• Statuses about love with meaning are new and cool. The best statuses about love with meaning


    Wishing others well

    Beautiful statuses about love with meaning are of interest not only to young ladies adolescence. After all, as you know, all ages are submissive to this feeling. One of the most original statuses sounds like this: “Tomorrow the one who reads this status will meet his love.” When a person wishes all the best and purest things for other people, higher powers - the universe or God, everyone calls it differently - always respond to his inner impulses. Those who radiate in the world good, they will always receive it in the future. Wanting to meet your love absolutely strangers- after all, we don’t know who exactly will read our profile on social network- a person can thereby attract the energy of love into his life.

    Love and its substitution

    And here is another beautiful status about love with meaning: “Love is one. But there are thousands of fakes for it.” Unfortunately, this is the bitter truth about modern life and the place of love in our world. Sometimes true love trying to replace it with addiction. Most often, women enter into such problematic relationships, because it is the weaker sex who is more in need of approval, affection and attention. But sometimes men also enter into dependent relationships. This type of feeling has little to do with bright and pure love. The main indicator signaling that there is little true love- this is the lack of development of partners. Thanks to pure feeling, a person always becomes higher, he has new goals and inspiration.

    Happy hours don't watch...

    Beautiful statuses about love with meaning help to consider this feeling in more detail, to understand the characteristics of the state of the person who experiences it. After all, scientists have already determined that a person in love changes hormonal background, he behaves differently. This can be noticed without special research: bright feelings always make people kinder and more tolerant. There are many beautiful statuses about love with meaning that describe this state. For example, this: “For love, yesterday does not exist, love does not think about tomorrow.” Indeed, time always flies when a person is passionate about something. In a state of love, all his thoughts are absorbed by the object of his sighs. That is why in the presence of loved ones there is only the present moment.

    Love and hate

    Sometimes beautiful statuses about love, they meaningfully describe real relationships better than any psychological theories: “From love to hate, one step... To the left.” Of course, this status is ironic, but there is a fair amount of truth in it. After all, sometimes relationships reach a dead end. The person does not know what is best to do - leave or stay with the current partner. They won't let him leave the relationship. own feelings. But, on the other hand, the partner behaves in such a way that love begins to bring only pain. In this case, no matter how much society condemns betrayal, it can be beneficial.

    Bright feelings against depression

    And here is another beautiful status about love with meaning: “If you lose heart, then into the appropriate arms.” Everyone knows that bright experiences heal mental wounds and have a beneficial effect on a person. Scientists have found a special structure in the human brain that is responsible for love. During depression, the activity of this area decreases. From a psychological point of view, love is an excellent cure for depressive disorders.

    Convey your feelings

    There are times in life when there is a need to express your emotions using a social network. A great way to do this is to use VK statuses about love for a guy. For example, this: “Let miles and years lie between us, my love is with you, my dear, forever.” After reading this status, the young man will become even more confident in the truth of the girl’s feelings. You can also use more a short phrase: “When we are together, I envy myself.”

    VK statuses about love for a guy from this article will help any girl express her feelings without reminding her young man about them directly. After all, as you know, many guys don’t like unnecessary talk about love. They try to prove their feelings with action, and mistakenly believe that girls should behave the same way, suppressing any attempts by a young lady to explain her feelings. In such a situation, beautiful statuses about happiness and love are a real find. You can describe your state, for example, as follows: “Next to you, I forget to breathe...”.

    Unrequited love

    But feelings do not always bring happiness. Unrequited love- this is an experience that does not find a response in the heart of another. Despite all its tragedy, it has exactly the same right to exist as other types of relationships. In this case, statuses about love with meaning to tears will come in handy:

    • He doesn't love me, he destroys my soul. My heart is torn into pieces, because my beloved and I are not close.
    • They told me: Run, he is not worthy of you. But I ran to you.
    • It is unbearably painful when a person who considered you the center of the world forgets about you.

    What about self-love?

    Psychologists say that the main reason for unhappy love is a lack of ability to take care of oneself. As a result, a person exchanges this skill for excessive feelings for another. A common misconception is that you can only be happy if you are around certain person. No man can satisfy all of a woman's needs, including emotional ones.

    The situation is exactly the same with the stronger sex. Every person - no matter what gender he belongs to - must first learn to love himself, listen to his needs and satisfy them. Those who put themselves first in their lives can safely use the following status: “Have an affair with yourself. This type of relationship is the most reliable for a woman!” Sad messages on a social network will probably be read by the person to whom they are addressed. But will this change the situation? Often, in order to learn to truly love, long-term work with a competent psychologist is required.

    Short statuses about love

    Sometimes you don't need many words to say love. After all, when a person goes out of his way to prove something, trust in him, on the contrary, becomes less. This is why many girls prefer short statuses about love. Let's look at a few examples of such phrases:

    • Without you, my life is like a waiting room.
    • Love is all.
    • You are nearby, the rest will follow!

    The sage was asked: “If a person loves, will he return?” The sage replied: “If a person loves, he will not leave.”

    Love doesn’t end because we don’t see each other... people believe in God all their lives without seeing him...

    If in the morning you hug something other than your pillow. And everyone can wish for pleasant dreams at night. And you brew two mugs of coffee in the morning - You have found everything in life, all you have to do is not lose it!

    I learned to remain silent about the love I wanted to shout about...

    I love you. - Prove it! - How? - Shout what you love so that everyone in the world can hear. He quietly approached and whispered in my ear: “I love you.” Why so quietly and why in my ear? He: - Because the whole world for me is you.

    A person is weakest when he loves someone, and strongest when he is loved by someone...

    We have gone our way from “You can call me.” .. To the sharp “You don’t need to call me.” We put all the chips on “Falling in Love”... But we should have bet on “Love” And it became too late for us to make amendments. . And there is no reason to call again... And our bet didn’t work... We had to bet on “Love”

    Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.

    There are still two of us: me and my freedom.

    Once they asked a sage: “What is more important - to love or to be loved? The sage answered: What is more important for a bird, the left wing or the right?”

    I love to love my beloved, I love to be his beloved!

    Men don't like love without sex, women don't like sex without love. Women eat while talking, men talk while eating. Women bathe and men swim. That's why some have swimsuits, others have swimming trunks. Women have dreams, men have plans. A man loves with his eyes, a woman with her ears. Women hide their age, men hide their income. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and to a woman's heart - through the registry office. A divorced man is free. A divorced woman is lonely. We are different...

    When silence between the two of you doesn't bother you, you know you've found someone special...

    Relationships, love - they are like a book. It will take years to write. But it only takes one moment to burn it.

    Remove from VKontakte friends: done ✔
    Remove from Odnoklassniki: done ✔
    Erase mobile number: done ✔
    Remove from heart: Error!....

    If two people are destined to be together, no matter how many separations, tears and troubles they experience, fate will still unite them.

    The one who truly loves you is the one who secretly prays to God for you.

    A man who gave a woman wings will never wear horns!

    There are a lot of hands and eyes behind there. But only your face is the most precious thing... We love only once in this life. And then we look for people similar to him...

    How important it is to be loved. For real, seriously. The only one necessary to the point of madness, to tears. To be loved without fear, without suspicion and anxiety, without fear and empty doubts, since God intended love.

    Don't love him, but be his lover. Don't miss it, it will pass with time. Don't follow him like others do. If he needs you. He will come to you himself

    There are two types of guys: some are jealous of every post, and others say “jealous, she’s mine”

    It doesn't matter where or with whom you spend time. It matters who you think about when you close your eyes.

    You don’t need courage to offend a loved one, you need courage to ask for forgiveness later...

    The most important words in our lives, we say silently

    It’s better to tear where it’s thin, let it be painful and inopportune. Love is when they want a child, everything else is a world of sympathy. Let there be a lot of envy and flattery on every page of life. Love - when they want to be together! Everything else is just a habit.

    There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other.

    Many men are afraid of women whom they need to grow up to; it’s easier to use those to whom they can stoop...

    You can't give too many flowers to a woman, or too many toys to a child.

    And there was a cat living in our yard. An ordinary, mongrel, but his life has taken a toll on him, just like people. Once he lost part of his tail - only a short stub remained. The left ear was torn and did not heal well. Because of the scar, one eye did not open, but only squinted. Sometimes you look at a cat, and he looks at you. And it seems as if the beast is aiming at you. Only there is no gun.
    In fact, this cat was kind. He was never angry with people, although people did not favor him. And they called him “Ugly”. Not Vaska, not Barsik - “Ugly”. Yes, however, he looked scary, you understand.
    And he, perhaps, understood that the word was offensive, but he didn’t take offense at people... When they shouted “Ugly!”, he meowed in response, tried to wag the stump of his tail, and even ran towards him. Everyone was waiting for a miracle... Only children were forbidden to touch him, and those who were older shushed him.
    It happened that he was deceived. They called me over, and instead of food, they doused me with water from a bucket. I remember often thinking then: why are we so angry? We want to be treated humanely, to understand our problems, and to be cruel and merciless with those who are weaker.
    The cat tolerated it when it was watered. He flattened his ears and wet himself obediently. Sometimes he even rubbed himself against his leg, meowing. As if he was apologizing for being so unattractive, worthless, and causing people to hate him. He received kicks, he was kicked out of the hallway, as if venting all the accumulated anger - for the injustice of our life. One poor fellow wanted to enter the house and ask for food in the kitchen, but his paw was pinched by the door.
    He then limped, his paw healed slowly, but he still forgave people and reached out to them. And, as if as punishment for the fact that he was so good-natured, someone set the neighbor’s dogs on “Ugly”. The cat could not run away or jump on the fence - his sore limb failed him. I was in the room, I heard his screams, almost human. He ran out into the street and drove away the mongrels - angry, dirty. From the breed of those who are ready to bark in a herd at everyone they meet - hiding under the fence. But they will never get into a fight with a strong opponent.
    “The Ugly” lay in a pool of blood, motionless. You know, I suddenly thought - he’s just like us. Like me, like all the inhabitants of Slantsevo communal apartments, broken by life. Only he doesn’t know how to hate... He picked him up, carefully, carefully. I carried him home, very afraid that I would hurt him, because he was suffering terribly. He entered the room, not knowing what to do. He wheezed and gasped. I sat down on a chair and carefully placed it on my lap. I tried to pat him on the head, fearing that I would cause further pain.
    And “Ugly” suddenly tried to purr. Yes! He didn't wheeze or howl, he tried to purr! Thank you for your affection. The man gave him a drop of warmth, even before his death - the beast tried to thank him for this miracle, forgetting about his own pain.
    The cat died on my lap. He stretched his head and rubbed it against his palm. Stretched out in full height and froze. I was no longer breathing, I stopped feeling his heart beat.
    Then I sat motionless for a long time, with the dead cat on my lap. He kept thinking about us people. About how we treat each other, and not only each other - just those who are weaker. This beast, who was called "Ugly" - an unfortunate cripple who had been looking for at least a drop of warmth all his life - revealed to me something very important. I suddenly saw clearly: for many of us, everything is fine with the physical shell, with the body, but the soul is severely crippled. “Freak” - that’s what you can say about almost everyone today...

    People are like musical instruments: their sound depends on who touches them. 13

    The girl is the main one in the relationship! And if a guy thinks that he decides everything, then she is also wise. 18

    You’ll always do some kind of nonsense, and then you’ll sit and think - why is it that I haven’t lived a peaceful life at all? 23

    You have to pay bitterly for sweets. 27

    The identification mark of a real guy - happy girl near. 15

    Take care of the one you love, so that later you don’t have to live with the one you got. 38

    When you love, the beat of your heart is heard by everyone around you, when you hate, it reverberates only in your head, when you die, only you stop hearing it, but it remains with those who love you... 22

    Don't go behind me - I won't lead you. Don't go ahead of me - I won't follow you. Walk side by side and we will be one. 25

    Live with your mind, the heart is a stupid organ. 23

    A guy is capable of the most incredible things to get a woman into bed. Only a girl who is determined to get married can surpass him. 19

    It is better to remain a pleasant memory than an annoying presence. 17

    Many guys are afraid of the girls they need to grow up to, so they choose those they can sink to... 13

    You can forgive your loved one everything. The question is: will he remain loved after this? 13

    There are people who can be given a tenth chance, and there are those for whom the first was clearly unnecessary... 15

    Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts. You shouldn't expect them from cheap people. 16

    In love, someone else's choice is always surprising... 20

    She grew older, wiser, and sad. 24

    There are no chance meetings. Each meeting is either a test, or a punishment, or a gift of fate... 19

    To win a woman, you need patience, to keep - attention, to lose - indifference... 16

    People stopped seeing each other as people. Everyone is interested in how you dress, how much you earn, what kind of car you drive - anything, just not you. 20

    When people feel good together, it doesn’t matter to them what their relationship is called. 19

    Any girl becomes chic when she is with a guy who knows how to light up her eyes and brighten up her life. 8

    The guy loves everyone with his eyes, but only one with his heart... 20

    A woman is looking for a man with a big future, and a man is looking for a woman with a small past... 20

    Just because a man has wings does not mean that he is an angel. Most likely, that one is still a beetle! 10

    Be a choice, a reason, a priority - but never become an option. 16

    The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two substances: if there is a reaction, then both elements change. 19

    If you love a person for who he is... then you love him... If you try to change him radically, then you love yourself... 16

    Every story has its ending. But in life, every end is the beginning of a new period. 14

    I'm not a gift, but you're not the birthday boy either 7

    A girl is like theater, today it’s a comedy, tomorrow it’s a tragedy, and the day after tomorrow there’s a tour in another city. 16

    About life

    Probably, each of us has moments when support and understanding are needed. But not only deeds can help, but also Right words. So, beautiful statuses with meaning sometimes bring comfort and fill with hope.

    • If life has meaning, then suffering has meaning.
    • Love the world. This is the only way to survive in it.
    • We can break even pitch darkness with our own light.
    • The secret of life is meaningless unless you discover it yourself.
    • It is impossible to hold back rain, woman and life by force.
    • Life isn't always easy. But it's always a wonderful journey.
    • There are no mistakes in life. She's just teaching us her lessons.
    • Life is the greatest mystery. You never know where it will lead or when it will end.
    • Life - best friend if you get what you want. And the strictest teacher if not.
    • Let's live in such a way that even the undertaker will feel sorry for us when we die.
    • Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but there is no rainbow without rain.
    • Every new day is another chance to change your life.

    Short beautiful statuses with meaning about love

    high feelings fill us with wonderful emotions, and often there are not enough words to convey them. But I really want to tell my beloved about what fills my heart and soul. Luckily, poets and philosophers throughout the centuries have tried to find the perfect words to express this wonderful feeling. Perhaps the beautiful statuses with meaning presented below will be useful to readers.

    • Love is life. If you miss love, you miss life.
    • Life without love is like a year without summer.
    • The madness of love is heaven's greatest blessing.
    • Don't look for love. Let her find you.
    • Your smile is the key to my heart.
    • Where there is love, there is life.
    • Heaven is on Earth when we are together.
    • Every time I see you I fall in love again.
    • Every love story is beautiful, but ours is our favorite.
    • IN sincere love the soul sings a song.
    • I love my life because you are in it.
    • The mind sets boundaries, the heart destroys them.
    • Love will find a way. Indifference will be justified.
    • Love is when reality is better than your dreams.
    • I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

    Beautiful statuses with meaning (about beauty)

    About the mood

    Sometimes beautiful statuses with meaning help to cheer up not only yourself, but also those around you.

    • Whenever I have a problem, I just sing. At this moment the realization comes that my voice is worse than my problem.
    • When a woman says "What?" it doesn't mean she didn't hear you. It just gives you a chance to change what you said.
    • Behind every great man there is a woman who rolls her eyes.
    • Distance sometimes lets you know who is worth keeping and who is worth letting go.
    • If Plan A doesn't work, don't worry. There are many more letters in the alphabet.
    • At least I seem attractive to mosquitoes.
    • I'm not lazy, I just rest before I get tired.
    • I'm not arguing, I'm simply explaining why I'm right.
    • God probably loves stupid people - he made so many of them!
    • One child makes you a parent, two makes you a referee.
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