• This can happen to anyone. Virt. What is virtual flirting


    In his life, every person has tried on more than one role. Depending on the situation, a person’s behavior changes, and he begins to play according to the rules dictated by the specific case. Flirting is also a type of game, the participants of which, as a rule, are two people. Playing with one goal is already coquetry, not flirting.

    Flirting is originally a French word with roots in Latin, where florem is a flower.

    Participants in flirting, as a rule, do not pursue specific goals. And if there is a goal, then they go towards it easily and naturally, without causing discomfort in communication. They play with each other, using a rich arsenal of verbal and non-verbal means of expressing special affection. Flirting is possible with a coordinated game between the parties, good mood and an atmosphere of friendly acceptance. It is often accompanied by jokes, laughter, and hints of something more.

    Flirting can be part of a prelude to intimate relationships, become part of seduction, or be carried out with the goal of defusing an atmosphere of tension and moving communication into a more friendly direction. With the help of this game, attention is attracted and won, and interest is maintained in the communication process. Therefore, they often resort to this weapon in the process of business communication - this is the so-called functional flirting.

    One of the modern types of flirting is virtual.

    Classification of virtual flirting.

    You can make a conditional classification depending on the goals of flirting in the virtual space.

    1. Flirting, the purpose of which is to switch from everyday problems.

    2. Flirting in order to find a life partner.

    Flirting is an escape from problems.

    Flirting with the aim of escaping the reality of everyday troubles, the routine of marriage, heavy workload and the impossibility of real communication with the opposite sex. Typically, such flirting is typical for participants, one or both of whom have family status(official or unofficial). For such people, virtual reality becomes a way to somehow diversify the routine of everyday life.

    Fantasies draw you into a world where a person becomes more attractive, smarter, more interesting than perhaps he actually is. And he maintains a ghostly confidence in his exclusivity and a terrible confidence in the uniqueness of the relationship that has arisen. It seems that right now, with this person, it begins real life. It seems that he was the goal of the search and, by some fatal accident, did not meet on your path in life in time. Finally, you are understood and listened to, the time has come for real spiritual intimacy with a wonderful person who has practically no flaws. How can there be any shortcomings for a person who can spend hours listening, or rather, reading, what you write?

    This is simply unthinkable. It seems that fate gives new chance, opens the secret door of a new opportunity to find harmony and live in harmony with the world. It seems like magic, an aura of mystery and uniqueness envelops these relationships. And the guide to this wonderful, almost fairy-tale universe is the one who sits on the opposite end of the line. He is a wizard and magician, he is unique and infinitely charming.

    And so, what seemed like simple entertainment becomes the meaning of life. The virtual world attracts like a magnet, drawing you deeper and deeper into the depths of the World Wide Web and, abandoning or hastily redoing everything, you run to the computer and immerse yourself in the digital world. But real things and people - those nearby - will wait. And why communicate with those who don’t understand you, don’t share your interests, don’t empathize with ghostly fears, don’t instill a sense of exclusivity, forget about you during the day and remember only when it’s time for dinner and someone needs to serve it.

    When entering the virtual space and starting virtual communication, we must remember that the network has become a drug that has no physical and chemical properties. But this does not deprive it of its destructive orientation. Classic drugs destroy the body and mind, the same drug can completely destroy your family life. And this destruction will not even be the fault of the person on the other end of the line - he is the same victim of the worldwide network, it is the fault of the person himself, who allowed illusions to take over reason and reality. Fantasies have powerful powers, they are capable of changing space, thanks to them great discoveries have been made, they are the engine of progress at all times. But their “plus” can quickly turn into a “minus” when it comes to fantasies born in virtual space.

    When deciding to flirt online, you need to remember possible consequences. Your life partner may find out about this, but it is very difficult to predict what his reaction will be. By building virtual relationships and forgetting about real ones, you can easily end up broke. And there will be no one to blame but yourself. People often do not appreciate those who are next to them, constantly wanting some illusory ideal. But all ideals, when faced with everyday, unadorned life, cease to exist.

    Flirting - finding a life partner

    Another type of virtual flirting is qualitatively different. In the first case, flirting participants do not set a goal to go beyond the virtual space, at least at the beginning of their relationship. In the second case, on the contrary, the game is started solely for the purpose of getting to know each other real life. Accordingly, the course of communication follows a different scenario.

    As a rule, before starting communication, you study in detail the profile of the person you like - be it a social network or a dating site. Then you need to interest the intended interlocutor. And here the question immediately arises of how best to do this. It's actually not difficult. It is enough to have a superficial knowledge of human psychology and follow simple rules for winning the affection of the opposite sex.

    Five rules for successful virtual flirting.

    1. Attract the attention of the interlocutor and force him to enter into a dialogue.

    Man is a very selfish creature. He loves himself, first of all, and then only begins to turn his attention to those around him. And therefore, in order to attract attention, you need to focus on the interlocutor. The most in a simple way For social network– send a message with a compliment, but you need to do it correctly. If the person you want to flirt with in the future is into photography, you can comment on his photos, focusing on the technical side. And not just - “What great photos you have!” As a rule, people write about what they are interested in and what they like. Therefore, there should be no problems with the starting point for the conversation.

    But simply giving a compliment is not enough. After all, you need to ensure that he enters into a dialogue with you. Therefore, you need to immediately ask him a question, the answer to which would be simple and would not make it difficult for the interlocutor to answer. For example, if we are talking about photographs again, you can ask where they were taken, whether your desired interlocutor is the author, and the like. If the answer comes, it means that point No. 1 has been completed and you managed to catch the attention of your interlocutor.

    2. Produce positive impression and win over.

    Once the dialogue has begun, it is important to constantly stir up his interest. Again, they will play into their hands here simple rules successful communication. Be good and interesting conversationalist- This is first and foremost the ability to become a good listener. All people love to talk about themselves. Ask questions related to interests, some life situations, hobbies, leisure, family of your interlocutor, and already for an hour or two of such communication you will know a lot about him, and his opinion of you will be positive. The first day of communication is very important. This is where trust and goodwill are gained, and the further development of the relationship largely depends on what the “start” was like.

    The main thing is that the stars align and your interlocutor has time to talk with you. If he has some urgent business ahead of him, and the dialogue has already begun, communication may be interrupted very inopportunely. Building bridges takes time. A couple of banal phrases like “how are you”, “what are you doing”, “how are you feeling” will not add points to your rating and, most likely, will scare off your interlocutor.

    3. Start talking about yourself if the interlocutor forgets to be interested in you.

    When the first dialogue is successful, you can move on to starting a relationship. There is no need to be intrusive, but you still need to remind yourself. Expecting that people will be interested in you after the first day of communication is like waiting for the weather by the sea. You started this business, you should continue it. In the next day or two, be sure to prove yourself in communication, if, of course, your new friend he himself will not take the initiative and write to you. If the dialogue starts, it means you are not being ignored and you can continue.

    The first phase of acquaintance has passed and you can move on to acquaintance as such. If you are interested in your interlocutor, now insert small comments about yourself so that he begins to recognize you. Otherwise, playing with one goal will soon tire you, and the relationship will not work out. Then he himself will start asking questions. Of course, you may be lucky and interest will appear on the first day, but you shouldn’t count on it too much, so as not to experience disappointment later.

    4. Find common interests so that there is something to talk about in reality.

    If you feel that this is your person and you want to continue communication, you need to look for common ground. Already previous dialogues have given you a general idea about the person, his professional interests, and hobbies. Now it remains to determine which of his list is right for you. There will definitely be commonality. This could be the starting point for an upcoming acquaintance. And, perhaps, very soon you will be invited on a date. If not, then you can do it. You need to act based on the course of your communication and the characteristics of your interlocutor. Remember that in each of us lives Small child with a whole set of prejudices and fears. Many people are simply afraid to take the first step and take responsibility, preferring to let someone else make the decision.

    5. When you are invited, do not refuse.

    Don't think that rejection will make you more attractive. Not at this stage of a fragile relationship, so if you are asked on a date, and this is what you are trying to achieve, agree! You can refuse only if you have good reasons, but not such as “I’m tired today”, “I wanted to watch a movie”. And if you still refuse due to circumstances that you are not able to influence, then it is better not to refuse completely, but to offer to postpone the date of the date with the obligatory indication of the reasons. Basic politeness and respect for other people's feelings will always find a response and will be appreciated.

    And only when the acquaintance takes place, it will become clear whether this person is suitable for communication and further development of relationships or not. You should not trust the feelings that arise during virtual communication. These are more your insinuations, and not objective reality. An outspoken person may actually turn out to be reserved; a reserved person, on the contrary, will amaze with humor and wit. Not everyone can express their feelings when nonverbal communication, again, written expression of thoughts is not everyone’s virtue. Many men simply cannot express their thoughts beautifully, and some easily writing girls may have difficulty in real communication. Until you meet, don’t make hasty conclusions.

    However, no matter how easy and modern dating through the virtual space may seem, we must remember that real life is still outside the monitor, and you need to turn off the computer to get to know it.

    Virtual flirting liberates, allows for things that may never happen in real life, and makes the participants more attractive. Words divorced from reality - that’s what virtual flirting is. You can say whatever you want and seem super cool or sexy, you can even fantasize based on the Kama Sutra, but words will not make you that way in real life. Therefore, do not break away too much from reality in your fantasies, otherwise it will seem too harsh later. Virtual flirting can start a real relationship or destroy an existing one, but it can never replace them.


    Pages of articles about virtual love

    You can tell a lot about your relationship based on what kind of virt your partner has.

    Let's start with the theory. Virt can be male or female.

    Male sex is always a foreplay before real sex. A man doesn’t just virtualize: the need to write a lot of buffoonery and squeeze out endless and varied compliments tires him terribly. So if a guy is caught for virtualing, keep in mind: tomorrow he will already be in someone else’s bed.

    Women's virtuality is diametrically opposed. Less often than not, this is preparation for real sex.

    In more than half of the cases, virtual relationships are a way to get the necessary share of compliments, admiration, adoration and recognition of oneself as the queen of the world (considering that for men, see above, all these compliments are given at great cost and are perceived solely as artillery preparation before an offensive, you need to understand that a girl can have many virtual partners - one will not give her as much pleasure as required).

    Therefore, we make a diagnosis based on gender characteristics.
    Man: if he started virtual, it means he’s no longer satisfied with sex in a real relationship. Sex and only sex: they treat the lack of attention, care or kitchen efficiency in another way, namely, with frequent visits to mom and a real permanent mistress.

    Virt is an adventure, a hunt, a lightning victory, thrills, risk and novelty. This is what you give him: instead of marital routine and melancholy - adventures and victories.

    Joint travel with both organized groups and savages, moving, rearranging furniture, or at least watching erotic films together every night are shown.

    Woman. There are options here.

    If she has an abyss of virtual fans, the whole wall is littered with “likes” and “gifts”, flirting does not go beyond “chatter” - she simply does not have enough attention. And not yours specifically, but men’s in general. Most likely, she has terrible complexes or childhood trauma.

    Leave her her innocent entertainment, buy theater tickets six months in advance (for two, of course), give flowers more often and increase the dose of daily affectionate words.

    If she has one, but constant admirer, if the virtuality goes so far that she cannot live even a day without communication, if her gaze has become absent and her actions have become hysterical, then she is in dire need of love. Most likely, in this marriage they stopped communicating heart to heart, understanding each other perfectly, speaking the special language of lovers.

    It is difficult to help: you need to rebuild the marriage from scratch. The following are prescribed: obligatory family breakfasts and dinners, weekend trips, visits to happily married friends, flowers, gifts, care, exchange of calls and SMS.

    Moreover, all this is even for preventive purposes, and not two days before virtual turns into real life.

    In general, people who are unhappy in marriage have been seen in virtual romances and virtual infidelities. So your marriage definitely has a diagnosis. Start treatment immediately.

    VELVET: Agata Volchkova

    The concept of “virt” can be understood in different ways. In any case, it is directly related to the Internet and communication on it. There are also several other interpretations. If a person wants to know what virtual is, then he must pay attention to all the available meanings.

    What is virtual?

    By typing the word “virt” into a search engine, a person will most likely receive information about literary work. Virt, or, in the original language, « Vurt" is a book created by Jeff Noon.

    He was born in the late fifties in Great Britain. After graduating from university and working in a bookstore for five years, he began writing books, the first of which was “Virt.” Many people call Jeff Noone's works science fiction, but the official genre is cyberpunk.

    In this book, “virt” refers to trip dreams. Getting into them, a person, as it were, receives a drug, of which there are quite a few types. This world looks like an alternate Manchester, filled with shadow people, robot dogs and other such creatures.

    The plot is based on the fact that Scribble lost his sister Desdemona in the virtual world. Instead, an alien with tentacles entered the world. Main character must get into the depths of virtuality and make a reverse exchange.

    What is virtual communication?

    It is not at all difficult to understand what virtual is in the field of communication if you pay attention to the fact that this word is an abbreviation for the concept virtual. Thus, the word “virt” can be understood.

    Of course, if two people are just chatting via email or on a social network, discussing work or neutral questions, then this cannot be considered virtual. Often this concept used if conversations are sexual in nature. Simply put, sex on the Internet can be considered virtual, which is carried out through corresponding correspondence.

    There are so-called virtual chats, in which a person is randomly matched with an interlocutor who is ready for communication of this kind. As a rule, everything is done anonymously. This can happen on any other resources, for example, those providing video communication with a random interlocutor, as well as on social networks.

    Wirth in a broad sense

    Sometimes the word “virt” is understood not as sexual descriptions of actions with a specific purpose, but as something more abstract. You can call it Virt flirting on the Internet or a kind of long-distance relationship.

    In this understanding, the question becomes very difficult. People have very different attitudes towards such communication. Some believe that finding love on the Internet is impossible, while others are personally familiar with situations where two people have traveled a distance to be together.

    Often the goal of virtual is not at all to find a life partner. People can simply have fun in this way, moving away from everyday problems. On the one hand, this is good, since there are no false hopes, on the other hand, this communication can be easily perceived by only one participant, while the other is already firmly convinced of warm feelings.

    How to start virtual flirting?

    Today there are quite a lot of resources where you can anonymously (or not) start a conversation with a person. If you want to achieve virtual flirting (for any purpose), then you should pay attention to several factors.

    First, you need to attract the attention of your interlocutor and provoke him into dialogue. If this happens on a social network, then you can build on the information available in the profile and use it to formulate a topic for conversation. In chats this problem does not arise - just write “hello” to the person.

    The second step is more difficult - you need to maintain the interlocutor’s interest and win him over. You should not use banal phrases like “how are you” and “what are you doing.” The best thing ask about interests and dreams. A couple of days later, if communication stops, you can start talking about yourself.

    Finally, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without common interests. Fortunately, you can find common ground, at least in cinema, if you don’t have similar hobbies or, for example, musical preferences.

    It is difficult to predict what virtual flirting will lead to. When embarking on such communication for the purpose of simply having fun, a person cannot be sure that, in the end, he will not sit for hours in front of the monitor waiting for the treasured messages.

    Virt. A game. Role playing. Virtual relationships. Sex in Contact. As soon as they don’t call it what becomes an addiction, it’s a vital necessity for many teenagers “living” on the Internet.
    Everyone ends up in Virt for some reason. Someone wants to put on a mask and stop being a boring 9th grade student. Someone is running away from the gray and dull real life. Some people just want to be in the shoes of their favorite book character and do not notice how the game grows into reality.

    Madame Rowling had no idea how successful her books about a simple and modest young wizard would be. The story of Harry Potter simply blew up the world. Children began to wear glasses, dress in funny robes, buy wands and janitor's brooms in the hope of touching a miracle. But miracles rarely happen, and jumping on a broom from the balcony ends not with a caught Snitch, but with a broken spine and a wheelchair.
    An entire generation grew up with the dream of magical abilities and the belief that one day an owl will fly to them and call them to a world where everything is possible. At the age of 10, it seemed obvious that you would be invited to Hogwarts; by 15, it became clear that the kind giant would not knock on your door with a pink umbrella and take you with him into a fairy tale. But it turned out that Hogwarts can be created. And so the hated chemistry teacher was renamed Snape, all closed offices were called Secret Rooms, and classroom teacher endowed with the ability to transform into a cat.
    Time flies, and the authority of “Mama Joe” is rapidly declining. What does she know?! This “snickering Englishwoman”! And then the sequels appear. Favorite characters are resurrected, start dating, fall in love, and live happily ever after. And this is where the popular writing phenomenon creeps in - slash [Slash, or sometimes slash (from the English slash, slash) is a genre of amateur works (“fan fiction” or “fiction”). Slash describes romantic or sexual relationships between characters of the same sex, usually male, taken from already existing well-known works, and in the original source not having an obvious homosexual orientation. Descriptions of such relationships between two heroines are called fem-slash.]
    Girls are usually into slash; they are more tolerant than boys, and relationships between two male people do not bother them. On the contrary, they seem very original, interesting and incredibly cute. First, the young slasher timidly watches Harry kiss Draco in a dark closet, then the same slasher excitedly watches the difficult sexual relations between Severus and Lucius, and soon our slasher is frantically looking for something spicy, preferably with male pregnancy, torture and what is called hurt/comfort. This is called getting involved.
    Without even noticing, an already experienced and seasoned slasher is looking for a homosexual couple to a handsome boy on the street or convinces best friend that an affair with a higher mathematics teacher is the best event of his future life.
    And one day a thought comes to mind: why am I worse than Harry from my favorite fanfic? And then a page is created in contact and it turns out that there are many of them here! And now there is someone to talk to, discuss interesting fics, look at drawings with your favorite slash. And no one will twirl their finger at their temple, as mom and classmates/classmates do. In this wonderful virtual world, everyone is your friend, everyone understands you. Then why reality?
    This is how teenagers who are greedy for understanding and responsiveness are sucked into this deceptive world. Many people stay in Virt for years, making friends here, falling in love, becoming disappointed. And too often, virtual problems have real-life consequences.

    At 14 years old, life, as they say, is just beginning. How easy it is, from the height of forty years of life experience, to easily write off all your child’s problems as insignificant and fleeting. But at 14, life follows different laws. And unfashionable clothes or glasses can become a source of sleepless nights and bitter tears into your pillow.
    Masha is 14. She is an interesting, fresh and pretty girl. But at this age children are very cruel and rarely have their own opinions. More successful classmates decided that Masha was ugly, unfashionable and generally strange. Now the whole class thinks so, and what’s worst is Masha herself. The girl has terrible complexes. She considers herself a “scarecrow” (s.), ugly. Attempts to take care of oneself are interspersed with periods of hopelessness, when new hairstyle is ridiculed by classmates, and the cute little sundress bought by mom is called “grandmother’s.” All this can lead to despair. And I really want a relationship. Maybe not like the best school couple, but at least timid kisses in the locker room. But who will look at the “bogeyman”?
    And the way out appears by itself. A couple of fics I read give me a hint: become as successful as these heroes. And the contact page appears. First, women's, close to real life. There are many photographs of models, actresses, singers, Masha is successful, beautiful and attractive. Fans, friends, new interests appear there.
    But then a new period of hopelessness. And Masha rereads her beloved Harry Potter. And from the mirror looks at a thin, still teenage awkward girl with dirty dark hair. "I look like Snape!" - Masha thinks, and as a form of self-irony, she creates a page for the Potions Professor.
    And then a new world opens up before the child. Numerous Harrys, Dracos, Luciuses come to the page and offer SUCH!
    (since the Contact style is preserved, read from bottom to top)
    (spelling and punctuation preserved)

    05.29.09 Harry: *throws back his unruly bangs, embarrassedly drawing patterns on his chest* I...don’t mind...
    05.29.09 Severus: *blushed*maybe...uhm...well, how can I say...let's try to build a relationship...
    05.29.09 Harry: I liked you too... *embarrassed* ...very much
    05/29/09 Severus: I just liked you... and I wanted to be with you... but this is stupidity so I didn’t want to say it...
    05.29.09 Harry: please...
    05/29/09 Severus: well, I’m saying... it doesn’t matter...
    05.29.09 Harry: *puts hand on shoulder* well tell me...
    05.29.09 Severus: I just thought...although okay, it doesn’t matter...
    05/29/09 Harry: *walks up* what’s wrong?
    05/29/09 Severus: *sat down on the floor, lowered his head*
    05.29.09 Harry: *looked slyly from under his bangs* I didn’t say I didn’t like it...
    05.29.09 Severus: if you don’t like it, then say so...and I’ll leave....I just thought that we would be fine...together...
    05.29.09 Harry: well... *shamefully lowered his eyes and licked his swollen lips*
    05/29/09 Severus: don’t you like it? *hugs*
    05/29/09 Harry: *breaks away when he starts to run out of air* oh... what are we doing?
    05.29.09 Severus: *took him by the chin and kissed him* it’s not worth it...
    05.29.09 Harry: *bits his lip and lowers his eyes* I’m shy...
    05.29.09 Severus: why are you blushing, dear? *smile*
    05/29/09 Harry: *embarrassed and blushed so hard his ears were on fire*
    05/29/09 Severus: *smiled*mmm I’m becoming more and more convinced of this*kissed on the lips*
    05/29/09 Harry: Oh!!! *blushes and kisses you on the cheek*
    05/29/09 Severus: if you’re talking about the question, then you’re lovely)))= ***
    05/29/09 Harry: mmm))) yes???
    05.29.09 Severus: you have such a cute ava...I'm drawn...
    05/29/09 Harry: good)))
    nothing special)
    05/29/09 Severus: how are you? What are you doing?
    05/29/09 Harry: Yes, it’s already good morning.
    This is how it all works out.
    And then the child is drawn into virtual sex and virtual life. The most real addiction, then relationships appear that are completely built on virtual lies.
    At school, Masha is still teased, her mood spoils just by looking in the mirror, and she really wants to go quickly to where the real problems seem insignificant. Only Virt has its own rules, its own laws, its own authorities and couples who inspire envy and admiration. You don't need to have a pretty face to like it in role-playing, luxurious hair and a beautiful figure, you just need to write smoothly. But where can a fourteen-year-old girl compete with people who have been sitting on forums for years, reading and writing fics, having 5-7 left pages and are considered stars of the virtual world?
    Here the unlucky young slasher is simply ridiculed, Masha is mocked and mocked. Everything is like in life. It’s stupid to cry because of imbecile classmates, but it’s even stupider to cry because of people who realize themselves, using insults, in Virtue, ashamed to show their real selves.
    But at 14, life is just beginning and, having received a vaccination from Virt, Masha will calmly live on, proudly raising her head to all the ridicule of stupid and worthless people.

    She doesn’t give her name, she says that she hasn’t used it for a long time. But how long ago, if she is only sixteen? The Harry Potter page is not the first and certainly not the last. Harry is not very beautiful and, with the maximalism characteristic of teenagers, considers herself ugly. Scary for a girl. But quite cute for a boy. The idea of ​​cosplay comes to mind [Cosplay m., text. (Japanese コスプレ kosupure, abbreviated from English costume play - “costume game”) - a form of embodiment of an action performed on the screen. Cosplay participants identify themselves with a certain character, are called by his name, wear similar clothes, and use similar speech patterns. Often during cosplay, role-playing occurs. Costumes are usually sewn independently, but can also be ordered from a studio or purchased ready-made (in Japan, for example, the business of producing costumes and accessories for cosplay is quite widespread). Cosplays are usually held at festivals, parties and events related to the anime and manga culture of Harry Potter. A black wig, a scarlet and gold scarf, a ridiculous robe. Like a good actor, Harry gets into character. Gradually she begins to like other such “boys”. She starts affairs with various Dracos, Blaises, Snapes - these are girls like her who simply have no luck with guys. From this grows a real lesbian relationship. I in no way condemn any of the types of so-called non-traditional orientations, but at 16 years old such a choice seems reckless, especially in the absence of heterosexual experience.
    Having tried some familiar slashers, Harry rushes to the Internet. There are more people there, and life is more interesting. Dating, virtual romances, smoothly flowing into real relationships. But it’s boring to be ordinary, it’s scary that external unlikability will cancel out the intrigue of love by correspondence. Having fallen in love (although is it possible to fall in love without ever seeing a person, without holding a hand, without looking into the eyes), Harry begins to surround himself with a web of interesting details. She allegedly has a strange disease, is an external student, has no friends, and her loved one tried to kill her (and did he?). Further more. Harry tells his girlfriend (and in Virt there is one boy for every 20 girls) that he has psychic abilities and can merge with her from a distance. I don’t know who is more inadequate among them: Harry, or her beloved, who believes all this.
    When relationships become boring, and they become boring quickly. Virt is a life model on a scale of 1000:10. Using Boris Akunin’s idea, a person lives for about 1000 months, in Virt he spends an average of 10. During this time, he lives a small life with all its collisions.
    So, when the relationship becomes boring, Harry finds a universal way to “keep” his partner - the threat of suicide. This works flawlessly, at least with a conscientious partner the first 2-3 times. The worst thing is when an idea penetrates the consciousness and begins to seem not so crazy, and all the fictitious lies interfere with the truth so much that Wirth and reality become indistinguishable. What mental illnesses can develop in such a split consciousness is not for me to judge, but the desire to become a boy, careful nurturing of thoughts of suicide and a life eaten up by the Internet are not what contribute to harmonious development.

    This story is perhaps the saddest of the three. Anya is 19 years old. Outwardly, her life is cloudless, interesting and stable. She studies at university, reads Harry Potter and fan fiction. It is in them that Anya finds a new “Hero of our time.” He is not a Byronian romantic, not a Turgenev nigelist, not a gloomy youth of the era of decadence. This is a typical hero of fan fiction, yaoi anime, erotic homosexual story. A boy from 16 to 20, very thin, with black hair and long bangs, naturally, he is gay, takes drugs and certainly smokes on the windowsill at night, cries and writes poetry. The more pitiful the image, the better.
    Anya likes being this unhappy boy. She has been sitting in Virt for a long time, and role-playing games she is no longer satisfied. She shows all her partners a photo of such a boy, posing as him. But it doesn't turn out pitiful enough. Then new details appear. Parents died. Lives on money from gay prostitution. Clients are rude. Aversion to physical relationships. Brain cancer. Death two years later.
    Each of these details is monstrous in itself, but the overall picture is simply depressing. It’s scary to imagine what goes on in a person’s head if he tells such things as the truth for several years.

    If you look at it, virtual relationships are a drug that is addictive and destroys health, both spiritual and physical.
    Virtual love takes everything free time, all the feelings, all the thoughts, in reality only the external side remains (school, university, family), but it does not give that feeling of happiness, flight, “butterflies in the stomach” that happens when you just look into the eyes of a truly loved one. But an insane amount of nerves are wasted. It is too easy to deceive in Virt and it is too painful to find out the truth. The eyes deteriorate, the desire to go beyond, let alone at home, the window on the Internet disappears. Apathy appears.
    It is very difficult to “jump off” Virt. Partly because there you can have an almost ideal partner. After all, you come up with it yourself based on what a person tells about himself. And the relationship itself is often a beautifully staged performance based on yet another fan fiction or anime. Like in a song from childhood: “The most, most, most impeccable novel. You once came up with it yourself!” But reality is rarely so merciful that it coincides with fiction.
    Where such a passion for virtual life can lead is still unknown, what will happen to Masha, Harry, Anya and many others is unclear. But I'm afraid the ending won't be Rowling's sad.

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    You met a cute guy on the Internet, and suddenly you receive a message from him with the words: “How about virtual, baby?” with a winking smiley face. You have no idea what it is, but you have to answer something! Even if this situation is purely hypothetical, it will still not be superfluous to learn about what virtual is. At least to avoid getting into an awkward situation.

    In Wikipedia you will find all the meanings of this word, but in the everyday sense, virtual is virtual sex, relationships on the Internet of a predominantly sexual nature. If quite recently phone sex was considered a highlight, and for some even a kind of art, now it has been replaced by sex on the Internet. It’s enough just to meet someone who also wants to get involved in virt, on some dating site, in a chat or on a social network, and then - a passionate correspondence with a very frank subtext... What it will be like depends on the freedom and imagination of the interlocutors .

    Features of Virt

    What does virtu mean for those who do it or want to do it? The main goal of virtual is to cause physical arousal or achieve sexual satisfaction.

    It depends on subjective perception whether to count virtual normal occurrence. For some, virtual is the new kind perversion, violation of all moral norms and complete debauchery. But for others - only pleasant and interesting way relax and get rid of sexual tension. In favor of this, many virtual enthusiasts say the following:

    Virt is safe. By having sex online, you will not catch any infection, from gonorrhea to AIDS.
    Communication can be very interesting. Often such acquaintances are anonymous; a person sees only the nickname of his virtual partner. Virt also removes gender distinctions. You can engage in virtual activities with a girl without even suspecting that she is actually a man.
    Virt relieves sexual tension. If you don’t have a girlfriend, and you don’t want to sleep in real life with the first person you meet, you can find this first person you meet on the Internet and spend your leisure time pleasantly without spending extra money and time.
    Wirth develops imagination. If you communicate via text, you can only imagine your partner and think about what is happening to him. Such actions stimulate the imagination and improve the process of visualizing thoughts.
    You can practice virtual with several partners. You can even arrange an “Internet orgy.”
    Wirth relieves uncertainty and embarrassment. A person can fully open up to another because he does not feel threatened.
    However, excessive passion for virt distorts a person’s opinion about the true relationship between a man and a woman, makes him more cynical in terms of intimate relationships, develops the false idea of ​​permissiveness in terms of sex.

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