• What to do if your baby falls out of bed? What to do if your child falls out of bed


    Young children should always be supervised by an adult. However, it is simply unrealistic to constantly control any movement of the baby. If the child fell out of bed while the mother was doing household chores, do not rush to panic. You need to carefully examine the baby, and if there are any injuries, call a doctor immediately.

    What to do if a child falls out of bed?

    Infants at 3-4 months often find themselves unexpectedly mobile and active. They gradually learn new skills, want to roll over on their tummy or crawl towards an interesting toy. If such a baby is left without parental supervision, he can easily fall out of bed. Such a fall in infancy is very dangerous, as it can lead to head or limb injuries.

    Parents need to know what to do in an emergency.

    • Even if the child is crying loudly, do not rush to call an ambulance. A child may become hysterical due to fear. Try to calm down, because your excitement is easily transmitted to the child and he begins to cry even more.
    • Very carefully lift the baby and place it on a flat surface. Inspect it for injuries, scratches, or bruises. Head injuries are especially dangerous, so examine it very carefully.
    • If your baby has serious injuries or damage, call immediately ambulance.

    A fall from a crib can occur without any consequences for a child. If your baby is just scared, try to calm him down - sing a song, give him his favorite toy, feed him. There is no need to involve the child in active games, as he needs a little time to recover from the fall and shock.

    How to provide first aid if a small child falls out of bed and hits his head?

    Children most often fall out of bed upside down. Parents should first examine the bruised area. If there are abrasions, gently treat them with hydrogen peroxide.

    Cold lotions will help reduce pain and relieve swelling. Simply apply a wet towel or metal spoon to the bump.

    A forehead bruise is less dangerous than an injury to the temple or back of the head. If the child is naughty and cries for several hours, you will have to consult a doctor. The specialist will examine the little patient and find out if he has a concussion.

    The baby's first independent movements cause delight among the whole family. Unfortunately, it is rare that a baby does not fall when trying to become an adult. The greatest horror grips parents when the baby falls from a height: from a changing table, from a crib, from a sofa to the floor. At the same time, he screams so loudly that the rich imagination of moms and dads immediately paints the darkest pictures: injury, concussion, fracture...

    About falls

    Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky tells whether you should be afraid of such falls, what consequences they can have, and what parents should do if their child falls onto the floor from somewhere.

    According to Komarovsky, there are usually no serious consequences. If anything is traumatized, it is only the psyche of parents, grandparents. Adults are ready to grab a confused, screaming toddler and rush right now to an x-ray, an ultrasound, to a traumatologist, a surgeon, and wherever.

    Prudent nature took great care to ensure that the consequences of the fall were minimal for the child. For this purpose, the baby has a “fontanel” on the head, and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in babies is incredibly large, and for good reason: it performs shock-absorbing functions, significantly softening a fall from any height. Of course, we are not talking about flying from the third floor, but to the height of a crib or changing table with protective functions and mechanisms child's body quite enough.

    This fact should reassure parents somewhat. However, caution should be exercised. Evgeniy Komarovsky advises mothers and fathers of “flyers” to carefully monitor their child for the first 24 hours after the fall. If possible, the baby should be provided with physical rest: cancel massage sessions, give up active games and outdoor entertainment.

    Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the symptoms that indicate a serious injury in the next video.

    A fallen child screams heart-rendingly not from pain, as parents think, but from fear. A sudden change in body position in space causes real panic in the baby. If at the same time he feels a strong response of panic, which the parents will demonstrate (and he will certainly feel it, you can be sure), his fear will only intensify.

    The main thing that parents should do if a child falls from a height is to remain calm (as much as possible in such a situation). The baby must be carefully lifted, examined for injuries and reassured. If after half an hour the little one starts smiling again and acting as if nothing had happened, there is no reason for an emergency trip to see a traumatologist or surgeon. Possibility of damage internal organs minimal.

    Observations of the child in the next 24 hours should be based on recording any (even minor) changes in his behavior. Naturally, the most dangerous consequences An unsuccessful landing results in various head injuries. Parents should be aware of the symptoms indicating such damage:

    • Impaired consciousness. It doesn’t matter how many months or years old the child is (a 6-month-old child fell out of bed or a newborn was dropped). Even the shortest loss of consciousness is a reason to immediately go to see a doctor or call an ambulance.
    • Changing the pace or purity of speech. If the child already speaks, even if only syllables, with careful observation the parents are able to notice that he has begun to “communicate” less often, more often, louder or quieter, his speech has become unintelligible, signs of stuttering have appeared, and so on. In this case, a traumatic brain injury can be suspected, and this condition requires mandatory medical attention.

    • Drowsiness. If a child, after a fall, begins to sleep longer, he constantly lies down and quickly falls asleep, even if he has long “exhausted” the daily supply of sleep time - this is a reason to take him to the hospital.
    • Inappropriate behavior. This is the most difficult thing. It is sometimes quite difficult for parents to explain to the doctor what exactly the inappropriate behavior of the baby is (especially if it is a newborn or a 5-month-old child). However, they will definitely notice strange things; the mother’s heart will “tell you.” Don’t be shy and think that the doctor won’t understand you; go to a medical facility right away.

    • Headache. This symptom can be recorded if the child is already at the age when he can tell or show his parents that he has a headache. It’s not she who should be wary headache, and its duration. If the fall was without consequences, it will pass quickly. In case of a head injury, quite severe pain will persist an hour and an hour and a half after the fall. Babies who cannot speak are likely to express their feelings through crying. It will not be sharp and piercing. The nature of the crying will be aching, constant, with short breaks (a few minutes, no more).
    • Cramps. This symptom is clear to everyone, just as it is clear that there is no need to wait for a second attack. After the first convulsions, you should call an ambulance.

    • Nausea and vomiting. If a child vomits more than once, it may indicate a concussion. The little one needs qualified medical care.
    • Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. If a child who is quite confident on her feet in the playpen at 10 months experiences unsteadiness or imbalance after a fall, you should consult a doctor. This also includes symptoms such as lack of coordination and inability to move an arm or leg.

    • Pupil size. If the pupils are the same, there is no reason to worry. If one is larger than the other, this is one of the easiest signs of head injury to diagnose.
    • Circles under the eyes. If, a short time after the fall, dark blue circles appear under the eyes or in the area behind the ears, this is a very alarming symptom.

    • Discharge from the ears and nose. Not only bloody and bloody discharge, but also completely transparent discharge should be alarming.
    • Feelings and perception. If, after a fall, a child’s vision has decreased even slightly, his hearing has deteriorated, or his sense of smell has disappeared, this is a good reason to seek help. medical care.

    Why do children most often fall on their heads?

    This is explained physiological characteristics kids. From birth until about the age of five, a person’s head is quite heavy (when compared with the general proportions of the body). An imbalance leads to a fall on the heaviest part of the body, the head. It is most dangerous if the child hits the back of the head or temporal area hard.

    Evgeny Komarovsky says that falling on your head usually does not lead to injury. The bones of a child's skull differ from those of adults in that they are soft and flexible. When landing on the head, they move apart, absorb shock, and after a few minutes return to their original state.

    What to do if there is an injury

    If a child has one or more of the above symptoms, he should be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

    • In a hospital setting, the baby will undergo an ultrasound of the brain, tomography (computer or magnetic resonance imaging), and, if necessary, an encephalogram. If damage is detected, hospitalization will be indicated; under the constant supervision of doctors, the child will undergo a course of treatment using medications and special physical procedures. If everything is done in a timely manner, the health consequences will be minimal (or the injury will not affect the baby’s further development at all).
    • Bruise, lump, swelling. Something cool should be applied to this place, but not a piece of frozen meat from the freezer, so as not to cause hypothermia of the brain.
    • Peace. The child does not need to be carried in your arms back and forth around the apartment and at the same time intensively rocked. It is better for the baby to be in a horizontal position on its side. No pillows! Komarovsky emphasizes that the head and spine should be at the same level.
    • It is better not to let the baby sleep until the ambulance arrives.
    • When vomiting, never let the child lie on his back so that he does not choke on the vomit.

    Do not give any medications.

    If you started reading this article, then most likely a rather unpleasant thing happened - your baby fell from the bed, table or sofa. For those who came to read the article out of curiosity, I can only wish that this never happens to your child, be sure to read what needs to be done to avoid this.

    And so, if a child falls, it has already happened, time cannot be turned back, you need to calm down and do something at the moment. However, first of all, you need to stop blaming yourself for everything and thinking that you are a bad mother or father. This happens quite often, I also fell at my mother’s as a child, our baby is no exception, he was on the floor, they didn’t finish checking. The simple fact is that babies suddenly become very active. The child is on the bed - one or two turns and he is already on the floor.

    In most cases, everything works out well, the baby returns to normal after the fright and begins to play and laugh again.

    When not to worry

    • First, determine the distance from which the child fell from the bed (if it is a bed). If this is an ordinary standard low bed or sofa, then the height of the fall was 30 - 40 cm, this is not so dangerous. If the child fell out of the crib, which was raised to the maximum height, then things are already worse. The tables are also quite high and falling from them is quite dangerous.
    • Secondly, pay attention to the floor surface. Falling on a relatively soft carpet is much better than falling on linoleum, parquet, laminate or, even worse, tiles.
    • Thirdly, pay attention to the actions of the child himself. If he fell, was silent for a few seconds, made a frightened face and cried, then this is good, the child was just scared. You hold him close to you and he calms down in just a couple of minutes.

    What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? If the baby fell from a low bed onto the rug, cried after a couple of seconds and stopped soon, then, most likely, it passed.

    A red spot may form at the site where it hit the floor, which should go away the next day. A small bruise won't cause any problems either.

    Observe the baby for several days, if his behavior has not changed, he still eats and plays well, there are no bumps on his head, then everything is fine.

    Bad symptoms and consequences

    Not everyone is lucky and sometimes children land poorly. As you know, the head takes up a very large part of the weight of a child’s entire body, therefore, when they fall, they hit their head most often and very hard. Head injuries at this age are extremely dangerous and even an unsuccessful fall from a short distance can adversely affect the child’s health in the future. Headaches, problems with vision and hearing may begin.

    If a child cries nonstop and does not calm down, then you should think about it, it is likely that he is crying from pain, and not from fear. Sometimes it happens that the baby will not cry immediately after falling, but as soon as something hurts him greatly, he will start crying non-stop.

    The following may indicate head injuries:

    • The child began to vomit frequently;
    • The pupils may become different sizes;
    • The baby constantly wants to sleep;
    • The day after the blow, a soft lump appeared on the head. This may indicate that the baby has a brain contusion;
    • The baby lost consciousness;
    • Blood started coming from the nose;
    • Bruises appeared around the eyes;
    • Problems with coordination of movements began (if the child is already walking);
    • You notice that your child has difficulty hearing or seeing.

    Most of the above symptoms may indicate that your child has a concussion.

    If the baby cannot lean on an arm or leg, this indicates that the child may have a bruised limb, a dislocation, or, even worse, a fracture.

    I hope it is clear that in any of the above cases it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital yourself.

    What to do immediately after a fall

    And so, we have already decided that if a child cried immediately after a fall, then this indicates that the child was scared. Therefore, we quickly take him in our arms, hold him close, talk, distract him until the baby calms down and stops crying.

    Next, you begin to observe the child. Under no circumstances should you actively play with it, toss it, etc. Be patient for a day, perhaps the baby will show some of the symptoms that I wrote about above. If there is a head injury, the child does not need to be disturbed.

    If no dangerous symptoms are observed, then good. If there are any, you can apply something cold to the site of the abrasion or bruise. The cold will numb the site of the impact and the swelling will go down a little.

    If you notice that your child has lost his appetite, but no bad symptoms is not observed, you still need to see a doctor the next day. And in general, if you are very suspicious (suspicious), then it’s better to go to the hospital. There, just say that the baby fell from the crib (sofa, stroller, table) and ask to be examined.

    What can you do to prevent your child from falling out of bed?

    Remember for yourself once and for all, you can move away from a baby who is lying on an unprotected crib and he will immediately end up on the floor.

    1. If you go to quickly grab something, take your child with you;
    2. If you turn away for something, hold the baby with one hand.
    3. If you place the child on your bed or sofa and are not far from him, then it is still better to make a small side of pillows. Naturally, if desired, the baby will spread these pillows very quickly, but all the same, while he is doing this, you will already have time to notice and prevent the child from falling.
    4. It is better for older children to change their diaper on a low table or bed. They spin very well during diaper changes, so using high changing tables is risky. If you decide to change a diaper, then prepare everything you need, everything should be at hand so as not to leave and turn away from the changing area.
    5. Once your baby starts trying to sit up, lower the bottom of the crib a few notches to prevent him from hanging over the sides of the bed. It will overweight and fall down. And the height of the crib is oh so high, it’s better not to allow this.
    6. As for the stroller. If you are carrying your baby in a recumbent stroller, and he is already trying to get up and spinning around with all his might, then you cannot leave him in the stroller. The sides there are very low, you won’t even notice if they fall out, but the height there is decent.
    7. I once read on a forum dedicated to raising children that one mother, after a fall, began to sleep with her child on the floor. These are, of course, extremes, but the idea is not without meaning. If the child is too active and has already fallen from somewhere and more than once, then perhaps it would be better to do all the procedures on the floor, on a comfortable mattress. The mattress, by the way, can also be used for the baby to crawl and play there. So, if the area of ​​the room allows it and your floor is warm, then think about this idea.
    8. If the child is already rolling over, crawling and starting to sit, then using a sofa or an adult bed for games would be extremely unwise. For this there are playpens and a method described in the last paragraph.

    All, Dear friends, I hope that your baby’s fall passed without consequences and that this will not happen again in your life and the life of your child. Then, of course, he will grow up a little, he will fall and knock his knees out, get bumps, but that will be a completely different story.

    It is very rare to find infant, who was lucky enough to never fall off the sofa or bed in the first year of his life. Often this happens precisely at the moment when the mother is forced to go to the bathroom to unload washing machine linen, or to the kitchen to see if the dish is burnt.

    Parents leave the baby for only a short time, hoping that nothing bad will happen to him in such a short period of time. However, upon returning, they see that their baby has fallen from the bed or sofa. In this article we will tell you what consequences can occur after such falls and what parents need to do to help their baby.

    What happens when you fall?

    Usually, babies fall when they try to sit or start to crawl. Babies at this age have difficulty maintaining their balance and may fall when trying to reach their favorite toy or roll over from their tummy to their back. In this case, the center of gravity moves to the head area, it outweighs, and the child falls from the sofa or bed.

    Nature provides mechanisms in a child’s body that protect him from various injuries. The fontanel protects the baby’s brain from various types of damage, and cerebrospinal fluid helps to avoid serious consequences by absorbing shocks.

    Therefore, in most cases, a newborn baby falling from the sofa is not as dangerous as it might seem. Usually, such a nuisance worries mothers more than harms the baby’s health.

    From what height did the fall occur: is it important?

    Most often, babies under six months of age fall from sofas, beds and changing tables. A little later, when a newborn tries to sit up, crawl, stand and walk, there is a risk of falling from a high chair, crib or stroller.

    If the baby fell directly in the presence of the parents, then they, first of all, should assess how severe the fall was. For an infant, all falls from a height exceeding 40 centimeters from the floor are dangerous. In addition, the surface on which he landed is of great importance. If it is carpet, it will soften the impact and the injury will not be as severe as when hitting tiles or laminate.

    In the case when a baby fell, when there were no parents next to him and they did not see what hit their baby, it is necessary to regard such an injury as quite serious.

    Are head impacts dangerous for a newborn?

    Infants falling from a sofa or bed can lead to different consequences, depending on the height from which the baby fell and where it hit.

    How can you determine how severe the injury is if your baby is hit on the forehead or back of the head? And when does he need immediate medical attention?

    Let's consider what consequences can cause different types head injuries.

    If the baby hits his forehead

    A small bump that appears after hitting a baby with his forehead does not indicate any serious consequences.

    Small vessels in the area of ​​the bruise begin to burst and the tissues next to them fill with blood. This is the cause of hematomas. Since it is on the forehead a large number of vessels, and bumps appear on it. Due to the fact that the frontal bone is quite strong, such injuries, as a rule, do not have serious consequences.

    However, if a hematoma appears, you should not waste time, but you need to show the child to the pediatrician. Only a specialist will be able, after an examination, to determine the severity of the injury and methods of its treatment.

    If the baby hits the back of his head

    If a baby hits the back of his head during a fall, this should be a serious cause for concern for parents and immediate medical attention. Such blows are fraught with serious consequences for the health of the baby.

    In some cases, they can cause visual impairment, since the nerve endings that are responsible for it are located in the back of the head. Even if there is a very small bump on the back of the baby's head, he may experience weakness, trembling in the limbs, or loss of consciousness.

    It is necessary to seek medical advice as soon as possible.

    How to provide first aid?

    If baby fell and hit his head during the fall, parents must carefully examine the location of the impact and try to determine the severity of the injury. Next, parents must act based on what the baby's reaction to the fall will be.

    If, after a baby falls from a sofa or bed, he cries for 5 to 10 minutes, and then calms down and feels as before, and a small bruise appears at the site of the impact, there is no reason to worry. To reduce swelling, it is recommended to apply something cold to the sore spot. And in the following days you can contact medical institution to make sure there are no serious consequences.

    If a child cries for a long time or begins to cry only after some time, then this is an alarming signal. If the baby refuses to eat, moves little, becomes irritable, and has general weakness and lethargy, then with a high degree of probability it can be said that he has a traumatic brain injury. It is necessary to call a doctor or take the baby to a medical facility as soon as possible. You should not let your baby sleep until he has been examined by a doctor.

    If a baby, having fallen from the sofa or parent’s bed, cried a little and became calm again, and after a while a soft lump appeared on his head, you should immediately see a doctor, as this may be a sign of a brain contusion. In addition, a similar nature of the injury can be indicated by the child losing consciousness immediately after the fall, which can last more than an hour. In this case, disturbances in breathing and heart function are observed.

    If, after falling from a sofa or bed, the baby has difficulty leaning on his arms and legs, gets up with difficulty, or problems arise when changing his clothes - all this indicates a dislocation. In this case, it is necessary to show the child to a traumatologist.

    If the baby fell and immediately began to cry, this only indicates fear. And if the baby cried only after some time, then such a reaction indicates pain. In any case, you need to observe the baby for several days to see if he develops any suspicious symptoms.

    Even if, after falling from a bed or sofa, a baby does not experience any symptoms indicating the presence of injury, this does not mean there is no danger. Sometimes the consequences appear only after some time has passed. Therefore, even if a baby falls from a small height, it is necessary to immediately show him to a doctor.

    When is immediate medical attention needed?

    If an infant falls from a sofa or bed, parents should assess the situation and figure out whether they need to immediately call an ambulance or whether there is still no reason to panic.

    If your baby has the following alarming symptoms, you should immediately call the ambulance service:

    1. if immediately after the fall the baby lost consciousness;
    2. in the presence of obvious injuries, for example, an open wound on the head;
    3. if the baby begins to roll his eyes and has seizures;
    4. the baby turns pale and breaks out in cold sweat;
    5. at crying a lot child, when the baby's voice becomes irritated;
    6. with severe attacks of vomiting;
    7. if after a certain period of time the baby experiences a sharp increase in body temperature, lethargy and a sleepy state;
    8. if the fontanel in a newborn acquires a convex shape.

    All these signs indicate that the fall has caused serious consequences and you need to immediately call the ambulance service. Next, medical workers will treat the child.

    How to recognize a traumatic brain injury?

    Since the proportion of head weight in the total body weight of infants is approximately 4 times greater than that of adults, when babies fall, they mostly hit their heads. Half of these falls result in head injuries.

    Traumatic brain injury in infants can be recognized by the following list of symptoms:

    1. short-term loss of consciousness;
    2. increased drowsiness in infants;
    3. some oddities in the child’s behavior that were not there before;
    4. the appearance of a cramp;
    5. frequent bouts of vomiting;
    6. limbs become less mobile, this is caused by weakness in them;
    7. pupils acquire different sizes;
    8. possible disturbances of taste, vision, touch and hearing;
    9. dark blue spots appear under the baby’s eyes or behind the ears;
    10. a clear liquid flows from the baby's nose or ears;
    11. There is blood coming from the baby's ears and nose.

    If you notice at least a few symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. The last three symptoms indicate a skull fracture.

    Signs of a concussion

    In children under one year of age, a concussion is accompanied by a small number of symptoms. As a rule, loss of consciousness in a newborn is not observed. When a concussion occurs in an infant, the following signs are observed:

    1. frequent regurgitation after eating;
    2. attacks of nausea and vomiting;
    3. loss of appetite;
    4. pale skin;
    5. increased sleepiness;
    6. disturbed sleep patterns;
    7. restlessness and frequent crying.

    Back and neck injuries

    Unfortunately, if an infant falls from a height, it can lead to more serious consequences. These may include cervical and back injuries.

    The spinal cord is part of the human central nervous system, which controls all limbs and is responsible for the normal functioning of all systems in the human body. If there is a suspicion that the baby has suffered a back or neck injury, then it is prohibited to change its location in order to prevent even greater injury. Only a medical professional can move an injured baby if the back or neck is injured.

    If it is necessary to move the baby, and the ambulance has not yet arrived, then when moving it is necessary for someone to support the child’s neck and head, leaving them motionless. The baby's head and neck should be in the same position at all times to prevent further injury to the spinal cord.

    How to protect your baby from falls?

    To keep your baby safe and prevent falls, parents should follow these guidelines:

    1. During swaddling, it is necessary to hold the newborn with your hand at all times. It is necessary that this becomes a habit and the baby does not fall even when mommy is distracted for a moment;
    2. If there is a need to leave for a short time, you should take the baby with you or place him in a crib or playpen with high sides. The baby shouldn't even short term remain unattended on dangerous surfaces even while sleeping;
    3. if you don’t want to disturb the sleep of a baby who has fallen asleep on the sofa or bed, then you can play it safe and place pillows on all sides. This will allow the mother to leave for a short period of time on urgent matters;
    4. it is necessary to secure the baby inside the stroller or on a high chair using special straps;
    5. While the child is not in your arms, it is necessary to place him in a crib or playpen with high sides. As a last resort, you can roll up the blanket and thus protect the newborn from falling out of bed.
    6. For changing a baby, it is better to use the parent's bed or sofa rather than a changing table. In this case, even if the child falls, the consequences after such a fall will not be as serious as when falling from a table;
    7. You can leave the baby for a while right on the floor or on the carpet, so he will definitely not fall anywhere.

    Undoubtedly, The best way Protecting your baby from falls is a matter of constant supervision. But parents do not always have such an opportunity. Therefore, they must adhere to the recommendations described above in order to protect the baby and prevent his possible falls.


    First of all, if your baby does fall off the sofa or bed, there is no need to panic! Most of these falls pass without a trace, without serious consequences for the baby. If a baby develops lumps or bruises, you should immediately show it to your pediatrician. Only a doctor will be able to give a real assessment of the baby’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary treatment.

    Experienced parents know - infants very mobile. Without adult supervision, a baby can roll off a bed, sofa or changing table onto the floor, without even being able to walk or crawl. Usually such falls result in harmless bruises, but sometimes a height of 50 cm is enough for the baby to receive a serious head injury.

    First aid for a child falling out of bed or changing table

    The anatomy of a newborn and an adult is different. For example, a newborn's head weighs 4 times more relative to his body. Because of this, when children fall, they most often hit their heads, and in approximately 10–20% of cases this ends in brain contusions of varying severity.

    Dangerous consequences can be avoided if you know how to properly provide first aid to your baby at home. The course of action directly depends on the child’s reaction to the fall.

    Features of behaviorExternal signsWhat should parents do?
    The child behaves normally and quickly calmed down in his armsAbsent, there is slight redness, a bump or abrasion (we recommend reading:)If swelling appears, apply a cold compress to the injury site. If possible, it is better to show the baby to a doctor
    Soft tumor with liquid mobile contentsConsult a pediatrician as soon as possible to rule out brain contusion.
    Prolonged crying, refusal to eat, lethargy, drowsiness, signs of irritation and poor coordination of movements, cold sweat, vomitingDifferent sizes of eye pupilsCall an ambulance and distract the child from sleep until the doctors arrive.

    Falling from a height always frightens children and causes them to cry. This is a natural and absolutely normal reaction that should not cause parents to panic. Being in the arms of mom or dad, the baby will quickly calm down and forget about the unpleasant incident.

    It is much worse if the child begins to cry some time after he falls - this is a reason to be wary and consult a pediatrician.

    The baby's brain is protected by the fontanel and a large volume of cerebrospinal fluid, so dangerous traumatic brain injuries in such cases rarely occur. However, doctors advise avoiding active movements, loads and games in the first days after receiving a bruise. Self-medication of a child is strictly prohibited.

    Signs of a traumatic brain injury

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    Traumatic brain injuries in infants can lead to serious problems. Parents should know how severe head and brain contusions manifest themselves in order to take appropriate measures in time if a child falls from a sofa or bed onto his back and hits his head. The following symptoms indicate a TBI:

    • disturbances of consciousness;
    • speech function disorders;
    • irritability;
    • drowsiness;
    • severe and prolonged headache attacks (1 hour or more);
    • convulsions;
    • vomit;
    • dizziness;
    • coordination problems;
    • weakness or limitation of movement in the limbs;
    • unequal size of eye pupils;
    • dark spots in the eyes or ears;
    • nose or ear bleeding (discharge of colorless fluid).

    Any of these signs indicate the possibility of brain contusion and other traumatic brain injuries. If parents notice ambiguous external symptoms or changes in the baby’s behavior after a fall, it is best to immediately consult a doctor.

    What could be the consequences?

    The consequences of a baby falling can appear immediately or after some time. The greatest threat is:

    • shake;
    • brain contusion;

    With a concussion, a child appears lethargic, apathetic, and drowsy. Due to intense headaches, he cries for a long time. Sometimes crying is accompanied by convulsions. Externally, a concussion can manifest itself as bruises under the eyes or behind the ears. Older children complain of visual or olfactory hallucinations, and their speech becomes difficult and incoherent.

    A brain contusion is not accompanied by severe pain, so children often cry simply from fear and quickly calm down, returning to their usual state. Externally, the injury manifests itself as a soft tumor-like formation with liquid contents in the scalp. A swelling with fluid inside may appear 2-3 hours or several days after the child hits. At the same stage, the baby begins to have attacks of headaches, and disturbances in auditory and visual function are possible.

    If a baby suffered a traumatic brain injury during a fall, this can be easily understood by its behavior. In the case of a TBI, it is not possible to calm the child using the usual methods; he cries for a long time and refuses to eat. Depending on the severity of the damage, swelling in the fontanelle area, blood discharge from the nose, and colorless or bloody fluid from the ears are possible. The last sign indicates injury to the base of the skull.

    How is traumatic brain injury treated?

    A traumatic brain injury in a child, especially in the first months of life, is sufficient grounds for immediate hospitalization in the department of pediatric traumatology, neurology or neurosurgery. The set of diagnostic procedures depends on the age of the child. For example, if the fontanel of a small patient is not yet closed, instead of traditional radiography, he is prescribed neurosonography or ultrasound. The following methods are also used in diagnosis:

    When the diagnosis is confirmed by the examination results, the doctor draws up a treatment plan appropriate to the nature and severity of the injury. Typically, TBI in infants is treated comprehensively, combining drug therapy with physiotherapy and physical therapy. If parents reveal it in time dangerous symptoms and consult a doctor; complications are easy to avoid.

    How to protect your baby from falls?

    Often, it is not the parents' fault that their infant falls on the floor. Even the most attentive fathers and mothers can face this. To reduce risks and prevent serious injuries caused by falls, it is enough to follow these rules:

    Babies develop quickly and actively explore the world around them. Parents should closely monitor their baby's new skills so that his attempts to roll over do not come as a surprise.

    What does Dr. Komarovsky say about childhood falls?

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, a child under the age of 8–9 months falling from a sofa or changing table is not a reason to panic. Most often this happens when the baby is 5–7 months old and begins to actively move. For example, at 6 months a baby will have enough strength to unsuccessfully get out of a high chair or roll down from the bed onto the floor.

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