• How does a baby develop at 33 weeks of pregnancy? What happens to the child. What do you think


    The 33rd obstetric week of pregnancy has arrived, which means that there are less than 2 months left before birth. The baby looks almost the same as at birth, but every day in his mother’s tummy is still important for him. In the fetal brain, the process of coupling of constantly formed nerve cells, the formation of centers responsible for controlling the vital functions and the accumulation of information continues.

    Changes in a woman's body

    At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the following changes occur in a woman’s body:

    • Finally, platelet production is normalizing - their number begins to correspond to the volume of plasma, which means that anemia will soon begin to recede.
    • The uterus, growing every day, puts more and more pressure on bladder, which increases the need for frequent emptying. In order to prevent edema and normalize night sleep, it is worth reducing your salt intake and discussing your drinking regime with your doctor.
    • By the 33rd week of pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in a woman’s body increases, amounting to 5-6 liters. In this regard, small capillaries in the eyes and on the surface of the mucous membranes may begin to burst. If this happens, the doctor will prescribe medications that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make appropriate adjustments to the diet. To prevent the development of varicose veins, the condition of the veins in the legs and groin area is placed under special control.

    In women prone to allergic reactions, the 33rd week of pregnancy may begin with the appearance of allergy symptoms. For example, the nasal mucosa swells, making breathing difficult. This is due to increased production of progesterone and estrogen. You should moisten and ventilate the room more often, get rid of potential allergens and their “accumulators” - long-pile carpets, heavy curtains, fabric wall panels, flowering plants.

    If a pet lives in an apartment, it is also necessary to consider its fur, feathers, food, and litter as allergens. If symptoms of respiratory allergies appear (watery eyes, nasal congestion, discharge of clear mucus), it is better to give the animal for temporary foster care to family or friends.


    Pregnancy at 33 weeks is characterized by a weight gain of 8-12 kg from the initial one, but a slight deviation from the generally accepted norm is not a pathology and a cause for concern. The growing baby takes more and more nutrients from the mother’s body, so the entire third trimester is spent under the sign of weight control, since it is this stage of pregnancy that is dangerous if it is too much.

    It is necessary to monitor not only the quantity of foods consumed, but also their quality - eating high-calorie, fatty and fried foods will not benefit the baby, but will only complicate the woman’s recovery after childbirth. If the gynecologist expresses concern about exceeding the upper limit of weight, you will have to give up not only sweets and your favorite fried potatoes, but also spices, the use of which improves appetite.

    Belly at 33 weeks pregnant

    The thirty-third week of pregnancy is a time of active growth of the abdomen, so to prevent stretch marks it is worth using special organic-based creams. Natural vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, coconut - have a good effect on the condition of the skin. You can use them daily after taking a shower, not only in the abdomen, but throughout the body, paying special attention to problem areas: hips, chest, upper arms.

    The uterus is located 12-14 cm above the level of the navel, which is not yet the peak height, but is already beginning to cause discomfort to a pregnant woman. If the baby is already in a cephalic presentation, then the expectant mother feels the movements of his legs under her lower ribs. The amount of constantly renewed amniotic fluid has reached a volume that will normally remain until childbirth - 1 liter.

    Abdominal volume at 33 weeks depends on several factors:

    • the presence of a pathology such as oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
    • woman's build;
    • child's size.

    It is important to remember that all indicators are very individual, so measuring bellies at this stage is pointless - for one mother it can already bulge forward strongly, while for another it can be barely noticeable.

    Woman's feelings

    The fetus at the thirty-third week may hiccup. The expectant mother feels his hiccups very well. This manifests itself in the form of subtle rhythmic tremors, which are localized in different parts of the abdomen, because the baby is still changing its location. Intrauterine hiccups are a healthy physiological process and indicate the development of the fetal lungs.

    The woman begins to experience an increased desire to communicate with the child. Perinatal psychologists advise not to deny yourself this pleasure, to contact the baby more often, read fairy tales to him, sing lullabies, and play pleasant music. This brings pleasure not only to the mother, but also to the baby, since he is already able to hear sounds and perceive them.

    Many women note that the 33rd week of pregnancy is characterized by fatigue. The reason for this may be both a psychological factor and a lack of vitamins. Attending courses for pregnant women, which are offered at many maternity hospitals, a new hobby, reading books and watching films with an optimistic plot will help you recharge your batteries. From time to time you should remind yourself that there is very little time left before the baby is born, and after childbirth all the unpleasant sensations will go away: heartburn, shortness of breath, digestive disorders, frequent urge to go to the toilet.

    Often, at the beginning of the third trimester, pregnant women complain of leg cramps, which may indicate metabolic disorders, thyroid problems, or a simple lack of vitamin D.


    Pregnant women undergo screening examinations from 31 to 34 weeks. Therefore, an ultrasound at 33 weeks of pregnancy is planned.

    At this stage, the specialist evaluates:

    • degree of fetal development. Namely, the sonologist conducts fetometry and assesses how the baby’s internal organs are developing;
    • heartbeat, motor activity, frequency of fetal respiratory movements;
    • position of the baby in the uterus. In addition, the specialist looks to see if the baby has an umbilical cord entanglement;
    • condition of the uterus and its cervix;
    • degree of maturity and location of the placenta.

    It is important at this time to evaluate the quantity and quality amniotic fluid. If there is not enough amniotic fluid, the doctor diagnoses oligohydramnios. This pathological condition may be associated with cardiovascular diseases of the woman, pathologies of the fetal excretory system, and gestosis. Also, oligohydramnios can be caused by early rupture of amniotic fluid.

    Polyhydramnios during pregnancy is diagnosed when the volume of amniotic fluid exceeds normal indicators. This pathological condition can be provoked by the presence diabetes mellitus in women, infectious, cardiovascular diseases. And also the risk of pathology increases with a large fetus and rhesus - a conflict between mother and child.

    Polyhydramnios, like oligohydramnios, threatens the proper development and health of the baby, as well as pregnancy. Therefore, when making one of the diagnoses, the doctor must prescribe the necessary treatment.

    Fetus at 33 weeks

    The weight of a child at the 33rd week of pregnancy is 1900-2200 g, the length of his body with head is 42-44 cm. The endocrine, nervous, and immune systems continue to develop.

    Internal organs continue to grow along with the fetus - the heart muscle and brain increase in mass. Its basic formation has already been completed, and in the future the central nervous system will only improve - nerve centers that coordinate the child’s life continue to form in it. The baby's movements are chaotic and abrupt, which his mother recognizes from sudden jolts.

    From the thirty-third week, the baby looks like a newborn baby. His body gradually becomes more proportional, builds up muscle mass. It is still covered with dark vellus hair, which should roll out by the time of birth. But not all babies complete this process in a timely manner, so some of them are born with a hairy back. There is still very little hair on the baby's head, or none at all.

    The kidneys are almost ready to work independently - they can filter blood, participate in metabolism, and separate waste products. The skin on the fingers and toes already has an individual pattern.

    Despite the fact that the baby already looks like a newborn, it is too early for him to be born. If childbirth does occur at 33 weeks of pregnancy, then the baby has a great chance of survival. This is provided that the child is born in a medical institution. After all, it still requires special equipment and careful care to survive.

    His body is still very weak and cannot fully resist various infections. Besides premature baby experiences difficulties in thermoregulation processes. That is why babies born at this stage are left in the intensive care unit, placed in a special incubator and protected from infection in every possible way.

    Discharge from the genital tract at 33 weeks

    A cause for concern and an unscheduled visit to a doctor should be the appearance of atypical discharge from the vagina:

    • curdled;
    • flaky;
    • mucous membranes;
    • lumpy;
    • foaming;
    • having an unpleasant gray, green, yellowish tint.

    Such symptoms directly indicate infection of the genital tract or a violation of its microflora.

    If the discharge suddenly acquires a brownish tint, you must notify your doctor about this, because this symptom indicates an admixture of blood, which in turn is an alarming factor. Blood in the discharge is a sign that at 33 weeks of pregnancy either premature passage of the mucus plug or placental abruption occurs.

    Possible problems

    During this period, the expectant mother may be bothered by many problems. The main problems that worsen the condition of a pregnant woman include:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • high blood pressure;
    • digestive disorders ( or );
    • varicose veins;
    • back pain.

    All problems at this stage are most often caused by hormonal prenatal changes in the body and an increase in nutrients consumed by the child. But sometimes deterioration of the condition may indicate gestosis in pregnant women - an ailment also called late toxicosis. This disease has an extremely negative impact on the development of the child, and in the most severe cases can even cause his death, so treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

    A pregnant woman may also experience:

    • premature birth;
    • pathology associated with the volume of amniotic fluid;
    • premature aging of the placenta.

    If a woman is pregnant with twins at the 33rd obstetric week of pregnancy, then the risk of all sorts of problems increases. This is due to the double load on the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, when multiple pregnancy You should monitor your condition even more carefully and pay attention to symptoms that may indicate premature birth and pathologies that threaten the lives of babies.

    Sex at 33 weeks

    Sexual activity at the 33rd week of pregnancy is not only allowed, but also approved by gynecologists, provided that a condom is used. This is important, since the 33rd obstetric week of pregnancy can result in premature birth, and sperm will only provoke it. This is due to the fact that sperm promotes premature softening and contraction of the cervix.

    Protected sex will also eliminate the risk of infection for the expectant mother if the partners do not comply with hygiene rules. Partners will be able to allow themselves open sex after the 38th week, when the baby is already fully term and ready for life outside the mother’s body.

    Another indispensable condition is the comfort of a pregnant woman. It is this factor that should become the starting point when choosing the position, frequency and intensity of sexual intercourse. If there are no comments from the gynecologist, you should not deny yourself intimate joys, because very soon there will come a period when first postpartum discharge, and then fatigue and lack of sleep, will stand in the way of a fulfilling married life.


    At the 33rd week of pregnancy, it is necessary to enrich the menu with products that contain vitamins D, calcium and magnesium - they will help avoid cramps. Such products include chicken eggs, butter, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, hard cheese, liver, sea fish.

    As the active development of the fetus continues, now, as immediately after conception, it is very important that the expectant mother’s body receives a sufficient amount of folic acid, which is found in green vegetables and leafy greens. This will help the child’s nervous system complete its formation in a timely manner.

    What to pay attention to

    It should be remembered that the 33rd obstetric week of pregnancy is good time for sanitation of the oral cavity. Taking multivitamin complexes for pregnant women does not always compensate for the loss of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are taken by the developing body of the baby.

    As a result, the teeth and mucous membranes begin to suffer first - a pregnant woman may develop carious cavities and develop. Left unattended, these ailments threaten infection of the amniotic fluid and negative consequences for the fetus.

    How many months in 33 weeks of pregnancy

    Most expectant mothers only know their due date in weeks, so many wonder what month they are in.

    The calendar period is slightly different from the obstetric period, because 1 calendar month, with the exception of February, contains 30-31 days. Therefore, if we consider the calendar period, then a woman at 33 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 8 months into an interesting position. More precisely, this period is approximately 7 months and 17 days. On average, the embryonic period lags behind the obstetric period by 2 weeks, so the age of the embryo during this period is 31 weeks.

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    From the twelfth week of gestation, the period is considered exclusively obstetric weeks, since all parameters normal development baby adjusted specifically for obstetric period. But it is with these normal parameters that the current state of the fetus is compared to determine its compliance with the norm.


    The fetal body weight at the 33rd week fluctuates within 2018 plus or minus 241 g, most often averaging 2000 g. Fetal body length at this stage fluctuates within 42.7 plus or minus 1.8 cm, most often averaging 43 – 44 cm. That is, the baby has already grown and gained weight by 2/3 of the level with which full-term babies are usually born. During the remaining period of pregnancy, the fetus needs to grow and gain weight by another 30% of its current level.

    The fruit has grown so much that it has taken over everything free place in the uterus, as a result of which he no longer tumbles and turns over, but rather simply moves and pushes. But despite the limited space in the uterus, the fetus can still turn over before birth.

    At the 33rd week, active accumulation of subcutaneous fat and strengthening of muscles continues, which become stronger and more toned. The bones continue to harden in preparation for supporting the body and walking outside the womb.

    The baby's body parts have become proportional to each other, now he has become just like a newborn full-term baby, only smaller in size. Lanugo vellus hair has almost completely disappeared from the skin, and the hair on the head has become thicker, although it is still sparse and soft. The eyes are open during wakefulness and closed during sleep. The eye is actively developing, which has acquired a corneal reflex (squinting in response to touching the cornea), and its pupil reacts to the degree of illumination (in bright light, the baby’s pupil narrows, and in dim light it dilates). In addition, the fetus is able to focus its gaze, looking at what interests it. It must be remembered that through the stretched wall of the abdomen, in good lighting, the baby sees the world around him quite well, therefore, even in the womb, he studies the furnishings of the apartment, the views on the street, etc.

    The nails have fully grown and cover the pads of the fingers and toes, and their edges even stick out a little, as a result of which the baby can scratch his skin with an accidental careless movement.

    The endocrine, nervous, immune, thermoregulatory, digestive system, as well as the brain. In principle, the brain is already formed, it has all the necessary structures, but at the 33rd week the process of actively building numerous connections between brain cells, which are necessary for the instant transfer of information from one section to another, continues.

    The child experiences his own emotions, feels the mother’s experiences and reacts to them, sees dreams, perfectly distinguishes smells, sounds, tastes, sees through the wall of the abdomen the world and feels touch on his body. The baby plays with his own body and umbilical cord, and these games help him develop, improve his movement skills, hone their accuracy, etc.

    On the skin of the fingertips, a pattern of loops and stripes, which is widely known as fingerprints, is fully formed and becomes visible. This drawing will remain with the child for the rest of his life and will be unique, different from that of any other person. Some genetic diseases can be identified by the pattern on the skin of the fingers.

    Fetal movements

    Since there is practically no free space in the uterus, the baby at the 33rd week mainly moves and pushes, but sharp somersaults and flips become impossible. Therefore, the nature of the fetal movements at the 33rd week changes significantly - they become exclusively movements, without somersaults and sharp blows, which feel like “beating a drum.”

    But, despite the fact that the baby’s movements are now in the nature of movements, he can quite painfully and palpably push any organ or abdominal wall with his leg or arm. The pain and force of the tremors are due to the fact that the muscles of the fetus have become stronger, and now all its movements are already quite noticeable and strong. Most often, fetal movements are reflected in pain or unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the ribs, liver, stomach and intestines, since it is in the direction of these organs that the baby usually pushes.

    At the 33rd week, the mother can clearly feel what kind of movement the fetus is making, and can also see the legs, arms, head or butt imprinted on the skin of the abdomen, depending on which part of the body the baby rested on the front wall of the uterus.

    The intensity and strength of fetal kicks may vary throughout the day - during some periods the baby moves quietly and weakly, while at others he kicks strongly, noticeably, and is quite uncomfortable for the mother. Such heterogeneity in the nature of the baby’s movements is due to a number of factors.

    Firstly, the baby alternates between sleeping and waking during the day. Accordingly, during periods of sleep he moves little and weakly, and during wakefulness, on the contrary, he actively pushes. Moreover, the baby sleeps, as a rule, when the mother is awake and does some work related to movement in space, and is awake, on the contrary, when the woman is resting. This happens because when the mother moves, the mother’s belly sways, and this has a lulling effect on the baby, as a result of which, while the mother moves, he sleeps. And when the mother sits down or lies down to rest, the rocking effect of movement disappears, the fetus wakes up and begins to actively move.

    Secondly, the fetus can react by changing the nature of its movements to various external stimuli (light, sounds, smells, etc.), as well as to the mother’s food intake and the woman’s experiences (excitement, stress, fear, any emotional experiences). After the mother eats, the fetus actively moves for some time, which is due to an increase in blood glucose levels, which it spends on its games. Therefore, it is impossible to reduce the intensity of fetal movements after eating; you just need to endure it.

    If the mother is worried, experiencing stress or any strong emotions, then the fetus also begins to move more actively, as it is sensitive to the woman’s condition. In this case, to calm the baby, you need to come to a state of mental balance yourself.

    In response to external stimuli, the nature of the fetal movements can change in two ways - either it begins to move more actively, or, on the contrary, it freezes. If the fetus likes the stimulus (for example, pleasant music, beautiful dim lighting), then its movements become slower and smoother. If the fetus does not like the external stimulus (for example, sharp sounds, too bright light, bad smell), then he reacts by increasing the activity of movements. With his thrusts, he seems to be trying to say: “Take it away!” In this case, in order to calm the baby, you just need to try to eliminate the irritant that he does not like.

    In addition to these options, sometimes a child may begin to actively move in the absence of an external visible reason. This is usually caused by hypoxia or oxygen deficiency, which can occur due to compression of blood vessels when sitting in an awkward position or lying on your back. In such a situation, you need to stand up or lie on your side and breathe calmly for 10 - 15 minutes, trying to relax so that all the compressed vessels straighten out and the baby begins to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen from the flowing blood.

    From time to time, women may feel rhythmic shudders inside the abdomen, which are caused by hiccups in the fetus. Such tremors are harmless and pass quickly, so you should not be afraid of them.

    However, unlike fetal hiccups, a woman should feel the baby’s movements of various types every day. You should not concentrate too much attention on them, counting the number of movements during each hour. It is enough to simply record the fact that the baby’s movements are present.

    In the past, it was recommended to count the number of movements during each hour, and if they occurred less than 4–6 times, then this was a reason for an unscheduled examination. However, observations of this practice have shown that counting movements every hour does not improve the diagnosis of pregnancy complications, but only increases the frequency of unplanned induced premature birth, which doctors produce for the purpose of reinsurance. Therefore, in recent years, WHO has recommended not counting movements every hour, but simply noting whether the child moved or not.

    The only reason for concern and an early visit to the hospital is the absence of movements for 12 or more hours in a row. In such a situation, you must immediately be hospitalized in a maternity hospital to receive treatment aimed at preserving the life of the fetus.

    Ultrasound and tests

    The thirty-third week represents the midpoint of the optimal period for the third screening of the third trimester, which lasts from 32 to 34 weeks inclusive. The third screening is a comprehensive examination to identify fetal malformations, determine whether the baby is growing normally, as well as assess the woman’s condition and the readiness of her body for childbirth.

    As part of the third screening, the following examinations can be performed:

    • Dopplerography (Doppler);
    • Cardiotocography (CTG);
    • Biochemical screening (PAPP-A, human chorionic gonadotropin, unconjugated estriol, placental lactogen).
    It must be remembered that the mandatory examination of the third screening is only ultrasound, so it is performed on all women from the 32nd to the 34th week inclusive. But Dopplerography, cardiotocography and biochemical screening are additional examinations, and therefore are not carried out for all women, but only for those who have indications.

    In practice, in the vast majority of antenatal clinics in the CIS countries, absolutely all women undergo ultrasound and cardiotocography as part of the third screening, because, firstly, there is equipment for these studies, and secondly, they are simple, not burdensome for the woman, but at the same time very informative for identifying malformations and hypoxia in the fetus.

    Doppler sonography is usually performed only when indicated (complications of pregnancy), but in some consultations equipped with modern equipment, this study is performed on almost all women, since it is simple, and, as the doctors themselves say: “It does no harm, but it improves the diagnosis of fetal pathologies.” .

    And biochemical screening is prescribed only if the results of the second were poor and after them no invasive diagnosis of malformations was performed (amniocentesis with genetic mapping).

    Thus, it is obvious that the most important study within the framework of the third screening is ultrasound, which is performed to assess the condition and development of the child, identify malformations in the fetus and assess the readiness of the mother’s body for childbirth and carrying the pregnancy to term. During the third screening, developmental defects are identified that were impossible to diagnose in previous screenings, such as obstruction of the intestines and urinary organs, heart defects.

    During an ultrasound, the doctor carefully examines the condition and development of various organs and systems, assessing their compliance with the norm. Particular attention is paid to the heart, blood vessels, organs of the genitourinary system, bronchi, lungs, brain, vein of Galen in the cranial cavity, eye sockets, jaws, and nasolabial triangle. The length and circumference of the thighs, legs, arms, abdomen are also measured. chest, heads, etc. The condition, thickness, degree of maturity and placenta previa, the condition of the cervix and walls of the uterus, the consistency of the uterine scar (if any), amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord are assessed separately, and the presence of entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck is detected. In addition, the doctor records the position of the fetus in the uterus (transverse, oblique or longitudinal) and its presentation (head or breech).

    Of course, the doctor can determine the position and presentation of the fetus with his hands, simply by feeling the location of the baby’s butt and head through the abdominal wall, but an ultrasound is also supposed to record these data.

    When the doctor studies in detail all the necessary parameters, he writes a detailed report in which he enters data on all parameters. And at the very end of the ultrasound result, a conclusion is written about whether the baby is healthy, whether it is developing according to the norm, whether any malformations have been identified, whether there are complications of pregnancy (for example, early aging of the placenta, entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck, signs of feto-placental insufficiency and etc.).

    The second most important study of the third screening is cardiotocography, which allows you to detect fetal hypoxia by assessing its heartbeat at rest and during movements. This simple study is usually carried out on all women, as it is not burdensome, but the results are very informative.

    Dopplerography may not be performed on all women, but only on those who suspect a pathology of cardio-vascular system in the fetus, feto-placental insufficiency or other disorders in the vascular system and blood flow. This method The examination allows us to identify various disorders in the baby and mother caused by circulatory disorders (for example, hypoxia, feto-placental insufficiency, nutritional deficiency in the fetus, etc.).

    If during the normal course of pregnancy Dopplerography and cardiotocography may not be carried out, then in the presence of certain pathologies they are done without fail, since the suspicion of such disorders or their presence are indications for these examinations. Dopplerography and cardiotocography are mandatory if a woman has indications, which include the following:

    • Suspicion of the umbilical cord entwining the fetal neck;
    • Too fast or rare fetal heartbeat;
    • Oblique or transverse position of the fetus in the uterus;
    • Suspicion of cardiac or central nervous system malformations in the fetus;
    • Suspicion or previously identified pathology of the placenta ( early aging, small thickness, placenta previa);
    • One umbilical artery instead of two;
    • Oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
    • Preeclampsia (manifested by edema, high blood pressure and protein in the urine);
    • Fetal growth retardation according to fetometry results;
    • Diabetes mellitus or hypertension in a pregnant woman;
    • Rh conflict in women with negative Rh factor blood, identified based on antibody titer.
    The most rarely performed third screening test is biochemical screening. It is done only if the result of the second biochemical screening is poor, after which amniocentesis with genetic mapping was not performed. Biochemical screening includes determination of blood concentrations of PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein A), hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), NE (unconjugated estriol) and PL (placental lactogen), and is intended to identify malformations in the fetus. If all biochemical screening parameters are within normal limits, then the likelihood of developmental defects in the fetus is low. If any parameters are more or less than normal, then they indicate a high risk of developmental defects in the fetus. In such a situation, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound in order to compare its results with biochemical screening and identify existing malformations.

    It must be remembered that a poor biochemical screening result does not necessarily mean the presence of malformations in the fetus, but only indicates a high risk of their presence. Therefore, in order to accurately find out whether these developmental defects are present, the result of biochemical screening is checked with the ultrasound picture, and only on the basis of these two examinations a final conclusion is made.

    All four studies of the third screening (ultrasound, Dopplerography, cardiotocography, biochemical test) do not have to be completed on the same day; they can be performed on different dates for three weeks in a row - from the 32nd to 34th weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, you can choose any dates for ultrasound, Dopplerography and cardiotocography, without in any way connecting these studies with each other. But the date for taking biochemical screening tests should be chosen within the next 2 to 3 days after the ultrasound.

    No other tests are routinely performed at the 33rd week of pregnancy if all laboratory tests were done in a timely manner. However, if for some reason a woman did not pass a biochemical blood test and coagulogram during the 32nd week, then this should be done at the 33rd week. These tests are very important and necessary, but according to the plan they should be taken at the 32nd week.

    A biochemical blood test includes determining the concentration of glucose, total protein, protein fractions, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as the activity of AST, ALT, and alkaline phosphatase. The coagulogram reflects the functioning of the blood coagulation system. It includes the following parameters: assessment of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin index (PTI), international normalized ratio (INR), thrombin time (TT), as well as platelet count and determination of fibrinogen concentration. The coagulogram and biochemical blood test may include other additional parameters as prescribed by the doctor, which are necessary for a comprehensive assessment of the woman’s health status.

    A biochemical blood test is done to assess the condition and functioning of various internal organs, and a coagulogram is done to assess the risk of bleeding, thrombosis and various disorders of the blood and blood vessels. If the parameters of a coagulogram or biochemical blood test turn out to be abnormal, the doctor prescribes additional examinations for a more accurate diagnosis of existing disorders and diseases.

    In addition, if at the 32nd week the woman did not pass general blood and urine tests, then this should be done at the 33rd week of pregnancy. Blood and urine tests should be taken every two weeks from the 28th week (that is, at 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 weeks), as they are very important for identifying the risk of preeclampsia and anemia - severe pregnancy complications that can lead to represent very unpleasant disturbances in the growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, if more than two weeks have passed since the blood and urine tests were taken, then these laboratory tests should be done at week 33.

    No other tests are taken at the 33rd week unless prescribed by a doctor. But in case of pregnancy with complications, it is necessary to take all tests prescribed by the doctor, without coordinating them with routine laboratory tests.

    Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

    At the 33rd week of pregnancy, there is no need to routinely visit a gynecologist if the woman had an appointment with the doctor at the 32nd week and she did not have any complaints or her health did not sharply deteriorate. However, if a woman begins to feel unsatisfactory or has any alarming unpleasant symptoms, then at the 33rd week she should visit the gynecologist unscheduled, without waiting for the next appointment scheduled for the 34th week.

    In case of an unscheduled appearance, the gynecologist will perform the necessary examination and prescribe examinations. After this, based on the results of the examination, the doctor will either prescribe treatment, which will need to be carried out at home, or send you to a hospital (maternity hospital). It is impossible to indicate which tests the doctor will prescribe during an unscheduled visit, since this depends on the nature of the woman’s complaints and her general condition.

    Warning signs

    Unfortunately, during pregnancy, including at the 33rd week, severe complications can develop, leading to the death of the fetus or mother. Naturally, such complications need to be treated, and in a hospital setting. Therefore, pregnant women should know the warning signs indicating the development of such complications, and if they occur, they must immediately call " Ambulance"to as soon as possible get medical help and thereby save both yourself and the child.

    TO warning signs at the 33rd week of pregnancy the following symptoms include:

    • Bloody discharge from the genital tract;
    • Copious liquid discharge from the vagina (such discharge can be perceived by women as involuntary urine, but you need to know that this is not urine, but water);
    • Frequently appearing or persistent headache, combined with visual impairment such as flickering spots, flashes and spots before the eyes;
    • Vomiting, especially repeated;
    • Sudden severe swelling of the face or hands;
    • Increase in body temperature above 38.0 o C;
    • Burning and/or itching in the vagina or perineum;
    • Burning and/or pain when urinating;
    • Severe abdominal pain, the intensity of which does not decrease over time;
    • A strong blow to the stomach (for example, falling on the stomach, hitting the stomach with a hand or object);
    • The appearance of more than 4 – 5 contractions within an hour;
    • Absence of fetal movements or less than 10 fetal movements over 12 hours.

    Feelings, signs of pregnancy and changes in body condition

    At different periods of her life, a woman can experience a wide variety of sensations, reflecting the physiological processes occurring in her body. During pregnancy, a woman can also experience a variety of sensations, but we will only touch on those that, firstly, are normal, and secondly, are caused by physiological changes that occur in the body and are necessary to ensure the conditions for bearing a baby.

    First of all, it is necessary to touch upon the sensations that arise due to the pressure of the uterus on various organs. Thus, the pressure of the uterus on the intestines provokes constipation. Their severity can be minimized by including in the diet foods that promote the movement of the bolus of food through the intestines (for example, beets, dried apricots, prunes, etc.) and eliminating foods that delay the evacuation of feces (for example, baked goods, culinary products). If constipation occurs, to eliminate it, it is recommended to drink laxatives based on lactulose syrup (Duphalac, Portalac, Normaze, etc.), which are harmless to the fetus and have a mild effect.

    The pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm provokes breathing disorders, such as shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, the inability to take a deep breath, etc. In order to minimize these sensations and stop them when they appear, you need to do breathing exercises.

    Swelling is the most noticeable manifestation of pregnancy, which brings the greatest discomfort to a woman. In this case, swelling can be normal and pathological. Normal swelling does not indicate pathology and does not require treatment. This normal swelling does not increase over time, and sudden and rapid swelling of the face and hands does not occur. Pathological edema indicates complications of pregnancy; their occurrence requires urgent hospitalization. Pathological edema is characterized by an increase over time and the periodic appearance of severe swelling of the hands and face.

    During the 33rd week, pregnant women often experience discomfort in their legs. Mainly there are pains in the legs caused by swelling and high load on them. To reduce pain in the legs, they need to be given rest, lying down to rest several times a day with their shins raised up. And when you have to walk or stand for a long time, you should sit down for 10 to 15 minutes every 40 minutes. In addition to pain in the legs, women are worried about cramps in the calf muscles, which are usually caused by a deficiency of calcium, vitamin B 12, low concentration of glucose in the blood and heavy stress on the legs. To relieve a cramp, you need to strongly pull your foot towards you, holding it in this position until the pain completely disappears. And to prevent seizures, you need to take calcium supplements, B vitamins and avoid putting too much stress on your legs.

    In addition to pain and cramps, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, women may experience numbness in their legs and arms. This sensation is caused by unknown reasons, but doctors know for sure that it is not dangerous.

    Stretching and pressure of the uterus on the ligaments, tendons and joints, the center of gravity shifted forward, as well as the divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides to expand the lumen of the birth canal provoke frequent pain in the back, lower back, sacrum, tailbone, hips and pelvis. These pains can have varying intensity and severity, but all pregnant women suffer from them to one degree or another. The divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides can also provoke discomfort when walking. You can try to reduce the severity of these pains by regularly standing on all fours (in the knee-elbow position) several times a day for 5 to 15 minutes or lying down to rest on your side.

    Many women at the 33rd week suffer from headaches and dizziness, which may be due to low blood pressure, anemia, hunger or high load on the brain vessels. To relieve headaches and dizziness, it is recommended to rest in a cool, dark room several times a day.

    In addition, at the 33rd week, women often have low blood pressure, which provokes rapid heartbeat, dizziness or even fainting.

    The rapid growth of the abdomen causes severe tension on the skin, which can lead to severe itching and rashes in the area. skin abdomen, hips and sides. If the itching and rashes do not spread to other parts of the body, and their severity does not increase over time, then there is nothing dangerous - it is just a reaction of the skin to stretching. To minimize itching and rashes, you need to lubricate the skin with various compounds that can improve its elasticity. These are, for example, vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive, almond, etc.), nourishing creams or special cosmetic products for stretch marks.

    But if the itching or rash intensifies and spreads to other parts of the body, then you need to consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of some disease.

    Rapid stretching of the skin can lead to the appearance of stretch marks (striae). To minimize the risk of stretch marks, the skin should be lubricated. vegetable oils(sunflower, corn, olive, almond, etc.), nourishing cream or special cosmetic products. But if stretch marks appear, it is impossible to remove them using conservative methods without surgery.

    Colostrum is periodically released from the nipples at the 33rd week, which you just need to select with a clean and dry cloth. You should not try to squeeze colostrum out of your breasts, as this can cause mastitis.

    Without fail, every woman at the 33rd week feels periodic, short-lived and irregular contractions, called training contractions. In this way, the uterus prepares for childbirth. However, if contractions become painful and regular, then you need to be hospitalized in a maternity hospital, as this indicates premature birth.

    Big belly prevents a woman from making simple and ordinary movements, does not allow her to find a comfortable position for sleeping, and generally causes numerous inconveniences. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed; you will just have to be patient. Such inconveniences, as well as mental and physical stress, can provoke insomnia, irritability, fatigue, etc.

    Separately, it is necessary to say about the relatively common syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava. This syndrome is a pathology caused by compression of the inferior vena cava, with stagnation of blood in the legs and insufficient blood flow to the brain, lungs and heart, which is manifested by dizziness, fainting, and in rare cases even convulsions. To minimize the manifestations of inferior vena cava compression syndrome or prevent its occurrence, you need to sleep only on your side, do not cross your legs, do not sit in an uncomfortable position, and also avoid performing various actions that can lead to compression of the vessels of the legs.


    Vaginal discharge at the 33rd week should be relatively abundant, of a thin, uniform consistency, milky or translucent whitish in color, with a mild sour odor. Such discharge should not contain any admixture of pus, mucus or blood. In addition, normal discharge never causes a woman discomfort in the genital area.

    Any discharge that is different from that described above is pathological. Thus, discharge with a heterogeneous consistency (with lumps, flakes, bubbles, etc.), with an unpleasant odor, with impurities of pus, mucus or blood, as well as with a yellowish, greenish, grayish, earthy color indicates the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital tract. If at least one of these signs appears (for example, a yellowish color, or an unpleasant odor, or an admixture of mucus, etc.), you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment.

    The second most common pathological discharge is spotting. When such discharge appears, you need to be hospitalized in a hospital, since blood from the genital tract may indicate severe and dangerous pathological conditions that can lead to pregnancy loss.

    Finally, in addition to vaginal discharge, water may leak at the 33rd week. Leakage of water can be of two types - either a slow and periodic leakage of small portions, or an outflow of a large volume at a time.

    When water leaks in small portions, a woman notices occasional discharge from the vagina of cloudy yellowish or whitish water with a sweet odor. However, sometimes the water leaks in such small portions that the woman does not even notice this sweetish water, but experiences a constant feeling of moisture in the perineum and notes that the skin of the pubis, thighs and perineum becomes sticky. Both of these options indicate water leakage. If there are signs of water leakage, you should consult a doctor for examination and to draw up a further pregnancy management plan.

    Outpouring large quantity water at once - less favorable than their portion leakage. After all, after the release of a large volume of water, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital for examination, so that doctors can see how much amniotic fluid remains in the uterus and assess whether it is enough for the further development of the fetus. If there is little water left, and the fetus simply does not have enough for further life, then doctors will have to induce labor, and the baby will be born prematurely. But if there is a lot of water left, then doctors usually allow the pregnancy to continue to term, constantly monitoring the condition of the mother and fetus. However, in such a situation, at any moment you need to be prepared for the fact that the fetus’s condition will worsen and doctors will have to induce labor.


    The discharge of blood in any quantity, of any shade or consistency is bleeding. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, any bleeding from the genitals should be considered dangerous, since even seemingly banal bleeding after intercourse can be a “disguise” for severe and dangerous bleeding. Therefore, if blood appears from the genital tract in the 33rd week of pregnancy, you should always call an ambulance, since in such situations, as the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

    You must also remember and know that bleeding increases with physical exertion. Therefore, when bleeding from the vagina, calling an ambulance, you only need to open the apartment door, take your passport, insurance policy, exchange card and phone, and go to bed, and not run around the apartment trying to pack your things for the hospital. After all, active preparations can provoke increased bleeding, which can be fatal for the fetus or mother. You need to wait for doctors with the door open, as bleeding can cause fainting, as a result of which the arriving doctors will not be able to help the woman.

    Uterus and belly

    At the 33rd week, the uterus is located under the diaphragm, the height of its fundus (VSD) is on average 33 cm, but can range from 29 to 35 cm. Although the uterus is already located high, this is not the limit - the VSD will reach a maximum at 36-35 cm. th week. And after this, the bottom of the uterus will go down a little due to the fact that the fetal head will enter the pelvis, and the woman will even feel some relief.

    At the 33rd week, the uterus is already actively preparing for childbirth, as a result of which the woman periodically feels Braxton-Hicks training contractions and an occasional pulling-aching sensation in the lower abdomen, arising from contraction of the muscles of the organ. These sensations usually occur suddenly, do not last long, go away on their own and are not very painful. It is best to wait them out by taking a position lying on your left side.

    The belly at the 33rd week is very impressive, its circumference is 86 - 91 cm. The dark stripe in the middle is wide and noticeable, dividing the belly into two equal halves, and the navel has already become flat and stretched. Due to severe stretching, the skin of the abdomen itches, itches, stretch marks may appear on it, and sometimes even small red rashes.

    Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

    Unfortunately, the changes occurring in the body and high stress lead to the fact that at the 33rd week a pregnant woman may experience a wide range of different pains, which, however, are completely normal and do not indicate the development of diseases. Let us consider such normal pains of various localizations, and also briefly describe pathological pains of the same localizations and ways to distinguish them from each other.

    First of all, we point out that normally a woman may experience abdominal pain caused by tension in the ligaments that support the uterus, as well as training contractions. Such pains never absorb all attention, being, as it were, on the periphery of consciousness, and this is precisely their main difference from pathological pain in the abdomen. Normal pain from training contractions is localized in the lower abdomen and is of a pulling and aching nature. They occur in periodic attacks that are irregular, do not get worse over time, and go away on their own. And normal pain from tension of the uterine ligaments is localized on the sides of the abdomen and is in the nature of gentle stretching, and with sudden movements - short-term painful shooting.

    In addition to physiological, abdominal pain can also be pathological. Most often, pregnant women experience pathological abdominal pain caused by digestive disorders. They do not last long and go away on their own or after taking regular medications. It is easy to distinguish these pains, since they were known to the woman before pregnancy. Pain associated with digestive disorders is usually harmless.

    It should be borne in mind that pathological abdominal pain can be caused by serious illnesses that can lead to loss of pregnancy or even death (for example, acute appendicitis, placental abruption, etc.). Pain in such diseases can be localized in any part of the abdomen, have a pulling, aching, cutting or sharp cramping nature and are combined with lower back pain, elevated body temperature, vaginal discharge of blood or a large amount of cloudy water, and a sharp deterioration in well-being. If the described pathological abdominal pain occurs, associated with serious illnesses requiring immediate medical intervention, you should urgently call an ambulance.

    In second place in terms of frequency of occurrence are pains in the ribs and hypochondrium. Normal pain in this location is caused by fetal thrusts into these areas of the body. They are in the nature of sudden, non-periodic, short, sharp, but quickly passing painful sensations. But pathological pain in the hypochondrium lasts a long time, does not go away on its own, is aching in nature, is often combined with bitter belching and nausea, and is almost always caused by diseases of the liver or gall bladder. If you experience pathological pain in the hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    The divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides to increase the lumen of the birth canal is necessary to provide the fetus with enough space to be born. However, the process of divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides and softening of its ligaments causes pain in the pelvic bones, hips, pubis and perineum, as well as discomfort when walking. Such unpleasant sensations are almost always normal, but if severe pain in the pubis suddenly appears in combination with a “duck gait,” this indicates a pathological nature of the pain caused by symphysitis - inflammation of the symphysis pubis. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor.

    The high load on the bones, muscles, joints and ligaments, the pressure of the uterus on the tissue, as well as the forward shift of the center of gravity leads to the fact that all women during pregnancy more often or less often experience pain of varying intensity in the back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic bones , hips and legs. Such pains intensify after exercise, decrease or disappear after rest, appear and disappear during the day completely independently. There is only one way to reduce the severity of such pain - to minimize the load on the skeleton: wear a bandage, do not wear shoes high heels, do not sit on stools without a back, do not lift heavy objects, do not walk or stand for a long time, etc.

    However, pain in the sacrum, lower back and legs can also be pathological. Thus, lower back pain is pathological if it is caused by diseases of the urinary organs, and in this case it is combined with pain when urinating and/or with elevated body temperature. Pain in the sacrum is pathological if it is caused by sciatica (pinched sciatic nerve), but in this case it is sharp, strong, does not subside, is literally difficult to bear, and radiates to the leg. Leg pain is pathological if it indicates gestosis (a serious complication of pregnancy). But signs of gestosis are the simultaneous presence of three symptoms: pain in the legs + severe swelling of the arms and face + flashing spots and spots before the eyes or blurred vision. If you need to see a doctor at a clinic for sciatica and diseases of the urinary organs, then if you suspect gestosis, you should be hospitalized as soon as possible.

    Very often, women at the 33rd week are bothered by pain in the rectum and anus, which is usually caused by hemorrhoids. If signs of this disease appear, you should consult a doctor, since the lack of treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy will lead to the pathology becoming severe.

    Week 33: possible complications of pregnancy, swelling, pain, discharge (recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist) - video


    In general, if a woman desires intimacy and feels well, then sex at 33 weeks is allowed.

    You cannot have sex if the mucous plug or water has broken, if there is a threat of premature birth or other complications of pregnancy.

    Upon joining intimacy at the 33rd week, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

    • Do not allow the penis to penetrate too deeply, do not make sharp and rough frictions, making smooth, slow and shallow movements.
    • Do not use poses that will place strong pressure on the abdomen. From this point of view, the optimal positions are on the side and behind.
    • Do not ejaculate (“come”) into the vagina, as semen softens the cervix and can trigger the onset of premature labor. In this regard, many doctors recommend making love with a condom, starting from 28 to 30 weeks.


    At week 33, body weight should increase by 6.8 - 11.9 kg compared to pre-pregnancy weight. Moreover, the weight gain overweight women should be in the range of 6.8 - 10.4 kg, and thin people are allowed to gain up to 11.9 kg.

    If weight gain is within normal limits, then it occurs due to an increase in the volume and mass of organs, as well as an increase in the volume of blood and fluid in the tissues. This means that after childbirth, all organs, the amount of blood and fluid in the tissues will return to their normal sizes and volumes, and the woman’s weight will be approximately the same as before pregnancy. Thus, weight gain within the established norms means that the woman does not gain weight during pregnancy, and after childbirth she will not have to deal with the extra pounds that appeared during gestation.

    But if the weight gain is outside the normal range, this means that the woman is gaining extra pounds, which will turn out to be fat deposits that are clearly visible after childbirth.

    That is why it is important not to allow weight gain to exceed the norm, which is 350 - 500 g per week.

    Food and alcohol

    Of course, a woman’s diet should be complete and varied, so the menu must include healthy and healthy products of animal and plant origin, including cereals, wholemeal bread, meat, fish, seafood, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits , dairy products, etc. Accordingly, it is necessary to minimize consumption or completely exclude unhealthy foods and dishes from the diet, in particular canned food, fried, pickled, salted, smoked, hot, spicy, fast food.

    It is advisable to limit the amount of liquid to 1.5 liters per day, giving preference to compotes, fruit drinks, juices, etc. It is not advisable to drink tea and coffee, as they excite the woman too much. You can eat and drink whenever you want, but it is better to do it often, several times a day in small portions.

    The paradoxical desire to drink that some women experience is caused by a deficiency of protein in the body, and not by the need for alcohol. Therefore, if you have an inexplicable craving for alcohol, you just need to include more protein foods in your diet, such as meat, fish, nuts, cheeses, etc. As the protein deficiency in the body is replenished, the craving for alcohol will weaken. As for drinking alcohol, most doctors believe that a glass of beer or a glass of wine will not harm the baby.

    Approved medications

    Drugs acceptable for use at the 33rd week of pregnancy are determined according to FDA classification, which is based on the effect of various drugs on the fetus. According to this classification, all drugs are divided into five groups (A, B, C, D and X) in such a way that drugs in each group have the same and strictly defined effect on the fetus. And depending on the type of effect on the fetus, drugs of one or another group according to the FDA classification may be permitted or prohibited for use at the 33rd week of pregnancy.

    At the 33rd week of pregnancy, group A drugs can be safely used, which are harmless to the fetus, and the absence of negative effects on the unborn child has been confirmed by clinical practice. Also, at the 33rd week, you can use drugs from group B, which also do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

    In the presence of any serious illness, when treatment is necessary and therapy will bring more benefit than harm, and also when the lack of treatment will lead to serious consequences, including possible death of the fetus or mother, the use of group C drugs is allowed, which theoretically (but not necessarily) can provide negative impact for the fruit.

    If there is a threat of death to a pregnant woman, group D drugs are used, which definitely provide Negative influence for the fruit. But when it comes to life and death, doctors consider it necessary to save the woman, because, cynical as it may sound, she will be able to give birth to another child if the drug leads to malformations or death of the pregnant baby. And if the woman is not saved, then both she and, possibly, the child will die. In such a critical situation, doctors save the woman’s life.

    Group X drugs are never used during pregnancy, as they lead to fetal death.

    Thus, in order to understand whether a particular drug can be used during pregnancy, you need to find out which FDA group it belongs to. It's easy to do - just read official instructions on use, and specifically – the section “Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding”.

    If the instructions indicate that the drug is approved for use throughout pregnancy, then it belongs to group A. If the instructions indicate that “the drug is approved for use in the second and third trimesters,” or “the drug is prohibited in the first trimester” , or "experiments on animals have not revealed negative action on the fetus, but studies on humans have not been carried out, as a result of which there is theoretically a possibility of a negative effect on the fetus, and therefore the drug can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor after assessing the risk/benefit ratio,” then this medicine belongs to group B. If the instructions indicate that “the drug has been shown to have a negative effect on the fetus during animal experiments, so it is prohibited for use or can be used in critical situations under the supervision of a doctor,” then it belongs to group C. If the instructions indicate that “the drug is prohibited for use , since it has a negative effect on the fetus,” then it belongs to group D or X.

    Since in practice it is not always possible to read the instructions and understand whether a particular drug can be used in the 33rd week of pregnancy, below we provide a list of drugs from groups A and B that are most often used in Everyday life and which you can drink in the 33rd week:

    • Antipyretics (to reduce body temperature) - you can take medications containing paracetamol (Akamol-Teva, Daleron, Ifimol, Calpol, Panadol, Lupocet, etc.) or acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid, etc.) as the active substance. ). In this case, it is advisable to take drugs based on paracetamol, since acetylsalicylic acid is, in principle, a more dangerous substance. Although you should not be afraid of taking acetylsalicylic acid, since this substance has now been carefully studied and found that it is safe in the third trimester of pregnancy (previously it was believed that acetylsalicylic acid is harmful in the third trimester of pregnancy).
    • (for treatment).milk, etc. Therefore, children born at the 33rd week are successfully nursed in almost 100% of cases, unless, of course, the baby has developmental defects. Premature babies born in the 33rd week of pregnancy do not lag behind in development, grow normally and in general in the future are no different from their peers, and therefore there is no need to be afraid of childbirth at the 33rd week - the baby will be born completely healthy and will grow up completely normal.

      In some cases, when a woman has severe gestosis, preeclampsia or other pregnancy complications that threaten the death of the child or mother, doctors induce labor and provoke premature birth as early as the 33rd week, since in such situations they are the best solution that will allow preserving life of both the fetus and the mother.

      Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    The 33rd week of pregnancy from conception (35th obstetric) is unremarkable. The baby is not as active as before, but gently rolls around inside the mother’s belly. It becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to move, breathe, and sleep. All that remains is to wait for the meeting with the new member of the family and prepare for his birth.

    The waiting moments drag on for a long time. Because of its monotony, the last trimester of pregnancy seems like an eternity. But this period is no less important - everything that happens to the baby at 33 weeks of pregnancy prepares him for extrauterine life. The table contains parameters and normative indications for this period. The main parameters of pregnancy development at this stage are reflected in the table.

    Table - Interesting facts

    33 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the baby...

    The baby is growing and getting stronger every day. His body is formed, all systems are functioning. This does not happen completely, but it is enough so that the baby, once born, survives and, with the help of supporting equipment, develops to the state of a full-term newborn. Childbirth at 33 weeks of pregnancy is still considered premature. However, the likelihood that the child will not have serious health problems in the future is high, even if these are lightly weighted twins.

    Physical indicators

    The weight of the fetus at the 33rd week of pregnancy, with a good obstetric situation, varies between 2200-2600 g. Now it is rapidly gaining weight, adding 200-250 g every week. The baby’s growth from the crown to the heels reaches 43-47 cm. Fetal development at the 33rd week pregnancy and its size are individual, the main thing is that they fall within the acceptable limits.


    Subcutaneous fat continues to accumulate, muscles grow, the baby has already become rounder, has become like a newborn and has even acquired unique facial features. All children grow nails in utero, so at birth you can see small scratches on the body.

    The child's skin turned pink. There is even less mucus on its surface; it accumulates in small quantities in natural folds and on the hair. Some babies by this time have hair up to 5 cm long. Boys and girls are easily distinguishable by external gender characteristics.

    Internal development

    At 33 weeks from conception, the complex mechanism of interaction between all body systems continues to be fine-tuned, and there are some changes.

    • The adrenal glands are rapidly developing. This is one of the main organs that synthesize vital hormones that help the child adapt to environmental changes.
    • Meconium accumulates in the intestines. This is a “tarry” feces consisting of bile and skin cells. Normally, it is not released into the amniotic fluid, but if this happens, serious complications are possible, this indicates intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Meconium leaves the intestines on the first day after the baby is born.
    • The nervous system is rapidly improving. Brain cells develop especially intensively. Now the baby is showing her reactions to light, sounds, tastes, showing her character and mood, reacting to her mother’s well-being, worries and joys.


    As before, the woman should monitor the activity of the fetus. Now they are much easier to distinguish from other sounds and sensations. On average, there should be at least 15 tremors per day. If there are no movements or they appear much more often and their intensity is alarming, you should see a doctor.

    Almost every pregnant woman experiences the fact that her child periodically hiccups. This is the baby’s reaction to irritation of its diaphragm by ingested water. Even daily hiccups are not a cause for concern unless there are other warning signs.

    ... and what the expectant mother feels

    The most important problem a woman faces at this stage of pregnancy is raging hormones. This explains sudden mood swings, uncontrollable emotions, irritability, and resentment. All this is complemented by fears and anxieties about the upcoming birth. Sex is allowed, but often women are not psychologically ready for intimate relationships. The expectant mother experiences a whole range of unpleasant sensations due to the size of the fetus in the uterus and its pressure on all nearby organs. Sometimes only a doctor can figure out what is happening to the expectant mother.

    • Pain under the ribs. The baby makes himself known by kicking his legs in the hypochondrium. It is already positioned head down, which helps it “knock out the rhythms” under the mother’s heart, thereby tormenting her with painful sensations. If the child is located in breech, a woman can feel a “mass formation” in the right hypochondrium - the baby’s head. This leads to certain difficulties when bending. It is most comfortable to be in a sitting position, leaning your back slightly back.
    • Pain in the pelvic bones. Often women note that it hurts pubic bone. This is due to the physiological process of increasing the size of the pelvis. However, the pain is intense and interferes with walking; you should consult a doctor to rule out diastasis of the pubic bones.
    • Frequent urination. The growing uterus puts more pressure on the bladder, so trips to the toilet become too frequent. Involuntary leakage of urine is allowed when sneezing, coughing or laughing. It is helpful to limit the amount of fluid you drink before bed to reduce the number of trips to the toilet.
    • Constipation. The uterus also puts pressure on the intestines, as a result of which problems with stool, flatulence, and heartburn often occur.
    • Difficulty breathing. Due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, it periodically becomes difficult for a woman to breathe, which can cause dizziness, drowsiness and fatigue.
    • Lack of appetite. Pressure on the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach, can give a false feeling of fullness. During this period, you should not overeat and “push” food into yourself by force. It is useful to eat fractionally: in small portions, but often.
    • Insomnia. A large belly does not allow you to find a comfortable position for rest, and even more so, you cannot sleep on it, and lying on your back is not recommended due to the high likelihood of developing inferior vena cava syndrome. Preference should be given to the position on the left side. Special pillows for pregnant women will help create comfort.
    • Swelling.

    Often pregnant women experience varicose veins and pasty limbs as a result. But swelling of the arms, legs and abdomen can be a serious complication of pregnancy with gestosis. If the expectant mother notices increased swelling that does not go away for more than a day, you should inform your doctor about it. For this reason, excessive weight gain occurs.


    From this moment the fetus begins to descend into the pelvic cavity. Following him - to the bottom of the uterus. Some women note that the sensation is similar to pulling, pressing, or even pain between the legs. The pressure on the diaphragm decreases over time, and some of the discomfort disappears.

    At 33 weeks of pregnancy, vaginal discharge may change in nature. If they contain mucus impurities, do not be alarmed. It is possible that labor may begin in two to three weeks. These may be particles of the mucous plug, which covers the cervix throughout pregnancy and protects the fetus from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. At this stage, the tissues of the cervical canal gradually soften, it opens slightly, and particles of the mucous plug, being rejected, enter the vaginal discharge. Reviews from women indicate that it is often difficult to independently distinguish normality from pathology.

    When blood appears from the genital tract or the discharge becomes completely bloody, this indicates pathology. In this case, you should immediately go to the hospital.

    The expectant mother looked like a cute, happy bun. Despite the whole range of unpleasant sensations, abdominal pain should not be present during this period. But cramping sensations may appear more and more often, and the stomach “turns to stone.” These are Braxton Hicks training contractions, with the help of which the uterus prepares for the upcoming. If these sensations become regular, increasing in strength, pain and excessive watery discharge are added to them, then this may herald the beginning of the labor process. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

    Possible complications

    If before this period no deviations in the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy were identified, then it is unlikely that anything will change. But in some cases you should still be wary possible complications. These include:

    • late toxicosis (gestosis)- may manifest itself as nausea, swelling, high blood pressure, pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
    • placental abruption- manifests itself pathologically bloody discharge, while the lower abdomen or the entire abdomen hurts;
    • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios- often a woman notes that the stomach has noticeably increased or decreased.

    Examinations, examinations

    At 33 weeks of pregnancy, a woman must undergo an ultrasound to determine whether the baby meets the necessary standards. Using ultrasound you can determine:

    • fetal weight, height and heart rate;
    • position and presentation of the fetus;
    • degree of maturity of the placenta;
    • quantity and quality of amniotic fluid;
    • umbilical cord entwined around the neck.

    These indicators help to identify pregnancy pathologies, as well as predict how a woman will give birth.

    Now the expectant mother visits the gynecologist weekly, and before this week’s visit she needs to take a general analysis urine, perform CTG. Also at this stage, repeated tests for syphilis and HIV are prescribed.

    The 33rd week of pregnancy is another step towards parents meeting their child. All recommendations remain relevant healthy image life and nutrition. Attentiveness to your well-being, calmness and support from loved ones are the most important components of a successful pregnancy at the junction of the eighth and ninth months of an interesting situation. Now you should listen to your feelings and observe the behavior of the strengthened belly, and immediately convey information about any changes to the gynecologist.

    What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

    Normally, the baby's weight should be close to two kilograms. His height reached 44 centimeters. A little more - and the baby will grow so much that further stay in the mother’s womb will become impossible for him. It is unlikely that the baby will take a different position than the one it has now. Of course, there is such a possibility, but it is negligible. The baby's movements are becoming more and more noticeable and painful for the mother. And all because the little one has grown stronger and stronger. Previously, he could tumble as he pleased, but now this is unrealistic. Therefore, after a couple of days of such tremors, you can easily determine where the baby’s arms are and where the legs are.

    Nerve connections are being formed more and more actively. And this despite the fact that the functioning of the baby’s nervous system can hardly be called complete at this stage. The thermoregulation system is already working as it should, and the baby’s body acquires the long-awaited proportionality. The pulmonary system also continues its maturation, but this process is still at the final stage, and not at the finish line. The baby will be able to breathe independently only closer to the due date.

    Determining the sex of the child

    At the third ultrasound, you can easily determine the sex of the child. By this time, any difficulties with gender identification no longer arise. True, the baby himself may interfere with finding out the information you are interested in. Sometimes babes take a very uncomfortable position, preventing doctors from examining their sexual characteristics. However, many modern parents They refuse to find out the gender of the baby before birth in principle. They think it's not that important. Health is what it's all about in this case plays a primary role. And who is born - a boy or a girl - does not matter much.


    Tests and medical examinations

    You will not have any mandatory tests this week. We follow a long-learned pattern: if you need to see a doctor, the day before the visit we take a general urine test. If it’s not necessary, we don’t go to the laboratory, but relax at home. If you did not have time to get an ultrasound examination last week, the doctor will ask you to visit the ultrasound room in the next seven days. This will be the last ultrasound of your pregnancy. An additional one can be prescribed only if the baby stays too long in the mother’s belly.


    The third mandatory ultrasound examination is carried out from 32 to 35 weeks. The period of pregnancy under discussion is ideal for carrying out the above examination. Do you want to know all the details of an ultrasound at the 33rd week - Tests at the 33rd week of pregnancy. We, in turn, will tell you what the doctor will pay attention to this time.

    • The doctor needs to evaluate the quality of your placenta. To do this, he will measure its thickness and determine the degree of maturity. If calcifications are found in the placenta, this information will necessarily be included in the ultrasound results.
    • The medical professional's close attention will be paid to your child's lungs. The doctor will check if they are ready to give birth. In addition, the doctor will examine in detail all the baby’s internal organs to ensure the absence of any anomalies or developmental disorders.
    • The ultrasound will also determine the position of the fetus and the absence or presence of umbilical cord entanglement. If there are entanglements, the doctor will definitely indicate their number.
    • The amount of amniotic fluid must be determined. This is necessary in order to refute two diagnoses: polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios.


    The third screening, like the first two, is carried out in order to assess whether your baby’s development meets established physical standards. But unlike the first two screenings, the latter is not a blood test. It is carried out exactly the same way as an ultrasound examination. Because the third prenatal screening- this is an ultrasound. In our feature article, we described all the details of this study at 33 weeks of gestation (Screening in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy). We suggest you try to understand physiological standards, with which the doctor will compare the parameters of your baby.

    • By the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby's height should be more than 42.3 centimeters.
    • Weight must exceed 1930 grams (this is the lower limit of the norm).
    • The distance between the parietal tubercles on the head by this time is 88 millimeters or more.
    • The perimeter of the skull of the little person growing inside you should be no less than 246 millimeters.
    • The baby's chest diameter should exceed 83 millimeters.
    • The tummy circumference should be more than 97 millimeters.
    • The length of the femur by the 33rd week of pregnancy is already more than 63 millimeters.

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    What's happening to your body - sensations

    By 33 weeks of pregnancy you should have gained ten kilograms. This weight gain is considered normal. Compare the norm with your indicators - is everything okay? A special calculator will help you: simple.

    You start running to the toilet a little more often. Sometimes the urge to go to the toilet bothers you so much and occurs so often that you spend the whole night running around. And it seems that they have just dozed off, but no - again the call of nature. Do not be surprised by this condition, because now the uterus is putting serious pressure on the bladder. He doesn't want to cause you any inconvenience, but he simply has no other choice.

    Amniotic fluid accumulates by the 33rd week of pregnancy to the required volume. The amount of amniotic fluid will not increase further until birth. If you begin to feel small tremors inside the uterus quite often, do not be nervous. Most likely, your baby is just hiccupping. At the period under discussion, this happens often and is associated with training of the respiratory system, which the baby’s body develops independently.

    By week 33, the blood volume in your body has increased by about one liter. By now, your circulatory system is processing between five and five and a half liters of blood. In addition, right now, the so-called placental hormones, which are responsible for the production of milk in the mother’s breast, begin to function.

    Nagging pain in the abdomen

    If at 33 weeks you have strong and frequent pulling in your lower abdomen, you need to inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about this. Sometimes nagging pain associated with bloody discharge from the genital tract and rupture of amniotic fluid indicate the onset of premature labor. However, more often than not, what the fair sex calls pain in the lower abdomen turns out to be a sensation of separation of the pelvic bones. This process is accompanied by a slight aching pain in the area of ​​the womb and just below the navel. There is nothing to worry about in this case, because this is an absolutely normal process. But if you are still nervous, call a doctor. He will put everything in its place and explain why your stomach hurts at this time.

    Back pain

    Lower back pain is only getting worse every day. You've probably already applied all our recommendations: bought a pillow for pregnant women, put on a bandage, and even forced loving husband give you a massage in the evenings. Unfortunately, we won’t advise you anything new today. You have already taken maternity leave, so try to get plenty of rest. Believe me, all the household chores, including the spring cleaning that you started, can wait. And there’s no need for you to overload your back, which is already working as hard as it can.


    “Healthy” discharge is a companion to a normal pregnancy. You probably have them too. However, you should still read the information about possible dangers. Colorless or slightly milky leucorrhoea, having the consistency of medium liquid and not particularly smelling, is an indicator of the health of your genitourinary system. However, deviations from the norm do occur from time to time. What is this - individual feature the body of a pregnant woman or a sign of a disease - only a doctor can tell after examination and taking a smear for analysis. Here are the situations when medical consultation is mandatory:

    • leucorrhoea has turned yellow, green or grey colour with a bad smell;
    • the leucorrhoea has become very thin, and you notice significant leaks on your bedding and underwear;
    • blood-streaked discharge appears from the genital tract.


    A certain feeling of nausea and annoying heartburn are faithful companions of a pregnant woman at 33 weeks. After eating, the expectant mother may feel slightly nauseous. Just imagine: you have filled your stomach, and simultaneously with the filling process, the uterus, which has reached the size of a basketball, continues to put pressure on your stomach. It also happens that mommy feels sick even before eating, that is, on an empty stomach. Your baby may prop up his stomach with his legs, which will also not give you much pleasure.

    Polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios

    Polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios are pathological conditions. Each of them arises for certain reasons and conceals certain Negative consequences. Any of these diagnoses can only be made by a doctor and only based on the results of an ultrasound examination. Many pregnant women make the same mistake: they find in the depths of the World Wide Web the average amount of amniotic fluid for their period and, seeing the discrepancy with this figure, begin to panic. In such cases, you need to remember one important truth: only an obstetrician-gynecologist can give you a reason to worry. If nothing alarming came out of his mouth, you shouldn’t invent illnesses for yourself. The whole point is that for the 33rd week the amount of amniotic fluid is 143 millimeters. But this is just the average norm. The lower limit of normal is 77 millimeters, and the upper limit is 269 mm. As you can see, the spread is quite large.


    In babies born before the 34th week of pregnancy, the lungs are not yet ready to work. In such babies, the production of surfactant is impaired. This is a mixture of fats and proteins that prevents the alveoli from sticking together. Surfactant can be administered to newborns, but it is not always available in domestic medical institutions. It can be purchased, but the cost of surfactant is quite high; not all parents can afford such a purchase. That is why doctors are doing everything possible to extend the baby’s stay in the mother’s womb for at least a few days if there is a risk of premature birth in a patient.


    Do's and Don'ts

    Substances that are able to overcome the placental barrier at the discussed stage of pregnancy remain unchanged:

    • nicotine;
    • alcohol;
    • chemicals;
    • radiation.

    All this is what you need to be careful of now. And to be honest, you should beware of this even after childbirth - throughout your life. Because the listed substances do not promise anything bad for humans.


    Proper nutrition

    Basic rules for week 33:

    • reduce the amount of salt eaten per day to 3-4 grams; replace regular salt with iodized salt;
    • drink at least two liters of clean water per day (unless your doctor prescribes a different drinking regime for you due to swelling).

    Ideally, your diet this week and the following weeks should be based on fresh fruits and vegetables. As for meat, you should give preference to low-fat varieties: rabbit or turkey. Chicken meat is an allergen, so it must be eaten with extreme caution.


    Uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes can lead to a kind of overdose. An excess of vitamins is no less harmful than a deficiency useful substances. If the doctor said that you need to continue the appointment, then he has good reasons for this. If you say that you should stop, don’t argue, but listen. The health of your baby is not a topic that is worth debating with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

    The 33rd week of gestation (or the eighth month) is the time when a woman has very little time to wait to meet her baby. The fetus has finally formed and is gradually gaining in mass, the woman experiences exciting feelings. How does the development of a new person occur, what does the expectant mother feel at 33–34 weeks, and what recommendations should be followed?

    Week 33: 7 weeks left

    This is the 33rd week of pregnancy, with only one and a half to two months left before giving birth. The baby has come a long way from the moment of conception, and according to the pregnancy calendar, this journey is even longer, since there are 28 days, or 4 weeks, in one obstetric month. Normally, gestation lasts 280 days, that is, the wait for the birth of a child lasts 10 months (approximately 9 calendar months). Both the woman and the fetus must be ready for the expected date of birth.

    Baby at thirty-third week

    The formation of the baby's body is almost complete, now he will gain weight and grow. In general, all parts of the body are already proportional, outwardly he looks like a newborn. At this stage, his future habits and daily routine in the first days of life are determined. For example, a child falls asleep and wakes up at a certain time, he dreams. On an ultrasound, a smile or changes in facial expressions are noticeable - this can be seen in the video.

    Height, weight and other development indicators

    A healthy fetus weighs 2 kg by 33–34 weeks, the body length reaches 43 cm. The head circumference is 8.2 cm, the diameter of the chest is 8.5 cm, and the diameter of the tummy is at least 8.7 cm. Normal thickness of the placenta at this stage it is about 3.5 cm. Daily weight gain ranges from 10 to 25 g.

    You need to remember that everything is individual, and the indicators of a particular baby may be different.

    What is happening to him and how should he move?

    Future parents want to know in more detail what is happening to the little person inside the womb. The baby does not move very actively, as his height and weight increase, and the space in his stomach becomes less and less. Each of his movements does not always give a woman a pleasant sensation: sometimes pain occurs if the shock falls on the liver, gall bladder or bladder. The following changes are noticeable:

    • the child’s epidermis thickens and changes color to a more pink color, a fatty layer appears;
    • the fluff on the body disappears, and on the head it becomes thicker, marigolds grow, reaching the tips of the fingers;
    • Weight gain occurs daily, as does the strengthening of the muscular system;
    • on a 3D ultrasound it can be seen how the baby’s body is gradually becoming more and more covered with a special lubricant, which is necessary for childbirth;
    • the brain is already fully formed and controls all processes occurring in the baby’s body;
    • the work of the kidneys begins, which are able to get rid of harmful substances;
    • you can notice the fetus turning over: at 33 weeks it should be positioned head down, and it tries to do this, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

    Don't panic if your baby doesn't move much. There should be at least 10 tremors over two hours. Twitching of the abdomen and discomfort indicate hiccups in children (we recommend reading:). Experts have not yet found the cause of hiccups; it is assumed that this is due to the work of the diaphragm or the ingestion of amniotic fluid.

    Mom at thirty-third week

    After 32 and 33 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to visit the gynecologist at least once a week so that the doctor monitors all changes. You should not hide anything from a specialist and fear hospitalization.

    If it is required, then you need to agree. At home, it is impossible to ensure complete rest for a pregnant woman and round-the-clock medical monitoring of her condition.

    Feelings of the expectant mother (heartburn, heaviness, etc.)

    Despite the excellent health of the baby in the womb, the pregnant mother may experience anxiety and constant fatigue, become whiny and touchy. This behavior at 33 weeks of pregnancy is explained by fear of the birth process, as well as unpleasant sensations. A woman may be bothered by frequent urge to go to the toilet, heartburn, discomfort in the abdominal area and much more.

    The baby at 32 and 33 weeks practically does not cause any unusual changes. It also puts pressure on the bladder, which explains the frequent trips to the restroom. Sometimes constipation occurs due to high pressure on the colon. The stomach makes it difficult to bend over and put on shoes on your own, and the load on the spine and limbs increases. The feet swell, and a nagging pain appears in the back and lower abdomen when walking.

    If the baby has turned over and is positioned with his legs up, then when kicked, severe pain is felt in the ribs. The nausea has long passed, but now a problem arises - heartburn. The child squeezes the internal organs, the gastric juice rises higher and causes a burning sensation in the esophagus. Heartburn and difficulties with the toilet will go away when the tummy drops a little, as can be seen in the photo.

    Woman's appearance: chest, abdominal circumference

    Changes in the figure during pregnancy by the 33rd week depend on many factors: the lifestyle of the expectant mother, nutrition and heredity. Some hardly gain any pounds while carrying a child and boast of a good figure after childbirth. It is possible for all women to notice a rounded face, enlarged arms, legs and breasts during pregnancy. Rings and shoes become small, but this does not depend on weight. Negatively on appearance swelling affects it - fluid accumulates in the fingers and feet.

    Breasts increase by 1–2 sizes throughout pregnancy. A light massage and body care products will help you avoid stretch marks. Rarely, itching of the skin occurs, signaling thinning of the dermis. It is better to replace a regular bra with a special one - without hard wires and tight narrow straps.

    The weight gain of a pregnant woman by the 8th month is 10–14 kg, in 7 days it increases to 500 g. The average abdominal circumference is 85–90 cm. The uterus is located 13 cm from the navel.

    Discharge: norm and pathology

    An alarming signal is red and scarlet discharge from the genitals, even if they are not accompanied by pain. Normally, it is believed that a woman at 33 weeks may experience the discharge of colorless, odorless mucus, no itching or burning sensation. If you notice discomfort in the genital area and unusual discharge, you should seek help from a doctor.

    TO normal discharge This also includes colostrum, which can be released from the breast at this stage - this is how the mammary glands prepare to produce milk. You can't squeeze it out on purpose.

    The cause of white, yellow, brown and curdled discharge lies in sexually transmitted diseases or diseases of the genitourinary system. At all stages, pathologies are dangerous for the baby, since some of them can be transmitted to him during birth. It will not be superfluous to undergo an examination and take the necessary tests for infections.

    Ultrasound indicators

    An ultrasound examination is an important procedure for pregnant women and is usually performed three times during the entire pregnancy. By the thirty-third week, the last ultrasound is performed, but an additional procedure is possible if there are indications for this. You cannot refuse to conduct the study; it helps to identify pathologies and entanglements in the umbilical cord.

    The doctor evaluates the development of the fetus, its activity, size and heartbeat. It will not be possible to see the entire child on the monitor screen - he is too big. For many parents, one of the exciting moments is finding out the gender of the baby. By 32–33 weeks it is already known who will be born. However, sometimes it is difficult to examine the genitals due to the characteristics of the uterus, mass and active movements child.

    The doctor determines the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta (the degree of maturity should be 1–2, thickness - up to 40 mm, structure - homogeneous), readiness of the uterus for the birth process. Next, the specialist writes down the results and clarifies the expected date of birth, but it may be moved several times to an earlier or later date.

    Many people do not understand the decoding of the research results, since they are written in the form of letters and numbers. Fetometry refers to all the dimensional characteristics of the baby, which are entered into the table. In the results you can see the following designations of the main indicators:

    • biparental fetal head size (BFS) – 77–91 mm;
    • coccygeal-parietal size (CTP) – 290–300 mm;
    • chest diameter (CHD) – 83–88 mm;
    • abdominal circumference (AC) – 267–325 mm;
    • thigh length (DB) – 58–68 mm.

    Some of them at 33 weeks differ from the norm, but this is not scary. The specialist will definitely tell you if he sees a clear deviation. During an ultrasound, fetal presentation is also determined. At this stage, the baby should already be positioned head down.

    The next indicator of concern is the acronym “AI”. This is the amount of amniotic fluid, which should be 72–280 mm.

    Procedure required to the expectant mother to examine her body and assess her readiness for the birth process. Studying the condition of the uterus and uterine pharynx helps to identify hypertonicity of the uterine muscles, as well as shortening of the cervix and the risk of premature birth. Both pathologies respond well to therapy.

    Ultrasound is extremely necessary in some cases. Sometimes the expectant mother during pregnancy is bothered by severe pain in the lower abdomen and discharge Brown. In such cases, consulting a doctor is a must.

    Nutrition and lifestyle

    It is important to monitor your diet throughout your pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you overeat or, conversely, starve. Lack of food will negatively affect the baby's development, and gluttony will cause abdominal pain and nausea. It is recommended to eat little by little (ideally, the size of a single serving is how much fits in one palm) up to 5–7 times a day. There is no need to skip dinner and snacks. If you want to eat before going to bed, it is recommended to choose dry cookies, kefir or light fruit.

    It is better to remove fatty, salty, spicy foods, as well as baked goods and sweets from the menu. You should consume such food no more than once every 7 days in small quantities. It is unacceptable to eat exotic fruits and spices, so as not to provoke allergic reaction and intestinal disorder. A pregnant woman's diet consists of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, and low-fat soups. Sweet soda, coffee and alcohol must be replaced with natural compotes, clean drinking water and green tea.

    Intimacy while carrying a child is allowed if there is no threat of miscarriage or other indications. Don’t be embarrassed to ask your gynecologist about this after the examination. Perhaps some changes have occurred in the body, and the doctor forgot to warn how dangerous it is. Fast and sudden movements should be avoided so as not to cause discomfort in the woman.

    Strong physical activity will not interfere with the expectant mother. Regular gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming and yoga will have a positive effect on your figure, preparing the body for stress. Just like during sex, sudden movements should be avoided. If you feel unwell, stop training immediately.

    Natural birth and caesarean section at 32–34 weeks, consequences for the baby

    The onset of labor at 33 weeks is considered premature and is a pathology, but you should not be afraid of it. Babies born at this stage can breathe on their own and weigh about 2 kg. The baby will have to be under the supervision of doctors for some time in order to identify it in time. possible diseases and cure them in an easy way.

    Caesarean section is performed in cases where natural labor is impossible for some reason. Indications for the procedure include serious illnesses of the woman in labor, pathologies of the fetus, and peculiarities of the location of the uterus. Childbirth at 33 weeks of pregnancy with the help of caesarean section necessary if the life of the baby or mother is in danger.

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