• Chorion along the back wall of the uterus. Chorion along the posterior wall


    Low insertion of the placenta, specified as without bleeding. O44.1 Placenta previa with bleeding. The chorion is one of the membranes that is part of the placental barrier complex (including the allantois, chorion and amnion).

    The chorion plays a vital role in the metabolism of the fetus. Normally, the placenta is attached to the fundus of the uterus or body along the back wall with partial transition to the side ones.

    Women often hear on ultrasound that their chorion is located along the back wall. As a rule, when the chorion is located along the back wall, it can also move to the sides.

    The term “chorionic presentation” is not entirely correct, because the chorion is only the middle membrane (with the exception of the first trimester, when the placenta is in the stage of formation). The predominant localization of the chorion is the fundus of the uterus or the upper segment of the posterior wall.

    The most common location of the chorion is the posterior wall of the uterus with transition to the lateral surfaces; with this location of the chorion, the course of pregnancy is most favorable.

    In the case where the chorion is located in the upper third of the uterus, pregnancy is not in danger. In the third trimester, the incidence of placenta previa is 0.2–3.0%. At the site of the possible location of the decidua capsularis, a branched chorion is formed.

    Chorion along the anterior wall

    The chorion (the outer embryonic membrane surrounding the embryo) is formed early in pregnancy. Somewhere from the 13th week, the chorion gradually turns into the placenta, which will be responsible for the viability of the baby until the end of pregnancy.

    If, according to the results of the study, the conclusion says that the chorion is on the anterior wall of the uterus, then this is considered normal and is not a cause for concern.

    In the same way, you should not worry when the chorion is along the back wall of the uterus. This is not a pathology and cannot cause miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

    What is chorionic presentation

    As a rule, along with the growth of the uterus, the chorion gradually rises upward, never migrating downward. As a result, its location is significantly different from what it was originally.

    The most dangerous diagnoses: complete or partial presentation placenta. Another threat in the first trimester may be chorionic detachment. For example, very often in the conclusion the doctor writes: anterior localization or predominantly posterior localization of the chorion.

    One such examination may be a chorionic villus biopsy. Basically, as the fetus develops, the chorion rises.

    With low chorion presentation, attachment of the fertilized egg is observed a couple of centimeters below the cervix. This occurs in only 5% of pregnant women. In 90% of cases, the chorion rises safely to the desired position as the fetus grows. This is due to the fact that the tissues of the uterus are pulled upward and pull the placenta along with it.

    What is the attachment of the placenta and chorion?

    Sometimes it happens that the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus or in the lower segment, partially or completely blocking the internal os of the cervical canal.

    Sometimes you can come across the term “chorion presentation”, which from an obstetric point of view is incorrect, since the chorion is the middle membrane in relation to the others. The exception is the first trimester of pregnancy, when the placenta is not yet fully formed.

    If the placenta has not risen up, but there is no overlap of the internal os, then there is also nothing to worry about. The pregnant woman will simply need rest and observation by a gynecologist.


    The most dangerous condition is if the placenta completely covers the internal os. Such pregnant women are observed in the hospital from 25 weeks, even if they feel great.

    This pregnancy seems to be such a natural process, but in reality there are so many crazy things! If the placenta has not risen up and there is no obstruction of the cervical canal, this is also considered normal - pregnant women only need constant monitoring by a gynecologist.

    Causes of premature detachment of the placenta or chorion

    The most dangerous condition is when the placenta completely blocks the cervical canal.

    The chorion appears in the early stages of embryo formation and is responsible for feeding the unborn fetus until the 13th week of pregnancy. From the 13th week, the placenta takes over this function. Initially, the chorion looks like small outgrowths surrounding the embryo; subsequently, these outgrowths increase and turn into chorion villi.

    The ability to diagnose presentation both during pregnancy and during childbirth using ultrasound allows delivery to be carried out before bleeding occurs. In this regard, the latter classification has lost its relevance, however, for a virtual idea of ​​the degree of placenta previa, it has a certain significance.

    Fetal factors contributing to placenta previa include a decrease in the proteolytic properties of the fetal egg, when nidation in the upper parts of the uterus is impossible.

    With placenta previa, due to insufficient development of the uterine mucosa in the lower segment, dense attachment of the placenta or true accreta is possible. The main symptom of placenta previa is bleeding from the genital tract that occurs suddenly among full health, more often at the end of the II–III trimester or with the appearance of the first contractions.

    Rupture of the membranes stops the tension, the placenta moves along with the lower segment, and bleeding can stop.

    With placenta previa vaginal examination It is undesirable to carry out, since placental abruption may occur, increasing bleeding.

    If the chorion is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, in its lower third, then the risk of premature placental abruption increases. In this case, the placenta can also move to the side walls of the uterus. Nothing wrong with that. In the case of the chorion along the anterior wall, there is also no cause for concern.

    The chorion is one of the membranes of the placenta. It is part of the placental barrier (it is its middle layer) and plays a large role in the metabolism of the fetus. In obstetrics, the phrase chorion previa is not entirely correct, because it is only one of the membranes of the placenta (middle), so the phrase “placenta location” is more often used. The fundus of the uterus or the upper segment of the posterior wall is predominant. But sometimes the chorion is located along the anterior wall of the uterus or in the lower segment of the uterus. Our article will discuss the features of pregnancy when the chorion is localized along the anterior wall.

    Chorion location options

    The most common location of the chorion is the posterior wall of the uterus with transition to the lateral surfaces; with this location of the chorion, the course of pregnancy is most favorable. Localization of the villous chorion along the anterior wall is considered a normal variant. If the chorion is located high on the anterior wall, then there is no threat to pregnancy (at least 3 cm from the internal os of the cervix).

    The chorion appears in the early stages of embryo formation and is responsible for feeding the unborn fetus until the 13th week of pregnancy. From the 13th week, the placenta takes over this function. Initially, the chorion looks like small outgrowths surrounding the embryo; subsequently, these outgrowths increase and turn into chorion villi.

    Chorionic presentation

    Presentation or anterior poses a threat to pregnancy. A marginal presentation is identified (the edge of the placenta partially covers the internal os of the cervix) and full presentation(the placenta completely covers the internal os of the cervix). Such pregnant women require special monitoring, as they are at risk for obstetric hemorrhage. If chorion presentation occurs along the anterior wall, then the risk of bleeding is slightly higher, because the lower segment of the anterior wall of the uterus stretches better and faster and sometimes outstrips the growth of the placenta, which provokes bleeding.

    We examined the features of pregnancy when the chorion is localized along the anterior wall. In the case where the chorion is located in the upper third of the uterus, pregnancy is not in danger. If the chorion is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, in its lower third, then the risk of premature placental abruption increases.

    Currently, to assess the condition of the fetus in late pregnancy, doctors often prescribe Doppler ultrasound, with which the doctor can assess the condition of the placental vessels and the rhythm of the fetal heart and, accordingly, the degree of supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

    In terms of assessing the ability of the placenta to support fetal development, Doppler ultrasound gives more information than conventional ultrasound, which can only assess the structure of the placenta. Many experts believe that if Doppler ultrasound readings are normal, the presence of calcifications in the placenta should not be a cause for concern.

    As mentioned above, when signs appear premature aging Placenta before 32 weeks may impair fetal development and increase the risk of other complications. In this regard, if you have discovered signs of premature aging of the placenta, your doctor may prescribe a series of repeat ultrasounds during which the rate of fetal development and its general condition will be checked. If doctors notice signs that the fetus is indeed receiving less oxygen or nutrients than it needs, they may recommend a cesarean section or induction of labor.

    Immediately after the birth of the placenta, the gynecologist carefully examines it to determine whether part of the placenta remains in the uterine cavity. Preservation of even small fragments of the placenta in the uterus can cause severe postpartum bleeding, and in the future can cause the development of infection and even a malignant tumor (see Chorionepithelioma).

    Often, during the first ultrasound, a pregnant woman learns: “The attachment of the chorion is along the back wall of the uterus!” Naturally, not everyone immediately understands what we are talking about. Let's tell you what doctors mean when they say this phrase.


    The chorion is the membrane that is part of the placental barrier complex (along with the aminion and allantois) and at the same time plays an extremely important role in the metabolic processes of the fetus. During development, the chorion develops into the placenta, which is attached to the fundus or body of the uterus. Normally, the attachment goes along the back wall, including the side walls. This classic version. There are other options for attachment - along the anterior wall of the uterus, in its lower segment, while completely or partially blocking the entrance to cervical canal. The latter, and then the placenta, is considered pathological and is called chorionic previa (placenta).

    Chorion along the posterior wall of the uterus - deviation or normal?

    If the diagnosis after an ultrasound examination indicates that the predominant localization of the chorion is along the posterior wall, this is not a death sentence at all, but normal phenomenon and is considered within normal limits. The place where the chorion attaches can affect how quickly a woman's abdomen grows. With posterior attachment, the woman’s belly will remain relatively small (despite the fact that with anterior attachment, the belly becomes noticeable already at a short period of time). The next ultrasound examination during pregnancy will show that the chorion has changed its habitat - it has migrated upward, and this is how it should be.

    In all cases, mom should not worry. You just need to follow the regimen and all the doctor’s recommendations. The chorion will move upward, the threat of pregnancy complications will go away by itself, and the pregnancy will be resolved by a successful birth.

    One has only to pay attention to the case when the placenta completely or partially blocks the entrance to the cervix (internal os): in this case, monitoring the condition of the pregnant woman is necessary, so it is best to stay in the hospital, even in the absence of complaints, since with this location of the placenta there is a risk of bleeding, which can be severe and regular. Bleeding may begin suddenly, without prior symptoms. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and go to the hospital, which will ensure minimal risk of further development of pregnancy.

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    The chorion is a temporary organ created by nature as one of the elements of the placental barrier complex. The chorion plays one of the first roles in the metabolism of the fetus. It is considered normal for the placenta (and therefore the chorion) to be attached to the posterior wall of the uterine body,…

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    Before pregnancy, many women did not even know about the existence of chorion, its significance, and even more so about chorion presentation. So, first, let's find out what chorion is. The chorion is the outer embryonic membrane, which, having passed through the early stage of the individual development of the fetus, turns into the placenta, which is secured by a “large sucker” with the help of numerous villi into the inner lining of the uterus.

    Note that the villous membrane - the chorion - performs early stages During pregnancy there are several vital functions for the fetus:

    • respiratory – ensures the removal of carbon dioxide and the supply of oxygen from mother to fetus;
    • trophic – ensures the delivery of nutrients from the mother;
    • excretory – with the help of the chorion, metabolic products are removed; protective - protects the fetus from external influences.

    What does chorion presentation mean?

    In order to understand why a low position of the chorion is dangerous, let’s define what a presentation is. So, chorion presentation is a pathology of pregnancy in which it is located in the lower part of the uterus. In this case, the chorion partially or completely covers the internal os.

    Chorionic presentation - causes

    The causes of chorionic presentation are not clear, but some factors are known that influence the presentation of villous chorion: uterine fibroids, abnormal development of the uterus, postoperative scars on the uterus, chronic inflammation of the uterus, chorion presentation in previous pregnancies, frequent abortions. Chorionic presentation along the anterior wall or presentation can also occur due to polyps or multiple fibroids. Therefore, frequent visits to the gynecologist for preventive examinations and healthy image life will help to avoid problems associated with possible presentation and its consequences during pregnancy.

    Why is chorion presentation dangerous?

    This classification of chorion presentation is accepted. Complete chorion presentation is dangerous due to the complete occlusion of the internal os of the cervix. It is also called central chorionic presentation. This arrangement is dangerous due to severe bleeding due to placental abruption, and hypoxia is dangerous for the child at this time, due to which he can die in a matter of minutes.

    Partial chorion presentation means that only part of the internal os is blocked. Low chorion presentation means that the chorion does not cover the internal os, but is located at a distance of less than 3 cm from it.

    During pregnancy, the placenta migrates all the time, so even complete placenta previa may become normal before delivery. Chorionic presentation is an indication for caesarean section; natural childbirth is excluded in this case.

    Chorionic presentation - treatment

    There is no treatment for breech presentation as such; the main thing is to adhere to preventive measures. The best prevention- a healthy lifestyle and regular visits to the doctor, identifying and monitoring the appearance of fibroids and polyps before pregnancy. If, however, chorionic villi previa was detected during pregnancy, it is necessary to stop sexual relations, reduce physical activity to a minimum, eliminate stressful situations and limit mental stress, take a complex and medications to reduce the tone of the uterus, as well as iron supplements to prevent anemia.

    Regular ultrasound examinations will help to qualitatively control the current situation, and maybe in the third trimester the placenta will migrate safely and settle in a safe place, which will lead to a natural birth.


    Normal maturity of the placenta at different weeks of pregnancy.

    Maturity level Weeks of pregnancy
    Zero (0) degree20-30
    First (1) degree30-34
    Second (2) degree34-37
    Third (3) degree37-39

    Determining the degree of maturation of the placenta is necessary in order to understand whether the placenta is capable of delivering developing child sufficient amount of nutrients.

    What is the significance of the thickness of the placenta?

    As pregnancy progresses, the thickness of the placenta increases. This is a normal process. The thickness of the placenta is determined using ultrasound (see. Ultrasound during pregnancy).

    The normal thickness of the placenta is different dates pregnancy is presented in the table below.

    Gestational age Normal thickness
    placenta in millimeters
    Week 2016,7-28,6
    21 weeks17,4-29,7
    Week 2218,1-30,7
    Week 2318,8-31,8
    Week 2419,6-32,9
    Week 2520,3-34,0
    Week 2621,0-35,1
    Week 2721,7-36,2
    Week 2822,4-37,3
    Week 2923,2-38,4
    Week 3023,9-39,5
    31 weeks24,6-40,6
    Week 3225,3-41,6
    Week 3326,0-42,7
    34 week26,8-43,8
    Week 3527,5-44,9
    Week 3628,2-46,0
    Week 3727,8-45,8
    Week 3827,5-45,5
    Week 3927,1-45,3
    Week 4026,7-45,0

    Like the degree of maturity, the thickness of the placenta is important for assessing how adequately the placenta supports the development of the child.

    What is premature aging of the placenta? How dangerous is this?

    This paragraph was added after receiving the question:

    « ... I'm 36 weeks pregnant. At week 33, the placenta was diagnosed as having 1-2 degrees of maturity, had a cardiotocography (CTG), and was told that the blood flow was normal and the baby was feeling well. I recently went for an ultrasound and they once again confirmed the premature aging of the placenta, degree of maturity 2-3, placenta thickness 32 mm, reduced.
    Structural features of the placenta: lobulated with many calcifications. And so basically everything is fine with the baby, cephalic presentation, we weigh 2,300, fully developed, haven’t had a CTG yet.
    The due date is set at approximately March 17-18, but both in the maternity hospital at 33 weeks, and at the ultrasound at 36 weeks, experts say that it is very possible that I may not reach the expected due date. I'm very worried
    I was at an appointment with my doctor, she reacted to it absolutely calmly, as if everything was normal, it was even strange, I thought she would tell me at least something, but she was just silent like a partisan, or maybe this silence is from ignorance?!
    Please help me resolve this issue!»

    Aging of the placenta is said to occur in cases where calcifications appear in the tissues of the placenta (deposition of calcium salts in areas that have “already exhausted their resource” and do not function). Calcifications are clearly visible on ultrasound, and it is this examination that is used primarily to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta.

    To a certain extent, the gradual “switching off” of placental tissues and the deposition of calcifications in them is a normal process (normal, physiological maturation of the placenta). It is believed that the placenta should reach its maximum degree of maturity (grade 3) at 37-40 weeks.

    ABOUT premature ripening(aging) of the placenta is said in cases where multiple calcifications (3rd degree of maturity) appear in the placenta in women who have not yet reached 37 weeks. Usually, women learn about the premature maturation of their placenta after the next ultrasound performed after the 30th week of pregnancy.

    Quite often, the causes of premature aging of the placenta remain unknown. However, it is known that the development of this disorder can be facilitated by arterial hypertension , gestational diabetes and smoking.

    What complications can premature aging of the placenta cause? Does premature aging of the placenta always mean a threat to the development of pregnancy?

    Despite the fact that signs of premature aging of the placenta are rarely detected in women who have not yet reached 40 weeks of pregnancy, the detection of multiple calcifications in the placenta (3rd degree of maturity) does not always mean a threat to the development of pregnancy or the health of the pregnant woman. One study conducted in 2011 showed that the likelihood of developing complications largely depends on the stage of pregnancy at which premature aging of the placenta was detected.

    As part of this study, the development of pregnancy in women from three groups was monitored:

    • the first group included 63 women in whom premature aging of the placenta (3rd degree of maturity) was detected before 32 weeks of pregnancy;
    • the second group included 192 women in whom premature aging of the placenta (3rd degree of maturity) was detected in the period from 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy;
    • the third group included 521 women in whom no calcifications were detected in the placenta during the period from 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy.

    The results of the study showed that women in group 1 had complications such as premature birth, low birth weight, premature placental abruption, postpartum bleeding, birth dead child were observed much more often than in women from group 3. At the same time, among women from group 2, the risk of developing any problems during or after childbirth was the same as in group 3.

    The results of this study suggest that the appearance of calcifications (grade 3 placental maturity) before 32 weeks of pregnancy does increase the risk of various complications, while the identification of signs of premature aging of the placenta after 32 weeks means that there is no serious reason to expect any complications that may be related to this.

    Currently, to assess the condition of the fetus at later During pregnancy, doctors often prescribe Doppler ultrasound, with which the doctor can assess the condition of the placental vessels and the rhythm of the fetal heart and, accordingly, the degree to which the fetus is supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

    In terms of assessing the placenta's ability to support fetal development, Doppler ultrasound provides more information than conventional ultrasound, which can only assess the structure of the placenta. Many experts believe that when normal indicators Doppler ultrasound, the presence of calcifications in the placenta should not be a cause for concern.

    What should I do if I have premature aging of the placenta?

    As mentioned above, if signs of premature aging of the placenta appear before 32 weeks, fetal development may be disrupted and the risk of other complications may increase. In this regard, if you have discovered signs of premature aging of the placenta, your doctor may prescribe a series of repeat ultrasounds during which the rate of fetal development and its general condition will be checked. If doctors notice signs that the fetus is actually receiving less oxygen or nutrients than it needs, they may recommend a cesarean section or induction of labor.

    What happens to the placenta after childbirth?

    Immediately after the birth of the child, the placenta (baby place) begins to quickly peel off from the wall of the uterus and approximately 15-30 minutes after birth it is completely removed from the uterine cavity. This process is called “birth of the placenta.” Due to the fact that the size of the placenta is significantly smaller sizes newborn baby, the birth of the placenta in most cases occurs easily and painlessly.

    Immediately after the birth of the placenta, the gynecologist carefully examines it to determine whether part of the placenta remains in the uterine cavity. Preservation of even small fragments of the placenta in the uterus can cause severe postpartum bleeding, and in the future can cause the development of infection and even a malignant tumor (see Chorionepithelioma).

    What is the attachment of the placenta and chorion?

    The development of pregnancy begins with the attachment of a fertilized egg to one of the walls of the uterus (see also how does conception occur?). As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, in the first stages of pregnancy, the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus with the help of the chorion; at the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the placenta forms in place of the chorion.

    The uterine cavity can be schematically described as a cube. The developing embryo can attach to the upper, posterior, one of the lateral (right or left) or lower walls of the uterus.

    Home " Problems " The villous chorion is located along the anterior wall of the uterus. Chorion along the posterior wall

    The placenta is formed in the first weeks of pregnancy and acts as a conductor of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and removal of waste products, and also serves as a barrier to infections.

    There are several options for its attachment in the uterus. One of them is the location on the front wall. Having heard such a verdict from a doctor, it is important for a woman to know how this threatens the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the child.

    From a physiological point of view, the most optimal is the attachment of the placenta along the posterior wall. The fact is that during pregnancy the walls of the uterus stretch unevenly. As the child grows, the front wall increases in size and stretches, while the back wall retains its density and stretches much less.

    The front wall becomes thinner as it stretches. From here it becomes clear that for the normal functioning of the placenta, a location along the rear wall is more advantageous, since this way it is exposed to a minimum of stress.

    Advantages of location on the rear wall

    • The placenta is ensured immobility - placenta previa on the posterior wall is extremely rare, the placenta does not descend down and there is no threat to pregnancy.
    • Uterine contractions and increased tone will not increase.
    • The placenta is less exposed to blows and jolts from the baby when it moves.
    • Lower risk of increment.
    • There is a lower risk of injury to the placenta due to an accidental blow to the abdomen.
    • There is a lower risk of bleeding with a caesarean section.

    Causes of anterior placenta previa

    However, not everything during pregnancy always goes according to the ideal scenario. Often the placenta is attached in a different place - on the side or in front. At the moment, many doctors consider the attachment of the placenta along the anterior wall as a normal option that requires special monitoring.

    There can be many reasons why the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus. The mechanism of such attachment has not been fully studied, but it has been revealed that it can be provoked by:

    • changes in the endometrium of the uterus;
    • Features of the development and implantation of the fertilized egg;
    • scars and adhesions on the walls of the uterus.

    Various inflammatory diseases of the genital area, endometriosis, can lead to changes in the endometrium.

    Scar changes on the walls of the uterus appear as a result of operations on the uterus, abortions, inflammatory diseases. This suggests that multiple abortions and caesarean sections increase the risk of placenta being attached anteriorly.

    According to statistics, such attachment rarely occurs during the first pregnancy. But in multiparous and multiparous women, this is a much more common occurrence, which may be explained by changes in the uterus and especially the inner lining.

    If ovum for some reason it does not have time to penetrate the endometrium within a certain time, it is attached to the anterior wall.

    Possible complications of the anterior attachment of the placenta to the uterus

    Is there any danger in this position of the placenta? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally.

    The fact is that if the placenta is located high on the anterior wall, pregnancy can proceed completely normally and end in a natural birth without pathologies.

    At the same time, there are some risks. This is due to the fact that the placenta is an organ that is not capable of stretching. And when the wall on which it is attached begins to stretch too actively, complications are possible.

    First of all, this is insufficient functioning of the placenta and impaired delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. And this in turn can lead to or.

    If the distance to the uterine pharynx is reduced to 4 cm, we will talk about such a complication of the anterior location as. Anterior presentation placenta may cause dysfunction of the placenta.

    In extremely rare cases (if positioned too low), the placenta can completely block the os of the uterus, which eliminates the possibility natural birth. More often, this complication develops during repeated pregnancy.

    Anterior placenta previa in combination with placental insufficiency can provoke such a serious complication of pregnancy as partial or complete abruption.

    In some cases, indirect symptoms are:

    • weakly felt fetal movements;
    • difficulties with - sometimes the heart sound is completely inaudible in the absence of pathology of the fetal cardiovascular system;
    • Large belly size.

    Unpleasant symptoms may appear if the placenta begins to descend and becomes previa. In this case, a woman needs to pay attention to:

    • heaviness and;

    Diagnostic methods

    Diagnosis is quite simple and is based on a gynecological examination and ultrasound examination.

    Only ultrasound gives a complete picture of how the placenta is located and whether there is a risk of its presentation.

    Therefore, you should not refuse to undergo an ultrasound due dates. The sooner this feature of pregnancy is identified, the easier it will be to prevent possible complications.

    Features of pregnancy management

    The anterior position itself does not cause any trouble to the woman and does not worsen her well-being. Being simply a feature of pregnancy, it does not require treatment. In addition, there is no treatment for it, since it is impossible to influence the location of the placenta, as well as change its position and move it to the back wall.

    However, this feature of pregnancy requires constant and close monitoring so as not to miss possible start complications, which are still more likely with an anterior location than with a normal one.

    To reduce the risk, pregnant women with this placement are advised to rest more, completely avoid lifting weights (even if it seems that the objects are not heavy at all), and avoid worries, stress, and physical activity.

    If, then you should try to touch the stomach as little as possible so as not to provoke increased tone and placental abruption.

    This is especially important in the later stages.

    It is important to visit the doctor on time so as not to miss changes in the placenta and its location. This approach will allow you to notice in time that the child’s seat tends to move downwards.

    Childbirth with placenta on the anterior wall

    In the absence of complications, this arrangement children's place does not have any effect on the course of labor. Moreover, some women note that childbirth is easier and faster. But this is true when it comes to natural childbirth.

    If a woman is indicated for a cesarean section, an anterior position may complicate the operation, increasing the risk of large blood loss. This is due to the fact that the incision is made in the place where the placenta is located.

    Therefore, when indicated for caesarean section Doctors must take into account the peculiarities of the location of the placenta and adjust the surgical intervention in such a way as to reduce the risk of large blood loss to a minimum. Naturally, for this, a woman must be regularly monitored and have all the necessary studies.

    The anterior position does not have any effect on the health of the born child.

    Anterior location is not a pathology, but individual feature pregnancy.

    Therefore, you should not worry and expect complications - in the vast majority of cases, everything ends in a successful birth without complications. The only feature here is the need for closer monitoring of the course of pregnancy.

    The pregnancy process is a very delicate chemistry that affects the entire female body. In order for a child to grow up, you need to take good care of yourself, eat well and not skip doctor’s examinations.

    Not all women know what's going on in the world, but that's enough important point. Every month, a follicle matures in the female body, which ruptures and releases the egg. This period is considered the most favorable for conception. During fertilization, the egg moves through the tubes and enters the uterus, where it is firmly attached to her body. There it develops for quite a long time. Localization of the chorion, chorion detachment and its presentation can cause a number of problems during the preservation of the fetus and its birth.

    What is chorion and what is its role

    Throughout the entire pregnancy, the embryo develops in a membrane that protects it from external damage and contains nutrients, necessary for the child. Composition of the membrane: amnion and chorion. Where the outer part is the main one, as it is attached to the reproductive organ. Localization of the chorion, chorion detachment is one of the many problems encountered during pregnancy.

    This matter is vital for the normal development of the fetus. The chorion appears at the very beginning of the period and exists until that moment. Important correct location chorion and its uniform distribution. It should be located on the back wall of the uterus. Chorionic presentation is when it is located in the lower part of the reproductive organ.

    To diagnose problems in this area, it is necessary to carry out a simple gynecological examination will not give results.

    Types of chorion depending on the duration of pregnancy

    Chorionic presentation may occur at different stages of pregnancy. Its location is shown by ultrasound. At 6 weeks, the fertilized egg is usually attached in a ring shape over the entire area. At the 8th week it becomes circular.

    Most often, chorion presentation is detected at 12 weeks, since at this time the first planned ultrasound examination is performed. This pathology requires bed rest and inpatient treatment. If the placenta rises up, the threat will be eliminated. Chorionic presentation at 12 weeks can only be eliminated by drug treatment. Also, pregnant women are prescribed complete rest and...

    Expectant mothers are wondering about chorionic villi: what is it and are they normal. The outer membrane of the fetus has small villi that help attach it to the wall of the uterus, so this structure of matter is considered completely normal.

    Localization of the chorion

    Experts determine several main positions of placenta concentration:

    1. Localization of the chorion along the posterior wall. This location of the tissue suggests less deviation from the norm than others.
    2. The predominant anterior localization of the chorion is a deviation from the norm that requires medical intervention.
    3. When the chorion blocks the internal os, not only the development of the fetus is hampered, but also its birth.

    All problems associated with malpresentation, can only be resolved medically. Women should not resort to traditional methods treatment.

    There are several places where amniotic tissue attaches to the uterus and they all require separate consideration. Localization of the chorion along the posterior wall is most common. This condition is typical in early pregnancy. The primary localization of the chorion is considered to be in the posterior part of the reproductive organ. It is clearly visible during ultrasound examination. IN in this case there is no need to panic. The posterior localization of the chorion will not and will not cause spontaneous abortion. The state of matter may change, so specialists prescribe an examination in the early stages. Expectant mothers should clearly understand that the posterior localization of the chorion is normal development pregnancy. Usually, in this case, there are no problems with the health of the woman and the unborn child.

    The chorion can be located along the anterior wall of the uterus. Experts consider this arrangement of matter to be normal, but warn that expectant mothers should be extremely careful. Chorion along the anterior wall of the uterus can threaten placental abruption, so you must follow all doctor’s instructions. However, this is not a reason to panic, since matter has a specific ability to migrate. Chorion along the anterior wall is not a death sentence, but minor complications that can be eliminated.

    Some women experience attachment of the amniotic sac to the side of the reproductive organ. In this case, doctors say: chorion on the front wall or on the back, and on the right or left. This is also determined by ultrasound. Anterior localization of the chorion with lateral deviation is also not a pathology and can change.

    The examination results sometimes contain information about the different location of the site of attachment of matter to the wall of the uterus. The low location of the chorion means that the attachment site is in close proximity to the cervix. The distance separating them is no more than 3 centimeters. Low location of the chorion is not a pathology. It is completely acceptable for medical reasons. Low chorionic attachment may change. The uterus enlarges with the growth of the fetus, so the insertion site rises upward. Low chorion attachment can be considered normal if it does not close the pharynx.

    There are several types of presentation that are detected by ultrasound.

    • Regional chorion presentation;
    • Partial;
    • Complete.

    Complete presentation means that the matter is localized near the cervix and closes the exit for the fetus. The chorion blocks the internal os and interferes not only with spontaneous childbirth, but also threatens arbitrary termination of pregnancy. This may lead to surgery during childbirth. Medicine has not yet developed a way to solve the problem when the chorion blocks the internal pharynx. But experts advise complete rest and proper nutrition for this diagnosis.

    With partial closure, one part of the cervix remains open.

    The marginal presentation of the chorion involves minimal closure of the exit from the canal and only along one edge. This problem does not contribute to miscarriage, unlike the other two.

    Chorionic villus biopsy and indications for it

    Many women wonder why a chorionic villus biopsy is performed. You should know that this matter has the same genetic structure as the fetus. In this regard, the procedure can be carried out in order to detect diseases on early pregnancy.

    Chorionic villus biopsy is performed for the following indications:

    • Late pregnancy;
    • Previously born children have diseases associated with chromosomes;
    • The genes contain these diseases;
    • Echography indication.

    Chorionic villus sampling can have complications. This is bleeding, pain or miscarriage. In this regard, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 12 weeks.

    Chorionic villus biopsy has its contraindications. If a woman has chronic diseases in the acute stage, the material is not available, there are visible deviations from the norm in the cervix, the presence of fibroids, bloody discharge and other equally serious indications, the procedure is not performed.

    Chorionic villus biopsy reviews are quite contradictory. First of all, you need to know that this is a small but painful operation. The procedure is performed through the cervix or abdominal cavity depending on the location of the matter. In addition, certain complications may arise as the pregnancy continues. No matter what reviews a chorionic villus biopsy has, it should only be carried out due to an urgent need and medical indications. The operation is performed under constant ultrasound monitoring.

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