• Pack sweets for kindergarten with your own hands. Gift wrapping for a sweet table in honor of a birthday


    Chocolate is the most popular and delicious dessert. This sweetness gives good mood and inspires. Giving chocolate has become a tradition. This is presented as a sign of love, gratitude and attention, and also given for various holidays. Agree, special feelings overwhelm us when we receive chocolate in a beautiful and original package, and if it is made by hand, then chocolate becomes an exquisite chocolate gift!
    Let's start creating beautiful packaging for chocolate!
    For this we need:

    • - chocolate, which we are going to pack;
    • - corrugated paper (pink, green, yellow);
    • - scissors;
    • - stapler;
    • - threads;
    • - wooden skewer;
    • - pink beads;
    • - paper lace napkin;
    • - pink rep ribbon;
    • - pencil glue and glue gun.
    Step 1. Note: The dimensions of this chocolate bar are 19 x 7.5 cm. From corrugated paper Pink colour cut off a rectangle 20 cm long and 14 cm wide, while leaving 2 cm allowances from each edge.

    Step 2. Let's decorate the edges of the future packaging. To do this, we bend 1 cm from above and below and twist the paper from side to side with our fingers to make waves.

    Step 3. We wrap the chocolate bar in corrugated paper, fix it with glue. For reliability, the edges can be fastened with a stapler. The packaging should not fit too tightly to the chocolate bar and should not be too loose.

    Step 4. Let's make a tulip. From yellow corrugated paper we cut out three rectangles 15 cm long and 5.5 cm wide - these will be tulip petals.

    Step 5. Take the first rectangle and twist it as if opening a candy (we make only one turn). Fold in half to make a petal and straighten it.

    Step 6. Thus, we make each petal.

    Step 7. We take our candy and with the help of threads we attach the first petal, and then the second and third. Try to place them at the same distance from each other, not overlapping.

    Step 8. We insert a skewer into the base of the tulip and attach it all with adhesive tape, the candy should hold tightly on the skewer.

    Step 9. Next, cut out a long strip 1 cm wide from green corrugated paper and wrap the skewer, periodically fixing it with glue.

    Step 10 Let's make the leaves. From green corrugated paper we cut out two leaves 13 cm long and 3 cm wide. The leaf should look like an elongated triangle. Glue the leaves to the stem. Tulip is ready.

    Step 11 Let's start decorating. To do this, cut off a quarter of the lace napkin and glue it to the package.

    On the new year holidays we buy sweets for children specially packed in colorful boxes different forms and colours. What kind of candy do they have? How long ago were they produced? In addition, I know from my own experience that not all children eat all the candies from the purchased New Year's gift. Someone does not eat a certain variety, someone does not eat caramels or jellies, and someone cannot eat chocolate treats. I always thought that the best option is the independent purchase of sweets that a child can eat or a child will eat, and pack them beautifully. If the baby cannot eat store-bought sweets, then you can new year gift put gingerbread or homemade sweets or even fruit. We figured out the content, now it’s worth paying attention to the design. How to pack sweets beautifully? There are quite a few options.

    How to pack sweets for the New Year and other holidays?

    1. The most popular design option for a candy gift on New Year, perhaps, is a Christmas tree made of sweets. It’s not at all difficult to make such a gift, children are always happy to receive such a sweet Christmas tree, and it’s very convenient to remove sweets from it gradually. Sweets are eaten, but the Christmas tree remains. detailed instructions its manufacture.

    2. It looks very nice in the form of a large candy or cracker. With its manufacture, too, there should be no problems.

    You will need the following materials:

    – cardboard (depending on the required package size);
    - packaging or colored paper;
    - ribbons, beads, buttons, twigs, etc. for decoration;
    - glue or double-sided tape;
    - scissors.

    We offer you several ideas, and you choose, embody, fantasize.

    3.DIY packaging box, cut according to the template, will also be an excellent option for decorating sweets for a gift. For the New Year, a box in the shape of a Christmas tree is best suited.

    It can be cut out of colored cardboard and dressed up with pebbles, beads, and so on. Or use white cardboard, and then glue it with bright wrapping paper. Such a Christmas tree-box is also suitable for packing another small New Year's gift.

    4. Here is another option, how to pack candy beautifully for the New Year holidays.

    How to make such a box is shown step by step in the photo. Download the template and act with your imagination.

    You can download templates of different packaging boxes on our website, print the selected option on cardboard, cut it out and decorate it according to your taste and preferences.

    All these boxes are suitable for small sweets, caramels, handmade sweets, candied nuts and other small gifts.

    5. The original packaging for sweets for any holiday will be a gift cake. You will find detailed instructions for its manufacture and instructions.

    6. If the sweets were bought in a box, then the design option in two layers will look original wrapping paper contrasting colors. On the top layer carefully, using a clerical knife, cut out a half of the New Year's figurine, turn it away, we get a very original effect. You will find more options for gift wrapping in boxes.

    Fantasize, use the materials that you have at hand, craft packing boxes with your own hands, decorate them. We hope you find a suitable idea for yourself, and you will no longer have a problem, how to pack sweets beautifully for the new year or any other holiday.

    Merry holidays and nice gifts to you! May your dreams come true!

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    If you want to decorate the holiday even more and please the person you are giving even brighter, pack the gift beautifully. Sometimes unforgettable memories are brought not so much by a gift as by its packaging. From how you present a present, there will be a first impression, and we will give you a lot interesting ideas for inspiration.

    The main thing in the article

    How beautiful to pack a gift with your own hands: materials and ideas

    First of all pay attention to the type of packaging material:

    • In most cases, this is gift glossy wrapper with all sorts of colors. A ribbon and a bow become a decoration for her - a good tandem.
    • corrugated paper used to present flower bouquets, and when wrapping gifts, its wrinkled effect looks chic.
    • Minimalism is in fashion now, you can create it by wrapping a gift in craft . This is a paper package that is produced in rolls. Outwardly, it resembles cardboard box yellow-gray tone, only thin. It can be decorated with lace, rhinestones, tied with a thread on all sides, and tied with a bow in the center.
    • For gift wrapping non-standard shape used polysilk . Due to its stretch quality, this material easily accepts desired shape, and in general, is very similar to elastic fabric.

    If you're new to gift wrapping, practice on newspaper or drafts first. In subsequent times, you will already be guided by how much material is needed for a particular gift, and what indents should be made.

    • If the gift has an intricate shape, then put it in a box, and then start packing. Place the box in the center of the package face down.

    How to pack a gift in paper with your own hands: step by step instructions

    • Wrap the main package with a three-centimeter margin.
    • Bend the paper wrapper in the intended place, so you will cut the desired piece of sheet evenly.
    • Cut the packaging material along the fold line, if necessary, press it down with a load if it is curled. The same box will do.
    • Bend one of the edges two centimeters.

    • Attach the other edge with tape a couple of centimeters from the center of the box. The edge that was bent first, also fix with a small piece of tape over the previous one.
    • The overlay of sheets should run in the center of the box, so it will be easier to hide it with decor.
    • Wrap the free edges of the box with a triangle. Bend the bottom side of the paper one centimeter.

    • Attach the top side, without bending, with adhesive tape to the box.
    • Now do this on the other side, pressing down on the packing sheet tightly to prevent air from trapping underneath.
    • Flip the box upright, do the same with the remaining side.

    How to pack a gift in corrugated paper with your own hands: photo

    The winning quality of corrugated paper is its elasticity. It can be stretched and assembled where necessary, giving the desired shape to the package. In this material, you can wrap the gift itself, without even resorting to box packaging.

    This is how you can decorate the bottle with two pieces of corrugated paper. Their joint should be in the middle, cover it with tape and various decorations.

    A bouquet is a ready-made gift that can be made from sweets and corrugated paper, but how - read in our

    Moreover, you can pack a gift in any material, and make only a separate element or decoration out of corrugated paper.

    A few more ideas:

    How to pack a gift in a box with your own hands?

    The simplest, but no less beautiful way pack a gift - purchase a cardboard box, and then decorate it.

    And now dream up with options for the size of the boxes, because they can also be not only square, rectangular or round:

    Beautiful boxes made of thick colored cardboard . Just cut them out according to the template.

    These wonderful boxes can be created from felt:

    How to pack a gift in a basket with your own hands?

    A gift in a basket will look very nice. You can buy it whichever you want, or you can try to make it yourself. This one, for example:

    The basket is a ready-made package, you can leave it as it is, or you can wrap it in a transparent film, pull the ends up to the handle, and then fasten it with a bow.

    A beautiful basket is only half the battle, its filling is very important:

    • It is preferable for men to give alcohol, cigars, coffee, a jar of olives or red caviar. Can add to cart stationery. Or, fill the package with jars of brewed product, putting in several different packs of pickles for snacks.
    • If you are at a loss what to put in the basket for the fair sex, then use the standard generally accepted gifts. Women will be pleased to receive a composition of flowers and fruits, it is not superfluous to add sweetness. It all depends on the presented moment of congratulations, age, preferences of the person. If the basket is for a loved one, you can decorate it a bottle of sparkling, sweets , and if the occasion allows - jewelry box.
    • Cart design for business woman you need to carefully consider so that even the most captious leader could not find fault with her.
    • Fill your child's basket with all sorts of surprises. , the kid will appreciate these pleasant little things. Fill the basket with books, discs of your favorite cartoons, educational toys, various goodies. For the very young - donate care basket.
    • Universal gift set - tea or coffee set, pastries.
    • basket to New Year's table present with all sorts of delicacies that will become his decorations.

    How to wrap a gift in foil with your own hands?

    It should be noted that now a gift is wrapped in foil extremely rarely. It is very fragile, with one careless touch, the packaging from it can break, and the design itself looks rather rough. But you are free to choose:

    The packaging looks much more neat, resembling foil in appearance, but which has a fabric structure - this polysilk.

    How to quickly wrap a gift in a transparent film with your own hands?

    Transparent film is good for packing large, non-standard, soft, fragile gifts . Through it you can see the beauty of the whole composition, which gives even more charm to the gift.

    Packing a present in a transparent film is as easy as shelling pears:

    • Lay a large piece of film on the surface. Place a gift in the center of the film on top, lift the edges of the film up.
    • Fasten the ends with a stapler or tape not at the very edge, but leaving 15-20 cm free (depending on the size of the gift).
    • Decorate the place of attachment with a bow or ribbon.
    • As a rule, a solid pallet is first placed on top of the film, and the gift itself is already placed on it. So the packaging can be safely put on the surface, without fear that it will turn over.

    How unusual to pack a gift with your own hands?

    This is a fairly simple gift design, but due to the effect of folds on paper, it has its own certain chic. Wrapping paper looks like corrugated paper, but this cigarette paper . You can easily wrap a bottle of alcohol or a book in it. For this:

    • loose wrap the book in tissue paper , glue the edges together with double-sided tape.
    • Upright wrinkle the paper slightly to form wrinkles.
    • Now stretch the paper to the length that could cover the book. Seal the edges with double sided tape.

    • In the same way it is possible wrap and box , inside which lies a present.

    The algorithm for decorating a bottle is the same as for books and boxes, just complete the design by attaching a ribbon to the neck and a tag with congratulations.

    So that the packaging does not look fresh - decorate it with crafts from the same tissue paper, for example, roses:

    • For this start folding a sheet of paper diagonally - you get a long tube.
    • Fold this strip into a "shell", fasten its edges at the base . It will be stronger to attach such a rose to the package with glue, and if there is not enough time, with tape.

    Now decorate the flowers with foliage:

    • Fold the tissue paper in half, cut out the flowers, as shown in the photo, you get an "eight". fingers squeeze the center of these leaves, tie with a ribbon .
    • Glue all the decorations to the wrapping paper and you're done!

    How beautiful to pack a gift with your own hands for a man?

    • Perhaps, today the design of men's gifts and postcards is not complete without a common tie and shirt.
    • The image can be added jacket, bow tie, imitation jeans.
    • Buttons can be cut out of the same paper, painted over, or real ones can be glued on.
    • So that such packaging does not fray in a matter of seconds - materials must be dense and of high quality.

    Here is another version of this packaging design, it will look chic felt fabric for this purpose.

    The classics of any thematic event are masks with mustaches, hats, glasses... Ordinary cardboard packaging will sparkle with a cheerful mood if you stick such accessories on it.

    How beautiful to pack a gift with your own hands for a girl?

    Girls just love different trinkets, try to use for decoration glass jar. Believe me, neither the packaging itself nor the gift in it will leave you indifferent.

    Just lay the ingredients in layers in a jar, and attach a postcard with a recipe to it.

    Complete the festive atmosphere with these balloons:

    How to pack a small gift with your own hands from improvised materials?

    A gift is not necessarily a huge box with an expensive item; amenities can be placed in an ordinary Matchbox. It is no less pleasant, but much easier and cheaper.

    Any improvised means are used, for example, toilet paper roll. You can easily hide a little surprise in it.

    • For this lay the sleeve horizontally and flatten a little , place it horizontally.
    • Bend the free edge inward, to close the through hole. Repeat the action on the other side.
    • Put a gift in the received package, fix the edges with glue so that they do not open .
    • Now decorate the packaging at your discretion.

    Another simple option interesting design thumbnails - gift wraps.

    • Take any suitable decor paper. You can use it from old packages, the bundles do not have to be the same.
    • From rectangle roll paper bag ik , as in the photo, connect the ends with a stapler .
    • Bend the free corner to make a lid for the bundle when you put a gift in it - the cap is also necessary fix with a stapler.
    • Print butterflies on a color printer , then cut them out (you can use plastic ones).
    • On small pieces of white paper beautifully write a short message.
    • Glue the short edge of the segment and the butterfly to the place where the stapler is attached to the lid of the package. Repeat the action with all convolutions.

    How to pack a gift for the New Year in an original way with your own hands?

    Materials can be picked up by those that are already at home, it is not necessary to spend money. Here are some decorations, but after a good search, you can replace them with your own supplies, you get an individual presentation of a gift. Moreover, such packaging is universal - suitable for a gift for anyone.

    • Cut out a rectangle from crepe paper gift size.
    • A drop of hot glue staple one end of the crepe paper to the gift box.
    • Then Stretch the second edge of the paper and glue it with an overlap on the already glued edge.
    • Attach the corrugated paper to the box, it should be in the shape of a rectangle. At the same time, wrap only from two edges, the other two free edges do not need to be tucked, just glue them to the box.

    Now for the aesthetics:

    • Fluff the sisal fiber and attach it to the corner of the front of the box. Cut off all protruding fibers.
    • On the perimeter of the rectangle on the front side, step back 1.5 cm, and run a golden decorative cord.
    • Cut off some of the same decorative cord and colored ribbon . Randomly roll them into loops, fasten on top of the sisal.
    • Now glue a few patches of floral mesh golden color, christmas ball and ate a branch.

    Moreover, you can use a live twig, the New Year's spruce aroma is guaranteed.

    • The corners of the package place decorative bells.
    • Over the entire application attach another organza bow , for this, fold several ribbons together, then it will turn out magnificent. With a bow you will close all working moments.

    How to pack a birthday present with your own hands?

    You can prepare small but meaningful birthday gifts and pack them in a cake box. Or rather, in the "pieces" of this cake.

    • The cake consists of 12 elements. For their implementation, use thick colored paper and already ready template. Stretch the template to fit the landscape sheet.
    • Such a cake can be put on the table next to the birthday cake.
    • Circle the template on each sheet of colored paper, cut along the contour, fold along the fold lines.
    • Use glue to fasten the boxes, it is better to use superglue.
    • Do the rest of the layouts in the same way.

    • With a blade, carefully make a cut from one edge to hide the end of the second there. This will keep the boxes closed.

    • Tape the middle of each piece satin ribbon, one centimeter wide.
    • From pieces of ribbon, fold decorative bows, and attach to one side of the lid.

    • Arrange all other elements in the same way.
    • Now decorate the top of the cake with a pattern, appliqué, or flowers.
    • Put a symbolic gift in each piece.

    How to pack a gift for a child with your own hands?

    You can please a child for the New Year not only with a gift, but also with its packaging in the form reindeer. To make it, follow the tips:

    • Cut out circles, as well as ovals of different sizes for the nose and eye (see example in the photo).
    • Spread the nose circle with glue, and then sprinkle with sparkles, let dry.
    • Twist the wire, shaping the horns, wrap the resulting frame with bright threads.
    • Take a paper bag as a basis - glue all the details to the bag.

    How to pack a big gift with your own hands?

    A large gift box can be wrapped in wallpaper:

    Polysilk is also suitable for this purpose. In general, it is better not to wrap a big gift in anything, but simply decorate it with an elegant bow.

    Original ideas: how to creatively pack a gift with your own hands

    How to pack chocolate, cookies, sweets with your own hands?

    Sew craft paper on sewing machine in the form of a star, heart, boots. To decorate such New Year's paraphernalia, use bright threads. Be sure to leave space for "open here".

    To serve gift chocolate for the New Year, print the silhouette of a snowman, Santa Claus, etc. on a landscape sheet. Decorate the tile knitted things(hat, mittens, scarf) from old clothes.

    • The most appetizing look is cookies for a gift in a transparent film or package.
    • You can put each large cookie in a separate disc case.
    • Present sweets in a colorful heart-shaped box.

    How to pack glasses as a gift with your own hands?

    To prevent the glasses from breaking, they are packed in a solid material. Usually this carton packaging with a partition between the glasses. At the same time, a foam tray can be placed on the bottom of the box for safer fastening.

    Another option is to pack the glasses in a wooden box. So that the containers do not touch, the box is filled with sawdust, paper tapes, sisal.

    How to pack cosmetics as a gift with your own hands?

    Present care products in any of the above ways - they are all original.

    How to pack cognac with your own hands?

    • Put a bottle of cognac in a carton.
    • Cut out the package according to the template (based on the size of the container).
    • Decorate cardboard with flowers, beads, lace, vintage pictures.

    How to pack cognac, coffee as a gift with your own hands?

    A truly noble gift is cognac combined with coffee. Complete the tandem with a coffee set, cigars, dark chocolate.

    Such a present will look beautiful in a basket, or wrapped in a transparent film.

    How to pack tea, coffee as a gift with your own hands?

    • Give different types of teas and coffees by placing them in handmade bags . For this stock up on burlap, lace, jute thread.
    • Sew lace to the fabric, and then sew the bags themselves.

    • Pour the contents into each bag, and tie with a thread.
    • Place the bags in a basket, decorate with sprigs of dried lavender, chrysanthemums, or other fragrant herbs.

    How to pack money as a gift with your own hands?

    Make a box inside which put the days. Glue a greeting card on the front side. How to make an envelope for money, read in our

    Video: life hacks, how to pack a gift with your own hands?

    By making unusual packaging for your gift, you show respect and warmth to the person who will receive it.

    How to pack a gift? Of course, the easiest way is to use gift bag bought in a supermarket. But if you use a little imagination and make original packaging with your own hands, you will have a much greater effect!

    Especially for you, the Maternity.ru portal presents gift wrapping ideas for every taste!

    Magic slots

    Fairly easy to implement design - magic slots on the packaging. It can be a themed street, a star, Christmas decorations, silhouette of Santa Claus, candy and more. This approach looks original in combination with a color-contrasting box from.

    Themed paper for gifts

    Lovers can pack in a geographical map, musicians - in music sheets, or you can use wallpaper with the image of twinkling stars and Christmas trees.

    Instead of signatures, take a simple wrapping paper and paste photos of family members. Thanks to them, even a child who cannot read will be able to distribute gifts to recipients!

    Newsprint and wrapping paper decor

    You can create a bright gift design not only with colorful paper, but also with the help of an ordinary newspaper or craft paper.

    To do this, you can draw lines with glue, draw symbols of the New Year - a Christmas tree, a ball, an inscription, a snowflake - and sprinkle them with colored confetti.

    You can print on the wrapping paper. For example, a lush Christmas tree.

    To wrap a gift for a man or boy, you can glue the wheels from a toy car. It will sound especially original if the gift itself is related to the automotive theme.

    Plain paper can be used to make "vacuum" packaging for a light gift. To do this, we draw a contour, make outlines, put the gift inside the envelope and sew it with colored threads on all sides. Get the original figures.

    You can decorate gift wrapping with snowflakes from improvised materials: cocktail tubes,.

    Can be attached to wrapping or newsprint packaging bright postcards self made.

    Simple packaging can be decorated with bright threads and funny pompoms.

    We decorate newspaper packaging with bright stripes of colored paper. It can be gold or silver, with imprints of New Year and Christmas symbols. Look at the banding diagram.

    We decorate the wrapping package with a garland of colored balls, Christmas trees, snowflakes made of colored paper. Simple and stylish!

    We make a reindeer from a gift. We fix the eyes and mouth, funny horns on the sides. The original packaging of the New Year's gift is ready!

    We glue the appropriate application on paper bags - hours with the last pre-New Year's minutes, New Year's or Christmas.

    We decorate the New Year's gift with real cones and spruce branches. Very New Years!

    Wrap gifts in plain paper various shapes. Now we decorate with fir branches from green colored paper and a cone from.

    Pieces of fabric, lace or braid can be glued to wrapping or newsprint packaging.

    Packaging with prints and stamps

    Themed New Year's stamps are perfect for decorating holiday packaging.

    If you do not have such stamps, then you can use other improvised materials. For example, a spruce branch.

    Packaging - sweets

    The packaging of a suitable gift in the form of a candy or cracker looks original. Inside the cardboard tube, you can put a rolled-up soft gift or several small gifts. From above, a thick tube is wrapped in colored paper, tied and decorated according to your taste.

    You can make a whole candy out of thick cardboard according to the scheme.

    New Year's attributes

    You can tie small Christmas decorations to the bow on the gift wrapping.

    For children, you can make a sweet decoration of lollipops and sweets.

    From colored paper, you can "sew" bright winter mittens and attach them to a gift.

    You can make a gift with wishes. It can be a chamomile with excerpts from poems, anecdotes and aphorisms. Such packaging will impress more than the gift itself!

    You can decorate a gift with threads with a "filling" - beads, balls, snowflakes.

    chocolate girls

    Original gift-chocolate box. This is a box the size of a chocolate bar, where a sweet present and warm sincere wish. It is possible to put cash gift- right under the bookmark with a wish.

    The chocolate bar can be decorated with any symbol of the New Year. For example, wrapping a chocolate bar in white paper, draw a figure of a snowman, put on a small hat. Original and tasteful. Thus, you can decorate any non-voluminous gift.

    DIY boxes

    We offer several schemes for cutting gift boxes.

    Do original box from thick paper or wallpaper with "spruce" decor can be as follows:

    We wish you creativity and original ideas for wrapping Christmas gifts!

    Photo sources:

    Package - business card your gift. How your present will visually look decides its future fate and impressions from it. AT modern world there are many ways to create creative packaging personally.

    Original and creative packaging is able to attract attention and create the proper impression of a gift. In the modern world, there are many techniques and ways to create a festive mood with the help of wrapping packaging.

    You can do the packaging yourself, you can buy it in a store, wrap a gift in paper or fabric. The main purpose of a gift is to give joy and create a proper mood.

    Creative packaging is a way to surprise and delight a person

    If you want to break away from the stereotype and not wrap a gift with standard paper and tape, you should familiarize yourself with other interesting ways. Increasingly popular:

    • newspaper packaging
    • packing of wide satin ribbons
    • curly packaging
    • craft
    • glass jars
    • tissue packaging

    To decorate your gift, you can resort to bright accessories, lace, bows, flowers, beads, glass beads. Everyone is able to show their creativity and let their imagination fly.

    Video: 5 ways to wrap a gift. How to pack a gift with your own hands?

    How beautiful to pack a gift without a box?

    The box is just one of a thousand ways to present a gift. Increasingly, people are trying to diversify the standard box and invent original ways decorating your surprises. All improvised means are used. The main thing is to absorb soul and love into your work, and then anyone will appreciate your work.

    Candy gift wrapping

    candy packaging is always intrigue and aesthetic pleasure

    In order to pack a gift in such a "wrapper" you will need:

    • corrugated or wrapping paper
    • ribbons and canvas threads
    • fittings
    • glue, double sided tape
    • scissors

    Candy packaging can be cylindrical, square or round. It all depends on what exactly you will give the person. The most popular in the form of a candy bar.

    cylindrical packaging or candy bar

    This packaging is great for clothes, cosmetics, towels, bedding, accessories and much more. The main task is to form a gift into a roll and pack it tightly with cardboard. After that, start decorating:

    1. Wrap the gift with wrapping or corrugated paper
    2. At both ends, leave 15 centimeters of paper for ponytails
    3. Fasten the seams of the paper with tape or glue (instant)
    4. Attach the ends of the candy to the bows with ribbons.
    5. Decorate the candy with congratulations, beads and other decorative elements

    Gift packaging "Bag with a surprise"

    For this package, you will need either corrugated paper, which easily takes any shape, or fabric.

    gift bag packaging

    You will need:

    • bright fabric (organza or satin) or crepe paper
    • satin ribbons
    • thread with a needle
    • decorations: rhinestones, beads, sequins, sequins

    Choose any item for a gift. Lay out a piece of fabric (about a meter by a meter, but it all depends on the size of your gift). Place a gift in the center of the fabric and fold it on all sides.

    Secure the knot with ribbon and form a bow. Fluff the tail that turned out at the top, decorate with stones and shiny elements. Attach a small greeting card to the ribbon that ties the gift.

    Video: "Candy - surprise inside"

    How to wrap a gift in corrugated paper?

    Corrugated paper gives you the opportunity to unfold your imagination, as the variety of colors of the material and the ease of working with it are inviting. Corrugated paper is extremely light and its advantage is that it is able to keep its shape for a long time. The cost of this material is quite affordable for everyone and a whole roll can be purchased for only $ 0.50.

    gift wrapped in corrugated paper
    1. Unroll the roll of paper and put a gift in it
    2. Fold the sides of the paper to wrap a gift
    3. Secure the edges with tape
    4. To hide the edges of the gluing, use corrugated paper flowers (video)
    5. Decorate the flowers with ribbons, beads and stones as desired.

    Video: "Roses (flowers) from corrugated paper"

    How to wrap a gift in wrapping paper?

    Wrapping paper has won the hearts of buyers with its colorful variety of patterns and affordability. It is easy to buy such paper in any needlework store and in the stationery departments.

    The advantage of wrapping paper is that you can choose a pattern of any subject: for the New Year with Santa Claus, with a birthday cake or with Easter bunnies.

    gift in wrapping paper

    To pack a gift carefully, cut off a piece of paper that will completely wrap the item.

    1. Put the gift in the center of the piece
    2. Wrap it on both sides with paper
    3. Tape the sides
    4. Fold the ends of the paper inward to hide the exposed parts of the gift.
    5. Fold the corners into an envelope and secure with tape

    gift wrapping diagram

    Video: How beautiful to pack a gift in paper with your own hands?

    How to wrap a gift with a ribbon?

    The package tied with a ribbon bow can decorate your gift and give a festive feeling. This method is very popular because it suits a gift of any shape and always looks elegant. To make such a decoration is not difficult. All you need is a ribbon, scissors and execution technology.

    gift wrapped with ribbon
    1. Prepare a gift wrapped in paper
    2. Depending on the size of the gift, a certain length of ribbon will be needed, but always prepare with a margin. One meter is enough for a small box
    3. Wrap the gift with a ribbon horizontally away from you, then cross it and return it to the front side again
    4. Ribbon tightens well and ties into a bow

    ribbon gift wrapping scheme

    Video: “Decorate a gift with a ribbon bow”

    How to wrap a gift with a cloth?

    It’s not enough to prepare a gift, you also need to wrap it! It will help to pack a gift quickly and on a budget Japanese technique"furoshiki" (sometimes "furoshiki").

    The fabric allows you to pack a gift of any size and any shape. With the help of this material, you can create bizarre shapes and surprise with colors. It is best to use for packaging:

    • cotton
    • mixed fabrics

    gift wrapped in cloth

    At its core, furoshiki can be compared to origami. Don't be discouraged if you end up with a not-so-tidy job right away. Over time, you will master this technique and be able to easily create packages.

    gift wrapping technology
    1. Furoshiki is first folded diagonally so that the face is inward.
    2. Tie the ends in a knot
    3. Next, turn the furoshiki inside out.
    4. All corners fold into one big

    Video: “We decorate gifts with furoshiki technology”

    How to wrap a gift in an unusual and creative way?

    beautiful handmade there will be a box made by hand, decorated with lace and tied with braid. To do this, you need to prepare a cardboard blank, strictly observing the dimensions.

    box blank
    1. Cut out the piece of cardboard
    2. Glue the edges of the workpiece with a hot gun or strong quick-drying glue
    3. Glue on the tape
    4. Decorate the box

    packaging decoration

    Try to surprise your loved ones with a box of a non-standard shape, for example, a pyramid. Jewelry, sweets, key chains and any other trifle can fit perfectly in this package.

    pyramid packaging

    It is not at all difficult to make it using the proposed scheme.

    1. Draw a pattern on paper
    2. Cut out the pattern
    3. Glue the edges of the box where indicated
    4. Attach the ribbon and tie it into a bow

    pyramid packaging scheme

    Video: “We make creative gift wrapping with our own hands”

    How to pack a gift in the form of a shirt?

    The shirt packaging is modern way congratulate your beloved man on any holiday. Such packaging is done by hand, and the design and style can always be chosen to your liking.

    shirt packaging

    For manufacturing you will need:

    • wrapping paper or kraft paper
    • ribbons
    • buttons
    • scissors
    • ruler
    1. The sheet of paper is placed face down on the table.
    2. Both edges are folded in
    3. Flip the workpiece to face you
    4. We bend the edge of the paper that was not yet bent
    5. We bend the corners from the center of the workpiece
    6. On the other hand, we also bend the edges
    7. Fold the shirt, decorate

    shirt packaging scheme

    Video: "Gift packaging-shirt for a boy and a man with his own hands"

    How to pack a sweet gift?

    In order to pack sweets, packaging in the form of a cake is perfect.

    cake - packaging for sweets and other small things

    Such packaging is very interesting in that it has a visual similarity with such a dessert as a cake. It consists of 12 pieces that can be filled with the most unexpected sweets, chocolates and lollipops.

    You can decorate each piece in a variety of ways. When creating this package, you can “bake” a chocolate, creamy and even fruit cake, and you can decorate it with coffee beans, ribbons, lace and beads.

    Important: This cake will be a great birthday present, professional holiday, March 8, Valentine's Day and just like that. Modern stores sell a variety of sweets that fit snugly in every bite: M&Ms, chocolate candies, marshmallows, jelly, glazed peanuts and much more.

    1. In order to create a cake, it is best to print the template on a printer. Then all 12 pieces will be the same size and shape and you will not waste time drawing
    2. Glue all edges on the specified pattern
    3. Decorate each piece as you wish.
    4. Collect all the pieces on a dish and, if desired, tie with a ribbon so that they do not crumble.

    template for pieces of cake-packing

    Video: "Master class box in the form of a piece of cake"

    When preparing for any event, you need to take care of the gift in advance. Let yourself surprise your loved ones pleasant surprise and delight them with non-standard packaging of your gift. There will be a lot of impressions from the creative approach, and even more pleasure.

    Important: If you put your soul into the packaging, this will become a noticeable advantage of your gift and everyone who receives it will definitely like it.

    Video: "Original gift wrapping in 5 minutes"

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