• Acetylsalicylic acid as a contraceptive. Will aspirin terminate a pregnancy?


    Probably, it is no longer a secret to anyone that literally any medication carries some danger for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. Even the most ordinary, at first glance, migraine pills or vitamins can be unsafe for a future mother, because in this position a woman's body is extremely vulnerable.

    Is it worth it in this case to say that a pregnant woman can use various medicines only as prescribed by a specialist. And prescribe aspirin during pregnancy for early dates doctors often enough for a variety of reasons, despite all sorts of risks.

    Is aspirin dangerous?

    In the instructions for this drug, it is written in black and white : not recommended for women in the 1st-3rd trimester of pregnancy. Perhaps the reasons why it is forbidden to use aspirin in early pregnancy are clear to absolutely all women. After all, it is the first trimester of pregnancy that is the most crucial period in the life of every woman and the most important stage in the development of the fetus. It is at this time that the baby forms all the vital internal organs and, needless to say, that it is impossible to interfere in this process under any circumstances.

    But the dangers lurking in this medicine for women in the third trimester of pregnancy are completely different. Seemingly harmless at first glance, an aspirin tablet can lead to irreparable consequences - for example, serious bleeding in a future mother. A similar result may occur due to the ability of aspirin to thin the blood. However, despite the rather dangerous properties of this medication, doctors often prescribe aspirin to women up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. True, there are physicians who try not to resort to the use of aspirin in the treatment of pregnant women under any circumstances. Replace aspirin, as a rule, with safer analogues with similar properties.

    The ingredients in aspirin are indeed very dangerous and can become a prerequisite for the development of many side effects. For example, under certain conditions acetyl salicylic acid can provoke the development of all kinds of pathologies:

    The effect of aspirin on a pregnant woman

    The exact effect of the drug on the health of the fetus and future mother doctors tried to find out through numerous studies. But the results of the experiments were so contradictory that the scientists failed to come to an objective conclusion. However, some harmful properties of aspirin have been identified and studied:

    So it’s not in vain that women who are waiting for the birth of their baby shower doctors with numerous questions regarding the safety of taking this or that drug. After all, if you use medicines at your own discretion, it is completely unknown what kind of consequences such indiscretion can lead to. For example, according to scientists, taking ordinary aspirin can terminate a pregnancy.

    Among other things, there is other evidence negative impact aspirin on the female body during pregnancy and the health of the baby. For example, doctors from Denmark have proven that this drug is capable of adversely affect fertility during intrauterine formation boy. In addition, aspirin can cause testicular abnormalities in a male fetus.

    It is worth saying that all these consequences can occur due to the intake of aspirin by a pregnant woman in the doses indicated in the instructions for the drug. After all, the dosages described in the inserts for the medicine are prescribed to ordinary people, but pregnant women should take the medicine only in minimal quantities, which in any case are prescribed only by the attending physician. Some doctors even talk about the benefits of this medication in small doses for pregnant women.

    safe dose of aspirin

    The importance of the dose of the drug that enters the body of the expectant mother should never be underestimated. After all, an increase or decrease in the prescribed amount of medication can lead to the most unexpected and irreparable consequences during pregnancy.

    With regards to aspirin, experts have long found out how to neutralize negative characteristics this drug and send it beneficial features in the right direction for a pregnant woman.

    Only large amounts of this drug can have a direct effect on the unborn child, penetrating the placenta. Taking rather large dosages of aspirin, a woman has an impressive reason to worry about the health of her baby. But if you take the drug wisely, significantly lowering its dosage, the poison can be turned into a true medicine that will have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.

    Dosage of aspirin, not exceeding 100 mg, calculated per day, contains 6 times less amount of acetylsalicylic acid than a tablet. Such a dose of the main active ingredient will in no way harm a pregnant woman, therefore it is allowed for use by specialists. After consuming such a daily dosage, the concentration of acetylsalicylic acid in the mother's blood will be so small that it cannot harm the baby in any way.

    On the shelves of pharmacies, you can also see another medication with an almost identical name - “aspirin cardio”. How does this medicine differ from the usual aspirin and is it prescribed to pregnant women? Answers to these questions can be found in the instructions offered for this medication. The main active ingredient of this drug is acetylsalicylic acid, which is also found in ordinary aspirin. But these drugs differ in dosages - in a medication with the prefix "cardio", the norm is only 100 mg. It is this amount of the drug that pregnant women need to use.

    Is it possible to take aspirin during pregnancy

    If, before the birth of a new life inside a woman, it was convenient for her to use aspirin as an anesthetic for headaches or to save her from elevated temperature then during pregnancy expectant mother should replace the usual remedy with paracetamol.

    Despite the fact that a small dose of acetylsalicylic acid during early pregnancy is quite safe for the expectant mother, the use of aspirin should still be limited, resorting to it in exceptional cases. So, doctors often prescribe aspirin in case of increased blood clotting in a pregnant woman. This pathology of blood flow is unsafe for prenatal development fetus. After all, too thick and slowly circulating blood prevents the baby from receiving enough oxygen and the substances necessary for its full formation.

    Just for this reason, if an antiphospholipid syndrome is detected in a future mother or if a similar disease is suspected, a woman is often prescribed minimum daily dose of aspirin. In such a situation, the dosage of the drug recommended by doctors protects the microvessels from spasms, which favorably affects the general condition of the placenta. The shell that protects the fetus receives normal blood circulation, and the aging process in it slows down significantly.

    In certain situations, your doctor may prescribe aspirin for varicose veins veins in a pregnant woman. This is also due to the ability of aspirin to thin the blood. But it is worth saying that today therapy for varicose veins is possible with the help of safer and improved drugs. And doctors who support natural methods of treatment may even advise the patient to simply supplement her own diet with beets, cranberries, carrots, kiwi and other products. Indeed, in reality, such a menu is no worse than aspirin can make the blood more liquid.

    In addition, acetylsalicylic acid in microdoses is often prescribed to expectant mothers with suspicion of preeclampsia. With such a disease, it is aspirin that can really help to avoid the development of late gestosis.

    Rules for taking aspirin during pregnancy

    In conclusion, we can say that taking such a dangerous medication as aspirin is recommended for a pregnant woman only if the medication is prescribed. a good specialist. In addition, the expectant mother must be familiar with with a list of other dangerous drugs for her position, which include acetylsalicylic acid:

    Also, the use of even a microdose of aspirin It is forbidden for women in the presence of such diseases:

    • cardiovascular insufficiency;
    • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • various pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
    • bronchial asthma.

    At any stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother should exercise maximum caution with regards to the drugs she takes in the first place. It is best to discuss all your actions and questions with a doctor observing the course of pregnancy.

    One of the popular tips is the suggestion to use "Aspirin" as a contraceptive. It is recommended to insert one or two into the vagina ten minutes before sex, which allegedly reduces the likelihood to zero.

    Women are sure that Aspirin creates an acidic environment in the vagina, which (or makes them inactive, which is not far from the truth), thus excluding. There is an opinion that "Aspirin" in this case acts in the same way as those that reduce the activity of spermatozoa, which makes fertilization of the egg impossible. In some cases, "Aspirin" is replaced with a solution citric acid in water or lemon juice.

    A variety of douches are of no benefit, and some (for example, douching with one's own urine) may contribute to entry dangerous infections into the vagina.

    Medical point of view

    Gynecologists consider such protection measures to be ineffective, not giving one hundred percent result, and note that there are a huge number of patented, proven products that provide much better protection.

    However, they do not deny that "Aspirin" can be used as a contraceptive, but the effectiveness of this method is quite low. Such methods can easily cause serious harm to health, since a high concentration of "Aspirin" can cause very strong allergic reactions and irritation of the mucous membranes.

    It should be borne in mind that after ejaculation, an Aspirin tablet in the vagina is completely pointless, as well as using a solution of citric acid and water or water and Aspirin. After sexual intercourse, they enter the neck, where the acid cannot "reach". Such procedures can only harm your body.

    To protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to use modern contraceptives that have passed clinical studies and have proven their effectiveness.

    It should be noted that most folk methods of contraception are even less effective. For example, there is an opinion that after unprotected sex, in order to get rid of sperm, you need to jump well. Experts report that it is impossible to shake the sperm out of the uterus because they move quickly.

    Aspirin is one of the most popular drugs. According to some reports, up to 50 million packages of this drug are sold annually worldwide. Currently, some researchers have come to the sad conclusion that Aspirin, the benefits of which have not been questioned, can have a harmful effect on the human body.

    The harmful effects of "Aspirin" on the body

    "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic) is produced in different types, in Russia it is most common in the form. In medicine, the remedy has been used since the end of the 19th century. The popularity of this drug is due to the fact that it was considered effective in certain situations and at the same time absolutely for. In particular, acetylsalicylic acid has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet effects. Subsequently, it turned out that this drug is deadly up to 12 years old, has a harmful effect on older people, as well as on.

    In the United States, a group of researchers published, it claims that over 16 thousand people die in this country every year as a result of the uncontrolled use of Aspirin. In Russia, employees of the State Center for the Study side effects drugs, there have been cases of severe complications after taking this drug. In the human body, as a result of the breakdown of aspirin, salicylic acid is formed, it enters the bloodstream for a long time and can cause intoxication. A large number of people have been shown to be hypersensitive to Aspirin. Even small doses of this remedy cause negative symptoms: headache, drowsiness, ringing in the ears, lethargy and others.

    In large doses, Aspirin can interfere with the functions internal organs, cause severe intoxication, provoke internal bleeding, life-threatening.

    Should I take Aspirin?

    Doctors around the world prescribe acetylsalicylic acid only for existing heart disease, there is no longer any talk of this drug as a prophylactic. Recent studies have shown that the risk of developing internal bleeding due to improper use of Aspirin is much greater than the risk of a heart attack or bowel cancer, from which the drug is supposed to protect, taken as a prophylaxis.

    "Aspirin" is categorically contraindicated in patients with hemophilia, women suffering from disorders menstrual cycle with a lot of blood loss.

    Today, the official position is the following recommendations. In small doses, Aspirin can be taken if the patient has previously suffered a heart attack, he has angina pectoris, high blood pressure, and if the patient is at risk for bowel cancer. Only in extreme cases can you drink "Aspirin" for people with gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers, allergies, asthma, high blood pressure, chronic diseases internal organs (liver, kidneys).

    Pregnancy is not always desired and planned.

    Often a woman, having discovered a delay in menstruation, falls into a real panic.

    She is thinking about having an abortion.

    There are a lot of ways, but some girls choose home methods.

    In our article on how to terminate a pregnancy at home with folk remedies, at what time it can be done, as well as a lot of other information about folk methods of abortion.

    Is it permissible to have an abortion with folk remedies?

    If you do not want to go to the doctor, you can use home remedies. There are enough of them. But will they really be effective? Are there folk remedies for terminating a pregnancy at 4 weeks? How does an abortion take place in a “folk” way? It all depends on the duration of the pregnancy.

    • 1 Week. Keep in mind that at such a short time it is impossible to determine pregnancy by a test from a pharmacy. An accurate answer can only be given by a blood test for hCG.

    But you need to be aware that a dead embryo can remain inside and begin to decompose, which is dangerous for a woman's health. As a rule, doctors at this time offer medical abortion.

  • 3 weeks. The fetus in one week increases slightly in size, but the changes are still insignificant, so the risk of such an abortion is lower than late deadline X.

    However, it must be remembered that folk methods abortion can harm the woman herself, lead to infertility.

  • 4 weeks. The baby is actively developing, but at the moment it is not too late to have an abortion. If you use alternative methods of abortion, you can achieve bleeding and exit of the fetus from the uterus, but still independent actions are very dangerous.
  • Late dates. Keep in mind that late termination of pregnancy with folk remedies is highly undesirable! After 4 weeks it can be deadly. Herbal tinctures and decoctions lead to active uterine contractions. As a result, you may experience profuse bleeding, which can only be stopped in the hospital.
  • Alternative methods of abortion for a period of 1 to 4 weeks

    So how to have an abortion with folk remedies? Consider a few common ways to terminate a pregnancy:

    Candles for abortion in the early stages. You can use vaginal or rectal suppositories, which are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they cause active uterine contractions.

    Using them according to the instructions, you can achieve uterine bleeding, but not in all cases.

  • It is possible to terminate the pregnancy, in the early stages of the home with aspirin. Some women take an aspirin every 4 hours to induce a miscarriage. Doctors have proven that acetylsalicylic acid can really provoke the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus, but the risk of miscarriage is only 80%, so the desired effect may not be obtained.

    Abortive methods do not always give one hundred percent result. Often there is a frozen pregnancy, in which a woman can die. To save her life, it will be necessary to do curettage, carried out only in a hospital.

  • Ascorbic acid. Can ascorbic acid terminate a pregnancy? It is believed that ascorbic acid in large doses can terminate a pregnancy. But it is very difficult to calculate the required dose for each individual woman.

    Acid in in large numbers not only acts on the uterus, causing bleeding, but also has a bad effect on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system, so this method is also dangerous for the woman herself.

  • Castor oil to terminate a pregnancy. A woman can drink half a glass of orange juice to which 50 g has been added. castor oil to induce a miscarriage. Of course, this method also does not give a 100% result.
  • onion broth to terminate a pregnancy. Strong decoction onion peel, according to some women, can cause miscarriage. Drink half a glass of it every day.

    There will be no particular harm to the body from this, but the chances of its abortive effect are also extremely small. Husks of 2 kg of onion should be poured with 3 liters of water and boiled until the broth acquires a red-brown hue.

  • Hot bath with mustard powder. Since pregnant women are not allowed to bathe in hot water, mustard powder baths can be used to induce miscarriage. The vessels in the pelvis will expand, creating pressure on the uterine area.

    Mustard will enhance this effect, which will eventually lead to bleeding. It must be remembered that in some cases the fetus survives, but the child is born sick.

  • Here are a few options for terminating a pregnancy with folk remedies.

    Herbs for abortion

    Decoctions for abortion:

    But keep in mind that such a remedy is poisonous, it can lead to liver failure, convulsions, vomiting, poisoning. If uterine bleeding is intense, the death of a woman is possible.

  • Watercress decoction. This plant is known for its abortive effect. It is washed in boiling water, passed through a meat grinder, after which one part of the raw material is mixed with two parts of water and brought to a boil. Take 1 tablespoon of the drug 3 times a day.

    Effect, risks and consequences

    It is possible to terminate a pregnancy with special folk remedies, but there are many dangers.

    If you are hoping for the effect you need, you should know that none of the folk remedies can give a guaranteed result. If you fail to stop the heaviest bleeding, you will still have to go to the hospital, although you did not want to do this initially.

    Sometimes the fetus remains in the uterus, therefore, the woman needs curettage. All this can lead to infertility. The saddest outcome that sometimes happens when using folk abortive remedies is the death of a woman.

    A terrible complication of abortion is infection. Pathogenic microflora can enter the uterine bloodstream, which is very dangerous. You will treat the infection for a long time and hard. Most likely, the result will be infertility.

    Contraindications for abortion by folk methods

    Absolute contraindication is late pregnancy.

    There is a high probability that the fetus will still survive, but just think, how will you raise a sick child, knowing that you yourself are to blame for the fact that he is inferior?

    Doctors can say with confidence that abortion at home with folk remedies is contraindicated for all women.

    Now there are a lot of ways to have an abortion in a hospital, there are also special medications, which can be taken at home, but under the supervision of a doctor.

    In the future, to protect against unwanted pregnancy, use modern contraceptives.

    Folk ways abortion, the so-called "folk" abortion can lead to serious complications. You risk when using any method. IN medical institution if the condition worsens, you will be immediately helped, and at home you will be left alone with your problems.

    Do not think that getting rid of the fetus is very easy. Abortion is dangerous for a woman, it always has its consequences. If at the moment you do not want to have a child, do not think that this will always be the case. But when you finally feel the desire to become a mother, you dream of a baby, it may turn out to be too late.

  • Not everyone is ready to become parents, so sometimes the news of pregnancy becomes shocking news. Some women are morally unable to take responsibility for new life, others are contraindicated to have children according to medical indications. However, regardless of the reasons, some of the fair sex want to know how to safely terminate a pregnancy. After all, the fact that a woman is not ready to have a child now does not mean that she will not want to start a family in the future.

    Therefore, it is very important to first consult with several specialists and choose the most gentle way that will help you get out of difficult situation.

    What dates are considered early

    If the fetal age is less than 12 weeks, then in this case we are talking about the fact that enough time has passed for the formation of the fetus. This period is considered early, but experts strongly recommend terminating the pregnancy no later than 6 weeks from the date of conception. At this time, the elimination of an unwanted fetus does less harm.

    However, it all depends on the specific situation. Therefore, regardless of the gestational age, you need to undergo a complete examination and be sure that, for medical reasons, a woman can get rid of the fetus without negative consequences for myself. Also worth choosing The best way how to terminate a pregnancy.

    Abortion Options

    If a woman wants to get rid of the fetus when the gestational age is up to 6 weeks, then in this case there are 2 ways of artificially affecting the body: special tablets) and vacuum procedure. The choice of this or that method depends not only on the wishes of the lady herself, but also on the recommendations of the doctor, which he voices based on her physical condition.

    If we talk about the safest way to terminate a pregnancy, then this is drug method. At the same time, after taking the pills, it is much easier for women to cope with psychological problems. However, if the lady is in interesting position more than 6 weeks, then taking the pills can lead to very negative consequences, so most experts recommend at this stage.

    Medical abortion: features

    This type of abortion is a gentle procedure, which most often consists of a single dose of pills that provoke a miscarriage. This type of procedure is conditionally divided into several stages.

    First of all, a woman must undergo an examination. At this stage, ultrasound is certainly performed, on the basis of which the doctor can accurately determine the period of gestation. If it is less than 6 weeks, then the specialist prescribes the dosage and type of drug. It is very important not to engage in self-diagnosis and purchase dubious medicines that are sold without a doctor's prescription, this can lead to negative consequences.

    After medical termination of pregnancy, a woman should be under the control of a gynecologist. It is mandatory to undergo an examination 2 weeks after a provoked miscarriage. At this stage, the specialist determines how successful the procedure was and whether there are any complications. In addition, based on the data already available, the specialist will be able to choose the most optimal contraceptive drugs for the girl, which will help to avoid similar situations in the future. Usually, these pills are recommended to be taken for the first time after an abortion.

    Features of drugs for emergency abortion

    If we are talking about how to terminate a pregnancy in the first place, then it should be borne in mind that most often women use drugs that can stop an unwanted process at a stage when the sperm has not yet managed to reach the cherished egg and fertilize it. In this case, we are talking about the so-called emergency contraception.

    This type of pill contains special chemicals that can suppress ovulation. However, even if the drug is taken after this event, and the egg is still fertilized, then there is a great chance to save yourself from surgery. If the endometrium is unsuitable for implantation, then pregnancy can be avoided.

    However, it should be borne in mind that after 72 hours after intercourse, such a procedure becomes impossible. This time is usually sufficient for successful implantation.

    Taking drugs that can terminate a pregnancy in the first days after conception is recommended only as a last resort. In addition to the chemical component, they also contain hormones. This is very dangerous for health. Therefore, you should not listen to friends who use these abortion pills as regular contraception. As a rule, no more than one dose is allowed per menstrual cycle.

    Why you can not take on an ongoing basis

    If you use emergency abortifacients every time unprotected act, more often than once a month, then in this case it is possible to provoke acyclic bleeding in the uterus. This is very dangerous for any woman, as blood loss can be very severe.

    Therefore, if after taking such a medicine, a woman had another unprotected sexual intercourse and about 4 more days before the onset of menstruation, then in this case it is worth waiting for the onset of menstruation, and not taking the medicine again.

    Not everyone knows that a woman can become pregnant only on the days of ovulation, which, as a rule, fall in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Therefore there is Great chance that poison your body with chemical and hormonal means there is no need.


    Abortion pills should only be purchased from a licensed pharmacy. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the seller can provide the appropriate quality certificate. Among the most famous drugs of this type, it is worth highlighting the following:

    • "Postinor". These pills are considered obsolete today, as they do not give a 100% guarantee and can harm a woman's health. If she takes this drug often, she may develop reproductive problems.
    • "Pencrofton". These pills are not able to lead to secondary infertility, so they are usually prescribed to women who do not yet have children.
    • "Mifepristone". This is a fairly strong drug that can terminate a pregnancy for up to 6 weeks. A single dose is 3 tablets.

    Also on sale is modern facility"Mytholian". This drug allows you to terminate a pregnancy due to the fact that it provokes premature birth. In this case, the fetus exfoliates from the mucosa. After that, the woman has a miscarriage. It should be borne in mind that taking this drug is very often associated with a depressive state.

    Of course, the lady will receive the least harm (psychological and physical) if she thinks about an early abortion. In reviews of abortion in a medical way most women note the fact that after taking the pills, they did not even have to change their usual lifestyle. However, they did not suffer from depression and other negative consequences. Therefore, this method can be considered the best. However, you should be careful. Not all women have indications for termination of pregnancy by this method.

    Contraindications for medical abortion

    Also, you should not take medicines in any case, if we are talking about ectopic pregnancy. In addition, caution should be shown to those who suffer from any infectious diseases Gastrointestinal or genital organs.

    Therefore, it is very important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and make sure that the woman has indications for termination of pregnancy. If the gestation period is too long or the lady suffers from serious ailments, then in this case a different type of procedure may be prescribed.

    vacuum aspiration

    Most often, this procedure is called a mini-abortion. Vacuum aspiration is prescribed if medical interruption is not possible for one reason or another. As a rule, the procedure of this type is carried out for a period of 6 to 12 weeks. With an earlier pregnancy, the vacuum procedure will be useless. The same applies to those cases where women have been in position for more than 12-13 weeks.

    In order to rid the woman of the fetus, a special pump is used that creates negative pressure in the uterus. Thanks to this, the egg exfoliates from the uterus without harming the tissues.

    The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it does not bring women severe discomfort or pain. However, after the operation, some patients complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen.


    The classic type of surgical abortion is 100% successful. However, this procedure can hardly be called the safest. However, in some situations, doctors simply have no choice. We are talking about those cases when the gestational age is more than 7 weeks. At this stage, the weight of the fetus already reaches several grams and it is very difficult to separate it from the uterus with gentle methods.

    The scraping operation is performed using a curette. This surgical instrument is a kind of sharp spoon, with which the fetus is removed from the body of a woman.

    It should be borne in mind that this procedure can only be performed in a hospital. Therefore, those who are interested in how to terminate a pregnancy at home should forget about this event. It should also be taken into account that the operation is performed only after the introduction of intravenous anesthesia, therefore, an anesthesiologist must be present in the ward, who can choose the most optimal remedy for the woman.

    In some situations, curettage is carried out in conjunction with the vacuum method, since the walls of the uterus are not always well cleaned of the remnants of the removed embryo.

    It should be understood that such a surgical intervention most often leads to quite serious complications for a woman. In addition to bleeding, the occurrence of infectious diseases and other equally pleasant ailments, the procedure can provoke infertility. Most often this is due to the fact that the operation is performed by incompetent doctors, which damage the uterus.

    Speaking about how to terminate a pregnancy without pills and complex operations, it is worth considering also other abortion options that some women use. However, it should be said right away that the success of such events is rather doubtful.

    Folk ways

    The desire to induce a natural miscarriage leads women to turn to methods that they think can cause minimal harm and still not lead to the birth of a child.

    For example, when reading how to terminate a pregnancy at home, girls often stumble upon the hot bath method. However, it should be borne in mind that this procedure leads to strong blood circulation, due to which the walls of the uterus begin to contract. The probability of a miscarriage in this case is small, but the consequences can be deplorable, up to the death of a woman.

    Some try to terminate the pregnancy with herbs. As a rule, tansy-based products are used for these purposes. The grass contains toxins that kill the fetus, as a result of which it is rejected. However, in some cases, the child is seriously injured but not killed. If the miscarriage could not be stimulated, then this can lead to the birth of a baby with very serious and dangerous deviations.

    Also, some try to use milk to which iodine is added. It is believed that drinking such a mixture can provoke a miscarriage. The popularity of this method is growing due to the transfer of rumors from one mouth to another. Meanwhile, he is extremely dangerous. A woman not only will not get rid of the child, but can also greatly spoil her health. This solution can lead to ulcers, poisoning, burns of internal organs, death (necrosis) of the tissues of the stomach and esophagus, hormonal imbalance and other unfortunate consequences.

    In order not to cause irreparable harm to yourself, in no case is it recommended to engage in such procedures. It is much safer to seek qualified help. If a doctor prescribes a medical abortion, then it will do much less harm than such self-medication. It's not worth the risk.

    Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) remains one of the most popular drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both before and today. There are many indications and contraindications for its use. Means, the active substance of which is acetylsalicylic acid: Aspirin, Aspirin Cardio, Thromboass.

    One of topical issues is: is acetylsalicylic acid contraindicated during pregnancy? Can it be used at this time? The opinions of doctors on this issue are divided.

    The concept of aspirin, its properties and mechanism

    Acetylsalicylsalicylic acid is a medicine from the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic (pain reliever) and antiaggregatory (prevents thrombosis and blood clotting) action.

    The mechanism of action of this drug is complex. It is carried out as follows:

    1. Pain relief occurs due to the direct inhibitory effect of the drug on the pain center in the brain.
    2. The anti-inflammatory effect is carried out due to the suppression of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, arachidonic acid), therefore, a decrease in the manifestations: swelling, plethora of tissues.
    3. The antipyretic effect is due to a direct inhibitory effect on the thermoregulatory center in the brain.

    The antiaggregatory effect occurs due to the suppression of the formation of thromboxane A2 in platelets (blood cells responsible for clotting), thereby reducing blood clotting and preventing platelets from sticking together and the formation of blood clots (blood clots).

    Also, the drug reduces the formation of other blood clotting factors.

    Indications for the appointment of acetylsalicylic acid

    The drug is prescribed for a huge number of indications. The range of application is wide, you can drink it under the following conditions:

    • Prevention of coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction).
    • Therapeutic measures for cerebral stroke and prevention of its occurrence.
    • Treatment of thromboembolic diseases or their prevention (for example, with prosthetic heart valves, stenting).
    • Therapy of chronic venous insufficiency.
    • Complex treatment of atherosclerotic diseases.
    • Fever (rise in temperature) in infectious and inflammatory diseases.
    • Pain syndrome of various degrees of severity (including headache, dental).

    Indications for prescribing during pregnancy

    According to the Encyclopedia of Medicines, the appointment of the drug is contraindicated during the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy. In the second trimester, an appointment is possible, but on condition that the necessary benefits significantly outweigh the risks. You can prescribe in minimal dosages (no more than 100 mg per day). Only at a dosage of more than 1500 mg per day, the drug crosses the placenta and affects the fetus.

    There are indications for which you can drink the drug during pregnancy:

    1. There are hereditary diseases associated with thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism in close relatives).
    2. A pregnant woman has chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins).
    3. Diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension.
    4. Threat spontaneous miscarriage and the threat premature birth.

    Side effects of the drug

    Aspirin has a wide range of side effects. The most important of them are:

    • Bleeding, anemia (due to anticoagulant action).
    • Heartburn, feeling of nausea, vomiting, gastric pain (damaging effect on the gastric mucosa).
    • Allergic reactions.
    • Violation of the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
    • Rarely dizziness, headache, impaired hearing and vision.

    During pregnancy side effects the same ones remain, but they are more dangerous, since there is also an effect on the fetus.

    Contraindications during pregnancy

    As mentioned above, it is advisable not to prescribe this drug to girls in position. Only in some cases. Contraindications to the appointment:

    1. Pregnancy in the 1st and 3rd trimester.
    2. Severe liver dysfunction and acute renal failure (acute renal failure).
    3. Bronchial asthma, also asthma provoked by taking aspirin.
    4. Blood diseases (hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, thrombocytopenia).
    5. Peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding in the past.
    6. The period of lactation and breastfeeding.

    Aspirin in the early stages

    The appointment of the drug in the early stages (during the 1st trimester of pregnancy) can lead to defects in the development of the fetus. Since it is in the early stages that the formation of the body occurs, the laying of its organs and any intervention will burn to lead to adverse consequences. Possible defects: cleft lip, cleft palate, heart defects, IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation), premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage), placental abruption, heart and lung failure in a child.

    In no case should you take aspirin on your own in the early stages. Only a doctor can decide whether an appointment is necessary.

    Aspirin in the second trimester

    During this period of pregnancy is the least dangerous in terms of complications. But this does not exclude them. It is better to use alternative drugs.

    Aspirin late

    In the 3rd trimester, while taking the drug, the risk of developing premature birth, as well as birth and postpartum hemorrhage, increases. Perhaps the development at this time in the child of defects in the reproductive system, pulmonary and heart failure (increased pressure in the pulmonary artery). Also, aspirin increases the tone of the uterus, which leads to a prolongation of the period of childbirth and prolonged pregnancy, hence the development of fetal hypoxia.

    Use during lactation

    Salicylates (acetylsalicylic acid) penetrate into breast milk. If aspirin is used in small doses, then its effect is minimal when it enters through breast milk. If the drug is taken regularly and in large dosages, then side effects may develop, the main of which is the appearance allergic reaction The child has.

    Replacement of aspirin during pregnancy

    There are alternatives to this drug. If there is a need to lower the temperature, then it is better to prescribe paracetamol preparations. As an antiplatelet agent during pregnancy, you can drink drugs such as Actovegin and Heparin, but also with great caution and taking into account contraindications.

    Thus, it is important to remember about all the indications and contraindications for the appointment of this drug. Under no circumstances should you self-administer. Aspirin is prescribed only by the attending obstetrician-gynecologist and only in the presence of vital indications, when the subsequent risk significantly outweighs the positive effect.

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