• How to obtain the title of federal labor veteran. The title “Veteran of Labor”: who is entitled to it, the procedure for registration and receipt. Who is eligible for the title Veteran of Labor? How to get this title


    If a person has worked for the benefit of his homeland for many years, he should be rewarded. A man or woman of retirement age is awarded the honorary title “Veteran of Labor”, a certificate, a medal and cash payment, benefits are provided. Study the procedure and conditions for conferring the title of labor veteran.

    Who is eligible to receive Veteran of Labor?

    The procedure was established back in the mid-90s by the Federal Law “On Veterans”. According to it, a pensioner can receive such status under a set of certain conditions. Who is awarded the title of labor veteran:

    • a pensioner with state awards;
    • a person who bears honorary titles of the USSR, Russian Federation;
    • a pensioner who has been awarded departmental insignia for work;
    • a person who has worked for a certain number of years.

    On December 19, 2005, amendments to the Law came into force, according to which, the conditions for obtaining labor veteran are determined by the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. The Moscow authorities, for example, do not adjust the above list; authorities in other regions make amendments. One of the most common adjustments is work experience on the territory of a specific subject of the Russian Federation or the presence of awards of local significance.

    Benefits for federal labor veterans

    Citizens whom the ministry has awarded this title have the following privileges:

    • free travel in public transport;
    • vacation at a time suitable for the beneficiary;
    • 50% compensation for payment for housing and communal services;
    • covering the costs of gas supply;
    • free care in medical institutions;
    • pensioners can receive payment for dental prosthetics services in state dental institutions.

    The state also took care of providing tax benefits, doing the following for labor veterans:

    • exemption from payment of 100% property tax;
    • the right to transfer the personal income tax deduction to other periods;
    • no personal income tax.

    Regional benefits for veterans

    Each territorial subject of Russia offers its own list of benefits for labor merits. In the authority social support citizens, you can re-read the current list of privileges. Its diversity and quality depend on the size of the regional budget and the nature of social protection programs. How to get a labor veteran in Moscow, and what are the benefits? The holder of the title will be entitled to (except for federal incentives):

    • free travel on suburban railway transport;
    • monthly cash supplement from the local budget, which is indexed every year;
    • minus 50% for payment for a landline telephone or radio point;
    • the opportunity to visit the sanatorium once a year if there are malfunctions in the body.

    How to register as a Labor Veteran

    The candidate must go to the authority social protection citizens at their place of registration with a specific list of documents. After admission, registration of status begins - a personal file is formed, the papers are sent to a special commission to the Ministry of the Region for consideration. The processing time for the application is 14-15 days (depending on the region), then social security employees will schedule an appearance for you and notify you of the result.

    Procedure and conditions for awarding the title

    Based on the documents that you provide to the social security authorities, the ministerial commission makes a decision on awarding the title. At positive result Within 3 working days, employees draw up a protocol on the satisfaction of the applicant’s appeal. This paper will become the basis for assigning the specified status. How to obtain the title Veteran of Labor and a certificate confirming it? After the officials sign the protocol, the candidate must come to the social security agency, and they will give him a certificate upon signature.

    If the commission's decision is not in favor of the applicant, he is sent a written notification. The paper explains the reasons for the refusal and the procedure for appealing them. The period for registration of refusal is up to 5 working days. You can defend your veteran's rights in court, citing the regulatory framework. If you have work achievements and documented evidence of your activities, you should not refuse the opportunity for good remuneration.

    Experience for obtaining Veteran of Labor

    To obtain this status, you must not only have certificates and awards, but also work for a certain number of years. It is important that:

    • insurance experience was at least 5 years;
    • had a work experience of at least 25 years (for a man) or 20 years (for a woman) with awards and honorary titles of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
    • the person has worked for at least 40 years (requirement for men) or 35 years (for women) if the start of his work occurred before the age of 18 at the time of the Great Patriotic War.

    What certificates are needed to become a Veteran of Labor?

    The basis for awarding a pensioner are certificates issued by the following authorities:

    • Ministry of the Russian Federation;
    • Federal Archive Service;
    • tax service of the Russian Federation;
    • other federal authorities;
    • scientific institutions that are equivalent to departmental ones (if the person worked in this organization at the time of assignment);
    • The awards of JSC Russian Railways are NOT quoted, but diplomas from the USSR railway department give a chance for a positive result.

    Awards for receiving the title Veteran of Labor

    Status can be assigned if there are medals and orders issued by the following bodies:

    • Government of the Russian Federation;
    • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
    • head of a department or head of a ministry;
    • General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
    • Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
    • State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
    • The medal “Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation” gives the right to take advantage of benefits.

    However, not all awards qualify for this status. According to the Law, medals or diplomas for participation in a national economic exhibition, sports competitions, academic title or degree are not valid. Awards from the Presidium of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR also do not provide grounds for obtaining honorary status either in Moscow or in other populated areas of Russia.

    How to get a Veteran of Labor certificate without awards

    Status can only be obtained by those pensioners who began their working career during the Second World War (1939-1945) before reaching adulthood. If a man worked for 40 years and a woman for 35 years, they have the right to receive benefits. To do this, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence that labor activity was not carried out in the occupied territories of the USSR. In other cases, to obtain status, you need certificates, medals and other awards.

    What documents are needed to obtain a Veteran of Labor?

    If you have a chance of being awarded honorary status, you must collect a package necessary documents. How to get a labor veteran, and what papers will be required:

    1. Statement. A sample can be found in the appendix to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for assigning the corresponding title.
    2. Copies of all pages of the passport.
    3. A copy of the work record book (if you continue to work, then the copy is certified by the seal and signature of the head of the organization).
    4. Certificate from the place of work.
    5. Pension certificate(original and copy).
    6. Copy and original of certificates, documents confirming the honorary title.
    7. Certificate from the Pension Fund about length of service.
    8. Extract from the archive about confirmation labor activity during the Second World War.
    9. Two 3x4 photographs.

    Video: how to become a Veteran of Labor

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    How to get a Veteran of Labor

    The conditions for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” and the certificate of a labor veteran in the country and in the city of Moscow, in particular, have undergone significant changes since July 1, 2016.

    This is due to the fact that Article 3 came into force on July 1, 2016 Federal Law dated December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ, which introduced fundamental changes to the Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” regarding the requirements for work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran.

    Federal Law No. 388-FZ dated December 29, 2015 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of accounting for and improving the provision of social support measures based on the obligation to comply with the principle of targeting and application of need criteria”

    All these changes are discussed in more detail in my previous materials:

    • Social support measures for Federal and Regional labor veterans from July 1, 2016
    • Conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and the procedure for its registration under the new legislation from July 1, 2016
    • What length of work experience is needed to obtain the title of labor veteran under the new legislation from July 1, 2016?

    One of the reasons for these changes (but not the only one; read about other reasons in these materials) was that the concept of length of service as a result of the 2015 Pension Reform in pension legislation from January 1, 2015 it was replaced by insurance experience.

    However, in regional laws and acts establishing the procedure for conferring the title of labor veteran in the regions, work experience was still mentioned and is still mentioned in some places.

    The Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation...” was called upon to resolve these contradictions, which introduced corresponding amendments to the Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ regarding the procedure and conditions for assignment title of labor veteran.

    The changes came into force on July 1, 2016, and it was from that time that subclause 2 clause 1 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ on the requirements for the length of work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran has acquired more specific wording.

    According to this innovation in the law on veterans, citizens whose work (insurance record) at the time of applying for the title of labor veteran will be no less than:

    • 20 years - for women;
    • 25 years - for men.

    This condition applies to citizens who are recipients of an insurance pension; for recipients of a state pension pension, the requirement for work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran is different, namely, the length of service necessary to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

    • if one of the grounds for conferring the title of labor veteran is a departmental award, the applicant’s work experience in the relevant field or economic sector cannot be less than 15 years old.

    And taking into account the considered innovations in the federal law on veterans, in terms of length of service requirements for obtaining the title of labor veteran, regional authorities must adjust their regional legislation.

    This has already been done in a number of regions, for example in Moscow. Let's see what comes of it.

    On obtaining the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow from July 1, 2016

    By Decree of the Moscow Government of April 5, 2016 No. 148-PP, changes were made (and the old name was changed) to Decree of the Moscow Government of June 27, 2006 No. 443-PP “On conferring the title “Labor Veteran” and issuing a labor veteran’s certificate in the city of Moscow "

    In accordance with Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 “On Veterans,” the Moscow Government decided:

    1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran in the city of Moscow.

    2. Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow:

    2.1. Organize work to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" and issue certificates of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow.

    2.2. Conduct explanatory work among the population about the procedure for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow with the involvement public organizations and the media.

    3. Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated July 26, 1995 N 356-RM “On the procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”” shall be declared invalid.

    Regulations on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of Veteran of Labor in the city of Moscow

    1. This Regulation on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran in the city of Moscow regulates the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing certificates of a labor veteran to citizens with a place of residence in the city of Moscow.

    Who is eligible to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow

    2. The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded to citizens:

    2.1. Awarded:

      orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation,

      or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation,

      or awarded certificates of honor from the President of the Russian Federation or received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation,

      or awarded departmental insignia for merit in labor (service) and long-term work (service)

      at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy) and

      having labor (insurance) length of service, taken into account for the purpose of pension, at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or

      length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

    2.1(1). Those awarded as of June 30, 2016 departmental insignia in labor and

    • having a work (insurance) length of service taken into account for the purpose of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, or
    • length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

    2.2. Those who started working in underage during the Great Patriotic War and having a labor (insurance) experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

    The procedure for obtaining the title "Veteran of Labor" and a certificate of a Labor Veteran in the city of Moscow

    3. To confer the title “Labor Veteran” and issue a Labor Veteran certificate, citizens apply to Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow at the place of residence in the city of Moscow with a written application for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor.

    The application form is approved by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow and is posted on information stands in the premises of the departments of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow and the official website of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow on the information and telecommunications network Internet.

    4. The interests of a citizen when applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor may be represented by another person authorized by the citizen in in the prescribed manner, which represents a document proving his identity and a document confirming his authority to represent the interests of the citizen.

    Documents required to submit to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow

    5. Along with the application the following shall be submitted:

    5.1. A passport or other identification document of a citizen containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow, and in the absence of such information in the specified document, in addition to the identity document, another document containing information about the citizen’s place of residence in the city of Moscow.

    5.2. Documents on awarding orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or on conferring honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or on awarding diplomas of honor from the President of the Russian Federation or thanks from the President of the Russian Federation, or on awarding departmental insignia for merits in labor (service) (in in the case of applying for the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor for citizens specified in paragraph 2.1 of these Regulations).

    5.3. Documents on awarding departmental insignia in labor until June 30, 2016 (inclusive) (in case of applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a labor veteran certificate to citizens specified in paragraph 2.1(1) of these Regulations).

    5.4. Work records, certificates from archival organizations, other documents confirming the labor (insurance) length of service required to assign a pension (in case of applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a labor veteran certificate for citizens specified in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.1(1) of these Regulations ).

    5.5. Work books, certificates from archival organizations, other documents confirming the start of work as a minor in the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, and the presence of the necessary labor (insurance) experience (in the case of applications for assignment of the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuance of a certificate of a veteran of labor of citizens specified in paragraph 2.2 of these Regulations).

    5.6. Photo of the citizen (ID card holder) in 3x4 cm format.

    Who makes the decision to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” or to refuse to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” in the city of Moscow

    6. The decision to assign the title “Veteran of Labor” or to refuse to assign the title “Veteran of Labor” is made by an authorized official of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow on the basis of documents submitted by the citizen on the day of application.

    6(1). The grounds for refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” are:

    6(1).1. A citizen does not have the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”.

    6(1).2. The citizen does not have a place of residence in the city of Moscow.
    6(1).3. Submission of documents that do not meet the requirements established by legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

    6(1).4. Loss of validity of submitted documents (if the validity period of the documents is indicated in the documents themselves or determined by law).

    6(1).5. The presence of contradictory or unreliable information in the submitted documents.

    The procedure for obtaining a Labor Veteran certificate in Moscow

    7. If a decision is made to confer the title "Veteran of Labor", a certificate of a labor veteran is issued to the citizen by the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow on the day of treatment in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    7(1). If a decision is made to refuse to confer the title “Veteran of Labor,” the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population issues the citizen a decision drawn up in the form of a paper document to refuse to confer the title “Veteran of Labor,” indicating the reasons for the refusal on the day of application.

    8. In case of loss or theft of a labor veteran's certificate, issued in accordance with these Regulations, a citizen has the right to apply to the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow at his place of residence in the city of Moscow with an application for the issuance of a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate, drawn up in the form provided for in paragraph 3 of these Regulations.

    Simultaneously with the application for the issuance of a duplicate of the labor veteran’s certificate, the following shall be submitted:

      passport or other identification document of a citizen containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow,

      and if there is no such information in the specified document, in addition to the identity document, another document containing information about the citizen’s place of residence in the city of Moscow, and

      photograph of the citizen (ID card holder) in 3x4 cm format.

    9. The decision to issue a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate is made by the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow on the day a citizen applies for the issuance of a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate.

    The procedure for appealing the refusal to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" in the city of Moscow

    A refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” can be appealed to the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow and (or) to court.

    In the following material you will get acquainted with the benefits that are available to labor veterans in the city of Moscow.

    The title of Veteran of Labor is not given easily to citizens of the Russian Federation. This is due to the complexity of paperwork and filling out necessary papers. But if you know the exact procedure, all the requirements and the legislative framework, mistakes can be avoided.

    There are several legislative acts that determine the procedure for assigning and issuing the title:

    • Federal Law “On Veterans”;
    • Art. No. 22 Federal Law No. 5;
    • Federal Law No. 388.

    These paragraphs describe which people are eligible for the title and which are not eligible, as well as what privileges the title provides. It also describes the nuances relating to various aspects of the issue.

    For example, local authorities can also resolve issues related to benefits. The lists of requirements and lists of benefits provided are not the same in all regions.

    If a Veteran of Labor wants to change his place of residence, he will need to take into account that in another locality the list of benefits may be smaller or larger. A special certificate confirms the title.

    Citizens who have not retired can also receive the title. You will need to go through the same registration procedure that pensioners go through. However, you will not be able to use the benefits until you retire.

    To whom is it assigned?

    The title can be assigned to a certain category of persons:

    1. The most common category is citizens with more (25 years are required for men, women - 20).
    2. Less common are people who have not changed organizations for 10 years.

    What is insurance work experience and what do you need to know about it? You will find out.

    For these people, the above conditions are not enough. You must have a state award or merit.

    It is enough to have one of the following list:

    • order;
    • medal;
    • gratitude from the President;
    • diploma;
    • rank;
    • insignia in the workplace.

    What is needed to receive the title Veteran of Labor? Answer in video:

    Those awards that were issued during the USSR are also counted.

    We must not forget about another category, people whose working career began as minors during the Great Patriotic War. Now they must have more work experience - 40 years for men and 5 years less for women.

    What to do if you paid more in personal income tax? Read.

    In the USSR, when the “Veteran of Labor” medal was issued, there was no idea that it would be so useful at the present time. In the USSR this sign was only symbolic.

    Where to contact

    All issues related to this case are handled by the Department of Social Protection. But often there is a misunderstanding to which specific department the application should be submitted.

    There are two options:

    1. Persons who have already applied for any other benefits must come to the department they applied to for the first time.
    2. If the application is made for the first time, the issue must be resolved in the department located at the place of residence.

    Registration procedure

    In practice, there are rarely cases when the commission considers an application for more than 30 days, since the verification does not require complex procedures. The citizen will be notified within 5 days after the decision is made.

    If the answer is positive, the applicant will be issued a certificate confirming the title. You should also consider how benefits should be used. The veteran will be offered a list of possible benefits.

    From them he will choose those that he needs. To receive them, you will have to additionally write an application and submit documents. For this purpose, you must also contact the Social Security Administration.

    What documents are required?

    Before visiting the branch, you need to collect a certain package of documents.

    It includes:

    • passport;
    • statement;
    • 2 matte photographs 3 by 4;
    • documents confirming that the applicant has required experience works (TC and photocopy, as well as an extract from the Pension Fund);
    • papers confirming that the applicant has an award or merit.

    How to obtain the title Veteran of Labor? Photo: cf.ppt-online.org

    The application must be reviewed by the commission within a month. She also gives a refusal if there are grounds for it. The decision can be appealed no later than 3 months after it was made.

    What nuances need to be taken into account

    Many people misunderstand the point that says that you can get a title without having any insignia. This applies only to those people who have worked since the Great Patriotic War.

    The submission of documents and the receipt procedure also has certain conditions. An authorized person can also contact the Social Security Department. To do this, the applicant will need a power of attorney.

    It must be certified by a notary. The authorized person will also need to present a passport.

    Procedure for restoring your ID in case of loss

    A document can be recovered if it has been lost. Recovery won't be that difficult. Much easier than getting it the first time. The procedure is carried out in the same place where the certificate was obtained.

    What is needed for this:

    • passport;
    • confirmation that you have a place of residence according to your passport;
    • photo 3 by 4.

    Employees consider the application on the day of application. A duplicate certificate is issued on the same day.

    What benefits does the title provide?

    Benefits and allowances are also divided into federal and local. The first ones operate throughout Russia. They are not as significant and beneficial as regional ones.

    These include:

    Who can receive the title Veteran of Labor? Photo: cf.ppt-online.org

    Benefit from regional benefits will be significantly higher for citizens.

    These include:


    The provision of benefits is also documented. This is the last step. What you need to provide:

    • passport;
    • pensioner's certificate;
    • Veteran of Labor certificate;
    • medical insurance;
    • certificate of pension insurance;
    • passbook or Sberbank card account number;
    • black and white photograph 3 by 4, background must be white;
    • those who use a home telephone must provide a contract and a receipt for payment for communication.

    Another point to consider is regional differences. As already mentioned, different regions have different rules and benefits. The regional government makes all changes within the framework of the law.

    In some places the differences are very noticeable, and in others the changes are insignificant.

    Examples of what the differences may be:

    • not all rewards described above will provide an advantage;
    • titles and awards that provide the right to receive have been expanded;
    • To obtain a certificate, titles and awards are not required; having one work experience is a sufficient basis.

    In what cases will registration of a title be denied?

    Not all applicants will become Labor Veterans.

    The commission will decide to refuse if:

    • there are no rights to receive a title (there are no necessary awards, titles, or work experience);
    • at the time of circulation, the documents have no legal force;
    • the information contained in the documents has not been confirmed.

    What does the title Veteran of Labor give? Watch the video:

    After receiving the documents, the commission conducts an inspection. If during the inspection it turns out that the documents fall under one of the listed points, the applicant will be rejected.


    This means that obtaining the title of Labor Veteran is not as complicated a procedure as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to meet all the requirements. And if you know the rules and procedure for the registration procedure, you can avoid mistakes and speed up the process.

    At the federal and regional levels, the right to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” is regulated by separate regulations. The procedure for obtaining the title and the list of benefits provided to “Veterans of Labor” are also determined by the federal and regional legislation of the Russian Federation. In this article we will talk about how to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor” in Moscow, including without awards and based on length of service.

    So, the title “Veteran of Labor” can be acquired by Russians who have worked for a long period of time and whose work has been awarded awards, that is, who have extensive experience and rewards for their work.

    The issue of obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” is especially interesting for citizens who have approached retirement age and who have a long career path behind them. Having retired and received the status of a veteran, a citizen receives financial benefits in the form of additional benefits, which, of course, are a good help in the life of an elderly person.

    However, this does not mean at all that the status of “Veteran of Labor” is tied to retirement age. The title can be awarded in more at a young age. But the benefits, in any case, will begin to apply only after the citizen retires.

    Where and how can you obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” in Moscow

    In accordance with Resolution No. 442 of June 27, 2006, the title “Veteran of Labor” in Moscow can be obtained at your place of residence by contacting the territorial department of social protection of the population. The process of obtaining the title of veteran is quick and the territorial body makes a decision on its conferment immediately on the day the citizen submits an application. After a decision is made, it is approved by the head of the territorial department of social protection for the city of Moscow. After the above steps, the “Veteran of Labor” can receive a certificate confirming his status.

    When applying in 2020 to the territorial body of social protection of the population in Moscow, a citizen the following documents must be provided:

    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
    • Certificate of assignment of TIN.
    • Certificates of awards to the applicant.
    • A work book confirming your work experience (a copy certified by the employer if the applicant is still working or the original with a copy if the applicant is a non-working citizen).
    After the citizen has submitted all the necessary documents, the authorized body checks them and, based on its results, makes a decision to recognize the applicant as a “Veteran of Labor” and assign him such an honorary title.

    If the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” is refused, the applicant receives a reasoned notification, which, if justified and desired, he can appeal either independently or through a labor lawyer to the Moscow District Administration or in court.

    How to get the title of Veteran of Labor without awards

    To obtain the title of “Veteran of Labor” you must meet certain requirements established by the state. The list of awards giving this right is constantly changing and supplemented annually. In 2020, the list of awards has undergone slight changes. View list of awards, relevant in 2020, possible.

    If you have any awards from the state and want to clarify whether they give you the right to be awarded the title of “Veteran of Labor,” you need to seek appropriate advice from the local department of social protection of the population.

    It is important to know that if you do not have awards, but your total work experience is long (40 years for men, and 35 years for women), then having such a long work experience allows you to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and the corresponding benefits without additional awards to him. In 2020, this procedure has not changed, and you can still receive a title without awards if you have the above-mentioned work experience.

    In addition, there are preferential categories of citizens who can receive the title “Veteran of Labor” without awards:

    • These are children who worked during the Great Patriotic War. However, simply the fact of working during the war as a minor is not enough. It is necessary to have an additional long work experience as indicated above.
    • Citizens marked with departmental production insignia, such as: “Best Metallurgist”, Excellent Production Worker”, “Accident Liquidator of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation” and other similar insignia issued for good service or work. Additionally, the applicant on this basis must have the work experience necessary to calculate an old-age or long-service pension. More specifically, the possibility of assigning the title “Veteran of Labor” in the presence of departmental or production insignia can be clarified in local authority social protection of the population.

    Lawyer Sergey Kuznetsov (Moscow)

    The conditions for granting the honorary title of labor veteran for many years of excellent work are established by Federal Law No. 5-FZ dated January 12, 1995 (as amended on July 29, 2018) “On Veterans” (with amendments and additions that entered into force on January 1, 2019). Workers who have confirmed work experience to receive a pension either by age or by length of service have the opportunity to become a labor veteran if they:

    • received state awards - orders, medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, honorary titles, certificates of honor and gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation;
    • have departmental awards - insignia or a duration of work of at least 15 years in the relevant sector of the economy, which is approved by federal ministries or government agencies;
    • without any awards, but began working as a minor during the Great Patriotic War and have a work experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

    What does the title give?

    The medal allows holders to receive various benefits:

    • free medical care, including dental treatment and prosthetics;
    • compensation for housing costs;
    • tax discounts;
    • additional bonuses to pensions by region.

    According to Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently establish the amount of additional payment to pensions. Additional payment to the pension is not mandatory and is decided in each region at its own discretion. Detailed information about all benefits must be found on state portals, because each region establishes special benefits for veterans.

    What types of titles exist?

    Answering the question of how to obtain a federal labor veteran, we note that in accordance with Art. 7 Federal Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ, to obtain a veteran title at the federal level, two conditions are required:

    1. Insurance experience confirmed by information from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of at least 20 years for women and 25 for men.
    2. Availability of awards: state order, medal, honorary title, departmental award, gratitude or certificate of honor President of the Russian Federation.

    Regional titles of labor veterans are assigned in accordance with the regulations of individual regions that have established the corresponding statuses.

    Experience to obtain the title

    Answering the question of how much experience is needed to become a labor veteran, we note that, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Veterans,” the deadlines are set:

    • insurance experience confirmed by information from the Pension Fund for women - 20 years, for men - 25 years;
    • for workers during the Second World War who were minors, required experience for women - 30 years, for men - 40 years;
    • 15 years of experience - for departmental awards;
    • confirmed and established length of service to receive a pension.

    From 07/01/2016, the requirements of the law have become more stringent: departmental awards give the right to an honorary title only if the award is associated with at least 15 years of work or service in the relevant industry. This rule does not have retroactive effect, i.e. it does not apply to those who were awarded the indicated insignia before 06/30/2016.

    Along with the presence of state awards and departmental insignia, the conditions for obtaining the status of a labor veteran require that you have work (insurance) experience taken into account for the assignment of a pension, or length of service necessary for the assignment of a pension.

    The length of service is the total duration of periods of work and other activities that are counted towards the insurance period for receiving a pension. In turn, the insurance period is understood as the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities for which insurance premiums were accrued and paid in Pension fund RF, and other periods counted towards the insurance period in accordance with pension legislation.

    Where to contact

    The procedure, conditions and provided measures of social support are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A veteran's certificate is issued by social welfare authorities at the place of residence. To register as a labor veteran in 2019, when applying you will have to fill out an application and provide the necessary documents.

    Sample application form for obtaining a labor veteran's certificate

    In almost all regions, applications are accepted both on paper and electronically.

    What documents will be required

    The list of necessary documents that will be required to obtain a veteran's certificate in different regions is quite similar. You need to confirm the existence of the grounds established by federal law.

    For example, what is needed to become a labor veteran is stated in the Moscow Government Decree “On conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a veteran’s certificate in the city of Moscow.” To obtain a certificate giving benefits, you must contact the social protection department at your place of residence with an application in the prescribed form and attach the following documents to it:

    • passport or other document proving your identity and place of residence in Moscow;
    • a work record book or archival certificates confirming the length of service required to grant an old-age or long-service pension, or confirming work experience and the start of work as a minor during the Second World War, excluding the period of work in temporarily occupied territories;
    • documents confirming the awarding of orders or medals, certificates of honor or gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, departmental insignia in labor or the assignment of a corresponding honorary title;
    • photograph measuring 3x4 cm.

    Procedure for obtaining a title

    The decision on who is eligible to receive veteran labor status, or on the denial of veteran status, is made by employees of social protection authorities within no more than 30 calendar days. Additionally, up to 5 days are provided for notifying the applicant of the decision. If the decision is positive, you will be issued an appropriate veteran's certificate.

    There is no need to pay for submitting the application or for the certificate itself. According to current legislation, the entire process of conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” is carried out free of charge.

    It is possible to submit documents for the title through State Services for the population of those places where these services are provided. A request is submitted through the portal with attached documentation and sent to the social protection department.

    Why you have the right to refuse and what to do

    Answering the question of how to become a labor veteran in 2019, we note that refusal to assign status is possible in the following situations:

    • no rights to obtain status;
    • there is no permanent registration in the locality where you submitted your papers;
    • documents have lost their legal force or contain false information.

    The citizen is given a written refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” indicating the reasons for the refusal. In this case, there is a chance to appeal it to a higher social security authority and/or in court. For example, sometimes there is an award, but there is no certificate for it - they forgot to issue it or it was lost for for many years. Or when a person without awards based on years of experience applies for status. In such cases, people are often denied an honorary title. When resolving a dispute in court, courts sometimes side with the citizen, believing that if there is an award itself, an entry in the work book and confirmation in archival records, then the lack of an ID is not a basis for refusing to assign a veteran title. There are also many controversial situations related to the approval of departmental awards and their list. Every industry has different awards and hence the right basis needs to be found to establish their legitimacy. In this case, you should seek help from a competent lawyer.

    What else to pay attention to

    People often have the following question: how to get a labor veteran’s certificate if it has been damaged or lost? In this situation, it is enough to contact the social security authorities with an application, indicating the circumstances of the loss of the document or the reasons for its damage and asking for a duplicate. Issuance of a duplicate is free of charge.

    Keep in mind that if you have permission to receive the title “Veteran of Labor”, then it is possible to obtain it in advance, but use provided benefits you will only start after you retire.

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