• Theme week "stones". GCD in the Preparatory group “In the Kingdom of Stones”. Topic: Properties of stones


    Irina Dobrynina

    Project« The amazing world of stones»

    1. Type project: informative

    2. Sign project: ecological

    4. By the nature of contacts: children, teacher, parents

    5. By the number of participants: group

    6. Duration: short-term (2 weeks);

    7. Subject of study – objects of non-living nature – stones, minerals, crystals

    Main directions project:

    Cognitive and research

    Speech development

    Target project:

    Creating conditions for joint and independent activities of teachers and students in the development of children’s cognitive and research abilities, the formation of children’s logical thinking


    Contribute to expanding children's knowledge about the properties and features stones and minerals;

    Develop cognitive activity in the process of conducting experimental research

    activities and a sense of mutual assistance.

    Expand children's vocabulary, form coherent speech when composing descriptive stories O stones and minerals

    Encourage children to put forward hypotheses, develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions, and establish the simplest relationships and patterns in the phenomena of the surrounding world.

    To cultivate a sense of beauty to see the diversity of the world.

    Relevance project:

    Living in a country rich in mineral resources, children have no knowledge of those around us stones and minerals. Introducing children to diversity stones helps you get to know the nature of your native land and country better. For centuries, our region has been famous for its mineral resources, which children and even adults, unfortunately, are not familiar with. But the Kirensky district and the Irkutsk region are rich in various minerals and minerals (mica, coal, sandstone, flagstone, lime, etc.)

    Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, promotes the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, promotes harmonious development personality. Introducing children to research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and careful attitude towards natural resources.

    IN preschool age special meaning For the development of a child’s personality, he has to assimilate ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment expands the child’s worldview and his personal growth. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in a preschooler the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of the surrounding world and independently apply knowledge in practical activities. To help preschoolers establish cause-and-effect relationships in living and inanimate nature, developing in them a caring attitude towards the world around them.

    Expected results:

    Children learned to distinguish minerals and crystals and be able to name their features; keep an observation sheet, filling it out in symbolic writing; learned to work with a magnifying glass, tweezers and a glass slide; competently construct descriptive stories using adjectives in speech (pearl, coral, amber, etc.); a grown crystal that was placed in a collection that grew into a mini-museum;

    Participation of children in all types of activities, involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten

    Action plan:

    1. Goal setting;

    2. Development of the content of the entire educational process based on topics project;

    3. Organization of a developmental, cognitive, subject environment;

    4. Determining the directions of cognitive practical activity;

    5. Organization of joint creative cognitive practical activities

    Event plan project activities

    Stages Collaborative work between teacher and children Goals and objectives

    1 Information for parents about upcoming activities.

    Selection of demonstration material on this topic.

    Selection of fiction.

    "Minerals" Children's Encyclopedia;

    "How do they live stones» E. Chuiko. Expand parents' understanding of diversity stones and minerals of our region. Get interested in what's coming project

    2 Topic: "Amazing stones"

    Target: Introduce children to the diversity of the world stones. Consider and identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials

    Subject: "We are geologists"

    Goals: develop tactile sensations, to know the properties “by touch” substances: hardness, softness, buoyancy.

    Learn to compare and distinguish substances according to their state.

    Develop the ability to independently build a hypothesis before starting experimentation and compare it with the result.

    Subject: "Minerals"

    Goals and objectives:

    Summarize knowledge about minerals; give children an idea of ​​the properties of magnets and how they are used in industry; develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions; develop the ability to work in a team.

    Application "We are building a house from stones» Target: introduce children to modular application. Arouse interest in creating the image of a stone house using visual and expressive means. Develop the ability to plan your work and carry out your plans technologically. Develop a sense of composition

    Drawing by Design "Pebble Transformation" Target: teach children to create artistic images based on natural forms. Introduce different drawing techniques stones of different shapes. Improve visual techniques. Develop imagination.

    Reading fiction

    Fairy tale by I. N. Ryzhova “What the pebbles were whispering about”

    P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Silver Hoof", "Mistress copper mountain»

    Poems, proverbs and sayings about stones. Target: introduce children to the works of Pavel Bazhov. Emotionally include children in the atmosphere "skaz", listening to his lively dialogues that evoke good feelings. Develop children's imagination and ability to imagine fairy tale hero and describe it.

    Watching cartoons;

    Based on the fairy tales of P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower" Target: Continue to introduce the work of P. Bazhov, his literary heroes.

    Outdoor games: "We are rock climbers", "King of the Hill", "Find your stone" Target: Develop children’s motor skills and abilities, learn and remember the rules of the game. Play by yourself

    View presentations: "World stones» , "Precious stones» Target: Develop cognitive interest. Familiarize yourself with the names of minerals stones

    Didactic games with stones for the development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills

    What's extra? "

    - "Find a couple"

    -"Continue the series"

    Board-printed games

    - "Living and inanimate nature"

    Role-playing games

    - "In Search of Treasure" Target: Develop logical thinking, attention, visual perception, the ability to select an object by color, cultivate perseverance, patience, teach to put the material back in place.

    3 Designed a mini-museum « Amazing stones»

    Conducted a quiz "What do we know about stones»

    Exhibition "Products from stone» Target: Identify acquired knowledge about the proposed topic. Develop independence in choosing a topic you like and the ability to speak coherently.

    Target: Introduce children to the diversity of the world of stones and their properties.

    Program content:

    • Pay attention to the features of the stones. Together with the children, classify stones according to the following characteristics: size (large, medium, small);
    • surface (smooth, flat, rough, rough); temperature (warm, cold); weight (light, heavy), buoyancy – sinks in water.
    • Develop visual, auditory and muscle memory, eye, logical thinking. Promote the development of aesthetic taste. Encourage children to express their tactile sensations in words. Strengthen skills in working with magnifying devices. Promote the development of auditory perception. Aim children to search and creative activity V kindergarten
    • and at home.

    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards comrades and the teacher.

    1. Demonstration and handout material.
    2. Photographs, paintings of mountains and mountain landscapes.
    3. Fairy-tale heroine – Mistress of the Copper Mountain.
    4. Treasure box.
    5. Blue, white fabric.
    6. A set of large building material.
    7. Box of sensations.
    8. A set of diagrams - drawings.
    9. A cassette with mysterious music.
    10. Scientist's hat.
    11. Marks: question mark, exclamation mark.
    12. A set of stones for each child.
    13. Magnifiers with 3, 4, 7x magnification.
    14. Glass of water, spoon.
    15. Large trays.
    16. The napkins are small.
    17. The napkins are big.
    18. Box with cells.
    19. Research algorithms.

    Maracas – 3 types.

    Preliminary work.

    Talking with children about mountains, looking at illustrations, large paintings with mountain landscapes. Examination of the globe, world map and finding the highest mountains of our planet and our state. Reading the fairy tale “The Stone Flower” by P.P. Bazhov.

    Vocabulary work.

    Hard, dense, rough, rough.

    Progress of the lesson

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Educator:

    Guys, what are we going to experiment with? Yes, with stones. I ask you to sit comfortably at the tables. Now let's take a closer look at what kind of assistants we need for experiments?

    (The teacher quickly reminds the purpose of each organ.)

    Educator: And now we will all become scientists and begin our experiments. Open your napkins and move the trays closer to you. Our eyes are the first to work. Carefully examine all the stones with your eyes.

    Experiment No. 1. Determination of color and shape. Children share observations of what color their stones are.

    (gray, brown, white, red, blue, etc.). (the teacher shows an exclamation mark and a diagram - drawing, attaches it to the board.)
    Rice. 1

    Experiment No. 2. Determining the size.

    The teacher shows an exclamation mark and asks: “Are all the stones the same size?” - No. Find and show me your largest stone, smallest, medium. Who will make an important conclusion about the size of the stones? Riddle game with maracas.

    Conclusion: stones come in different sizes. For the next experiment we will need very sensitive fingers.

    Rice. 2

    Hand preparation - self-massage.

    Experiment No. 3. Determination of the nature of the surface.

    We will now stroke each pebble in turn. Are the surfaces of the stones the same or different? Which? (Children share their discoveries.) The teacher asks the children to show the smoothest stone and the roughest one.

    Conclusion: a stone can be smooth or rough.

    Rice. 3

    Experiment No. 4. Examining stones through a magnifying glass.

    To see the surface of the stones even better, we will use magnifying glasses.

    (Children look at all their stones.)

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. What interesting things did you guys see? (Specks, paths, depressions, dimples, patterns, etc.). Well done, very attentive children. Guys, I have an interesting proposal for you to become a Libra for a minute. What do you do with scales? Yes, they weigh it.

    Experiment No. 5. Determination of weight.

    Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone.
    Conclusion: stones vary in weight: light, heavy.
    Guys, now put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. What table? What about the cheeks? Our skin can quickly detect temperature.

    Rice. 4

    Experiment No. 6: Determination of temperature.

    Now we will have a very interesting, very difficult experience. Among your stones you need to find the warmest and most cold stone. Guys, how and what will you do? (Children suggest methods of action, conduct experiments. The teacher asks to show a warm, then a cold stone and offers to warm the cold stone.)

    Breathing exercises. Children take all the stones, place them on their palms, inhale through their nose, and exhale through their mouth, lips using a straw. (3 times).

    Conclusion: stones can be warm and cold.

    The teacher shows an exclamation mark and asks: “Guys, what do you think will happen to the stone if you put it in water? (Children's versions.) Why do you think so? (Children's arguments.) What needs to be done to find out the truth - the truth? (Children's suggestions.)

    Rice. 5

    Experiment No. 7. Buoyancy.

    Children take a jar of water and carefully place one stone in the water. They are watching. Share the results of the experience. The teacher draws attention to additional phenomena - circles appeared in the water, the color of the stone changed and became brighter.

    Conclusion: stones sink in water because they are heavy and dense.

    Rice. 6

    (Children take out a stone and wipe it with a small napkin.)

    Educator: Guys! Please look at the board. We ended up with an unusual letter about stones. Writing in drawings and diagrams. Who wants to become a scientist, put on a bachelor's cap and make an important conclusion about the properties of stones? (One child draws a conclusion about all the experiments performed.) The children put their workspace in order, and the teacher encourages the children and offers to go on an excursion and see an exhibition about stones.

    She pays attention to the beauty and variety of stones. The owner of the copper mountain gives the children a box with cells and asks them to create a collection of stones in their group.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Guys, let us now, with our own hands, try to create a mountain range of three peaks.

    Children approach large building materials and build mountains. Cover them with blue cloth and the tops with white cloth. The teacher asks you to close your eyes. Mysterious music sounds. At that time, the teacher places a treasure box at the foot of the mountain. Children open their eyes and open the box.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Guys! It was probably the Mistress of the Copper Mountain who performed the miracle. You will take the box into the group and examine the treasures through a magnifying glass. Guys! Our lesson has come to an end. Did you like the mountains and stones? Did you love them? Of course. Tell your friends and parents everything you learned and saw today. All the best. (Children take with them a treasure box, a box with cells for collection and a set of magnifying glasses.)


    1. N.A. Ryzhova“Me and Nature”, Moscow 1996
    2. N.A. Ryzhova“Environmental education in preschool institutions: theory and practice”, Moscow 1999
    3. T.M. Bondarenko“Ecological activities with children 6–7 years old”, Voronezh 2002
    4. T.N.Zenina“Lesson notes on familiarizing preschoolers with natural objects” (preparatory group), Moscow 2008.
    5. A.I.Ivanova“Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten”, Moscow 2007.

    Nomination " Pedagogical project in a preschool institution"

    I tried to find an interesting educational topic, to create conditions for understanding the ways of active interaction of children with inanimate nature and the ancient world history of stone sculptures, the ethnic culture of our region.

    We live in a small, beautiful taiga town where iron ore is mined; in fact, we are walking through treasure with our feet. Every time we walked with the children and found different interesting stones, we collected them and brought them to the group, and this is how we got a collection of stones. But over time, it grew into a mini-museum of the history of ancient stones - megaliths, menhirs of Khakassia.

    Target: Creating conditions for the formation of prerequisites for search activities through the implementation of the mini-museum project “What the Stones Say.” Introducing children to the culture of the Khakass people with menhirs, the variety of stones in nature, their features, properties, meaning and use by humans through play and experimental activities.


    • Develop research skills. Develop the ability to identify the materials from which stone products are made.
    • Enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers.
    • To form moral and patriotic feelings for the native land, pride in the cultural and historical heritage.
    • Foster a caring attitude towards natural resources.
    • To develop an interest in objects of inanimate nature and in experimental activities with them.

    First stage- preparatory.

    Literature study, familiarization with Internet resources, development long-term plan. Working with parents.

    Second phase- practical.

    We collected exhibits for a mini-museum and attracted teachers and children from other groups. Joint activities were carried out through integration educational areas. Organization of an exhibition of books: encyclopedias, fiction on the topic of the project. Design of photo albums: “What kind of stones are there”, “What are the stones talking about”. Compilation of the literary collection “Tales of Stones”. Production of attributes for role-playing games.

    Third stage- creation of a mini-museum.

    • Design of a mini-museum.
    • Presentation of mini-museum exhibits to children of other groups.

    Fourth stage- generalizing.

    • Creation of an electronic photo album.
    • Design of the project and its presentation at the pedagogical council.

    IN result work on the project has increased cognitive activity at the guys. They learned about the properties of stones, their features, meaning and use by humans, about the mineral resources of Russia and Khakassia. The children got acquainted with the culture and way of life of the Khakass people, found out that the Khakass created menhirs for ritual ceremonies and treatment for various ailments. The vocabulary of preschoolers has expanded, the children have learned to look for answers to questions of interest on their own. The degree of parental participation in the life of the group has increased.

    Conditions of implementation.This project is carried out on the basis of the MBDOU “TsRR - DS “Dolphin” in a preparatory group for school under the guidance of the teacher of this group. The project is implemented in the joint activities of children, teachers and parents, as well as in the independent activities of each project participant.

    Project type: creative, group.

    Duration: 4 months.

    Appendix: Creative project “What the stones say.”

    one of effective methods Children's development is a search activity, namely experimentation. The main advantage of the experimentation method is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied. The cycle includes three lessons. 1. SIMPLE AND PRECIOUS STONES IN NATURE. 2.STONES GIVEN BY THE SEA. 3. STONE BORN BY WOOD.



    Cognition. From work experience.

    Tell me - and I will forget,

    Show me and I will remember

    Let me try and I will understand.

    Development intellectual abilities children of preschool age is one of the pressing problems of our time.

    One of the effective methods of child development is search activity, namely experimentation.The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

    The main advantage of the experimentation method is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, relationships with other objects and with the environment.

    During the experiment, the child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, and a positive effect on emotional sphere child, for development creativity, on developing labor skills and promoting health.

    We present to your attention notes from the series of lessons “Amazing Stones”.

    Lesson No. 1 “Simple and valuable stones in nature"

    TARGET: To develop in children an interest in stones, sensory sensations, and the ability to examine stones using different senses. Name properties and features (strong, hard, cold, uneven, smooth, heavy, shiny, beautiful, etc.) Give children an idea that stones naturally exist in the ground, along the banks of rivers and seas. River stones- uneven, different shapes, there are also sharp corners. Sea stones are always round and smooth, the waves of the sea made them that way. Stones are heavy, very hard and durable, so they are used in the construction of buildings, bridges, roads and other structures. Give children a first idea of ornamental stones. Expand words knowledge.


    Set of river and sea stones

    - pieces of marble and granite

    A vessel with water, a magnifying glass, napkins (for each child)

    Illustrations: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Moscow metro station, Moskva River embankment, Red Square

    Collection of various stones

    Audio recording “wave noise”


    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Guys, I received a package today, but we will only be able to open it when we solve the riddle.

    It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

    Heavy, big, can't be lifted by one

    It's unnecessary to lie in the dust on the road

    Who can help me identify an object by signs?

    Children: stone

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. let's talk about stones and talk

    Experience: (stone, piece of wood, hammer, nail, vessel with water)

    Hardness, strength (trying to drive a nail)

    Buoyancy (lowered in a vessel with water)

    GAME: “sea pebbles”

    The “sound of waves” sounds, children turn into “sea pebbles”

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. look at them and tell me what they are like?

    (shape, color, what surface they have, what edges they have: smooth, oval, round, hard, cold, beautiful, different colors)

    Why do you think they are like this?

    Children: (answer options)

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Guys, I suggest you climb the mountains.

    (illustrations: mountains, rocks, volcano, volcanic lava)

    As a result of the cooling and hardening of volcanic lava over thousands of years, rocks (rock stones) are formed.

    And now I want to introduce you to one interesting stone. (children sit at tables)

    Take a close look at it. This stone is GRANITE.

    Children: They look through a magnifying glass and speak out.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. granite is rock. If we look carefully, we can see that it all seems to consist of stone grains. They are different in color. The granite consists of three stones (sparkling quartz, dark mica, colored feldspar)

    Like the mountains themselves, this stone is very strong and durable.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. (shows MARBLE)

    Granite has an old rival - marble.

    Marble is also a rock. What can you say about this stone? What is he like?

    Children: smooth, shiny, beautiful

    Marble is the main finishing material for builders. We can see a real kingdom of marble in the metro; many stations are decorated with it.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Do you think a person needs a stone? Where?

    (shows illustrations)

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Some stones are used in the construction of buildings and bridges, others are used in the manufacture of monuments and for decorating metro stations. But there is special stones- ornamental, precious. (Viewing the collection)

    Where do you think they are used?

    It burns with fire in my mother’s earrings.

    The unwanted one lies in the dust on the road.

    It changes shape, it changes color,

    And in construction it is good for a thousand years.

    It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

    It’s heavy, big, and can’t be lifted by one.

    Who children guessed my riddle?

    Who recognized this object by signs?


    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. you can become COLLECTORS and build your own collection of stones

    Lesson from the series “Amazing Stones”

    Lesson No. 2 “Stones given by the sea.”

    TARGET : introduce children to the stones given by the sea: coral, pearls, limestone. Give an idea of ​​the life of polyps, mussels and how corals, pearls, and limestone are formed. Strengthen children's ability to examine objects using different senses, name their properties and features. Develop children's sensory sensations and maintain interest in experimental work. Teach children to see the diversity and beauty of stones, admire them, and tell them about their use by humans. Expand words knowledge.



    For each child: a magnifying glass, a transparent glass of water, a napkin.

    Collections: corals, pearls, shells, pieces of chalk (enough for all children)

    Audio recording “Sounds of the Sea”, video film “Spirits of the Sea” - excerpt about coral

    Illustrations: coral reefs, coral reefs with their inhabitants, a pearl in a shell, limestone deposits.

    Exhibition of jewelry made of pearls and corals.


    Educator:- Guys, what is the name of the planet we live on? Children: Planet Earth - a huge rocky ball

    What is a globe?

    Children: planet earth model

    What do you see on the globe?

    Children: seas, oceans, mountains, forests, cities...

    You and I have already traveled around our planet. Last lesson we climbed high into the mountains. Guys, what did we find there?

    Children: stones, remember what kind of stones they have, what properties they have, what they are needed for...

    Today I invite you to go to the warm seas and oceans (display on the globe: Red Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific...). Show the equator line, explain that along it are the warmest places on our planet.

    Audio recording “Sounds of the Sea”

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. We are going to the sea kingdom. You are ready. Close your eyes and imagine. Sea king, what will you give us?

    Showcasing a collection of corals. Give to each child. Guys, who knows what this is?

    What can you say about him? (color, shape, hardness, surface, what it looks like...)

    They are very diverse. All this - different types corals, there are about six thousand of them on earth.

    What words could you say to your coral?

    Children: Magnificent, beautiful, fabulous, carved, snow-white, patterned, fancy, faceted, needle-shaped, sparkling).

    Educator:- Guys, let’s go to our “laboratory”, sit down and look at this amazing stone again with a magnifying glass, and I will tell you how corals are born.

    If you look closely at the coral, you will notice that it consists entirely of many small cells. Did you find them? Corals are created by living, small, marine animals - polyps that sit in these cells. Together they lie in wait for prey, eat it together, and rest together. All corals are voracious nocturnal predators. Polyps have a soft body, so they make a strong skeleton house around themselves. When the polyps die, these houses remain and the next houses are built on them. This is how coral reefs are formed. Show illustrations. This is the home of many marine life. They hide there, live, eat.

    Some sea creatures eat corals - this is a sea urchin, a starfish (show).

    A strange and beautiful underwater stone, not earthly.

    It grows slowly and creates reefs over the years.

    Without a gardener, nature created a fabulous flower garden.

    It decorates the underwater world, but prevents ships from sailing.

    Usually any ships go around such flower beds.

    Guys, you have a glass of water on your tables - a small sea, put your coral there. What happened?

    Children: drowned because it was a stone.

    Consider and hang coral jewelry at the exhibition.

    Physical education moment: They dance to the melody of the sea.

    Guys, put on your masks, dive deeper, look for something else.

    They find a large shell and listen to the sound of the sea in it.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Look at my collection of shells, how beautiful and varied they are. There are very large shells, and there are tiny ones. What do you think shells are and where do they come from? (discussion, story).

    Guys, choose one sink for yourself and go to your places. I'll tell you about another amazing stone that mussels also give us. Pearl-stone amazing beauty is found in shells. (demonstration, addition to the jewelry exhibition)

    Where does the pearl come from in the shell?

    Let's take a closer look at our shell, maybe through a magnifying glass. Touch her inside, what can you say?

    Children: smooth, slippery, pearlescent.

    Why do you think mussels need such a smooth layer inside? (discussion - to quickly hide, for what?)

    What happens when a grain of sand falls into a sink? (discussion, story, hand out pearls).

    Guys, throw a pearl into your little sea, what are you watching?

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Which third stone I will introduce you to today, you can now guess for yourself. Come to me and listen carefully to the riddle.

    White little lump. It lies in my hand.

    They use it to draw on the asphalt, write letters on the board,

    Ceilings and stoves are whitewashed. Dissolves easily:

    Drop the lump into the river and it will flow away like milk.

    Well done, they guessed correctly that it was chalk. Take a piece, look at it, touch it, maybe draw it on the board. What can you say about him?

    Children: white, matte, hard, but softer than other stones, smudges, crumbles, which means fragile.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. back to the “laboratory”

    Let's see how chalk behaves in water?

    Drop it into your little sea. (sunk is a stone, bubbles are porous, there is air that is displaced by water and rises to the surface, if you rub it, it breaks up into grains and the water becomes cloudy).

    Chalk is a refined limestone stone (demonstration). Limestone is what was deposited on seabed. Let's remember what we found on the seabed? (shells, corals, algae, sea silt, skeletons of marine life). All this was compressed and hardened under a layer of sand. The sea receded and limestone deposits were found in these places. We can say for sure that where the limestone deposits are, there once was a sea. If you take a close look at the limestone after class, you will be able to see a lot of amazing things.

    Chalk, guys, is needed not only for drawing. It is used in agriculture for liming soils. In industry: for the production of cement, lime, added in the manufacture of rubber, plastics, varnishes, paints, glass. Purified chalk is used in the production of medicines and toothpaste.

    Today we learned a lot of interesting things about amazing stones, which were given to us by the sea, sea inhabitants.

    This week we will be exploring our collections. I will show you a very interesting film about life on coral reefs. You and I will draw them (by blowing air from the tubes onto the paint). We will also draw with crayons and arrange an exhibition of our works.

    Lesson from the series “amazing stones”

    Lesson No. 3 “a stone born of a tree”

    TARGET: consolidate children's knowledge about inanimate objects. Introduce the stone born of a tree - solar amber: color, origin, its properties, use. Learn to see the beauty of stone. Introduce the properties and origin of coal. Give children an idea of ​​how coal is mined and how it is used by humans. Maintain children's interest in experimental work. Develop their sensory senses. Continue teaching children how to use a magnifying glass. Develop their vocabulary.



    For each child: magnifying glass, transparent glass of water, napkin

    Illustrations: resin, amber (frozen insects)

    Amber, coal (handout)

    Exhibition of amber jewelry


    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. guys, traveling around our planet (rotate the globe). You have already become familiar with many different stones.

    We climbed high into the mountains (grant, marble)

    We went deep underwater (pearl, coral, limestone)

    Here is the Baltic Sea. After the storm, the waves left placers on the shore mysterious stone. Let's get to know him.

    (we go to the “laboratory”)

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. who knows what it's called? This is AMBER.

    Admire this sun stone. (Children look)

    What can you say?

    Children: (golden, sunny, yellow, smooth, shiny)

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Guys, amber is a fossilized resin. Millions of years ago, some species of coniferous trees healed their wounds with resin: whether a branch broke off or the bark of a tree was split off, resin immediately began to be released, which closed the wound.

    What do you think will happen if some insect lands on a sticky resinous surface? (Stick) resin - sticky, viscous. In the resinous puddles, all sorts of small animals and birds left their traces: some fluff, some a feather, some a piece of hair. You can also see air bubbles or raindrops in amber.

    Take your magnifying glasses and take a closer look at the amber, what did you see?

    It took a lot of time for the resin to turn into amber. Coniferous trees grew old and fell. They were covered with earth, under the heavy layer of earth that had piled up, the resin hardened like stone and became amber.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. take a piece of amber in one hand, a simple stone in the other, and at the same time carefully lower them into the water

    What do you see? (they drowned)

    Is it at the same time? (no, amber is slower) Why?

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. But how did amber get into the sea? A river flowed through the forest, amber was a light stone, and the waters of the river washed it out of the ground and carried it with them. The river flows into the sea. And the amber treasure ended up in the sea. The storm and waves carried the stone ashore.

    Guys, do you think amber is a sea or forest stone?

    The hardened resin could become a decoration.

    How beautiful decorations give them for birthdays

    It's time to invite you to an exhibition of amber objects.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. We saw another stone at the exhibition.

    An unsightly looking stone, it lies flat in the ground,

    To get it up, you need to visit the mine.

    There are lights underground - these are miners in the mine.

    Hammers beat off this very the right stone. (Coal)

    PHYSICAL MINUTE: miners (with eyes closed) go down (squat), go up (stand up, open eyes)

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. We return to the “laboratory”.

    Take coal, look at it and tell us about it

    Children: black, shiny, small pieces….

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Coal is not a very hard stone. On impact, it crumbles into small pieces.

    Coal is not just a stone, it is a mineral of plant origin. Dead ancient trees and plants rot, decompose and turn into loose peat. Such peat lies for many, many years before coal is formed from it in the ground.

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. Does a person need coal?

    (it burns well and gives a lot of heat, energy makes work move - STEAM LOGO, STEAMBOAT)

    Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone. and so traveling, together with the globe, we collected a whole collection of stones, each stone with its own interesting story. I suggest you consider our collection.

    Project “These Amazing Stones”

    Educational area – cognition.

    Project type– group, information-cognitive-research.

    Project duration– September 2014 - May 2015

    Project participants– children of the preparatory group, parents of pupils, teachers.

    Relevance of the project

    Subject development environment

    Making the model “Mountains and Volcano”.

    Design of the exhibition “Photographs “These Amazing Stones”.

    Making crafts from natural material“Which is what?”

    Coloring pages "Jewelry".

    Excursion to the World of Stone store.

    Album design based on the results of the “World of Stone” excursion.

    Looking at a collection of stones.

    Reading fiction

    P. Bazhov “Malachite Box”, “Silver Hoof”, “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, Brothers Grimm “White and Rose”, “Why”: “What is a volcano”, “What is underground wealth?”, “The Tale of Coal” ", "What's inside the mine", "Where does the gasoline come from?", "What were the pebbles whispering about?"

    Watching cartoons

    “Malachite Box”, “Stone Flower”, “Plasticine Story”, “Alyosha Popovich”.

    Compiling a card index of games for the “These Amazing Stones” project.

    3rd stage. Final (summarizing)

    Final integrated lesson “Journey to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.”

    Design in the “Stone Museum” group. Museum presentation.

    Lesson notes (integration of cognitive and productive activities):

    “Amazing Stones” (educational, non-traditional fine art);

    “Stones. How does a person use stones? (cognitive, experiences);

    “The gnomes' pantry” (cognitive).

    Experiments and practical tasks:

    “Water and wind wear away stones”;

    "What's inside the mountains";


    "What's for what"

    Summary of the final integrated lesson “Journey to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.”

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