• How to turn a guy off so he gets offended phrases. How to tell a guy off without getting offended? Best phrases, recommendations


    What words to choose to tell a guy off tactfully and politely? Being rude is useless and sometimes even dangerous. And in general, I would like him not to be offended, because this young man is very vulnerable, and God knows, he will suddenly decide to do some kind of self-harm to himself, and love will still be unrequited for him.

    If you are an attractive girl and always look beautiful, then most likely you have a lot of guys vying for your hand and heart. Perhaps you are quite experienced in weeding out unwanted people and can give advice yourself.

    If you really need to brush off the annoying young man, then study his character first, at least slightly. And we will help you figure out his psychotype. This way it will become clearer to you how to kick him away from you very carefully, without shaking the poor fellow’s nervous system. “Put on” at least a mask of delicacy, even if your nerves are to hell.

    In general, when starting a correspondence with a person you don’t know, always be careful: you yourself understand that in our time there are so many scammers and charlatans under the guise of “ardent Romeo.” Therefore, no hasty dates if you don’t want to bitterly regret it later.

    When to stop texting:

      When there is continuous banter and trolling, and you already feel that they are just making fun of you.

      When you realize that you are bored communicating with this person and have no common interests.

      When aggression is felt in words and phrases, the guy demands a date, and even a certain threat towards you is felt.

      When, almost from the second correspondence, he sends you a message that he has fallen in love with all his might, so much so that he cannot live without you.

    That's all. Make a point. Do not agree to any date with this person, reduce correspondence to a minimum, but very delicately, and reduce it to nothing. If he gets impudent, put him on the blacklist. Be glad that you escaped with a slight fright.

    Let's say you agreed and met a man by correspondence. And at first glance I was horrified: not mine. And he had a photo on a page from 20 years ago, and his voice was disgusting, and he was dressed stupidly, and you imagined him to be completely different.

    It is better to break off the relationship immediately. Of course, don’t be indignant and don’t run away, but do it competently:

      Refer to urgent matters, pleasantly exchanging a few friendly phrases with him.

      Stay silent all the time, nodding your head at his words, but not maintaining a dialogue - this way he will understand that it was much more interesting for you to communicate virtually, but nothing works out in person.

    The main thing is that the first date turns out to be so crumpled that it turns into the last. And then think for yourself - whether to communicate with this person in in social networks, or simply remove from friends.

    How to get rid of a guy who is obsessive for a long time

    You already know your annoying admirer very well, although you have not given him a reason for a serious relationship. Or you had a little affair, but your interest in him quickly disappeared. But he doesn’t stop pestering you: he calls you, bombards you with SMS messages, tries to call you out on a date, and constantly arranges “random” meetings. It’s impossible to gently hint at a breakup—the person simply doesn’t understand it. Yes, and it won’t work to refuse sharply either - he will be offended or enraged.

    What is he like, the guy you unhappily rejected?

    If he is a nurse

    It is very difficult to get rid of boring melancholic people. But you still have to act correctly with them; they are even prone to suicide. The best thing is to turn him away from you in his own way: by boring him. Melancholic people need ears and someone else's vest in which to cry. And apparently before that you spoiled him with your attention. It's time to take action yourself:

      Get him out. But not a word about personal relationships. Complain that something hurts there, that the weather is bad, that there is apathy towards everything, because all men are assholes. In this way, make him a “friend on duty”, whom you will annoy with your whining.

      Call him at the wrong time - at night, early in the morning before work, when he can't talk to you, bombard the guy with stupid SMSs. In general, call and write at a time when it will infuriate him.

      Herself to his complaints about unrequited love stay deaf. It’s as if you don’t notice his groans. Don’t react in any way, direct your attention to your problems. And more whims. For example, in a cafe: “I want a cocktail” - he bought it - “I don’t want a cocktail.”

    Surely your admirer will run away soon. He will stop seeing in you the girl who was attentive to him before and who he fell in love with initially. The guy himself will not want to date you anymore, and will look for another object of his adoration, and you are free.

    If he is a cheeky romantic

    He's not boring, but he's not particularly dangerous. He feels in his gut that you are going to blow him off, since you refuse dates and don’t pick up the phone.

    But at the same time, the impudent man stops at nothing: he takes it impudently, continues to call and flashes before your eyes at every opportunity. Threatens your prospective suitors, advises you not to stand in his way. At the same time, he looks at you with the eyes of a beaten dog.

    Well, how to behave with such a culture? You can get away with it with cunning. Discourage him from the desire to see you as the one who initially struck him on the spot, try a different role. For example:

      Of course, without humiliation, but try not to please his friends. Make comments to him (any of his actions), behave a little inappropriately. The fact is that men don't like to be put down in front of their friends, and you will benefit.

      More selfishness and whims, without promising anything in return. He carries flowers and gifts himself - his business, let him shake his wallet so much that you will have nothing else to offer him. Just don’t ask to buy anything yourself - you’ll really owe it.

    Yes, these are cruel measures. But it will be easier for this person to break up with you when he gets tired of your nagging and demands. To sharply refuse with words and immediately break up with him is to hurt him, but to get bored and disgust him is another matter.

    If he is some kind of maniac

    He may not be a bloody homicidal maniac, but his murky behavior is alarming. At first he seemed simple guy, interesting and sociable, and it was a pleasure to meet him. But then suddenly you began to feel his influence on you: he began to tell you what you need to do, who to be friends with, and break off relations with someone.

    It is very important how you behaved initially: if you humbly accepted his conditions, then it will be more difficult to get rid of him; if you refused immediately, then you will push less. And all the same, this person is dangerous for you. If this person threatens you with violence, you need to seriously think about his words.

    What can be done:

      Never obey if he sets conditions. Refuse any of his demands immediately, even if you are scared yourself.

      Constantly be surrounded by friends, and best of all, muscular guys. Let his threats be known more people- right up to the parents.

      It is best if your heart is no longer free and you are seriously dating someone else who can protect you.

      Don't brag to others that you have such a fan because you are so stunning to everyone - he is really dangerous for you.

      If you feel that he can really move from threats to actions, record all his words on a voice recorder or on social networks. It's time to file a police report.

    And in advance, keep in mind that everyone’s dependence on love manifests itself differently - “from snot” to mania. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with rejection later, carefully study who you fall in love with.

    Finally - an unusual technique

    Let's do a thought experiment.

    Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any problems in your relationship at all.

    And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

    We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

    If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

    If a man turns out to be the complete opposite of the prince on a white horse, it is logical that you need to break up. You are not a bitch and will not send your gentleman on a long journey, for fear of inflicting emotional wounds on him. Don't worry, we'll tell you how to blow a guy off quite delicately.

    5 beautiful ways to turn a guy off

    It doesn’t matter why you want to break up: maybe he offended you or Cupid was daydreaming while flying over you. Or got caught too annoying suitor, which is not suitable for a serious relationship, but you understand that of the two of you, it’s only you. You need to dot all the i's without offending the guy in love. This is not so difficult, especially since in the depths of every woman’s soul lies a real actress.

    Let's tell you the secrets of how to gently turn a guy off:

    1. Tell him he's too good for you. It seems that the man is ideal: he is handsome, and gallant, and gives flowers, but his soul does not lie, and that’s all! In this case, you need to tell the guy off as gently as possible so that he doesn’t get offended. Insist that you don't deserve him. Say that you are an angry, touchy and generally unpleasant girl. Of course, he will claim the opposite, but you need to remain steadfast as a rock in order to tactfully send the guy off. Emphasize his merits in contrast to your alleged shortcomings: “you’re punctual - I’m not; you give way to the grandmothers on the bus - I rush ahead of them to take a seat; you work like an ox - I lie on the sofa all the time.” With the help of a series of arguments, the guy must clearly realize that you are the absolute opposite of such a treasure as he is. To be sure, give him frightening forecasts of your future together: “I will go out and spend the money you earn, and instead of a family idyll, you will find hellish torment.”
    2. “But I was given to someone else...” An unsurpassed way to beautifully blow a guy off. Say that you fell in love with someone else: “Of course, he cannot be compared with you, but you can’t order your heart.” The guy's offended pride will not allow him to pester you with advances anymore.
      If you already have a boyfriend, but another man is trying to flirt with you, it's simple. Refuse him, indicating the real reason in the person of your other half. When you are not in a relationship and this candidate does not suit you, you will have to cheat. Lying can sometimes be a good thing: tell a man that your heart is taken. If you come across a distrustful admirer, ask a friend to pretend to be a gentleman. It is unlikely that a friend will refuse, and a suspicious persistent person will have enough evidence.
    3. Throw a tantrum. If you can’t gently turn the guy off, act like a real bitch. Any woman has a superpower - she will always find something to cling to. Make scandals out of nowhere: you arrived a minute late, you didn’t put a smiley face at the end of your message, you forgot about your beloved dog’s birthday. Turn into a vixen, and the admirer himself will not want any more relationships. Your action will be peculiar, but to some extent beautiful: the guy will leave you on his own, in full confidence that he has gotten rid of the main problem of his life. This way you will not lower his self-esteem in any way. The main thing is that the guy then does not spread rumors about what a fury you are, because this is actually not the case.
    4. Become unbearably moody. Some men are attracted to capricious and demanding women. By fulfilling their whims, representatives of the stronger sex feel more significant. But in any case you can cross the line. It’s the same with whims: if you regularly insist on taking unnecessary and sometimes inappropriate actions, then the guy is unlikely to withstand arrogant behavior for long and will soon suggest breaking up. How to blow a guy off in a purely feminine way, provoking him to leave you:
      • ask to bring a strange fruit, foie gras and forest blackberries in the middle of the night;
      • invite you for a walk, and stay for several hours;
      • take the poor guy shopping for hours and demand payment for reckless purchases;
      • buy a guy a disgusting outfit and force him to wear it;
      • insist on getting your name tattooed on your chest;
      • force women of Balzac's age to watch boring TV series;
      • start a renovation from scratch in your grandmother’s three-room apartment and give him the authority of a foreman.
        Choose the most suitable option and take action. You can combine these methods with each other or use your imagination and bring your own brilliant idea. In any case, such eccentric behavior is simply incompatible with normal relationships. And most likely the unsuccessful gentleman will run away from you, his heels sparkling, to hell.
    5. Turn on ignore. You don’t have to come up with phrases on how to beautifully blow a guy off; you can simply ignore him. There are two types of this behavior: softer and tougher. In the first case, you simply don’t go on dates with him, don’t call him first, in general, find any excuse not to communicate. If the guy is not a fool, he will understand everything. The second option involves strictly ignoring him: that is, you blacklist him on social networks and on your phone, avoid possible meetings as much as possible and don’t even look out of the window if he shouts at you at the entrance.

    Well, at this point the fan will understand that you don’t need him even without specific words about breaking up. Be careful if you come across a vigilant suitor. Suddenly he will be afraid that something has happened to you and will involve the investigative department and a private detective in the search. In this case, it is better to convey the truth to his ears at least through mutual friends.

    As you can see, there are plenty of ways to politely turn a guy off. Choose the one that suits you and act. Don't wait for a man to go completely crazy with love. Every day it will be more and more difficult to drive him away.

    We analyze non-standard situations

    Unforeseen events often occur in the lives of girls. Some of them are associated with men who begin to glow with feelings at the wrong time. Let's figure out how to tell a guy off so that he doesn't get offended in unusual situations.

    How to beautifully leave an acquaintance on the street

    You are walking, thinking about your own things, and then a smiling guy appears, wanting to meet you immediately. You have no time for this at all, because a hungry cat or husband is waiting at home. What to do in this situation:

    1. Notify the man that you are extremely busy: “Sorry, I have absolutely no time to listen to you, I’ll go.”
    2. Say that you don't meet people on the streets.
    3. If that doesn’t help, bring in the heavy artillery: “Maybe you’ll get to know my boxer husband better?”

    If the guy is adequate, he will quickly realize that you are not his destiny and will go in search of a new victim. Try not to be rude, as you do not know the adequacy of the man you meet. The problems of a lonely wandering girl are completely unnecessary.

    How to refuse a friend who suddenly has a crush on you

    Quite often there is friendship, which over time develops into love. Don't be surprised if a trusted friend turns out to be your underground admirer. If you want to save friendly relations, then you need to turn off your friend delicately. When talking to him, rely on how good you were together without romance. Your deep affection will also serve as an ironclad argument, but how to brother. Explain that you cannot give him the passion he needs, but you guarantee loyalty and empathy in his previous role. best friend. It’s not a fact, of course, that after this he will want to continue to be friends. After a frank confession, communication will become strained. Think carefully: maybe you should think about his proposal so that you don’t complain to your friends later: “I sent the guy off, but now I regret it.” After all, friendship is an integral component of love.

    How to send your ex gracefully

    The law of meanness: you have already cried all your tears into your pillow, changed your hairstyle and, finally, started a new life without this bad person, and your former gentleman is right there with a rose in his teeth and a look full of remorse. The soul asks for revenge, and a malicious smile strives to appear on your lips. How to culturally blow a guy off and emerge victorious:

    1. If you are no longer single, tell him: “Darling, if we had not broken up then, I would not have met the love of my life. So thank you very much, I wish you happiness!”
    2. Universal answer: “Sorry, I don’t step on the same rake twice. I learned a very important lesson from our relationship: not all men deserve a queen like me.”
    3. A beautiful phrase: “Tastes change over time, so you have become completely far from my ideal.”

    There is, of course, another option. If the breakup happened out of stupidity and, moreover, you were largely to blame, you can reconsider your view of the situation. Try to give the man a second chance. Who knows, maybe he really realized his mistakes and is ready to take the right path? And you, too, have cooled down a little and missed him, admit it?

    How to get rid of a pen pal

    This method is suitable if it is difficult for you to personally refuse a man. Perhaps you have made a serious decision, but you yourself are still experiencing feelings. Or you just don’t want to see his emotions. You don’t have to make excuses and listen to your boyfriend if you write him an SMS. So, how to beautifully send a guy off by correspondence:

    1. “I really appreciate your sincere attitude towards me, but no matter how much I would like, I cannot reciprocate.”
    2. “You will be happy with someone else, I’m sure. We’re just not meant for each other, sorry.”
    3. “I’m sorry, I can’t be with you, I hope we won’t switch to different sides streets".
    4. “Love is cruel, and this time fortune is not on your side. I can’t be the only one who will give you happiness.”

    If you are a fire girl and even in such a delicate situation you cannot do without humor, then you will be interested to know how funny it is to tell a guy off by correspondence:

    1. “You don’t like unripe apples, do you? So I’m not mature enough to have a relationship with you!”
    2. “My rose did not bloom for you...”
    3. If a guy doesn’t know you and is being annoying, throw yourself on his neck and shout: “Hurray! My two children will finally have a dad!”
    4. “You are like a cake to me.” butter cream, and if you didn’t know, I’m allergic to oil.”

    Sometimes you come across particularly sensitive men. Then you don’t need to explain to them for a long time the reasons why you are going to turn them off. It is better to do this sharply and carefully. How to tell a guy off by correspondence as politely and briefly as possible:

    1. “I think we are not suitable for each other, I regret that I cannot reciprocate your feelings.”
    2. "Sorry, but I'm in love with another man."
    3. “I’m sorry, but it’s better for us to part ways.”

    Choose a way to notify a guy that you are not a couple, intuitively. Don't cut from the shoulder. Think several times before telling a man your decision. After all, the word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

    What if you can’t reach the guy in the usual ways?

    There are also men who do not understand in a good way. Someone put into their heads a fairy tale that women love persistent and arrogant guys. They try to live up to this image of a bad guy and actively bother you or don’t give you a pass at all. Probably, such representatives of the stronger sex take refusal as a challenge thrown at them to start hunting for woman's heart. If you are sure that you don’t want to be with this young man at any cost, you need to act more decisively:
    1. Arrange a confrontation and make your decision very clear. Don't flirt and don't give the guy any chance. Remember that the main thing now is that he stops openly pestering you. Explain that it is here and now that a bold point has been placed between you.
    2. Give ironclad arguments against the novel. Think about all the irreconcilable differences if you were already in a relationship. When a guy is trying to woo you, explain that he is the complete opposite of your ideal.
    3. If the first two actions do not help you out, move on to rudeness. But don't overtly insult the guy. Furiously outline the range of problems for your boyfriend:
      • he makes you nervous with his importunity;
      • due to annoying behavior you did not have time to submit your report/essay;
      • you are already tired of saying the same thing over and over again.
    4. Ask your friends to chat with your guy. Start with your friends, then add someone more impressive. Maybe an outside opinion will sober up the man, and he will finally leave you behind.
    5. Threaten the police. Leave this remedy for last, as the technique is really tough. But it also has a right to exist when all other methods have proven useless.

    We hope that the delicate situation will be resolved easily, and you will not have to use the last point. But if you see truly sincere feelings in your gentleman, and not just a sporting interest, maybe you should think again? Many girls only dream of being persistently pursued.

    In the life of absolutely any girl, a situation may arise when the attention of a boyfriend becomes a burden. Even though he is a good and sweet guy, you still feel irritated when you see him. Many guys do not accept a woman’s refusal; moreover, they consider it a signal for decisive action. How can you get rid of your annoying lover without offending him?

    First of all, you need to take into account the guy’s character, as well as what stage of dating you are at. But there are also general rules, in which refusal will be less painful.

    1. If the decision to get rid of a guy's advances has been made, stop flirting with him. Forget about your desire to please everyone around you. It is best not to show your interest in any way so that it is not perceived as encouragement.
    2. When talking to a guy, be confident, but don't try to humiliate him. Remember that liking you is not a reason to insult a person.
    3. Be honest. Be open about the reason why you don't want to be together. Say directly that his attention is inappropriate.
    4. Be firm and don’t give any reason to doubt your decision. Just ignore him, cut him out of your life. The behavior of a girl who first rejects a guy, and then shows participation and interest, flirts with him, no one will take seriously. Most likely, refusal will be perceived as a sign of female coquetry.

    Now let's move on to advice based on what stage of the relationship you are at.

    How to refuse a guy who was just starting to show interest?

    • Honesty. You don’t have to invent anything special, just explain that you don’t have a serious relationship in your plans.
    • Always busy. Make it seem like you have a million things to do. You don’t have time to meet, you don’t have time and energy, you’re tired, your cat, turtle, dog is sick. Even if he ambushed you near the house, make a concerned face and refer to the fact that you have urgent business and do not have time to exchange even a few words.
    • Another lover. You can tell a guy that you're in love with someone else. Few people will show any desire to continue courtship after this. Well, if this fact doesn’t stop him either, you can ask him to play the lover of one of your friends.
    • Meeting a cute friend. Surely you have a lonely friend, just offer her an acquaintance with an excellent, loving guy. Perhaps they were looking for each other, and thus you will get rid of the annoying gentleman.

    Phases that will help cool a guy’s ardor:

    • I have a lot to do, I don’t have time.
    • I'm in a hurry to important meeting. Next time!
    • I'll call you myself when I'm free.
    • I don’t feel comfortable talking right now, I’ll call you back.
    • You're very cute, but not my type.

    How to turn a guy off if he became annoying at the initial stage of the relationship?

    Not every meeting of two young people leads to a wedding, children and a happy family life. Often, when the candy-bouquet period ends, you begin to see all the shortcomings of your lover, and not every girl is ready to put up with them.

    Of course, in such a situation, gently refusing a guy is somewhat more difficult than in the first case, but still possible.

    • Gradually reduce your meetings to a minimum. Refer to fatigue, lack of mood, over time his interest will fade. As someone said, “Out of sight, out of mind.”
    • Periodically ignore his texts and calls. The source of any attachment is communication. Show with all your appearance that you have more important and more interesting things to do than him, and the relationship will very soon cease to exist.
    • New hobby, hobby. Do what you have long dreamed of: dancing, swimming or singing, the main thing is to throw yourself into it. Your darling will soon realize that he has no place in your life and will leave you due to the feeling of uselessness.
    • No sex. Very few guys are willing to endure meetings without physical intimacy for a long time. Pull back from the kiss, pat him on the shoulder, ruffle the hair on his head. Sometimes gestures are much more expressive than words.

    How to leave a guy gracefully if the relationship has already taken a serious turn?

    This situation is the most difficult. It is better not to delay the separation, because the longer such a relationship lasts, the more difficult it will be. Don't invent complicated scenarios and reasons for leaving; the best tactic is to have an open, truthful conversation. Select a quiet, calm environment in advance for a serious conversation, during which the relationship will be put to rest.

    Phrases that will help you break up with a guy without offending him:

    • “Our communication was amazing, but now I want to live new life and I can’t continue this relationship. We had a great time together, but that's in the past now. Good luck!"
    • “Circumstances have turned out that I have to understand myself. I need a break in our relationship, I won't date you anymore. I’m sorry if I offend you with this, but I really need this.”
    • “I thought for a long time and was able to sort out my feelings. Now it is clear to me that we cannot be together. I'm not ready to build a relationship with you right now. Sorry."
    • “Everything in the world changes, and my tastes and priorities do not stand still, but you remain the same. Sorry, but I have to find myself, this relationship is weighing me down.”

    If, despite all the explanations, the guy stubbornly continues to seek a meeting with you, you can appear before his eyes, accompanied by another. Most likely, he won’t be able to stand this and will leave, but you need to be prepared for the fake boyfriend to hit you in the neck, so choose a stronger guy.

    Friend in love. How can I refuse him?

    You had a great time together, helped each other out, shared problems and deepest secrets. And then, like a bolt from the blue, your friend decided that he had fallen in love and wanted to be with you. What to do?

    1. First of all, take your time, be polite, and be understanding of his feelings.
    2. Explain to him how valuable your friendship is to you. Don't be shy to talk about him positive qualities how fun and easy it is for you to spend time with him. Say that all this can disappear, because love is a completely different matter, friendship is especially difficult to maintain after a failed relationship.
    3. Be honest about the reasons for your refusal. For example, that you don’t feel passion for him, or that you see a completely different guy next to you. Explain that sometimes friendship is more valuable, because love burns out, but friendly relations for life.
    4. Try to speak as softly as possible, choose your words carefully, and make sure that this conversation forms a wall between you.
    5. When speaking, look openly into the eyes and do not hide your emotions. Tell him gently but confidently that you can only offer him friendship.

    After such a conversation, he will most likely disappear from your life for some time, don’t be sad, give him time to get over your refusal. Surely in a couple of weeks he will call and offer to go somewhere together as old friends.

    And lastly, the more serious the relationship, the more difficult it is to end it peacefully. But it’s better to have a heart-to-heart talk and put an end to it than to endlessly torment yourself and him. Breaking up a relationship is always difficult, but a girl can soften the rough edges. Express yourself as clearly as possible, but in a civilized manner, choose your words. Who knows how life will turn out, you may still have to meet this person.

    Perhaps every man has experienced a moment when he asked himself: “How to get rid of a girl?” In this case, it does not matter whether the people had close relationships or whether the girl only intended to take decisive steps. The only important thing is how to avoid it. Let's sort it out various ways say no.

    When does the need to blow off a girl arise?

    In fact, if you detail them, there are as many cases as you like, but if you approach the classification as generally as possible, you will get two options:

    • there were relationships, but they exhausted themselves;
    • The girl really wants it, but the guy is not eager.

    The reporting point in the “Gap” project is decisive. All the specifics of the relationship follow. This influences the choice of one or another method of influencing a girl. Knowing her character, inclinations, tastes, preferences, it is easier to choose the method that is right for her. It sounds like an advertisement, but what can you do if it is. Are you still concerned about how to get a girl off? Then let's move on to methods.

    Soft ways to end a relationship

    First the list, then the explanations:

    • stop calling completely;
    • when she calls, the guy says: “I’m busy, call me later”;
    • neutral communication without any ambiguity: sexual jokes or hints;
    • introduce a friend.

    Now we will reveal the essence of each method.

    The first method is practiced by the heroine of Amelie Nothomb’s book “The Tokyo Bride”. We will not illustrate it using the example of a novel, so as not to spoil the pleasure of reading for future readers. By the way, guys will also benefit from this book; they will be able to learn something interesting about the psychology of emancipated women. So, the method. Its essence is that a person simply stops calling himself, while he may well answer calls from the other party. Sooner or later you will get bored.

    The second method is a little rougher than the first, but they are the same if you compare the message. Messages for the other side: “I don’t need you.”

    Neutral communication is also universal: it is suitable for cases when it is necessary to prevent unwanted relationships, and for cases when it is necessary to get rid of stories that have already exhausted themselves. Typically the method includes the phrase: "Let's be friends" or "Let's stay friends." Girls are familiar with such things, they practice them with success.

    The softness of the “introduce a friend” method can be debated, but sometimes it works. For example, a girl is attracted to a guy, but he cannot reciprocate her feelings, but he has a lonely friend. Why not introduce these two, if a man is asking himself: “How to turn a girl off?” In this case, all means are good.

    Moderate methods

    There are forces in human life that are difficult to argue with, in fact impossible. Appeals to them offend, but not much, precisely because they are fatal. So, the following phrases will help a man out:

    • "I do not love you";
    • "I do not like you";
    • "I love someone else."

    There's nothing you can do about your desires, that's how the cards stack up. You can, of course, be offended by such a verdict regarding your person, but this is unproductive. These phrases have positive side- certainty. You can’t do anything with sympathy (and even more so with love); you can’t force someone to love. In general, some people try and have tried, but such behavior does not promise a good outcome. So there are answers to the question of how to send a girl off, these phrases are well known to everyone, use them.


    If none of the above has helped, then “heavy artillery” is used. It is called so because these expressions can give rise to a lot of complexes in a girl. Let's look at the phrases:

    • “You’re no good for me!”
    • "I do not want you!"
    • “It’s impossible to love you!”

    Why is it rude to say that? Because here the guy goes strictly into the girl’s personality and “showers her with compliments.” Let’s compare two phrases: “I don’t like you” and “I don’t want you.” Sympathy is a random formation and depends on situational and taste factors. When a person is told: “We don’t like you!”, he thinks: “Well, it happens, all people are different.” When a man says he doesn't want a woman, it means she has some fundamental flaw that prevents her from being desired. I don’t even want to analyze the remaining phrases, how ugly and disgusting they are. True, if you look at it, the phrases presented are not much different in their essence, but an appeal to the physical inability to love someone is rudeness. Even when they say: “I don’t love you,” it doesn’t hurt so much. We must remember: the word is great power. It must be handled with care and the feelings of others should be spared whenever possible.

    Types of girls and the right way to escape

    To answer the question of how to properly send a girl off, you need to understand who exactly the man is dealing with. There are three types of women:

    • smart;
    • not very smart;
    • stupid.

    Smart people prefer to be told right away what the chances are. After all, as Hank Moody said: “A woman knows in the first five minutes after meeting her what she wants from a man.” Believe me, it’s the same story with a man. IN in this case you can use “moderate” methods; on the contrary, they will be the most accurate and easiest, no one will suffer more than usual.

    And if you have met couples who were first friends, then became lovers, then the point is not at all that their feelings matured for a long time, but that, as La Rochefoucauld said: “One loves, and the other allows himself to be loved.” This kind of relationship is similar to a game of poker; its main principle is who will change his mind and overpower whom. Or maybe it’s simpler: these people just searched and searched and didn’t find anyone, but their friend was always nearby. Typically, these are very strong relationships.

    It's more difficult with stupid people. Mild to medium methods are applicable to them. Although the degree of stupidity varies, so one cannot renounce the “heavy artillery.” But we will believe in the best.

    But there are girls who are either very thirsty for love, and this desire obscures their eyes, or they sorely lack the intellectual capacity to understand that a man is not the hero of their novel. Any means are good with them, in otherwise You can pay for your pity all your life. History knows cases.

    "Love is a golden staircase without railings"

    Of course, you want to be a kind and gentle person, and it is also desirable that everything is clear the first time. But life is not fairy tale, it hurts. Love, like life, is diverse. Everyone can interpret the well-known phrase in the title in their own way, but one wisdom that is contained in it is important: feelings are not something that is guaranteed, and you can fall down this ladder at any moment. Therefore, there is no point in asking yourself: “How to leave a girl who loves you?” Parting is part of the lesson that existence teaches us. Imagine a person who doesn't know how to let go. In addition to pain, separation contains the most valuable experience.

    Many young people show excessive obsession: they overwhelm constant calls, confess their love, pester you in cafes and parks. It would seem that it is enough to simply say a firm “No”, and the annoying gentleman will disappear, but everything is not so simple. Firstly, not all guys are able to immediately understand that they were rejected, and secondly, sometimes you don’t want to offend a person who didn’t do anything bad to you, but just didn’t like you.

    If you don’t know how to turn a guy off so that he doesn’t get offended, use our simple tips.
    Choice specific strategy depends on the type of guy who won't leave you alone. Several variations are possible:

    1. "Sticky Stranger"

    It won't be easy to get rid of him because unapproachable girl always kindles in the male soul a keen desire to achieve it. Fortunately, such specimens are quite rare; much more often you have to deal with ordinary stickers because there is nothing to do.
    With an unpleasant guy who wants to treat you to a cocktail at the club or follows you around in the supermarket, you should immediately become hard to touch. You don't need to tolerate his presence if it is unpleasant to you. It's better to tell him about it directly.

    The most important thing is to discard all coquetry. It’s one thing if you’re thinking about it, and quite another if you’re trying to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend. Speak dryly and sternly, without a hint of a smile. Such stern girls usually do not make guys want to continue the conversation. If your fan who appeared out of nowhere doesn’t give up and still tries to take the phone number, use “heavy artillery.” Tell him that you are about to start yelling because you have an unbalanced psyche, or that you ex-man who had sex reassignment surgery. You will see that he will soon hurry up to “reel in the fishing rods.”

    2. A good friend who has started to like you

    This is a person with whom you already have some kind of relationship. Your course of action will depend on whether you want to see him in the future as a friend or friend. If you are also not interested in him in this role, then you can use the same methods as to deal with the “sticky stranger”. If you still want to maintain good business or friendly relations, then act more gently: it is best to have a couple of conversations in a private setting and during them explain to him that your relationship is impossible. Tell him that your heart is full or that you don't have the energy or time for a romantic relationship.

    3. A good friend who suddenly starts showing feelings for you.

    You believe that friendship between a guy and a girl is quite possible, you have been communicating with him for many years, you know his family, you share secrets. You perceive him not as a person of the opposite sex, but as a kindred spirit.

    And just like that, his feelings fall out of the blue... Think about whether you are really not ready for serious relationship with him. If romance is out of the question, you need to decide on serious conversation. Try to prepare your speech in advance, think through every word, because the person with whom you want to explain is not a stranger to you, you do not want to offend him.

    You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. Take his hand, look him in the eyes and gently tell him that only friendly relations are possible between you. Don’t hide your emotions, be sincere: he knows you and will easily see the falseness. If he can accept the refusal, then your communication will continue on the same note, if not, you will lose him forever. The second option is also possible, be prepared for it.

    4. An ex-boyfriend who is trying to get you back

    Some men are completely illogical. You finally stopped worrying about the breakup, and his old feelings flared up with renewed vigor. If a reunion is not in your plans, cancel the meeting. Telephone conversation or SMS will be quite enough. Tell him that you are happy and grateful to him for having previous relationship are over. Most young people are offended by this and stop their unnecessary advances.

    If he is not one of those people and refusal will only encourage him, use a different tactic. Tell him calmly and distantly that old feelings There is no longer any desire to return the relationship either. Try to show maximum indifference: most men cannot stand indifference to themselves.

    How to turn a guy off without offending him

    To turn a young man off, it is not at all necessary to use rudeness. Politeness conquers cities, and it can help you get rid of an obsessive admirer without hurting his pride.

    If this is your good acquaintance or friend, then do not tell him that he is not suitable for you: this may be taken as an insult. Calmly explain to him that you are too different, that he is worthy of love, but, unfortunately, you cannot give him these feelings.

    If you want to turn a stranger off without offending him, then simply remain silent to all his impulses to talk to you. Even if you know perfectly well, be modest and polite. If he continues his attempts to speak, answer him like this: “Sorry, but my spouse will not understand this” or “Sorry, but I need to run to the child.”

    There are guys who are used to responding to any refusal with rudeness. Do not stoop to curses, respond to all their words with a smile and silence.

    How to fuck a guy off beautifully

    If politeness does not help, then you can use others in win-win ways. What usually pisses men off and discourages them from further communication?

    1. Talking about money

    How to turn a guy off? Show him your commercialism. Ask how much he earns, whether he has an apartment and a car. Invite him to go with you to the store and buy you those very diamond earrings that you have been dreaming of for so long.

    2. Talkativeness

    Talk as much as possible. Tell us everything about yourself: about your favorite resorts, about your wonderful mother, about how your scrambled eggs burned yesterday, etc. Don't let him get a word in edgewise. Rest assured, he will soon run away: no guy is capable of listening to women's chatter for more than half an hour.

    3. Silence

    Act aloof, avoid looking eye to eye, and answer all his questions in monosyllables: “Yes,” “No,” “I don’t know.” Soon he will feel uncomfortable and leave you.

    4. Boring

    Constantly interrupt and correct him, pretend to be a real crammer. Make yourself feel like a bad student at the board. No one can stand such a test.

    There are many ways to turn a guy off. It is only in your hands to choose the most effective and most suitable one for the situation. But before you say “No” to him, still think: maybe this is the very prince you have been looking for for so long.

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