumes and decoration.

    The money saved can be spent on a celebration in an interesting place. Often newlyweds prefer to go with friends to a country house or sanatorium, to a ski or equestrian resort.

    Within the city, you can go to a night cinema, renting the entire hall, or to a rock climbing or other active recreation center. Competitions at a chamber wedding of newlyweds are not required. For entertainment, you can create a dance program.

    In this case, there should be general movements when the guests stand in a circle, and the dance of individual people (witness, groom, couple).

    From this video you will learn how to organize a chamber wedding: European wedding culture is considered a model for all marriage celebrations. It combines sublime elements and simple scripts

    You need to organize your time, starting in the morning.

    8:30 - cars should be at the groom's house.

    8:30-9:00 - buffet of light dishes at the groom's house.

    9:00-10:00 - time allotted for travel to the bride's house (may vary depending on the distance).

    10:00 - the motorcade should be in place. The groom and his escort are met by the bridesmaids and escorted into the house. There, the bride's father brings his daughter to the groom. Future husband with words of love he gives the bride a bouquet. Guests go into the room where a table with light snacks is set. If the wedding evening scenario involves a ransom ceremony, allow enough time for this.

    10:30-11:30 - time to travel to the registry office.

    11:30-12:00 - preparation for the ceremony.

    12:00-12:30 - wedding ceremony.

    12:30-13:00 - congratulations to friends and family, photo and video shooting, champagne. The groom carries the bride in his arms, they are sprinkled with coins, rice, and petals.

    13:00-13:30 - road to the church where the wedding will take place.

    14:00-14:45 - wedding.

    14:45-15:00 - congratulations.

    15:00-17:00 - time for a walk. In the summer, you can include a buffet outdoors in a picturesque place with the participation of musicians in your wedding evening scenario.

    16:30-17:00 - while waiting for the newlyweds - buffet for guests.

    17:00 - the newlyweds arrive at the place of celebration. The guests come out to meet them, stand on both sides of the aisle, forming a corridor along which the bride and groom pass. Ahead of them are children, showering the path with petals; the guests also shower the young ones with rice and petals.

    The host wishes the newlyweds peace, harmony and love along with the guests. In the hall there is a table with a pyramid of glasses of champagne. The top two glasses, tied with a ribbon, are intended for the young. Include this spectacular moment in your wedding evening scenario, it’s very beautiful.

    The host offers to congratulate the newlyweds and drink champagne in their honor. After everyone congratulates the newlyweds, the host invites them to go to the buffet table. At this time, musicians entertain the guests, and the newlyweds tidy up their outfit and makeup.

    17:30 - everyone is invited to wedding table. Guests are seated according to the cards laid out on the tables. The host makes the first beautiful wedding toast in honor of the newlyweds. After which the guests begin to eat. At this time, pleasant, not loud music sounds.

    This is followed by toasts and congratulations from the parents of the newlyweds: first the groom, and after a while - the bride. Then a variety number can be included in the wedding evening script, which greatly enlivens the holiday and causes general joy. There can be several rooms - at the request of the bride and groom. Next, the floor is given to the witnesses, who make a toast, talking about love and smoothly leading to competitions for the newlyweds. For example, do newlyweds remember the details of their first meeting? Next comes the music that was played on the day they met or other symbolic, memorable music for this couple.

    The newlyweds' dance is announced, balloons or one large balloon fly up to the ceiling, which bursts at the climax, small balls and confetti fly out of it. Be sure to include this wonderful spectacle in your wedding evening scenario. By the end of the dance, all guests go to the dance floor.

    18:30 - the host invites everyone to a dance break.

    19:00 - hot appetizers begin to be served and guests sit down at the table.

    19:30 - those who wish make toasts and wedding congratulations.

    19:45 - competitions.

    20:15 - variety show, dancing.

    21:00 - competition or auction of portraits of newlyweds previously drawn by guests.

    21:20 - dancing.

    22:20 - the wedding cake is taken out with the lights off with firecrackers and lights. The newlyweds make an incision on the lower tier to the applause of the guests. The presenter puts the first piece up for auction.

    22:35 - sweet table.

    22:45 - the bride throws the bouquet, and the groom throws the garter.

    22:55 - “dance of wishes” - the newlyweds dance, and the guests wish them happiness and prosperity.

    23:00 - the program ends with a solemn speech by the newlyweds.

      The scenario of a wedding in a European style is noticeably different from the plan of a celebration in the spirit familiar to most people. The main reason for this distance is the difference in mentality, different customs underlying modern wedding traditions, history and culture, which is noticeably different in each country.

      Such a wedding is easier for the host to hold - after all, basically, there are no competitions at the celebration. They are successfully replaced by live music and, possibly, pop performances. Therefore, in Europe there are no hosts at weddings - usually they are replaced by an inconspicuous and efficient manager who controls the timing and makes sure that everyone is comfortable and that no mishaps occur. Since this format is still somewhat unusual for our average person, a person who will unobtrusively direct the wedding celebration and give the floor to this or that guest in time, as well as invite people to the dance floor, is still necessary. Read on to learn how to create the right atmosphere for a European wedding.

      Approximate procedure

      In addition to the fact that the entire design of the wedding celebration must correspond to the declared European style, the actions and behavior of all participants in the event are very important. How does such a wedding begin?

      From the gathering and a small buffet at the groom's house. His friends and parents gather there, and over light refreshments they wish the future head of the family all the best, and also congratulate him on his excellent choice of bride. This part of the event does not last long - about 40 minutes, this time is enough for all those who are late to get there, and for friends and parents to have time to have a snack and express their joy about the event. Alcoholic drinks are not served.

      Next, the groom and his close friends go to pick up the bride. She can wait for him at home, or with her parents. But since in Europe brides attach great importance to the very process of getting ready and preparing for the wedding day, many rent a room in a good hotel, where they gather their bridesmaids, invite a stylist, etc. The bridesmaids meet the groom and take him inside the room. There is no talk of any ransom. Soon the bride's father comes to the groom, to whom the groom promises to take care of his daughter, respect and appreciate her. After this, the father takes his daughter to the groom. The bride receives a bouquet from her chosen one, and they go to the ceremony site.

      Ceremony options

      The choice of a specific option depends solely on the preferences of the bride and groom. The newlyweds can register their marriage in advance and hold a symbolic ceremony in a beautiful place in the open air.

      The second option is official registration on the wedding day at the registry office. The young husband carries his wife out of it in his arms, and the guests, lined up on both sides of the entrance, shower them with white rose petals, semolina and rice.

      The third option is that after registration at the registry office, a wedding follows in a church.

      Immediately after registration, you can do a mini video interview with the newlyweds and guests. After this comes the turn of the wedding walk. It is fundamentally different from the usual skating in that the newlyweds and guests come to a picturesque place that has already been arranged in advance, where a photographer, live music and light snacks await them. It's time for the first photo shoot, after which everyone can go to the restaurant.

      Scenario of a wedding celebration with a host

      At the restaurant, the newlyweds are greeted by guests, relatives and the host. He must organize a meeting of the newlyweds. To do this, guests should line up in a living corridor, and children 3-4 years old should walk in front of the newlyweds and scatter rose petals from baskets.

      Host: Dear guests, here we are waiting for our happy couple, our newlyweds! So let's lead them along the path of happiness and love, harmony and tenderness, to the altar, at which they will again exchange vows and light up a common family hearth!

      You need to put a flower arch in the restaurant as for a symbolic ceremony, and carry out this action there. After the candles are lit, at the leader’s sign, a table with a pyramid of glasses is rolled out.

      Host: And they can be the first to congratulate their children on their marriage (names names).

      Champagne is quickly and carefully poured into the pyramid, and the glasses are handed over to the newlyweds' parents and witnesses. The rest of the guests are surrounded with champagne by the waiters so that there is no crowding. Parents congratulate the newlyweds.

      Host: And now we invite everyone to take their places at the tables and pay tribute to the magnificent treat!

      After some time (15-20 minutes), the presenter gives the floor to those interested. As a rule, older relatives. At a European-style wedding, congratulations are voiced solely at will.

      Host: Dear guests, I remind you that you have the opportunity to write down a wish for the newlyweds, there is a special book for this, it lies near the arch!

      Half an hour break for quiet eating.

      Host: Anyone who has eyes can see how harmonious and beautiful our couple is! But does everyone know how it all began?

      A short film is shown about the young people, their “Love story”.

      Presenter: The first dance of the young!

      The couple dances; it is advisable to turn down the music and light candles. This is followed by two or three slow dances, which the bride dances with her father, then with her father-in-law, and the groom, respectively, with his mother and mother-in-law. Guests join, time for more fiery dancing. The evening then proceeds with a series of dances and congratulations. If you wish, you can dilute it with quizzes about wedding traditions different countries. But this is unconventional for European weddings.

      Host: It's time for a wedding cake! Of course, it will be the young people who will cut it. And the first piece of cake will go away from our auction!

      Unlike weddings we are used to, at a European-style wedding, the sweet table is not the end of the evening, but rather its middle. Therefore, after tea, cake and other desserts, dancing and throwing a bouquet are also expected.

      Host: And now I propose to conduct a traditional fortune-telling, beloved by all the ladies - who will be next to catch the bride’s bouquet? Guys, watch out!

      The evening also ends with a dance of the newlyweds.

      Video materials for inspiration

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