• What color should I paint it? What color should I dye my hair?


    Hairstyle plays an important role not only in a woman’s appearance, but also in determining her mood and self-confidence. Due to dissatisfaction with the natural shade of hair, many representatives of the fair sex decide to take drastic measures.

    What color can I paint it? Brown hair and how to choose the right shade? You will find the answer to these and many other questions in this article.

    Light brown curls are considered an excellent demonstration natural beauty and long-lasting youth. Unfortunately, this shade does not always look good and is appropriate in tandem with other external features. In this regard, women begin to search for their perfect color hair.

    When choosing the ideal color, you need to be guided by some fundamental factors, presented natural color hair, eye shade and tone skin. To make the task easier, you need to decide on your color type. According to stylists, it is better to be guided by the four color types presented:

    • In the spring. Women of this color type are characterized by light skin and eyes of light shades (for example, blue, green or gray). In this case, girls can safely dye their light brown hair golden, honey blonde and any warm shades, for example, chocolate. You should avoid a light red tint, which will make your face look pale and dull. The same recommendation applies to black color, which is not suitable for girls with a spring type of appearance.
    • In summer. This type is characterized by coldness and lack of contrasts, and its representatives are often the owners of blue or gray eyes, as well as light skin. In this case, it is better for a woman to stick to cool shades, striking examples which are ash, platinum and ash-blond.
    • In autumn. This definition is attributed to the contrasting and warm color type. Girls of this type can be easily distinguished thanks to bright green, blue or brown eyes, dark skin and curls from brown to the darkest shades. A light brown tone is absolutely not suitable for such women, and it will be possible to emphasize all the advantages of their appearance only with the help of rich shades of hair.
    • In winter, being a cold and contrasting color type. Experts recommend that representatives of this color type consider ashy dark brown shades and never choose blonde hair color.

    If in choice perfect shade For hair, focus on eye color, then to make the task easier, you can follow the following tips from stylists:

    • If you have Brown eyes, consider warm shades represented by red, golden and reddish colors. The same recommendation applies to green eyes.
    • Women whose eyes are blue or gray shades, will look good with hair in cool ash and light golden tones.

    Leading stylists recommend avoiding dramatic changes in appearance and dye your hair in shades that are only slightly different from the natural color. This will allow you to avoid disappointment and serious mistakes, because it is almost impossible to predict the final result and its consistency with appearance.

    So, girls with light brown hair can use the following shades of paint:

    • Sandy, which will give softness to the face. To create a unique look, the chosen color can be complemented with several lighter golden highlights using thin strands. With careful and correct coloring, you can achieve a fairly pleasant and natural color hair.
    • Caramel brown, which is incredibly popular today. With the help of golden highlights on the hair, it is possible to highlight facial features, making the skin more radiant.
    • Medov, which can be safely chosen by girls with cool skin tones. This solution is considered ideal if the goal is not only to change the shade of the hair, but also to soften the complexion and focus on the lips and eyes.
    • Light chestnut. According to leading stylists, this shade is suitable for all owners of natural brown hair. Owners of brown eyes will be able to emphasize their expressiveness. Women with dark skin Reddish shades can also be considered.
    • Ashy, strongly recommended for women who have Blue eyes and peachy skin tone.
    • Golden chestnut, which can smooth out the paleness of facial skin. But you need to remember that this color is quite finicky and needs to constantly maintain a healthy shine.

    Most people think of sun-kissed blonde locks when they hear the word “summer,” but if you follow fashion, you already know that dark color gain popularity. Whether you're ready for jet-black hair or want to go for a more subtle chestnut shade, this dye is a dramatic way to show off your style this summer. Before you become a bold brunette, there are some subtleties you should know!

    You will need to think about your eyebrows

    If you dye your hair in a shade far from your natural one, you need to dye your eyebrows to match them in color, or constantly use appropriate cosmetics for the same purpose. If you decide to dye your hair, contact a specialist: you should not apply dangerous chemicals to the area so close to your eyes yourself. If you decide to use cosmetics, look for a product that will match the color of your hair. Eyebrows should be only one or two shades lighter than hair for a natural look. You can use shadows or tint gel, wax or pencil. Nowadays there is a huge selection of tools, so finding the right one is not difficult.

    You will learn that a dark shade is not just dark

    If you go to the hairdresser, you will learn that the shades do not have clear names: they are all a mixture of several tones necessary to achieve the desired effect. For example, if your hair is reddish, you will need an ashy or purple shade to defeat unwanted yellowness. If you have gray strands, you need a shade with golden undertones that will cover them effectively. Consider all this before choosing a shade or discuss it with a specialist. Only in this case will you get a result that will please you.

    Paint may damage your skin

    Dark dye contains a substance that your skin may have a serious reaction to. Some experience swelling, irritation, burning sensation, and redness. A severe allergic reaction is rare, but it is possible. If the problem is in the paint, you will notice the problem instantly. There is no way to know whether you will have an allergy, and reactions can occur over the years. The only thing you can do is to always do a preliminary test on a small area of ​​skin. If during the dyeing process you feel a burning sensation and discomfort, your face swells or turns red, wash off the dye immediately. After this, you should contact your doctor: allergic reactions cannot be ignored.

    You will learn how difficult it is to maintain an attractive appearance

    If you only dye your hair a couple shades darker, maintaining your hairstyle will be easy. If the change is sudden, be prepared that the roots will be obvious. You will need to re-dye your hair every few weeks to ensure the color remains natural and the roots are not visible. However, for the sake of an impressive result, these efforts are not so impressive.

    Bringing back blonde hair is quite difficult

    Dark paint lasts a long time, although not forever. It is extremely difficult to return from a dark shade to a light one. The hair is guaranteed to be yellowish for some time, and it can also be seriously damaged. If you change your hair color frequently, consider making a small change rather than going for a full dye job, otherwise you may quickly become disappointed and find it extremely difficult to get your old look back. If you don’t want to risk the health of your hair, think about the prospects in advance.

    Store-bought paint may not help you.

    Store-bought paints are quite different high quality, but they also have some limitations. If you are dreaming of a shade that is a couple of shades darker than your hair, you can easily dye it yourself. If you want to do a much darker color, you will need the help of a professional. Home remedies cannot color your hair as intensely as it is a complex process. It’s better to entrust everything to a specialist who will create the perfect hairstyle for you. Only in this case will you be able to get the desired shade the first time.

    You will need to change your makeup

    Cosmetics that looked beautiful on you light shade hair may not suit you when you change. Pink blush can turn you into Snow White - better use beige tones. Be willing to experiment and remember: arrows always look good! Several different looks - and you can easily find something that will look attractive in combination with your new hair shade.

    It will take you some time to get used to it

    Any major changes to your hairstyle may make you feel terrified at first. It takes some time for the brain to adapt. Perhaps your hairstyle looks great, but you still can’t appreciate it because you’re just not used to it yet. Don’t give in to gloomy thoughts and immediately consider the coloring a failure.

    Prepare to buy new hairpins

    Hairpins, bobby pins, combs, hairbands and elastic bands - all this is matched to the hair color. After coloring, you will have to change all these accessories with new ones if you want them to be invisible in your hair and look appropriate.

    This will be your best decision

    Seriously! Dark hair brings out your eyes, your skin appears more radiant, your face is dramatically highlighted. Once you start dyeing your hair darker, you'll never want to go back to your old shades! Just try it and you will check it yourself!

    Women like to often change their appearance, experiment with makeup, style and hairstyles. Therefore, every season they are interested in what color to dye their hair in order to look fashionable and extraordinary, to emphasize natural beauty, stand out from others. Decide on in the right tone- not always an easy task, because you need to choose a shade that perfectly matches the eyes and skin, the thickness and structure of the strands.

    What color is best to dye your hair?


    The skin is very light, may have a bluish, pinkish, olive or gray color cool shade. Eye color: transparent gray, blue, greenish blue. The hair is quite faded, light or dark brown with an ashy tint.


    Another cold color type. The skin has a porcelain pallor, a bluish tint, and lacks blush. The eyes of such women can be of any color. The hair is usually black or dark brown, like dark chocolate.


    Skin color is dark, bronze or golden brown. Iris color: from blue to black. In this type, only light gray eyes are not found. Typically, “autumn” women have dark brown, brown, black or red hair.


    Warm color type, but not as bright as autumn. The skin has a yellowish, beige, peach tone. Eye color can be green, brown, blue. The natural shade of curls ranges from light brown with a golden tint to chestnut.

    Let's take a closer look at each color type.

    What color can you dye ash brown hair?

    The summer type itself is cold, so the paint needs to be selected in appropriate shades:

    • platinum;
    • pearl;
    • ashen;
    • alder;
    • hazelnut;
    • milk chocolate;
    • white sand.

    You should avoid too dark and bright tones.

    What color can you dye very dark hair?

    • rotten, black cherry;
    • blue-black;
    • hot chocolate;
    • glossy blueberry;
    • classic black;
    • dark chestnut;
    • espresso;
    • light chocolate.

    You should not experiment with shades of blonde.

    What color should you dye your hair in “autumn” – if your eyes are brown and your skin is dark?

    In the described case, it is advisable to choose warm colors:

    • caramel;
    • classic copper;
    • dark chestnut;
    • golden copper;
    • red-brown;
    • hazelnut;
    • pomegranate;
    • Red tree;
    • mahogany.

    The autumn color type does not suit cold and ashy shades. Sometimes it looks good, but only with very dark skin.

    What color should a spring woman dye her hair – if her eyes are green or blue?

    The following paints are harmoniously suitable for the last described type:

    • wheat;
    • amber;
    • light copper;
    • coffee with milk;
    • caramel;
    • nutty;
    • golden copper;
    • honey;
    • golden brown.

    What color should I dye my hair after highlighting?

    If you need to smooth or hide highlighted strands, even out the tone of your curls along the entire length, and achieve uniformity, you should follow these tips:

    1. Choose the lightest paint that matches the color type.
    2. If it is impossible to complete the 1st point, avoid products with light brown, since when dyeing bleached hair you will get a greenish tone.
    3. Refuse bright, extravagant colors and give preference to natural shades that are closest to the natural tone of the strands.

    Although fashion dictates to us the latest hair coloring techniques, sometimes you can get confused and not find the right one. In addition, it is important to learn how to determine your color type so that the chosen image becomes a winner and not a failure. This article will tell you how to choose a paint color based on your appearance type. Photo and video materials will help you accurately select the desired shade.

    Determining the color type

    As you know, every color has a whole variety of shades. There are also quite a few types based on hair, skin and eye colors. To avoid confusion, let's highlight the four most pronounced types. Let's name them after the seasons of the year.

    So, the first one is spring. He is characterized by: a transparent face, often with freckles; fair-haired or Brown hair with golden hues.

    The autumn type of appearance is darker and rich color faces - from Ivory to peach. Hair can be dark brown, chocolate, chestnut.

    The last type is winter. It must be divided into two subtypes: snow-white and southern. The first option means that the skin color is milky white, the second means that the skin itself is quite dark and tans very well in the sun. Both subtypes are characterized by dark hair.

    What color should I dye my hair?

    “I want to dye my hair, but I don’t know what color” is a problem that is relevant for many girls. Therefore, a lot of information on the Internet is devoted to it. We have tried to provide short, comprehensive answers to your queries. So, if you are a representative of the spring type of appearance, then it is better for you to preserve your natural shade in new looks. Warm wheat and caramel tones suit you best.

    For the summer type, it is better to stick to silver-ashy shades. Do you want a bright image? Then you can have red hair. But their tone should be subdued.

    But autumn representatives can try out the entire palette of fiery shades: honey, bronze, rust - any shade of red is your winning option. And in combination with green eyes, this will be an image from which it is difficult to take your eyes off! Other options for green-eyed beauties:

    For fair-skinned representatives of the winter type, it is better to change not the hair color, but the shade. If your hair is naturally black, try a chestnut color palette for yourself. But those with a southern-winter appearance can experiment with colors; even the most unusual ones will do.

    For a brunette with brown eyes, you can try the following options:


    “If you are fair-haired, what is the best way to dye your hair?” Nowadays, any natural tones are very popular. You can lighten your hair slightly, highlight it, or choose a darker shade, but only 1-2 tones different from the original one.

    “After lightening, I want to change the color, but not completely ruin my hair...” You can use natural dyes(henna, basma, coffee, tea, etc.). There are also a lot of tint products - shampoos, tonics. You can follow the same recommendations if you want to change your look after highlighting.

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    To change their image, many representatives of the fair sex often dye their hair a different color. Always in doubt, some girls and women turn to experienced craftsmen, which, in turn, individually select suitable shades. In fact, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to consult a hairdresser and dye your hair in a beauty salon.

    The selection of a specific color should be taken with complete seriousness and responsibility, since hair plays an important role in the life of every woman. It's no secret that thick and luxurious curls are a real success. Therefore, everyone strives to look beautiful in order to charm others. Having decided to take this step, many girls and women wonder what color to dye their curls or what beauty salon to go to so as not to make a mistake with the hairdresser.

    How to choose Hair Color?

    Dyeing strands in other colors

    According to psychologists, a new hair color can correct some shortcomings and emphasize the advantages of appearance. Therefore, if you choose correct color, then you can be transformed 100%. If you prefer to regularly change the color of your strands, then it means you are fickle - this is what experts say.

    IN modern world many manufacturers produce a variety of paints with different shades. Which the color will suit exactly for you, you will find out in this article, as professional stylists share their tips. For radical and colossal changes, it is better not to dye your hair yourself, but to entrust it to the best specialists.

    Color type and eye color

    Before you dye your hair, you need to do some testing and pay attention to your color type. Depending on the natural color of the skin and eyes, an individual color is selected. It is worth noting that according to the classification, people are divided into four color types: “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” and “Winter”. Based on these factors, the appropriate shade is selected.

    Girls of the “summer” color type are characterized by more muted or cooler shades. For example, women with green eyes can afford a silver-ash or red shade. In this case, women who have brown eyes should abandon warm tones.

    The Autumn color type offers a honey or bronze tint. Warm colors are already welcome here. After which, any shade of red will be ideally combined with green and brown eyes. Especially if your skin is a little dark. This way you can emphasize your individuality.

    The “winter” color type includes those with dark curls fair skin. In this option, it is better not to make hasty decisions and not radically change your appearance. According to stylists, such women are suitable bright hues that will highlight the natural beauty of twinkling eyes. For women and girls with green eyes, a light brown color is suitable. You can also lighten the ends of your hair. This way you will get a very delicate and beautiful image.

    And finally, “spring” girls with delicate complexions need to be in harmony with their natural hair color. Especially the fair sex, who have brown eyes and warm skin, can dye their curls wheat-colored or caramel-colored.

    How to find your hair color - Everything will be fine - Issue 259 - 09.25.2013 - Everything will be fine

    Hair color expresses a person's character

    If you have decided which color suits your appearance, then you can safely begin the procedure. However, do not forget that the shade you choose should be in harmony with your character. By dyeing your curls or ends of your hair a different color, you can transform into a completely different person. Therefore, it is better not to joke with the color of your curls. Now we will step by step consider which color should be chosen for certain types of women.

    1. Blondes with brown or green eyes prefer to dye their hair cool and balanced colors. In ancient times, a woman with light color hair was considered a heavenly angel and generally a heavenly goddess. Owners blonde hair always charm the stronger sex and are desired.

    Any fair-haired blonde with green eyes will suit a rich bright shade, which will emphasize the natural natural beauty. Owners of blonde hair become more feminine, gentle and attractive.

    1. We can talk about brunettes for a long time. After all, any brunette is characterized by such qualities as determination, responsibility, femininity and naturalness. Burning brunettes with brown eyes attract Special attention. Femme Fatales They are always independent and stand out from the crowd.

    Dyeing your hair dark means achieving a bright and feminine look. Purposeful and business women Those with green and brown eyes often dye the ends and roots of their hair with henna to achieve a natural look.

    Psychology. Hair color and character

    After unsuccessful coloring Hair experts recommend resorting to a washing procedure. This method helps to effectively get rid of bad hair color. If you are the owner dark hair and want to dye your curls light brown or red, then you will need to understand the washing procedure. In fact, dyeing your hair a different color is not so easy, especially if the procedure is carried out at home.

    In frequent cases, the result does not live up to expectations, after which many women resort to a washing procedure to maintain and preserve their natural hair color. Growing strands takes a lot of time. So it's time to act. Using a wash, you can smoothly and carefully transition to your natural shade. According to hairdressers, the washing procedure can be carried out only twice a week. Within a few weeks, the hair color takes on a natural shade.

    The manufacturer of the remover does not advise its consumers to apply the product to the scalp, as there is a high probability that an allergic reaction will occur.

    In order not to make unnecessary mistakes, you need to act according to the specified requirements, which are indicated in the instructions for use, and apply the remover only to the ends of the strands. Today there is a huge assortment available. The most effective impact is provided by acid removers for hair, which, in turn, spoils the structure of the hair. Therefore, it is better to refrain from purchasing such a wash.


    Acid wash and staining

    If you dye your hair with henna, you can get a pleasant red shade that will shimmer in the sun. If you are looking for a natural and natural shade, then henna is definitely an option. The shade will be very pleasant, gentle and sunny. It is worth noting that dyeing the ends of your strands with henna is really useful. This way the curls remain unharmed.

    In order to achieve thick and luxurious curls, you do not need to use henna more than once in three months. To lighten the ends, you can also use this product to get a brighter and more original shade. Modern girls Those who have brown or green eyes should dye their locks with henna to give their appearance more expressiveness.

    In order not to dry out the strands with henna, before dyeing the curls or ends of the strands, it is advisable to add a little oil and egg yolk to the mixture. Experts recommend using burdock, olive or even vegetable oil. To lighten red hair, henna should be left on the head for at least twenty minutes. After dyeing your hair with henna, you can complex procedures using moisturizing masks. After which the ends of the strands will become soft, silky and light.

    My hair color. Henna dyeing.

    What color should you dye your curls after highlighting?

    Many representatives of the fair sex often wonder how to restore hair after highlighting and what shade is best to choose after the procedure. The highlighting procedure is considered truly gentle, since only a certain amount of hair is highlighted. Mostly women and girls like to lighten the ends of their curls.

    However, after lightening the strands, you can attract Negative consequences which will affect the hair. Over time, the ends of the hair become dry, hard and prone to intense hair loss. Therefore, it is necessary to properly care for your curls after the highlighting procedure.

    The effect of highlighting does not leave many girls and women indifferent. The main feature of hair dyeing using the highlighting technique is the uneven distribution of shades. The ends and roots of the strands are painted in completely different tones. But it often happens that you get tired of a certain image, and you want to dye your curls a different color.

    In this option, dyeing your hair a different color after highlighting is not easy, since first you need to get rid of various shades. In this case, a wash comes to the rescue. When using an acidic, natural or bleaching remover, you can get rid of annoying shades on your hair.

    You can resort to another method if you carry out bleaching. But after the procedure, the hair can be completely damaged, and it will take a lot of effort to restore the hair. After highlighting, it is better to wait a little and grow your curls to get closer to your own natural color hair.

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