• What messages to write to a girl to please her. Basic rules of online communication. What to write to a girl to get to know her: an additional trick


    Once upon a time, people met on the street, at dances, at work and in other places. Now the world of technological progress has arrived. Communication and making acquaintances via social networks are very popular. VKontakte is one of the most successful projects. Today, almost every person is on this social network. Now guys, in order to achieve success in their personal lives, need to turn on their wild imagination and come up with something nice to write to a girl on VKontakte.

    What to write to a girl to make her melt?

    Girls are susceptible to flattery romantic stories And beautiful words. Take advantage of this, write her a personal message, which will contain prose about your love. You can come up with a message yourself or choose one of several options below:

    • My dear angel, in the evening I looked at the stars in the sky. One of them fell right on me. I decided to give it to you, let it illuminate the path that will lead you to my heart;
    • You are a great girl. I'm afraid to touch your skin, it seems to me that only angels can touch it. I will love you as long as I live. You can be sure that I will not forget about you for a minute;
    • I am ready to lay the wings of an angel in front of your slender legs. Tell me what you want, I will do whatever you need. For me, life without you is equivalent to hell, and heaven appears in my soul only when you are nearby.

    Let your message consist of sincerity and a little flattery. You can be sure that your girl will melt and will re-read your message several times.

    How to write something nice to a girl in your own words?

    In order to please a girl, it is not necessary to write long messages and compose poetry. You can make your lover smile with a few phrases written in your own words. Here are some examples of such messages:

    • Hello my beloved girl. What are you doing now? And I’m sitting in a cold, gray office, missing you. How I want the working day to end quickly so that I can see you again;
    • I look through the window at the sun. Sometimes, it seems to me that he has similarities with you. It also gives me warmth and illuminates my soul with joy. I hope that in our relations everything will always be clear and colorful. Let clouds and clouds pass you and me by;
    • Hello my precious. Finally, I had a free minute. What do you think I spent it on? All this time I was thinking about how to organize a joint weekend. I've thought of everything! A surprise awaits you!

    You should not exaggerate in your messages; you need to write it as sincerely as possible. For example, if you do not have the opportunity to buy your beloved a gift or give her a surprise, then you should not promise this in your message in order to temporarily cheer her up.

    What to write to a girl you like on VKontakte?

    Shy guys are undoubtedly lucky. They can confess their liking to the girl they like through a social network. It's much easier than doing the same thing to your eyes. But there are several nuances here:

    1. The first thing you need to do is find the page of the girl you like on a social network, add her as a friend and try to get her into conversation. Women don't like it when guys get smart. Therefore, it is recommended to communicate in the simplest and most understandable phrases. Try to ask leading questions to help your dialogue develop. Be careful what you write. Girls don't like illiterate guys;
    2. Occasionally add emoticons to your message. This will make your text bright and memorable;
    3. Make sure your text is attractive. This way, the girl you like will become interested in you. Having written: “Hi, my name is Alexander, let’s get acquainted,” you may not wait for an answer. But the communication will definitely continue if your first message looks something like this: “Good afternoon, I studied your page, I’m simply delighted! You have such cool photos. You are positive and cheerful everywhere. My mood even lifted”;
    4. Continue the conversation further while simultaneously exploring your beloved’s page. Ask questions regarding her photographs and profile. Ask about her favorite book by the said author, where she is in the photo, or how long she has been listening to the performer.

    Watch how the girl responds to your messages. If these are phrases of the same type, then do not impose your communication on her.

    How to invite a girl on a date on VKontakte?

    • Intrigue her. Write the beginning of the dialogue and tell her that if she wants to know the ending, she must agree to meet with you. For example, tell the girl that you like everything about her, especially several qualities. Which ones? She will only be able to find out in person!;
    • If you have already made your first call to each other, then tell her what a pleasant voice she has and how much you would like to hear it live;
    • The easiest way to interest a girl is to simply tell her that you like her and would like to get to know her better.

    During correspondence, you should not make vulgar hints. This will forever scare your interlocutor away from you.

    How to interest a girl on VKontakte?

    Do you think it is impossible to interest a girl through a social network? You are wrong! The problem is solvable if you find the right solution.

    1. Use the boomerang principle. For three to five days, actively talk with her about everything, be moderately intrusive. Then, disappear from her sight for several days. If she starts trying to contact you, it means you managed to interest her;
    2. Find common interests with her and communicate on these topics. This is not difficult to do by correspondence;
    3. Find out if you have mutual friends with her. You will be surprised how small the world is.

    There are several points that are not recommended to be done via correspondence.

    1. Deceive. If you're hoping for serious relationship. Your lies will be revealed and will not present you in the best possible way;
    2. Imagine yourself in her eyes in the role cool guy, if you are not like that;
    3. Use vulgar phrases or jokes. This will push the girl away from you;
    4. Talk about all your shortcomings, complain about life. In her eyes, you should be a strong person, not a whiner;
    5. Be very intrusive.

    Don’t know what you can write nice things to a girl on VKontakte? Show your imagination, use an Internet search engine, add a little sincerity! The combination of these qualities will present you in front of her in the best possible light!

    Video about nice words

    In this video, Anton Rodionov will tell you how to interest a girl on VKontakte and write to her pleasant words, from which she would melt:

    All girls and women love compliments. They need to be expressed subtly and not intrusively. Otherwise, you risk being caught for flattery. And oh, how they don’t like flattery. So, what can you write to a girl to make her smile, give her joy and pleasant feelings.

    The main rule! Don't try to think of anything when you're tired or in a bad mood. Better stop and get a good night's sleep.

    Breaking the ice is always hard when you're first dating. Sometimes it seems unreal. Most often, you have so little in common - just a few photos, you know each other so little.

    Therefore, it is always difficult to come up with something worthwhile. Secondly, it can be difficult to imagine yourself with positive side. Therefore, we have put together a collection of messages for VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, viber, telegram, skype - in a word, so that you will be delighted with the correspondence with your loved one!

    From simple greetings to interesting questions, flirting. More than 100 message examples to make your conversation flow easily and effortlessly.

    What to write to a girl instead of hello?

    • Hello! How was your weekend?
    • How's your week been?
    • Hello. What are you doing, what are you working on?
    • Hello, how are you doing today?
    • Hey, what fun things are you thinking of doing this weekend?
    • Hello, I hope you are doing well this week.
    • Hi, how are you?
    • Hello to you. How will you treat us today? (jokingly, sarcasm)
    • Hello, what's new up to today?
    • Just stopped to shake your hand. Hello!
    • I just couldn't greet you. Hello!
    • What's up? How are you?
    • How is your day going?
    • Hope you had a better day.
    • Hello, how are you doing?
    • Just wanted to say hi!
    • Hi all! And you)
    • Hello, I hope you have a wonderful day.
    • Saw your photo and just had to say hi!
    • Hello, what are you doing?

    What to write to a girl to make her melt? Examples

    • I can't think of anything better than getting a response from you.
    • I wish this message would bring a smile to your face on my screen.
    • Have you ever felt like something wonderful was happening? It feels like it's happening now.
    • If you only respond to 1 message today, let it be mine.
    • I'm kind of like, well... well, I think you look great. Do you want to go for a walk sometime?
    • If you decide to chat, it will brighten my day. Or maybe this whole year.
    • Hello. And one more thing - you are amazing.
    • Could you reply to this message and make me feel the happiest in the world?
    • You have no idea how much happiness it gives me to talk to you.
    • So hooked me. That's the number.
    • Hello, bonjour, aloha, salut! – my phone went crazy.
    • Grrravar is how dinosaurs say hello.
    • That awkward moment when you write a message to a girl and all that comes to mind is hello. Hello.
    • Hello! Just decided to annoy you a little.
    • I like your cute nose. It's really cute.
    • I like hugs.
    • I will always tell you if something goes wrong with my hair, clothes, or gets stuck in my teeth. I always do this...
    • I'd like to talk to you. Seriously. No kidding.
    • I think you like me.
    • Double like for you)
    • Everyone can be awesome, but your awesomeness comes from experience.
    • You. Yes, exactly you. I wanted to talk to you.
    • I'm looking for someone with whom I can remain a complete idiot. It's not you?
    • I'm a good example of a weirdo. What about you?
    • What's the truth? I really like you. And I don't even know you.
    • I passed by your photo several times, and now I decided to say hello.
    • My atoms are drawn to your atoms - this is chemistry.
    • Hello awesomeness.
    • You made me smile. All.
    • I would like to be the reason you smile when you read this.
    • I liked looking at your photos more than the pizza. Although I really like pizza.
    • I bet my dog ​​would like you.
    • I bet my cat would like you.

    Examples of messages to a girl for flirting

    • I only send messages to those who are close to me, whom I love and care about. I am writing to you because you are everything!
    • Today is not a special day. There is nothing to write about. But I am sending a message because I always remember and think about you!
    • Even if there is no call or message from you... I always remember and love you!
    • I want to be your favorite hello, and your hardest so far.
    • If you ask me why I love you so much, then I have no reason. But then love does not require a reason. It just happens.
    • I don’t think much, I don’t think often, but when I think, I think about you!
    • If the only place I can meet you is in my dreams, I don't want to wake up anymore.
    • If I had one wish, I would give you a long and tender kiss, and if I had two wishes, I would decide to do it again.

    What questions should you ask a girl to break the ice? Or keep the conversation going

    • What could you talk about for hours?
    • What do you like to do on the weekend?
    • What brings you joy? what occupation?
    • What is the most banal, typical day in your life?
    • If you had to choose where to live, where?
    • How do you behave when you're angry?
    • What do you do in your free time?
    • If you could be a hero in any movie, who would you be?
    • Which actor/actress could play you best?
    • What is your favorite book?
    • What should I know about you, and not about your profile on VK (Facebook, Instagram)?
    • What is your favorite sport?
    • Why do you have such a strange login?
    • Do you have a tattoo? If not, which one would you like?
    • Are you close with your family?
    • If you had a superpower, what would it be?
    • What is the worst thing that you are willing to admit about yourself?
    • What are you willing to talk about all night and not go to bed?
    • I like to hear other people's stories. Do you have such a story?
    • What is the most ideal day in your opinion?
    • When you were a child, what did you want to become?
    • Which city would you like to visit?
    • What's your favorite band?
    • What's your favorite movie?
    • What's your favorite song?
    • What was the last book you read? If it's not a secret)
    • What is your favorite drink?
    • Which cafe, cafeteria, pizzeria did you like the most?
    • Would you describe yourself as a romantic person?
    • Yes or no. You are romantic?
    • Do you have a pet? Mom and dad don't count)
    • Have you ever been given a nickname?
    • Where did you grow up?
    • Are you an open person or a shy one?
    • Do you like to invent something, create something?
    • What's your favorite TV show?
    • What do you do in your free time?
    • Do you play any sports?
    • What would you take with you to a desert island?
    • What is your favorite memory?
    • Tell me one random fact about yourself?
    • If you could make 3 wishes, what would they be?
    • If you could live a year again, what year would it be?

    Did you like the ideas? Express your opinion or say Thank you in the comments!

    Despite the fact that the easiest and most common way to meet someone is in real life, we will tell you how to meet a girl on VK, since this is one of the most popular social networks where you can meet more than one sultry beauty, but with several at once, so as not to waste time and money on just one, which may not work out.

    Moreover, if the weather is bad outside, it is much better to sit at home with a cup of tea or coffee and just chat, and maybe make interesting new acquaintances.

    How to meet a girl on VK - preparation

    Before you start writing to a girl, you need to understand how to properly meet a girl in contact, just write “Hello, how are you?” not worth it, first you need:

    • Design your page correctly;
    • Figure out what to write when meeting a girl on VK;
    • Understand what is worth talking about and what is worth asking.

    We design the wanderer correctly

    Before you start communicating, you need to make sure that your page stands out, without this, your question “How to meet a girl on VK?” You won’t be able to find an answer, because girls love with their eyes first.

    Bad photos on the page – your chances are close to zero. If you want to entice, look for a photographer, your high quality photos will serve you fully. However, don't limit yourself to a photo portrait, as it won't tell you anything about you. Try to attract the girl's attention with your energy, activity, show that you do not sit at home and your life is full of excitement, adventure, drive, and adrenaline. Also use a little trick in the photo - these are GIRLS. Let it be your girlfriends, or your friends, or just a stranger with whom you have a photo as a keepsake. This will give an advantage, since on the other side of the screen the girl will realize that you are not a complex guy, intrigue and dominate.

    After the photos are ready, you can begin further processing of information about yourself. Write about where you studied, about your hobbies, about what kind of music you prefer. You shouldn’t overdo it and tell everything you have to a minimum, because if a girl finds out everything, she won’t be interested.

    What to write to meet a girl on VK?

    If preparatory stage passed, time to think about how to meet a girl on VKontakte, beautiful template your page is not enough. You need to prove in practice that you are a successful and confident guy.

    VKontakte is one of the best people search engines. Finding that same girl will not be difficult, since you can indicate both age and place of study, the most important thing is to find out whether the girl is currently available. You need to set two parameters: “Single”, “Actively searching”, if you don’t set any parameters, you may make a mistake with your choice.

    And now to the main thing, how to meet a girl on VK by correspondence? To do this, you need to understand where to start the conversation.

    Every person, not just a girl, asks himself the following series of questions:

    1. Who are you anyway?
    2. Why are you writing to her?
    3. And why did you choose her?

    Therefore after greetings tell her:

    “Who are you anyway?”

    So that the girl has no doubts that you are not another acquaintance of her friend who wants to make fun of her, you are not trying to sell her anything, tell her that you are just a cheerful guy who wants to meet such a charming girl.

    “Why are you writing to her?”

    We answered this question in the first sentence. No need to make a girl wait. State your goal right away.

    “Why did you choose her?”

    At this point, you should write what really attracted you to her, what hooked you on her, maybe her appearance, or maybe in the description of her hobbies, you have something in common. Don’t forget that you don’t need to lie to her, because sooner or later it will be revealed.

    What can you talk about and what questions can you ask?

    To understand how to meet a VK girl, you also need to learn about what to say, what questions you can ask and what not.

    The first communication should be relaxed, easy, pleasant. To achieve this result you need:

    • Don't constantly tell a girl how beautiful she is, how much you really want to meet her. This may alert her, scare her away, and she may also decide that you are flattering her;
    • You shouldn’t ask her something negative or uninteresting, as this will become a huge disadvantage when you start dating;
    • Just forget about frankness. There is no need to rush things, especially when you have just started communicating;
    • Conversations on the topics of fishermen, hunting, cars will lead nowhere, unless of course the girl starts them herself.

    The most suitable topics for first communication are:

    • Hobby;
    • Movies, music, paintings;
    • Trips;
    • Pets;
    • What do you dream about and what do you want from life?

    In this article you learned how to meet people on VK, but for more clear example We have prepared correspondence for you:

    1. An example of simple dating;
    2. An example of dating with intrigue;
    3. Example of a quick meeting.

    Example of simple dating

    After you have chosen a potential girl, write to her after a short period of time:

    You: “Hello! You know, it seems like we don’t know each other =)”

    She: “Hello! Oh really? But it seems to me that you are right)"

    You: “It’s time to correct such an oversight”

    She: “Ok. I'm Karina, 4th year economist, I want to get a kitten =)"

    You: “Eugene. Tall, handsome and sexy. Doctor of Science... Nice to meet you)"

    You: “What breed of kitten do you want?”

    She: “Seriously, doctor? =)”

    She: “I want a cute little white fluffy, I’ve always dreamed about it. But my parents were against it, and since I now live alone, I can buy a kitten.

    You: “And I have a Bombay cat named Ugolek. Doctor of Philology =)"

    She: “mmm, blackie, you and I are just like yin and yang =)”

    You: “Opposites are drawing closer together)”

    The next day:

    You: “Hello, pussy)”

    She: “Hello”

    You: “It’s late, what’s not in pastels?”

    She: “I’m working, how did you spend your day?”

    You: “Remembered the old days, met with classmates =)”

    She: “Yes, you can have fun on Instagram”

    You: “What were you doing?”

    She: “I was in class, then I visited the rocking chair, and now I’m writing an article to order.”

    You: “Journalist?”

    She: “I hope, a future journalist”

    You: “You’re studying economics, right?)”

    She: “I like journalism better, but my parents persuaded me to go into economics.”

    You: “I think everything will work out for you. How about calling me tomorrow, text me your phone number)”

    She: “*********** call no earlier than 6)”

    An example of dating with intrigue

    You: “I know your deepest secret!”

    She: “Really? And where?"

    You: “To be honest, I didn’t believe it until the very end.”

    She: “Actually, we don’t know each other!!!”

    She: “And what is this?”

    You: “Write your phone number and I’ll share your secret with you)”

    She: “*********** Just out of curiosity, I will meet you”

    You: “Ok, see you tomorrow”

    Example of a quick meeting

    You: “It’s too cold outside. Let's hang out in a warmer place and eat. I'll pick you up."

    She: “Graevka”

    You: “What’s your number, I’ll call you when I get there”

    She: "***********"

    Which communication you choose is definitely up to you. But we suggest trying all communication options, since in practice it will be clear how to meet a girl online is preferable and more effective for you.

    Discussion: 12 comments

      I once also asked many people how to meet a girl on VK, like unobtrusively, but also to show that you liked her. Many people told me to write to her and confess, then call her for a walk. I didn't do it. Then I came across this article, sat and read, and realized that I had made some mistakes. Now I’m sitting and thinking about what to do next))

      I always thought that meeting people on VK was very easy. I found a girl, wrote and that’s it. I've never been so wrong before. How much I had to do to get her attention. Back then I didn’t think that there was no need to talk about everything you thought))) I read some phrases from the article, apparently I was wrong. You need to plan your VK conversation very well, it just turns out to be some kind of game.

      I talked to a girl on VKontakte. I really liked her. It was so easy to talk to her there that I didn’t even think much about what, how and when to write to her. We sat for half the night and talked. Then we agreed to meet. In general, we did not find mutual language in real life. We don't communicate anymore. But the advice might come in handy for guys, well written.

      One friend advised me how to meet a girl on VKontakte. He said that you shouldn’t rush her and ask her some very personal questions that could confuse her. And now, out of curiosity, I read the article and realized that my friend’s advice was very helpful!)

      The author advises talking to the girl from the very beginning about movies, wine and dominoes, such as hobbies, music, and discussing animals. When people ask me something like this, for example, it’s very annoying) I don’t know what they should ask me about during the first conversations, but I would never continue the conversation if they came to talk about nothing like that, and then bam - I like you .

      Oh, and my interlocutor really liked boyish topics for conversation. She is so knowledgeable about technology that it is something!!! We even managed to argue with her. After communicating, we met several times, it seemed like something was planned. Now I looked at the article, I myself adhered to many of the points))

      And I would also add that you shouldn’t immediately write to a girl and try to get her to talk. Many people really don't like this. For example, I liked her photos, she traveled a lot. I liked them, then asked where she was in these photos, how she was in that country, what was interesting. She answered willingly herself. That's how we met)

      The girl I tried to talk to asked in her first message who I was and what I wanted. I was a little confused, but then pulled myself together. Well, I posted my goal, as the author indicated here... He said that I like her, I want to communicate. Well, he flew safely into her emergency!

      I liked her so much that at first I lied a little about myself. Then we agreed to call her on Skype, everything was ok. Then we met. And then she found out what I had hidden from her. I felt terribly uncomfortable that I had lied to her, she was very upset, but somehow everything worked out. You shouldn’t lie to a girl from the very first minutes!(

      Hah. We actually met her on the forum. Well, how we met, she didn’t know who I was, I just liked communicating with her. I wrote on VK, but first came to this page and read the author’s recommendations)) Some tips helped a lot, now we communicate like kindred spirits)))

      Most easy option in my opinion - on dating sites. I do this: I select profiles and send a paid gesture of attention, in it I add a phone number and the message “If you’re sad, call me,” don’t forget about compliments, something like “So sweet, I didn’t like you.” The girl will call back in any case, they understand that he is not stingy, howling effective way, if a girl has already called, in any case we ask for a date, but there’s more humor there, the main thing is not to be boring. I look for girls on the dating portal Relationships, I communicate there because there are many other options for dating: games, tests, flirting, etc.

      In a relationship, I communicate there because there are many other options for meeting people: games, tests, flirting, etc...

    Generations replace each other, but the difficulties faced by young people do not change. If before guys didn’t know how to say “hello” to a young lady on the street, today they are embarrassed to start communicating online.

    Thus, new technologies have not at all eased the problem of dating, but on the contrary, they have added another burning question: how to start a correspondence with a girl. Maybe dedicate touching poems to her to make a good impression?

    Let's bring specific examples proper communication with representatives of the fairer sex in in social networks.

    Communication in real life is significantly different from dating on VKontakte. In a personal meeting, a young man is able to impress a young lady with a worthy appearance, charm her with refined manners.

    Conversation on social media networks depends, first of all, on the guy’s ability to interest a potential interlocutor with the information on his profile, the ability to communicate and look after him beautifully (in the virtual world).

    That’s why, before doing so, you need to analyze your own page for provocative information and try to look at it from the point of view of a young lady sitting in front of a computer screen.

    What needs to be done before direct communication?

    The first most important thing is to properly design the page on the site so that it does not seem empty. Required condition– uploading high-quality photographs, For example:

    1. A personal photo portrait made in high-quality resolution, with a minimum amount of Photoshop effects.
    2. Captured moments of your life - playing sports, sightseeing in various places of the country and the planet.
    3. Pictures with different girls, so that after the first message you have a reason to tell who these young ladies are to you.

    Don’t forget to join various VK groups and indicate a variety of hobbies. However, do not start a conversation if you are in such ambiguous communities as, for example, “Pickup Truck Features,” “Pickup Truck for Macho,” or “We Divorce Girls for Sex.”

    Before you start communicating on VK, quietly “scroll through” her page to get certain information that will make getting to know each other easier. This will help you avoid mistakes in your first message and find different common ground. On the site you can find out:

    • how often the potential interlocutor surfs the Internet and VKontakte;
    • in which communities it is registered;
    • how many online fans does she have;
    • supposed hobbies.

    Before you meet a girl on the Internet and start full-fledged communication, offer her friendship on VK. This will give you the opportunity to study her profile better (you will see personal albums, contact information) and form a preliminary opinion on how to conduct the conversation.

    You can start communication not only with a personal message, but also by leaving comments under girlish photos and posts on the wall. Pickup artists advise arousing women's interest with various provocative remarks, but without offensive hints.

    So, your profile is completed, information has been added, it’s time for direct communication.

    At this stage, a man is faced with a variety of questions: how to communicate correctly and correctly with a young lady, what to write to a girl so that she will respond. Let's talk about this in more detail.

    To ensure constructive communication online, decide for yourself what the purpose of the upcoming acquaintance is: correspondence for “general development”, pickup and subsequent sexual contact, serious connection.

    So, how to properly meet people on the Internet?

    1. Radiate positivity. Communicate with a woman with humor, but do not use sarcasm towards the interlocutor. Make jokes more often, use emoticons in moderation in your messages, and do not burden the girl with sad stories at the beginning of your acquaintance.
    2. Write correctly. The absence of errors is perhaps the first thing that many representatives of the fairer sex pay attention to when corresponding. Before sending a message, check it for literacy through various services that can be found on the Internet.
    3. Be polite. Don't forget to say hello. Greeting is a mandatory element of the message, as well as the absence of obscenities, swear words and vulgar words. Advice from pickup truck experts: do not forget to call the young lady by name when communicating, since the name is the most favorite word for every person.
    4. Intrigue your interlocutor. Followers of pickup recommend changing communication tactics. For example, after making sure that the girl is interested, try to disappear from VKontakte for several days, stopping the conversation at the most interesting place.
    5. Be different. If your first words were extremely brutal, during the communication process, surprise the young lady, for example, by sending her romantic poems. Or inadvertently indicate in the message that you once danced.
    6. Be interested in the girl. Communicate with unknown girl quite difficult, but pickup truck experts recommend asking the young lady more often about her hobbies, being interested in her desires and plans for the future. Talking about your interlocutor is a good move.
    7. Communicate via SMS. Communication on VK is, of course, wonderful, but if you want to meet in real life, after some time, switch to SMS. A phone message allows you to send poems and greetings in the morning, and generally stay in touch. Of course, there is no need to insist on switching to SMS.

    How to start a correspondence?

    Find a nice person to talk to on social media. networks and specifically VK is quite simple. However, the following problems immediately arise: what to write to a girl in contact in the first message, how to start a conversation, what should be avoided in communication and how to translate the dialogue into a real meeting.

    The first rule of pickup is no platitudes! Forever get rid of the standard messages “Hello, how are you?”, “Let’s meet?”, “Hello, beautiful” from your mind.

    Many guys start communicating with girls online using exactly similar phrases. But if the young lady is pretty, such messages on VK come to her regularly.

    The first message should be short and concise. Pickup artists recommend that before sending a message, check whether it answers three important questions that arise in every pretty girl’s head after the young lady reads your succinct “hello.”

    Here next questions for dating and communication on the Internet:

    1. Who are you? I mean, your name.
    2. For what purpose did you start communicating? Your tasks: just communicate, find out something from the girl, invite her on a date, etc.
    3. Why did you choose her from the numerous female company on VK? Perhaps you found common ground, noticed something on her page, etc.

    The first messages and masculine greetings should interest the potential interlocutor, force her to start and continue communication.

    Do you need to come up with a complex greeting or write a huge text? Another pickup rule is that the first message can consist of two or three sentences, but they must be catchy.

    Don’t forget to say hello and include your own name in the greeting - you need to introduce yourself even if you have personal information on your page. You want your interlocutor to form a positive opinion about you, right? Moreover, in decent societies it is customary to voice your name when meeting someone.

    If you don't know what excuse to give as a reason for communication, don't worry. Your desire to communicate, carry on a conversation and simply get to know a pretty young lady is already a sufficient excuse to send a message. Of course, you should not indicate in the first sentences that you dream of having children with her and walking down the aisle next Sunday.

    So, the first message should be original and creative. You need to avoid vulgarities and all sorts of sexual innuendos, so as not to end up on the blacklist of unreliable users. Even if you are a pick-up guy, you don't need to immediately demonstrate the true purpose of the communication.

    We offer the following phrases for meeting people as a greeting and to start a conversation:

    1. “Hello, Katerina. I saw you in the group (the name of the community the girl is a member of). I wanted to get to know you because I’m also fascinated by this problem. Yes, my name is Sergei! The first message demonstrates common hobbies and interests.
    2. “Svetlana, hello! My sister’s birthday is in a couple of days, and I still don’t know what to give her. I decided to ask girls her age on VK what gifts they would like best. Maybe you can help? The first message indicates a request for help, and young girls love to give advice.
    3. "Hello, Maria. My name is Alexander, and I am interested in the work of the group (the name of the musical group). I saw a video file online that you posted in the community (name of the group on VK), and I want to ask, did you go okay? I’m planning to attend their concert, but I don’t know whether to go or not...” It’s a good option in which you immediately point out common interests in the first message and ask for advice.
    4. “Greetings, lovely stranger. In today's dream I saw a girl who very, very much resembles you. And suddenly today I met you on VK. Do you believe in such coincidences? Although some conditions are not observed here, they are rules, so that they can be broken occasionally. This first message also has the right to "life" because it shows your romantic mood.
    5. "Hello, Elena. It seems like you were the one I met yesterday in the city center. In real life you are even more beautiful than in your wonderful photographs.” In a similar first message, you express, and also “cast a bait”, forcing the girl to find out where you could see her.

    Of course, these are only approximate phrases for dating, unique examples and guidelines that you can use to start a conversation and start communicating online. Perhaps you have more effective options for greeting and competent pickup in your arsenal.

    Let's say you succeeded, she decided to keep the conversation going and responded to the message addressed to her. What are the next steps? Continue to communicate on VK, periodically sending her poems and beautifully courting her in the virtual space?

    If your goal is in real life, you shouldn’t delay asking for a date and taking a phone number. Pickup experts recommend immediately pulling your interlocutor out of the network for a meeting, since you absolutely do not need to delay the communication.

    The girl does not agree to communicate via SMS and does not want to meet in real life? Don’t immediately dismiss her, try to practice communication and tackles with representatives of the fairer sex. In addition, perhaps after one or two messages the young lady will change her mind and go on a date with you.

    If you really serious intentions, and not just a pickup, then there is no specific time frame for meeting and communicating on the Internet with the girl you like.

    Keep up the conversation, send poems and pictures to the cute young lady, in general, show yourself to be a good conversationalist. Then, when it opens, you can switch to communicating via SMS. And there it’s already close to the real meeting.

    Getting to know a pretty young lady on VK is not so difficult, but only if you adhere to certain rules and are not afraid of numerous pitfalls.

    It is important to understand that the first message is the main key for subsequent communication and further development of relationships. Avoid platitudes, use original phrases and write compliments to girls. Perhaps an ordinary conversation online will be the beginning of a passionate romance and love!

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers deal with any difficulties.

    One of the components of communication and seduction in modern world– these are various types of messages: SMS, MMS, as well as communication via the Internet through numerous social networks, for example, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, MoiMir, etc. Today we’ll talk about what you can write to a girl to make her interested.

    Imagine that you have met a girl on the vast expanses of the Internet, but at first it may be difficult for you to start a conversation with the subject of your desire, since little is known about the girl. Or the opposite situation: you bombard her with messages that she simply ignores, because for certain reasons she is not interested in them. In the first case, you do nothing and wait until she writes you the first message; in the second case, you make her irritated and unwilling to talk to you.

    Remind you in whose hands the salvation of drowning people is? Yes, you still have to be the first to write a message and not just something hackneyed like “Hello!”, “How are you?” or “How are you?”, “What are you doing?” etc., since, most likely, your message will not be answered or will end with her laconic “Okay” or “Nothing”.

    What to write to a girl in contact

    Many social networks have questionnaires that their participants fill out, so don’t be lazy and read the column with her interests. Choose as a topic for conversation not only what she likes, but also a topic that will be close to you, otherwise you will again slip into laconic answers. Whatever topic you choose, it should be light, fun and enjoyable.

    If you’re really having a hard time finding what to write to the girl you like, you can choose from the following topics:

    • music, since many people add or upload it to their personal pages. You can see what trends or performers the girl is interested in, the release of a new album of her favorite group, discuss upcoming concerts, talk about groups that interest you, whose concerts you would definitely like to attend, etc.
    • cinema: what latest movies have you seen, what premieres did she go to, discuss why you liked or didn’t like the masterpieces of cinema, etc.
    • favorite books and authors.
    • sports, if you understand that she is interested in a certain sport or dancing.
    • animals. Most representatives of the fairer sex have a soft spot for our smaller brothers.
    • events, various upcoming events or celebrations that are scheduled to take place in your city.

    What to write to a girl in the first message

    In order to develop your relationship and begin communication, which will gradually turn into real life, remember that the interest aroused by you during correspondence should constantly increase. And for this you need to interest and intrigue your interlocutor. Make sure she has more questions than she receives answers. Interested person always willingly enters into correspondence and agrees to a meeting. The results obtained should be constantly consolidated and maintained, that is, the grip should not be weakened and the intensity should not be reduced. Remember, for any person, regardless of gender and age, the most interesting thing will be everything that concerns the “I”, that is, themselves. Questions, both in personal conversation and in correspondence, should be built around the interlocutor, his personality, his character, etc.

    For example, you write “Our mutual friends told me something about you.” Your interlocutor immediately has a lot of questions in his head to which he wants answers: who told; what he said; Isn't this a trick? what if he really knows something, etc. Another advantage of such a strategy is that while thinking about this topic, the girl will at the same time think about you.

    If you don’t want to rack your brains over what to write to get a girl to respond, use the examples below:

    • I know something about you;
    • I know your secret;
    • They told me a very interesting thing about you;
    • I know you will be interested;
    • I have something that will interest you;
    • Your dressing style gives away your secrets, etc.

    As you can see, it’s not so difficult to start a correspondence, the main thing is to arouse the girl’s interest in you, and therefore, you need to be original and persistent.

    How to surprise a girl or what to write something nice to a girl? In the process of communication, you can pleasantly amaze a girl with non-standard and an original compliment. Also don’t forget about flattery, which should also be original and refined. Don’t be lazy to come up with your own answers and move away from generally accepted strategies.

    What to write to your girlfriend

    If you're already in a relationship, congratulations! But don’t write long poems; first, ask yourself what you would like to say in a personal meeting. This could be a quote from her favorite movie or book, or a simple message like “I’ve already missed you, I’ll tell you the rest when we meet.” If you are not a member romantic relationships, then confession of feelings using a message desired result won't bring it to you.

    What to write to your ex-girlfriend

    First you need to decide for what purpose you are going to disturb the peace of your ex-girlfriend. Most often, messages are used to break up or get back into a relationship. In both cases, behave like a man; emotionality is a woman’s privilege. When breaking up, do not forget that in addition to quarrels, you probably also had happy moments.

    If you want to return ex-girlfriend, then start by showing your interest in matters that are really important to her: graduating from university, defending a thesis, getting a job, etc. First, establish friendly relations with her.

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