• Does he miss me? Fortune telling for a guy: “Does he miss me?” - a selection of online and offline fortune telling


    Fortune telling for love and relationships is a special topic. Because a person is more willing to put up with a lack of money or failures in the professional field than with the constant presence next to someone who is not loved or dear. It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s heaven in a hut with a sweetheart. And understanding how important the problem of feelings and relationships is in the life of each of us, we tried to collect online fortune telling for love and relationships that would provide free answers to all questions regarding such pressing issues.

    In this section you will find free virtual fortune telling for marriage and infidelity, you will be able to decide on the choice from several candidates for your heart... And you will also have the opportunity to understand directly online whether your chosen one is right for you and what kind of person he is, what are the prospects for your relationships and what your lover (or beloved) thinks about you at the moment.

    Free fortune telling for love and relationships online

    How deep are the feelings of the person you are in love with? Will the power of your love be appreciated? After all, it may turn out that your heart, beating faster at the mere mention of HIS (or HER) name, will end up mercilessly broken. Or maybe, on the contrary, you think the worst, suspect a person of self-interest, but he (she) is actually ready to sell his soul to the devil in order to always be with you. Here is a love fortune telling, which right now, online, will help you find out the whole truth and understand what is going on in your partner’s soul.

    You like this person... Although he probably has shortcomings, and you, of course, disagree with him (her) on something. True, you can’t see it yet. Or you don’t want to notice some disagreements, considering them trifles. Or maybe your partner seems ideal to you. However, life inexorably dots the t's... And therefore it is better to understand in advance how suitable you are for each other. And this virtual online fortune telling will help you understand such an important issue in a matter of seconds.

    Here is a fortune telling for love and relationships... A fortune telling that gives detailed answers to several personal questions at once. What's going on between you now? What are the prospects? What is on the soul of your chosen one (or chosen one)? What, perhaps, are you doing wrong? The answers to them are objective, because they are given by the Tarot system. Moreover, you can get all these answers online, that is, almost instantly. And yet - completely free.

    A woman’s fate does not always look logical and obvious. An ugly girl can get married faster than a beautiful girl, and a girl, seemingly destined by nature itself to be a mother and a wife, is all alone, while her friend, whose culinary talents boil down to scrambled eggs and bacon, is already getting ready to get married... To figure it out so much difficult issue and finally help yourself get married, take advantage of this online Tarot fortune telling. It gives a detailed and - most importantly - comprehensive answer to it. And besides, he offers practical advice and outlines prospects.

    All your doubts and torment about the fidelity (more precisely, infidelity) of your loved one will be resolved by this virtual Tarot layout. With its help, you will see the true state of affairs, understand whether your partner is predisposed to cheating in general, and figure out what you can expect from him (her) in the future... Fortune telling will consider the current situation from all angles possible parties, will help to understand its causes and consequences. This means you will get a chance to look at your relationship with this person from the inside and prevent possible problems in advance.

    Nobody knows their fate. And even a simple “tomorrow” is hidden from us by a thick veil. But we humans are curious and persistently look for a crack through which we can peek at our future. Humanity has invented many ways to do this. And Catherine’s fortune telling is one of the simplest and, at the same time, effective among them. It can be used as fortune telling for love, for the near future, or for good luck. The three symbol pictures that appear as an answer to the question are interpreted by you yourself, based on the circumstances own life. That is, everything is extremely honest and fair: no general interpretations of “nothing.” In addition, everything happens online, that is, here and now.

    Fortune telling with playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

    This free relationship fortune-telling will allow you to figure out whether there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of your loved one are. The layout is done on playing cards online, so you can use it exactly at the moment when it is most relevant to you.

    How painful the unknown is! Does he think about me? Will she call me or not? Loves or doesn't love? There are a lot of questions, and they all make the heart beat anxiously and the mind forget about important things... Meanwhile, there is a way to resolve all doubts in a few seconds. And he is in front of you. This virtual fortune telling is simple and clear. It won't take much time and won't require special effort, but at the same time will give an accurate answer to the most exciting questions. So, try it!

    An excess of fans can be just as problematic as a lack of them. And really, how to choose between several candidates? Here, truly, if only “the lips of Ivan Kuzmich and... to the nose of Nikanor Ivanovich and to the swagger... of Baltazar Baltazarych...” The classic was right. But we suggest that you do not think painfully and pointlessly, but try to resolve all your doubts right now in this online fortune telling for love and relationships. With its help, you will understand how attached each of the contenders for your heart is to you. And you can choose the most loving of them.

    Many representatives of the stronger sex claim that they are not bored at all. Like, real men are males, they don’t know how to get bored and indulge in all sorts of sweet suffering. There are always many bright females around them, and the man has no time to think and get bored about just one. But believe me, this is not so. Even though the stronger sex will not cry at the window and complain to their friends about painfully missing their beloved, but they also know how to be sensual, love and miss.

    Therefore, if in response to your innocent question: “Do you miss me?”, the man will frown sternly and answer: “Me? Yes, what are you doing! Rest assured: he misses you, he just doesn’t want to admit it.

    Remember this and do not judge your young man harshly.

    Frequently asked questions and answers

      How to make a guy miss you?

      1) You need to disappear from his life for a while. If you are constantly close to him, then it is natural that he will not miss you. In addition, it is not at all easy to voluntarily leave a loved one. But this is the only way you will give him time and space to understand, as well as the opportunity to realize how much he needs you in your absence.
      2) You can be very busy for a while or just pretend to be, even if in fact you are not. The next time, talking with your partner, when he asks a question about what you are doing, you don’t need to give a definite answer, you can just laugh it off. This will show that you are cheerful and easy man, but at the same time you will make the person agonize over the question of what you are actually doing in your absence.
      3) If you do not live together, then you can make a man miss you by forgetting some of your things in his house. When he comes across her in his apartment, he, of course, will immediately remember you. The main thing is that you do not urgently need the forgotten item.
      4) Most effective method- become the life of the party, so that next to you he will always feel at ease and comfortable. If you spend time with your partner, then you should not quarrel over trifles. And then, in any case, during separation, he will miss you and wait for your return.

      How to make a guy miss you from a distance?

      Constantly tell him how dear he is to you, how much you miss him, how much you look forward to meeting him. This will not be perceived as pressure, it is an expression of your feelings. And, believe me, he will miss you from the first second, as soon as he stops seeing you.

    Keeps in touch

    If a man is far from you, and you are tormented by guesses whether he misses you or has forgotten and does not remember, remember: if he misses you, he will definitely write a few words in the form of SMS or email, depending on how convenient it is for him. Or he will call. This already depends on the capabilities of your young man.

    He will definitely remember you, no matter how far away he is, and no matter how busy he is.

    But the degree of his “boredom” or the sincerity of his feelings should be judged not by the number of text messages or calls written, but by his words. If a man writes routine phrases, such as “how are you”, “what are you doing”, “it’s warm here, how about you?” And the answer to all questions is “clear,” or something like that - rest assured, your man either does not miss you sincerely or simply does not want to lose you as an object of sexual pleasure or a sweet companion. But if a man writes one SMS, but with kind words: “Are you dressed warmly?”, “Don’t forget to wear a hat,” “Are you not sick: it’s terrible cold outside,” “I can’t write, I’m busy all the time,” most likely, he really misses and loves. After all, sincere feelings are, first of all, care and reverent attitude.

    Judge not by the number of messages scrawled somehow or phrases spoken out of place on the phone, judge by the intonation, words, tenderness in the voice.

    Remember: men find it difficult to express their feelings, sometimes they don’t know how to do it at all. But if they really love and miss you, they will find a way to tell you about it.

    Can be annoying

    Many men who are faced with a feeling of longing for a woman feel uncomfortable. They often don't understand what to do. Therefore, instead of a tender feeling, some kind of primitive, incomprehensible instinct of jealousy and annoyance breaks through in them.

    A bored man is worse than an annoying August fly.

    He constantly calls, sends messages, asks a lot stupid questions, begins to shower his lady with unnecessary funny gifts.

    Many guys give girls figurines, perfume and a sea of ​​flowers. Some shower girls with sweets, invite them to go hiking, to the cinema or to a cafe. But very often they do all this in a way that is awkward and incomprehensible. In a word, they do not know how to be bored. And this feeling baffles them.

    But relax, men won’t be bored for long. This will happen to them after the first night together or during the course of living together.

    Unusual online activity

    Sometimes, when a man cannot tell you that he really misses you, he starts liking your photos from a hundred years ago, writing various “cute” things on the wall, and posting cute statuses or photos on his page.

    But all this is designed for you to go to his page, see and appreciate. And everything will work out for you. Well, something like this. He “sort of” takes the first step, and you must evaluate him. But the man himself will not write first or (whatever!) call.

    If you see that your man is suddenly “moving” online and giving you ambiguous hints: think, maybe the man is really bored. But he is ashamed or embarrassed to admit it.

    Initiates reconciliation after a quarrel

    If you don’t know whether your man is bored after a stormy showdown, and your pride does not allow you to call him, wait a few days.

    Really bored men They give up very quickly: maybe a day, maybe two. Well, a week at most.

    But these are already quite serious and principled examples. There are few of them and they get angry infrequently, but for a long time.

    After a quarrel, it is better not to take any steps and wait. You're a woman. Pretend that you are not bored and that you don’t care at all.

    You just wait for your man to come running to you with flowers in two days. And he will come running, rest assured. But he doesn’t come running: well, that means he wasn’t yours. There will be another one.

    Let him be bored later. But it's no use.

    Frequently asked questions and answers

      How to behave if a guy from the army says he misses you?

      There is no need to worry or think about something bad. This proves that he cares about you and wants you to wait for him. Answer in kind, he will be very pleased.

      If a guy writes that he is bored, what does that mean?

      An indifferent person does not call or write just like that. Men value their time and energy so much that they will not waste it on empty SMS with a girl they don’t like. Otherwise, they will not only listen, but also dedicate their interlocutor to the painful moments of their life, talk about problems and share their joy and goals.

      Should you tell a man that you miss him?

      Depending on what kind of man he is and what you want from him, you need to either hold him, maintaining a strict balance, seem inaccessible, but open your feelings in time, or be as open as possible. If this is “the one,” playing with him is a bad idea. You need to trust yourself. And be sure that he reciprocates completely.

      Why is a guy bored, but doesn’t write or call?

      Start writing and calling him yourself. Look at his reaction. He will answer in 2 words or, on the contrary, he will begin to communicate with you normally and your first step will be an impetus for correspondence! Maybe he’s just not used to communicating like this and doesn’t know that he’s causing you discomfort with his silence!

      How to hint to a guy that you miss him?

      The main thing is to be unobtrusive towards your loved one. It is better to avoid the word “I miss” itself, because it can be perceived as a complaint or reproach to your loved one. Better write “waiting.” This word has not yet become so banal and sounds very positive. It also reflects the fact that you are attracted to this person, that he gives you pleasant feelings.

      Why does a guy miss a girl?

      You can be bored for one reason - if the girl is not indifferent. If a guy shows signs that he misses you and is looking forward to meeting you, then you have an important role in his life.

      If a guy misses you, does that mean he loves you?

      This is considered a sign of falling in love. If for some reason you cannot be near your chosen one, he gets bored and openly demonstrates this: he writes SMS and often calls, talks about how he cannot imagine his life without you. Of course, there should be moderation in everything, however, if you go on vacation for 3 weeks and during all this time you do not hear a word from your “Prince Charming”, then he probably has no chance of becoming king, since There seems to be no love in such a situation.

      Who is more bored: a guy or a girl?

      One of the main differences between men and women is emotionality. Men do not show their emotions and sometimes act “cold”. Women tend to be more sentimental and tend to express their feelings outward. When a woman misses her loved one, it can be very difficult for her to pull herself together and get her to do everyday activities. Mentally, she will always return to the one to whom she gave her heart, and this will affect the quality of her work and her enthusiasm for this, or rather, the lack thereof.

      The guy wrote that he was bored, what should I reply?

      What signs can you use to understand that a guy is bored?

      He constantly texts you.
      - He gets very angry when you don’t answer the phone.
      - Constantly asks to send him a photo.
      - Likes photos on social networks published several years ago.
      - At the beginning of the week, he already offers you leisure for the weekend.
      - He tries in every possible way to surprise you.
      - Tells his friends about you.

      Can a guy miss his ex?

      Of course it can. Just like a girl can miss her ex. This normal phenomenon. Not always old feelings evaporate. If a guy begins to remember some moments spent with his ex-girlfriend and he finds it pleasant, then a hint of boredom cannot be avoided.

    Part 1

    Observe your ex-boyfriend's or girlfriend's behavior towards you
    1. Think about what you know about your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. Also reflect on your relationship and what role you or your partner played in it. Think about how your loved one resolves conflicts and their communication style. Is this person stubborn or straightforward? This will help you determine if he misses you. If he was upset or angry, did he try to avoid you? Silence may indicate that he is not ready to renew the relationship, but still experiences negative feelings. Is this person living in the past? Then, most likely, he is still thinking about you. Use what you know about your ex and his personality to understand how he feels about you now.

      • Keep in mind that sometimes we tend to see things that don't really exist. If you know that your ex-boyfriend or a girl loves to text, but you haven't heard a word from him or her since the last time you met, silence doesn't mean he misses you. He would most likely text you if he really missed you. Look at his behavior more objectively.
    2. Pay attention to how often he tries to contact you. If your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't miss you, he or she will most likely try to contact you if they need to (for example, if they need to pick up things from your house). If your ex misses you, he or she will likely call, text, or email.

      • When your ex wants to contact you, they don't need a special reason to do so. She can simply say or write: "Hi! How are you doing?"
      • An exception may be a situation when your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend offers to remain friends after a breakup. If a person close to you is looking for opportunities to communicate with you, this is Maybe be a sign that he misses you. However, this may also indicate that he still wants to maintain a purely friendly relationship with you.
      • If your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend often calls you in the middle of the night, after drinking several glasses of alcohol (in this state the person is more relaxed), then most likely he has feelings for you.
    3. Pay attention to how he acts when he tries to contact you. More likely, close person will look for a reason to call you. He may want to ask for your advice or get the help he needs from you. In addition, he can start a conversation about something serious. For example, he may talk about what he wants to achieve or his idea of ​​an ideal life.

      • When he addresses you, he may "accidentally" call you pet name, which he used when you were together. Such a clause may indicate that he is still thinking about you.
    4. Notice how quickly your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend responds to your messages or phone calls. If your ex-lover

      • Answering your messages as soon as he receives them, or responding to your call after the first ring, this could also be a sign that he is bored. If he wasn't that into you or interested in your relationship, then this person would respond to your messages, say, the next day or not at all. If the opposite happens, then most likely your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend does not miss you.
    5. If your ex-partner completely ignores your calls and messages, stop, don’t bother him anymore. If you are bored, it will be difficult to do this; however, prohibit yourself from calling or writing. Thanks to this, you can move forward. When meeting, pay attention to body language.

      • If a person shows a closed attitude, such as keeping his arms crossed over his chest, not making eye contact, appearing bored, and not smiling at all, this means that he is not interested in a relationship with you.
      • Although body language is an excellent indicator of a person's inner world, however, you are unlikely to learn everything based on it alone. For example, your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend may miss you a lot, but in your presence act as if he wants nothing to do with you. This may happen because a person is afraid to experience mental pain again.

    Why do you want to know if your ex-boyfriend misses you? Perhaps you feel these subtle signals in the form of signs of attention or non-trivial phrases that do not allow you to fall asleep peacefully. Perhaps you broke up a long time ago, but you still have hope for a reunion. Time makes it possible to realize that a mistake was made. You probably just miss him, and the wounds from the breakup are still too fresh. Secretly you hope he feels the same. Here are several signs that indicate that your ex-boyfriend is not against your couple's reunion.

    He talks about you in a humorous manner

    As you know, there is some truth in every joke. And if your ex-boyfriend turns conversations about your breakup into a humorous form, you have a clear sign that he is bored. He cannot admit to his friends that he is feeling bad or suffering, because they will immediately rush to give valuable advice. So why not veil your suffering in a humorous form? This will hide the guy’s embarrassment and stop further conversations on a sensitive topic. Well, if jokes hover in the area of ​​“I want to return to the past,” this is a clear sign that he is really thinking about returning to his old relationship.

    He asks mutual friends about you

    If a man completely breaks off the connection, he is unlikely to care who you spend the long winter evenings with. He will move forward, live life to the fullest and will not try to pretend to be a private detective. But if your ex-boyfriend is still monitoring the situation, this indicates that he cares about you. He is still assessing his chances and sees himself as a contender for your heart. Ask your friends what the man’s reaction was in response to the requested information. If, having learned that your heart is not occupied by anyone, he began to smile mysteriously or got rid of anxiety, he expected to hear something like that. And, on the contrary, information that you have new guy, should discourage him. One way or another, if your ex-lover is interested in your personal life, this suggests that he is still not indifferent to you.

    You often find yourself in the same place

    If you work or study together, there are many situations in which your paths will cross. Usually, when ex-lovers don’t need anything from each other, they try to cut off all contacts and do everything to avoid being in the same place at the same time. But your ex-man is acting strange. He looks for every opportunity to be in the same work group with you, watches you during your lunch break and knows down to the second when you leave workplace. So don't be surprised if you see him at one of your friends' parties. This person continues to keep his finger on the pulse of events and prefers to stay close to you. Perhaps, in this way, he wants to eliminate all possible competitors.

    He criticizes your new chosen ones

    In front of you obvious sign pure jealousy. After all, if a man does not miss his ex-girlfriend and he is not interested in a reunion, he is indifferent to her current chosen one. But he still believes he can legally interfere in your life, he still fears for your safety, and he doesn't want anyone else around you. Showing possessiveness and criticism towards your new boyfriend indicates remnants of old feelings.

    He calls you when he's drunk

    Alcohol loosens people's tongues, lowers inhibitions and makes them lose control over the situation. That's why so many frank confessions can be heard after going to a bar and having a couple of cocktails. Just imagine what’s going on in the head of your ex-boyfriend who calls you in the middle of the night and asks to see you. Now he thinks the date is a great idea, but that means he thought that way while he was sober. And if before he was embarrassed to say about it, now his tongue is loose, and his brain cannot keep his actions under control. This sign gives a high chance that your ex-boyfriend is still bored.

    He sends you SMS

    Sending text messages in the middle of the night is also a clear sign feelings that have not yet faded away. Deciding to call can sometimes be very difficult; in this case, SMS comes to the rescue of those who are especially shy. If the message came in the middle of the night, it is more likely that your ex-boyfriend is somewhere in a bar or in the company of friends. He is a little drunk and has no inhibitions. Any frivolous remarks about your irresistible appearance indicate that he does not mind being in the same bed with you. Do you still doubt his intentions?

    He doesn't have a new girlfriend

    You have a more ambiguous criterion. Guys who are in no hurry to take on new responsibilities do not always miss their ex-girlfriends. Probably, past failures have taught them to be more picky, and they are in no hurry to rush out of the frying pan and into the fire. It depends on how long ago you broke up and how long you spent in the relationship. If you've been in a long-term relationship, he's probably not dating anyone because he's still bored. A new romance depends on a man's ability to recover from a breakup or his introverted nature. It's another matter if you find out that they are hovering around him. free girls, they set up dates for him, but your ex-man steadfastly rejects all these tempting offers. In this case, there are chances that indicate that a spark of past love is glowing in his heart.

    He remembers your love with warmth

    Memories of past happiness are a sign of longing for former relationship. Most often, partners who part with scandals remember the time spent together in a negative way. They hurl insults at the family of their former chosen one, call that relationship a big mistake and prefer to forget everything, how horrible dream. But if the partner sees previous relationships positive moments, then his bright nostalgia is a sign of melancholy. He can write you a phrase that begins with the words “Do you remember...?” He may accidentally touch your hand or smile when you meet. There is no doubt that your ex-boyfriend can't stop thinking about you.

    He makes you jealous

    When interpreting this point, it is necessary to connect intuition. At your ex-man got started pretty quickly new novel(don't be surprised if you know this girl well). He will appear with her in public so often that he is sure to make you jealous. Your ex-boyfriend will desperately show others how happy he is with his new lady, and that women are lining up for him. If he is an active user social networks, he will not miss the opportunity to post another romantic photo with a "talking" signature.

    Even an outside observer might get the idea that this man is desperately trying to appear happy when he sees these photos. But you know this person well, so you are sure that he is trying to make you jealous. Happy partners do not make their happiness public, but prefer to carefully keep it behind closed doors. And if people flaunt their relationships, they are pursuing some goals. He probably expects decisive action from you.

    He follows you on social media

    When former partners they don’t need anything from each other; they prefer not to intersect on social media. But your ex-boyfriend chose a different model of behavior for himself. He comments on all your posts and doesn't miss a single new photo. He cares about your life, that's why he strives to return past relationships. Social media is the first step in a larger comeback plan.


    Fortune telling: Does someone who is far from me miss me or not?


    1. He has no time for you.

    2. Eyes do not dry out.

    3. Thinks day and night.

    4. Regrets that they broke up.

    5. Out of jealousy I am ready to get into a noose.

    6. All exhausted.

    7. Feels sad and jealous.

    8. He already has another girlfriend.

    9. Wants to see.

    10. He drowns his grief in wine.

    11. In longing for you, he writes poetry.

    12. Dancing at parties.

    14. Soon he won’t stand it and will return.

    15. Will be at your feet.

    16. Will fly in like a swallow.

    17. Glad we broke up.

    18. If you call, he will drop everything.

    19. He is incredibly happy about your quarrel.

    20. He has nothing to miss.

    21. Left on the advice of my family forever.

    22. He doesn’t get away from fortune tellers.

    23. He has already been matched with someone else.

    24. Waiting for your letter of apology.

    25. He has already returned.

    26. There is no time to be sad, he is all in work.

    27. A new passion sits on his lap.

    28. This gentleman is angry and hates you.

    29. One of these days he will come back.

    30. He struggles with his melancholy.

    How to use fortune telling

    If you want to tell fortunes on some important question of yours, look for it in this section of “Fortune telling” and mentally turn to the spirit of the Oracle - to the Sibyl Cassandra:

    “Oh, purest and kindest spirit of Cassandra, guide my hand to a fair and honest answer. For who, if not you, will reveal the truth to me!”

    After casting this spell, use the mouse cursor or take any thin object (pencil, knitting needle, fountain pen, needle, etc.) and, without looking, poke it into the magic fortune telling square shown above (you can print the page). Open your eyes and see what number is under the tip of your object. Find the answer to your question under this number. And rest assured, the answer will be true!

    What you should know when starting fortune telling

    You cannot ask the same question several times.

    You only need to ask the Oracle a question alone.

    Fortune telling by this Oracle is only possible at night.

    During fortune telling, you should not utter swear words so as not to offend Cassandra’s spirit.

    Anyone who does not believe in the Oracle should not guess, because the Oracle will not tell you the truth anyway.

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