• What should I do to make a man want me? How to behave with a man so that he falls in love: important recommendations


    How to make a man want you? There are women who claim that they did not have to make any effort to get a man into bed. Personally, I think that they are being disingenuous or have simply forgotten how, at the first stage of the emergence of a serious relationship, they weaved their networks for a guy.

    We will talk specifically about serious methods of seduction that lead to a serious relationship. I think such advice as “a shorter skirt and a deeper neckline” doesn’t bother you much. After all, you understand that behind such primitive methods lie equally primitive results.

    Of course, if you are satisfied that this “australopithecus” will pounce on you, drag you into his “cave”, take advantage of you and go look for the next victim, then go ahead. It doesn’t take much intelligence to flaunt all your “charms.” In this case, there is nothing to talk about. I would still like to talk about methods that lead to relationships, and not to spending time one stormy night.

    I have had the opportunity to counsel men with different problems, and I came to the conclusion that most of them have simple and straightforward desires and needs. But we will not look for easy ways, because we need serious results.

    A man at his core is a hunter! His most desired prey is a “hot” woman. You will say that this is a fact that has long been known to everyone and you will be right. But for every man this “hotness” is seen differently.

    I’ll try to explain it in a language that every girl can understand. Imagine that your nail is broken. What will you use to sharpen it - a file or sandpaper? Of course, with a nail file. Sawing your nails with a nail file will be easier, more familiar, and in general, this tool is designed specifically for this. Everything is the same only with men. No, we won’t cut them! But let’s try to learn how to chop with an ax and use suitable tools for seduction.

    And for different types men need different tools. And before selecting the tools of seduction, you must first figure out what type of man your “australopithecus” is. Intrigued? So, meet me!

    Types of Guys


    It doesn’t matter what he is interested in - football, basketball, rugby. The woman of his dreams is a passionate and undemanding fan. If your crush spends a lot of time at the gym, he is clearly one of these types of men. Finding an approach to such a man is quite simple - you must become “His fan”! Pay attention to his physique and compliment him.

    He spends a lot of time on his physical training, and he needs approval from the outside. Therefore, tell him that he has huge biceps as often as possible. Admire him and his strength. Even if you yourself are a regular visitor to the gym, be sure to pretend to be interested, but completely inexperienced in matters of sports. He will teach you and get great pleasure from it. By helping him perform certain exercises, you will have a lot of moments to get as close to him as possible and do everything to demonstrate your sexuality.

    But keep in mind that by connecting your life with an athlete, you risk forever remaining second only to sports. That is, in the foreground this guy will always have a gym, a team, etc. And even having children together will not change the situation, he will try at all costs to instill in them a love for his passion and continue the dynasty of athletes. But if you yourself are interested in a similar sport (this is not uncommon today), then conquering a guy of this type is not such a bad idea.

    Man with a capital letter

    Looking at himself in the mirror, he sees a real MAN. And you need to learn to treat him the same way. This type of guy has a negative attitude towards gender equality; he is sure that a woman is some kind of annex to a man. And its main function is to provide pleasure mentally and physically.

    Your main task will be to immediately impress him good impression, since it is very difficult to change his opinion in the future. You must look impeccable - impressive and sexy, but at the same time not too revealing, so as not to seem depraved and frivolous.

    Know how to listen and, if necessary, support him morally. Wrap yourself in affection and care, invite to homemade dinner and impress with your culinary skills.

    Attention! You can cook better than anyone in the world, that is, like his mother or grandmother, but you should always smell like an exquisite perfume, and not the mouth-watering aromas of the kitchen. Otherwise, you risk becoming not a desired lover for him, but a “second mommy.”

    smart ass

    This guy will never show his interest in a woman, even if he wants her with every fiber of his body, and will not approach and speak first. And even if he has achieved a lot in his life, on a subconscious level he considers himself a loser, whom everyone mocks. In order to conquer a person of this type, you will first need to make friends with him.

    You need to become a woman who can listen to him, understand him and hold a conversation with him. This guy really really needs a real girl, since often they are all virtual. Admire his “strongest” part of the body more often - his head. Tell him how smart he is and how much you admire his endless vocabulary.

    After a certain period of time, when the trusting stage of the relationship has been passed, hint to him that you are turned on by intellectuals. Be prepared that from the status " best friend“You will quickly enter the status of “favorite girl.” If you want to build a long-term and serious relationship with him, then you will have to come to terms with his interests - large amounts of reading and daily self-education.

    Attention! The biggest mistake that can return your relationship to the level of mistrust is your jokes about his hobbies and past failures. Remember, ridicule hurts his feelings.

    Bad guy

    This unpredictable type of guy is so alluring and desirable for many girls. How to find an approach to it? Just try to be relaxed, carefree and smiling, easy and open to communication. It's all up to you. Then the initiative passes completely into his hands. And if you have enough “flame” in you to “ignite” a “fire” in him, you won’t even notice how you wake up in his bed.

    Attention! The “bad guy” cannot be remade; he spends his whole life searching for a new “spark.” And if you feel that you have fallen madly in love with him, but there is no reciprocity, then read -.

    Male opinion

      A woman should think positively in any situation;

      Be able to cook;

      Look good under any circumstances;

      She must have a sense of humor, or at least react adequately to jokes;

      Possess high intelligence;

      A man should not have the slightest doubt that for his woman he is always the one and only. That she is ready to support him in any endeavor. That he will show care and affection until the end of his days.

    Nature told the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.

    Who doesn’t want him, the one and only, to pay attention to you. And he not only noticed, but fell in love with him passionately and tenderly.

    Most men are quite predictable. In the arsenal experienced women There are various effective tricks to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

    Before you think through your capture plan man's heart and begin to act, you should honestly answer the question to yourself: why do I need this person? If you just want to have a romance, that’s one thing; if you want something serious and for the rest of your life, that’s another. And the methods of capture should be a little different. In any case, you need to understand that no one guarantees the result, firstly. Secondly, the result may be completely unexpected.

    In this article you will find psychological techniques, how to behave correctly with any adult man so that he falls in love with you, and what you need to do to maintain the state of love and make him fall in love with you even more.


    Simply put, we study the tastes, habits and preferences of the desired object. This is necessary to:

    • attract attention,
    • feign interest
    • demonstrate similarity of views and interests,
    • fill the conversation with topics that interest him.

    Does the guy like sports? We look at sports-related information. We learn the names of famous athletes. It will not be superfluous for general development.

    Are you interested in French comedy? Pierre Richard should also become your favorite comedian.

    It’s more difficult if this person is a scientist or financier. Don't despair. Now there is enough popular information and similar topics. Although, maybe he loves something else besides work?


    Do you prefer T-shirts, jeans and ballet flats? We'll have to change. Men love women, not tomboys. Your inner content will probably be interesting to him, but a little later. First he must turn on visual attention.

    That's why maximum femininity - dresses, skirts, romantic blouses.

    Ultra-short dresses in combination with Louboutins that don’t have shocking necklines and are tight-fitting in everything you need and don’t need. This option will do only if you need a guy for the night.

    For a serious relationship, a man cannot be attracted to this look. Everything should be moderately sexy and quite stylish.

    The hairstyle should also be given a little romance - braids, weaves, curls (if appropriate for the setting). Makeup with great care. Few men like it when a woman puts war paint on her face. It often looks vulgar and repulsive. IN serious relationship he wants to see a true woman, not a glossy model.

    What is acceptable is bright red lipstick, but only for the right occasion and with the appropriate dress (usually evening). Of course, you also need an exquisite perfume.


    The most difficult thing, if a girl is in love, is to be relaxed. Unrequited feelings and interest in a potential partner always strain us and make us awkward. But you need to pull yourself together and try to be yourself. In any case, a tense and blushing person with a worried look is worse than the way she naturally is.

    It is very important to be sincere. Because no matter how much you pretend to love football, children or cinema, if you don’t love all of this, the lie will certainly come out. So either love or be honest.

    It is unlikely that an endlessly sad woman will be interesting. Just like always whining, complaining about problems, blaming everyone and everything. Everyone loves positive people. To the stronger sex there is also a lack of joy. Become a source of positivity and joy for your loved one, he will appreciate this rare quality and be grateful.

    So, what kind of women do men fall in love with? It is important in behavior to be:

    • casual (of course)
    • sincere,
    • open,
    • interested,
    • passionate,
    • positive.

    What not to do:

    • interrupt in talk time,
    • run after him
    • impose your communication,
    • call and send SMS endlessly,
    • compete at work
    • try to look smarter or stronger,
    • to anger and irritate,
    • make a scene and throw tantrums,
    • put pressure on decisions or show aggression,
    • dissolve in a man and “lose” yourself,
    • turn into a caring “nanny”.

    Plus to this: a man needs to be admired (as often as possible, but only for a reason), reminded of his impeccability and masculinity.

    If you are colleagues, often emphasize his skills and talents in front of everyone. Of course, only appropriately so as not to look funny and interested.

    Male psychology

    There are various psychological techniques to catch the subject's attention:

    • One of the simple ones is the look. A deep, attentive look in a few seconds will not go unnoticed. At first, the man's attention will be unconscious.

      If you look at him this way several times, he will definitely pay attention and consciously he will be interested.

    • It’s worth adding a little feminine cunning to this technique.. When your lover responds and also looks carefully, trying to understand what is happening, you can “embarrassedly” lower your eyes or look away in response to his interested gaze.

    • Another technique is “mirroring”. It is used to win over another person. This is a type of unconscious communication. What to do? Carefully (so as not to look like you are teasing) repeat the movement of your hands, breathing rhythm, intonation, and tempo of speech. Without realizing it, he begins to trust you. It’s as if you become his reflection. How can you not trust your reflection? This is where natural intimacy arises in relationships.

    Useful video tutorial about women's pickup truck– how you can quickly make a man fall madly in love with you and maintain this state forever:


    In lovers it usually increases sexual energy. It spreads invisibly around them. Pheromones are added to it. Representatives of the opposite sex “read” this and involuntarily pay attention.

    Therefore, a woman should be near her potential lover as often as possible.

    He will probably “consider” the necessary information and will pay attention to it. A few light touches on your hands, for example, will help matters.

    On a date you just need to look irresistible. Correctly done makeup plays a big role in this. We invite you to see it.

    And there is an opportunity to watch a video about how to do makeup for blue eyes.

    The main thing when you do your makeup is... How to make perfect eyebrows yourself, read in a separate article.

    Path through the stomach

    An old proven remedy.

    It will be difficult only for those who do not know how to cook. Need to study. Today this is not a problem. There are many sources on how and what to cook– we look on the Internet, cookbooks, and TV shows.

    Only a completely lazy girl will not be able to learn how to cook a loved one’s favorite dish. In this case, you will have to look for some other talent. If you have learned to cook or already know how to do it, go for it. Even if the object of our attention is well off and is dining at best restaurants, you can and should come up with a reason to treat him to something homemade.

    Pies, pancakes, and cakes help well in this matter.

    You can bring them to the office, take them on a trip, on a picnic, or on a visit. There is not a single representative of the stronger half who will refuse a rosy homemade pie with meat or cabbage.

    Love spells

    The remedy is very ambiguous. But many people use it. And since ancient times. There are spells that you can use yourself. There are more complex rituals that are performed by witches, witches and various magicians.

    The important thing to remember here is that the consequences will not be easy. After all there is a violent intervention in someone else's fate, there is often an irreversible impact on the will of another person.

    If a person is married, it is possible to take him away from the family, but it will be very difficult for him, and he will suffer for a long time. Before you do this, you should think a hundred times about responsibility.

    There are a lot of tips on how to attract a man. They are worth knowing and applying. But an individual approach is no less important. Most women intuitively know what to do and how to do it. You just have to feel, understand what he wants, and effective means to attract attention they will appear immediately. The main thing is to love, believe, and not sit idly by, waiting for everything to happen by itself.

    In conclusion, the psychologist will answer the most common questions about the psychology of relationships and how to make a man fall in love with you:

    Over the years, I've spent more time than I care to admit chasing men around, trying to convince a man that he likes me. And it's terrible. With each refusal I felt worse and worse.

    I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong when I was the first to call men, offer to meet and show interest.

    Whenever I immediately took matters into my own hands in relationships with guys, it didn’t end well. And this continued until I realized a few things about how men are wired differently from us women.

    People get mad when I say that men are hunters who love the chase. And I understand why.

    At first glance, this sounds somehow humiliating. Just the word “chase” gives the impression that men are not worthy of women, not good enough not to chase them.

    Or that they are masochists who like it when a woman is cold and contemptuous towards them. Or that a woman is like a stupid fawn hunted by a hunter. Or that a woman can't attract a man, so he has to chase her.

    But all this is far from the truth!

    Men swear that they love it when a woman they like shows her interest in them. And they don't lie.

    But there is a big difference between how men show their interest and how women do it. Attractiveness to a man consists of two factors: sexual attraction and effort.

    And that's where the "chase" comes in.

    If a man does not feel physical attraction to you, then he will not fight for your attention. Although at the same time he can have sex with you and chat for hours. But he won't want to go beyond "friends with benefits."

    The second very important and little understood part of this equation is that that a man feels happiness when he achieves something.

    In a relationship, achievements for a man are: making his woman happy, marrying her, providing for her and her children.

    In the early stages of a relationship, the achievement for a man is to get the girl to agree on some small things - and this will show her interest. Even something as simple as taking her number, getting her to respond to his message, persuading her on a date.

    And all these small achievements make up the “chase”. Why is this method not suitable for women?

    That's the problem. In most areas of our lives, this approach is ideal. Do you want a job? Go and build yourself a career. Do you want an apartment? Save your money and buy it. Do you want a man? Well...uh...

    It is a mistake to think that we should act in relationships the same way as in other areas of life.- that is, to make titanic efforts.

    Because trying too hard in a relationship will sabotage it. Firstly, because the energy of achievements and aspirations is masculine, not feminine.

    He can't get you if you're hanging on to him, telling him he's hot and that you want to meet him next Friday at 8 pm. There is no mystery. You take it all male role to myself.

    Secondly, when a woman pursues a man, it completely deprives her of all power, and creates the feeling that she is just desperately trying to find at least someone.

    Yes, I also thought that showing your interest to a man was a sign of confidence, not desperation. But when I dug deeper, I realized that the reason for this behavior was really desperation, because I really wanted the guy to be interested in me. And if he refused, then the day was ruined.

    Well, you know that feeling when someone asks for a compliment or your approval - you automatically resist.

    A man's feelings cannot develop if you stand over him, hands on his waist, and ask whether he is in love with you or not.

    When I stopped chasing men, it was as if they had lost their drug. And I noticed that the quality of men who began to court me increased sharply. The best part was that I no longer felt like I was begging for anyone to pay attention to me.

    This is good compensation for changing my tactics.

    So how do you make him pursue you?

    Using your natural female magnetism to show him your interest without doing anything. In practice, this means being happy, playful, flirtatious, and receptive to his advances. He should seek your time and attention, and you should allow it and enjoy his attention.

    When a man pursues you, don't give up everything for him. Don't stop pursuing your goals and dreams, give up your hobby and make it the center of your universe.

    And also believe that the right man will still get you. Believe that if a man gives up, it means he’s simply not for you or it’s not the time yet. Let him go.

    Stop trying to prove your worth or explain why you should be together. The right person will be so captivated by you that they won't want to let you go.

    Do you dream of a man fulfilling your desires? Make sure he enjoys communicating with you. And then you will get from him everything you want. Psychologists have many methods in their arsenal that you can use to achieve your goal.

    Managing a man does not mean commanding him. Well, what real macho would allow himself to submit to a woman? There are others, more sure ways, with which you can make him dance to your tune. They will allow you to guide a man to the right direction so that he would also be grateful for it. This is aerobatics.

    Get him to trust you more

    ! Convince your partner: you are his other self

    Try to copy his movements. He rubs his chin when he thinks, and you, pretending to be thoughtful, do the same. He taps his fingers on the table, nervous, and you repeat. He will unconsciously notice that you look like him, almost his other self.

    ! Touch often

    Any touch, no matter how casually, causes a positive response. Straighten the collar that has come out from under the jacket, lightly touch your hand. But never do this if a man is your boss. He will take it as disrespect.

    ! Inspire: you are destined for him from above

    He's in trouble - tell him you felt it, but didn't want to upset him in advance. He calls you - tell him that you were going to do it yourself, but he beat you to it. Men also love with their ears. Soon he will sincerely believe: you are meant for each other.

    Put him on a pedestal

    ! Learn to talk to him

    Forget the words “go”, “don’t do”, “don’t you dare”, etc. Don't try to command. Even the most pliable will someday rebel. Express your wishes in soft form, use the question form: “Will you do this?” If you don’t like some of his ideas, don’t try to convince him yourself, find a person who will express doubt about it, let him think that he himself has changed his own opinion.

    When starting a conversation, never sit opposite a man; such a position can cause an argument and aggression. Sit down next to him, this will create a trusting atmosphere.

    At the same time, try to catch the rhythm of his breathing and adjust, breathing synchronously.

    When communicating, try to look him in the eye. But no more than 10 seconds in a row, then be distracted for a couple of seconds by another object and fix your gaze on his eyes again.

    ! Remind him of your weakness

    He is so pleased to feel strong and smart. Give him such pleasure. Ask him for help more often. Even if it’s trivial. The main thing is to balance the request with his skills. If he fails to fulfill it, you will get the opposite effect.

    ! Assent and praise in front of strangers

    It is not necessary to assent with words. Nod your head, wink at him when he speaks out - show with all your might that you support him. Stand up if someone scolds him in your presence.

    Turn on the trick

    ! Learn to confuse

    If you want to get a man’s consent, but you understand that there is little chance, then try to do this: tell him about the problem, explain the reasons for your desire. Before asking a man about his consent to something, take a break from the topic. Pretend that you need to make an urgent call, or pretend that it’s stuffy, and open the window. The man will be distracted, having lost the main thread of the conversation, and then it’s time, without allowing him to come to his senses, to ask him to make a decision. Most likely he will agree.

    ! When asking for something, start with more

    This method involves the ability to play on feelings of guilt. Here is the mechanism of this “game”. For example, you want to receive expensive perfume as a gift, but you understand: your partner does not want to spend money on this, as he thinks, trifle. Say casually that your friend received a fur coat as a gift. After a while, sadly notice how tired you are of your sheepskin coat. He will begin to look for arguments why he cannot buy sheepskin coats. And now is the time to say that you dream of perfume. He will breathe a sigh of relief and happily agree to purchase them.

    ! Make him your debtor

    Use the principle “You give me, I give you.” Just in reverse order. Think about what you can do to please him. This way you will win him over. Having completed the service, without wasting time, ask him to do what is necessary for you. Now he can hardly refuse.

    bear in mind!

    Most kind man- well-fed. Choose your moment to prepare for important conversation. Never start it if the man is hungry. The most the right time- after a hearty lunch. Only after eating, he loses vigilance and is in a relaxed state.

    Don't make requests immediately after sex. The first thing that comes to a man’s mind is that you are insincere towards him.

    Use signs of extreme disapproval of his behavior - reproaches, tears, hysterics - only in extreme cases, but in no case attack or blame, just say how difficult it is for you, bad, etc. He should perceive these manifestations as female weakness. And then the patron will awaken in him.

    Wear red if you want to make him passionate.

    Get a blouse from the wardrobe of blue color, if you have to have a not very pleasant conversation. Blue is calming.

    How to turn on a man correctly and quickly? How to make a man want a woman? Ways.

    The relationship between the two opposite "poles" has never been considered simple. Quite the contrary, because for some it is sometimes similar to communicating with a Martian. Many articles and various types of publications have been written on this topic. But, despite this, people continue to “break their foreheads” against the wall of misunderstanding.

    What do men want in bed? What and how to do correctly so that a man wants?

    The most annoying thing is that the inability to hear your partner often leads to the fact that good and future-proof unions are literally shattered. According to statistics, the famous phrase “they didn’t get along” very often means precisely that the sexual desires of the partner remained unclear. It cannot be said unequivocally that sex is simply less important for a woman than for a man. It’s just that people often don’t spend time asking questions about the nuances of each other’s sexual needs and the characteristics of their partner’s perceptions. Although it is far from a secret for many that a harmoniously established sex life significantly adds to life expectancy. So maybe it’s still worth putting in a little effort and understanding yourself and the interests of your loved one? Find out what men and women want in bed? Then it will become clear how to have a loved one or a loved one. In reality, everything is not as confusing as it looks at first glance.

    One of the differences between the sexes is in terms of intimate relationships manifests itself in the very attitude towards the word “sex”. If men have no problems with this, then for women the situation is somewhat different. They divide it into “making love” with a loved one and “just sex,” as a way of release that has nothing to do with feelings. And if the first option is extolled, then the second is deliberately, in most cases precisely because of upbringing, accepted from the category of “bad girls” behavior and therefore, as a rule, is less attractive to the female half of humanity.

    Many young girls complain that in relation to them. Or maybe this is just the answer to their peculiar coldness. Scientists have long proven the fact that there is a certain discrepancy in terms of the growth of sexual desire and activity. Among representatives of the stronger sex, the peak of desire, so to speak, occurs precisely at early age: 17-28 years, and then gradually declines and by the age of 50 it may disappear altogether.

    But for lovely creatures the situation is somewhat different. Developing faster in mental development from birth, they mature sexually much later, namely, their desire only gains momentum around the age of 30. Before this age, a man needs to have sex at least 2 times more often than a woman. At the same time, they are afraid of putting pressure on their beloved and being branded a “sexual maniac.” So we have to hush up quiet discontent, which only grows over time and ultimately results in open conflict or banal betrayal. A man wants, just like a woman, but only in a more straightforward form, to feel desired. This is a kind of feed for his ego, which is quite normal. After all, a woman also demands from her other half that she be recognized as “the very best.” Although, compared to women, men often have requirements for bed nuances that are not at all as great as the fairer sex might assume.

    How to properly and quickly turn on a man in bed? How to make a man want it? – Ways and means.

    To understand them, you simply need to remember his centuries-old instincts that have not lost their relevance.

    1. A man was and remains to some extent an animal. And any animal, as you know, reacts to movement. Passively lying “food” is of little interest to him. Also in bed they need a living active woman, not a “log” (sorry). It is not necessary to know all the tricks of the Kama Sutra; even reciprocal actions such as stroking, biting, etc. are enough. In addition, do not forget that at the same time a man is also a conqueror, therefore, many are turned on by some inaccessibility of the desired object, which they want to see, after some resistance, conquered by their will. This element of “struggle” also greatly excites men, the most important thing is not to overdo it.
    2. By his natural essence, a man is polygamous, that is, he needs a variety of images, mind you, images, and not necessarily women, this may explain the passion of many men for dressing up games. With the help of transformations, a woman alone can easily compete with an entire harem.
    3. Almost all representatives of the stronger sex prefer clarity in relationships, as well as in sex. Unlike women, who love mystery and twilight, men want to see everything in real light. The presence of light is mandatory, because in this way they receive additional visual stimulation. And, as you know, nothing can excite as much as the close contemplation of the naked body of the woman you love. At the same time, a woman is expected to be somewhat relaxed. Forget about insecurities about the beauty of your shape or cellulite, dear ladies. He already decided on the first date whether he wants you or not.
    4. It is wrong to believe that men don’t care about beautiful underwear. It can serve as an additional stimulus for excitement. At the same time, dear ladies, try to make it really feminine, that is, with lace, bows, frills, stockings and garters are welcome. A slightly covered, but at the same time alluringly open body will not leave almost any “male” indifferent.
    5. A man in bed can easily hand over the “reins of power” to weak female hands. The main thing is to know the right direction. To do this, you must know what your partner really wants at the moment. Moreover, it has been proven that sometimes a man finds it difficult to fully open up and talk about his secret desires, for fear of simply being misunderstood. Women, you need every skill to loosen your tongues and “ingratiate” yourself into trust in order to find out this “military secret.” If you understand what your man needs and can make his desire come true, consider that you have tied him to you with an iron chain. Never laugh at his desires, but this does not mean that you should indulge him in everything. If something is unpleasant to you, then say it tactfully, but frankly, it may be possible to find some alternative.
    6. We are used to thinking that only women love with their ears, but this is far from true. A huge number of men literally tremble when Scheherazade’s erotic tales are whispered in his ear. Maybe this is due precisely to the fact that initially not everyone has a well-developed imagination, but under the inspired plot, like comic books, pictures are already drawn in their heads, the result is amazing.
    7. In sex, men definitely want to see a return, that is, having brought a woman to orgasm, they feel like real “machos”. If a woman lies silently or, even worse, makes grimaces, then this will discourage her, working like an icy shower. Voice accompaniment is welcome. Maybe this is due to an intuitive understanding at the level of instincts that “the goal has been achieved” and ejaculation can be carried out. Or maybe it’s just the influence of a stereotype imposed by porn products.

    In general, every man wants to have an active, understanding, liberated, seductive woman next to him in bed. The most important thing is to learn to listen and hear each other, and then you won’t ask yourself this question: “What do men want in bed?”

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